8 Best Apps Similar To KeyHub|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: KeyHub


APP STORE: App Store    € 0,00
CURRENT VERSION : 2.0(2020-05-20)
APP CATEGORIES : Productiviteit, Diensten

<5K   <5K <5K


Met de KeyHub App hoef je geen 2fa tokens meer in te voeren maar slechts een akkoord te geven.
Login op je KeyHub omgeving, ga naar je profiel en kies voor 2fa (opnieuw) instellen. Scan de QR code, vergeet niet op activeren te klikken en je bent klaar!





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Apps Similar To KeyHub

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Snaplate - Snap and Translate

Name:Snaplate - Snap and Translate                                                Price:Free




另外,通过条形码和二维码功能,您可以在几秒钟内查看任何产品或网站。Snaplate支持二维码,ISBN, UPC, EAN, Datamatrix, Code39和许多其他类型的条形码!



Rating:3.9                                               Show Detail


Name:Parro                                                Price:€ 0,00

Description:Parro voor het superteam ouder & leerkracht! Parro draagt bij aan ouderbetrokkenheid en een betere communicatie tussen ouder en leerkracht in een veilige omgeving.

Via Parro heb je als ouder en als leerkracht alle belangrijke en leuke informatie bij de hand, netjes verzameld in één app. Elkaar op de hoogte houden met foto’s en belevenissen via Parro is een eitje door een combinatie van groepsbrede mededelingen en persoonlijke berichten. Maar Parro helpt je ook bij het organiseren van activiteiten, het regelen van vrijwilligers en het maken van een rooster voor 10-minutengesprekken. Ouders kunnen via de agenda van Parro het overzicht behouden en zich direct inschrijven.

Parro leert regelmatig nieuwe trucjes! Kijk voor een actueel overzicht van wat Parro allemaal kan op onze website.

Wil jouw school starten met Parro? Dankzij de directe koppeling met ParnasSys kun je meteen aan de slag.

Rating:2.5                                                 Show Detail

TaniHub - Shop From Farmers

Name:TaniHub - Shop From Farmers                                                 Price:Free

Description:Selamat Datang di Aplikasi TaniHub! TaniHub merupakan bagian dari TaniGroup yang memiliki visi sederhana yaitu menjadikan petani lokal Indonesia tuan rumah di negeri sendiri. Melalui TaniHub, para petani lokal dapat menjual hasil panen mereka kepada para individu maupun Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di berbagai wilayah. Kami bukan hanya sebuah platform e-commerce terkemuka untuk produk pertanian namun juga katalis untuk masa depan Agri-tech.

Belanja berbagai kategori produk petani lokal, mulai dari Buah, Sayur, Beras & Biji-bijian, Unggas & Telur, serta Ikan & Udang dengan harga sehati dan kualitas pasti.
Tersedia di Jakarta & sekitarnya, Bandung, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya. Kedepannya TaniHub akan terus meluaskan jangkauan distribusi produk panen lokal untuk ke depannya.

● Rasakan proses pembelian yang mudah – dengan tampilan aplikasi yang user-friendly dirancang khusus untuk mobile.
● Transaksi aman dengan metode pembayaran pilihan kamu – Bayar dengan transfer virtual account.

● Gratis Ongkir Tanpa Syarat dengan Armada Pendukung Petani Kita (TaniXpress)
● Transaksi aman dengan kemudahan pembayaran melalui Bank Transfer & Virtual Account
● Kemudahan Ekstra untuk Layanan PayLater bagi M***a TaniHub
● Promo menarik tiap harinya

Melalui TaniHub Anda tidak hanya mendukung pertumbuhanan dan perkembangan Industri pertanian, namun Anda juga membantu menjaga kesejahteraan para petani Indonesia.

Jadikan kegiatan berbelanja anda lebih bermakna, karena setiap pembelian yang anda lakukan, merupakan dukungan nyata bagi pertanian Indonesia.

Rating:0.3                                             Show Detail

Case Opener - skins simulator

Name:Case Opener - skins simulator                                                 Price:Free

Description:Case Opener provides:
- The most realistic representation of CSGO opening
- All the cases, including souvenir ones from Counter Strike
- 3D and Augmented Realty preview
- Upgrader minigame - upgrade your skins
- Trades - exchange your skins with other players
- Tower minigame - climb up the Tower to multiply your coins
- Crash minigame - try to cash out before the Crash!
- Minigame 'Bomb defuse' - remember code and color to avoid explosion!
- Skin inventory
- Player stats and over 30 in-game achievements
- In-game leaderboards
- CSGO Contracts - upgrade 10 skins for higher tier one (including StatTrak)
- Automatic Steam Market skin price display
- Languages available: English, Polish, Russian
- Design and drop chances similar to CSGO

Download it, choose your case and start the opening! Try your luck right now!

Notice: skins found in this case simulator cannot be transferred to your real inventory from game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail


Name:网易BUFF游戏饰品交易平台                                                 Price:¥0.00




Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

RSA SecurID Software Token

Name:RSA SecurID Software Token                                                 Price:Free

Description:Protect your company’s most sensitive networked information and data with RSA SecurID two-factor authentication.

RSA SecurID two-factor authentication is based on something you have (a software token installed in the Token app) and something you know (an RSA SecurID PIN), providing a more reliable level of user authentication than reusable passwords.

After you install the Token app, you separately import a software token. With the token installed, the app generates one-time passwords (OTPs). You use your PIN and the current OTP to access protected resources, such as your VPN client. You never need to carry a separate hardware token.

RSA SecurID administrators can rapidly and securely deploy software tokens to iOS devices. Users can import a token with one tap or by scanning a QR Code.

Your company must have:
• RSA Authentication Manager or the RSA SecurID Authentication Engine API for software token provisioning and user authentication
• RSA SecurID Software Token seeds

Rating:3.1                                                 Show Detail

Audio Game Hub

Name:Audio Game Hub                                                 Price:Free

Description:Audio Game Hub 2 introduces 4 new games to the award winning Audio Game Hub with a fresh instalment of new features and sensational sound-effects!

Audio Game Hub is a set of experimental arcade audiogames that use audio as their primary interface – making them accessible for both sighted and non-sighted users.

Race against the clock and disarm bombs in Bomb Disarmer, follow Simon as he leads you through unlocking complicated patterns in Super Simon, or sit at the round table and enjoy a casual game of Blackjack.

Audio Game Hub provides a medium to develop and improve motoric, auditory and memory skills by training them in a fun and stimulating way!

- Animal Escape!
- Bomb Disarmer (up to 10 player)
- Super Simon (up to 10 player)
- Blackjack (Casino)
- Slot Machines (Casino)
- Archery
- Hunt
- Samurai Tournament (up to 4 player)
- Samuari Dojo (up to 4 player)
- Labyrinth
- Animal Farm (Memory)
- Blocks (Bejeweld)

Coming Soon:
- Runner

Think you can do it with your eyes closed?

It is very difficult to reach the visually impaired community. Please show us your support by spreading the word about our games.

All subscriptions (access to all games) will auto-renew after the selected time period. You can disable them in your iTunes application.
You can choose following subscriptions:
- 1 month of access to all games for 7.99 USD
- 3 months of access to all games for 14.99 USD
- 12 months of access to all games for 34.99 USD

Terms of use: www.audiogamehub.com/privacy_policy

Find out more at www.audiogamehub.com.

Rating:2.4                                                 Show Detail

VIP Access for iPhone

Name:VIP Access for iPhone                                                 Price:Free

Description:O Symantec VIP Access ajuda a proteger suas contas e transações online usando um processo de autenticação forte quando você acessa suas ativadas para VIP.

• Autenticação forte: Oferece autenticação forte de dois fatores ao fazer login em suas contas ativadas para VIP.
• Códigos de aplicativo/QR: Lê um código QR e gera códigos de segurança específicos de sites para autenticação forte de dois fatores a seus sites favoritos.
• ICE Workspace: Descriptografa e exibe arquivos importantes de maneira segura para usuários autorizados.

Use o VIP Access em organizações participantes como eBay, PayPal, E*TRADE, Facebook, Google ou outras entre as centenas de sites na VIP Network:

Autenticação forte

O VIP Access adiciona autenticação forte a seu login normal de uma das seguintes maneiras:
• Gerar dinamicamente um código de segurança de uso único em seu dispositivo móvel. Use esse código com seu nome de usuário e senha.
• Aprove a autenticação ao receber uma notificação de envio em seu dispositivo móvel. Caso sua organização exija a definição de um mecanismo adicional de autenticação de dispositivos para atender às necessidades de segurança, será solicitado que você forneça uma autenticação local adicional, como uma senha ou biometria.
• Use o Touch ID, o Face ID ou a senha em uma notificação de envio para fazer sua autenticação no dispositivo móvel. Nota: A autenticação pelo Touch ID ou Face ID requer que seu dispositivo móvel seja compatível com o Touch ID ou Face ID e que você tenha registrado autenticação por reconhecimento facial ou impressão digital no dispositivo.

O método de autenticação forte que você utiliza depende do método implementado pela organização participante.

Você poderá gerar um código de segurança, mesmo se não tiver uma rede ou conexão móvel.

Códigos de aplicativo/QR: Leia um código QR em organizações participantes como Google, Facebook, Amazon e outras para gerar um código a cada 30 segundos para acessar com segurança. Digite esse código de segurança com sua senha para adicionar autenticação forte a seus sites favoritos.

ICE Workspace

O Symantec ICE permite que funcionários, parceiros e indivíduos de confiança compartilhem arquivos e documentos importantes com segurança. O Symantec ICE criptografa esses arquivos e permite que você os compartilhe com outras pessoas de maneira segura por email e aplicativos na nuvem como Box e Microsoft OneDrive. O ICE Workspace descriptografa e exibe esses arquivos somente para usuários autorizados.

Leia o contrato do usuário final do VIP após fazer o download do VIP Access: m.vip.symantec.com/eula.v

Rating:3.15                                                 Show Detail