8 Best Apps Similar To Toilet Training-BabyBus|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Toilet Training-BabyBus

Toilet Training-BabyBus

APP STORE: App Store    S$ 0.00
CURRENT VERSION : 9.21.1000(2018-03-30)
APP CATEGORIES : Education, Role-Playing, Family, Games

50.0K   <5K <5K


Quantas crianças têm dificuldade em compreender como usar o banheiro? Ir no banheiro pode ser uma tarefa difícil para uma criança, mas com Usando o Banheiro essa tarefa ficará mais simples e divertida.
Os nossos amigos vão ensinar passo a passo tudo o que é necessário para uma ida no banheiro sem complicações e divertida.



* O nosso foco é a inspiração, e não apenas a aprendizagem.
* Apostamos na formação da capacidade, ao invés da aprendizagem única e monótona.
* Nos focamos na aprendizagem e no divertimento em simultâneo, em vez de ensinar à força.
* BabyBus é um mundo maravilhoso para descobrir!



A marca número um em aplicativos de educação pré-escolar na Internet - Na BabyBus, desenvolvemos aplicativos educativos para crianças em idade pré-escolar. Os nossos produtos estão divididos em duas séries - Despertar (1-3 anos) e Explorar (3-6 anos). A série Despertar está direcionada a crianças entre os 0 e os 3 anos de idade, esta contém as categorias de conhecimento básico, música, jogos, entre outras... O objectivo é cultivar a capacidade cognitiva e a coordenação, bem como a capacidade de observação e motora.

PS: Digite "BabyBus" no campo de pesquisa para encontrar todos os produtos da BabyBus.





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Apps Similar To Toilet Training-BabyBus

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps


Name:OpinionAPP                                                Price:0,00 €

Description:Participe de pesquisas pelo celular em painéis de parceiros da Cint. O OpinionAPP busca todos os painéis de pesquisa dos quais você participa e lhe apresenta todos juntos com uma lista das pesquisas disponíveis em tempo real.

Se você ainda não é um membro do painel ou se deseja mais informações, acesse http://www.opinionapp.mobi

Para iniciar, faça o login utilizando o mesmo endereço de e-mail que você usa para os seus painéis e você estará pronto para continuar.

Rating:4.35                                               Show Detail


Name:宝宝识字卡-婴幼儿童早教游戏                                                Price:¥0.00

Description:*** A Baby must application (6 months – 3 years). ***
*** Featured on the App Store New & Noteworthy list for Education in China, Hong Kong, Macau ***
#No. 1 in HongKong.
#No. 1 in Macau.

The babies will benefit from the enjoyment of reading. Beside Cantonese, this app can provide pronunciation of Mandarin and English, which allow babies to learn a new language through an interesting way. It includes 25 categories and 395 cards for early education, the best present for babies and preschool toddlers.

● Two models of pronunciation: Mandarin / English, Cantonese / English.
● A full set of high quality real picture cards.
● More than 395 flashcards, a total of 25 categories, covering life on all sides.
● Categories includes wild animals, cars, farm animals, food, vegetables, fruits, numbers, shapes, color, plants, Guangdong cuisine, weather, the digital age, body parts, national flags, sports, family and daily supplies, marine organisms, occupation, furniture, clothes, insects, festival and holiday, time, seasons & months.
● "Interesting Q&A" section and memory matching game, let children learn happily and increase knowledge.
● The enlightenment of English game, it helps children to better remember and understand English in their play, so as to build their confidence in learning English.
● Daily Habit, that game teaches kids to aquire good habits by playing interactive games. Eating, bathing, going to toilet and teeth brushing. Kids could do by their own! Awesome! English, Mandarin, Cantonese is available. Best for kids to learn.
● Support for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
● Simple navigation interface, convenience for the children to use.

Contact us:
Website: http://www.iappsteam.com
E-mail: [email protected]

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:トイレ情報共有マップくん                                                 Price:¥0

Description:Dalam OPP curam, atau tidak ada pengalaman dari keringat dingin?
Waktu, tidak tahu mengunjungi Nandoki, OPP
Mutlak diperlukan untuk saat "toilet"
OPP Namun demikian, lokasi "toilet" tidak tahu, tapi ingin pergi sekarang! !
Yang bahkan sekali dan 2 tetapi bahwa ada pengalaman.
Untuk seperti OPP, di mana untuk menemukan toilet?
Dalam hubungannya dengan peta Google secepat dicari, "toilet" yang dapat digunakan dalam keadaan darurat nasional
Mudah, itu adalah peta-tipe navigasi app segera dicari.

Ini adalah konsep aplikasi informasi bersama oleh pengguna menyukai satu sama lain.
Mari berbagi informasi dan segera didaftarkan jika ada tempat di mana saya pikir ini
Orang untuk diselamatkan Anda harus memiliki pasti.

[Darurat pencarian toilet dan fungsi pin WC]
◎ navigasi GPS!
Menggunakan fungsi GPS dari Google Maps, atau memeriksa toilet dari lokasi,
Anda dapat memeriksa rute ke sana.
Juga-atau-! Karena mereka tegas dipasang juga fitur navigasi panduan suara pada sentuhan tombol!
Dan menatap dan mencari layar sudut Toka ... Anda tidak perlu adalah!

◎ jumlah rinci informasi! !
Ketika Anda tekan "WC pin" yang Sasa 'di MAP, Anda dapat memeriksa informasi toilet yang ditentukan.
Informasi adalah warna-warni! Washlet, multi-fungsi toilet ostomate Powder Room, popok tabel ...

◎ menambah dan berbagi informasi navigasi! Komunikasi dari pertemuan asisten cocok untuk menggantikan peta dan tujuan
Tekan "posisi" mark, memindahkan kursor ke lokasi toilet,
Ketika Anda menekan tombol Enter, masukkan informasi dari "toilet" baru,
Dan baru Anda dapat melahirkan "toilet pin".
Saya tidak tahu siapa saja dari bantuan, berdiri dalam peran orang lain.
Bukankah akan kontribusi kesejahteraan pertemuan saya indah komunikasi yang memegang dalam gotong royong?

◎ informasi peta yang baik, jika peta hanya apa yang Anda butuhkan! !
Ketika Anda tekan "kaca pembesar" mark, Anda dapat mempersempit ke toilet diperlukan untuk menempatkan cek di toilet dari item yang ingin Anda gunakan!
Keraguan bahwa informasi adalah lebih banyak lebih baik. Ini tidak berguna tidak ada kenyamanan yang dapat diambil bila diperlukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan.
Itu sebabnya aku aplikasi peta untuk dipilih.

【Tentang opsi persembunyian iklan】
Untuk menyembunyikan iklan, Anda harus mendaftar untuk "Opsi Sembunyikan Iklan".

【Iklan Sembunyikan Harga Opsi dan Periode】
※ Harga dapat berubah.
※ Periode diperbarui secara otomatis dari tanggal aplikasi dan satu bulan.

【Metode penagihan】
Ini akan dibebankan ke akun iTunes Anda dan akan diperbarui setiap bulan.

【Rincian Pembaruan Otomatis】
・ Periode berlangganan akan diperpanjang secara otomatis selama satu bulan kecuali jika Anda membatalkan berlangganan opsi non-display iklan 24 jam sebelum akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Biaya perpanjangan untuk periode berlangganan (satu bulan) akan diselesaikan dan dibebankan dalam waktu 24 jam sejak akhir periode berlangganan.
・ Harap dicatat bahwa jika Anda berlangganan opsi sembunyikan iklan dengan biaya dari layar AppStore selama periode percobaan gratis sembunyikan iklan, periode uji coba gratis akan berakhir pada titik itu dan pembayaran akan terjadi.

[Cara membatalkan konfirmasi status pendaftaran / pembaruan otomatis]
1. Buka aplikasi "Pengaturan"
2. Pilih "iTunes & App Store"
3. Pilih "ID Apple: Alamat Email" yang ditampilkan di bagian atas layar
4. Ketuk "Tampilkan ID Apple" di sembulan yang ditampilkan.
5. Masuk sesuai kebutuhan
6. Pilih tombol "Kelola" di bawah item bertanda "Registrasi"
Aplikasi anggota bulanan yang saat ini terdaftar ditampilkan. Anda dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari sini. Harap perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat membatalkan opsi sembunyikan iklan dari dalam aplikasi.

【Pembatalan untuk bulan berjalan】
Kami tidak menerima pembatalan untuk opsi sembunyikan iklan untuk bulan ini.

Kebijakan privasi

ketentuan layanan

Rating:4.35                                             Show Detail

Toilet Time: Crazy Mini Games

Name:Toilet Time: Crazy Mini Games                                                 Price:Free


哦,您也可以在厕所以外的地方玩Toilet Time。


• 蟑螂 - 杀死下水道中爬出来的蟑螂
• 空置 - 找到可以使用的空柜子
• 温度 - 调节淋浴头的温度
• 事故 - 防止物品掉进马桶
• 管道 - 避开发臭的厕所
• 纸张 - 展开整卷厕纸
• 清洁 - 用您的尿来清洁厕所的污垢
• 分类 - 帮助男男女女分别找到正确的浴室
• 掩盖 - 用咳嗽来掩饰可疑的噪音


支持我們在Facebook上的頁面,並成為第一個了解我們即將推出的遊戲和更新! http://fb.com/tappshq

Rating:4.05                                                 Show Detail

Le Pendu en Français

Name:Le Pendu en Français                                                 Price:0,00 €

Description:*** Version Premium maintenant DISPONIBLE ! http://apple.co/1UsxuSg (Des nouveaux mots, sans pubs etc...)***


Description du jeu:
Le pendu est un jeu consistant à trouver un mot en devinant quelles sont les lettres qui le composent. Le jeu se joue traditionnellement à deux, avec un papier et un crayon, selon un déroulement bien particulier. Quand le dessin est terminé on voit un bonhomme allumette qui se pend

Nous avons développé ce jeu du Pendu pour tous les périphériques Apple !
Amusez-vous à découvrir les mots caché, en français, parmi les catégories suivantes:

Groupes de Musique

Des milliers de mots à découvrir en s'amusant !

Un design simple et efficace, totalement gratuit, vous procurera des heures de détente !

Nous avons développé ce jeu et nous vous le proposons gratuitement. Si il vous plaît, remerciez-nous en notant l'application !

Rating:5                                                 Show Detail

Dr. Panda Racers

Name:Dr. Panda Racers                                                 Price:$3.99

Пристегни ремни и приготовься к гонке! Промчись к финишной черте, по пути выполняя зрелищные трюки и прыжки. Поставь перед своим любимым персонажем Dr. Panda сложную задачу, чтобы выиграть специальные призы, открыть новый контент и заработать гран-при!

Создай автомобиль своей мечты! Соединяй различные детали, чтобы твоя машина обрела как можно более неповторимый и забавный вид. Сделай так, чтобы она парила над землей, добавь огромные колеса или аэрозолем покрась ее в ярко-розовый цвет !

Разработай собственную высокоскоростную гоночную трассу! Нарисуй форму трассы, выбери тип покрытия (песок, земля или бетон) и добавь интересные особенности. Сохраняй свои любимые трассы и проходи их все с рекордным временем!

- Выбери своего любимого персонажа Dr. Panda для участия в гонках.
- Создай себе особенную гоночную машину из более чем 1000 доступных комбинаций.
- Выигрывай гонки, чтобы разблокировать элементы автомобилей, аэрозольную краску и гран-при!
- Разрабатывай собственные гоночные трассы и добавляй на них интересные особенности, например, трамплины!
- Мой, очищай и заправляй свою машину после каждой гонки.
- Игра веселая, простая и удобная в управлении – отличный выбор для детей!
- Безопасно для детей. Никаких покупок из приложения или сторонней рекламы.

Политика конфиденциальности
Как разработчик детских игр, мы понимаем, насколько важна конфиденциальность в этом современном, цифровом мире. Вы можете прочитать о нашей политике конфиденциальности здесь: www.drpanda.com/privacy

Об играх Dr. Panda
Компания Dr. Panda разрабатывает игры для детей. Мы создаем игры с прицелом на образование, которые помогают детям познавать окружающий мир.

Если у вас есть вопросы о том, как мы разрабатываем игры для детей, обязательно обращайтесь к нам. Напишите нам электронное письмо по адресу [email protected] или свяжитесь с нами через Facebook www.facebook.com/drpandagames или Twitter www.twitter.com/drpandagames.

Rating:2.65                                                 Show Detail

Stupid Test!

Name:Stupid Test!                                                 Price:Free

Description:●●● WARNING: Stupid people may find this quiz hard, so READ the questions CAREFULLY!! ●●●

Are you stupid, an idiot or even a moron? Complete this app to show to you and your friends that you are not completely stupid!


What people say about the Stupid Test!;
● Sosmelly - Loved all the puzzles and the frustration kept me going.
● LiikeEggandBeans - Fun and addictive game that drives me crazy at times!

We present you with a fun, interactive, and feature rich game that will test your level of stupidity. The "Stupid Test!" application was developed for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and includes the following features:

► 800+ questions that will test your level of stupidity;
► Game Center integrations so you can challenge your friends and family;
► In game hints to give you clues to solve the question;
► Ability to share questions with your friends of Facebook/Twitter if you are stuck;
► User friendly and responsive interface; and
► Simple yet stunning graphics!!

You will require common sense, advanced arithmetic and problem solving skills to complete this difficult 800+ question quiz!

Prove to you and your friends that you are not stupid and take the STUPID TEST now!

This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true stupidity or intelligence testing functionality.

Rating:4.85                                                 Show Detail

Plant Nanny²

Name:Plant Nanny²                                                 Price:Free

Description:Water tracker app that reminds you to drink water throughout the day. Water Reminders are a handy way to make sure that you drink water. Buzzers and alarms are there to help you stay hydrated whilst keeping it fun. As you track your water drunk you play the game of growing your cute plant and keeping it as healthy and hydrated as you are. Drink water reminders can be boring but Plant Nanny² is here to keep your hydration fun so you will always stay on track with water you have drunk.

What’s so good about drinking water more?
Do you want a healthier body & a happier, more stress-free life? Are you looking to improve constipation, urethritis, or other common health conditions?
About 70% of our body is composed of water, so how our body feels depends a lot on how much water we drink. Starting with just a single glass of water, you can begin to change your entire water consumption habits and effectively improve your health, lose weight, and reduce bodily fatigue and illnesses.

Plant Nanny² will provide you with a customized plan using simple charts & interfaces so you can get a solid grasp & help you to track water consumption. Collect cute plants & improve the way your body looks & feels before you know it! These little plants will boost your spirits, improve your health, & help you cultivate good habits for drinking water!

◈ Customize the way you manage your water consumption goals ◈
*Suggestions for appropriate amounts based on individual body data and exercise habits
*Automated reminders when it’s time to drink more water to help you truly establish the habit of regularly drinking water
*Easily set the appropriate units for each glass in either milliliters or ounces
*Rewards for regular use and small missions encourage you to stay motivated and reach your own water consumption goals

◈ Simple charts and interfaces at a glance ◈
*Graphics that progressively track your daily water intake
*Track your water consumption history and quickly view daily, weekly, and monthly trends
*Simple design and user-friendly interface, so you can easily build good habits
*Optimized for screens of all sizes for use on multiple devices

◈ A Variety of Adorable and Lively Plants ◈
*Each glass of water you drink also waters the plants, so you can grow and thrive together!
*All kinds of special pots and containers. Develop your own cute plant family!
*Unlock and collect a variety of different plants, and even interact with mysterious new creatures!

Plant Nanny has access to HealthKit and sync water hydration data to "Apple Health”

▼Any questions or suggestions
You can go to Plant Nanny² > Menu > Settings > FAQ to quickly search for a solution.
If you’re still unable to find an answer to your question, tap the envelope icon in the top right corner to contact our “Garden Assistant” (customer service). :)

▼Feel free to reach out to our support team with any suggestions
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plantnannyapp/
or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantnanny2/

Privacy Policy and Terms of Service: http://fourdesire.com/terms

Water is essential for life, but drinking enough is easy to neglect. Plant Nanny² is your daily water alarm that keeps track of how much water you drink - each glass also waters the app’s plants so you can both thrive! Every day you can collect and take care of little plants to get hydrated & grow together!

We really hope you love your drink reminder app and use it as your daily water monitor & have as much fun with it as we do.

Lots of Love,
Plant Nanny²

Rating:4.85                                                 Show Detail