8 Best Apps Similar To Talk & Translate|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Talk & Translate

Talk & Translate

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 3.4(2020-05-05)
APP CATEGORIES : Reference, Education
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.45 (14.06K)

100.0K   40.0K <5K


Talk & Translate - это удобный переводчик голоса и текста в режиме реального времени.

Проще говоря, это необходимое вам приложение, если вы путешествуете за границей или хотите быстрее выучить новый язык.

Модернизированный пользовательский интерфейс поддерживает 65 языков, включая региональные диалекты. Вы можете быть уверены в решении любой задачи всего за несколько нажатий. Перевести речь, текст или фотографии в считанные секунды. Можете не платить за роуминг, загружая базы данных локально и переводя в автономном режиме. Поддержка может отличаться для некоторых языков.

65 языков, более 1000 комбинаций.

Английский (AU, Великобритания, США, IN), французский (FR, CA), испанский (ES, MX), арабский (EG, SA), китайский (упрощенный и традиционный), португальский (PT, BR), суахили (KY, TZ), урду (IN, PK), каталанский, чешский, хорватский, датский, голландский, эсперанто, финский, немецкий, греческий, гуджарати, иврит, хинди, индонезийский, вьетнамский, кхмерский, малайский, малаялам, маратхи, филиппинский, бенгальский, фарси, венгерский, болгарский, исландский, итальянский, японский, яванский, каннада, корейский, латинский, латышский, бирманский, непальский, норвежский, польский, румынский, русский, сербский, сингальский, словацкий, сунданский, шведский, телугу, тайский, турецкий, украинский, валлийский и македонский.
... с поддержкой еще большего количества языков скоро!

Практические инструменты в реальном времени, чтобы выполнить работу в любом случае.

• Голос в Голос - говорите на своем родном языке и получите перевод.
• Текст в Голос - мгновенная голосовая диктовка введенного текста.
• Текст в Текст - переводите целые отрывки текста без особых усилий.
• Голос в Текст - говорите и получите перевод в виде текста.
• Камера в Текст- сделайте снимок и получите перевод.

Не тратьте время на просмотр меню благодаря простому интерфейсу, наполненному практичным набором функций.

• Ввод - перевод с помощью речи, ввода или вставки любого текста.
• Многозадачность - переводите во время работы в других приложениях с помощью функции разделения просмотра на iPad.
• Поделиться - обменивайтесь словами, фразами или целыми разговорами через электронную почту, SMS или другие приложения для обмена на вашем устройстве.
• Выберите голос - Слушайте ваши переводы мужским или женским голосом.
Примечание: Talk & Translate Free требует активного подключения к Интернету. Автономный режим позволяет работать без подключения к интернету только для некоторых языков.

Сделайте апгрейд Talk & Translate, чтобы получить все возможности.

• Неограниченные голосовые разговоры
• Неограниченные переводы с камеры в текст
• Автономный режим для перевода без интернета
• Без рекламы

• Получите Premium за $ 39,99 / год.
• Цены могут варьироваться в зависимости от местоположения.
• Средства за подписку на Talk & Translate Premium будут списаны с вашей учетной записи iTunes при подтверждении покупки.
• Premium подписка включает в себя бесплатную пробную версию. По истечении пробного периода с вас будет взиматься плата за годовую подписку через вашу учетную запись Apple ID.
• Любая неиспользованная часть бесплатного пробного периода будет аннулирована при покупке подписки.
• Ваша подписка будет автоматически продлена, если она не будет отменена по крайней мере за 24 часа до окончания периода подписки. Вы можете управлять своей подпиской после покупки через настройки своего аккаунта.

Продукт подходит для взрослых и детей, старше 4 лет.
Политика конфиденциальности: https://www.mobisystems.com/policies/
Условия использования: https://www.mobisystems.com/terms-of-use-ios





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Apps Similar To Talk & Translate

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps


Name:KakaoTalk                                                Price:Free

Description:KakaoTalk é um aplicativo rápido e multifacetado. Envie mensagens, fotos, vídeos, notas de voz e sua localização grátis. Torne o bate-papo uma diversão extra com uma gama de emoticons e coleções de adesivos.

Mais sobre o KakaoTalk:
- Escolhido por mais de 150 milhões de usuários no mundo
- Maneira rápida, divertida e fácil de se comunicar com amigos e com a família
- Usa conexão de internet (3G/EDGE ou WiFi) para chamadas e mensagens

Principais funções:
- RÁPIDO: Envio de mensagens veloz e estável, seja qual for a sua rede
- CHATS GRÁTIS: Mensagens e multimídia (fotos, vídeos, notas de voz) GRÁTIS
- CHAMADAS GRÁTIS: Chamadas de voz de alta qualidade (1:1 e grupo)
- EMOTICONS: Expresse tudo com nossos emoticons inclusos E AINDA selecione dentre infinitas coleções de adesivos em nossa Loja de Itens
- CHAT EM GRUPO: Chats com um número ilimitado de amigos
- PLUS FRIEND: Cupons e ofertas exclusivos de suas marcas favoritas
- FILTRO DE VOZ: Chamadas grátis divertidas com os filtros de voz de Talking Tom e Ben

Outras ótimas funções:
- Compartilhe sua localização
- Veja quem leu suas mensagens (número de não lidas)
- Multitarefa durante chamadas grátis (envie mensagens em outras salas de chat)
- Agende compromissos, almoços, encontros (c/ lembretes)
- Use KakaoTalk em qualquer smartphone e PC (multiplataforma)
- Divirta-se ainda mais com jogos móveis do Kakao

Rating:3.8                                               Show Detail

Quran Pro

Name:Quran Pro                                                Price:Free

Description:Quran Pro app is a collection of the best Quran reciters in the world, an amazing user interface design, and the best set of features.

Quran Pro app is FREE without any limitation.

With the Quran Pro app you can do:

• Translations
Read the Holy Quran in Arabic alongside its translation ( French, English, Malay, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, or even have explanation and meaning). We support 30 languages in total.

• Bookmarks
You can bookmark your favorites surat and reciters from the player view

• Offline mode
Download recitations, playlists, and tracks, and bring your Quran with you anywhere using our offline mode. Download all the surats or one by one surat.

• Favorites
Create your personal Quran collection simply by marking playlists as your favorite.

• Multi-Platforms
Thanks to the technology Quran Pro supports AirPlay and CarPlay.

• Audio features​
Play audio in the background while you're using your iPhone/iPad. Repeat, shuffle, ​and timer functions are also included

• Today's Extension (Widget)​
The app offers a widget with your recently played audios.

• Design
The app has been redesigned to be faster, simpler, snappier UI, and more beautiful. In addition to optimized for Retina display on the new iPhone/iPad.

• Various Reciters:
All the most popular reciters are in the app, you can find the following names:
- A­bdul Rahman Al ­Soudais عبد الرحمن السديس
- Maher Al Mueaqly - ماهر المعيقلي
- Saoud Al Shuraim سعود الشريم
- Abdul Baset Abdel-Samad عبد الباسط عبد الصمد
- Mishary Rashid Alafasy - مشاري بن راشد العفاسي
- Saad El Ghamidi - سعد الغامدي
- Fatih Seferagic فاتح سفيرافيك
- And more.

- The application requires an internet connection with WiFi or 3G/4G for use in case you have not to download surat.

If you have any feedback, comments or issues? Please contact us directly

CarPlay® and AirPlay® are is a software feature and an Apple trademark.

Download Quran Pro today and enjoy listening to the best reciters in the world.

Privacy policy: https://quranpro.co/privacy
Terms of use: https://quranpro.co/terms

Rating:4.8                                                 Show Detail

Vietnamese by Nemo

Name:Vietnamese by Nemo                                                 Price:Free

Description:Nemo dirancang untuk mendorong Anda mulai berbicara sejumlah kata yang paling berguna dalam Bahasa Vietnam secara langsung dan dengan penuh rasa percaya diri. Dengan jutaan kali unduh dari seluruh dunia, Nemo kini tersedia untuk Bahasa Indonesia.

◆ Setiap Kata Bahasa Vietnam diucapkan secara jelas dalam kualitas audio yang bagus dari seorang penutur asli.
◆ Semua audio-nya diunduh ke perangkat Anda, dan tersedia dalam mode offline atau dalam mode pesawat terbang.
◆ Kuasai aksen Anda dengan Studio Bahasa. Cukup rekam suara Anda saat mengucapkan sebuah frasa kemudian dengarkan suara Anda setelah suarapenutur. Lalu coba lagi. Andaakan KAGUM betapa cepatnya aksen suara asing Anda berubah.
◆ Nemo tidak dibuat dalam bentuk pembelajaran sama sekali. Hal ini ditujukan agar bisa digunakan sepanjang hari, kapan pun Anda punya waktu senggang untuk disisihkan.
◆ TIDAK DIPERLUKAN DASAR Bahasa Vietnam terlebih dahulu.

Aplikasi untuk belajar Bahasa Vietnam ini tersedia lengkap dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan 10 bahasa lainnya.

Nemo menargetkan semua kata dan frasa yang paling kerap diucapkan dalam percakapan. Bagi pemula, kami telah menyiapkan daftar "Belajar 10 Hal Saja", “Belajar 50 Hal Saja”, dan “Belajar 100 Hal Saja” untuk pengenalan singkat dari seluruh intinya. Pembelajar tingkat menengah dapat meneruskan ke pelajaran dengan kata yang paling sering diucapkan untuk wisata dan bisnis kemudian mulailah bercakap-cakap menggunakan Bahasa Vietnam dalam waktu satu bulan. Pembelajar tingkat lanjut akan merasakan manfaat dari teknologi Studio Bahasa untuk memperbaiki aksen bahasa asing mereka.

Dengan Nemo, Anda dapat menyusun kartu kilas sendiri untuk melatih keahlian bahasa yang ingin Anda tingkatkan. Ketika mengawali sebuah topik baru, atur kartu kilas untuk melatih terjemahan dari Bahasa Vietnam ke Bahasa Indonesia jadi Anda dapat terbiasa dengan sejumlah kata baru. Selanjutnya, ganti untuk menerjemahkan Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Vietnam untuk melatih hafalan sekaligus kemampuan berbicara Anda. Untuk menguasai secara sempurna, ganti dengan kartu yang khusus melatih kepekaan pendengaran Anda dan menyempurnakan pelafalan Anda.

Semua kartu dapat ditandai sebagai favorit, memungkinkan Anda untuk menyusun rangkaian kartu yang memfokuskan sejumlah kata pada hari itu. Aktifkan Mode Ulasan untuk merekap yang Anda pelajari pada permulaan hari agar meningkatkan penyimpanan hafalan Anda.

Telusuri apa yang Anda inginkan untuk belajar setiap saat. Buku frasa menawarkan akses cepat ke kosakata dalam aplikasi melalui antarmuka kamus Bahasa Vietnam - Bahasa Indonesia. Nemo juga berfungsi sebagai penerjemah. Cukup temukan kata yang Anda inginkan di antarmuka pencarian dan mainkan audio-nya lewat perangkat pengeras suara.

◆ Ketahui yang tidak diketahui atau dapatkan kenyamanan dengan semua frasa wisatawan.
◆ Tingkatkan kecakapan Anda dengan angka dan kata kerja paling penting serta blok bangunan kalimat.

Gunakan keahlian baru Anda untuk berkenalan dengan teman baru, memesona teman lama, membuat anak-anak tersenyum, lolos dari kemacetan, merasakan hal-hal baru, berbicara penuh percaya diri, dan menjadikan pengalaman wisata dan budaya Anda kian kaya dan memuaskan.

Unduh aplikasi gratis ini sekarang!

Rating:4.15                                             Show Detail

imo video calls and chat

Name:imo video calls and chat                                                 Price:Free

Description:Envie mensagens e telefone para família e amigos de forma gratuita!

• Evite pagamentos por SMS e telefonemas - mensagens e chamadas ilimitadas por 3G, 4G ou Wi-Fi de forma
• Chamadas de vídeo e voz de alta qualidade
• Grupos de chat com amigos, família, companheiros de casa e muito mais
• Partilhe fotografias e vídeos
• Exprima-se com stickers gratuitos

- You can subscribe to remove ads from imo and get 25Gb of cloud storage.
- Subscriptions are billed monthly at the rate selected depending on the subscription plan.
- Subscriptions auto-renew at the cost of the chosen package, unless cancelled 24-hours in advance prior to the end of the current period. The subscription fee is charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. You may manage your subscription and turn off auto-renewal by going to your Account Settings after purchase. Per Apple policy, no cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period. Once purchased, refunds will not be provided for any unused portion of the term.

Privacy Policy: https://imo.im/privacy
Terms of Service: https://imo.im/terms

Rating:3.75                                                 Show Detail

Tokyo travel guide with offline map and metro transit, BeetleTrip Tokyo Panduan perjalanan dan peta luar talian

Name:Tokyo travel guide with offline map and metro transit, BeetleTrip Tokyo Panduan perjalanan dan peta luar talian                                                 Price:RM24.90

Description:Tokyo Travel Guide Premium by BeetleTrip is your ultimate oversea travel buddy. Offline GPS locates and tracks your position in Tokyo at real time. The most important feature is: NO 3G/4G, NO Wifi and absolutely NO Network Data needed. 100% offline. This app provides you augmented reality direction guide, offline city map with all the metro/train stations, metro route search, must-go tourist attractions as well as Apple Watch support. Save you expensive roaming charges while you are traveling abroad.

