8 Best Apps Similar To New Furniture Mods - Pocket Wiki & Game Tools for Minecraft PC Edition|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: New Furniture Mods - Pocket Wiki & Game Tools for Minecraft PC Edition

New Furniture Mods - Pocket Wiki & Game Tools for Minecraft PC Edition

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.0(2016-07-05)
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.35 (125.49K)

50.0K   <5K <5K


Have all of the Minecraft Mods in the palm of your hand!

Furniture Mods FREE allows you to add all the Mods you want without any problems, there are no limits!

*** Not affiliated with MineCraft or Mojang. ***





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Apps Similar To New Furniture Mods - Pocket Wiki & Game Tools for Minecraft PC Edition

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

WorldCraft : 3D Build & Craft

Name:WorldCraft : 3D Build & Craft                                                Price:Free

Description:Descarregue e jogue usando o melhor bloco grátis 3d craft caixa de areia-simulador nos modos: Multiplayer Online Criativo, Criativo e Sobrevivência Off-line. Construa o mundo 3d online criativo, obtenha recursos, pratique craft no modo de sobrevivência, domestique animais, combate contra monstros, sobreviva! Investigue mundos criados por outros. Construa seus próprios servidores e carregue ao multiplayer multiusuário para a investigação por outros.

Junte-se a 10+ milhões de jogadores online de todo o mundo!

Construa casas, main craft, cidades, aldeia e tudo de que você pode sonhar, em conjunto com muitos outros usuários no jogo multiusuário online. Investigue servidores usados por outros. Construa e carregue seus próprios servidores 3d e obras desde o modo de usuário único ao multiplayer multiusuário, para jogar com outros!

Comece jogos de sobrevivência, investigue mundos 3d infinitos ou crie seus próprios mundos 3d usando blocos e cubos em conjunto com milhares de jogadores eventuais ou amigos online no modo multiusuário do jogo.

Crie jogos de sobrevivência usando mapa 3D infinito! Obtenha diversos recursos, ouro, diamantes, use bloco craft de novos objetos para construir refúgio, sobreviva no período da noite! Combate contra zumbi, cabeças de abóbora e outros monstros para sobreviver! Persiga monstros comestíveis, arranje comida.

Particularidades do jogo:
• Sobrevivência para o jogo solitário, crafting, construção e monstros sem Internet e rede
• Modo multiusuário criativo na rede
• Chat colorido no modo multiusuário
• Controlo paternal do chat através da senha. Desligue chat para evitar o acesso das crianças pequenas
• 4 pacotes de textura do bloco por opção
• Mapas protegidos através da senha para outros jogadores
• Possibilidade de criar mapas só para leitura acessíveis para visualizar, mas não para redigir, para outros usuários

Nós nas redes sociais!
SITE: http://playlabsmobile.com/worldcraft
SUPORTE: http://playlabsmobile.com/support
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/playlabsmobile/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlaylabsMobile
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9raRQKfSKIekED4aN6Z_Fg

Worldcraft é o jogo grátis, tendo muitas funções, das quais você vai gostar, ao jogar usando seus telefones e tablets, tais como mundos 3D infinitos no modo de sobrevivência, novos monstros perigosos, tais como cabeças de abóbora, zumbi, multiplayer criativo, onde você pode construir algo ma companhia com amigos ou com alguém outros usando servidores, chat global no Multiplayer, ampla opção de skins muitas outras coisas!

Worldcraft não é o aplicativo oficial de Mojang. Este jogo não está relacionado com a Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE). Minecraft é a marca comercial de Mojang, não sendo suportado e relacionado com o autor do jogo Worldcraft e seus licenciadores.

Rating:3.7                                               Show Detail


Name:网易有道词典-陪你看世界                                                Price:Free



4、如需取消订阅,请手动打开苹果手机“设置”-->进入“iTunes Store与App Store”-->点击“Apple ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择网易有道词典VIP取消订阅即可。如未在订阅期结束的至少24小时前关闭订阅,此订阅将会自动续订。


Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

Uplive-Live it Up

Name:Uplive-Live it Up                                                 Price:Free

Description:***Uplive – 2020년 유행하는 최고의 모바일 플랫폼****

*****Uplive-Live it Up*****

글로벌 라이브방송! 트랜디한 비디오 소셜플랫폼!
방송 고수들의 모임! 글로벌 유저들과 당신의 생활을 공유하세요!

「 완벽한 라이브 방송의 특별한 형식」

◆누구나 가능한 방송 - 생활을 담은 방송을 전달합니다.
◆럭셔리한 선물들 - 한번의 터치로 선물을 보냅니다.
◆게임스트리밍 - 게임 고수들의 게임 실력을 경험해보세요.
◆뷰티필터 - 스크린 앞에 제일 아름다은 당신을 뽑내보세요.
◆스트리머와PK - 같은 화면에서 스트리머 PK에 참여해 소통해보아요

업라이브 기능

【실시간 번역기능】
* 번역기능으로 스트리머와 실시간으로 소통해보세요.글로벌 스트리머의 방송에서 당신의 생활을 공유하세요.

【화려한 선물】
* 다양한 화려한 애니메이션 선물, 얼굴인식 선물들로 분위기를 띄우고, 당신을 보여주세요! ≖‿≖

【게임 스트리밍】
* 베틀그래운드, DOTA2, LOL, 오버워치 등 게임 고수들의 실력을 여기서 경험하세요!

【스트리머 PK】
* 스트리머 PK시, 팬의 능력을 보여주세요 힘을 모아 승리합시다! ≖‿≖

【게임 중심】
*라이브 방송이 안된다면 게임을 즐길수있어요. 다양한 게임도 하고 U다이아몬드도 획득하세요! n(*≧▽≦*)n

【모멘트 공유】
*라이브 방송 중 멋졌던 순간부터 일상 생활의 사진까지 모든 순간을 모멘트에 공유하세요. 위챗,QQ,웨이보에 간단하게 공유하세요.

【끊이지 않는 컨텐츠】
*수만명의 우수한 스트리머들의 춤방, 음방, 먹방 등 수많은 컨텐츠로 시청을 멈출 수 없을거에요!

*클립영상제작과 라이브 다시보기로 팔로우한 스트리머의 방송을 놓쳐도 걱정없어요! (′▽`〃)

【로그인 보상】
*출석체크하고 경험치 혹은 U다이아몬드를 획득하고 Free 선물을 스트리머에게 선물해보세요 (//▽//)

【너와 함께】
*각 국의 분포되어있는 수만명의 스트리머와 유저와 Uplive에서 소통하세요.

【비밀 친구】
*탑 스트리머들과의 비밀스럽게 소통해보세요! 서로 팔로우를 하면 친구가 될 수 있습니다.

【가장 핫한 방송방법】
*역사상 가장 제미나고 차원이 다른 방송 플랫폼! 라이브 방송을 즐기는 놀라운 방법들이 당신을 기다리고 있어요!

[Exclusive membership MVP monthly subscription instructions]
- Title of Subscription service:Exclusive membership MVP monthly subscription
- Length of subscription:Exclusive member MVP Auto-renew monthly subscription is valid for 1 month
- Subscription price: 9.99 USD per month
- Payment: User confirms purchase and payment first,then credits to iTunes account
-Cancel subscription: To cancel subscription, user will need to manually disable auto-renewal in iTunes/Apple ID settings management 24 hours before the current subscription expires.
-Renewal: Apple iTunes account will be debited within 24 hours before expiration. After the deduction successes, the subscription period will automatically be extended by another month.
-Privacy Policy: https://m.upliveapps.com/up-doc/privacy_en.html
-Terms of Use(includes more details regarding monthly subscription): https://m.upliveapps.com/up-doc/terms_en.html

더 새로운, 더 놀라운 기능으로 돌아온 Uplive를 만나보세요!

어플에 문제가 생길 경우 서비스 센터로 문의하세요.
제휴 협의 메일 :[email protected]
Uplive 공식 웹사이트:up.live

Rating:4.25                                             Show Detail

Scanner App:PDF Document Scan

Name:Scanner App:PDF Document Scan                                                 Price:Free






同时,PDF Scanner还可以识别图像中的文档并将其转换为TXT格式,以帮助您更好地工作,学习和生活。文本识别(OCR)使用Google文本识别技术,识别更加准确。



- 照片
- 预订和注意
- 护照和名片
- 认证与合同等

- 扫描PDF或JPEG文档
- 将扫描图像保存为黑白或其他滤镜
- 任何可扫描对象的自动和正确边缘检测

- 裁剪,放大,缩小,旋转图像并保存
- 在扫描的文档上添加签名
- 锁定扫描的文档
- 文本识别(OCR)
- 共享和打印保存的文档

- 通过电子邮件分享您扫描的文档
- 另存为JPEG到相机图库
- 共享并上传文件到Dropbox
- 共享文件并将文件上传到Google云端硬盘

- 创建文件夹,移动或复制文档
- 文件夹锁定
- 批量共享或删除
- 按您想要的任何关键字搜索文档
- 按名称创建日期或大小对文档进行排序
- 在表格和集合视图模式之间进行选择





请发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将帮助您解决问题。


Rating:2.7                                                 Show Detail

Word Wow Around the World

Name:Word Wow Around the World                                                 Price:Free

Description:Word Wow ALREDEDOR DEL MUNDO: ¡El gusano ha regresado con un nuevo y divertido juego de palabras! Ábrete camino alrededor del mundo con tus habilidades para formar palabras.

¡Los juegos de palabras de Word Wow se han descargado más de 4 millones de veces! ¡GRACIAS!

Los nuevos tableros de tamaño doble, los divertidos impulsores y los agujeros de gusano son un desafío incluso para los jugadores más experimentados. Para aquellos que prefieren jugar más relajadamente, está disponible una NUEVA opción sin temporizador. ¡Reserva tu boleto de avión y viaja con el gusano!

Usa tus habilidades para formar palabras y ayuda al gusano a navegar debajo de las torres de letras, ¡pero ten cuidado con las nuevas trampas dobles de hielo! Sortea los obstáculos con tus habilidades para formar palabras antes de que se acabe el tiempo.

¡Recoge los impulsores especiales por el camino que te ayudarán en los niveles más desafiantes! ¡Encuentra gemas escondidas para desbloquear desafíos con bonus con los que podrás acumular una gran cantidad de puntos!

¡Si eres un amante de los libros y te gustan los sobresaltos, los crucigramas y los juegos de palabras, este juego es para ti!

¡Word Wow ALREDEDOR DEL MUNDO agudizará tu cerebro y se convertirá en tu nuevo juego de palabras favorito!

Tableros de tamaño doble: ¡más diversión de juego de palabras!
Más de 765 niveles para poner a prueba tus habilidades y desafiar a tu cerebro.
¡Un adorable personaje y brillantes y coloridos gráficos que te transportan alrededor del mundo!
Una gran cantidad de niveles con bonus ocultos para los fanáticos de los juegos de palabras.
¡Montones de nuevos impulsores y premios!
NUEVO modo sin temporizador.
Compite contra tus amigos de Facebook o desafía a tu cerebro jugando solo.
¡Compara tu desempeño con el de otros jugadores locales (20 km a la redonda) y jugadores de todo el mundo!
Bonus diarios gratuitos que te ayudarán cuando lo necesites.

** Reseñas de Word Wow **
5/5 "¡Altamente adictivo!" "¡No puedo dejar de jugar este juego tan divertido!"
5/5 "¡Este juego es muy divertido y el gusano es tan lindo!"
5/5 "¡Un gran juego para los amantes de los libros! "Me ayuda a mantener mi agilidad mental.... ¡y además no puedo dejar de jugarlo!

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Santa Baldis Basics Mods

Name:Santa Baldis Basics Mods                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to Santa Baldi in Christmas Its Too Early for a christmas mod! I promise you will love it once you try it , fun-time educational game that teaches a slew of subjects in scary school .

This is now the best Features :

-New wall textures.
-New Playtime Music.
-New Better Math Music
-New Characters Looks

Rating:4.3                                                 Show Detail

Pocket Run Pool

Name:Pocket Run Pool                                                 Price:Free

Description:The return of arcade pool from the creator of Really Bad Chess and Flipflop Solitaire.

Pocket-Run Pool combines 8-ball pool with the thrill of a chasing the perfect highscore.

In Pocket-Run, your goal is to sink all the balls, but where and when you sink them is what matters most!

With each pocketed ball, you're awarded points based on the pocket you sunk. So sink carefully, but watch out, with each miss or scratch you lose a life — run out before you finish the table and it's game over.

Compete against yourself, the world, or the bank in a variety of thrilling game modes!

Can you make the perfect pocket-run?

Arcade pool is back!


5/5 - Touch Arcade
"Help me, I can't stop playing!"

5/5 - 148Apps
"Most certainly the best pool game I've played on a phone"

"Like the best arcade games, this creates a “just one more turn” mentality" - The Verge

"a perfect little mobile game" - iMore.com


- Play Pocket-Run Pool's Standard, High Stakes, and Insta-Tournament modes for free!
- Asynchronously Go for gold against players from around the world in Insta-Tournament mode
- Manage your risk against all manner of game conditions (like the devious Cuewall) in High Stakes mode
- Unlock Break of The Week, alternate backgrounds, and remove Insta-Tournament buy-ins with a single In-App-Purchase of just $3.99
- Track stats for all four modes
- Win alternate pool cues and color schemes in High Stakes mode


I've always loved pool, and when I got my first iPhone years ago, the world of digital pool games opened up to me.

There are certainly a lot of options out there, but finding a simple and enjoyable single-player pool game was harder than I expected. I found one that I enjoyed, but after playing it extensively I found it too easy to beat the computer every time. Suddenly the problem with pool hit me — when you play against a computer in a physics simulation, you're literally playing against a god... By which I mean, either the computer is going easy on you (for a reason), or it's playing a perfect game and taking all your money.

It dawned on me that if I wanted a good single player pool game, I'd have to make a new kind of pool — a variant that doesn't need a computer opponent, that's built around the notion of scoring and improving, of taking risks, and of presenting unique and interesting challenges.

Pocket-Run Pool is the game I came up with, I hope you enjoy it!


Rating:3.75                                                 Show Detail

Word Crossy - A crossword game

Name:Word Crossy - A crossword game                                                 Price:Free

Description:Don’t miss out on the game that’s already been downloaded by over 18 million players!

Train your Brain and Sharpen your Mind!

Word Crossy is a relaxing Word game where you connect letters together to form words on a crossword-style board. Learn while you play! With over 4,600 levels and thousands of words ranging from simple to complex, Word Crossy will help you become a true Word Master. Daily Challenges and Super Tournaments allow you test yourself against even greater challenges while earning fantastic rewards!

No Time Limits, No Pressure.

Gameplay occurs at a leisurely pace - without any time limits or pressure - making it a great way to comfortably pass time.
Spell out words amidst beautiful backgrounds and tranquil tunes to bring serenity to your spare time.

An enjoyable blend of Word Find and Crossword-style games

Innovative gameplay modes, appealing visuals, a variety of gameplay features, 4,600+ challenging levels, and much more.

1080p HD Visuals: High resolutions graphics provide an exquisite visual experience
Super Tournaments: Compete against other players every weekend. Higher rankings earn greater rewards!
4,600+ Levels: An endless array of levels that are suitable for every level of player.
Built-in Dictionary: Learn new words and expand your vocabulary while you play!
Daily Challenge: Complete levels to earn Stars which can then be exchanged for Mind Stones.
Butterfly Mode: Catch butterflies and become a Word Master!
New Visual Design: Constantly optimized UI and gameplay provide users with a better gameplay experience.

Word Crossy’s Second Anniversary is Coming Soon!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and a heartfelt thank you to all our players! We are simply amazed by the incredible outpouring of support we have received over the last two years.

In the future, Word Crossy will be adding additional levels, missions, rewards, and excitement, so please look forward to it!

Word Crossy is Free to Play - come try the game that’s already been downloaded over 18M times.

----------------About Subscriptions----------------
- Premium Membership costs $7.99 per week and provides exclusive rewards and instant boosts for 7 days. Try it now with the 3-day Free Trial!
- Your iTunes Account will be charged at the time of purchase.
- Subscriptions automatically renew at the end of the subscription period unless turned off in Account Settings at least 24 hours before the current period ends.
- Renewals will be charged to your iTunes Account within the 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.
- Auto-renewal can be turned off by going to your iTunes Account Settings after purchasing a subscription.
- Subscriptions cannot be cancelled while they are still active.
- Subscriptions can be cancelled during the Free Trial period via the Subscription Settings in your iTunes account. This must be done at least 24 hours before the subscription period ends to avoid being charged. Please visit https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039 for more information.
- You may turn off the auto-renewal of your subscription via your iTunes Account Settings. However, you are not able to cancel the current subscription while it is active.
- Any remaining portions of the Free Trial are lost when a subscription is purchased.
Privacy Policy - https://sites.google.com/view/wordcrossypp
Terms of Use - https://sites.google.com/view/wordcrossytms

Rating:4.45                                                 Show Detail