8 Best Apps Similar To Radio France - podcast, infos|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Radio France - podcast, infos

Radio France - podcast, infos

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 7.4.0(2020-06-03)
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.6 (17.23K)

20.0K   <5K <5K


Radio France vous permet d'écouter les directs et les podcasts de France Inter, France Culture, France Bleu, France Musique, Fip, Mouv', france info.

Actus, culture, sciences, histoire, séries, documentaires..., avec Radio France accédez au plus grand catalogue de podcasts francophones et téléchargez les épisodes de vos émissions de radio favorites.

Ecoutez les radios nationales et locales en direct et en replay, découvrez les webradios musicales jazz, musique classique, contemporaine, reggae, electro, rock, hip hop, rap, dancehall... sans coupure et sans pub.

Explorez l'appli Radio France, retrouvez tous les programmes et les podcasts radios via 3 onglets : podcasts, radio, bibliothèque.

Retrouvez les podcasts des radios France Inter, France Culture, France Musique, France Bleu, franceinfo, Fip, Mouv', découvrez les programmes les plus écoutés.
Recherchez vos émissions et chroniques préférées via un moteur de recherche et des recommandations d’épisodes de podcasts, de fictions et de séries documentaires audio.

Amateur de radio et de podcasts, retrouvez et écoutez les podcasts populaires classés par thématique, consultez notre sélection d’épisodes, le podcast à ne pas manquer en : humour, culture, sciences, actu et info, économie, politique, histoire, musique...

Retrouvez les programmes de radio fm, écoutez les radios nationales ou les radios locales de votre région, écoutez 20 webradios musicales, jazz, reggae, groove, rap, hip hop, electro, rock, musique classique, musiques du monde, concerts…

Ecoutez les radios de Radio France, retrouvez les émissions, écoutez les titres et playlists musicales des webradios de :
- France Inter : radio d'actus générales, éco, politique, musique, podcasts originaux
- franceinfo : radio de news et infos, podcasts
- France Bleu : radios locales, actualités des régions
- France Culture : radio de la culture et des savoirs, podcasts philo, sciences, documentaires
- France Musique : radio de musique classique et jazz, webradios musicales, podcasts musicaux
- Fip : radio musicale, webradios musicales jazz rock electro reggae
- Mouv' : radio hip hop rap, rap fr & rap us

L'écran d'accueil s'adaptera automatiquement à vos habitudes d'écoute en affichant les radios les plus écoutées en premières positions.

- Ajoutez des émissions en favoris
- Sauvegardez vos favoris dans votre compte Radio France
- Retrouvez vos épisodes téléchargés

Votre application est disponible sur Car Play : retrouvez le direct radio et les radios de votre région sans limite géographique, écoutez les webradios musicales.

L'application évolue régulièrement, nous sommes à l'écoute de vos suggestions ou remarques via l'option "contact".

A bientôt à l'écoute de Radio France, radio et podcasts.
Application officielle de Radio France.





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Apps Similar To Radio France - podcast, infos

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Poly Bridge

Name:Poly Bridge                                                Price:$4.99

Description:Poly Bridge, o sucesso independente de construção de pontes com dezenas de horas de jogo.

"Essencial para qualquer um interessado em quebra-cabeças." - TheGamingReview

* 105 níveis de campanha
* Modo construção livre
* 22 conquistas
* Pistões hidráulicos
* Pontes levadiças móveis
* Pontes de balanço, salto e clássicas

Use suas habilidades em engenharia neste novo e envolvente simulador de construção de pontes repleto de recursos. Jogue os mais de 100 níveis do modo campanha com desafios de física ou crie seus próprios quebra-cabeças e pontes no modo construção livre.

O sucesso começa ao levar os carros aos seus destinos, custe o que custar. Construa pontes suspensas e de dois andares, rampas e saltos, pontes levadiças móveis e muito mais. Complete cada nível dentro do orçamento e com uma ponte robusta e inquebrável para se tornar o Engenheiro Mestre do Poly Bridge... e desbloquear o mundo secreto.

Rating:4.7                                               Show Detail

Radio Singapore - SG Online FM

Name:Radio Singapore - SG Online FM                                                Price:Free

Description:*** LIVE RADIO BROADCAST ***

Listen to the best radio stations of Singapore in our application. You can choose from sports, news, music and other radio stations.

Now you can listen to the best radio stations in your country when you are abroad.Kiss92、顶尖流行音乐台 Yes933、Class 95 FM、987FM、Capital 95.8 FM 城市頻道、Gold 90.5 FM、Love 最愛 97.2 FM、Sky Love Song...

With Radio Singapore you can:
Listen to the best radio stations of Singapore;
Share with others via Facebook, Twitter, SMS or Email;
Listen radios in the background or via bluetooth.

There may be some stations that do not work because their stream is offline.This application is optimized for 3G networks and Wi-Fi.

Radio Singapore gives you the best experience when listening to radio stations in Singapore.

Rating:4.75                                                 Show Detail

Quran Pro

Name:Quran Pro                                                 Price:Free

Description:Quran Pro app is a collection of the best Quran reciters in the world, an amazing user interface design, and the best set of features.

Quran Pro app is FREE without any limitation.

With the Quran Pro app you can do:

• Translations
Read the Holy Quran in Arabic alongside its translation ( French, English, Malay, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, or even have explanation and meaning). We support 30 languages in total.

• Bookmarks
You can bookmark your favorites surat and reciters from the player view

• Offline mode
Download recitations, playlists, and tracks, and bring your Quran with you anywhere using our offline mode. Download all the surats or one by one surat.

• Favorites
Create your personal Quran collection simply by marking playlists as your favorite.

• Multi-Platforms
Thanks to the technology Quran Pro supports AirPlay and CarPlay.

• Audio features​
Play audio in the background while you're using your iPhone/iPad. Repeat, shuffle, ​and timer functions are also included

• Today's Extension (Widget)​
The app offers a widget with your recently played audios.

• Design
The app has been redesigned to be faster, simpler, snappier UI, and more beautiful. In addition to optimized for Retina display on the new iPhone/iPad.

• Various Reciters:
All the most popular reciters are in the app, you can find the following names:
- A­bdul Rahman Al ­Soudais عبد الرحمن السديس
- Maher Al Mueaqly - ماهر المعيقلي
- Saoud Al Shuraim سعود الشريم
- Abdul Baset Abdel-Samad عبد الباسط عبد الصمد
- Mishary Rashid Alafasy - مشاري بن راشد العفاسي
- Saad El Ghamidi - سعد الغامدي
- Fatih Seferagic فاتح سفيرافيك
- And more.

- The application requires an internet connection with WiFi or 3G/4G for use in case you have not to download surat.

If you have any feedback, comments or issues? Please contact us directly

CarPlay® and AirPlay® are is a software feature and an Apple trademark.

Download Quran Pro today and enjoy listening to the best reciters in the world.

Privacy policy: https://quranpro.co/privacy
Terms of use: https://quranpro.co/terms

Rating:4.8                                             Show Detail


Name:OKOK·International                                                 Price:₩0

Description:OKOK Healthcare Management, an application for use with the smart Bluetooth scale, records and manages your body weight measurement results. With this APP, you can use the Bluetooth scale to check and manage various health indices for body weight, body fat, body water, muscle and etc. Though mainly used for body weight control, this APP utilizing your health indices also give you advice on everyday sport, food and sleep.

More information about this OKOK Healthcare Management APP our services provided and can be found at www.tookok.cn

This app support the Apple 'Health' App, If you authorized, we can sync all weight data to you Health app.

Rating:2.9                                                 Show Detail


Name:企鹅FM-陪伴你的小说电台                                                 Price:Free






客服邮箱:[email protected]

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail


Name:NAVER VIBE (바이브)                                                 Price:₩0

Description:좋아하는 음악을 빠르게 틀 수 있고, 좋아할 것 같은 음악을 쉽게 발견할 수 있도록 모든 것이 나에게 맞춰진 나만의 뮤직앱, NAVER VIBE.

[ 주요 기능 소개 ]

◼ 오늘 들을 믹스테잎
매일 아침, 좋아하는 노래를 모아 믹스테잎을 만들어 드려요. 좋아하는 노래 사이사이에 좋아할 것 같은 노래도 숨겨 놨어요.

◼ 급상승 차트
며칠 내내 똑같은 Top 100은 이제 그만. 급상승 차트에서 오늘 막 인기 상승한 노래를 확인하세요.

◼ DJ 스테이션
원하는 느낌, 장르만 고르면 내 취향에 딱 맞는 음악을 끊임없이 선곡해주는 나만의 DJ스테이션. 지금 기분과 상황에따라 골라 들어보세요.

◼ 보관함
마음에 드는 노래는 “좋아요” 눌러 보관하고, 데이터가 부족할 땐 저장 기능을 활용해 보세요. 보관함에는 이 모든 게 듣기 좋게 정리되어 있어요.

[ 이용권 안내 ]
무제한 듣기 (정기결제) 8,500원 / 월
무제한 듣기 + 스마트폰 저장 (정기결제) 11,000원 / 월

- App Store 계정에 등록된 결제수단으로 매월 정기결제됩니다.
- 구매 가격에는 부가세와 결제 수수료가 포함되어 있습니다.
- 구매 후 언제든지 Apple ID 계정 설정에서 자동 결제를 관리 또는 해제하실 수 있으며, 자동 결제 후 남은 기간 동안은 계속 이용하실 수 있습니다.
- 현 구독 기간 종료 시점으로부터 최소 24시간 전에 자동 갱신을 해제하지 않는 한, 현 구독 기간 종료 시 구독이 자동으로 갱신되고 회원님의 iTunes 계정으로 다시 청구가 이루어 집니다.
- 결제 금액에 대한 확인 및 환불은 APPLE을 통해서만 가능합니다.
- 스마트폰에 저장한 음원은 DRM(무단 복제 방지 기술) 파일로, 해당 회차 이용권의 이용기한 동안 재생이 가능하며 오프라인 상태에서도 감상 가능합니다.

[VIBE 공식 채널]

◼ VIBE 사용 팁: http://naver.me/xogE1G9t
◼ VIBE 업데이트 소식: http://naver.me/5O4RJOMm
◼ 개인 정보 처리 방침 : http://policy.naver.com/policy-mobile/privacy.html
◼ 이용약관 : http://m.music.naver.com/app/ticket/purchasePolicy.nhn?serviceName=vibePurchase

선택 접근 권한 상세
- Apple Music: 사용자의 음악 및 비디오 관련 활동에 선택적으로 접근할 수 있습니다.

※ VIBE를 원활히 이용하시려면 iOS 11 버전 이상이 필요합니다.
※ 사용 중 문의 및 건의사항은 ‘VIBE앱 > 보관함 > 프로필 설정 > 사용안내/오류신고’를 이용해 주세요!

개발자 연락처:
[email protected]
경기도 성남시 분당구 불정로 6 네이버

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Mondly: تعلم اللغات

Name:Mondly: تعلم اللغات                                                 Price:0,00 €

Description:هل ترغب في التحدث بأي لغة؟ ماذا لو سيكون هذا من السهل والمرح، مع بضع دقائق فقط كل يوم؟
ليس هناك طريقة أفضل للاستفادة من كل وقت الفراغ ذلك على متن طائرة، حافلة، سيارة، قطار ... من إتقان أساسيات اللغة. هذا التطبيق هو أبسط طريقة لتعلم كيفية التصرف في كل حالة أساسية للسواح والمسافرين من أجل العمل.
انه لشيء رائع بالنسبة للأشخاص الذين يرغبون في تعلم لغة جديدة من الصفر. انه مناسب للطلاب و الخريجيين الذين يرغبوا في انعاش اللغة. تعلم لغة هو ممارسة عقلية كبيرة. تحدث لغة ثانية هو متعة ومنشط للنفس. و لقد صمم هذا التطبيق لجعل التعلم سهل وممتع، في بيئة مريحة.


التطبيق يشمل كل شيء من التحيات والعبارات المهذبة لسؤال الاتجاهات، والتجول في الأنحاء، والتسجيل في الفنادق، والذهاب إلى أحد المطاعم. هناك أقسام حتى للاجتماع مع الناس، وقضاء ليلة في المدينة.

سوف تتعلم أكثر من 5,000 كلمة وعبارة مقسمة إلى 500 من الدروس والمواضيع التعليمية المتعددة التي سوف تعلمك كيفية:
- طلب الطعام في أحد المطاعم دون الحاجة إلى أي شخص للترجمة.
- سؤال أو إعطاء الأتجاهات.
- الحديث عن نفسك، ماذا تريد، ما الذي تحتاج إليه، وما تخلم به.
- استئجار سيارة، التسجيل في أحد الفنادق، والسفر بدون دليل.
- تخبر أحدا أنك تحبهم.
.. وغيرها الكثير!

أبدأ في التعلم الآن وستكون في طريقك إلى تحدث لغة ثانية بطلاقه حقا، وتبتسم وأنت تتطلع إلى تعلم لغة ثالثة أو حتى رابعة لأنه مع Mondly يمكنك بسهوله تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية، الإنجليزية الأمريكية، الاسبانية، الفرنسية، الألمانية، البرتغالية، الإيطالية، الروسية والعبرية والصينية (الماندرين)، اليابانية، الكورية، التركية، النرويجية والدنماركية والسويدية واليونانية والرومانية والبرتغالية (البرازيلية)، الفيتنامية، الإندونيسية، التشيكية، المجرية، الأفريقية، الفنلندية، الهولندية، مجاناً.

دع التطبيق يدفعك للبدأ بإعطائك الثقة للتحدث بطلاقة، والتمتع بتجربة غنية بالثقافة، وتجربة الفرح بالرضى بأنك بفسك أصبحت أفضل.

دعونا نتكلم أي لغة اليوم مع Mondly.

تعلم اللغة الاسبانية، الانجليزية، الفرنسية، الألمانية، البرتغالية، الإيطالية، الروسية، النرويجية، الدنماركية، السويدية، الكورية، اليابانية، الصينية، اليونانية، الرومانية و10 لغات آخرى مجانا.

- http://www.facebook.com/mondlylanguages
- https://twitter.com/mondlylanguages/


Please note:
You will need a subscription in order to get access to all of this app’s courses and features.

Subscription options:
One-monthly subscription for $US9.99, automatically renewed until canceled.
One-yearly subscription for $US47.99, automatically renewed until canceled.

Your subscription will automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current payment period.

Your iTunes account will be automatically charged at the same price for renewal within the 24-hour period prior to the end of the current payment period unless you change your subscription preferences in your Account Settings.
Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.
You can manage your subscriptions through your Account Settings after purchase.

When a subscription is canceled, access to the app’s courses and features will expire at the end of the current payment period.

Privacy Policy: https://www.mondly.com/privacy
Terms: https://www.mondly.com/terms

Rating:4.75                                                 Show Detail

BBC Sport

Name:BBC Sport                                                 Price:Free

Description:The official BBC Sport app offers the latest sports news, live action, scores and highlights. It's the best way to follow all the latest sporting action.

Main features:
- The ability to select your own personalised sports news notifications
- Home screen displaying the top stories & analysis from across the world of sport
- Watch major sporting events live or catch up with on-demand highlights
- Create a personalised “My Sport” page, bringing together the stories, results and fixtures for the topics you love - with more than 300 topics to follow
- Set notifications for sport news for more than 150 football teams, dozens of cricket and rugby teams and every Formula 1 race
- Discover upcoming live events and access live catch-up video, audio and text commentary within the Live Guide
- Set event reminders for any upcoming live events and receive a push notification when the event starts
- Read the top sport headlines using our widget. Swipe down on your iPhone/iPad to see the top BBC stories from the world of sport
- Cast live and on-demand video to your TV using Chromecast
- Comprehensive football news, analysis, live scores, match stats and text commentaries – plus the gossip column
- Dedicated indexes for dozens of sports, including football, F1, cricket, rugby union, rugby league, tennis and golf
- Share stories and results with your friends and followers
- The BBC will be adding new features to the app and will notify you when they become available in the App Store

A network connection is required in order to access content.
Supports iOS9+

If you install this app you accept the BBC Terms of Use at http://www.bbc.co.uk/terms

Find out about your privacy rights and the BBC’s Privacy and Cookies Policy at http://www.bbc.co.uk/privacy

To give you the best experience and to enable the features listed above this app stores data around your usage of the app. You can read more about this and can turn off any or all data tracking by following the instructions in our privacy notice - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/44130693

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail