8 Best Apps Similar To Autodesk SketchBook|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Autodesk SketchBook
Autodesk SketchBook
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 5.1.7(2020-01-13)
APP CATEGORIES : Entertainment, Productivity
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.85 (497.46K)
900.0K | 6.0K | <5K |
誰もが使える SketchBook!
オートデスクは、創造的な作業はアイデアから始まると考えています。概念の簡単なスケッチから、完全に仕上げられたアートワークに至るまで、スケッチはクリエイティブなプロセスの中心となるものです。優れたアイデアがいつ湧き上がってくるかはわからないため、動作が軽快で、パワフルで、かつクリエイティブなスケッチ ツールを利用すれば、クリエイティブな作業に計り知れない価値をもたらします。
そのため、オートデスクは全機能を備えたバージョンの SketchBook を、すべてのユーザに無償で提供することにしました。
作図に役立つ新機能を追加しました。デスクトップ版の SketchBook に搭載されている機能の中で、モバイル版ではこれまで利用できなかった機能について注目しました。
· 1 点、2 点、3 点透視のパース ガイド、スナップの切り替え、消失点のロック、水平線の表示。
· カスタマイズ可能な、無限の、拘束グリッド ツール。
· 楕円ツールでは得られない曲線を作成するための曲線ルーラー。
· Apple Pencil (第 2 世代)のサポート。ダブルタップ機能もサポート。
· 新しい iPad におけるスキャン スケッチのサポート。
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Apps Similar To Autodesk SketchBook
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![그린카 – 이동을 새로 그리다](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/a07feec80da2b3d866f39ec78efb94f0.jpg)
Name:그린카 – 이동을 새로 그리다 Price:₩0
Description:이동을 새로 그리다, 그린카.
그린카와 함께 이동하며 새로운 일상을 그리다!
지금 회원가입 시, 3시간 무료 이용권을 드립니다.
그린카와 함께 새로운 이동을 그려보세요.
▶ 간편/합리적인 서비스
- 최소 30분부터, 10분 단위로 예약 가능
- 주행요금, 하이패스도 사용한 만큼만
- 최초 1회 결제수단 등록하면 이후 예약 시 자동 결제
▶ 보다 저렴하게
- L.POINT 사용 및 적립 가능
- KT 멤버십 최대 20% 할인
▶ 스마트웰컴
- 다가가면 열린다!
BLE 기술 통한 국내 최초 '스마트웰컴'(오토도어) 기능 제공
▶ 스마트키로 쉽게
- 비상등/경적으로 손쉽게 차량 찾기
- 차량 상태/그린존정보/이전 사용자들의 댓글 확인
[접근 권한 설정 안내]
그린카는 서비스 이용 시 특정 기능에 한해 아래의 권한을 요청합니다.
아래의 접근권한은 허용하지 않아도 그린카 서비스를 이용할 수 있으나, 일부 기능의 사용은 제한됩니다.
- 위치: 내 위치에서 가까운 그린존 확인
- 카메라: 면허증 인식, 차량상태 확인, 그린댓글 작성 등 사진 촬영
- 사진: 촬영한 면허증, 차량사진 등을 내 기기에서 불러와 그린카에 전송
※ 접근 권한 동의 여부는 ‘설정> 그린카> 권한’ 에서 변경하실 수 있습니다.
[APP 사용환경]
-지원 OS버전: iOS 9.3 이상, WatchOS 2.0 이상
-지원 단말기: 아이폰 4S이상
※ iOS 9.3 이전 버전 유저분들은 모바일웹을 이용해주세요 :)
- 모바일웹: https://m.greencar.co.kr/index.do
- 공식블로그 : http://blog.naver.com/greencar_co
- 공식페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/greencarkorea
- 이용가이드 동영상: https://youtu.be/YcleuinAtLg
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Poker Online Games](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/654cf36d8d01f83e35caaa65b914120f.jpg)
Name:Poker Online Games Price:Free
Description:Poker online - is a set of popular poker games (Texas Hold'em, Omaha, 7-Stud, Draw poker).
Play online with friends or random players from around the world. Play from 2 to 9 people on virtual chips, so all kinds of game modes are not gambling and entertainment only. The game requires a permanent internet connection.
Would you like to test your poker skills or learn how to play poker? Join us!
• Free chips several times a day.
• Four types of game (Texas Hold'em, Omaha, 7-Stud, Draw poker).
• Three types of limits for each mode (Limit, Pot Limit and No Limit Poker).
• Two table sizes for all game modes (large or small table).
• User-friendly minimalistic interface.
• No ads.
• Horizontal or vertical orientation changing during play.
• Private games with password protection and ability to invite friends.
• Observing games of other players.
• Friends, chats, smiles, achievements, leaderboards.
Rating:2.3 Show Detail
![Planner 5D - Interior Design](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/f23163f3ac83b8dd6397014a13274551.jpg)
Name:Planner 5D - Interior Design Price:Free
Description:Quer esteja a remodelar, renovar ou conceber a sua casa de sonho, o Planner 5D pode ajudar! Crie plantas detalhadas em 2D e 3D, procure num catálogo com mais de 5000+ itens e crie imagens realistas como fotografias dos seus projetos. Com mais de 20 milhões de transferências em todas as plataformas, o Planner 5D torna o design de interiores mais fácil do que nunca!
Planeamento de divisões com design intuitivo de arrastar e largar
-Crie plantas, esquemas e disposição de mobiliário personalizados
-Arraste e largue paredes, portas, janelas, mobiliário e decoração com facilidade para o seu projeto
-Projete nos modos 2D e 3D
-Aplicação simples de utilizar, sem necessidade de qualificações especiais
-Conceba uma divisão, casa de banho, cozinha, quarto, sala, apartamento completo, casa, escritório ou até um pátio
-Uma ferramenta útil para projetar uma nova casa, renovar, reorganizar e redecorar
Personalize totalmente os seus projetos
-Crie um design totalmente exclusivo ou comece com um projeto de exemplo
-Procure no catálogo regularmente atualizado com mais de 5000+ itens de mobiliário, eletrodomésticos, decoração, artigos para a casa, paisagística, etc.
-Personalize a cor, textura e tamanho do mobiliário
-Personalize as cores e materiais do chão e paredes
-Crie designs extremamente detalhados e personalizados, tanto para interiores como para exteriores
Guarde, consulte e partilhe o seu projeto
-Guarde um número ilimitado de projetos
-Veja o seu projeto de qualquer ângulo, em modo 3D
-Inicie sessão com o Google+ ou Facebook para trabalhar nos seus projetos em qualquer plataforma, incluindo o seu portátil ou outro dispositivo móvel
-Exporte os seus projetos
-Função de "Instantâneo" para criar imagens de alta qualidade dos seus projetos, realistas como fotografias, que pode partilhar, com iluminação, texturas e sombras realistas
- Guarde e partilhe os seus projetos com os familiares, amigos e profissionais do setor
Funcionalidades adicionais
-Trabalhe em projetos offline
-Sem qualquer publicidade
-Multi idioma
-Alterne entre os sistemas de medidas Métrico e Imperial
Se tiver dúvidas, não hesite em contactar-nos para:
[email protected]
Ou envie uma mensagem para a nossa equipa de suporte tocando no botão "Reportar um Problema", no ecrã de perfil.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Planner5D
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Planner5D
Instagram: https://instagram.com/planner5d
O Planner 5D pode ser utilizado sem uma subscrição ativa com um catálogo limitado e sem a capacidade de personalizar mobiliário. As funcionalidades Premium podem ser ativadas com uma subscrição Mensal por 4,99 $ ou subscrição Anual por 9,99 $ (os preços variam em função da região)
O pagamento das suas subscrições será cobrado no seu cartão de crédito através da sua conta iTunes, aquando da confirmação da compra. As subscrições são automaticamente renovadas a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada até 24 horas antes do final do período de subscrição atual. As subscrições e a renovação automática podem ser geridas/desativadas nas definições de conta do iTunes.
O preço da subscrição poderá variar com a localização.
Política de privacidade: https://planner5d.com/pages/privacy/
Termos de serviço: https://planner5d.com/pages/terms/
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Drawing Games to Learning Kids](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/711ad02f6edd6fdaca9d2b84b041fba0.jpg)
Name:Drawing Games to Learning Kids Price:Free
Description:Hay más de 100 imágenes animadas en nuestra aplicación ""Academia de dibujo"". Sigue las instrucciones paso a paso para dibujar personajes adorables que ¡cobrarán vida! Actualizaciones con nuevos dibujos cada semana.
Mientras juega con nuestro juego de animación, las habilidades pictóricas y cognitivas de tu hijo (como contar y escribir) mejorarán. La tan distintiva combinación de dibujar y animar las imágenes convierte a nuestra aplicación ""Academia de dibujo"" en algo único. ¡Descárgala y compruébalo por ti mismo!
Las pistas verbales guiarán paso a paso a tu hijo en el proceso de dibujar graciosos personajes, como una mariposa, una rana, un coche o un erizo... Las pequeñas princesas estarán encantadas con estos maravillosos unicornios, carrozas de cuento y hermosas hadas. Y los muchachos más inquietos quedarán fascinados durante mucho rato mientras dibujan un castillo mágico, un alegre delfín, un travieso gatito y otros divertidos dibujos.
Cada personaje cobra vida por arte de magia en cuanto se dibuja. La mariposa volará y reirá; el erizo se hará una bola, el cohete se lanzará y la rana dará un salto en el aire.
Tu hijo puede jugar con todos los personajes presionando los botones que hacen que el personaje dibujado baile, gire y muestre trucos geniales.
A más de 10 millones de niños les encantan nuestros extraordinarios juegos de dibujo.
Se puede elegir entre más de 100 personajes, organizados por temas. Todos ellos ayudarán a tu hijo a desarrollar habilidades de psicomotricidad fina. De una manera lúdica y divertida, tu hijo se familiarizará con las letras y los números e incluso aprenderá a contar.
Nuevos personajes y dibujo se unirán a nuestra aplicación cada semana.
¡Descárgala ahora y descubre que dibujar no es solo entretenido sino también divertido y educativo!
La aplicación Academia de Dibujo ofrece:
• Más de 100 dibujos y personajes adorables.
• Actividades de trazar el contorno
• El desarrollo de habilidades de psicomotricidad fina
• Juegos de dibujo para niños de 2 a 6 años
• La posibilidad de guardar imágenes
• La capacidad de preparar las manitas para la escritura
• Una introducción a los números
• Contar hasta 10
• Una introducción a las letras
• El abecedario para los más jóvenes
• La capacidad de preparar a los niños para la escuela
• Desarrollar la creatividad
• Control parental
• Nada de publicidad externa
Nota: la versión gratuita de la aplicación solo incluye parte del contenido las capturas de pantalla. Para tener la versión completa, necesitas realizar una compra integrada
Datos de la suscripción
Puede obtener acceso a más de 100 personajes y dibujos lindos después de la suscripción a nuestra Academia de Dibujo. Sólo descarga y listo!
Puede tener un período de prueba gratuito durante una semana o puede decidir suscribirse justo después de la descarga.
Su suscripción se renueva automáticamente al finalizar el período de prueba si no se desactiva la renovación automática al menos 24 horas antes del fin del periodo actual de vigencia de la misma.
Ofrecemos diferentes opciones de suscripción para su conveniencia: suscripción mensual y anual.
Si cambia de opinión en cualquier momento, la cancelación es fácil a través de la configuración de iTunes.
El pago de las suscripciones se cargará a su cuenta de iTunes en la confirmación de la compra.
La suscripción se renovará automáticamente, salvo que desactive esta opción al menos 24 horas antes del final del período en curso.
Se le cobrará por la renovación dentro de las 24 horas anteriores al final del período actual.
La suscripción puede cancelarse en cualquier momento en la sección Ajustes de la cuenta, sin ningún cargo por cancelación.
La suscripción puede utilizarse en cualquier dispositivo registrado con su ID de Apple.
Si necesita ayuda, en caso de duda o solo quiere saludarnos, escríbanos a [email protected]
Rating:4.3 Show Detail
![Evernote Scannable](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/2d6253bef09dab22a8340623455d3ece.jpg)
Name:Evernote Scannable Price:Free
Description:Scannable memproses kertas. Pindai kontrak, kwitansi, kartu nama, dan kertas apa pun yang menghampiri Anda. Simpan atau bagikan dokumen secara instan dan lanjutkan.
Secara otomatis menangkap pindaian berkualitas tinggi di mana saja
- Pindai cepat: Arahkan kamera Anda ke dokumen, tanda terima pengeluaran, atau papan tulis. Dapat dipindai segera menangkapnya.
- Hemat waktu: Dapat dipindai secara otomatis memutar, memotong, dan menyesuaikan gambar sehingga pemindaian Anda jelas dan mudah dibaca.
- Bagikan atau simpan: Kirim dokumen ke kolega melalui email atau teks, atau ekspor sebagai file PDF dan JPG ke Evernote dan aplikasi lainnya.
Menangani kertas secara profesional
- Ubah kartu bisnis menjadi kontak: Tarik informasi dari kartu bisnis dan simpan semuanya ke daftar kontak Anda.
- Beralih tanpa kertas: Scannable berfungsi dengan lancar dengan ScanSnap Evernote Edition Scanner untuk memproses dokumen multi-halaman ke tempat itu harus dikirim.
- Pemindai untuk semua orang: Dengan Scannable, seluruh tim Anda dapat mengontrol Pemindai Edisi ScanSnap Evernote dari perangkat mereka sendiri dan mengirim kertas dalam perjalanan.
Scannable gratis untuk diunduh dan digunakan.
Rating:4.9 Show Detail
![Epic - Kids’ Books and Videos](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/73facb4b04368af488e36d259e82bfb9.jpg)
Name:Epic - Kids’ Books and Videos Price:Free
Description:Welcome to Epic - the leading digital library for kids, where kids can explore their interests and learn with instant, unlimited access to 40,000 high-quality ebooks, audiobooks, learning videos, and quizzes for kids 12 and under.
There are 2 versions of Epic, both accessible through this app:
For families, Epic offers unlimited access to 40,000 of the best children's books and learning videos so your child can read and learn anytime, anywhere. After a one month free trial, Epic costs only $7.99/month and includes up to 4 individual child profiles per account. You can easily cancel at any time.
Epic is free for elementary school teachers and school librarians worldwide. Used in over 90% of elementary schools, Epic brings an award-winning digital library into every classroom. Epic motivates young readers with badges and rewards, and teachers assign books and track each student's reading progress.
Start your free one month trial today. Only $7.99 per month after.
Epic’s award-winning service includes a wide variety of high-quality books and learning videos from leading publishers like Scholastic, National Geographic, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Smithsonian and many more. With over 40,000 books and learning videos available now and many more titles added each week, Epic has been called the “Netflix of kids' books” – it's an unlimited library your kids can take anywhere!
Well-known books and series include Fancy Nancy, Flat Stanley, Warriors, Biscuit, National Geographic Kids, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Batman, Goosebumps, Clifford, Goodnight Moon, Big Nate, and many more.
The Epic library contains everything from picture books to chapter books, early readers, audiobooks, graphic novels, non-fiction titles, educational books, videos and more. Epic also now includes Spanish books and Chinese books.
Epic has been featured on The TODAY Show, Parents Magazine, USA Today, Parenting.com, Refinery 29, CNET, Forbes, Publisher’s Weekly and more. Here's what the press and the experts are saying about Epic:
“We’re proud to offer our titles on Epic which provides an innovative mobile reading experience for kids and fosters a love of reading in a whole new way.” - Chantal Restivo-Alessi (Chief Digital Officer, HarperCollins Publishers)
“Epic strikes the perfect balance between educational and fun, and should allow parents to feel more confident about introducing the iPad into their children’s daily lives as a tool” - TechCrunch
"get access to thousands of books on all subject matters" - Parenting.com
"My students LOVE Epic" - Mrs. McCoy 2nd grade teacher
• 40,000 books and learning videos with hundreds more added weekly
• Also includes Audiobooks, “read-to-me” books, Spanish books, Chinese books, quizzes and learning videos
• Personalized recommendations for each child based on their reading levels and interests
• Online and offline reading (take Epic in the car, on a plane, or camping)
• A reading log to track reading progress available in the app, and emailed weekly to parents
• Access Epic’s full library on almost any device
- Includes a free 1 month trial and just $7.99/ month after that
- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase
- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
- Account will be charged $7.99 for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period
- The user may manage subscriptions & may turn off auto-renewal by going to Account Settings after purchase
- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period
- Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to Epic
Privacy Policy
Terms of Service
Rating:4.65 Show Detail
![Sparkly Painting](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/7bec7fb66de0745d906c7600735f8e03.jpg)
Name:Sparkly Painting Price:Free
Description:Sparkly Painting is a super fun and addictive painting app.
Choose from a variety of super sparkly pictures and simply slide your finger on the canvas. It's never so easy to create wonderful artworks.
This game is super anti-stress!!!
Key Features:
* Lots of sparkly pictures, category includes: makeup, fashion, food, living, animals.
* Super sparkly effect for every picture.
* Share or save your artwork with your friends.
* Relax your mind.
Download now and enjoy a sparkly coloring day!
Premium Subscription:
- You can subscribe for unlimited access to all contents with new pictures updated everyday, unlimited tips, remove all ads.
- Weekly subscription is $7.99 after 3-day free trial, monthly $19.99, One-time purchase is $69.99.
-Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period at the cost of the chosen subscription.
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase.
- No cancelation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period.
- Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that content.
Terms of Service:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DgB46M_NbGwJCNYDREX3xEY47t5tmWipKZVcXhIjH6A/edit?usp=sharing
Privacy Policy:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G73ghvwB8-fIv4SNcYlEoGeviGj_DR_xDhGotKeYXaE/edit?usp=sharing
* Prices are equal to the value that "Apple's App Store Pricing Matrix" determines as the equivalent of the subscription price in $USD
Rating:4.8 Show Detail
![Paper.io 3D](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/127b1e63a9c97f3c2d3dcb932d02f7d5.jpg)
Name:Paper.io 3D Price:Free
Rating:4.45 Show Detail