8 Best Apps Similar To Brazilian Portuguese by Nemo|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Brazilian Portuguese by Nemo

Brazilian Portuguese by Nemo
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 5.8.0(2018-12-11)
APP CATEGORIES : Travel, Education
<5K | <5K | <5K |
เปลี่ยนไอโฟนหรือไอแพด ทัชของคุณให้เป็นคุณครูสอนภาษาโปรตุเกสส่วนตัว โดยใช้ภาษาไทยเป็นสื่อกลาง
◆ คำศัพท์และวลีสำคัญในภาษา มีเสียงเจ้าของภาษาประกอบทุกๆ คำ
◆ ฝึกสำเนียงของคุณกับสตูดิโอเสียงพูด บันทึกเสียงของคุณพูดวลีนั้นๆ เองแล้วฟังเสียงของคุณเปรียบเทียบกับเสียงของครู คุณจะแปลกใจที่สำเนียงของคุณเปลี่ยนแปลงไปอย่างรวดเร็ว
◆ เสียงพูดทั้งหมดดาวน์โหลดมาพร้อมกับแอปแล้ว จึงใช้งานได้แม้แต่บนเครื่องบินและไม่ต้องกังวลว่าต้องเสียค่าธรรมเนียมเพิ่มเติมเมื่อใช้งานในต่างประเทศ
◆ Nemo ไม่ได้ออกแบบให้คุณต้องนั่งเรียนเป็นบทๆ คุณสามารถหยิบมือถือมาเล่นเป็นพักๆ ได้ตลอดทั้งวัน เมื่อไรก็ตามที่คุณมีเวลาว่างสักสองสามนาที
◆ สร้างเสริมพื้นฐานภาษาโปรตุเกสอันจะทำให้คุณสามารถสนทนาได้อย่างมั่นใจในชีวิตประจำวัน
◆ ไม่จำเป็นต้องมีความรู้ในภาษาโปรตุเกสมาก่อน
Nemo® ถูกออกแบบมาเพื่อเอาดึงศักยภาพอันน่าทึ่งของมือถือของคุณ และสมองของคุณออกมา
Nemo เป็นเทรนเนอร์ส่วนตัวของคุณที่จะติดตามความก้าวหน้าในทุกๆ คำและวลีที่คุณเรียนรู้
◆ Nemo ให้คุณได้ฝึกเต็มที่กับเสียงพูดในภาษาโปรตุเกสเพื่อว่าคุณจะสามารถพูดได้อย่างเป็นธรรมชาติ
◆ ทะยานสู่เรื่องที่คุณอยากเรียนได้ทุกเวลา
◆ กำหนดได้เองว่าจะเน้นคำไหนเป็นพิเศษ หรือจะข้ามคำไหนซึ่งคุณไม่อยากรู้หรือว่ารู้แล้ว
◆ เปิดโหมดทบทวนท้ายวันเพื่อสรุปสิ่งที่เรียนรู้ไปก่อนหน้าในวันนั้น เพื่อกระตุ้นการจดจำ
◆ Nemo จะนำเสนอคำชุดใหม่แก่คุณจนกว่าคุณจะคุ้นเคย และทบทวนคำที่คุณเรียนไปแล้วเป็นระยะๆ เพื่อสร้างความจำระยะยาว
ดาวน์โหลดเดี๋ยวนี้เลย ฟรี
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Apps Similar To Brazilian Portuguese by Nemo
Top 8 Similars | More Similar Apps |

Name:Nursing Dictionary by Farlex Price:Free
Description:Nursing Dictionary by Farlex is a medical dictionary app specifically for nurses. Get free, instant access to more than 56,000 medical terms, 4,000 entries on medications, and 9,000 images, all from authoritative sources, including McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin, Gale, Elsevier, and more.
Whether you're a nurse, nursing student, or looking to learn more about healthcare and treatment, this free nursing dictionary app can help you find clear, in-depth definitions of medical terminology right on your iPhone or iPad. Search across multiple disciplines in more than a dozen medical dictionary and encyclopedia sources, including entries on:
Drug facts and interactions
Patient monitoring
Tests and procedures
The five-step nursing process
Nursing intervention
Nursing specializations
Medical research topics
+ much more…
* Search 56,000+ medical terms and definitions from multiple authoritative sources you won't find anywhere else—all in one app.
* Get in-depth info on more than 4,000 prescription medications and over-the-counter medicines in the comprehensive drug guide.
* Browse thousands of medical abbreviations and acronyms.
* Save unlimited bookmarks and quickly view the terms you need to access fast.
* Use native voice search to look up a word just by saying it. (With supported devices)
* See search suggestions as you type and always find what you're looking for.
* View your recent searches.
* Perform advanced searches, including "Starts with," "Ends with," "Contains," and "Wildcard."
* Listen to 27,000+ audio pronunciations for both American and British speakers.
* Share definitions via social networks, email, and text. (With supported devices)
User-friendly, comprehensive, and authoritative: Nursing Dictionary by Farlex is the perfect free nursing app for nurses, nursing students, and anyone curious about the medical field. This is NOT a preview or a trial version, and there is no "locked" content. Open the app on your iPhone or iPad and immediately access all content — no subscriptions required!
How do we do it?
TheFreeDictionary.com - Farlex apps have been downloaded tens of millions times across multiple platforms, with top ratings after hundreds of thousands of reviews. We work with the best publishers to bring together trusted content in the most comprehensive, authoritative dictionary apps on the market. Our flagship app is The Free Dictionary (TFD), powered by TheFreeDictionary.com. Find our other apps by searching "Dictionary by Farlex" in the App Store.
Rating:4.65 Show Detail

Name:Russian by Nemo Price:Free
Description:Turn your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch into your FAVORITE teacher of Russian.
◆ The most essential words and phrases of the language, each with native speaker audio.
◆ Master your accent with the Speech Studio. Simply record yourself saying a phrase and then hear your voice next to the teacher’s. You’ll be AMAZED how quickly your foreign accent melts away.
◆ All audio is downloaded to the device and accessible even in airplane mode or without expensive international roaming fees.
◆ Nemo is NOT BUILT AROUND LESSONS at all. It is meant to be picked up and put down throughout the day, whenever you have a few minutes to spare.
◆ Builds a foundation of Russian empowering you to speak CONFIDENTLY in EVERYDAY CONVERSATIONS.
◆ NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of Russian required.
Nemo® is specially DESIGNED to tap the remarkable power of your mobile device, and your brain, to their fullest.
Nemo is your personal trainer, tracking your PROGRESS across every single word and phrase.
◆ Practice Russian the way you'll use it. Nemo is fully customizable.
◆ Nemo immerses you in the sounds of Russian so you naturally speak with ease.
◆ Dive into WHAT YOU WANT to learn at any time.
◆ You control which words to practice – skip words you don’t want to learn or already know.
◆ Turn on Review Mode to study what you practiced earlier in the day to BOOST your memory retention.
◆ Hear English descriptions of all words, in a flashcard format.
◆ Quiz your mastery of the vocabulary.
◆ Nemo introduces words to you progressively to develop familiarity and reviews them at the right moment so they enter your LONG TERM MEMORY.
Maximize your time investment by targeting the most basic and high frequency words of the language.
Upgrade to the complete version to:
◆ Get off the beaten path or find comfort with DIRECTIONS, TRAVEL and HOTEL phrases.
◆ Decode menus with the most common FOOD words.
◆ Shop and find bargains like an insider with must-know SHOPPING phrases.
◆ Learn words useful for your time in russia.
◆ Build your proficiency with the most important verbs and SENTENCE BUILDING BLOCKS in Russian.
◆ Spark new friendships with COMPLIMENTS and CONVERSATION STARTERS.
Use your new skills to make friends, impress old friends, bring smiles to children, get out of jams, experience new things, speak confidently, and make your travel and cultural experience more rich and fulfilling.
Download this FREE app now!
Rating:4.55 Show Detail

Name:Dictionary - English Price:Free
Description:Came across a fascinating new word while reading an English Classic? Writing an article & looking for a more sophisticated synonym for a rather simple word? Stuck on your crossword puzzle? Dictionary is here with all the answers!
Dictionary is your free English dictionary and thesaurus right on your device. This offline dictionary/ thesaurus offers you the meaning of English words along with their synonyms, antonyms, usage examples, spelling suggestions and more! All these features make Dictionary a handy tool for quick reference, looking up definitions, spellings, similar and related words and help you enhance your English vocabulary.
Dictionary features:
• Extremely fast, simple and easy to use
• More than 147000 words
• This Dictionary/ thesaurus works without an internet connection (offline)
• Use this thesaurus to look up synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms (less specific), hyponyms (more specific), meronyms (part of) & more!
• Example sentences to help you understand the contextual meaning of a particular word
• An intelligent word entry which suggests possible words and correct spellings as you type
• Use the ? wildcard for any character or * for a group of characters in the search
• Lookup the Wikipedia page for a word and search for related Wikipedia articles for words right from the app.
• Save your most used or interesting new words as bookmarks
• Keep track of the most recent words that you’ve looked up in the current session, with the recent history option
• Based on the Princeton University WordNet Project.
Whether you’re a writer, teacher, student or just someone with a passion for the English language, this free offline Dictionary app is a pocket thesaurus you would love to own! Get this free offline English Dictionary and thesaurus now and learn new words, definitions and spellings on-the-go!
This free offline English dictionary and thesaurus has more than 147000 words with their synonyms, antonyms, definitions and more. This English dictionary and thesaurus is a great tool for reference, education, and vocabulary building.
The intelligent word entry suggests possible correct spellings as you type, as well as listing other possible words. Keep track of the most recent words that you’ve looked up in the current session, with the recent history option. Just click on the left or right arrows and the dictionary definition for your previously searched words are shown.
Learn new words, spellings, definitions and improve your English vocabulary with this offline free English Dictionary and thesaurus. The Wikipedia integration makes it easy to look up detailed definitions and information about any particular English word or phrase. You can also keep track of your favourite words or new interesting words by bookmarking them.
Now you don’t have to carry a pocket Dictionary or open your internet browser every time you need a synonym for an English word. Just open up this free offline Dictionary & thesaurus and look up synonyms, antonyms, definitions and more anytime, anywhere.
Rating:4.35 Show Detail

Name:Kannada Transliteration Keyboard by KeyNounce Price:₹ 0
Description:KeyNounce is the easiest way to type in Kannada using just the English keyboard. KeyNounce uses a technique called "transliteration" that enables you to type the Kannada pronunciation in English, instantly giving you back the word written in Kannada.
For example, typing "namaste" will be converted into the Kannada letters right as you type! It’s simple, fast and super accurate. You don’t need to worry about typing in the exact English spelling for an Kannada word, KeyNounce is smart enough to accept many input spellings for the same output word.
If you can write, or read Kannada, but aren’t used to typing using the Kannada keyboard, KeyNounce is the perfect solution for you.
KeyNounce works in any app! Once you enable the keyboard you’ll be able to easily compose texts, emails, tweets, facebook posts, and search the web in Kannada.
Rating:3.5 Show Detail

Name:Shirabe Jisho Price:Free
Description:Simple but powerful Japanese-English, English-Japanese dictionary app.
The app's features include:
● Over 170.000 dictionary entries with readings and english meaning
● Over 6.500 kanji characters with stroke order
● Over 730.000 Japanese names, place names and institution names
● Over 147.000 example sentences with translation
● Instantaneous search results
● Character input by kanji and kana handwriting recognition. Recognition algorithm can handle wrong stroke order and small mistakes.
● When multiple similar characters are found, you don't need to redo drawing after each character - just long press to see a preview
● Search by kanji radicals (for example 日 and 月 will find 明)
● Wildcard search - "*" can replace any number of characters and "?" can replace any single character. Works both with English and Japanese words.
● Search by kanji, kana and romaji - "じしょ", "じsho" and "jisho" will give the same search results
● Kanji lists by JLPT level and school grade (1 - 6)
● Multiple word lists divided by subject, grammatical function, JLPT level and more
Rating:4.95 Show Detail

Name:Vietnamese by Nemo Price:Free
Description:Nemo dirancang untuk mendorong Anda mulai berbicara sejumlah kata yang paling berguna dalam Bahasa Vietnam secara langsung dan dengan penuh rasa percaya diri. Dengan jutaan kali unduh dari seluruh dunia, Nemo kini tersedia untuk Bahasa Indonesia.
◆ Setiap Kata Bahasa Vietnam diucapkan secara jelas dalam kualitas audio yang bagus dari seorang penutur asli.
◆ Semua audio-nya diunduh ke perangkat Anda, dan tersedia dalam mode offline atau dalam mode pesawat terbang.
◆ Kuasai aksen Anda dengan Studio Bahasa. Cukup rekam suara Anda saat mengucapkan sebuah frasa kemudian dengarkan suara Anda setelah suarapenutur. Lalu coba lagi. Andaakan KAGUM betapa cepatnya aksen suara asing Anda berubah.
◆ Nemo tidak dibuat dalam bentuk pembelajaran sama sekali. Hal ini ditujukan agar bisa digunakan sepanjang hari, kapan pun Anda punya waktu senggang untuk disisihkan.
◆ TIDAK DIPERLUKAN DASAR Bahasa Vietnam terlebih dahulu.
Aplikasi untuk belajar Bahasa Vietnam ini tersedia lengkap dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan 10 bahasa lainnya.
Nemo menargetkan semua kata dan frasa yang paling kerap diucapkan dalam percakapan. Bagi pemula, kami telah menyiapkan daftar "Belajar 10 Hal Saja", “Belajar 50 Hal Saja”, dan “Belajar 100 Hal Saja” untuk pengenalan singkat dari seluruh intinya. Pembelajar tingkat menengah dapat meneruskan ke pelajaran dengan kata yang paling sering diucapkan untuk wisata dan bisnis kemudian mulailah bercakap-cakap menggunakan Bahasa Vietnam dalam waktu satu bulan. Pembelajar tingkat lanjut akan merasakan manfaat dari teknologi Studio Bahasa untuk memperbaiki aksen bahasa asing mereka.
Dengan Nemo, Anda dapat menyusun kartu kilas sendiri untuk melatih keahlian bahasa yang ingin Anda tingkatkan. Ketika mengawali sebuah topik baru, atur kartu kilas untuk melatih terjemahan dari Bahasa Vietnam ke Bahasa Indonesia jadi Anda dapat terbiasa dengan sejumlah kata baru. Selanjutnya, ganti untuk menerjemahkan Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Vietnam untuk melatih hafalan sekaligus kemampuan berbicara Anda. Untuk menguasai secara sempurna, ganti dengan kartu yang khusus melatih kepekaan pendengaran Anda dan menyempurnakan pelafalan Anda.
Semua kartu dapat ditandai sebagai favorit, memungkinkan Anda untuk menyusun rangkaian kartu yang memfokuskan sejumlah kata pada hari itu. Aktifkan Mode Ulasan untuk merekap yang Anda pelajari pada permulaan hari agar meningkatkan penyimpanan hafalan Anda.
Telusuri apa yang Anda inginkan untuk belajar setiap saat. Buku frasa menawarkan akses cepat ke kosakata dalam aplikasi melalui antarmuka kamus Bahasa Vietnam - Bahasa Indonesia. Nemo juga berfungsi sebagai penerjemah. Cukup temukan kata yang Anda inginkan di antarmuka pencarian dan mainkan audio-nya lewat perangkat pengeras suara.
◆ Ketahui yang tidak diketahui atau dapatkan kenyamanan dengan semua frasa wisatawan.
◆ Tingkatkan kecakapan Anda dengan angka dan kata kerja paling penting serta blok bangunan kalimat.
Gunakan keahlian baru Anda untuk berkenalan dengan teman baru, memesona teman lama, membuat anak-anak tersenyum, lolos dari kemacetan, merasakan hal-hal baru, berbicara penuh percaya diri, dan menjadikan pengalaman wisata dan budaya Anda kian kaya dan memuaskan.
Unduh aplikasi gratis ini sekarang!
Rating:4.15 Show Detail

Name:English - Mexican Spanish Dictionary Offline Price:Free
Description:Over 80.000 words and expressions! FREE!
Diccionario Español Inglés Americano Offline GRATIS
* No Internet connection needed! The ideal tool to avoid expensive data roaming fees during your trips to Spanish speaking countries (Spain, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, etc.).
* Lexicon with over 80.000 entries (words and expressions)
* Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference
* Copy the translations to the system clipboard for use in other apps
* Instant search
Rating:4 Show Detail

Name:步步阅读-牛津树英语绘本精读课 Price:Free
《牛津閱讀樹》(Oxford Reading Tree)簡稱牛津樹,是英國牛津大學出版社組織多位頂尖兒童閱讀教育專家、兒童心理專家而出版的壹套分級讀物,經過三十多年持續研究及發展,目前是英國最受歡迎、全球三千萬兒童首選的英語啟蒙讀物。
• 獨創繪本精讀課
• 獨家正版版權
• 海量原版繪本
• 縝密學習計劃
• VIP會員權益:所有圖書館繪本、精讀課課程,不限次智能糾音,家長報告,步步登高等功能。
• 訂閱周期:1個月(連續包月)。
• 訂閱價格:價格可能因地區而異,以 App Store 價格為準,例如連續包月產品為68元/月。
• 付款:用戶確認購買並付款後計入iTunes帳戶。
• 續訂:開通自動續費服務後,蘋果會在每個計費周期到期前24小時內,自動從您的iTunes帳戶扣費,扣費成功後VIP會員有效期延長壹個訂閱周期。
• 取消訂閱:在當前計費周期到期24小時以前,打開蘋果手機 “設置”,進入 “iTunes Store 與 App Store”,點擊 Apple ID,選擇 “查看 Apple ID”,在 “帳戶設置” 頁面點擊 “訂閱”,選擇 “步步閱讀” 取消訂閱即可。如未在訂閱期結束的至少24小時前取消訂閱的,將視為您同意繼續授權,此訂閱將會自動續訂。
• 特別說明:本服務不含免費試用時間,訂閱成功立即扣費並生效。自動續訂狀態更新可能存在顯示延時,以蘋果應用內訂閱狀態為準。
• 自動續費服務協議:https://www.buburead.com/policy/autoRenew.html
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• 微信服務號:步步閱讀服務號
• 郵箱:linyanhong@putao-inc.com
• 網站:https://www.buburead.com
Rating:4.75 Show Detail