8 Best Apps Similar To Voice Actions|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Voice Actions

Voice Actions

APP STORE: App Store    $0.99
CURRENT VERSION : 3.0.9(2018-11-03)
APP CATEGORIES : Business, Utilities

<5K   <5K <5K


Get one of the top selling voice assistant apps today that has over 1 million downloads to date!!

Talking personal assistant Jeannie will not only help you get through your day but will also be the only app you’ll need for your smartphone!

With voice actions you will be able to send emails, voice dial your contacts, set alarms, reminders, answer questions, listen to music and much more. With voice actions you will no longer need to memorize special keywords or phrases, simply speak into your smartphone and voice actions will automatically respond to what you need. We are always enhancing our product so you will be getting great new features in the future to come!

Some examples of the phrases you can say to your phone:

◊ Call James at home
◊ Mail Maria that I love her
◊ News about Barack Obama
◊ Set alarm clock
◊ Wake me up on Monday at 8am
◊ What is the capital of Brazil?
◊ Play music by the Rolling Stones!
◊ Launch the web browser
◊ Open contact peter

Your almost hands-free, eyes-free virtual assistant helps you in all situations:

◊ Translate I love you into Spanish
◊ Email john ... I liked your song
◊ Remind me to pick up Joe in 30 minutes
◊ Spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
◊ Open any url
◊ What’s my horoscope for Leo?
◊ Record a video
◊ Open system settings
◊ Search Ebay, Amazon, Wolfram Alpha, etc.





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Apps Similar To Voice Actions

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Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator

Name:Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator                                                Price:$1.99

Description:The parrot is back from the dead bringing countless new insults for your disposal, Sir! Remember that silly game that parted lovers, destroyed families and turned friends into enemies? Here’s its successor that does even more, certainly with more style and more variety. And I have proof! This time you can spread affront to everyone in the world that has Internet access or - if you’re not the most sociable - you can sit alone and play with yourself. Nudge nudge.

So don’t let the parrot die for nothing and tell that grumpy old lady that her husband donated organs for a strange woman lying in a pond and that her sister poses nude for some dog. Then meet a retired hipster who admires pictures of a grunting sow, and a fake Russian who borrowed a dead body to put his teacup and crumpets on. It’s also the only game that lets you learn what’s The Meaning of Life, and that’s scientifically proven!

"Playing in local multiplayer mode made me laugh more in five minutes than most games manage over an entire campaign."
- Oscar Dayus, Pocket Gamer -

"Oh... Sir!' is our favorite insult-em-up"
- Aaron Souppouris, Engadget -

"Obviously, this game is getting my highest recommendation, and I expect to see it on a few end of year lists"
- Pockettactics

Game Features:

Loner’s Insult Tournament Mode:Battle your way through numerous unique situations and verbally assault your CPU

Real-Life Friends Mode: Duel against your actual friends on a couch, ottoman, or whatever else you like to rest your fanny on

Imaginary-Friends Mode: Verbally take down strangers from all over the world online, and bring the witty pain across any device using the game's Cross-Platform Multiplayer

5 Hilarious Playable Characters: Each with their own unique voices, quirky traits and hilarious “insult bits”

4 Conflict Scenarios: Lay down some verbal jujitsu across 4 different testy situations and dynamic environments

Contentious Battle System: Employ combos, criticals, continuations and other new mechanics to outwit your argumentative opponents!

Rating:2.45                                               Show Detail


Name:そら案内                                                Price:Free


■ 特徴
- 市区町村を登録するだけのシンプル設計(GPS現在位置登録や郵便番号検索も可)
- グラフ表示で気温の高低を分かり易く表示(前日グラフとの比較も可能)
- 1つの画面に全ての情報を収めた見易くシンプルなデザイン
- 見たい情報にすぐアクセスできる洗練されたインターフェース

■ 表示情報の種類
- 市区町村単位での天気予報
- 向こう1週間の天気予報
- 直近2日間は1時間ごと/3時間ごと/6時間ごとの詳細な気象情報(気温/降水量/湿度/風向/風速)
- 今日・明日、及び一週間先の概況文
- 現在の気温・湿度やその日の主要な情報をヘッドラインとして最上部に表示
- 花粉予報(花粉シーズンのみ)
- 熱中症情報(WBGT値)
- 天気画像(気象衛星、天気図、高解像度降水ナウキャスト、アメダス各種情報、雷情報、台風、黄砂予測、PM2.5予測)
- 注意報・警報・特別警報
- 生物季節情報
- 通知センターウィジェット:天気予報、降水確率、気温。3時間ごとの天気と気温予報をグラフ表示、ヘッドライン表示
- AppleWatch:天気予報、降水確率、気温。3時間ごとの天気と気温予報をグラフ表示
- iPadマルチタスクに対応
- VoiceOverに対応
- Dynamic Type(システムの文字サイズ設定)に対応

■ 投稿機能について
- 気象情報を重ねた写真や予報画面のスクリーンショットをTwitter/Evernoteに投稿できます (Evernoteへの投稿は拡張パックの購入が必要)
- 重ねる気象情報はさまざまなパターンがあり、キャラクターいりのフレームを選択することもできます

■ 拡張パックについて
- 広告除去
- Evernoteへの投稿
- 向こう10日間分の予報表示
- カレンダー連携(予報を標準カレンダーに出力)
- 降水確率の通知

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Voice Reader .

