8 Best Apps Similar To OuiHop covoiturage temps-réel|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: OuiHop covoiturage temps-réel

OuiHop covoiturage temps-réel

APP STORE: App Store    0,00 €
CURRENT VERSION : 2.4.10(2020-04-06)
APP CATEGORIES : Navigation, Voyages

<5K   <5K <5K


L'AUTO-STOP URBAIN EN CONFIANCE c'est du covoiturage urbain instantané et solidaire. OuiHop' met en relation en temps-réel les automobilistes avec les piétons qui sont sur leur chemin et qui vont dans la même direction.

- Automobilistes : gagnez des points à échanger contre des cadeaux... simplement en roulant !!
- Piétons : 3 trajets gratuits pour essayer puis un forfait illimité !!

Lancez OuiHop' au moment de partir pour prendre en stop des piétons sur votre route. Le covoiturage instantané sans contrainte :
- Comme avec un GPS, indiquez votre destination juste avant de partir
- Basculez sur votre GPS favori et conduisez,
- Recevez une notification par un piéton sur votre trajet,
- Rapprochez-le de sa destination, vous y allez déjà de toute façon !

OuiHop' fonctionne sur le principe du GPS : OuiHop' vous propose de lancer automatiquement WAZE ou GOOGLE MAPS pour vous permettre de prendre en stop d'autres membres de la communauté sur votre route...et gagner des chèques carburant.

N’attendez plus votre bus, métro, tramway, RER et ne marchez plus sous la pluie. Montez plutôt dans l’une des voitures de la communauté qui va passer devant vous.
- Visualisez tous les trajets des voitures qui vont vous passer devant dans les prochaines minutes
- Sélectionnez le trajet qui vous convient et notifiez l’automobiliste
- Visualisez l’automobiliste qui arrive sur la carte, faites-lui signe
- Faites un bout de chemin ensemble confortablement !

- Les automobilistes sont récompensés par des Hopiz échangeables directement dans l’application contre des heures de parking gratuites, de lavages voitures, etc.
- Les piétons peuvent utiliser le service gratuitement 3 fois et s’abonner en illimité pour 2€/mois.

Avec OuiHop’, déplacez-vous simplement et sans contrainte :
- Vous n’avez pas à prévoir votre départ ou un point de rendez-vous pour votre covoiturage quotidien
- Vous n’avez pas de détour à faire
Le covoiturage devient urbain, dynamique et instantané.

Des questions ou suggestions : [email protected]
Aimez notre page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ouihop
Suivez-nous sur twitter : https://twitter.com/ouihop
OuiHop' – http://ouihop.com

*En proposant votre trajet tous les jours sur l'appli.
L'utilisation continue du GPS en arrière-plan peut réduire considérablement l'autonomie de la batterie.





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Apps Similar To OuiHop covoiturage temps-réel

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Traffic Turn

Name:Traffic Turn                                                Price:Free

Description:New and innovative hyper-casual game for you again!


1. Insert queued vehicles into the highway traffic, incoming vehicles won't wait for you.
2. Get extra points for inserting multiple cars in a row.

Just tap the touchscreen.

Hope you'll enjoy the game!

Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

Traffic Run!

Name:Traffic Run!                                                Price:Free

Description:Let's go for a drive!
Cross the streets without hitting cars and get to the goal.
Simple control with a tap. It is super addictive. How many levels can you clear?

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Quebec City on Foot : Offline Map

Name:Quebec City on Foot : Offline Map                                                 Price:$0.99

Description:This application will guide you through Quebec City but you’ll remain the boss. Go wherever you want to go and feel free to lose yourself. Thanks to this app you will always be able to identify your exact location and find your way through the city.

-Instantly locate the nearest Points of Interest around you.
-Store your position so that you can return to it later.
-Find a restaurant, bar or museum in the area.
-Get your bearings and know in which direction you are heading.
-What’s that monument right ahead of you?
-Store your hotel location, or any other location you want. You will always know where they are, and how far they are.

This is an offline application; an internet connection is not necessary, nor is a fixed data package.

The database contains over 5000 stored locations; just type a name into the search box and there is a high chance that the application will find it for you.

Zoom in and out in order to better visualise your location in a neighbourhood or in broader surroundings.

This version does not require an internet connection or Wifi. You will not be charged any roaming fees.

Rating:5                                             Show Detail

PayByPhone Parking

Name:PayByPhone Parking                                                 Price:Free

Description:Betaal met je mobiele telefoon eenvoudig voor parkeren in Nederland en België!

Met PayByPhone kunt u op een eenvoudige, handige en veilige manier uw parkeeractie starten, stoppen en verlengen. De app stuurt zelfs een waarschuwing voor het einde van de parkeeractie. De parkeermeter in de binnenzak, de vrijheid in handen!

De voordelen van PayByPhone

► U hoeft niet naar de parkeerautomaat te lopen of na een paar uur terug te keren bij uw voertuig; u bepaalt zelf de parkeerduur via uw mobiele telefoon (of u nu op kantoor, bij de dokter, in het restaurant of zelfs op vakantie in een andere stad bent!). Uw parkeerkaartje is volledig digitaal. Controle vindt plaats op basis van het kenteken/nummerplaat van uw auto.
► Geen kleingeld? Geen probleem! Betalingen worden in alle veiligheid direct vanuit de app met een creditcard gedaan.
► Maak je geen zorgen over parkeren: de app stuurt je een waarschuwing (push en/of sms) vlak voor het einde, dus u kunt niks vergeten!
► Betaal in luttele seconden en bespaar tijd! Uw kenteken, nummerplaat en creditcard worden geregistreerd in de app. Eenmaal geparkeerd hoeft u alleen nog maar de parkeerduur en de zone te kiezen.
► Duurt uw vergadering langer dan verwacht? Verleng uw parkeerduur!
► U bent klaar met winkelen en heeft nog wat parkeertijd over? Stop uw parkeeractie en bespaar maximaal!

Hoe inschrijven?

Registreer u gratis met uw telefoonnummer, kenteken/nummerplaat en creditcard. Daarna hoeft u deze informatie niet meer in te voeren om uw parkeerplaats te betalen.
U kunt meerdere voertuigen en creditcards opvoeren: handig als u zowel privé als zakelijk parkeert!

Hoe te parkeren?

Kies de zone en de parkeerduur, dat is alles!

De functionaliteiten

► de app kan de nabijgelegen parkeerplaats(en) voorstellen op basis van uw locatie.
► Betaal uw parkeerplaats veilig vanaf uw mobiele telefoon.
► Bewaak de resterende tijd in real time op het startscherm van de app.
► Stop uw parkeeractie en betaal alleen voor de tijd die u werkelijk gebruikt.
► Ontvang een push-waarschuwing en/of herinnerings-sms vlak voor het einde.
► Verleng de parkeerduur naar wens vanaf de mobiele telefoon.
► Beheer uw account.
► Download betaalbewijzen om uw uitgaven te volgen.
► Neem contact op met onze klantenservice voor al uw vragen.

Waar te gebruiken

Deze service is beschikbaar in alle steden die PayByPhone-diensten aanbieden. PayByPhone is al meer dan 10 jaar wereldleider op het gebied van mobiel parkeren en wordt al door 30 miljoen gebruikers gebruikt en is beschikbaar in vele steden over de hele wereld (Brussel, Amsterdam, Parijs, Londen, San Francisco, Vancouver, Miami, Lausanne, Genève, Monaco, Lyon, Nantes, Nice, etc.).

PayByPhone is beschikbaar in 117 steden in Nederland: Amsterdam, Den Haag, Rotterdam, Utrecht en vele andere!

Maar ook in België: Anderlecht, Brussel, Charleroi, Evere, Elsene, Jette, Molenbeek, Elsene, Jette, ...

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail


Name:Wordzee!                                                 Price:Free

Description:What do the words ZEN, AXIOM and ESQUIRE have in common? They will all win you a ton of points!

Use your letters to create words and play them on the Wordzee board. Once you fill all 5 slots, you're guaranteed to earn a chunky bonus. And the best part? You'll finish a game in just a few minutes!

• Challenge a friend or random player to a turn-based game
• Play super-fast instant games with online players around the world
• Test your word skills against Kevin the tile in daily events
• Unlock and collect tilebacks like the cute teddy bear, sushi or watermelon

The more you play, the more rewards you collect! Find Kevin's many personalities and use them to add flair to your letters. You may even run into Penguin Kevin!

Compete against the Wordzee community in the High Score event, pile up your points in the Totalizer, or challenge Kevin to a nail-biting round of words in Blitz.

Wordzee - the most enjoyable way to train your brain.

Visit us at:


Wordzee has been lovingly created by MAG Interactive, where we take fun seriously.

Good Times!

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail

Goat Simulator Waste of Space

Name:Goat Simulator Waste of Space                                                 Price:$6.99

iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5

Você já passou pelo apocalipse zumbi no Goat Z e fez amizade com NPCs no mundo computadorizado do Goat MMO Simulator. O que mais existiria para você fazer? A resposta é NADA! É por isso que deixamos a Terra e viajamos para o espaço!

Seja uma cabra espacial e construa uma colônia espacial cabeceando pessoas e levando seu dinheiro. Quem melhor saberia gastá-lo senão uma cabra? Construa um simulador de treinamento de ponte de comando ou um museu espacial ou até mesmo sua própria nave espacial. Atire em asteróides e piratas do espaço e visite a algum planeta próximo.

