8 Best Apps Similar To Highway Getaway - полицейские гонки- игры онлайн|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Highway Getaway - полицейские гонки- игры онлайн

Highway Getaway - полицейские гонки- игры онлайн

APP STORE: App Store    0 ₽
CURRENT VERSION : 1.2.0(2017-07-03)
APP CATEGORIES : Игры, Развлечения, Гонки, Казуальные

10.0K   <5K <5K


Ein Rennen um die Freiheit: Deine Hände sind am Steuer, dein Herz pocht wie verrückt. Du bist der MEISTGESUCHTE der ganzen Stadt – und du befindest dich ständig auf der Flucht vor der Polizei. Wirst du schnell genug sein, um der Staatsmacht in diesem heißen kostenlosen Rennspiel zu entkommen?

Vivid Games, die Macher von aufregenden kostenlosen Actionspielenwie Real Boxing und Godfire, haben sich wieder einmal so richtig ins Zeug gelegt, um dir ein spannendes Spielerlebnis zu bringen! Highway Getawayist eine einzigartige Mischung aus Rennspiel und Running-Spiel und enthält außerdem die vielen packenden Momente einer Polizeiverfolgungsjagd.

***Drücke das Gaspedal volldurchund erkämpfe dir die Spitze!***
Du bist ein Fahrer auf der Flucht, der sich ein Hochgeschwindigkeitsrennen mit den städtischen Polizeiautos liefert. Du kannst den Nitrobooster aktivieren, den Verkehr umgehen und jede Menge Kohle einsammeln, während du durch die Stadt bretterst. Und dabei fühlt sich die Steuerung deines Fluchtautos in diesem Rennspiel immer vollkommen intuitiv und natürlich an, dank ***Tipp- und Wisch-Gameplay***.

Genieße eine beeindruckende HD-Grafik, während du deinen Rennwagen durch die Straßen der Innenstadt, geschäftige Häfen und atemberaubende Canyons hindurchsteuerst. Aber lasse dich von der Optik nicht ablenken. Die Polizei ist dir jederzeit dicht auf den Fersen.

***Mehr als 200 herausfordernde Missionen!***
Gib niemals auf und meistere mehr als 200 Rennmissionen, während dein Adrenalin niemals abnimmt. Tanke unterwegs nach, weiche Polizeiblockaden aus und halte den schlüpfrigen Truck voller Geld auf, um dir nebenbei noch ein bisschen Knete zu verdienen! Und je mehr du gesucht wirst, desto mehr Kohle machst du!

***Modifizieredein Fahrzeug und verpasse ihm ein Tuning!***
Der Meistgesuchte verdient natürlich nur die heißesten Autos. Wähle deinen Favoriten unter 10 verschiedenen Fluchtwagen und passe diesen deinen Vorstellungen an: ganz egal, ob schneller, schnittiger Sportwagen oder mächtiger Truck. Während du Stufen aufsteigst und Geld scheffelst, schaltest du nach und nach benutzerdefinierte Looks für dein Auto frei, mit denen du der heißeste Typ auf dem Asphalt bist. Verwende dein Geld, um Booster-Verbesserungen und Power-ups freizuschalten, wie das Nitro-Upgrade, mit dem du schneller als jedes Polizeiauto bist, oder Zubehör, mit dem du deinen Rennwagen während der Fahrt reparieren kannst.

***Bist du ein guter oder ein böser Junge?***
Bist du einer von den „guten Jungs“? Würdest du lieber hinter dem Steuer eines Polizeiautos sitzen? Kein Problem!Mit diesem Feature kannst du für das Gesetz ordentlich auf die Tube drücken. Verfolge den Meistgesuchten und bringe ihn erfolgreich hinter Gitter!

***Werde zum MEISTGESUCHTEN***
Die Online-Bestenlisten von Highway Getaway sind direkt mit Facebook verknüpft: Dies erlaubt es dir nicht nur, gegen deine Freunde anzutreten, sondern auch auf globalen Bestenlisten mit anderenFahrern zu konkurrieren. Bist du der schnellste Fluchtwagenfahrer?

Egal, hinter welchem Steuer du am Ende sitzt – dieses kostenlose Rennspiel wird dich in einen dauerhaften Adrenalinrausch versetzen.

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/highwaygetawaygame/
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Apps Similar To Highway Getaway - полицейские гонки- игры онлайн

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Traffic Turn

Name:Traffic Turn                                                Price:Free

Description:New and innovative hyper-casual game for you again!