Name:Voice Reader .                                                 Price:0 ₽

Description:Turn in your writing voice!
With "Voice Reader" you can read any text from your device.
Copy the text you want to email, web, applications and much more to make you read from this app!
Voice Reader supports more than 30 languages.
You can use this app for fun or professionally to learn the pronunciation in different languages.
It does not require internet connection!

Rating:1.1                                             Show Detail


Name:咕咚-跑步健身训练课程                                                 Price:¥0.00









热爱运动的你,岂能错过游泳带来的乐趣。在这里我们会以图文并茂的方式将游泳见闻第一时间呈现,铁三高手为你护航整理入水前需要的所有准备, 还有独家游泳装备优惠抢先知晓,想获得更多咨讯,尽在咕咚游泳。

5、取消续订:可在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中取消自动续订。在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以上取消,将不会扣除下期费用;到期前24小时内取消,将会扣除下期费用,并自下一个订阅周期结束后、自动取消续订。



1. 运动功能会使用GPS定位,在后台持续运行GPS功能可能会大幅消耗电池电量
2. 咕咚已接入HealthKit,可同步运动数据到健康

Rating:4.85                                                 Show Detail


Name:Shortcuts                                                 Price:Free

Description:Com apenas um toque ou simplesmente pedindo a Siri, os Atalhos de Siri oferecem uma forma rápida de realizar ações com as suas aplicações. A aplicação Atalhos permite-lhe criar atalhos pessoais com vários passos das suas aplicações favoritas. Comece com centenas de exemplos disponíveis na Galeria ou arraste e solte para criar os seus próprios atalhos. 

Atalhos inclui mais de 300 ações integradas e funciona com várias das suas aplicações favoritas, incluindo Contactos, Calendário, Mapas, Música, Fotografias, Câmara, Lembretes, Safari, Saúde, assim como qualquer aplicação que suporte os Atalhos de Siri. 

Use a aplicação Atalhos para:
* obter indicações para casa, enviar a sua hora prevista de chegada e começar a ouvir as notícias, simplesmente pedindo a Siri;
* adicionar um ícone ao ecrã principal que liga para um ente querido; 
* criar GIF animados;
* criar ficheiros PDF a partir do Safari ou de outra aplicação com uma folha de partilha;
* obter indicações para o café mais próximo com apenas um toque;
* publicar um tweet com a música que está a ouvir;
* obter todas as imagens numa página web;
* enviar uma mensagem que inclui a sua última captura de ecrã;
* e muito mais...

Os atalhos podem ser executados a partir do widget Hoje, da Pesquisa ou pedindo a Siri. Também pode adicionar um ícone de aplicação ao ecrã principal para os seus atalhos favoritos. 

Atalhos abre possibilidades incríveis para automatizar as ações que efetua regularmente no iPhone e iPad.

Rating:4.2                                                 Show Detail

Epson iPrint

Name:Epson iPrint                                                 Price:Free

Description:Imprima, digitalize e partilhe directamente do seu iPhone®, iPod® ou iPad® Touch. Imprima fotografias, e-mails, páginas de Internet e ficheiros, incluindo documentos Microsoft® Word, Excel®, PowerPoint® e PDF. Também suporta serviços de ficheiros do Box, Dropbox, Evernote®*1, Google Drive™ e Microsoft OneDrive™.
O Epson iPrint torna a impressão fácil e conveniente, quer a sua impressora esteja na sala ao lado ou em qualquer parte do mundo.

Características principais

•Imprima, digitalize e partilhe directamente a partir do seu iPhone, iPod Touch ou iPad
•Imprima a partir de qualquer parte do mundo nas impressoras Epson compatíveis com e-mail, utilizando a funcionalidade de impressão remota
•Imprima fotografias, PDF e documentos do Microsoft Office, tais como do Word, do Excel e do PowerPoint
•Aceda e imprima ficheiros guardados, anexos de e-mail e seus ficheiros online a partir do Box, do Dropbox, do Evernote, do Google Drive e do Microsoft OneDrive
•Capte um documento com a sua câmara , formate, realçe, e guarde pronto a imprimir.
•Digitalize a partir do seu multifunções Epson e partilhe o seu ficheiro (guarde no dispositivo, envie por e-mail ou guarde online)
•Copie documentos e fotografias utilizando o seu dispositivo móvel e uma impressora Epson nas redondezas
•Transfira ficheiros entre o seu dispositivo e um cartão SD ou unidade USB através de uma impressora Epson
•Verifique o estado e os níveis de tinta da impressora
•Imprima num ambiente de rede complexo utilizando a configuração da impressora de IP manual
•Obtenha ajuda com uma secção de FAQ incorporada

Características avançadas

•Imprima fotografias de alta qualidade corrigindo a retroiluminação e as marcas de cor automaticamente com a correcção de cor
•Seleccione e imprima várias fotografias
•Imprima os seus anexos de correio electrónico e ficheiros armazenados
•Configure as suas opções de impressão, incluindo formato e tipo de papel, número de cópias, intervalo de páginas e impressão frente e verso ou de um só lado
•Imprima com e sem margens
•Alterne entre impressão a cores e monocromática
•Escolha entre diferentes resoluções de digitalização e tipos de imagem
•Optimize a qualidade de impressão
•Compre tinteiros e consumíveis para a sua impressora
•Configure e registe-se no Epson Connect
•Faça a gestão de impressoras remotas

Impressoras suportadas

Consulte o sítio Web seguinte para saber quais as impressoras suportadas.

To use iPrint with a Wi-Fi connection, you must allow the app to use your device's location services.
This allows iPrint to search for wireless networks; your location data is not collected.

*1 Evernote é uma marca comercial registada da U.S. Evernote Corporation.

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail


Name:SwiftGift                                                 Price:Free

Description:Weekly Drops: FREE gifts every week!

Every week when the countdown reaches zero, we “drop” an awesome FREE gift.
Quantities are limited, and it’s first come first served.
Turn on push notifications so that you never miss a drop.

Subscribe to get your first gift for FREE, and get guaranteed awesome gadgets and must-have gifts at your doorstep every month. Our monthly mystery gifts will surprise and amaze you! Subscribe now - first month is free!

#1 GIFTING APP 2018 by Apple

#1 FLOWER APP 2017 by Apple



Send real physical gifts, instantly, through any messenger/social network/dating app!


• Buy a gift in SwiftGift

• Instantly send a virtual version to your gift Recipient, using any messenger

• Recipient sees the virtual gift, and provides their physical delivery address

• We dispatch the physical gift to their door


Easily import all birthdays from your phone contacts, or add special occasions manually. SwiftGift will send helpful push notifications so you never miss the important moments in your life, and will even suggest gifts that your Recipient will love!


The more you use SwiftGift App, the more Gift Coins you earn. These give you discounts off purchases.


SwiftGift is a marketplace. We curate the rarest and most amazing gifts from top retailers, all under one roof. You will be delighted and surprised at what gems you will discover from the likes of Amazon, Walmart, Bloomingdales, Apple. Marks&Spencer, Harvey Nichols, Waitrose, Swarovski and more

SwiftGift has solved three major gifting problems:


People always leave gift shopping to the last minute, and then feverishly run to the shops to buy a gift a day before the birthday/wedding/event. Indeed, sometimes just hours before! With SwiftGift you can relax and send a gift seamlessly and instantly straight to the Recipient’s phone. Even if you are already on the way to a birthday party empty-handed, you can send an instant SwiftGift and have it arrive there before you do!


Often you may want to send a gift to friends and relatives who live far away. You just don’t see them often enough to give them a gift in person. SwiftGift solves this problem - you send a gift to their phone virtually, they provide their delivery address, and SwiftGift ensures that your gift arrives at their doorstep - wherever they are! We cover UK, USA and most of Europe.


Hundreds of thousands of people are using SwiftGift to send “just because” gifts. Not for any special occasion, but just because they want to make a loved one smile. People are “attaching” SwiftGifts to “congratulations” messages on Facebook, “thank you” emails to colleagues, and “get well soon” wishes on Whatsapp. Some have even used SwiftGift to send teddy bears on Tinder!

Rating:0.95                                                 Show Detail

Профессор Сталь

Name:Профессор Сталь                                                 Price:15 ₽




**良いお知らせです: 数週間中に金属教授はアップデートされます。もっと多くのゲームプレイのためのもっと多くのミニゲーム!**

**iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPad 4, iPad Air および iPad Mini 2 以降のデバイスに最適化されています。**


• 金属教授が熱気球を作り、3段階で飛ばす手伝いをする。

• 全ページでアニメーションとサウンド効果あり。

• 金属教授のために特に作曲した新しい音楽。
• 直観的なヘルプ機能。

• 親ポータルあり。

• 文字要素としゃべる言葉がないので、何歳でも、どこの国の人でも存分に楽しめる。

• タイトル言語:オランダ語、英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語、デンマーク語、スウェーデン語、フィンランド語、アイルランド語、ロシア語、日本語、簡体字中国語。



• アプリ内購入なし

• 広告なし

• ソーシャルメディアへのリンクなし(親ポータルへのリンクだけ)
• 個人情報を収集しない

当社の動画予告編とプレビューが、somoiso.nl/youtube から見られる。

ソモイソと金属教授の詳細はこちらから。 somoiso.nl/en

Rating:2.3                                                 Show Detail