Você já não precisa mais fantasiar sobre a colonização como uma cabra simulada. Seus sonhos finalmente se tornaram realidade!

Principais características

* Seja a primeira cabra no espaço
* Custeie uma colônia espacial e encontre outras pessoas para pagar por ela e fazer todo o trabalho!
* Voe e atire em coisas no espaço, porque ninguém mais faz jogos de voar e atirar no espaço
* Um espaço infinito, cheio de planetas para visitar. mas, falando sério, iria tomar muito tempo para ir até lá, então por que se incomodar
* Mas só existe um planeta perto. Vá para aquele
* Aprenda a ser um comandante de ponte de verdade como aquele cara spock de marte que seja
* O maior mapa da história do simulador de cabra
* Tanto conteúdo, que você terá que carregar várias vezes seu telefone
* Milhares de cabras desbloqueáveis com poderes especiais - Crie buracos negros, imprima coisas 3D no mundo e arremesse pessoas com sua mente

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail

Toilet Time: Crazy Mini Games

Name:Toilet Time: Crazy Mini Games                                                 Price:Free


哦,您也可以在厕所以外的地方玩Toilet Time。


• 蟑螂 - 杀死下水道中爬出来的蟑螂
• 空置 - 找到可以使用的空柜子
• 温度 - 调节淋浴头的温度
• 事故 - 防止物品掉进马桶
• 管道 - 避开发臭的厕所
• 纸张 - 展开整卷厕纸
• 清洁 - 用您的尿来清洁厕所的污垢
• 分类 - 帮助男男女女分别找到正确的浴室
• 掩盖 - 用咳嗽来掩饰可疑的噪音


支持我們在Facebook上的頁面,並成為第一個了解我們即將推出的遊戲和更新! http://fb.com/tappshq

Rating:4.05                                                 Show Detail

AirVisual Air Quality Forecast

Name:AirVisual Air Quality Forecast                                                 Price:Free

Description:The most trusted and reliable air quality information brought to you from the world’s leading air pollution data provider. Covering 10,000+ locations from a global network of government monitoring stations and AirVisual’s own validated sensors.


+ Historical, Real-time, and Forecast Air Pollution Data: detailed figures on key pollutants and AQI for over 10,000+ locations in 100+ countries, made clearly understandable. Follow air pollution trends with enhanced month-long and 48h historical views for your favorite locations.

+ Leading 7-Day Air Pollution and Weather Forecast: for the first time, plan your outdoor activities for the healthiest experiences a whole week ahead. Wind direction and speed forecasts to understand the wind’s impact on pollution.

+ 2D & 3D World Pollution Maps: explore real-time pollution indexes around the globe, both in a 2D panoramic view, and mesmerizing heatmapped AirVisual Earth 3D modelization.

+ Health Recommendations: follow our advice to lower your health risk and achieve minimum exposure to pollutants. Relevant information for sensitive groups with asthma or other respiratory (pulmonary) diseases.

+ Weather Information: your one stop for temperature, humidity, wind, current conditions and forecast weather information.

+ Indoor Air Quality Monitoring: Synchronization with AirVisual air monitor to provide indoor readings, recommendations, and control monitor settings.

+ Realtime and Historic Monitoring of 6 Key Pollutants: track live concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide, and observe these pollutants historical trends.

+ “Sensitive Group” Air Quality Information: relevant information and forecasts for sensitive groups, including those with respiratory (pulmonary) illnesses, such as asthma.

+ Extended Historical Data Graphs: view air pollution trends over the past 48 hours, or daily averages over the past month.

+ Share Air Quality Information: screenshot and share with friends via Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, WhatsApp, or email.

+ Air Pollution Community News: stay up to date on air pollution current events, medical findings and developments in combating global air pollution.

+ Educational Resources: build your understanding of PM2.5 and other air pollutants and learn how best to live in polluted environments with respiratory (pulmonary) illnesses such as asthma.

+ Enjoy Interactive Feedback: Have a question? Send us a message and get answers. Our in-app forum delivers human interaction between air pollution community members.

+ Ad-Free: enjoy the full app nuisance-free.

+ Trusted Air Quality Stations: access US Embassy & US Consulate readings for China. Survive the Airpocalypse in China with trusted data.

+ World's coverage with the most extensive network of air pollution sensors: monitor China (with US Embassy and consulate AQI), India, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, France, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Chile, Turkey, Poland, Peru, the Netherlands, Mongolia + more - as well as cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Seoul, Incheon, Busan, Daegu, Daejong, Mumbai, New Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City, Bangkok, London, Los Angeles, New York, Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi and 10,000 others - in one place!

Rating:4.75                                                 Show Detail