8 Best Apps Similar To Bear|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Bear
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.7.14(2020-05-06)
APP CATEGORIES : Productivity, Utilities
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.55 (9.73K)
70.0K | 30.0K | <5K |
2017 Apple 设计奖
2016年 App Store 年度最佳应用
“熊掌记是我的写作应用首选” —— Kit Eaton,《纽约时报》
- 专心写作,不会被各种工具打扰
-【全新】加密单篇笔记并通过 Face/Touch ID 锁定熊掌记(需订阅 Bear Pro。请在下方了解更多信息)
- 通过 iPhone 和 iPad 上的特制快捷工具栏一键编辑格式
-【全新】使用 Siri 和 iOS 上的捷径功能轻松创建笔记
- 使用 Apple Watch 来听写并将其添加到最近笔记中
- 近二十款精美主题为你提供完美的写作环境(需要订阅 Bear Pro。 详情参阅下文。)
- 支持草图、绘画和 Apple Pencil(以及其他触控笔)
- 通过熊掌记的应用扩展抓取图像、文本、文件和网页内容
通过任务和 #标签#【便捷管理】
- 在笔记中的任何位置添加#标签#以便捷管理
- 支持 #分词 标签# 以及 #嵌套/标签/子标签
- 将任务添加到笔记中持续追踪进度
- 使用创新性的拖放条来批量编辑多条笔记(在 iPhone 上也能做到!)
- 将笔记存档,保留数据但又不会影响当前的工作
- 使用跨笔记链接创建工作体系,引用其他笔记,在笔记之间跳转,还有更多等你探索
- 在边栏中为重要标签选择自定义图标来突出显示
-【全新】使用 Emoji 表情自动填充功能使您的任务、日记、标题等更别具一格
-【全新】使用 Spotlight 随时随地搜索您的熊掌记笔记
- 支持多种导出格式,包括:HTML, PDF, DOCX, MD, JPG, EPUB 和 TextBundle (部分导出选项需订阅 Bear Pro)
- 在笔记中可复制带格式的文本并粘贴到其他地方
- 将您的笔记轻松分享到任何第三方 App,包括:Wordpress、邮件、Sparkle 等
- 使用我们的 iMessage 贴纸和好友分享 Bear 带来的乐趣
“熊掌记的界面十分优雅,甚至比 iOS 设备上的部分原生应用还要好。” - The Sweet Setup
- 在熊掌记中快速找到所需内容,关键词高亮显示
- 强大的搜索关键词触发系统能限定笔记的搜索范围:使用 @任务 搜索所有待办事项,使用 @图片 查找带有图像附件的笔记,使用 @文件 查找带有附件的笔记,你还可以使用双引号来精确搜索词语。
通过 Bear Pro 多设备同步【随处使用】
- 在 Mac、iPad、iPhone 和 Apple Watch 间同步笔记
- 笔记通过 iCloud 同步,不会通过我们自己的服务器
- 一个应用内订阅即可为你的所有设备解锁高级功能
- 隐私权是熊掌记的核心价值观:我们看不到您的笔记,标签或其他任何信息
-【全新】使用完全私密的密码加密单篇笔记(需订阅 Bear Pro)
-【全新】通过 Face/Touch ID 锁定熊掌记(需订阅 Bear Pro)
- 我们看不到你的笔记、标签和其他任何内容
- 将部分或全部笔记导出为开放且轻便的格式,例如纯文本、Markdown 以及 TextBundle,以便于另作他用——我们不会用格式限制你
- 订阅 Bear Pro 之后,你的笔记将通过 iCloud 同步,并不会经过我们自己的服务器
- 轻按几次即可快速备份和恢复所有笔记
“熊掌记的卖点就是简洁。 应用的界面和功能都非常简单,设计圆滑、速度飞快。” - Fahad Saleem,innov8tiv.com
【订阅 Bear Pro 解锁全部功能】
-【全新】通过 Face/Touch ID 锁定熊掌记
- 在 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 间通过 iCloud 同步笔记
- 导出为 PDF、HTML、DOCX、JPG 等高级格式
- 数十款精美主题为你提供完美的写作环境
- 更多主题将不断推出
- 熊掌记定期更新
¥103/年(赠送一个月免费试用期)节省 18%!
