8 Best Apps Similar To Extreme Landings|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Extreme Landings

Extreme Landings

APP STORE: App Store    ¥0.00
CURRENT VERSION : 3.7.0(2020-04-21)
APP CATEGORIES : 游戏, 娱乐, 模拟, 动作

60.0K   30.0K <5K


Take full control.
Test your piloting skills and handle the most critical flight conditions known to man.

Cope with emergencies and incidents inspired by real life scenarios in a climactic adrenaline rush.
Start each engine individually, navigate between the equipment dashboard panels and be ready to solve over 5,000 possible situations in order to reach the highest pilot ranking.

The simulator includes 36 missions to accomplish, 216 challenges to pass, cartography and worldwide navigation with over 500 accurate airports replicas as well as real time weather conditions.


- 36 missions (6 included + 30 available for purchase)
- 216 challenges 6 of which in global competitions (18 included + 198 available for purchase)
- 20 HD airports (4 included + 16 available for purchase)
- Fast landing mode with global competition and 5 fault levels.

- Instrument Landing System, ILS
- Speed autopilot, Route, Altitude and Vertical speed - Primary Flight Display
- Navigation Display
- Weather Radar for managing Microburst, Ice and wind
- Advanced engine system with ignition, faults and fire safety
- Fuel management with weight balancing, Jettison and real consumption

- Landing gears management with manual unlocking system
- Full control of the rudder, flaps, reversers and spoilers

- APU management

- Worldwide navigation with 548 airports and 1107 usable runways, real or customizable weather conditions (available for purchase)
- Cartography with over 8000 waypoints (VOR, NDB, TACAN, DME, GPS, FIX)
- Automatic Flight Planning Configuration
- Cinema replay system
- 3D virtual cockpit with integrated instrumentation
- SRTM30 Plus real terrestrial elevation
- MODIS VCF real coastline
- OpenWeatherMap real-time weather conditions





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Apps Similar To Extreme Landings

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Città Aeroporto Carico Aereo Volo Simulatore gioco

Name:Città Aeroporto Carico Aereo Volo Simulatore gioco                                                Price:0,00 €

Description:Flying was never much fun before this amazing game.
Drive multiple cranes for airport staff and show real pilot skills to fly the plane.
Get ready to play different roles in one amazing game.
Play as ground staff for airport to assist flying schedule.
Load luggage in aircraft and use pushback truck to tow aircraft from hangar to the runway.
Get ready to fly this amazing airplane across sea transport cargo and passenger to six different destinations.
Fly over metro city with huge buildings or across desert.
Manage flying your plane over Rocky Mountain and frozen valleys and much more.

Download this stunning game for your apple phone and tablets for challenging flying and driving game play.

Give us your valued feedback with comment so we can make better games for your entertainment.

Rating:1.5                                               Show Detail


Name:what3words                                                Price:Free

Description:El innovador sistema de direcciones de what3words permite encontrar un cuadrado de 3 x 3 m preciso en cualquier lugar del mundo mediante sencillas direcciones compuestas de 3 palabras. Estas son especialmente útiles en ciudades en las que las direcciones tradicionales son inexactas o están repetidas, y en regiones (como zonas rurales) en las que hay hogares o puntos de interés que carecen de dirección postal. Las palabras utilizadas son fáciles de pronunciar y de compartir sin errores, por lo que las direcciones de 3 palabras son una alternativa muy atractiva a otros sistemas de exactitud similar como las coordenadas.


Versátil y compatible con las aplicaciones que más utilizas:

• Permite buscar direcciones de 3 palabras o direcciones postales

• Es compatible con aplicaciones de mensajería y de navegación (Google Maps y otras)

Envía una dirección de 3 palabras a tus amigos y consigue que te encuentren con facilidad en cualquier lugar, incluso en medio de un parque.

Ideal para una vida diaria en constante movimiento:

• Guarda tus ubicaciones favoritas

• Introduce direcciones de 3 palabras mediante entrada de voz, escríbelas o escanéalas

• Evita errores con la función de sugerencia automática

Utiliza la entrada de voz para introducir una dirección de 3 palabras en el navegador de tu automóvil a la primera y sin errores.