1. 100% OFFLINE GPS LOCATION - NO INTERNET REQUIRED, offline GPS locates and tracks your position in the map at real time.

2. 100% OFFLINE COMPASS IN-APP - NO INTERNET REQUIRED - with GPS enabled, you can get offline compass to point you at the right direction, so that you will never get lost or go into wrong direction.

3. NO WIFI, NO 3G/4G, NO NETWORK DATA REQUIRED - save expensive roaming charges.

4. ALL METRO/TRAIN STATIONS PINNED - All metro and train stations in the city are pinned on the map, easy to find your way out and to anywhere the very moment you get off from transport.

5. METRO ROUTE SEARCH INCLUDED - Do not know which line to take and where to transit? Just key in your start point and the destination station, and our metro route search function will be able to help you in seconds.

6. WATCH SUPPORT - Using our Apple Watch App, you can easily track which must-go attractions you missed out, how far you are from it and how to get there using public transport. You can also send metro route search results to Apple Watch and use it while on the go, make life easier for every travelers.

7. AUGMENTED REALITY - Need directions to your next destination? Our augmented reality guide tells you precisely which direction to go, how far you are from it. Work best for short walking distances from attractions/stations.

8. MUST GO ATTRACTIONS and ATTRACTIONS INTRODUCTION INCLUDED - don’t miss anything, must go attractions are pinned red and attractions introduction are included, you can learn about background and history of the monuments or sites.

9. OTHER ATTRACTIONS and POINT OF INTERESTS PINNED - don’t miss anything, apart from must go attractions, we also provide other point of interests which are pinned blue in the map.

10. MARK YOUR OWN PIN ON THE MAP - need to go to places that we do not include in the map? No worries, you can easily pin your own points and write notes about specific points such as hotel booking number, restaurants booking info easily with our add pin function.

11. WEATHER FORECAST PROVIDED - Current weather and forecast for target city, alert you to potentially life threatening weather (thunderstorm, snow storm, etc), helps you to plan your outdoor activities better during the trip. Offline mode is supported but network is required to fetch most updated weather data.

12. USEFUL CURRENCY CONVERTER PROVIDED - helps you to calculate expenses in foreign currency quickly while you are abroad. Offline mode is supported but network is required to fetch most updated exchange rates data.

13. USER FRIENDLY INTERFACE - very easy to use, super convenient to operate, no hassles.

14. 100% COMPATIBLE - with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iOS 7.0 or above, however you will need to upgrade to iOS 8.3 or above to use the Apple Watch app.

With this app, you can easily travel in the world most popular cities without getting lost. Download it now!

Note: Please turn on the location services for the app in your device settings to use GPS.

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail

Instant Translator - Converse

Name:Instant Translator - Converse                                                 Price:Free

Description:Do you want to communicate with people who do not speak your language? With "Instant Translator", you can communicate in over 100 languages!

Speak to the app in one language and instantly hear your words translated to another.


-Instantly Speak Another Language
Speak to the app to get your words instantly translated to another language.

-User-friendly Text Mode
Type or copy text from emails, messages etc to get them instantly translated to more than 90 languages.

-Speaks Out Translations
With the auto speak option the app will instantly speak out translations. You can also listen to translations by shaking the device or tapping the play button.

-Supports Over 100 Languages
Supports 112 languages for text-to-text translation, 37 languages for speech-to-speech translation and 41 languages for text-to-speech translation

-Sharing Options
Share translations via email,messages and social media

Pro Version Features
-Communicate Using Two Devices
Connect devices using bluetooth or wifi and have a voice or text conversation.

-No Daily Limits and Ads
There is no restriction on the number of translations and no advertisements are displayed.

