8 Best Apps Similar To IVI|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: IVI


APP STORE: App Store    0,00 €
CURRENT VERSION : 1.0.12(2018-11-22)

<5K   <5K <5K


A aplicação do IVI foi desenhada para lhe oferecer um serviço completo durante todo o seu tratamento. Poderá:
• Reservar a sua primeira consulta na clínica, com o médico, o dia e o horário que preferir.
• Dispor de um calendário de medicação (no caso de necessitá-lo) com as indicações claras dos dias, horas, quantidades e vídeos tutoriais de ajuda.
• Ter à mão a informação sobre a equipa que está a tratar do seu caso.
• Consultar informação e gerir os seus orçamentos, pagamentos e faturas.
• Acompanhar o seu tratamento: relatórios, resultados, avaliação de testes, etc.

Além disso, terá informação sobre o IVI:
• Os nossos resultados auditados.
• Tratamentos e preços.
• Técnicas.
• Unidades disponíveis na clínica.





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Name:billingsMentor®                                                Price:$4.99

Description:billingsMentor® guides you in observing, recording and interpreting your fertility symptoms according to the Billings Method. It can be used to achieve or avoid pregnancy. Cycles do not have to be regular. It helps you to follow the Billings Method by:
• guiding you in making a proper recording of your fertility symptoms;
• automatically generating your fertility chart;
• interpreting your symptoms and your fertility status on each day;
• recognizing your Peak day in a cycle and predicting menstruation;
• allowing you to override and mark your Peak day in a cycle;
• identifying your Basic Infertile Pattern (BIP) whether you are having normal cycles or long cycles (e.g. breastfeeding);
• allowing you to override and define your Basic Infertile Pattern (BIP);
• applying the 1,2,3 count of the rule concerning a change from the BIP before the Peak day;
• reminding you of the wait day after intercourse during the pre-Peak phase.

The underlying fertility interpreter (Ovulation Mentor) is ranked the most accurate of all fertility awareness apps analyzed in this study: http://www.jabfm.org/content/29/4/508.full.pdf+html

English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Arabic versions are contained in the one download.

billingsMentor® avoids the use of stamps and symbols in the fertility chart by visualising fertility as a simple bar chart that combines fertility with the rules of the Billings Method. This format is intuitive for the new user. There is an option to use the traditional stamp or symbol format if desired.

Tablet users: Users should consider using the web interface from tablets (see below).

billingsMentor® is also available as a web service. All data, whether submitted from mobile, tablet or desktop is stored on the billingsMentor® server. Thus your current fertility chart is always available from mobile or internet and is recoverable in the case of a lost or stolen phone.

When you begin to use the service, you make a privacy agreement.

Reference: The Billings Method, by Dr Evelyn Billings and Dr Ann Westmore, Penguin Books, first published 1980, new edition 2011.

Rating:1                                               Show Detail

My Calendar - Period Tracker

Name:My Calendar - Period Tracker                                                Price:Free

Description:My Calendar – Period Tracker by Simple Innovation is an elegant and easy-to-use period tracker that helps you take control of the many aspects of your menstrual cycle—from ovulation, fertility and periods, to birth control pills, moods and other symptoms. Whether you are concerned about conceiving, birth control and contraception, or regularity of period cycles, Period Calendar can help. Our tracker is easy to use and offers everything you need: Track irregular periods, weight, temperature, moods, blood flow, symptoms and more. Discreet reminders keep you informed and prepared by predicting upcoming periods, ovulation, and fertile days. The app adapts to your cycle history and the calculator accurately predicts the important events during your cycle.
Key features: - Vital info at a glance: intuitive calendar home page lets you visualize non-fertile, fertile, ovulation, expected period and actual period - Entire cycle log and settings can be backed up and restored easily and quickly. Never be afraid to lose your calendar data, even when you lost your phone or get a new one. - Detailed tracking: daily planner lets you save essential period information like flow, intercourse, symptoms, moods, temperature, weight, medicine, PMS, other cervical observations, and general diary notes - Always stay in the loop with notifications for upcoming period, fertility windows or ovulation - Protect your most private data from curious eyes: password lock it using a unique PIN code - Personalize and make it yours: Gorgeous new watercolor themes, adjust period prediction intervals, luteal phase length, plus choose your units of measure and the first day of the week (Sunday or Monday) – all in Settings - Abstinence mode hides ovulation, fertility and intercourse related data—perfect tracker for girls and teens just starting their periods - Want to start fresh? Just reset it This highly customizable period tracker and pregnancy planning calendar is perfect for any woman to take control of her health and keep organized. Download it for FREE today!

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

Period Tracker - Eve

Name:Period Tracker - Eve                                                 Price:Free

Description:A Eve, desenvolvida pela Glow, é uma aplicação de saúde e sexo muito útil para mulheres que pretendem ter controlo na sua vida sexual. A Eve ajuda as mulheres a descobrir como lidar com muitas dimensões diferentes das suas vidas: contraceção e controlo da natalidade, ovulação e fertilidade, menstruação, sintomas e tendências do ciclo. O único rastreador que agrupa a saúde sexual, menstrual e reprodutiva num tudo em um, a Eve é uma aplicação de saúde completa destinada a mulheres jovens sexualmente ativas que pretendem saber os seus próprios ciclos e sentir-se bem na cama. Junte-se!

+ Crie registos para monitorizar o sexo, humores e sintomas.
+ Criação de registos rápida e elegante a qualquer hora do dia ou noite.
+ Veja os seus dados de saúde através de bonitos gráficos.
+ Identifique tendências e padrões únicos ao seu corpo.
+ Compatível com a App Saúde para monitorizar as suas estatísticas de fitness, sono e outros aspetos da saúde.

+ A forma mais rápida e fácil de acompanhar o seu período.
+ Uma escadaria em caracol interativa que a ajuda a ver o histórico do seu ciclo de uma maneira totalmente nova.
+ Preveja a sua ovulação e a sua próxima menstruação com previsões que se tornam mais inteligentes ao longo do tempo.
+ Reveja períodos passados, ciclos menstruais e datas de ovulação para entender melhor o seu ciclo e fertilidade.
+ A vista de calendário no rastreador do período mostra-lhe a sua próxima janela fértil, dia da ovolução e o próximo período.

+ A comunidade oferece um vasto grupo de amigos para discutir sexo e saúde.
+ Informação confiável sobre contraceção e sexo, concedida pela Bedsider.
+ Pergunte qualquer coisa à comunidade--sem limitações.
+ Aprenda com outras mulheres que já passaram pelo mesmo antes.

Informações sobre assinaturas
Subscrição de 1 mês por 7,99 €
Subscrição de 12 meses por 47,99 €

Uma vez compradas, as subscrições renovam-se automaticamente excepto se a auto-renovação for cancelada nas definições da tua conta iTunes, pelo menos 24 horas antes do fim do período de pagamento.

Política de Privacidade - https://glowing.com/privacy
Termos de Serviço - https://glowing.com/tos

Web - http://www.glowing.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/glow
Twitter - @RubyByGlow
Instagram - @GlowHQ
Pinterest - @GlowHQ

Se está com problemas técnicos ou tem questões sobre o seu ciclo ou período, nós estamos aqui para a ajudar. Por favor envie-nos um email para: [email protected]

Rating:4.6                                             Show Detail

Ovulation Calculator Fertile Tracker & Calendar OC

Name:Ovulation Calculator Fertile Tracker & Calendar OC                                                 Price:Free

Description:Ovulation Calculator (OC) helps couples conceive up to 3x faster than the national average. When you're trying to get pregnant you need to know when you're most fertile and when to have sex! OC calculates your two most fertile days each cycle by analyzing your unique menstrual cycle, health and lifestyle data.

Ovulation Calculator also provides a huge amount of fertility knowledge through our education portal. As well as access to an online-support network of thousands of other women trying to conceive.

The Ovulation Calculator app is free to download and use.

- Cycle Data Analysis Driven Predictions
- Ovulation Calculator
- Ovulation Calendar
- Cycle Overview At A Glance
- Fertile Window and Conception Odds Viewer
- Fertility & BBT Chart
- Cycle Reports
- Daily Insights
- Fertility Knowledge
- Fertility Tips, Alerts & Reminders
- Easy Cycle Data Logging
- Fast Period Logging

• "This was the most helpful App. It has all the information you need plus it helps work for your personal needs when trying for a baby." by Drhbzgjxs

• "So in depth and helpful, you can do as much or as little as you want to track your cycles and it will help you predict them. I also love the forums, women are so helpful and supportive!! Thank you for making this website and app!!!!" by Dontlikehardlyworkingverymuch

• "Ive downloaded alot of ovulation tracking apps and am very picky with how I like to see the calendar days if my cycle and the data Ive logged--this app does that well, AND it provides alot of side information for free that really does seem personalized for me based in the info Ive entered. I used this tool from their website but am so glad they made it into an app finally! Thanks!!" by Ovulateismygame

Read more reviews here: https://www.reviews.io/company-reviews/store/ovulation-calculator

- Daily progress log to record your daily signals such as BBT, cervical mucus, cervix position, OPK results, symptoms, mood and more.
- Period log to easily add your periods and flow type in one place.
- Fertility charting providing clues and insights into your cycle and fertility.
- Calendar view and cycle view of your phases, fertile window and ovulation.

Web: https://www.ovulationcalculator.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ovulationcalculatordotcom Twitter: https://twitter.com/OvCalc Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Ovulationcalculatordotcom

Ovulation Calculator - Because Accuracy Matters

Rating:4.25                                                 Show Detail

Flo: Health & Period Tracker

Name:Flo: Health & Period Tracker                                                 Price:Free

Description:Женский календарь Flo Period Tracker – это намного больше, чем «календарь месячных».

С помощью женского календаря Flo Вы можете отслеживать месячные и пмс, а также рассчитать дни овуляции и зачатия. Будущие мамы могут следить за развитием малыша от недели к неделе, узнавать полезную информацию и советы о развитии беременности.

Наш женский календарь месячных и беременности - это первое приложение, которое использует искусственный интеллект, чтобы определить нерегулярный цикл, овуляцию и симптомы пмс. Современные технологии на базе машинного обучения позволяют сделать женский календарь с самым точным прогнозом начала критических дней и овуляции.


С Flo удобно:
• следить за Вашим циклом, получать оповещения о критических днях и овуляции
• рассчитать нерегулярный цикл
• использовать календарь овуляции и рассчитать день овуляции и дни фертильности
• анализировать базальную температуру тела (БТТ)
• отмечать больше симптомов в приложении, чтобы получать наиболее точные прогнозы нерегулярных циклов


С Flo просто:
• рассчитать день овуляции
• вести беременность и ее планирование
• отслеживать беременность неделя за неделей
• выбирать неделю, чтобы посмотреть, как развивается ваш малыш
• читать полезные советы и актуальные статьи о беременности


Календарь Flo поможет:
• следить за Вашим весом, продолжительностью сна, количеством выпитой воды, физической активностью
• импортировать данные из Fitbit и Health App
• отметить симптомы ПМС
• отметить выделения


Женский календарь месячных Flo напомнит:
• о начале цикла и овуляции
• принять контрацептивы
• о необходимости принять таблетки


С Flo возможно:
• сохранить историю Ваших циклов и анализировать их длину (чтобы было проще рассчитать календарь овуляции)
• смотреть графики БТТ и овуляции
• изучать зависимость между Вашими циклами и аппетитом
• анализировать изменение веса и активности в течение дня


С Flo Вы сможете:
• узнать больше о Вашем теле
• читать полезную информацию о здоровье каждый день
• получать полезные советы от профессиональных врачей
• Вы можете защитить календарь цикла (Ваши персональные данные) с помощью пароля или сканера отпечатков пальцев


Хотите больше от Flo? Подпишитесь на Flo Premium и получите:

• Персонализированные статьи на основе введенных симптомов и данных о цикле
• Поиск зависимости симптомов и настроения от вашего цикла
• Отчет о здоровье для вашего врача

• Оплата за подписку будет списана со счета Вашей учетной записи iTunes после подтверждения покупки.
• Подписка продлевается автоматически, если автоматическое продление не отключено как минимум за 24 часа до конца текущего периода.
• Плата за продление списывается со счета за 24 часа до конца текущего периода.
• Вы можете управлять подписками и отключить автоматическое возобновление подписки в настройках своей учетной записи iTunes.
• В течение активного периода подписки текущая подписка не может быть отменена. Неиспользованная часть бесплатного пробного периода аннулируется после приобретения подписки.

Для получения дополнительной информации перейдите по ссылке https://support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT202039

Политика конфиденциальности: https://flo.health/privacy-policy
Условия использования: https://flo.health/terms-of-use


Instagram/Twitter: @flotracker

Мы здесь, чтобы помогать Вам. Если у Вас есть вопросы, идеи или предложения, смело пишите: [email protected]

Rating:4.65                                                 Show Detail


Name:常青藤爸爸                                                 Price:Free



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Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

Femometer - Fertility Tracker

Name:Femometer - Fertility Tracker                                                 Price:Free

Description:Get pregnant 3x faster or avoid pregnancy naturally by understanding your unique cycle.

Femometer is a smart fertility tracker that understands your unique cycle symptoms and is able to accurately predict your fertile window, pinpoint your ovulation and track period.

• Track crucial symptoms like LH, BBT & CM for fertility & ovulation
• Follow conception guidance; time sex to get pregnant
• Identify ovulation, fertile window & LH peak and get daily personalized insights and advice
• Avoid pregnancy naturally; identify your ‘safe zone’
• Log cycle symptoms & compare with previous months: check for ovulation/early pregnancy signs
• Predict your period with accuracy

*Wanting to get pregnant or use a natural contraception method?*

Trying to conceive (TTC), trying to avoid pregnancy (TTA), or simply trying to track your menstrual cycle? Femometer is an ovulation tracker designed to help with all three, a more accurate fertility tracker and ovulation calculator. It is an intelligent ovulation calculator that helps pinpoint your ovulation and teaches you to log specific symptoms.

*Log the critical symptoms that Femometer uses to understand your cycle and create your predictions*

Femometer enables you to track everything to do with your menstrual cycle, from basal body temperature (BBT), LH ovulation test results, cervical mucus, cervix position, period, physical symptoms, mood & sleep... By guiding you to log accurately, it's able to predict fertile window, ovulation, safe zone, upcoming period and even potential pregnancy. The app learns from your data and helps you better understand your cycle. The more you log, the more precise the app could learn your cycle.

*Auto-generated charts & curves for easy analysis; compare cycle trends*

Femometer will have charts & curves ready for you once you have symptom data input. No manual input is needed if you happen to have Femometer devices. You can track specific symptoms against your cycle, see previous trends and how they relate to upcoming predictions.

*Intelligent analysis & personalized feedback based on your needs*

- Want to get pregnant?
Follow personalized conception advice for the best days to have sex. Check your fertile window and ovulation charts against previous month’s charts, track your cervical mucus and the trends of your BBT chart.

- Want to avoid pregnancy naturally?
Femometer tracks your symptoms to show your fertile days and tells you when you’re in your ‘safe zone’.

*Unlock Prime features for tailored conception guidance*
• Real-time analysis of your data and fertile window to help you get pregnant or avoid pregnancy
• Personalised feedback on your progress
• Tools to analyse your cycles against previous cycles and similar user cycles
• Unlock your data to share with your partner and healthcare provider

Femometer has integrated with the Health App, and you can sync your basal body temperature and menstruation data to it(requires iOS 8).

Contact Femometer:
Web - https://www.femometer.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/femometer/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/femometer/
Email: [email protected]
【Subscription fee and subscription period】
- Subscription plans:Monthly、Quarterly、Yearly.
- Subscription price:$9.99 for Monthly plan;$16.99 for Quarterly plan;$49.99 for Yearly plan.
- Payment:Your confirmed payment will be recorded into your iTunes account.
- Cancel subscription:If you do not wish to continue your subscription, you may terminate your Prime subscription before the last day of your current subscription period end. After cancelling, you will continue to have access to the prime services throughout your pre-paid subscription period.
- Renew subscription:Your subscription will be automatically renewed within 24 hours before next subscription period.
- Femometer Privacy:https://s.bongmi.cn/miscs/femometer-app/en/privacy.html
- Femometer Service:https://s.bongmi.cn/miscs/femometer-app/en/service.html

Rating:4.95                                                 Show Detail

Clue Period & Cycle Tracker

Name:Clue Period & Cycle Tracker                                                 Price:Free

Description:Clue est une application de suivi des règles qui prédit les dates de vos prochaines règles, de votre Syndrome Pré-Menstruel (SPM) ainsi que des jours les plus favorables à la conception. Vos humeurs sont-elles liées aux variations de votre cycle menstruel ? Sélectionnez simplement les catégories sur lesquelles vous voulez en apprendre davantage et Clue se charge du reste.

Utilisez Clue pour :
+ Savoir quand vont arriver vos prochaines règles.
+ Recevoir des rappels pour vos prochaines règles, SPM et période de fécondité
+ Déterminer les particularités uniques à cycle.
+ Savoir quels sont les jours où vous êtes favorablement susceptible de tomber enceinte.
+ Avoir un suivi de votre activité sexuelle, des symptômes physiques liés à votre cycle, de la consistance de votre glaire cervicale, de vos humeurs, de votre contraception et enfin, de votre température basale.

Clue contient également :
+ 31 catégories à suivre, y compris les règles, douleurs, émotions, poids, qualité de la peau et des cheveux, sommeil, exercice physique, énergie, envies et plus encore.
+ La garantie de ne trouver ni fleurs, ni papillons, ni euphémismes, ni rose - jamais.
+ Intégration avec Apple Watch, indiquant la durée de votre cycle en un clin de œil.
+ Le Clue Cycle Report, une visualisation des événements et manifestations de votre cycle que vous pouvez enregistrer et partager avec votre médecin.
+ La saisie de données la plus rapide de tous les outils de suivi des règles disponibles.
+ Des descriptions détaillées des événements de votre cycle menstruel, complétées de références médicales et scientifiques.
+ Un algorithme qui apprend des données que VOUS saisissez. Plus vous l'utilisez, plus il devient intelligent.
+ Un code d'accès personnalisable pour protéger votre vie privée.
+ Un historique de vos derniers cycles pour observer plus facilement les tendances.

Abonnement Premium :

Abonnez-vous à Clue Plus et bénéficiez d'avantages exclusifs.

Après avoir choisi l'un de nos abonnements et confirmé votre achat, la carte de crédit rattachée à votre compte iTunes sera débitée.

Après l'achat, l'abonnement sera renouvelé automatiquement jusqu'à ce que le renouvellement automatique soit désactivé dans les paramètres du compte iTunes au moins 24 heures avant la fin de la période de paiement.

Renouvellement: Si vous décidez de renouveler votre abonnement, votre compte sera débité du même montant que vous avez payé pour votre abonnement initial dans les 24 heures avant la fin de la période en cours. Vous pouvez contrôler les paramètres de votre abonnement et désactiver le renouvellement automatique dans l’appli des réglages de votre appareil.

Merci de prendre en compte que Clue - Calendrier des Règles n'est pas un contraceptif.

Si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec Clue, n’hésitez pas à nous écrire directement depuis l’appli et nous vous aiderons volontiers à trouver une solution à votre problème !
1. Allez au menu Autre.
2. Touchez « Assistance ».
3. Ensuite, selectionnez le sujet de votre question ou touchez « Contactez-nous ».

Nous utilisons un langage neutre pour rendre Clue accessible à toute personne ayant un cycle menstruel. Rejoignez-nous dans notre mission à faire avancer la santé menstruelle pour tous.

Obtenez des réponses à toutes les questions que vous vous posez sur les règles, la sexualité et la santé menstruelle en allant sur helloclue.com

Twitter: @clue
Facebook: facebook.com/helloclue
Instagram: @clueapp

Nos conditions d'utilisation- https://www.helloclue.com/terms.html
Notre politique de confidentialité - https://www.helloclue.com/privacy.html

Rating:4.75                                                 Show Detail