La acompañante perfecta para viajeros:

• Disponible en más de 40 idiomas

• Obtén indicaciones sin conexión con el modo brújula

• Toma o comparte fotografías y añade una pegatina con la dirección de 3 palabras del punto en el que se tomaron

Accede a direcciones de 3 palabras en tu idioma estés donde estés y no vuelvas a perderte aunque no dispongas de conexión.

Si tienes alguna pregunta o experimentas cualquier problema, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con [email protected]

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail


Name:Mywellness                                                 Price:Free

Description:Mywellness app by Technogym helps you to get the most out of the services of your club when you train both indoor and outdoor.
The completely redesigned look and feel envisages four areas:

- FACILITY AREA: Discover all the services that your club provides and choose what interests you most.
- MY MOVEMENT: Here you can find what you’ve chosen to do: your programme, the classes you’ve booked, the challenges you’ve joined and all the other activities you’ve chosen to do at your club.
- RESULTS: Check your progresses, collect MOVEs and get more and more active every day.
- OTHER: in this new area you can leave your feedback, sync your fitness apps and connect your heart rate band.

Enjoy the best experience in Technogym equipped clubs using mywellness app to connect with every single equipment by Bluetooth or QR Code. The equipment will automatically set up with your programand your results will be automatically tracked on your mywellness account.

Log MOVEs manually or sync with other apps such as Apple Health, Fitbit, Garmin, MapMyFitness, MyFitnessPal, Polar, RunKeeper, Strava, Swimtag and Withings.



- YOUR FACILITY CONTENTS AT A GLANCE: discover in the FACILITY AREA of the app all the programmes, classes and challenges that your club promotes.
- HANDS ON VIRTUAL COACH THAT GUIDES YOU IN THE WORKOUT: easily choose the workout you want to do today in MY MOVEMENT page and let the app guide you through the workout. Mywellness app automatically moves to next exercise, gives you the possibility to rate your experience and schedule your next workout.
- CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMS: get your personalized and complete training program including cardio, functional or strength exercises, group classes and any kind of sport activity. Access to all the exercise instructions and tutorial videos, keep track of your results automatically by logging into Mywellness and connect Technogym equipments, wherever you are in the world.

- SUPERIOR CLASSES EXPERIENCE: use Mywellness app to easily find the classes of your interest and book a space. You will receive smart reminders to help you not to forget your reservation. The day of the class use Mywellness app to login on Technogym Group Cycle Connect equipment and enjoy a unique experience with your trainer and other users. Check your class results immediately on Mywellness app and book your next class to secure a place. You can also have a look to the featured classes, the most innovative and top - quality group courses that your center offers, and book your place in the classes of two or more facilities of the club chain if your subscription allows it.
- OUTDOOR ACTIVITY: keep track of your outdoor activities directly on Mywellness app, or automatically synchronize the data you have stored in other fitness applications.
- FUN: join the challenges organized by your facility, train and improve your challenge ranking in real time.
- BODY MEASUREMENTS: keep track of your measurements (weight, body fat, etc..) and check your progresses over time.

Rating:3.9                                             Show Detail

Flip Trickster

Name:Flip Trickster                                                 Price:Free

Description:Estás pronto para saltar para a ação? Salta e aterra na ação, mas não falhes o alvo! Viaja através de fases emocionantes em 3D, exibe as tuas habilidades e obtém a pontuação perfeita! Vem experimentar a melhor simulação de saltos mortais.

Utiliza os teus reflexos rápidos e a tua incrível coordenação óculo-manual neste jogo exclusivo de ação com saltos mortais. Vais precisar de destreza e concentração para concluir todos os níveis de saltos exclusivos e aterrar no alvo! Viaja para mundos novos e salta de vários objetos, tais como falésias, montanhas, escolas, casas e muitos outros. Começa já a tua aventura! A única coisa que tens de te perguntar é: conseguirás obter o ouro em cada nível?

Caraterísticas do Jogo:

1. Hardcore Parkour
Os ginastas e acrobatas estão com inveja - só queriam ter as habilidades do Flip Trickster. Salta das montanhas mais altas e acerta no teu alvo! Evita os objetos perigosos que interrompem os teus saltos mortais. Certifica-te de que aterras em pé, caso contrário, será uma aterragem de emergência!

2. Salta, Apoia-te e Rola
Salta para a ação! Tantas bordas de onde podes saltar para aterrar na perfeição - cada nível traz a sua própria caraterística distintiva! Coordena o teu poder de salto e rola a maior quantidade de vezes que conseguires, para obteres a maior pontuação possível. Quanto melhor pousares, maior será a tua pontuação!

3. Física de Saltos Mortais Incrivelmente Realista
Nenhum outro jogo te vai dar a mesma sensação realista de saltos mortais. Quer se trate de um mortal para a frente ou para trás, controla bem o tempo do teu salto, a fim de obteres a distância e ângulo certos. Aguenta o máximo de tempo possível a velocidade obtida com o apoio e liberta a energia no momento perfeito para conseguires pousar de forma adequada!

4. Desafios impossíveis para superar
Mais do que apenas níveis para concluir. Só verdadeiras lendas dos saltos mortais poderão concluir todas as missões secundárias. E para os mais loucos, temos o desafio de nível completo! Este modo loucamente impossível só pode ser dominado pela elite.

5. Novas Máscaras para desfrutar
Novas cores! Novos artigos de vestuário! Cabeças e chapéus malucos. Escolhe os teus artigos e prepara-te para saltar.

6. Mundos Sem Fim
Estamos constantemente a adicionar novos níveis para testares as tuas habilidades de saltos. NÃO vais querer perder a ação.

Quer sejas especializado em dar saltos ou em fazer mortais, o Flip Trickster é o desafio ideal para ti. Este é o melhor jogo de física de saltos mortais que existe. Nunca mais desperdices um momento enfadonho, com este jogo fácil de aprender e jogar, mas quase IMPOSSÍVEL de dominar. Salta de penhascos. Torna-te numa lenda do hardcore parkour. Começa a tua missão e nunca pares de dar saltos mortais! Em cheio!
Se quiseres fazer algum comentário, precisares de ajuda para concluir algum nível ou tiveres algumas ideias fantásticas que gostarias de ver no jogo, visita https://lionstudios.cc/contact-us/!

Do Estúdio que te trouxe o Happy Glass, o Flip Trickster e o Love Balls!

Segue-nos, para receberes notícias e atualizações sobre os nossos títulos Premiados;

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Phi co Huyền Thoại . Game Đua Máy bay Chiến tranh

Name:Phi co Huyền Thoại . Game Đua Máy bay Chiến tranh                                                 Price:0đ

Description:Baixe o melhor simulador de aviões para o momento atual!

Tiro, um mundo de pixels fulled de aventuras, todo o tipo de aviões e muita diversão são os ingredientes que estão à espera de você.

Escolha o seu favorito aviões dos desenhos originais e se preparar para surfar o céu a toda velocidade!

Sua missão é defender a cidade de Nova York de ataques inimigos!

Aqueça seus mísseis Aicraft, dodge seus adversários e atirar em todos aqueles que querem atacá-lo!

Você não deve perder a sua reputação como um piloto! Eles devem ter medo de perder contra o seu aviões!

Aproveite esta simulação de aviões e manter no topo dos nossos novos jogos a seguir-nos nas redes sociais.

Siga-nos no Twitter: @bravocterogames
Dê-nos uma gosta no Facebook: www.facebook.com/bravocterogames

Rating:3.25                                                 Show Detail

GPS-Trk 3

Name:GPS-Trk 3                                                 Price:¥0

Description:Professional-grade, new generation GPS system that works in both Stand-Alone Mode and Network Mode.
[Trusted name in smartphone GPS app since 2009. For both iPhone and iPad. Subscription is required for app use.]

1) Stand-Alone Mode (smartphone only)
In this mode, GPS-Trk works as traditional professional-grade GPS app.
• Full functionalities packed into clean easy-to-use UI.
• Reliability (several days of continuous measurement).
• Scalability (very long track like around the earth).
• Store all past tracks of several years on smartphone. Effectively, you never have to delete tracks to save space.
• Minimal usage of battery, network data and disk storage.
• Track with photos.
• Import / export track file in KML, KMZ, eKML, eKMZ, GPX format (with photo for KMZ, eKMZ) via email attachment, Dropbox.
• Apple Maps, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap (Offline map for OpenStreetMap)
• Track measurement works even without network (Cellphone, Wi-Fi).
• Track measurement by time or by distance.
• Track animation.
• Single app supports both iPhone and iPad. (screen optimized differently.)

2) Network Mode (smartphone + GPS-Trk Net)
The easiest way to share your GPS track path (with photos) with friends in real-time!
[Check it out at https://gpstrk.hc-eng.com]
During adventures (climbing, biking, airplane, ship) or business (fleet management), your friends, support team can watch your movement.
The user records track (movement, photos) with GPS-Trk app on smartphone. The other persons can watch the track moves remotely in real-time with any web browser (smartphones, PCs).

Free - create public tracks. (for Hobby. Show it to the world!)
Subscription - create shared or private tracks. (for Business)

You carry smartphone and friends watch your movement with Web browsers.
You put smartphone on target (scientific research, car, kid, pet etc.) and you monitor its movement with Web browsers.

[Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Payment will be charged to your Apple ID account at the confirmation of purchase. Subscription automatically renews unless it is canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period. You can manage and cancel your subscriptions by going to your account settings on the App Store after purchase.

Terms and Conditions: https://hc-eng.com/terms-and-conditions/
Privacy Policy: https://hc-eng.com/privacy-policy

Rating:1.35                                                 Show Detail

Flight Pilot Simulator 3D!

Name:Flight Pilot Simulator 3D!                                                 Price:Free

Description:Unleash your inner Maverick, become a pilot and conquer the skies.
+ Fun and challenging missions on beautiful scenarios
+ 20 realistic planes: from single engine props to jets, airliners and military aircraft.
+ Explore a huge open map with tons of surprises in free flight mode
+ Immersive scenarios: emergencies, rescue missions, rough landings, fires, races and more!

Download now and don't miss amazing updates!


Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Симулятор Скорой Помощи 3D

Name:Симулятор Скорой Помощи 3D                                                 Price:0 ₽

Description:Ambulance Simulator 3D is the best simulator of ambulance of emergency in 3D. Try yourself as a real rescue worker and feel on the practice, what is the hospital delivery after accidents and how will an ambulance save lives.

You are an ambulance car driver, and only your agility, alertness and courage determine - Will the doctors and paramedics rescue the patient? Take calls from the field of emergency and accidents, rescue people who become ill or injured or even have a deal with gang shootings. Do not forget that you are playing against not only the time: dense traffic, the city filled by the cars and ran out of gas throw a real challenge to your abilities.

- 8 ambulance cars: from the most legendary Russian ambulances to modern German cars
- Different camera position for your comfort: choose from the outside of the cat to a direct view from the salon, where doctors and paramedics are trying to save patient
- completely realistic medical equipment: from the couch to the emergency wheelchair
- The Real City with Unique Traffic control system with AI: traffic jams, accidents and the ability to use a siren and flashing lights
- Gas control in a real-time: don't forget to visit a gas station
- Unlimited set of accidents for emergency calls: car accidents, injuring, heart attacks, helping people on the streets, fire, and even wounds after gang warfare
- Progress control system: check the counter of successful calls and unlock new ambulance cars

Always wanted to know how does Ambulance on call work? Wanted to see how to save lives, making your way through the dense traffic with a siren? Then the Ambulance Simulator 3D - your choice!

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail