8 Best Apps Similar To Emergency Nursing - Lippincott Q&A Certification Review|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Emergency Nursing - Lippincott Q&A Certification Review

Emergency Nursing - Lippincott Q&A Certification Review

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.2(2016-03-09)
APP CATEGORIES : Medical, Education

<5K   <5K <5K


Step up to the CEN exam and real clinical challenges with the Emergency Nursing - Lippincott Q&A Certification Review app, the perfect study guide for the emergency nursing certification exam (CEN).

Based on the latest print edition, the app puts current, highly relevant content right in the palm of your hand. Free initial download provides over 100 questions right up front - five in each category. Need additional review? Purchase the expansion pack to access the complete set of over 1200 questions with detailed answers and rationales.

Not only will you receive over 1200 sample questions organized categorically, you’ll also have access to two complete sample tests designed to closely follow the actual CEN exam blueprint, taking you on a trial spin of what the CEN exam is really like.

Lippincott Q&A Certification Review: Emergency Nursing app will rapidly help you build the expertise to deal with every kind of emergency, including…

· abdominal · cardiovascular
· environmental · maxillofacial
· medical · genitourinary and gynecologic
· neurologic · obstetric
· ocular · orthopedic
· mental health · respiratory
· multisystem trauma · substance abuse & toxicologic
· shock

· disaster management · wound management
· stabilization & transfer · communicable diseases
· client education · legal and organizational issues.

With this dynamic app, personalizing your study plan is simple. Flag problematic questions as you go, customize timed or untimed quizzes, and filter quiz results to assess your progress. By offering a rigorous review of key concepts and facts, Lippincott Emergency Nursing Q&A Certification Review app gives users the knowledge they need to master the exam and begin rewarding professional careers.

Have a question or would like to share your feedback? Please send us an email at: [email protected]





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診断心理テスト 絶対に診断してはいけない闇診断

Name:診断心理テスト 絶対に診断してはいけない闇診断                                                Price:¥0


[ 禁断のブラック診断テスト ]
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Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

LG ThinQ

Name:LG ThinQ                                                Price:Free

Description:Il servizio Smart Home che permette di utilizzare gli elettrodomestici in modo intelligente!
Oggi, anche la vostra casa diventa Smart insieme a LG ThinQ che permette di utilizzare ancora più comodamente i vari elettrodomestici e dispositivi IoT della LG.

[Funzioni principali]

■Registra e gestisci gli elettrodomestici di casa tua con l'applicazione ThinQ.
Puoi collegare facilmente vari elettrodomestici della LG, ad esempio TV, frigorifero, styler, lavatrice e perfino dispositivi IoT e visualizzarli tutto insieme.

■Aziona gli elettrodomestici a distanza anche quando sei fuori casa.
Con l'applicazione ThinQ puoi monitorare casa tua quando vuoi e dove vuoi. Puoi anche azionare l'aspirapolvere, la lavatrice, ecc. a distanza.

■Acquista le parti necessari direttamente dall'applicazione.
Usando il negozio dell'applicazione ThinQ, puoi acquistare le componenti certificati LG in modo sicuro.

■Utilizza la funzione Smart Diagnosis.
Attraverso l'applicazione, puoi controllare in anticipo lo stato dei tuoi elettrodomestici e prevenire i guasti.

※Le funzioni disponibili sull'applicazione potrebbero variare in base al paese.


-L'applicazione LG ThinQ supporta il sistema operativo iOS 10.0 e superiori. Le ricordiamo che con dispositivi iOS 9.3 e inferiori, non è possibile utlizzare l'ultima versione dell'applicazione.

[Autorizzazione dell'accesso]

Al fine di fornire servizi, LG ThinQ utilizza l'autorizzazione dell'accesso come riportato di seguito. Nel caso in cui l'autorizzazione dell'accesso sia facoltativa, anche se non si presenta il proprio consenso, è possibile utilizzare servizi ma l'uso di alcune funzioni dell'applicazione potrebbe essere limitato.

■Autorizzazione dell'accesso facoltativa
-Effettuazione di chiamata e impostazioni di chiamata: Servono quando si imposta la configurazione come paese, lingua ecc. e quando ci si collega alla nostra Assistenza Clienti dopo aver utilizzato la funzione Smart Diagnosis.
-Posizione: Serve per controllare informazioni SSID dei dispositivi al momento della registrazione e informazioni del wifi da collegare sulla lista wifi. Serve anche per cercare e usufruire delle informazioni come tempo, posizione attuale, ecc.
-Immagini, video, file: Lo spazio di archiviazione viene usato quando si scarica il software di dispositivo che deve essere collegato.
Inoltre, nel caso di certi dispositivi, si può inviare e salvare fotografie via smartphone.
-Contatto: Serve per controllare informazioni account quando si effettua il login sull'applicazione.
-Telecamera: Serve quando si legge un codice QR.
-Microfono: Serve quando si utilizza la funzione Smart Diagnosis.

Rating:4.15                                                 Show Detail

Mon bébé: allaitement maternel

Name:Mon bébé: allaitement maternel                                                 Price:0,00 €

Description:app นี้จะช่วยให้คุณตรวจสอบการพัฒนาลูกน้อยของคุณ มันสามารถช่วยให้คุณทำตามรูปแบบการนอนของทารก: นานแค่ไหนที่พวกเขานอนหลับและไม่ว่าพวกเขาจะรักษาเพื่อกำหนดตาราง การให้นมบุตร: เท่าใดและวิธีการที่มักจะกินลูกน้อยของคุณ กำหนดการสูบน้ำ การเปลี่ยนแปลงผ้าอ้อม นอกจากนี้คุณสามารถเก็บบันทึกของลูกน้อยของคุณสุขภาพ: อุณหภูมิ, โรคการฉีดวัคซีนและการเข้าชมของแพทย์ เพิ่มบันทึกเกี่ยวกับลูกน้อยของคุณอารมณ์และเหตุการณ์สำคัญเช่น: คำแรกหัวเราะครั้งแรก ฯลฯ บันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงในน้ำหนักความยาวและขนาดหัว

* การให้อาหาร (โดยเต้านมขวดหรืออาหารเด็ก)
* การเปลี่ยนแปลงผ้าอ้อม
* การนอนหลับและการจัดกิจกรรมและการเปลี่ยนแปลงอารมณ์
* การตั้งเวลาปั๊มนม
* บันทึกพิเศษสำหรับการเข้าชมของแพทย์และการฉีดวัคซีน
* เพิ่มการเปลี่ยนแปลงขนาดและน้ำหนัก
* เพิ่มรูปถ่ายและแสดงความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับเหตุการณ์
* รูปแบบที่สะดวกและองค์กรวารสารและบันทึก

หากคุณมีคำถามใด ๆ หรือคำขอโปรดเขียนถึง [email protected] เรามีความกระตือรือร้นที่จะได้ยินความคิดเห็นของคุณเกี่ยวกับวิธีการปรับปรุง app

Rating:4.75                                             Show Detail


Name:랄라블라                                                 Price:₩0

Description:Life is lovable
즐거운 이슈와 수다가 가득한 라이프스타일 스토어

랄라블라가 GS리테일이 직접 운영하는 공식 온라인몰로 업데이트 되었습니다. 

더 쉽고 편리해진 랄라블라 온라인몰에서
보다 건강하고 아름다운 라이프 스타일을 즐겨보세요

■ 앱 접근권한 안내

[필수적 접근권한]
- 단말기 정보 : 랄라블라 앱의 오류 및 사용성 개선
- 전화 : 고객센터, 매장 전화연결 사용

[선택적 접근권한]
- 사진/카메라 : 일대일 문의 상담, 상품평 등록 시 사용
- 위치 : 매장검색 사용

■ 문의하기

- 앱 사용 중 불편이 있으시거나 로그인 관련 문의가 있으신 경우 고객센터 1833-3426 으로 문의해주세요 (월~금 09:00~18:00 | 주말/공휴일 휴무)

Rating:1.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:トイレ情報共有マップくん                                                 Price:¥0

Description:Dalam OPP curam, atau tidak ada pengalaman dari keringat dingin?
Waktu, tidak tahu mengunjungi Nandoki, OPP
Mutlak diperlukan untuk saat "toilet"
OPP Namun demikian, lokasi "toilet" tidak tahu, tapi ingin pergi sekarang! !
Yang bahkan sekali dan 2 tetapi bahwa ada pengalaman.
Untuk seperti OPP, di mana untuk menemukan toilet?
Dalam hubungannya dengan peta Google secepat dicari, "toilet" yang dapat digunakan dalam keadaan darurat nasional
Mudah, itu adalah peta-tipe navigasi app segera dicari.

Ini adalah konsep aplikasi informasi bersama oleh pengguna menyukai satu sama lain.
Mari berbagi informasi dan segera didaftarkan jika ada tempat di mana saya pikir ini
Orang untuk diselamatkan Anda harus memiliki pasti.

[Darurat pencarian toilet dan fungsi pin WC]
◎ navigasi GPS!
Menggunakan fungsi GPS dari Google Maps, atau memeriksa toilet dari lokasi,
Anda dapat memeriksa rute ke sana.
Juga-atau-! Karena mereka tegas dipasang juga fitur navigasi panduan suara pada sentuhan tombol!
Dan menatap dan mencari layar sudut Toka ... Anda tidak perlu adalah!

◎ jumlah rinci informasi! !
Ketika Anda tekan "WC pin" yang Sasa 'di MAP, Anda dapat memeriksa informasi toilet yang ditentukan.
Informasi adalah warna-warni! Washlet, multi-fungsi toilet ostomate Powder Room, popok tabel ...

◎ menambah dan berbagi informasi navigasi! Komunikasi dari pertemuan asisten cocok untuk menggantikan peta dan tujuan
Tekan "posisi" mark, memindahkan kursor ke lokasi toilet,
Ketika Anda menekan tombol Enter, masukkan informasi dari "toilet" baru,
Dan baru Anda dapat melahirkan "toilet pin".
Saya tidak tahu siapa saja dari bantuan, berdiri dalam peran orang lain.
Bukankah akan kontribusi kesejahteraan pertemuan saya indah komunikasi yang memegang dalam gotong royong?

◎ informasi peta yang baik, jika peta hanya apa yang Anda butuhkan! !
Ketika Anda tekan "kaca pembesar" mark, Anda dapat mempersempit ke toilet diperlukan untuk menempatkan cek di toilet dari item yang ingin Anda gunakan!
Keraguan bahwa informasi adalah lebih banyak lebih baik. Ini tidak berguna tidak ada kenyamanan yang dapat diambil bila diperlukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan.
Itu sebabnya aku aplikasi peta untuk dipilih.

【Tentang opsi persembunyian iklan】
Untuk menyembunyikan iklan, Anda harus mendaftar untuk "Opsi Sembunyikan Iklan".

【Iklan Sembunyikan Harga Opsi dan Periode】
※ Harga dapat berubah.
※ Periode diperbarui secara otomatis dari tanggal aplikasi dan satu bulan.

【Metode penagihan】
Ini akan dibebankan ke akun iTunes Anda dan akan diperbarui setiap bulan.

【Rincian Pembaruan Otomatis】
・ Periode berlangganan akan diperpanjang secara otomatis selama satu bulan kecuali jika Anda membatalkan berlangganan opsi non-display iklan 24 jam sebelum akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Biaya perpanjangan untuk periode berlangganan (satu bulan) akan diselesaikan dan dibebankan dalam waktu 24 jam sejak akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Harap dicatat bahwa jika Anda berlangganan opsi sembunyikan iklan dengan biaya dari layar AppStore selama periode percobaan gratis sembunyikan iklan, periode uji coba gratis akan berakhir pada titik itu dan pembayaran akan terjadi.

[Cara membatalkan konfirmasi status pendaftaran / pembaruan otomatis]
1. Buka aplikasi "Pengaturan"
2. Pilih "iTunes & App Store"
3. Pilih "ID Apple: Alamat Email" yang ditampilkan di bagian atas layar
4. Ketuk "Tampilkan ID Apple" di sembulan yang ditampilkan.
5. Masuk sesuai kebutuhan
6. Pilih tombol "Kelola" di bawah item bertanda "Registrasi"
Aplikasi anggota bulanan yang saat ini terdaftar ditampilkan. Anda dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari sini. Harap perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari dalam aplikasi.

【Pembatalan untuk bulan berjalan】
Kami tidak menerima pembatalan untuk opsi sembunyikan iklan untuk bulan ini.

Kebijakan privasi

ketentuan layanan

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail


Name:OrthoFlow                                                 Price:$4.99

Description:Welcome to OrthoFlow...the orthopaedic specialist in your pocket! This new way of learning is designed to help you diagnose and manage orthopaedic trauma with simple, easy to understand decision ‘Flows’ that quickly guide you to the correct diagnosis and management plan. With hundreds of unique diagrams and illustrations accompanying evidence based, clinically relevant information, OrthoFlow provides the knowledge you need for trauma and orthopaedics.

Sorted! But what happens if someone asks you questions about the injury??

Don’t worry, we’ve got that covered too...

In the ‘Bare Bones’ section, common and relevant conditions and principles such as Compartment Syndrome, Open Fractures, Peripheral Nerves and Fixation Principles are covered so that you can hit the ground running. In the ‘Trauma Meeting’ section, we break down each injury into the relevant Anatomy, Investigations, Classification systems, Management options, Eponymous syndromes and much more...

Developed by orthopaedic surgeons for all healthcare professionals who work with trauma & orthopaedic patients, this app allows you to access the decision making process of an orthopaedic specialist simply by turning on your phone.

If you work with orthopaedic trauma patients in primary care, accident & emergency, on an orthopaedic ward or in a fracture clinic, this app will provide you with quick, practical, easy to access knowledge to help you diagnose, formulate a management plan and understand the basic science of the injury you are treating.

Starting with the OrthoFlow skeleton, simply select the anatomical area of interest and follow the Flow… In a few clicks you’ll have your diagnosis and an easy to understand management plan.

If you are a medical student, intern, foundation doctor, surgical trainee, resident, registrar, emergency physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner and you work with orthopaedic trauma… use OrthoFlow, the orthopaedic specialist in your pocket!

We actively take on board all suggestions for content and improvement and look forward to receiving your feedback - please email us [email protected]

Rating:1.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:KITINTO-PACKING PUZZLE GAME                                                 Price:S$ .00

Description:A new release of the No. 1 free game app at Appstore!
Total 1.5 million downloads of games in this very popular series!
Train your brain with block puzzles that can be continued every day!

The 2nd theme is a lunchbox!
I'm looking forward to next lunch! :)

*Features of This Brain Training Puzzle*
-Easy operation allows you to focus on the puzzle!
-200 stages where you can play every day!
-Play all stages for free!
-Share commemorative photos of completed puzzles!
-If you can't clear it, you can skip the stage!

*Reviews of This Brain Training Puzzle*
""Cleared all stages 3 times.
I played all the series apps.
But it ’s addictive.
I like not being chased by time.""

""This app helps brain teaser!""

*Recommended for these people*
-Those who like simple classic puzzle games!
-Those who are interested in brain training / brain activation / young brain / brain age!
-People who love crosswords and sudoku
-Those who are concerned about brain age, memory and IQ!
-Who want to kill time

*How to play this block puzzle*
The rules are simple!
Just fit all the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle!
Just move while tapping the piece!

Update information on the official Twitter!
Follow us to get the latest information!

▼ Brain Training Puzzle KITINTO Series Official Twitter

▼ HEDGEHOG PRODUCTS Official Twitter

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector

Name:Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector                                                 Price:Free

Description:"Playing Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector is as easy as one, two...and that's it!
Step 1: Place playthings and snacks in your yard.
Step 2: Wait for cats to visit!

Attract cats with food and then watch them romp with your toys! More than 40 varieties of cats—white and black, tabby and calico—might stop by. Rare cats are rumored to roam the neighborhood too, but you'll need particular items to entice those elusive felines. Each visitor is logged in your Catbook. Become a master kitty collector and fill it up!

You can even make albums of your cat photos, or save them to your device and use them as wallpaper!"

If you've found a bug or have other concerns, please contact our technical support team.

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[email protected]

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Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail