8 Best Apps Similar To Apache Pilot Flight Simulator|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Apache Pilot Flight Simulator

Apache Pilot Flight Simulator

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.0(2018-12-20)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Entertainment, Simulation, Racing

20.0K   <5K <5K


You will fly as AH-64 Apache pilot and operate as a gunner also. Can you find enemy soldiers with using FLIR targeting view as a real Apache gunner?

Complete realistic combat missions based on real scenarios.

You will fly in fully recreated cities with realistic traffic, beautiful environment of sunny island or dusty desert in Afghanistan.

- High detailed 3D cockpit (pilot and gunner)
- fully working FLIR targeting view with thermal modes
- m230 chain gun
- Hellfire missiles
- Hydra rockets
- realistic physics
- amazing sound effects and graphics
- day and night missions

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Planner 5D - Interior Design

Name:Planner 5D - Interior Design                                                Price:Free

Description:Quer esteja a remodelar, renovar ou conceber a sua casa de sonho, o Planner 5D pode ajudar! Crie plantas detalhadas em 2D e 3D, procure num catálogo com mais de 5000+ itens e crie imagens realistas como fotografias dos seus projetos. Com mais de 20 milhões de transferências em todas as plataformas, o Planner 5D torna o design de interiores mais fácil do que nunca!


Planeamento de divisões com design intuitivo de arrastar e largar
-Crie plantas, esquemas e disposição de mobiliário personalizados
-Arraste e largue paredes, portas, janelas, mobiliário e decoração com facilidade para o seu projeto
-Projete nos modos 2D e 3D
-Aplicação simples de utilizar, sem necessidade de qualificações especiais
-Conceba uma divisão, casa de banho, cozinha, quarto, sala, apartamento completo, casa, escritório ou até um pátio
-Uma ferramenta útil para projetar uma nova casa, renovar, reorganizar e redecorar

Personalize totalmente os seus projetos
-Crie um design totalmente exclusivo ou comece com um projeto de exemplo
-Procure no catálogo regularmente atualizado com mais de 5000+ itens de mobiliário, eletrodomésticos, decoração, artigos para a casa, paisagística, etc.
-Personalize a cor, textura e tamanho do mobiliário
-Personalize as cores e materiais do chão e paredes
-Crie designs extremamente detalhados e personalizados, tanto para interiores como para exteriores

Guarde, consulte e partilhe o seu projeto
-Guarde um número ilimitado de projetos
-Veja o seu projeto de qualquer ângulo, em modo 3D
-Inicie sessão com o Google+ ou Facebook para trabalhar nos seus projetos em qualquer plataforma, incluindo o seu portátil ou outro dispositivo móvel
-Exporte os seus projetos
-Função de "Instantâneo" para criar imagens de alta qualidade dos seus projetos, realistas como fotografias, que pode partilhar, com iluminação, texturas e sombras realistas
- Guarde e partilhe os seus projetos com os familiares, amigos e profissionais do setor

Funcionalidades adicionais
-Trabalhe em projetos offline
-Sem qualquer publicidade
-Multi idioma
-Alterne entre os sistemas de medidas Métrico e Imperial


Se tiver dúvidas, não hesite em contactar-nos para:
[email protected]
Ou envie uma mensagem para a nossa equipa de suporte tocando no botão "Reportar um Problema", no ecrã de perfil.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Planner5D
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Planner5D
Instagram: https://instagram.com/planner5d

O Planner 5D pode ser utilizado sem uma subscrição ativa com um catálogo limitado e sem a capacidade de personalizar mobiliário. As funcionalidades Premium podem ser ativadas com uma subscrição Mensal por 4,99 $ ou subscrição Anual por 9,99 $ (os preços variam em função da região)

O pagamento das suas subscrições será cobrado no seu cartão de crédito através da sua conta iTunes, aquando da confirmação da compra. As subscrições são automaticamente renovadas a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada até 24 horas antes do final do período de subscrição atual. As subscrições e a renovação automática podem ser geridas/desativadas nas definições de conta do iTunes.

O preço da subscrição poderá variar com a localização.

Política de privacidade: https://planner5d.com/pages/privacy/
Termos de serviço: https://planner5d.com/pages/terms/

Rating:4.4                                               Show Detail

Rank Insignia

Name:Rank Insignia                                                Price:Free

Description:Игра для настоящих фанатов военных званий!
Повышайте ранги своих знаков отличия.
От простого рядового до Генерала,
просто соединяйте свои знаки отличия и повышайте свой ранг!

* Объединяйте знаки отличия, чтобы повысить свой ранг!
* Соберите все знаки отличия от простого рядового до Генерала!
* Перетащите знак отличия на идентичный ему знак, чтобы соединить их.
* Сражайтесь с другими знаками отличия из вашей коллекции!
* Во время боя вы можете получать золото, удаляя вражеские танки, воздушные истребители или боевые корабли.
* Достигнув очередного квеста, вы получите награду.

Готовы стать фанатом игры Rank Insignia? Зайдите на страницу Lucky Chan Games в Фейсбуке и поставьте нам лайк.


Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:Breakneck                                                 Price:Free

Description:Corra a velocidades alucinantes enquanto prossegue com sua missão e chega o mais longe possível.

O mundo está agora ocupado por invasores... e eles estão caçando você. Explore terrenos desconhecidos, desviando-se de obstáculos e evitando ser capturado e destruído. Reveja e otimize seu caminho para melhorar sua distância. Teste seus limites e controle e ganhe recompensas pelos riscos que você enfrenta. Voe mais longe. Suba na classificação. Continue a progredir. A missão depende de você.

Destaques do BREAKNECK:
· Ação frenética enquanto você corre num mundo hostil, coletando suprimentos e chegando cada vez mais longe
· Missões diárias e semanais para testar suas habilidades
· Jogue e obtenha novos kits para personalizar seu veículo!
· Gráficos 3D incríveis e ambientes que mostram uma paisagem devastada por uma invasão
· O ambiente é reiniciado diariamente, permitindo o surgimento de novos caminhos e desafios a serem superados
· Torneios e classificações semanais para você competir com outros sobreviventes
· Impulsos e upgrades desbloqueáveis para a sua nave ajudam você a enfrentar os desafios que estão sempre evoluindo
· Naves fantasmas da última e das suas melhores corridas diárias para você poder competir com seu recorde
· Grave e compartilhe replays de seus jogos com os amigos
· Nova trilha sonora original do artista e compositor Kadington
· Suporte para Metal
· Suporte para Game Center
· Suporte para controlador de jogo MFI
· 3D Touch para uma direção precisa. Disponível para os novos dispositivos Apple!

Adoramos ouvir as opiniões dos nossos jogadores!
Você está no Twitter? Encontre com a gente em @PikPokGames e junte-se à conversa com #BreakneckGame

Breakneck é grátis para jogar, mas oferece alguns itens de jogo para comprar com dinheiro de verdade. Você pode desabilitar as compras dentro do aplicativo nas configurações de seu dispositivo.

Rating:4.5                                             Show Detail

Cargo Delivery Truck Driver 18

Name:Cargo Delivery Truck Driver 18                                                 Price:Free

Description:Machen Sie sich bereit für die Winter Truck Driving Spiel. In diesem neuesten Lkw-Transporter Simulator erhalten Sie in verschiedenen Fahrzeugen zu fahren, in erstaunlich aussehende Umgebungen.
Fahren Sie diese erstaunlichen Extreme Vehicles
Schwerer Öltanker Anhänger
Große Schwerlastwagen
Autotransporter LKW

Winter-LKW-Fahrenspiel Eigenschaften
- Erstaunliche Parken-LKW-Simulator 3D Spiel-Physik
- Laden Sie verschiedene Arten von Fracht auf Ihre Transport-Trailer
- Öltransport
- Autotransport
- Güterverkehr

- 8 Unterschiedliche Kamera-Winkel, zum der Position Ihres LKWes zu überprüfen, während Sie sie parken
- Wischen Sie über den Bildschirm, um die Kamera zu stellen, wohin Sie wollen
- Transport Petroleum in Offroad-Lkw-Fahrer 4x4 auf Wüste Offroad-Strecke auf gefährlichen Straßen, so dass Sie die ultimative Schüttelfrost auf steilen Hügeln
- Werden Sie ein Offroad Driver und ein City Driver in Amazing 3D HD Realistische Enviornments mit Console Quality Graphics
- Fahren Sie schnell oder jemand könnte nur versuchen, Ihre früheren Lkw-Öl-Treibstoff aus Ihrem Lastwagen zu nehmen
- Seien Sie der intelligente Fernlastfahrer jeder dachten, dass Sie nicht sein werden, PROVEDIEREN SIE sie falsch
- Uphill Berggleis, um Ihr Leben schwieriger BUT spannend, niemand jemals gesagt, LKW Trolley Trucking wäre einfach, aber sein Spaß

Rating:4.3                                                 Show Detail

Police Dog Airport Crime Chase

Name:Police Dog Airport Crime Chase                                                 Price:Free

Description:"Keamanan bandara adalah di tangan Anda sekarang. Dilatih sebagai anjing polisi profesional Anda bermain sebagai anjing polisi mengejar penjahat di bandara. Sniff, mengejar dan menemukan penjahat ingin dan barang-barang ilegal. Beberapa orang mungkin akan membawa beberapa barang yang mencurigakan di bagasi mereka. Mereka mungkin lari ketika diletakkan begitu cepat untuk menangkap mereka. Bermain mengejar kriminal akhir dan jangan biarkan pergantian bandara ke tempat kejahatan. Memburu penjahat seperti Anda adalah gembala Jerman yang terlatih. . Mereka yang mencari untuk bermain simulator anjing cara baru bisa bermain anjing polisi kejahatan bandara mengejar.

Kota ini telah berubah menjadi kota kejahatan dan Anda harus menggunakan kemampuan mengendus Anda untuk melacak penjahat dan mengamankan bandara. Dilatih sebagai anjing K9 untuk menemukan petunjuk untuk melacak penjahat. Beberapa perampok dan penjahat mungkin mencoba untuk memecahkan dalam dengan item ilegal. Menangkap mereka sebelum mereka berakhir dengan aktivitas kriminal. Membantu petugas polisi dan individu polisi lainnya untuk melacak tersangka. anjing polisi kejahatan bandara mengejar Permainan yang mendebarkan di mana Anda bermain sebagai K9 anjing untuk mengejar dan menangkap penjahat. Polisi mengejar dan game kota kejahatan yang populer tapi bermain sebagai anjing polisi bahkan lebih mendebarkan.


• Anjing Polisi Chase Simulator
• Mencatat Penjahat dan Perampok
• Penjahat Polisi vs Keamanan Bandara
• Konsep unik untuk Dog Simulator Pecinta
• Menakjubkan Bandara Lingkungan dengan HD Graphics
• Bermain sebagai Cop Anjing Nyata untuk melacak Penjahat"

Rating:2.75                                                 Show Detail

F-16 Fighting Falcon - Combat Flight Simulator of Infinite Fighter Hunter

Name:F-16 Fighting Falcon - Combat Flight Simulator of Infinite Fighter Hunter                                                 Price:$2.99

Description:**** App of the Week ***** Editors Choice - Mobile Gamer

*** " Insanely addictive " - AppZone ( 9 / 10 )
*** " Exactly what a game should be " - Best iOS Apps Magazine

3D Games presents " F - 16 Fighting Falcon ", arcade / simulation game about one of the most famous single-engine multirole fighter aircraft, originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force (USAF). Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft.

" F - 16 Fighting Falcon " is powered by Unreal Engine technology. By using Epic Games' award-winning, most advanced game engine, our Combat Flight Simulator brings in the game such incredible detailed graphics, real-time lighting with a unique physics and weapon system that has not been here yet. You will not believe it's only a game for mobile devices!

With an extensive single player missions and the non-stop action will keep you at the edge of your seat! You’ll participate in fierce attacks on protected convoys of enemy's vehicles, tanks, bridges and even airfields. Everything is set up in accurately recreated locations.

Become the supreme lord of the skies!

Unparalleled visuals, special effects and audio including: specular masks, normal mapping, bump mapping, atmospheric scattering, realistic lighting, sun glare, high
definition textures, 4x anisotropic filtering, HDR rendering, radial blur and more!

Optimized for iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2 with the new A8 processors with greater environmental detail, spectacular visual effects and unparalleled performance!

Due to the high quality graphics and demanding real-time physics calculations this game is not recommended for older devices including the iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 1 and iPad 1 twhwht

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail

Train Drive ATS 3

Name:Train Drive ATS 3                                                 Price:Free

~The Sightseeing Limited Express "Shimakaze" driving scenario was added !~
Welcome to the latest Train Drive ATS world!
Train Drive ATS 3 is the 3rd release of the Japanese No.1 railway driving simulator game, Train Drive ATS series earning over 6 million downloads.
This work reproduces a more realistic line using the Kintetsu Nara Line as a model by cooperative development with Kintetsu Information System Co., Ltd. and Kintetsu Railway Co., Ltd. Of course, for all railway fans the sacred place Yamato-Saidaiji Station with its perfect complex intersection is also covered.
Enjoy the real driver's experiences of tunnels, quadruple lines, steep slopes and planar intersections coming from the rich features of the Kintetsu Nara Line!

Kintetsu is the private railway company with the largest route distance in Japan. Among its various routes, the Kintetsu Nara Line is the most traditional line opened in 1914.
We are proud to release Train Drive ATS 3 reproducing the Kintetsu Nara Line and its Japanese railway technology regarded as the world’s highest level.

Supported OS:
iOS 9.3 or later

Highlights of Train Drive ATS 3:
- The great simulation engine reproduces from Osaka Namba Station to Kintetsu Nara Station 32.8 km, 24 stations perfectly!
- Have fun with Japanese style train operation services, real motor sounds, signals, points and railroad crossings.

Main Features:
Drive the designated train scenario. After clearing it, the next one will appear.

1) Local Train bound for Osaka Namba Station from Fuse Station

>In-app billing available below

2) Express Train bound for Kintetsu Nara Station from Ikoma Station

3) Local Train bound for Higashi-Hanazono Station from Tsuruhashi Station

4) Forwarding Train from Higashi-Hanazono Garage to Hyoutan-Yama Station

5) Express Train bound for Osaka Namba Station from Ikoma Station

6) Rapid Express Train bound for Kintetsu Nara Station from Osaka Namba Station

7) Forwarding Train from Yamato-Saidaiji Station to Ikoma Station -> Letting into Ikoma line

8) Semi Express Train bound for Yamato-Saidaiji Station from Osaka Namba Station

9) Rapid Express Train bound for Osaka Namba Station from Kintetsu Nara Station(Rush hour)

10) Limited Express Train bound for Kintetsu Nara Station from Osaka Namba Station

11) Forwarding Train from Kintetsu Nara Station to Higashi-Hanazono Garage

12) Forwarding Train from Saidaiji Garage -> Semi-Express Train bound for Osaka Namba Station after Train expanded at Yamato-Saidaiji Station

13) Rapid Express Train bound for Kintetsu Nara Station from Osaka Namba Station (Temporary stop at Ayameike Station)

14) Forwarding Train from Yamato-Saidaiji Station to Higashi-Ikoma Station -> Forwarding Train to Saidaiji Garage

15) Local Train bound for Kintetsu Nara Station from Osaka Namba Station

16) Forwarding Train from Higashi-Hanazono Garage to Ishikiri Station -> Returning Local Train to Osaka Namba Station

17) Forwarding Train from Yamato-Saidaiji Station to Kintetsu Nara Station -> Returning Limited Express to Osaka Namba Station -> Forwarding Train to Kintetsu Nara StationLocal Train bound for Osaka Namba Station from Fuse Station

18) Charter train "Shimakaze" from Osaka-Uehommachi Station to Saidaiji Garage via Yamato-Saidaiji Station, Hyotan-yama Station, Kintetsu Nara Station ,Ikoma Station, and Yamato-Saidaiji Station

Bonus: After clearing all the scenarios, you can choose any train and drive it freely.

Train Drive ATS 3 is commercialization licensed by Kintetsu Railway Co., Ltd.
Notes: The Kintetsu Nara Line is the model for vehicles, routes, diagrams, landscapes and railway facilities, but due to the specifications of the game, there are things that are different from real ones. As for the routes other than Kintetsu Nara Line, it is all fiction, and it has nothing to do with actual ones.

Rating:3.1                                                 Show Detail

Flight Unlimited X

Name:Flight Unlimited X                                                 Price:$0.99

Description:"One of the most gorgeous games in the app store"
"It looks like an Xbox One or PS4 Game"

Soar across the beautiful skies of the San Francisco bay area, Las Vegas, and Switzerland, in Flight Unlimited 2K16. Flight Unlimited utilizes advanced streaming technology to provide some of the best visuals in mobile gaming.

The HD scenery is a first in mobile flight simulation and covers an area over 10x larger than its predecessor. The scenery is so detailed you can even find your house.

The campaign tasks with you missions such as rescuing a prisoner from Alcatraz, B2 Bomber surveillance over the Swiss Alps, landing your Cessna on the Golden Gate Bridge, and more!

Over two years in the making, Flight Unlimited has been redesigned from the ground up. The flight model was developed by an aviation expert.

The game features Ultra high definition satellite imagery of the San Francisco Bay Area and Switzerland. Never before has this level of detail been provided in a mobile Flight Sim. Flight Unlimited is pushing the limits of graphics on mobile devices for aviation games.

Buzz the Golden Gate Bridge, take a fly-by of Alcatraz, scream past Levi Field, and even take a look at the future home of the world champion Golden State Warriors.

- Ultra HD Satellite Imagery covering over 500 SQ Miles.
- 4K HD Cockpits for each aircraft modeled from the ground up
- Campaign mode with GTA style missions
- The only mobile Flight Sim with Volumetric Clouds
- 24 Hour Day/Night Cycle
- Weather effects
- Trigger failures such as engine trouble and detached wings
- Landmarks such as Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, AT&T Park, Oracle Arena, and more
- 13 aircraft each modeled with accurate flight physics. New aircraft released weekly.

Rating:3.05                                                 Show Detail