8 Best Apps Similar To Camera+ 2|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Camera+ 2
Camera+ 2
APP STORE: App Store $4.99
CURRENT VERSION : 4.0(2020-06-03)
APP CATEGORIES : Photo & Video, Social Networking
6.0K | 30.0K | <5K |
Take your iPhone photo editing to the next level with Camera+ 2 - the best and most powerful photo capturing & editing app available. Camera+ 2 is designed by photo lovers on a mission to incorporate all the advances in photo technology that are being introduced year after year.
The RAW Editor includes tools such as Curves or a White Balance picker. The Lab contains many photographic tools that allow you to fine-tune the exposure, boost the shadows or sharpen your photo, among many others. Dozens of built-in filters help you get that final look.
RAW mode provides maximum flexibility for editing, by saving the exact image captured by the sensor at its full precision. Use our built-in RAW Editor to develop your images, or send them to your computer and keep using the tools you are already familiar with.
We have achieved a fantastic integration with the photos you already have in your library. Instead of clunkily importing a photo you want to edit, doing your thing and saving it back, simply switch tabs and edit it right in place. And you'll love the multitasking support in iPad. The editors can also be used on the photos in your Photo Library. Switch between your library and the Lightbox by simply tapping a button, or use drag and drop gestures in the iPad. Files and iTunes integration are also available to easily transfer pictures to your computer or other apps.
Camera+ 2 works great on iPhone and iPad. Use the same tools consistently across all your devices, and take advantage of multitasking in iPad. All features are included in your purchase for all platforms - no in-app purchases required.
Camera+ 2 adapts to your style and technical savvy. If you like the system camera, select the Auto preset to use a simple, clear interface that will let you concentrate on your shot. Camera+ 2 provides all the essential framing and exposure tools, and will select the best parameters for you.
As your skills progress, or if you are already familiar with DSLRs, you'll feel at home in Manual mode. You'll be able to select the best lens, shutter time, ISO or white balance for your capture.
Other presets are available for purpose-specific captures, providing sensible settings for the task at hand. Slow Shutter allows you to take long exposures, even in daylight. Macro is optimized to work on close subjects, and Action tracks the object you select and automatically enables Burst so you don't miss the shot.
If your iPhone has multiple lenses, the Auto preset will use the best one(s) for your scene -just like the standard camera does- and will produce Deep Fusion pictures if it needs to. In Manual mode you are the boss: Camera+ 2 will always honor all the controls you choose. If you want to use the Tele lens, Camera+ 2 will not engage the digital zoom even if the Wide could gather more light. No more surprises after the fact.
Use Smile mode to shoot when people are smiling, or Stabilizer to ensure your iPhone is steady enough to produce a sharp picture. Burst and Timer can also be enabled any time you need them.
Focus Peaking highlights the parts of the image that are in focus, which is invaluable if you are focusing manually. Zebra Stripes detect those parts of your composition that are over- or underexposed.
Depth Capture, which is optimized for person subjects, is available in iPhones with dual or triple cameras, and in the iPhone XR. Depth information is saved alongside the image, and the adjustments in The Lab can be selectively applied to distant or close subjects.
Photos taken with Camera+ 2 go to the Lightbox by default. Filter them easily to focus on the ones you want to work on, and use the built-in editors to create the exact look you are aiming for. Save or share the final versions when you are done.
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Apps Similar To Camera+ 2
Top 8 Similars | More Similar Apps |
![Restorer: restore image damage](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/971060ff87008b3d8f8da5d315fa9a56.jpg)
Name:Restorer: restore image damage Price:$3.99
Description:Tem certeza que você não pode melhorar uma imagem borrada ou foto sem se concentrar? Restaurador pode fazê-lo!
Este aplicativo vai ajudar a melhorar a sua borrado e fora de foco fotos, restaurar importante, mas ilegível texto, imagens borradas!
Aviso! Se a imagem fica borrada por um caminho não-linear complexa, é possível restaurar o resultado não combina com você.
Nós sempre bem-vindo o seu feedback!
Se você tem alguma sugestão ou dúvida, por favor escreva-nos:
[email protected]
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Rating:1 Show Detail
![DSLR Camera](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/c32a1fdf6532278242c97ff5ac522316.jpg)
Name:DSLR Camera Price:$0.99
Description:iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、iMessage対応のDSLR Cameraは、手動調整、高度な編集機能、そして160個のプロフェッショナルフィルタを搭載した写真および動画撮影用のアプリです。
DSLR Cameraは、シャッター速度とISO感度を自動または手動で調整し、好きな写真や動画を撮影することができます。
•Portrait PRO
•フィルターの予測機能 - フィルターをすばやく選択し共有する
Reflex Cameraは撮影した写真に最適なフィルターを選択して、即座にプレビューで表示します。
Reflex Cameraに搭載された独自の人工知能アルゴリズムがこれらの機能を可能にしてくれます
•AFC - ピンぼけしない
•フェイストラッキング - 完璧な自撮りとポートレート写真
•撮影結果プレビュー - 撮影直後にすべてのショットを共有します
• 音声コマンド
Foto Editorの高速で完璧な編集機能は、すべての写真をより美しく仕上げます。露出、コントラスト、明るさ、シャドー、暖かさ、彩度、ブリリアンス、ストラクチャ、シャープ、ノイズ、ビネットなどの調整や、様々な機能をお楽しみください。
•Apple WatchのRemote
Apple WatchからReflex Cameraアプリをチェックすることができます。
Reflex Cameraの機能:3種の撮影/録画モード、フィルターの予測機能、AFC、RAW画像(DNG形式)、マニュアル調整、Foto Editor、184のフィルター、3Dタッチ、4kビデオ、マニュアルフォーカス、ナイトモード、オートWB、手ぶれ防止、タイマー) 、写真エフェクト、トーンカーブ、高度なぼかし、高度な補正ツール、テキスト、スプラッシュ、サイズ変更、トリミング、デュアルカメラズーム
Rating:4.35 Show Detail
![印象 - VLOG分享社区、短视频剪辑&创作](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/9a3a090edde459316c5b68cfbb4c3747.jpg)
Name:印象 - VLOG分享社区、短视频剪辑&创作 Price:¥0.00
+ 无论是照片或者是视频编辑,都可以使用大师滤镜及InterPlus滤镜,且分段添加不同滤镜;
+ 支持单段视频的亮度、对比度、曲线等细调;
+ 上百款动画文字、字幕、标记、智能水印;
+ 全能视频剪辑,裁剪、变速、多点分割、复制、删除、排序、倒放、静音,为你创意视频提供基础剪辑功能;
+ 炫酷转场动画:擦除、黑白场过渡、模糊、旋转变焦、方向变焦、缩放,并支持三种速度调档;
+ 支持16:9/9:16/3:4/2.35:1/1:1画幅,支持不同视频的画面旋转及缩放;
+ 支持本地音乐导入;
+ 支持3分钟高清视频保存;
+ 大师滤镜:夏永康、许熙正、章元一、张悦、林海音等大师原创滤镜;
+ InterPlus场景滤镜:人像、美食、胶片、黑白、经典电影滤镜等,还有多种照片编辑工具:曝光、增强、饱和度、暗角、颗粒、褪色,高阶曲线等;
+ 光效素材:80款光效素材,支持亮度、饱和度、色相调整;
+ 专业摄影简约水印:我们调研了数千款水印素材,总结出最简约最有专业风格的水印素材,让每张精心的摄影作品打下标志性水印,当然,你也可以直接通过印象导入你本人创作的个人水印;
+ 专治照片强迫症:多尺寸裁剪、自由旋转、水平校正、垂直校正;
+ 高清图片导出;
# InterPhoto Pro 会员订阅说明
- 您可以在会员期间内无限使用所有素材(滤镜、动画文字、水印、光效),同时享用专属的高级功能,比如免解锁素材、去官方水印、视频无限时长导出以及其他即将发布的新功能;
- 订阅按月或年收费,价格取决于选择的订阅套餐。或者,选择一次性付款购买(非订阅);
- 购买连续订阅会员的账号,会在确认购买后支付相关费用。会员订阅到期后将自动续订,除非您在当前订阅周期结束前至少24小时关闭自动续订。会员续订会在当前订阅周期结束前的24小时内发生,届时将根据您选择的会员方案从您的iTunes账号扣费。
- 如需取消订阅,请手动打开苹果手机”设置“-->进入 “iTunes Store 与 App Store”-->点击“Apple ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择InterPhoto连续订阅会员取消订阅即可。根据 Apple 的政策,在活动订阅期内不能取消当前订阅。购买后,将不会为任何未使用的部分退款。
- 所有私人数据都会遵守 InterPhoto 隐私政策及条款处理。请点击链接参见
如果您遇到任何问题或者需要进一步帮助,请通过邮件 [email protected] 与我们联系解决,或进入QQ交流群:1533141194
Rating:5 Show Detail
![Calculator +](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/f0ebbd3c9471063abcc98ec7a7535367.jpg)
Name:Calculator + Price:Free
Description:Award winning calculator app for iPad and iPhone. Designed with simplicity, usability and beauty in mind!
- Free scientific calculator
- Apple Watch support
- Elegant & Intuitive interface
- Supports handwriting
- Displays both the equation & the result at the same time
- Supports Fraction & Percent
- Supports many scientific functions
- Advanced editing by easily going back and forth
- Can be added to Today Screen
If you are looking for more advanced features you can upgrade to one or more of the following:
- Handwriting Calculator
- Fraction Calculator with feet, inches & cm support!
- Solving for x with a polynomial Calculator for solving quadratic & cubic equations
2x³ - 4x² - 22x + 24 = 0
- Linear Equations Solver for solving system of linear equations
2x – y = 9
3x + 4y = –14
- Graphing Calculator to find the local min, max & intersection points
y = 2x³ – 4x
(x² + y²)³ = -27y²x²
- Currency Converter
- Base Converter ( HEX OCT BIN DEC )
- Multiple themes
Enjoy the FREE Scientific calculator on your iPhone & iPad. If you like it, support us by upgrading or giving us a positive review.
Thanks :)
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![K+ Clavier Plus - Personnalise](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/78e905cc6b8d3bb0a76ddfc0fee323e0.jpg)
Name:K+ Clavier Plus - Personnalise Price:0,00 €
Description:Do you want to personalize the keyboard on your iPhone or iPad to make it as you would like it? However, do you lack features such as auto corrector, emojis, emoji text, professional fonts and the ability to make your private messages secure?
Keyboard Plus is the solution!
Keyboard Plus is adaptable for all kinds of users.
Try out this keyboard and I ensure you that you will not go back to using other keyboards.
Key features:
- More than 1 million different possible keyboard combinations, your own imagination is the limit
- Save your favourite themes
- More than 40 different typographies so you can choose your favourite
- More than 40 different types of writing
- More than 40 different sounds
- A dictionary to help you write quicker and forget about spelling mistakes
- Auto-Emoji: Emoji dictionary
- Integrated Emoji-Art: so that you can send your friends emoji creations
- Completely functional without activating “Total Access” (It is necessary to temporarily activate total access if you want a theme, language, or if you want keyboard sounds)
- More than 19 languages supported (English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Danish, Turkish, Norwegian, Dutch…) and we will gradually add new languages with future updates
We hope this will be the keyboard that you use most on a daily basis.
If you have any doubts or suggestion, we encourage you to leave us a comment. We read them all!
Rating:3.95 Show Detail
![XN Pro Manual Camera](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/2e8caf50d9566d7578f97817563b6f1a.jpg)
Name:XN Pro Manual Camera Price:$1.99
Description:Manual Focus | Manual Shutter & ISO | Manual White Balance | High Speed Burst Shots | Long Exposure (Slow Shutter) | RAW | 4K
Here is a brief introduction to what XN Pro Manual Camera can do for you.
One picture is taken everytime the camera button is pressed. You can choose how to save your picture: a JPEG file, or JPEG + RAW. If you choose the latter, two files with be saved to your camera roll. Please note that RAW photo may not be displayed properly in the iPhone. It is recommended that you export it to a Mac or PC to edit it.
Press and hold the camera button, and 10/5/3 (upon your choice) pictures will be taken every second, until you let go of the button. It is recommended, however, that you don't keep bursting photos for more than a few seconds, since processing too many pictures could be a burden for your iPhone.
Tap the video button to start recording, and tap it again to stop. Choose from 4 video qualities: High, Medium ,Low and 4K. For recent iPhones, High means 1080P. Medium and Low are resolutions suitable for viewing over WiFi/Cellular.
While you are recording, you can still take pictures.
Slow Shutter:
With predefined durations, tap the camera button to start exposure. Exposure will automatically stop when time runs up.
With custom duration, tap the camera button to start exposure and tap again to stop.
During exposure, keep the iPhone steady to avoid blurring the image.
Auto: Continuous auto focus.
Manual: Adjust focus position yourself. When enabled, the "tap screen to focus and set exposure" functionality is disabled.
Auto: Continuous auto exposure.
Locked: The system stops the continuous auto exposure for once.
Manual: The system is no longer responsible for setting exposure. When enabled, the "tap screen to focus and set exposure" functionality is disabled.
Offset: indicates the difference between current exposure and what the system believes to be the best exposure.
Duration: aka shutter speed.
ISO: aka... iso.
Bias: Tell the system to make the picture brighter/darker by raising/lowering this value.
White Balance:
Auto: Continuous auto white balance.
Manual: Set white balance yourself.
Temp & Tint: Adjust the color as you like.
Gray: Put something white or gray in front of the camera and tap this button. The system will set the white balance accordingly.
On/Off: Use the flash as a source of lighting.
Auto: The system decides whether or not to use the flash when taking a picture.
On: Force the flash to burst everytime a picture is taken.
Off: The flash will not burst whatsoever.
One More Thing:
Tap with two fingers to reveal lines that help with composition (for single photo, burst photo and slow shutter modes).
Suggestions, questions, problems? Please write to [email protected].
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Nichi: Collage & Stories Maker](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/afe0b80cdc06dad70910b2546da3fe7f.jpg)
Name:Nichi: Collage & Stories Maker Price:Free
Description:Nichi- 복고 필름, 폴라로이드 필터 퍼즐
모든 일상을 평범하지 않은 시간 표본으로 제작한다.
진실을 모방한 소재를 환원한 수공 퍼즐 질감
스티커:풍부한 스티커 그림, 필름, 수공 도안 등 진실을 모방한 소재
필터:필름, 플라로이드 복고 스타일 조색 필터
글씨체: 정교한 글씨체, 한문, 영문, 일본어, 중문을 지지한다
배경: 다른 종이 질감과 문리를 모방하고 여러가지 색갈을 선택할수 있다.
풍부한 퍼즐 틀판고
많은 틀판을 설계하여 간단하고 한장의 그림과 여러장의 그림을 붙일수 있는 수요를 만족시킨다
자유롭게 퍼즐을 맞춘다
자유롭게 이동하고 사진과 소재를 축소할수 있고 자신의 틀판을DIY한다
Nichi PRO Subcription Pricing and Terms
Join Nichi PRO, you are free to use all the materials of Nichi. We will update the material every month.
Nichi RRO offers two auto-renewing subscription options:
$1.49 pre month(free 7-day trial)
$9.49 per year
Payment will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription will automatically renews unless auto-renewal is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal. You can managed to turn off auto-renewal in your Apple ID Account Settings after purchase. Any unused portion of the free trial period will be forfeited after purchases a subscription.
Term of Use:https://www.bybutter.com/public/static/membership/nichi-terms-of-use.html
Privacy Policy:https://www.bybutter.com/public/static/membership/nichi-privacy-policy.html
Rating:4.85 Show Detail
![FISHI - Fisheye Camera](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/298dc0c9c915a6ffda3b3d03b1ac3885.jpg)
Name:FISHI - Fisheye Camera Price:$0.99
Description:A fascinating world through the eyes of four fishes.
Try out different fisheye lenses with your photos and videos.
It looks a little distorted, but your outcomes will be different from the usual.
Adjust the curves of the fisheye through the bubble eye function.
The bulging fisheye leads you to a wider world.
Choose your background music in the video mode and create a fantastic clip.
If you hold the eye button, it will be recorded. If you release it, it will pause.
Connect your favorite cuts to create your own music videos.
[email protected]
Rating:4 Show Detail