1. Insert queued vehicles into the highway traffic, incoming vehicles won't wait for you.
2. Get extra points for inserting multiple cars in a row.

Just tap the touchscreen.

Hope you'll enjoy the game!

Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

Mr.クラブ 2

Name:Mr.クラブ 2                                                Price:¥0

Description:Mr. Crab 2 is trots om deel uit te mogen maken van ‘App Store Beste van 2016’!

Raad eens wie terug is? De onweerstaanbare, vriendelijke en gave superheld Mr. Crab. Dit keer heeft hij wat nieuwe vrienden meegebracht om met hem mee te gaan op het meest mooie en betekenisvolle avontuur. Lukt het Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden om alle verloren babykrabben te redden? Om dit te kunnen doen moeten ze goed kunnen springen, door spannende en leuke passages gaan en tot slot oppassen voor kwaadaardige vijanden. Lukt het de krabhelden te overwinnen?

Dit is het moment om Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden te helpen om de baby's terug te krijgen.

Timing is alles
In Mr. Crab 2 moet je al je timing en denkvaardigheden gebruiken om in ieder level gouden medailles te verkrijgen.

Uitdagende levels
Veel uitdagende en prachtige levels. Levels om gratis te behalen en levels om als kado uit een automaat te verkrijgen.

Pas je krab aan
Verzamel veel leuke voorwerpen zoals hoeden en maskers en pas je krabben aan.

Volg @illusionlabs op Twitter
Like ons op facebook.com/illusionlabs

Music gemaakt door Scott Tobin

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail

Car Driving School Simulator

Name:Car Driving School Simulator                                                 Price:Free

Description:Sente-se na frente do volante e comece suas aulas no simulador de direção urbana mais realístico de todos! Este é um jogo que não só irá testar a sua habilidade para controlar o carro, mas também exigirá toda a sua atenção às regras de trânsito.

Car Driving School reformulado! A estrutura do jogo foi alterada com a mais nova atualização. Ao invés de desbloquear mapas inteiros e ter que realizar todo as suas missões, agora é possível selecionar os pacotes de missões que mais te interessam. Nós também reformulamos a forma como a garagem funciona. As alterações não afetam o conteúdo que você já desbloqueou no jogo.

A atualização também introduziu um conteúdo inteiramente novo! Um novo mapa de Tóquio está disponível para corridas em alta velocidade. Jogo Livre também foi introduzido como um novo modo de jogo.

Esperamos que aproveitem as novas funcionalidades e que possamos trazer empolgantes complementos à Car Driving School no futuro! Esta atualização é apenas o começo!

Durante o jogo, você precisará obedecer as placas de ""pare"", luzes de cruzamentos, lembrar de usar o pisca-pisca, ligar o limpador de para-brisas quando necessário... Se você está procurando por uma experiência de direção genuína, esse é o lugar certo para encontrá-la!

Depois de um tutorial que lhe ensinará todas as regras em uma pista de treinamento fechada, você entrará em uma cidade grande e aberta. Tudo o que você aprender será testado lá, em múltiplas missões que você enfrentará em uma variedade de carros. Além disso, você também pode competir com outras pessoas online, em desafios de percurso livre!

O jogo traz uma grande variedade de carros. Você terá que mostrar a sua habilidade na direção em múltiplos sedans, pick-ups, um carro-esporte, algumas caminhonetes 4x4, ônibus e – o melhor de todos – um poderoso supercarro.

Dirigir pela cidade é bastante desafiador, principalmente quando você precisa respeitar as regras. Mas essa não será a sua única preocupação! As áreas pelas quais você irá dirigir terão trânsito realístico. Cuidado para não bater!

Quando completar todas as missões no modo de um jogador ou quiser algo diferente, você pode experimentar o nosso novo modo multiplayer! Lá, você ganhará pontos por dirigir de acordo com a lei e bônus adicionais na forma de itens colecionáveis. Jogue contra outros jogadores locais ou do mundo todo pela internet e veja quem é o melhor motorista!

O modo de jogo principal é 100% GRATUITO para jogar até o fim, sem nenhuma pegadinha! Modos de jogo extras que alteram um pouco as regras para facilitar o jogo estão disponíveis como compras opcionais no app. Cada modo tem rankings separados para que a competição seja totalmente justa!


▶ GRANDE COLEÇÃO DE CARROS: Sinta-se verdadeiramente livre dirigindo 26 carros incríveis
▶ TRÂNSITO DINÂMICO: Lide com trânsito simulado realístico
▶ ATUALIZAÇÃO DE DIREÇÃO LIVRE: Aprenda a dirigir em um ambiente livre de estresse em todos os mapas disponíveis no jogo! Divirta-se com o jogo sem limitações, focando no que você mais gosta!
▶ MISSÕES DE ESTACIONAMENTO PRO: Uma grande campanha para vencer, ganhe dinheiro para progredir
▶ Missões 100% gratuitas
▶ CONTROLES: Suporte a controle via botões, volante, movimentos e MFI
▶ CÂMERAS: Várias câmeras, incluindo Primeira Pessoa para imersão total
▶ iCLOUD SYNC: Sincronize o seu progresso com a iCloud para continuar o seu jogo em qualquer dispositivo iOS.

Rating:4.5                                             Show Detail

Driving Zone 2 Lite

Name:Driving Zone 2 Lite                                                 Price:Free

Description:Driving Zone 2 Lite is a racing simulator with realistic car physics, stunning graphics and innovative gameplay.

You can choose from a huge range of cars, from urban hatchbacks, to luxury business sedans and powerful sports cars designed for racing. Great opportunities of tuning allow you to modify any of your cars visually and technically. All cars have detailed body and interior with a dashboard, that is illuminated at night, this creates the effect of full presence and realism.

Earn points by making dangerous overtakes at high speed, but beware of the police, which will chase you for the accident, running a red light and speeding. Driving Zone 2 Lite is a racing game for fans of extreme driving.

You have an open game world with dangerous turns and hills, and also unpredictable intersections. Drive in any direction during the day and at night, through the city streets and country roads with their impressive landscapes. Be careful on the winter road with its snow-capped roadsides, going on it it will lead to drifts and slips. Road traffic lives its own life and adheres the rules of the road. With experience of driving, you can increase the density of traffic, in order to increase the difficulty of the game.

In the simulator of street racing Driving Zone 2 Lite engine sound of vehicles, and also their technical characteristics correspond to real ones. Use the tuning system to improve the technical specifications of your cars. For example, buying engine upgrades will give you a speed boost, the setting of sport transmission will open the drive selection option, buying the advanced suspension, you will be able to modify the ground clearance and wheel camber, the installation of nitro allows you to reach the maximum speed.

You can improve the exterior of your car. The game contains a huge range of settings for changing both external and internal elements of the car. Disks, spoilers, air intakes, neon light on the bottom, steering wheel and even headlights, all this and much more can be modified according to your taste. Create your own unique car and show it to the world using photo mode.

Rating:3.9                                                 Show Detail

Police Dog Airport Crime Chase

Name:Police Dog Airport Crime Chase                                                 Price:Free

Description:"Keamanan bandara adalah di tangan Anda sekarang. Dilatih sebagai anjing polisi profesional Anda bermain sebagai anjing polisi mengejar penjahat di bandara. Sniff, mengejar dan menemukan penjahat ingin dan barang-barang ilegal. Beberapa orang mungkin akan membawa beberapa barang yang mencurigakan di bagasi mereka. Mereka mungkin lari ketika diletakkan begitu cepat untuk menangkap mereka. Bermain mengejar kriminal akhir dan jangan biarkan pergantian bandara ke tempat kejahatan. Memburu penjahat seperti Anda adalah gembala Jerman yang terlatih. . Mereka yang mencari untuk bermain simulator anjing cara baru bisa bermain anjing polisi kejahatan bandara mengejar.

Kota ini telah berubah menjadi kota kejahatan dan Anda harus menggunakan kemampuan mengendus Anda untuk melacak penjahat dan mengamankan bandara. Dilatih sebagai anjing K9 untuk menemukan petunjuk untuk melacak penjahat. Beberapa perampok dan penjahat mungkin mencoba untuk memecahkan dalam dengan item ilegal. Menangkap mereka sebelum mereka berakhir dengan aktivitas kriminal. Membantu petugas polisi dan individu polisi lainnya untuk melacak tersangka. anjing polisi kejahatan bandara mengejar Permainan yang mendebarkan di mana Anda bermain sebagai K9 anjing untuk mengejar dan menangkap penjahat. Polisi mengejar dan game kota kejahatan yang populer tapi bermain sebagai anjing polisi bahkan lebih mendebarkan.


• Anjing Polisi Chase Simulator
• Mencatat Penjahat dan Perampok
• Penjahat Polisi vs Keamanan Bandara
• Konsep unik untuk Dog Simulator Pecinta
• Menakjubkan Bandara Lingkungan dengan HD Graphics
• Bermain sebagai Cop Anjing Nyata untuk melacak Penjahat"

Rating:2.75                                                 Show Detail

Euro Truck Driver 2018

Name:Euro Truck Driver 2018                                                 Price:Free

Description:The game delivers an unparalleled driving experience which has put it in the spot of the most popular truck driving simulator.

Build your own company and increase your revenue.
Become the King of the road by playing Euro Truck Driver 2018 : Truckers Wanted!


- 5 European trucks
- Detailed interiors
- Realistic truck driving
- Realistic traffic system
- 50+ Challenging level
- Drive across country roads , city roads and highways
- Various camera angles (Inner cam, Front cam, outer cam and more)
- Realistic traffic rules
- Amazing 3D graphics
- Realistic Truck sound effects
- Achievements and Leaderboards
- Easy controls (Tilt, Buttons or steering wheel)
- More than 15 language support

Completely realistic Truck driving.

- Start your Truck by using Start / Stop button.
- Fasten your seat belts.
- On the right side of your screen, bring the shift to “D” position.
- Control your Truck by using break and acceleration buttons.

- You may choose how to control your Truck on the Settings menu.
- During the night missions, you can turn the headlights on by using Headlights button.
- When your Truck ran out of gas, you can buy gas from the Garage by touching gas button.
- If you follow traffic rules during the game, you will earn more money.
- The faster you complete the mission, more money you will earn.

Attention: Drive safely and follow traffic rules in real life.

For any inquires and opinions please contact us on [email protected].

Official website: http://www.zuuks.com
Follow us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZ5daJft7LuWzSyjdp_8HA
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zuuks.games
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZuuksGames

Rating:3.9                                                 Show Detail

Scooter Freestyle Extreme 3D

Name:Scooter Freestyle Extreme 3D                                                 Price:Free

Description:Awesome freestyle Stunt Scooter game in 3D.
Whether you like skating street, or big ramps and half pipes, this game has it all, completely free!

Do manuals, slides, flip tricks, grabs, and all the other tricks you can imagine, and line them together for insane combos like the pros!

Skate one of the 9 awesome premade skateparks, or create your own custom park, with more than 40 different ramps, rails and funboxes, to choose from!

Customize your characters clothes and scooter!

Earn skill points to level up your characters skills, like jump height, spin speed and more!

The game is developed by independent developer EnJen Games. Follow EnJen Games on www.facebook.com/EnJenGames, to request new features, report bugs, or get the latest news about new EnJen Games or updates!

Rating:3.9                                                 Show Detail

Mini Legend - 4WD Racing Sim

Name:Mini Legend - 4WD Racing Sim                                                 Price:Free

Description:** Over 5 Million Downloads Globally!! **

** iOS App Store Featured Mini 4WD Racing Game Simulation**

** #1 Mini 4WD Simulation Racing Mobile Game **

** Mini 4WD in your POCKET! **

** Different Combination Car Mod **

Over 80 different unique vintage cars and hundreds of performance parts! Create, Mod and Race your very own Mini 4WD!

1. Story Mode
○ Single player RPG campaign
○ Over 150 Unique Levels
○ Challenging Boss Battles
○ Unlock Avatars to use in other Modes

2. Online PVP Mode
○ Challenge real players through smart matching system
○ See how your modified Mini 4WD stacks up against the competition

3. Online Events
○ Special format races
○ Weekly specialty races ○ Limited edition car races

4. Daily Time Attack Races
○ Challenge daily target time
○ Daily random tracks to challenge player customization skills

5. Team Mode
○ Create and manage your own Race Team with friends
○ Compete in team ranking
○ Team chat system

Many players are unfamiliar with Mini 4WD. So what is Mini 4WD?

Mini 4WD is any miniature model within the mini scale of between 1/20 (1:20) to 1/48 (1:48) scale. Currently, in 2015, the term is popularized predominantly by a 1/32 (1:32) scaled, AA battery powered plastic model race car without remote control. All four (4) wheels are direct-drive, thus ""4WD"" for 4-wheel drive, as opposed to ""AWD"" or All-wheel drive. Horizontal side rollers guide the vehicle against the vertical walls of the un-banked track for steering, providing very fast speeds up to 65 km/H (40 mph) on the track. In Japan, Mini 4WD is also known as mini yonku (ミニ四駆) in Japanese. Though mostly popular in Asia, they are sold in many countries as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Italy, United States and the Netherlands.

** Real Racing with Mini 4WD! **

Visit Mini Legend Facebook & Customer Service Page: MiniLegend4WD
or Email: [email protected]

Rating:4.05                                                 Show Detail