8 Best Apps Similar To bhop pro|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: bhop pro

bhop pro

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.9.4(2020-01-29)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Simulation, Action

40.0K   <5K <5K


You can do bunny hops in fps mode with bhop pro. You can prove that you are really a bhop master with the scores and durations you will get. You must continuously turn right or left and synchronously jump at the same time to be able to do successful bunny hops. If you can really do it, you will be a 'bhop pro'.

Most realistic bunny hop game for iOS!

Do you ever wanted to test your bhop skills on your iOS device.

What is bunny hop ?
Bunny hop is a tecnique to gain more speed by using air strafing. You need to manage your movements in air to gain speed and try not to lose control.

Bhop pro starts with easy bunny hop maps. You won't need any tutorial or tips to get started. Bunny hopping is easy to start but hard to master.

New deathrun mode
You can test your skills by competing with your friends in new deathrun mode maps filled with traps.





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BÁO MỚI: Đọc Báo, Tin Mới 24h

Name:BÁO MỚI: Đọc Báo, Tin Mới 24h                                                Price:Free

Description:Email hỗ trợ: [email protected]

Báo Mới là ứng dụng đọc báo chính thức của BaoMoi.com - trang tổng hợp tin tức tự động hàng đầu Việt Nam. Sử dụng công nghệ máy tính thông minh độc quyền của BaoMoi.com, ứng dụng cho phép bạn đọc nhanh các tin tức nóng và mới nhất trong ngày được chọn lọc từ hơn 100 báo điện tử tại Việt Nam.


* Đọc tin theo cách của riêng bạn với 2 chế độ duyệt tin khác nhau chỉ có ở Báo Mới.
* Tin nóng và mới nhất được tổng hợp và chọn lọc thông minh, cập nhật liên tục từ các báo điện tử tại Việt Nam.
* Video chọn lọc, đa dạng mọi thể loại: hài hước, giải trí, công nghệ, đẹp, độc, lạ.
* Liên tục cập nhật các sự kiện nóng: Đại hội Đảng, Biển Đông, Bầu cử Tổng thống Mỹ, Vòng loại World Cup, EURO 2020, Chiến tranh thương mại Mỹ - Trung, Căng thẳng Triều Tiên, Nữ sinh giao gà, SEA Games 2019, Tổng thống Trump gặp ông Kim Jong Un ở Thượng đỉnh Mỹ Triều, ...
* Dễ dàng chia sẻ thông tin lên các mạng xã hội hàng đầu như Zalo, Facebook.
* Dễ dàng lựa chọn và thêm các đầu báo yêu thích vào trang chủ.
* Tốc độ nhanh, được tối ưu cho kết nối 2G/3G/Wifi.

Email hỗ trợ: [email protected]

Rating:2.55                                               Show Detail

The Birdcage 2

Name:The Birdcage 2                                                Price:Free

Description:Welcome to The Birdcage 2!

The story revolves around young sorceress who has just graduated from the school of magic. She heard tales of the powerful wizard Alzar, so she embarked on a journey to find him, hoping he will teach her advanced magic. She faced many obstacles, dangers, and revelations that ultimately forced her to make difficult choices.

Enter the magical land of Avem and learn what happens to our brave young sorceress. Intuitive touch controls, mechanical puzzles, and creative reasoning will enable you to free the innocent magical creatures imprisoned by dark magic.


Exclusive levels for iPhone X and new generation iPhones where you solve
puzzles using your face.


The puzzles will challenge your mind and push your reasoning skills to the next level.


Once you start, you will not be able to quit until all birds and dragons are free.


Slide through the screen and experience the real magic happening right before your eyes.


Disclose the adventure of the young sorceress and magical creatures locked inside beautifully designed cages.


Immerse yourself to the atmosphere of the story with the wonderful original soundtrack and chilling sound design.


Cast spells with the wand, find missing scroll parts, collect hidden diamonds and more!


Explore every object you see in the game to details. Many secrets are hidden as it is in its nature. Your observational skills might lead you to some big twists and revelations in the story.

Rating:4.75                                                 Show Detail

Criminal Case: The Conspiracy

Name:Criminal Case: The Conspiracy                                                 Price:Free

Description:숨은 물건 찾기 어드벤처 게임에서 펼쳐지는 연쇄 살인 사건을 해결하시려면 다시 한번 그림스보로우 경찰국에 합류하세요. 단서를 찾아 범죄 현장을 수사한 뒤에 용의자를 신문하고, 살인범 검거를 위해 증거물을 분석하시면 됩니다. 수사 실력을 발휘할 준비가 되셨나요?

게임 특징:
• 새로운 범죄 현장을 수사하고 그림스보로우의 어두운 면을 파헤치기
• 단서를 조사하고 표본을 분석하여 증거 찾기
• 목격자와 용의자 신문하기
• 살인범을 법정에 세우기
• 5 버전 이상의 아이폰 및 모든 아이패드에서 실행 가능
• 아이팟 터치 4세대 기기 지원 불가

주의 – 크리미널 케이스: 더 컨스피러시는 부분유료화 게임으로, 일부 아이템의 경우 구매가 가능합니다. 구매를 원하시 않으시면 설정에서 'App 내 구입' 기능을 비활성화시켜 주세요.

크리미널 케이스: 더 컨스피러시는 이용약관과 개인정보보호정책에 의해, 13세부터 이용이 가능합니다.

이용 약관: http://www.prettysimplegames.com/terms-of-use
개인정보보호정책: http://www.prettysimplegames.com/privacy-policy

주간 구독으로 피자 구매시, 에너지 용량을 매주 170개씩 제공하며, 광고 없이 게임을 즐기실 수 있습니다. 구매시 매주 2.99 USD가 청구되며, 아이튠즈 구매 내역을 통해 확인 가능합니다. 3일간의 무료 체험 후, 구독이 자동 갱신됩니다.
이용 기간 종료 24시간 전, 자동 갱신을 끄지 않으시는 경우, 서비스 이용이 자동으로 갱신됩니다.

Rating:4.7                                             Show Detail

Surfshark VPN - Secure Proxy

Name:Surfshark VPN - Secure Proxy                                                 Price:Free

Description:手機總是隨時隨地在您左右, 您的個人資訊也同樣不離身。 我們的使命是確保您的數位生活安全無虞,您完全無需操心。

您的隱私和安全至關重要,需要花上很多心力才能妥善管理。 不過,只要安裝 Surfshark VPN,就能輕鬆搞定。

〈 此應用程式效果絕佳 〉

▸ 保護您的線上身分安全無虞
▸ 確保每個公共 Wi-Fi 均安全可用
▸ 遵循嚴格的「無紀錄」政策,保障個人隱私
▸ 所有流量統統加密,不讓惡意人士趁機偷窺
▸ 您的真實位置絕對保密
▸ 保護您的所有裝置
▸ 即時支援團隊 24 小時全年無休

〈 專家推薦 〉

- 「這款一條龍 VPN 服務可妥善保護您的線上隱私與安全,還有超多意想不到的額外工具與功能。」- CultOfMac.com

- 「這款新問世的 VPN 服務功能強大又實用,用起來太滿意了。 總而言之,相當優秀。」- PCMag.com

- 「Surfshark 提供功能強大、速度超快的 VPN 服務,更附有眾多進階功能。」 - TechRadar.com

〈 超讚功能 〉

▸ 牢牢隱藏您的 IP 位址,確保隱私無虞
▸ 安全操作線上銀行功能,使用超安心
▸ 全球 50+ 個國家/地區,800+ 個伺服器任君挑選
▸ 安全傳送和下載機密與個人檔案
▸ 防範 DDoS 攻擊,免去隱私遭洩的煩惱,讓您暢享遊戲樂趣
▸ 天衣無縫的安全性,保障隱私,隨時放心上網!


〈 自動續訂 〉

• Surfshark 是付費服務,訂閱後才能使用
• 同意購買後,應用程式會向您的 Apple ID 帳號收費
• 如要停止訂閱,請在目前付費使用期結束的至少 24 小時前關閉自動續訂功能,否則系統會自動續訂
• 我們會在您所選訂閱結束的 24 小時前,向您的帳號收取續訂費用
• 購買後,您可以前往「帳號設定」頁面管理訂閱和關閉自動續訂功能
• Surfshark 免費試用期所有未使用的部分(若有),在您購買訂閱時即失效


Rating:4.15                                                 Show Detail

العاب بنات محجبات 2017 صالون مكياج وتلبيس الاميرات

Name:العاب بنات محجبات 2017 صالون مكياج وتلبيس الاميرات                                                 Price:Free

Description:لعبة تلبيس فلة للبنات من احدث الالعاب العربية الموجهة للصغار
تتضمن اللعبة
تلبيس البنات - حجاب,فستان و حقائب
مكياج كامل
عناية بالبشرة
مشاركة مع الاصدقاء

لعبة مكياج و تلبيس الاميرات العربيات...لعبة ترفيه مميزة للصغار

لعبة مجانية
خيارات عديدة للمكياج
ساعد اللعبه للعنايه ببشرتها
التحكم في اللعبه صمم بشكل بسيط ليناسب الاعمار الصغيرة
اكثر من ١٠٠ خيار لاختيار الملابس
مجموعه كبير من الاكسسورات بطابع عربي
خلفية لاماكن بمعالم مختلفه
امكانية حفظ الصور و مشاركتها مع الاصدقاء

لا تتردو بتجريب اللعبه و ايصال المتعه و الفائدة لاطفالكم

نرجو الدعم و التقييم ليصلكم المزيد من ابداعات
تابعونا على تويتر ليصلكم الجديد

Rating:2.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:Skip-Po                                                 Price:Free

Description:Skip-Po is the ultimate sequencing card game. Get in the competitive spirit with the Skip-Po card game where players skilfully build their own stacks of sequentially numbered, ascending cards.

Skip-Po game objective is the players in the game look forward to discarding all the cards in their stock stack as quickly as possible. The first player to do so wins the game.

The deck consists of 162 cards, twelve each of the numbers 1 through 12 and eighteen Skip-Po wild cards which may be played as any number.

To begin the game, players are dealt the same amount of cards face down into what becomes their personal Stockpile. During play, they draw from a central Draw pile and work towards starting up to four building piles. Each pile is then built up numerically in sequence, 1 through 12.

A Skip-Po card is wild and can be played to start a building pile or as any other number, too. These cards are perfect for breaking up static situations or helping to beat your opponents. Use these cards wisely, for they can really help you beat your opponents.

Play with your Facebook friends, against the computer, against your friends in local multiplayer or with millions of skip-po players around the world.

You can also create Private Room and invite your friends to play.

Players in Skip-Po compete with their opponents to eliminate all their stockpiled cards by building piles in numerical sequential order.

Test your skills and get into the action, and place all of your cards in sequential order. Keep an eye on your opponents, though, because the first player to get rid of all cards in their stockpile wins.

In Skip-po players use skill and strategy to create stacks of sequentially numbered, ascending cards until they have no more left to play.

The Skip-Po wild cards add extra twists to keep the game interesting and help you beat your opponents.

Skip-Po is the perfect type of game to play if you want to turn off your brain and play something that is relaxing and won’t tax your brain.

While playing Skip-Po, it's the luck of the draw. Put your skills to test in our Skip-Po sequencing card game.

Download Skip-Po today for free and try your luck!!

****Skip-Po Features****

1. Play with Facebook Friends or as Guest.
2. Advanced AI, and they won't be easy to beat.
3. Compete against friends & other players and climb the weekly leaderboard.
4..Play with your friends and family
5. Get started with an interactive tutorial
6. Online multiplayer where you can play with real people around the world.
7. Create Private Room and Invite Friends.
8. Localized gameplay.
9. Play with Local Multiplayer.
10. Ton of Achievements
11. Get free coins by Spin and Watching Video.

If you’re enjoying our card game Skip-Po, please take a few seconds to give us a review!

We'll do our best to answer you.

We appreciate your review, so keep them coming!

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS

Name:Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS                                                 Price:Free

Description:Kooperativer Online-Shooter mit moderner Grafik und dynamischen Multiplayer-Gefechten action balla spiele.

Magst du die guten alten action spiele Anti-Terror-Gefechte? Dann gibt es großartige Neuigkeiten: „Modern Strike Online“ verändert die Vorstellung von Online-Shooter-Spielen auf iOS. Mit atemberaubender Grafik, die für leistungsschwache Geräte optimiert wurde, beginnt das bewaffnete Kräftemessen diesen Frühling auf deinem Smartphone! Bilde die Vorhut auf den Schlachtfeldern von Modern Strike Online und konfrontiere den Feind – am besten mit einer schönen Blendgranate!

– 6 Gefechtsmodi und die Möglichkeit, benutzerdefinierte Server mit eigenen Regeln für dich und deine Freunde zu erstellen.
– 11 battlefield Karten, auf denen du verschiedene Taktiken erproben und Schwachstellen deiner Gegner finden kannst!
– 70 einzigartige Waffen und Ausrüstungsgegenstände: Sniper, Pistolen, Maschinenpistolen, Maschinengewehre, Schrotflinten, Granaten und Schutzwesten!
– Ändere deine balla spiele Waffe ganz nach deinen Vorlieben: Farbe, Lauf, Schaft und Zielfernrohr!
– Verteile Gratiskopfschüsse und gewinne Runde um Runde counter strike!

Die schönste Grafik und eine perfekt abgestimmte Geräuschkulisse erwarten dich in action spiele Modern Strike Online mit regelmäßigen Updates und zusätzlichen Spielinhalten. Auf ins Gefecht!

Rating:4.45                                                 Show Detail

Bhop GO

Name:Bhop GO                                                 Price:Free

Description:Bhop (bunny hop) - is a skill to jump faster in FPS and simulation games. It is simply parkour with air strafes. Turn left and right (strafing) while jumping to get more speed and finish maps faster than other bhoppers.

Avoid falling and obstacles as they can slow your hopping down. Checkpoints will help your parkour run to finish 3d maps easily. Big maps are full of hard bhop jumping parts. But you can find trampolines, bounce pads and even loots like knives or weapons to make the game more fun. There are hundreds of bhop maps from subway to skydiving style.

If you are a pro jumper or a trickster you can find your nickname in leaderboards (statistics). Finish cool maps and get your world record. Collect loot, earn coins, buy cases, spin and win cool knives, gloves, weapons and skins.
Our guns and weapons do not shoot, but they are so exciting to obtain. You can spin cases and win cool inventory.

If you like to play online games with friends - choose Multiplayer mode. Much more fun to parkour and surf around together.

Yes, you can create private and public rooms - choose Race mode. You decide how many bhoppers will take part in bhop race competition.

Bhop GO features:

- multiplayer to play with friends online
- single player works in offline mode
- collecting loot on maps
- jumping bounce pads
- moving 3d obstacles
- racing for world records (top players)
- military character skins
- different types of weapons (knives, pistols, snipers, shotguns, automatic)
- silver, platinum and gold skins for rare elite knives
- lootbox and crate system
- daily roulette to get cases
- smooth and easy controls (joystick as well)
- online text chats and voice chats
- ranks for every player
- vip maps and membership

Enough reading - GO Bhop!


Subscription options

In our game we have the following subscription length:

1. Weekly VIP Membership for $9.99 offers a weekly subscription, unlocks weapons, skins, gloves and removes all ads.

2. Monthly VIP Membership for $19.99 offers a monthly subscription, unlocks weapons, skins, gloves and removes all ads.

3. Yearly VIP Membership for $99.99 offers a yearly subscription, unlocks weapons, skins, gloves and removes all ads.

This price is for United States customers. Pricing in other countries may vary and actual charges may be converted to your local currency depending on the country of residence.

Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.

Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.

Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal.

Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase.

Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.

Canceling trial or subscription

You can turn off the auto-renew for the subscription whenever you want to through iTunes. Check https://support.apple.com/HT202039. When your current trial/subscription period expires, you will be unsubscribed. The current active subscription period cannot be canceled. After your subscription expires, you will no longer be able to use sticker packs marked as Premium.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

This application includes a "Remove ads" option that allows you to play without ads. "Remove ads" option is lifetime and costs $3.99 USD or equivalent in your local currency.

Privacy Policy URL: http://bhopjump.com/GOBhop/privacypolicy.htm

Terms of Use URL: http://bhopjump.com/GOBhop/termsofuse.htm

Rating:4.65                                                 Show Detail