8 Best Apps Similar To 1000+ Yard & Garden Landscaping Design Ideas|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: 1000+ Yard & Garden Landscaping Design Ideas
1000+ Yard & Garden Landscaping Design Ideas
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 4.5.1(2017-02-08)
APP CATEGORIES : Shopping, Lifestyle
<5K | <5K | <5K |
All kinds of Yard and Garden Design Ideas in the palm of your hands.
Creative Yard and Garden HD Catalogs for all yard and garden enthusiastic
Feature List
1) Wide range of category for theme types
2) Stunning image set for each categories
3) Save your next Yard or Garden theme to your phone photo gallery.
4) Favourite any preferred themes in side of the application.
5) Share theme to social media.
Enjoy the stunning Garden themes.
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Apps Similar To 1000+ Yard & Garden Landscaping Design Ideas
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![Pikachu Cổ Điển - Nối Thú Cưng Huyền Thoại !](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/8005ac73cc5e6a3e7f7fd1bee417dabb.jpg)
Name:Pikachu Cổ Điển - Nối Thú Cưng Huyền Thoại ! Price:0đ
Description:Pikachu Classic is a classic Onet - puzzle PC game
- Remove 2 animal with the same kind which can be connected within 3 lines.
- The nice and user-friendly interface
- Lovely images and effects
- Exciting sounds
- Support High-Score Global
Rating:4 Show Detail
![Diggy's Adventure: Fun Puzzles](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/d0d62ad6c4741ddcab29885abf3c63f4.jpg)
Name:Diggy's Adventure: Fun Puzzles Price:Free
Description:加入 Diggy、教授,Linda、和 Rusty 的旅程!探索充滿礦藏的世界,學習古老的文明,解決難忘的謎題。在 Diggy 的冒險線上遊戲中逃離每個迷宮並揭開過去最神秘的事物!
這個 2D 迷宮中沒有任何秘密可以藏!在您發現這個故事的新角色或者可能是一個古老的文明時,在迷宮中找到自己的道路。你能逃脫這個地雷陣嗎?
Diggy 冒險的特色:
▶ 喜歡解謎嗎?在各文明中設有超過 1000 個謎題等著您來解答。
▶ 挑戰各種難度的 500 個迷宮。千萬別被困進地牢中!
▶ 500 多個有趣的角色等您來互動。點選您的礦工頭像並查看戰利品!
▶ 4 個神秘地點,許多被遺忘的寶藏。風暴般地穿越迷宮吧!
▶ 被謎題困住了?我們的線上客服人員會在24小時內回覆您。
▶ 每週新增免費內容:包括謎題和寺廟等等,別忘記持續關注這個迷宮遊戲的更新消息!
▶ 挖掘尋找神秘寶藏,完成神聖的任務並解開謎題。
▶ 扮演考古學家,努力找出遠古世界的秘密。
▶ 利用線索打開藏寶箱,以礦工的方式進行探索。
▶ 一邊挖礦,一邊尋找戰利品和寶藏!
挖掘這個 2D 謎題礦坑,獲得各式各樣的道具,利用道具來解開謎題,離線時恢復體力,或是在營地中製作新道具。您還能以各種裝飾品美化您的營地。打造新道具或製作材料以幫助您在地窖或迷宮中進行挖掘,成為這個世界中最優秀的尋寶冒險愛好者。這可不是一般的尋寶遊戲,您得找出每塊拼圖才能得到足夠的金塊以繼續進行尋寶冒險!
解開 2D 謎題並從迷宮中逃脫,就可以獲得獎勵和經驗點數,從而提高能量再生率或提升能量容量。繼續挖掘,完成由神所分配的遊戲任務,沿著正確的道路前行,找出新的密室,讓您把其他的冒險遊戲都拋諸腦後!您還可以暢玩特殊迷宮活動、地牢和優惠,以各種主題布置營地或送禮給其他玩家。解謎和逃脫!一邊逃離無盡的迷宮,一邊挖礦,還能從新文明中獲得新知!快來玩這個充滿謎題的 2D 挖礦冒險!
請注意:Diggy's Adventure 為免費線上遊戲,需要連接網路才能下載以進行遊戲。您也能以實際貨幣購買遊戲道具。如果您不想使用此功能請在您的裝置設定中關閉遊戲內購買功能。
喜歡我們的休閒解謎遊戲?請在社群媒體上關注 @DiggysAdventure 以獲得我們的最新資訊與更新消息。
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Sweet Escapes: Build A Bakery](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/fdf0de801bfed17f903b05a30b66951f.jpg)
Name:Sweet Escapes: Build A Bakery Price:Free
ストーリーが進む中、動物の仲間たちがずっとあなたをサポートしてくれる… ただし、安全衛生局の検査官だけは邪魔をするかもしれないよ。
● おいしいスイーツのお店からなるバーチャルの村をデザインする。
● さびれたベーカリーを立て直し、新しいお店をつくる。
● それぞれのお店の外観や、どんなスイーツを提供するかを決める。"
● 作りたいスイーツを選ぶ。
● クッキー、キャンディ、焼き菓子など、お店のメニューをふやしていく。
● お客さんに特別なイベントを提供する。
● ベーカリー、ソーダショップ、キャンディショップなど、いろいろなお店をオープンする!
● レシピで使うフルーツやハーブなどを植えて収穫する。"
● スイーツがテーマの楽しくてハマるマッチングパズル。
● 便利なブースターや強力なコンビネーションを活用することで、楽しさや創造性が無限大に拡大!
● マッチ3パズルで3つ以上のピースをつなげて消そう!
● 手詰まりになったら、パワーアップを使って問題解消!"
● 愛すべき動物たちが力を合わせてあなたのショップの再建を手伝ってくれる。
● 動物の仲間たちはそれぞれ、スイーツの才能や情熱を持っている。
● 気難しい安全衛生局の検査官から課せられる、さまざまな難題をクリアしよう。"
Rating:4.55 Show Detail
Name:iMindMap Price:$4.99
Description:**NEW: iMindMap has evolved. Today we bring you, Ayoa. Ayoa is a collaborative, fast and powerful Mind Mapping and innovation app for individuals who want to capture their best ideas, while on the go, and turn them into actionable tasks. Available now on the iOS app store. Visit www.ayoa.com to learn more about OpenGenius’ latest app.**
iMindMap users, keep your creativity flowing by accessing your Mind Maps on your phone with iMindMap iPhone. iMindMap iPhone gives you the freedom to develop and adapt your Mind Maps wherever you are. Download today to enjoy creative thinking and flexible productivity on-the-go.
PLEASE NOTE: iMindMap iPhone offers the ability to sync your maps between all your supporting devices. You will be asked to sign up for a free account on the first start.
Feature highlights:
- Create and deliver stunning presentations
- Gain access to iMindMap Cloud to sync your Mind Maps from other devices
- Import/Open .imx files
- Add Audio Notes, web links and text notes
- Colourful Image Library
- Templates to get you started fast
- Sketch Tool
- Inbuilt Smart Layout technology to keep your maps tidy
- Tailor your maps with Styles & Freehand Branches
- Undo/redo feature to quickly amend or alter your Mind Maps
- Gain full access to iMindMap for Web in your browser
- Insert images from your own Photo Album or camera (iPad 2 or newer required)
- Schedule Tasks to stay on top of it all with start dates, finish dates and duration times
- Insert Floating Text and Floating Ideas
- Create new Folders to store and order your maps by date or alphabetical order
- Technical Support
The following features are available through an in-app subscription to iMindMap Cloud:
- Unlimited online storage
- Sync your Mind Maps between devices to edit on the go
- Share Mind Maps with friends, family and colleagues
Find out more about OpenGenius and the journey to Ayoa, here: www.ayoa.com
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Planner 5D - Interior Design](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/f23163f3ac83b8dd6397014a13274551.jpg)
Name:Planner 5D - Interior Design Price:Free
Description:Quer esteja a remodelar, renovar ou conceber a sua casa de sonho, o Planner 5D pode ajudar! Crie plantas detalhadas em 2D e 3D, procure num catálogo com mais de 5000+ itens e crie imagens realistas como fotografias dos seus projetos. Com mais de 20 milhões de transferências em todas as plataformas, o Planner 5D torna o design de interiores mais fácil do que nunca!
Planeamento de divisões com design intuitivo de arrastar e largar
-Crie plantas, esquemas e disposição de mobiliário personalizados
-Arraste e largue paredes, portas, janelas, mobiliário e decoração com facilidade para o seu projeto
-Projete nos modos 2D e 3D
-Aplicação simples de utilizar, sem necessidade de qualificações especiais
-Conceba uma divisão, casa de banho, cozinha, quarto, sala, apartamento completo, casa, escritório ou até um pátio
-Uma ferramenta útil para projetar uma nova casa, renovar, reorganizar e redecorar
Personalize totalmente os seus projetos
-Crie um design totalmente exclusivo ou comece com um projeto de exemplo
-Procure no catálogo regularmente atualizado com mais de 5000+ itens de mobiliário, eletrodomésticos, decoração, artigos para a casa, paisagística, etc.
-Personalize a cor, textura e tamanho do mobiliário
-Personalize as cores e materiais do chão e paredes
-Crie designs extremamente detalhados e personalizados, tanto para interiores como para exteriores
Guarde, consulte e partilhe o seu projeto
-Guarde um número ilimitado de projetos
-Veja o seu projeto de qualquer ângulo, em modo 3D
-Inicie sessão com o Google+ ou Facebook para trabalhar nos seus projetos em qualquer plataforma, incluindo o seu portátil ou outro dispositivo móvel
-Exporte os seus projetos
-Função de "Instantâneo" para criar imagens de alta qualidade dos seus projetos, realistas como fotografias, que pode partilhar, com iluminação, texturas e sombras realistas
- Guarde e partilhe os seus projetos com os familiares, amigos e profissionais do setor
Funcionalidades adicionais
-Trabalhe em projetos offline
-Sem qualquer publicidade
-Multi idioma
-Alterne entre os sistemas de medidas Métrico e Imperial
Se tiver dúvidas, não hesite em contactar-nos para:
[email protected]
Ou envie uma mensagem para a nossa equipa de suporte tocando no botão "Reportar um Problema", no ecrã de perfil.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Planner5D
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Planner5D
Instagram: https://instagram.com/planner5d
O Planner 5D pode ser utilizado sem uma subscrição ativa com um catálogo limitado e sem a capacidade de personalizar mobiliário. As funcionalidades Premium podem ser ativadas com uma subscrição Mensal por 4,99 $ ou subscrição Anual por 9,99 $ (os preços variam em função da região)
O pagamento das suas subscrições será cobrado no seu cartão de crédito através da sua conta iTunes, aquando da confirmação da compra. As subscrições são automaticamente renovadas a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada até 24 horas antes do final do período de subscrição atual. As subscrições e a renovação automática podem ser geridas/desativadas nas definições de conta do iTunes.
O preço da subscrição poderá variar com a localização.
Política de privacidade: https://planner5d.com/pages/privacy/
Termos de serviço: https://planner5d.com/pages/terms/
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Food Network Magazine US](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/fd61331a9ca184db2ff60a921a75f688.jpg)
Name:Food Network Magazine US Price:Free
Description:Food Network Magazine brings passion, fun and personalities around food to the table. It is the only epicurean magazine to offer unprecedented access to America's favorite TV chefs and reflects the fun, playful sensibility of the Food Network. Each issue features your favorite Food Network talent, plus a behind-the-scenes look at their shows and kitchens. Food Network Magazine includes hundreds of accessible recipes and tips for entertaining.
SUBSCRIBE NOW AND GET YOUR FIRST ISSUE FREE! Don't forget, you can also get free access to issues with a timed preview (on your iPhone, too!).
Plus, share app content with your favorite social networks. Using a simple two-finger tap, actual images of the content itself are “clipped” and can be sent directly to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Pinterest, or via email or saved to your photo roll.
Download our free app today! Select the issue you'd like to purchase, or sign up with a subscription and save!
Please note that you must have iOS 10.0 or higher installed on your device to use this app.
Food Network Magazine US Pricing:
• Subscription 1 Month - USD 1.99*
• Subscription 1 Year - USD 19.99*
* For non-US app stores, the equivalent currency charges will apply.
Please note: App subscriptions do not include access to subscription-only content on our website.
Additional Subscription Information:
• Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
• Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
• Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal.
• Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase.
• No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period.
Privacy Policy - https://bit.ly/2J5Ujfh
Terms of Use - https://bit.ly/2J1YZqL
• Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.
Rating:4.1 Show Detail
![Queen's Garden 3 (Full)](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/7517b34dedabb1209d7503e14360efbf.jpg)
Name:Queen's Garden 3 (Full) Price:Rp 99ribu
Description:It's Halloween time and the Queen wants to celebrate! Help the Queen, and her loyal assistant Jack, decorate the garden in this unique match-3 game! Play over 130 levels, collect special jewels and purchase plants and decorations to design the spookiest Halloween garden ever!
- Expansive garden to customize
- 130 unique match 3 levels
- Brave the garden at the night for a Halloween experience
- Many Halloween decorations to choose
- Test your skills to collect coins and jewels
Rating:0 Show Detail
![Chez Moi - Ideas for Lunch](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/275c87e7ff843794edba76732534c3bb.jpg)
Name:Chez Moi - Ideas for Lunch Price:$0.99
Description:If you know someone who would like a reminder of a healthy delicious lunch choice, use this app to find a suggestion and then send a text with the pre-populated content to anyone in your contact list … or type in any mobile phone number. This is seamlessly integrated with your Contacts, so there is no set-up required for this to be useful.
Use this app for yourself, a senior, a student who studies too much and forgets to eat or as a lunch club roulette application.
It is a great way to:
- get more micronutrients
- have fun
- eat healthily
- help others
- connect with seniors and/or students
We hope you enjoy this application. It is currently optimized for viewing on the iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s and 6s Plus. If you have ideas for enhancements, please let us know. This was fun to develop and we would love to hear ideas of how to make it even better.
Rating:0 Show Detail