Speech to Speech Translations are supported between the following languages:
Arabic(Egypt), Arabic(Saudi Arabia), Arabic (UAE), Catalan, Chinese(China), Chinese(Taiwan). Czech, Danish, Dutch, English(Australia)
,English(UK), English(US), English(India), Finnish, French(Canada), French (France),German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese(Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish(Spain), Spanish(Mexico), Swedish, Thai,Turkish

Text to Text Translations are supported between the following languages:
Afrikaans,Albanian,Amharic, Arabic(Egypt), Arabic(Saudi Arabia), Arabic (UAE), Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bengali, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Cebuano, Chinese(China), Chinese(Taiwan), Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch,English(Australia),English(UK), English(US), English(India), Esperanto, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French(Canada), French(Franch), Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo,Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean,Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian,Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian,Nepali, Norwegian,Nyanja, Pashto, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese(Protugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian,Samoan, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Southern Sotho, Spanish(Spain), Spanish(Mexico), Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil, Telugu, Thai,Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Welsh, Western Frisian, Xhosa, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu

If you like "Instant Translator" please consider leaving a review as it would help us a lot . Thanks a lot for your support.

What our users say

Good tool - byChris_Jeph666
I downloaded this app because of a friend in Indonesia. And using it while chatting with her is just amazing. We communicate better. I found it easy to use and it has a audio option which is pretty good. It's a really nice app

Great translator -byJax097
Awesome app with so many languages to translate. So helpful for communicating when abroad or with friends from abroad!

Recommended -byRachel Sidney
Very useful app. Smart and quick. Like it!

Love the app. My friends are amazed at the ease of operation and the accuracy of the translation.

Vedic Rap
App is fantastic, works a charm.

This is awesome!

Voice recognition is good and generally speaking the translations are considering the price of the app very good.

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Memory: Your Memo

Name:Memory: Your Memo                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Memory is the fastest and easiest way to keep track of your memories.

There are no unnecessary distractions in Memory.
No loading, no ads, no delays, no in-app purchases.
Just write what you are thinking.

- Categorise notes by color
- Lock with Touch ID
- Dropbox backup
- Search for memos by text
- Use 3D Touch to preview memos
- Widget is provided with abundant features

Memory is made to be used as simply as possible.
Don't miss a thing.

Contact : [email protected]

Note : All the design parts, interactions, UX are worked together with the singer-songwriter, Hello ga-young.

Rating:4.75                                                 Show Detail

Translator Guru: Voice & Text

Name:Translator Guru: Voice & Text                                                 Price:Free

Transforme o seu celular em um dispositivo de tradução direta. Escolha um par de idiomas e comunique-se facilmente em qualquer lugar do mundo. A lingua não é mais uma barreira!
Entre qualquer frase que você deseja traduzir e obtenha o resultado em formato de texto. Pressione o botão "Som" para ouvir a pronúncia correta.
Suporte para a tecnologia de reconhecimento de voz da Apple - O reconhecimento de voz em tempo real melhora significativamente a velocidade das suas traduções.
Maior precisão de tradução. Funciona bem em ambiente ruidoso.
Fale e traduza em todas as línguas populares!
Partes do serviço traduzidas pelo Microsoft Translator, Amazon Translate e Google Translate ™

Idiomas suportados para tradução de voz:
Árabe, chinês, checo, dinamarquês, holandês, inglês, finlandês, francês, alemão, grego, hindi, húngaro, indonésio, italiano, japonês, coreano, polaco, português, romeno, russo, eslovaco, espanhol, sueco, tailandês, turco
Idiomas suportados para tradução de texto:
Árabe, chinês, checo, dinamarquês, holandês, inglês, finlandês, francês, alemão, grego, hindi, húngaro, indonésio, italiano, japonês, coreano, polaco, português, romeno, russo, eslovaco, espanhol, sueco, tailandês, turco
- Traduções ilimitadas
- 100% sem comerciais

Informações sobre a renovação automática da subscrição:
- A subscrição é renovada automaticamente, a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada pelo menos 24 horas antes do final do período atual.
- As subscrições podem ser gerenciadas pelo usuário e a renovação automática pode ser desativada, acessando as configurações da conta do usuário após a compra.
- Qualquera parte não utilizada do período de teste gratuito será cancelada quando o usuário adquire uma subscrição.
- O pagamento será cobrado da conta do iTunes na confirmação da compra.
- Da sua conta será cobrado o pagamento para a renovação dentro das 24 horas antes do final do período atual. O custo depende do plano selecionado.
Os seguintes planos de subscrição estão disponíveis (o preço pode variar dependendo da localização):
• 1 semana de subscrição com versão de teste de 7 dias - USD 6,99
Termos de prestação de serviços: https://universeapps.limited/translatorguru/tos.html
Política de privacidade: https://universeapps.limited/translatorguru/privacy.html
Termos de pagamento: https://universeapps.limited/translatorguru/billing.html

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail