8 Best Apps Similar To 1967: Retro Filters & Effects|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: 1967: Retro Filters & Effects
1967: Retro Filters & Effects
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.1.5(2020-04-02)
APP CATEGORIES : Photo & Video, Entertainment
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.5 (32.19K)
70.0K | 10.0K | 21.71K |
精選作為在App Store上的“每日應用” - 1967年:復古濾鏡和特效帶回所有的色調,紋理和光線的洩漏,你會從老派模擬攝像機獲得,減去笨重的外殼和臭暗房化學品。隨著應用的簡約界面和超過200個過濾器,編輯您的照片,以喚起擺動60年代只需要輕點幾下。
“給你的照片處理的”過眼雲煙“。” - AppAdvice
- 超過200復古濾鏡
- 在每個濾波器組超過50作用
- 漏光效果,防塵,糧食和枯燥乏味幫助添加復古感覺的照片
- 簡單的色彩預置可以很容易地分享復古照片
- 對每個濾波器抽頭刷新效果
- 改變不透明性或紋理與滑塊
- 刻錄電影收藏
- 彩色燈系列
- 背景虛化系列
- 彩虹系列
- 孫收集洩漏
- 雙色系列
- 1967年原來的集合
- 煙霧收集
- 黑白系列
- 對象集合
這種復古照片編輯器是在App Store上最流行的照片編輯應用程序之一,並且被設計成快速,輕鬆開始編輯。它包括強大的照片編輯,創造復古,從您的個人畫廊1960年的靈感照片的工具。只有一個水龍頭,使您的拍攝看起來驚人!
- 您的iTunes賬戶在購買確認付款將不收取費用。
- 您的訂閱自動續訂了相同的金額作為原認購,除非自動續訂目前認購期結束前關閉至少24小時。
- 您的帳戶將被收取續期前,當前的訂閱期結束的24小時內。
- 您可以管理您的訂閱,並在任何時候購買後訪問您的iTunes帳戶設置關閉自動更新。
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Apps Similar To 1967: Retro Filters & Effects
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![Blocky Soccer](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/99c2931f17575bc6a242a7d3518cfa04.jpg)
Name:Blocky Soccer Price:S$ .00
Description:Run, dribble and shoot as the striker in a fresh, fun soccer runner!
The most fun you can have with a ball, combining realistic physics and humorous gameplay.
Dodge tackles, compete in matches, win international tournaments and hold your nerve in penalty shootouts. How many trophies can you win?
• Easy to play soccer fun
• Retro style blocky graphics
• Lots of characters
• Different pitches & weather effects
• Compete with friends
• Share your #Replay
Rating:4 Show Detail
![Darkroom: Photo & Video Editor](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/3eb179e939ed378dbb68317a131ce1b3.jpg)
Name:Darkroom: Photo & Video Editor Price:Free
Description:Darkroom é um editor de foto e vídeo fácil de usar por fotógrafos casuais, poderoso o suficiente para profissionais e absurdamente rápido. Disponível no iPad e no iPhone com integração completa com todos os recursos mais novos do iOS e iPadOS, o Darkroom define o padrão para as ferramentas de edição móvel de alto nível.
Todas as ferramentas que você precisa para trazer suas fotos à vida. Nosso extenso kit de ferramentas gratuitas ajudam você a editar suas fotos ao vivo, RAW, imagens e retratos com facilidade.
Gradação de cores em tempo real absurdamente rápida e simples que não sacrifica sua expressão criativa. Todos os nossos filtros e ferramentas de edição são compatíveis com vídeo, inclusive para processamento em lote. Você nunca viu edição de vídeo tão rápida, poderosa e bela.
O coração e a alma do Darkroom: as ferramentas de curvas e cores seletivas com a maior usabilidade do iOS. Um baile de funcionalidade, simplicidade e poder.
Edite o primeiro e segundo planos dos seus retratos separadamente. Não só conseguimos personalizar a intensidade do desfoque dos seus Retratos, mas também o brilho, contraste e saturação do primeiro/segundo planos separadamente.
Nosso mecanismo de RAW acelera e simplifica a edição e navegação por meio de arquivos RAW como se eles fossem imagens normais. Edite a linha completa de detalhes nas sombras e brilhos.
Nosso conjunto completo de ferramentas de gerenciamento de álbuns permite organizar sua fototeca extremamente rápido. Com suporte para arrastar e soltar no iPad, adicionar fotos a álbuns nunca foi tão fácil.
Oferecemos as mesmas ferramentas que fotógrafos profissionais usam para criar filtros. Edite qualquer um dos filtros integrados ou premium para se encaixarem nas suas necessidades ou crie os seus do zero.
O Darkroom não tem um passo de importação. Todas as suas fotos ficam instantaneamente disponíveis. Ajudamos você a navegar por toda a sua fototeca rapidamente, encontrar a foto certa e começar a editar logo em seguida.
Aplica edições e filtros a várias fotos por vez. Favorite/apague/oculte várias imagens com um único toque. Nenhum outro aplicativo facilita e acelera tanto o gerenciamento da sua fototeca que cresce a todo momento.
Crie grupos de hashtags que podem ser exportados com um toque só de qualquer lugar: tela de início, widget Hoje, página de Exportar e mais. Crie seus próprios atalhos da Siri para copiar todas as suas hashtags preferidas de qualquer aplicativo.
Sua associação do Darkroom+ será automaticamente renovada a não ser que a renovação automática seja desligada com pelo menos 24 horas de antecedência do final do período atual. Você pode ir para Ajustes > iTunes e App Store > ID da Apple > Assinaturas para gerenciar sua associação e desligar a renovação automática. Sua conta da iTunes será cobrada quando a compra for confirmada.
Leia mais sobre nossos termos e condições aqui:
Leia mais sobre nossa política de privacidade aqui:
Rating:4.85 Show Detail
![Uplive-Live it Up](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/7b96384d00bc8b57cabbd1cdc24bb0cc.jpg)
Name:Uplive-Live it Up Price:Free
Description:***Uplive – 2020년 유행하는 최고의 모바일 플랫폼****
*****Uplive-Live it Up*****
글로벌 라이브방송! 트랜디한 비디오 소셜플랫폼!
방송 고수들의 모임! 글로벌 유저들과 당신의 생활을 공유하세요!
「 완벽한 라이브 방송의 특별한 형식」
◆누구나 가능한 방송 - 생활을 담은 방송을 전달합니다.
◆럭셔리한 선물들 - 한번의 터치로 선물을 보냅니다.
◆게임스트리밍 - 게임 고수들의 게임 실력을 경험해보세요.
◆뷰티필터 - 스크린 앞에 제일 아름다은 당신을 뽑내보세요.
◆스트리머와PK - 같은 화면에서 스트리머 PK에 참여해 소통해보아요
업라이브 기능
【실시간 번역기능】
* 번역기능으로 스트리머와 실시간으로 소통해보세요.글로벌 스트리머의 방송에서 당신의 생활을 공유하세요.
【화려한 선물】
* 다양한 화려한 애니메이션 선물, 얼굴인식 선물들로 분위기를 띄우고, 당신을 보여주세요! ≖‿≖
【게임 스트리밍】
* 베틀그래운드, DOTA2, LOL, 오버워치 등 게임 고수들의 실력을 여기서 경험하세요!
【스트리머 PK】
* 스트리머 PK시, 팬의 능력을 보여주세요 힘을 모아 승리합시다! ≖‿≖
【게임 중심】
*라이브 방송이 안된다면 게임을 즐길수있어요. 다양한 게임도 하고 U다이아몬드도 획득하세요! n(*≧▽≦*)n
【모멘트 공유】
*라이브 방송 중 멋졌던 순간부터 일상 생활의 사진까지 모든 순간을 모멘트에 공유하세요. 위챗,QQ,웨이보에 간단하게 공유하세요.
【끊이지 않는 컨텐츠】
*수만명의 우수한 스트리머들의 춤방, 음방, 먹방 등 수많은 컨텐츠로 시청을 멈출 수 없을거에요!
*클립영상제작과 라이브 다시보기로 팔로우한 스트리머의 방송을 놓쳐도 걱정없어요! (′▽`〃)
【로그인 보상】
*출석체크하고 경험치 혹은 U다이아몬드를 획득하고 Free 선물을 스트리머에게 선물해보세요 (//▽//)
【너와 함께】
*각 국의 분포되어있는 수만명의 스트리머와 유저와 Uplive에서 소통하세요.
【비밀 친구】
*탑 스트리머들과의 비밀스럽게 소통해보세요! 서로 팔로우를 하면 친구가 될 수 있습니다.
【가장 핫한 방송방법】
*역사상 가장 제미나고 차원이 다른 방송 플랫폼! 라이브 방송을 즐기는 놀라운 방법들이 당신을 기다리고 있어요!
[Exclusive membership MVP monthly subscription instructions]
- Title of Subscription service:Exclusive membership MVP monthly subscription
- Length of subscription:Exclusive member MVP Auto-renew monthly subscription is valid for 1 month
- Subscription price: 9.99 USD per month
- Payment: User confirms purchase and payment first,then credits to iTunes account
-Cancel subscription: To cancel subscription, user will need to manually disable auto-renewal in iTunes/Apple ID settings management 24 hours before the current subscription expires.
-Renewal: Apple iTunes account will be debited within 24 hours before expiration. After the deduction successes, the subscription period will automatically be extended by another month.
-Privacy Policy: https://m.upliveapps.com/up-doc/privacy_en.html
-Terms of Use(includes more details regarding monthly subscription): https://m.upliveapps.com/up-doc/terms_en.html
더 새로운, 더 놀라운 기능으로 돌아온 Uplive를 만나보세요!
어플에 문제가 생길 경우 서비스 센터로 문의하세요.
제휴 협의 메일 :[email protected]
Uplive 공식 웹사이트:up.live
Rating:4.25 Show Detail
![Kings of Pool](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/6f28c5d02e205240208612fd76249c88.jpg)
Name:Kings of Pool Price:Free
Pegamos o tradicional bilhar bola 8 e fizemos um upgrade moderno e sofisticado. Cada detalhe foi discutido e desenhado com cuidado para oferecer a você um jogo que é fácil de aprender, muito legal de jogar e incrível de olhar.
Enfrente habilidosos jogadores de bola 8 do mundo inteiro. Ganhe e obtenha acesso a mesas exclusivas de alto risco. Junte dinheiro e transforme-se no jogador de bilhar mais rico do jogo.
Funde um clube com seus amigos mais habilidosos. Lutem juntos para chegar até o topo, ganhem prêmios incríveis e sejam os KINGS OF POOL. Com certeza causará inveja.
Seja o melhor jogador de bilhar. Suba de posição, demonstre suas habilidades, fique no topo da tabela!
Encaçape com magia usando nosso mecanismo de tacadas com truque.
Outros destaques:
* BILHAR MULTIPLAYER GRÁTIS - desafie jogadores de bilhar online, sempre grátis, para sempre.
* JOGUE COMO UM PRO - nosso avançado mecanismo de física oferece a precisão necessária para acertar aquela tacada perfeita todas as vezes.
* CHAT GLOBAL - converse com outros jogadores, gabe-se das suas vitórias ou detone seus oponentes depois de um jogo esquentado.
* PERFIL - mostre seus stats com tacos personalizados, insígnias e medalhas que você ganhou dando tacadas difíceis.
Acha que tem o necessário para ser o Rei? O caminho para transformar-se em bilionário com bilhar bola 8 começa aqui!
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Timestamp Camera Basic](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/86b741dd2bef3835828ec25fa6703cab.jpg)
Name:Timestamp Camera Basic Price:Free
Description:Timestamp Camera is the best(maybe the only) app to automatically add timestamp to new videos in real time.
• Automatically insert current time and address when taking photo or video in real time, you can change time format or select the address around easily. Timestamp Camera is the only App that can record video with the time watermark accurate to millisecond(0.001 second).
- Support 81 timestamp formats.
- Support change font, font color, font size.
- Support set timestamp in 6 positions: top left, top center, top right, bottom left, bottom center, bottom right.
- Support auto add address and GPS.
- Support input and display custom text on camera.
- Support input and display tag on camera and insert to the Exif.
- Support change opacity of text and text background.
- Support four text margin modes: no margin, one line margin, half line margin, suitable for printing
• Support display altitude and speed.
• Support display map on the camera.
• Support display compass on the camera.
• Support import watermark logo image to display on the camera.
• Support change photo resolution, support the maximum resolution supported by the camera.
• Support change video resolution(540P, 720P, 1080P, 4K) and fps(30fps, 60fps).
• Support record video without audio.
• Support pause and continue record fragments to one video.
• Support timer to take picture (3, 5, 10 seconds with count down).
• Has 4 modes. "Video", "Square", "Timelapse" support record video and capture photo. "Photo" mode only support capture photo with special optimization.
• All the effects are real-time and can be used when taking photo or video.
• Support change effect, toggle camera when recording.
• Support "Battery saver mode", the brightness of screen can be changed when turn it on.
• Support show 3x3 grid.
• Support import photo as a virtual camera.
• Support portrait and landscape.
• Support both iPad and iPhone.
• Photo and Video will be saved to Camera roll.
Please mail us [email protected] if you have any problem or suggestions. Thank you.
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
![Collect: Save and share ideas](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/d283e819f50c9c0446124cc3400d8672.jpg)
Name:Collect: Save and share ideas Price:Free
Description:Collect is the best way to save everything that inspires you and fuels your ideas. Upload images and videos, save links and anything from across your apps, then organize it all into visual boards. You can share boards (if you want), and work together right in a board!
• Add images, songs, videos, documents and anything else you got
• Save links and cool stuff you find from across your apps
• Organize all your items into beautiful boards to visualize your ideas
• Share boards with anyone, no sign-up required
• Invite others to collaborate on boards so everyone’s on the same page
Now available for iPad!
Whether it’s inspiration, ideas you’re working on, references for later, or stuff you love—you can save, organize, and share it for free with Collect. To backup and sync all your boards and items across your devices, upgrade to Collect Pro.
About Us
WeTransfer makes beautifully obvious tools that bring ideas to life. Founded in 2009 as a simple, well-designed file sharing service for the creative community, WeTransfer has grown into a set of products for different parts of the creative process. These include storytelling platform WePresent, quick slide-making tool Paste, immersive sketching app Paper, inspiration-capturing tool Collect, and the WeTransfer.com platform, where 42 million people send one billion files every month.
Terms of Service: https://wetransfer.com/legal/terms
Privacy Policy: https://wetransfer.com/legal/privacy
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Photo Wonder](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/dcf7c59a1343a0646aa44bae5df613f9.jpg)
Name:Photo Wonder Price:Free
Description:● ยอดผู้ใช้ทะลุ 100 ล้านคน จากผู้ใช้กว่า 218 ประเทศ
● ได้เป็นแอพฯยอดนิยม 5 อันดับแรกในประเภทโปรแกรมแอพฯถ่ายรูปวีดีโอของ App Store ในกว่า 20 ประเทศและเขต
PhotoWonder เปิดเผยความงามในตัวคุณให้โลกประจักษ์ได้ทุกที่ทุกเวลา
● เอฟเฟ็คกล้อง: ระบบ real-time ถ่ายภาพอาร์ตๆได้แบบทันที
กล้องถ่ายรูปเอฟเฟคพิเศษมากมาย สามารถทำเอฟเฟคระหว่างถ่ายได้ ถ่ายภาพสวยด้วยแชะเดียว
● ตกแต่งภาพ : ตัดภาพ หมุนภาพและปรับโทนสีได้อย่างสะดวก
ตัดและหมุนภาพ ปรับความสว่าง ปรับคอนทราสต์ และความเข้มสีได้ตามที่ต้องการ
● การเสริมความงาม : เพียงแค่ใช้นิ้วถูหรือแตะสัมผัส ก็สามารถมีผิวสวยใสเรียบเนียน ไร้สิวไร้รอยด่างดำ หรือจะทำตาโตแป๋วแหวว รูปร่างผอมเพรียวก็สะดวกทันใจ ที่สำคัญยังมีฟังก์ชันอายไลน์เนอร์ และที่ปัดแก้มไว้คอยเติมสีสันให้ใบหน้าของเพื่อนๆได้สวยใสปิ๊งยิ่งขึ้น
● เอฟเฟค: ยกระดับรูปถ่ายด้วยเอฟเฟคต่างๆ PhotoWonder ทำให้รูปถ่ายของคุณมีคุณภาพสูงสุด
PhotoWonder รวบรวมคอลเลคชั่นเอฟเฟคสวยๆ ไว้ให้คุณเลือกมากมาย เพียงคลิกเดียว คุณก็จะเข้าถึงคลังเอฟเฟคศิลปะเท่ห์ๆ เช่น แสงนวล, โลโม, สไตล์ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง, ปรับแต่งเป็นโทนบลู, เอฟเฟครูปถ่ายเก่า ทำให้รูปถ่ายของคุณถ่ายทอดความรู้สึกได้หลายหลายมากขึ้น
● การตกแต่ง: ด้วยเครื่องมือการตกแต่งมากมาย PhotoWonder ทำให้ภาพของคุณมีเอกลักษณ์
PhotoWonder ได้คัดสรรภาพประกอบและแสตมป์ที่น่าสนใจมากมาย อีกทั้งข้อความแฟชั่นต่างๆ สำหรับการสร้างภาพที่สะท้อนตัวคุณ
● ภาพปะติปะต่อ: การนำชิ้นส่วนของภาพมาปะติปะต่อตามต้องการ PhotoWonder เตรียมผนังภาพไว้ให้คุณ
PhotoWonder มี 3 โหมดในการทำภาพปะติปะต่อ: รูปแบบที่กำหนดไว้, ฟรีสไตล์ และการปะติปะต่อจากรูปถ่ายรูปแบบที่หรูหรากับฉากหลังที่สดใสช่วยสร้างผนังภาพของคุณเอง
● กรอบรูป: กรอบรูปหลายหลายรูปแบบช่วยให้รูปถ่ายของคุณน่าสนใจยิ่งขึ้น. มีทั้งแบบที่เรียบง่ายและซันซ้อนให้เลือกมากมาย
● 1เดือน PhotoWonder สำหรับ฿๖๙.๐๐, การต่ออายุอัตโนมัติในตอนท้ายของแต่ละเดือนที่฿๖๙.๐๐
●การชำระเงินจะถูกหักออกจากบัญชี iTunes ของคุณที่ยืนยันการสั่งซื้อ
●การสมัครของคุณต่ออายุโดยอัตโนมัติเว้นแต่การต่ออายุอัตโนมัติถูกปิดอย่างน้อย 24 ชั่วโมงก่อนสิ้นงวดปัจจุบัน
●บัญชี iTunes ของคุณจะถูกเรียกเก็บเงินสำหรับการต่ออายุภายใน 24 ชั่วโมงก่อนสิ้นสุดระยะเวลาปัจจุบันและระบุค่าใช้จ่ายของการต่ออายุ
●คุณสามารถจัดการการสมัครของคุณและปิดการต่ออายุอัตโนมัติโดยไปที่การตั้งค่าบัญชีของคุณใน iTunes store หลังจากซื้อ
หากคุณต้องการยกเลิกการสมัครโปรดไปที่การตั้งค่า iTunes & App Store และทำตามคำแนะนำที่เกี่ยวข้อง
●เงื่อนไขการใช้งาน: https://public-policy.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/motu/ios/protocal-EN.html
●นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว: https://public-policy.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/motu/ios/privacy-EN.html
e-mail: [email protected].
Rating:3.45 Show Detail
![Presets for Lightroom - Koloro](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/06fffa48bad4119086209b56e8455678.jpg)
Name:Presets for Lightroom - Koloro Price:Free
Description:Lr mobile의 사전 설정은 사진 편집을위한 완벽하고 기본적인 도구입니다.
1. 수백 가지 사전 설정
전문가가 만든 고급 사전 설정을 제공합니다. 이 사전 설정은 영화, 여행, 결혼식, 도시, 음식 등에서 영감을 얻었습니다. 레트로 및 빈티지, 휴가, 빛샘, 보케, 흑백, 사이버 펑크, 미식가, 영화, 아기, 심장 등 여러 종류의 사전 설정을 제공합니다. , 가을, 결혼식, 인물 등
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유명한 아티스트 및 비디오 편집자 등에서 영감을 얻은 Lightroom 및 필터 사전 설정을 사용하십시오. 강력한 도구와 미적 오버레이 효과를 사용하여 사진과 같은 비디오 및 동영상을 쉽게 조정할 수 있습니다. 이 사진 아트 박스에서 전문가처럼 비디오를 편집하십시오! 자르기없이 라이브 4K HD 필름 비디오를 출력 할 수도 있습니다.
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와서 나만의 사진 예술을 만드십시오! Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tik Tok 등과 같은 소셜 미디어에서 공유하십시오.
- With VIP you can subscribe for weekly new resource updates and unlimited access to all content.
- The purchase options include: buying one preset, montly subscription, yearly subscription and life-time purchase.
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- Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that content.
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Rating:4.3 Show Detail