---- ---
价格可能因地区而异。 订阅服务将通过你 iTunes 帐户的信用卡扣款。 你的订阅将会自动续订,除非你在当前订阅期结束至少 24 小时以前停止自动续订。 当前订阅被激活后不可取消。 购买后,在 App Store 的帐户设置中可管理您的订阅。 用户购买订阅服务时,任何未被使用的免费试用期立即失效。
---- ---
我们很乐意回答你的问题或只是听听你关于「熊掌记」的看法。 联络方式:
[email protected]
官方微博: @Bear熊掌记
微信公众号: Bear熊掌记
Twitter: BearNotesApp
Reddit: reddit.com/r/BearApp
Facebook: BearNotes
Instagram: BearNotesApp
隐私政策: https://bear.app/privacy/
服务条款: https://bear.app/terms/
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![Scrivo Pro− Scrivener Writers](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/831898e1b1e68d94cab05ab2af9dc7ec.jpg)
Name:Scrivo Pro− Scrivener Writers Price:$14.99
Description:“Now You Can Write the Great American Novel on the Subway... Scrivo Pro is capable and powerful” ***** New York Times
"Even if you don't use Scrivener, Scrivo Pro is a useful and powerful writing and editing tool. But, if you do use Scrivener, you'll appreciate the user interface and design" ***** iMore.com
“The other great advantage is that I can work in Scrivo Pro without an internet connection...” ***** Writeorconsequences.com
App featured by Apple on the "Best apps for writers" collection!
You have a story to tell, article to publish, class notes to take, whether it’s today’s journal entry, tomorrow’s thesis or a future bestseller novella. Scrivo Pro can help you organize your writing, research, generate ideas, and remove distractions so you can focus on the most important thing: writing.
Scrivo Pro is more than an innovative, fast and reliable writing app designed for anyone who writes. This is a writing workspace for your iOS devices and a great Scrivener and Ulysses companion on your Mac or Windows computer.
If you are a Scrivener 2 or Scrivener 3 user on your computer, Scrivo Pro will open your projects (binder and cork-board with index cards) and seamlessly sync them via iCloud or Dropbox.
· Write Everywhere: Use Scrivo Pro as an stand-alone writing app even if you don’t have a computer or you are offline in the wilds
· Typewriter: Distraction-Free mode that keeps only the paragraph you’re typing at the center of the screen, letting you focus on what you’re writing
· Night mode to help you writing at night
· Create rich text format (RTF) and advanced Markdown (MD) documents
· Our Markdown engine supports the standard syntax but it has been extended to include very useful extra markups: tables, footnotes, lists, images, links, highlight, strikethrough, superscript and MathML
· Advanced RTF formatting: Highlight, strikethrough, subscript/superscript, alignment, line spacing, first-line indent, page breaks, footnotes, comments, text & paper color
· Find and replace
· Pinch to zoom text
· Insert special symbols arrows, parentheses, maths, bullets/stars, GPS location, etc.
· Over 30 languages typing support including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic & Hebrew
· Extra keys: tab, forward delete, cursor up/down/left/right, etc.
· Set your own custom keyboard buttons to your commonly-used keys, text snippets or hard to reach characters
· Define margins, headers/footers, paper sizes, MLA and APA style format
· Live counters: characters, words, sentences, words per sentence & reading time
· Text to Speech for proofreading
· Dictation lets you speak text instead of typing
· Organize your work in unlimited notebooks, folders and subfolders
· Sync projects between Scrivo and Scrivener via Dropbox or iCloud
· Design the cover of your notebooks
· Create projects in a tree-like structure: Sections, Drafts, Folders, Chapters, Research, etc.
· Full-text search your library of documents and projects
· Full PDF reader and manager included for reference files, ebooks, articles, resources, papers, etc.
· Use the camera of your iPad/iPhone to scan documents, notes, recipes, tickets, etc. as PDF
· Use split-screen and multitasking side by side with other apps while writing
· Import/Export from iCloud, Dropbox, Box, WebDAV and Google Drive support
· Export, share and print your documents to multiple formats like RTF, Markdown, PDF, ePub, HTML, RTFD, TXT etc.
· Zip folders/notebooks and email them as an attachment
· Font Book: Preview all the fonts and install new ones (TrueType). Over 120 high quality fonts included!
· Character Name Generator to create male/female names in more than 7 languages
· Thesaurus
· Protect your work with an app security passcode
· Protect any folder or project with a passcode
· Automatic Backups
Rating:1.5 Show Detail
![Kids & Toddlers Learning Games](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/cd3365d8978189706c71a0288916e9a6.jpg)
Name:Kids & Toddlers Learning Games Price:Free
“跟小魔法师学习数” 软件里孩子们可以找到很多有趣的游戏:
- “鬼魂城堡”:你们要帮助魔法师把顽皮的鬼魂关在大箱子里!
- “跟愉快的巨怪捉马虎”:你们要帮助魔法师把不听话的巨怪抓好!
- “神秘的数字实验室”:用魔法的万灵药种好妖邪的植物。
- “喂小龙”:用需要的食品数量喂一个饿龙。
- “唱歌的山”:你们要跟小魔法师找到唱歌的鸟。
- 愉快的与有意思的教学;
- 礼物与惊喜每个游戏里;
- 有趣的动画和人物;
- 16游戏等级;
- 动力的与形形色色的游戏;
- 愉快的音乐与声音效果;
- 游戏的魔法的气氛;
- 方便的界面;
- 家长控制;
- 没有不相干的广告。
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
Name:KakaoTalk Price:Free
Description:KakaoTalk é um aplicativo rápido e multifacetado. Envie mensagens, fotos, vídeos, notas de voz e sua localização grátis. Torne o bate-papo uma diversão extra com uma gama de emoticons e coleções de adesivos.
Mais sobre o KakaoTalk:
- Escolhido por mais de 150 milhões de usuários no mundo
- Maneira rápida, divertida e fácil de se comunicar com amigos e com a família
- Usa conexão de internet (3G/EDGE ou WiFi) para chamadas e mensagens
Principais funções:
- RÁPIDO: Envio de mensagens veloz e estável, seja qual for a sua rede
- CHATS GRÁTIS: Mensagens e multimídia (fotos, vídeos, notas de voz) GRÁTIS
- CHAMADAS GRÁTIS: Chamadas de voz de alta qualidade (1:1 e grupo)
- EMOTICONS: Expresse tudo com nossos emoticons inclusos E AINDA selecione dentre infinitas coleções de adesivos em nossa Loja de Itens
- CHAT EM GRUPO: Chats com um número ilimitado de amigos
- PLUS FRIEND: Cupons e ofertas exclusivos de suas marcas favoritas
- FILTRO DE VOZ: Chamadas grátis divertidas com os filtros de voz de Talking Tom e Ben
Outras ótimas funções:
- Compartilhe sua localização
- Veja quem leu suas mensagens (número de não lidas)
- Multitarefa durante chamadas grátis (envie mensagens em outras salas de chat)
- Agende compromissos, almoços, encontros (c/ lembretes)
- Use KakaoTalk em qualquer smartphone e PC (multiplataforma)
- Divirta-se ainda mais com jogos móveis do Kakao
Rating:3.8 Show Detail
![Zappoint 掃描名片到通訊錄](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/840453cb184586335030f85514a46e2b.jpg)
Name:Zappoint 掃描名片到通訊錄 Price:NT$ 0
Description:SUPER FAST – Scan 12 business cards in under one minute!
Zappoint is the business card organizer with privacy. Be cautious about FREE! Many so-called “free” business card organizers capture your data and then sell your data or repurpose it for advertising. Zappoint Business Card Organizer is a paid service that treats your business data as your business data – the way it should be.
Scan, capture and you're done. Information magically appears in your phone address book for everyday use.
The integrated world-class advanced camera imaging technology is so fast that you can scan a dozen business cards in under a minute. So, getting your backlog organized has never been easier.
Your data is your data. Period. Unlike most alternatives that commercialize a so-called “free” service by selling your data or using it for advertising, we provide a straightforward paid corporate service for professionals who must ethically manage their business contacts with uncompromising privacy standards.
* BASIC Account – FREE, business card image capture without OCR
* PLUS Account – $1.99 per month, up to 50 business card scans per month
* PREMIUM Account – $9.99 per month, up to 300 business card scans per month
In today’s world of free everything and promiscuous disrespect to your privacy, we invite you to use a professional service that is refreshingly honest and straightforward.
Download Zappoint
Rating:0 Show Detail
![Fax Print Share Lite (+ Postal Mail and Postcards)](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/98920f1ff061c6e8007052c321014ae6.jpg)
Name:Fax Print Share Lite (+ Postal Mail and Postcards) Price:Free
Description:Fax Print & Share Lite is identical to our Fax Print & Share app, except that it stores a maximum of 7 files/folders, and displays ads. It enables you to print, fax, and share documents and photos, and upload files to FedEx Office® Print Online.
"VERY EASY TO USE. I was in New York on vacation an had to fax signed documents. I was able to do it all from my iPad. I love it." - B, Dec 15, 2011
"GREAT TO HAVE!! It has got me out of a bind many times" - KL, Dec 15, 2011
"EXCELENTE APLICACIÓN. Funciona muy bien, fácil de usar..." - MR, Nov 30, 2011
"PERFECT. Thanks to this i have a job!" - T, Oct 3, 2011
"WOW. I've knocked down probably 30 apps before I found this jewel!" - DP, Sep 15, 2011
• View/print many document types, including PDF, Word, Excel, bitmap, TIFF, text, HTML, Open Office, GIF, and encapsulated PostScript.
• Create new text documents.
• Use a web browser to transfer files between your computer and this app.
• Print to networked or shared printers. No additional software is necessary. This app includes support for over 1,400 printers from HP, Epson, Canon, Samsung, Brother, Lexmark, Xerox, Ricoh, Oki, Kyocera, Infotec, NRG, Lanier, and many more!
• Send faxes to over 220 countries and territories worldwide - no subscription required![1]
• Get a professional USA-based toll-free number for your incoming faxes and voicemail.[2]
• Send postcards and letters via USPS (postal mail).
• Print remote files on MobileMe, Box.net, or Dropbox, or download them into this app.
• Print web-based files or download them into this app. (Pro version only)
• Capture and process images from your onboard camera or photo album.
See the list of printer models this app supports at http://www.ndilitechnologies.com/help.html.
• Use a web browser to transfer files between your computer and this app.
• Use iTunes to upload files into this app.
• Use a WebDAV server to transfer files.
• Email a file to yourself. Then, open the Mail app, press and hold down the attachment until the "Open In..." menu appears. Select this app from the list of apps displayed.
Yes. In addition to the built-in user guide, you can also ask questions via our real-time chat Customer Support module.
Notes Regarding the optional Toll Free Number Subscription:
• Title of service: Toll-Free Number Subscription
• Length of subscription: 1,3, 6 or 12 month options
• Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase
• Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
• Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal
• No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period
• Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
• Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase
[1] Each fax unit purchases a one-page fax that can be sent in 60 seconds or less to a destination in the United States or Canada. The number of fax units needed to transmit a one-page 60-second fax to a destination in another country is listed in the rate card within this app. Please note that a page that requires a longer transmission time (for example, a page containing high resolution graphics) consumes additional fax units.
[2] To receive voicemail or faxes, you must setup an incoming toll-free phone number. The toll-free phone number requires a monthly subscription. 60 minutes/month are included free with subscription. Toll-free numbers are USA-based numbers and are accessible in the United States only.
Rating:3.35 Show Detail
Name:XPSView Price:$2.99
Description:XPSView allows you to open and read XPS (XML Paper Specification, *.xps) and OpenXPS (*.oxps) documents on iOS device. It offers you fantastic reading experience using document outlines, page thumbnails and text search features. In addition, XPSView allows you to convert XPS and OXPS documents into PDF and make it available for any PDF viewing application.
Are you having plenty of XPS/OXPS files that no decent viewer available to open on your iPhone and iPad? Do you receive XPS/OXPS documents as email attachments on your iPhone and iPad? The easiest way to circumvent these problems is this XPSView app.
* * * XPSView is also available for macOS on the Mac App Store * * *
- Fully selectable and searchable text contents. Select and copy text to clipboard for further use.
- Pinch out and Pinch in to ZoomIn and ZoomOut view.
- Navigate through topics by document outlines, if exist.
- Search text feature to find a character, word or sentence any where in a document.
- Scroll through your document by Page Thumbnails or Go to page feature.
- Converts XPS/OXPS to fully vector-PDF documents. Preserves text, vector graphics and raster images as editable PDF contents.
- Preserves Bookmarks (Outline).
- Preserves XPS internal and external topic hyperlinks into PDF. It automatically maintains XPS topic and page navigation links into PDF compatible annotations.
- Preserves metadata properties.
- The inbuilt document browse view automatically gives you the option to share documents using the Share button or a drag-and-drop action. It also provides a standard interface for browsing and managing documents.
- Automatically handles access to iCloud for you within the app. It also provides access to documents managed by third-party storage service extensions installed on your device.
- Browse, find and sort documents to help you locate the document you want. Tap the file that you want to open.
- You can move, delete, duplicate and rename a document with document manager in browser view.
- In the document manager, you can group related documents into folders so they’re easy to find.
Note: XPSView is standalone application running natively to convert XPS/OXPS to PDF securely on your device.
You can refer User Manual for any assistance Or Contact Support.
Rating:2.75 Show Detail
![Memory: Your Memo](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/6282b98e130df8192320b7d2b1eb4c56.jpg)
Name:Memory: Your Memo Price:$1.99
Description:Memory is the fastest and easiest way to keep track of your memories.
There are no unnecessary distractions in Memory.
No loading, no ads, no delays, no in-app purchases.
Just write what you are thinking.
- Categorise notes by color
- Lock with Touch ID
- Dropbox backup
- Search for memos by text
- Use 3D Touch to preview memos
- Widget is provided with abundant features
Memory is made to be used as simply as possible.
Don't miss a thing.
Contact : [email protected]
Note : All the design parts, interactions, UX are worked together with the singer-songwriter, Hello ga-young.
Rating:4.75 Show Detail
![印象 - VLOG分享社区、短视频剪辑&创作](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/9a3a090edde459316c5b68cfbb4c3747.jpg)
Name:印象 - VLOG分享社区、短视频剪辑&创作 Price:¥0.00
+ 无论是照片或者是视频编辑,都可以使用大师滤镜及InterPlus滤镜,且分段添加不同滤镜;
+ 支持单段视频的亮度、对比度、曲线等细调;
+ 上百款动画文字、字幕、标记、智能水印;
+ 全能视频剪辑,裁剪、变速、多点分割、复制、删除、排序、倒放、静音,为你创意视频提供基础剪辑功能;
+ 炫酷转场动画:擦除、黑白场过渡、模糊、旋转变焦、方向变焦、缩放,并支持三种速度调档;
+ 支持16:9/9:16/3:4/2.35:1/1:1画幅,支持不同视频的画面旋转及缩放;
+ 支持本地音乐导入;
+ 支持3分钟高清视频保存;
+ 大师滤镜:夏永康、许熙正、章元一、张悦、林海音等大师原创滤镜;
+ InterPlus场景滤镜:人像、美食、胶片、黑白、经典电影滤镜等,还有多种照片编辑工具:曝光、增强、饱和度、暗角、颗粒、褪色,高阶曲线等;
+ 光效素材:80款光效素材,支持亮度、饱和度、色相调整;
+ 专业摄影简约水印:我们调研了数千款水印素材,总结出最简约最有专业风格的水印素材,让每张精心的摄影作品打下标志性水印,当然,你也可以直接通过印象导入你本人创作的个人水印;
+ 专治照片强迫症:多尺寸裁剪、自由旋转、水平校正、垂直校正;
+ 高清图片导出;
# InterPhoto Pro 会员订阅说明
- 您可以在会员期间内无限使用所有素材(滤镜、动画文字、水印、光效),同时享用专属的高级功能,比如免解锁素材、去官方水印、视频无限时长导出以及其他即将发布的新功能;
- 订阅按月或年收费,价格取决于选择的订阅套餐。或者,选择一次性付款购买(非订阅);
- 购买连续订阅会员的账号,会在确认购买后支付相关费用。会员订阅到期后将自动续订,除非您在当前订阅周期结束前至少24小时关闭自动续订。会员续订会在当前订阅周期结束前的24小时内发生,届时将根据您选择的会员方案从您的iTunes账号扣费。
- 如需取消订阅,请手动打开苹果手机”设置“-->进入 “iTunes Store 与 App Store”-->点击“Apple ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择InterPhoto连续订阅会员取消订阅即可。根据 Apple 的政策,在活动订阅期内不能取消当前订阅。购买后,将不会为任何未使用的部分退款。
- 所有私人数据都会遵守 InterPhoto 隐私政策及条款处理。请点击链接参见
如果您遇到任何问题或者需要进一步帮助,请通过邮件 [email protected] 与我们联系解决,或进入QQ交流群:1533141194
Rating:5 Show Detail