8 Best Apps Similar To Weekend Warriors Pro|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Weekend Warriors Pro

Weekend Warriors Pro

APP STORE: App Store    $5.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.1.6(2019-06-04)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Simulation, Sports, Sports

<5K   <5K <5K


Enjoy the revolutionary MMA sim at its best with this special "Pro" edition that offers full access to BOTH career modes in ONE shared universe! Whether you want to take shots in the cage as a fighter or call the shots backstage as a promoter, get off to the perfect start with any character from any promotion. You can even save your changes to all 300 other characters to make the world your own - and then pit them against each other in dream bouts where YOU make the rules!

The game features an interactive tutorial that you are advised to play through, but the basic controls are as follows:
CURSORS = Movement (double-tap to run or dash)
S = Strike (with a direction to aim high or low and left or right)
S + any other button = One of 3 powerful attacks
G = Grapple / Transitions / Counters
B = Block / Moves / Escapes
T = Taunt / Pin / Referee duties
BLOCK + TAUNT = Pick-Up / Drop nearby objects
EYE = Change focus (if necessary)
HEALTH METER = Switch character (wherever possible)
CLOCK = Pause / Quit / Camera options

Please note that this game depicts a fictitious universe and is not affiliated with any real fighters or promotions.





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Nintendo Switch Parental Cont…

Name:Nintendo Switch Parental Cont…                                                Price:Free

Description:Nintendo Switch Parental Controls™ is a free app for smart devices to keep you engaged with your family's gaming activities on Nintendo Switch.
◆ A Nintendo Switch console with the latest available system version is required to use this app.

This is recommended for people worried about things such as:
1. Is my child spending too much time playing games?
2. What kind of games is my child playing?
3. Are the games my child is playing age-appropriate?

Below are three special features of the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app:
1. Monitor play time on your console.
Set a play-time limit and the console will notify users that the time limit has been reached.
Parents and guardians can check the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app to see if the time limit has been followed.
It is also possible to suspend gameplay automatically when the play-time limit is reached.

2. Check up on your console's gameplay.
The summary function allows you to easily see what games have been played on the console recently and how much time was spent playing each day.
View daily reports and monthly summaries of play activity. If you choose to receive push notifications, you'll be notified when a new monthly summary is available.
It's an easy way to see what kind of games your family is interested in.

3. Restrict console features.
Nintendo Switch functions can be restricted to prevent the console from playing games above a certain age rating.

◆ An Internet connection is required to use this app. Cellular data may be used. A Nintendo Account (for ages 18 and up) is also required.
◆ Restrictions to Nintendo eShop purchases can be set from Nintendo Account settings.
◆ Your use of this app is subject to the Nintendo Account User Agreement available at support.nintendo.com.
◆ In order to make use of all of the features and settings available in the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app, all registered Nintendo Switch consoles need to be using the latest system version.

Rating:4.6                                               Show Detail

Phrasal Verbs for Business

Name:Phrasal Verbs for Business                                                Price:฿179.00

Description:Phrasal Verbs Dictionary engage features to enhance your vocabulary:
• Wide coverage of phrasal verbs mostly used in business language
• Clear definitions and grammar patterns: synonyms, antonyms, similar verbs, related words and etc.
• Example sentences show phrasal verbs in use
• Quiz for self-assessment
• Custom list of Favorite phrasal verbs
• Efficient search tool help you quickly find the phrasal verb you need

Phrasal Verbs Dictionary is iPhone & iPad compatible "universal app".

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail


Name:Bible                                                 Price:Free

Description:在全世界超过 1.8亿个设备上,人们用最受好评的圣经软件来阅读、聆听和分享圣经 --- 这可是完全免费的!超过1千个圣经译本,并有数百种语言的选择。还有数以百计的读经计划,以40多种语言呈献给您。添加您个性化的高亮显示、书签、公开或保密的笔记。



* 您有30多种语言的选择来设置圣经软件的使用介面。
* 备有775种语言,数以百计的圣经译本供您轻松选择。
* 从多个最常用的译本里选择,如 CCB 当代译本、CUNPSS 新标点和合本、CUNPSD 新标点和合本 (上帝版)、CNVS 新译本、CSB 中文标准译本、RCUVSS 和合本修订版。
* 离线圣经:在没有网络连线时也可以阅读 (只限特定译本)。
* 聆听有声圣经,享受全新的跳过功能、播放速度和定时器控制。 (有声圣经只限特定译本,并不提供下载)。

* 通过圣经软件中建立的友情,使圣经成为您最亲密的人际关系的中心点。
* 观看您和朋友一连串的读经活动,比如做笔记、做书签与高亮显示。
* 一起学习神的话语时,在圣经软件中通过评论来分享您的观点、提出问题并进行有意义的交流。

* 上百个读经计划: 您可找到灵修计划,还有在一年内借着探讨专题、部分或整本圣经内容来引导你的读经计划。
* 观看和分享《圣经》电视短剧、改变世界的电影《耶稣》和《The Lumo Project》
* 用关键字来搜索圣经。

* 全新的主题让您选择,通过调色板来个性化您圣经软件的整体使用体验。
* 经句图:将经文转为可以分享的艺术创作。
* 以您自订的色彩来高亮显示—— 就像用纸质圣经。
* 书签标示经文: 分享、背诵或者只是要标记您喜爱的经文。
* 通过社交网络、电子邮件或短信与朋友分享经文。
* 给经文添加笔记:可设置为只有您自己看得见的保密模式、或将笔记公开与朋友分享。
* 有了 YouVersion 的免费帐户,您可通过云端同步在任何接受支持的设备上看见您所有的笔记、高亮显示、书签和读经计划。
* 轻松阅读的设置,如字体选择、文字大小和亮度调整。

与 YouVersion 联系
* 在圣经软件里直接联系服务支持。
* 点赞我们的 Facebook : http://facebook.com/youversion
* 关注我们的 Twitter : http://twitter.com/youversion
* 跟进我们博客的最新消息: http://blog.youversion.com/zh-hans/
* 使用网络版 YouVersion : https://www.bible.com/zh-CN


Rating:5                                             Show Detail


Name:LINE                                                 Price:Free

Description:Sem limites! Telefone e envia mensagens à vontade!

O LINE foi classificado como aplicação gratuita n.º 1 em 52 países como Japão, Tailândia, Taiwan, Espanha, Indonésia, Singapura, Hong Kong, Malásia, Índia, Suíça, Arábia Saudita, México, Macau, Emirados Árabes Unidos e mais!

Novas funções LINE:

◆Faça chamadas de grupo como nunca fez
Todos os membros do seu grupo num único lugar.

◆Mantenha as suas coisas por perto com o Keep
Armazene mensagens, fotos e vídeos no Keep e partilhe-as facilmente com amigos.

Mais sobre funcionalidades do LINE:

◆Chamadas de Voz e de Vídeo grátis!
・Se tiveres o LINE no teu iPhone, podes desfrutar de chamadas de voz e de vídeo grátis de elevada qualidade sempre e onde quiseres. Fala à vontade e, claro, gratuitamente!
・Grátis também para chamadas internacionais.
・Fale com até 200 pessoas simultaneamente.

◆Mensagens com rapidez!
Em vez de perderes tempo a enviar emails ou mensagens aos teus amigos, usa a função de mensagens do LINE para facilmente enviares mensagens com ícones coloridos, fotografias e informações de localização de evento.
・Exprime-te com stickers e emoji.
・Envia facilmente mensagens de voz e fotos.
・Disponível para PCs.

◆A comunicação mais gratificante e simplificada
Com a funcionalidade Timeline, podes atualizar os teus amigos sobre o que tens estado a fazer publicando texto, fotos, filmes, stickers e até mesmo informações de localização. Não percas também o que os teus amigos estão a publicar!

◆Encontra as tuas personagens favoritas na Loja de Stickers!
Vais encontrar stickers divertidos e hilariantes com personagens famosas de todo o mundo!

◆Informações úteis das Contas Oficiais do LINE
Adiciona qualquer uma destas Contas Oficiais para receberes mensagens originais de celebridades famosas do teu país.

◆ Face Play: que ganhe a melhor cara!
Prepare-se para alongar todos os músculos da cara! Obtenha pontuações elevadas no modo de jogador único ou enfrente os seus amigos no modo de jogo para 2 jogadores, para o dobro da diversão. Não se esqueça de acumular os troféus e máscaras especiais quando concluir uma missão ou quando se sagrar campeão da época!

*Tal como com outras aplicações, podem incorrer taxas de transferência de dados. Por esta razão recomendamos a utilização destes serviços num tarifário móvel ilimitado.

Dispositivos suportados:
Para melhores resultados e fácil utilização recomendamos a utilização do LINE em iOS 10.0 ou superior.

Rating:3.45                                                 Show Detail


Name:METAL SLUG ATTACK                                                 Price:Free

Description:◆Déjà téléchargé plus de 15 millions de fois à travers le monde !◆
La suite du hit mondial "METAL SLUG DEFENSE" arrive enfin !
"METAL SLUG ATTACK" rejoint le combat avec une multitude de nouveautés !


▼Contrôles simplifiés !
"METAL SLUG ATTACK", le tout dernier épisode dans la légendaire série de jeu de SNK PLAYMORE, est un jeu de stratégie de type "strategy game" avec des contrôles simples qui peuvent appréciés de tous, et des personnages 2D en dot pixels qui se déplacent et se combattent avec fluidité ! De plus, la toute nouvelle fonctionnalité de "Système de Soutien" procurera aux joueurs une plus grande diversité de stratégies et plus de plaisir de jeu !

▼Une pléthore de missions !
"METAL SLUG ATTACK" propose différents types de missions pour tous les types de joueurs avec son mode de jeu "ATTAQUE !", dans lequel les joueurs doivent délivrer les bases militaires sous le joug des Armées de Mordern, ainsi que ses modes "DÉLIVREZ LES PRISIONNIERS !", "ÉCOLE DE COMBAT" et "CHASSE AU TRÉSOR".

▼Améliorez vos Unités!
Rassemblez des items à travers vos missions afin de les utiliser pour personnaliser vos Unités. Faites-les évoluer, augmentez leurs paramètres ou activez leurs habiletés en les équipant d'items ! Faites de vos unités les plus puissantes et les plus impressionantes !

▼Batailles planétaires !
En plus du mode de "Batailles en Temps Réel" qui peut être joué et apprécié par 4 joueurs simultanément, jusqu'à 6 decks peuvent s'affronter dans des batailles décalées ! Battez tous vos ennemis et visez le titre de "Meilleur Joueur du Monde" !

▼Jouez en coopération avec des frères d'armes !
Combattez en missions de coopérations avec des frères d'armes dans le smodes de jeu "Guild Raid" et "SPECIAL OPS" et communiquez avec eux via les options de chat et de mailing. Appréciez pleinement "METAL SLUG ATTACK" avec vos meilleurs partenaires !

Fan page Facebook officielle :


Rating:3.85                                                 Show Detail

العاب بنات محجبات 2017 صالون مكياج وتلبيس الاميرات

Name:العاب بنات محجبات 2017 صالون مكياج وتلبيس الاميرات                                                 Price:Free

Description:لعبة تلبيس فلة للبنات من احدث الالعاب العربية الموجهة للصغار
تتضمن اللعبة
تلبيس البنات - حجاب,فستان و حقائب
مكياج كامل
عناية بالبشرة
مشاركة مع الاصدقاء

لعبة مكياج و تلبيس الاميرات العربيات...لعبة ترفيه مميزة للصغار

لعبة مجانية
خيارات عديدة للمكياج
ساعد اللعبه للعنايه ببشرتها
التحكم في اللعبه صمم بشكل بسيط ليناسب الاعمار الصغيرة
اكثر من ١٠٠ خيار لاختيار الملابس
مجموعه كبير من الاكسسورات بطابع عربي
خلفية لاماكن بمعالم مختلفه
امكانية حفظ الصور و مشاركتها مع الاصدقاء

لا تتردو بتجريب اللعبه و ايصال المتعه و الفائدة لاطفالكم

نرجو الدعم و التقييم ليصلكم المزيد من ابداعات
تابعونا على تويتر ليصلكم الجديد

Rating:2.5                                                 Show Detail

Pro Metronome - Tempo,Beat,Subdivision,Polyrhythm

Name:Pro Metronome - Tempo,Beat,Subdivision,Polyrhythm                                                 Price:Free

Description:Pro Metronome - The best metronome app. Period.
Featured in Apple's WWDC 2014 showcase "Apps We Can't Live Without."

Pro Metronome is a powerful tool that helps you master both daily practice and stage performance. It has redefined how more than 4 million people sync to a beat. At the heart of the app lies our extremely precise, studio-quality metronome which we've refined even further with 3.13.

The free version is packed with features. We feature 13 different metronome tones including even a voice option. Running our newest RTP (Real-Time Playback) technology, our metronome clocks an accuracy of ±20μs.

Pro Metronome is all about customization. Change beat tones, accents, and even the dynamics of your rhythm ("f", "mf", "p" and "mute"). The Pro Version unlocks even more features including subdivisions and polyrhythm settings. Create complex patterns with triplets, dotted notes and non-standard time signatures.

The app supports several ways to experience beats. The free version of the app includes sound, but upgrading to Pro enables Visual, Flash, Vibrate and Airplay Modes. Visual and Vibrate Modes are great when you're playing loud instruments or when you need to FEEL the beat. Flash Mode uses the device's camera flash to sync up the entire band easily. You can even use Airplay Mode to beam the metronome to a projector or Apple TV!

Pro Metronome doesn't just help you keep time, it also helps you train. Pro Metronome built the Rhythm Trainer which mutes a selected bar in the beat, allowing your brain to fill in the gap and thus train your innate sense of timing. It's a simple, heavily requested idea not found in any other app to date.

Pro Metronome also supports a host of secondary features: background play mode, in-app volume adjust and even the ability to save song/tempo playlists to share with friends. It's a powerful, elegant and intuitive app - a must for the modern musician.


Pro Metronome Basic Features:

* Intuitive, ad-free interface even in the free version
* Dynamic time signature settings
* 13 different time-keeping styles, including a counting voice
* Dynamic accent settings, including f, mf, p, and mute indicators
* Tap in your own BPM
* Color Mode – see the beats graphically displayed on screen
* Pendulum Mode, for visual feedback
* Power-Saving/Background Modes – works in lock screen, home, or in another app
* In-app volume adjustment
* Extreme precision (±20μs) using RTP (Real Time Playback) technology
* Timer to help you keep track of your session
* Tone generators
* Landscape Mode for increased resolution
* Universal app – supported on iPhone, iPod and iPad
* Audiobus support
* Apple Watch support

Pro Features include:
* Sensory aids: LED/Screen Flash Mode (iPhone 4 and above) and vibration (only available for iPhones)
* Subdivisions including triplets, dotted notes, and many more
* Polyrhythms – stack two rhythm tracks on top of each other
* Programmable playlists – save and load your favorite settings
* Dual Screen Mode using AirPlay (requires iPhone 4s/iPad2 and above)
* Wirelessly playlists sharing
* Rhythm Trainer – helps to develop your steady beats
* Stage Mode – the indispensable companion for performing musicians.
* Practice Mode – allows you to programme automatic tempo change to suit your practice regime.

===About EUMLab===
EUMLab helps unleash your musical talent! With pioneering technology, EUMLab create sleek, beautiful products for both the professional and novice musician alike.

Find out more about us: EUMLab.com
Follow us on Twitter/Facebook: @EUMLab
Questions? Write us: [email protected]
Watch our videos: eum.io/eumvideo

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

ESPN: Live Sports & Scores

Name:ESPN: Live Sports & Scores                                                 Price:Free

Description:From scores to signings, the ESPN App is here to keep you updated. Never miss another sporting moment with up-to-the-minute scores, latest news & a range of video content. Sign in and personalise the app to receive alerts for your teams and leagues. Wherever, whenever; the ESPN app keeps you connected.

What do you get with ESPN?

- Fast access to scores from Football, Cricket, F1, NBA, NFL, Tennis, Golf, MLB and more.

- Stories and videos from your favourite teams and leagues front and centre in your favourites feed. Simply pick your favourite leagues and teams to get started.

- Get real-time notifications on score updates and breaking news for your favourite teams, directly to your device.

For fans in the Philippines

- In collaboration with 5, the ESPN5 edition brings Philippine fans the best in international and local coverage, including NBA, PBA, Gilas, Boxing, and much more.

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail