8 Best Apps Similar To Cat Forest - Healing Camp|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Cat Forest - Healing Camp

Cat Forest - Healing Camp

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.12(2020-06-08)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Entertainment, Simulation, Family

20.0K   <5K <5K


Träumst Du davon, dem gewöhnliche Leben zu entfliehen und einfach in die Landwirtschaft zu wechseln?
Werde der Eigentümer eines Camping-Platzes!
Leite Dein eigenes Camp!
Sammele verschiedene Katzen-Besucher
und baue Deinen eigenen heilenden Camping-Platz!

[Wie man spielt]
1. Sammle Materialien.
2. Baue Campinganlagen und mehr.
3. Baue Nutzpflanzen im Feld an und koche Gerichte.
4. Hab Spaß beim Fischen und mache ein Lagerfeuer.
5. Je größer dein Camping-Platz, desto mehr Katzen-Besucher kommen werden!





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Apps Similar To Cat Forest - Healing Camp

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Name:LINE BROWN FARM                                                Price:Free

Everyone's favorite LINE character, Brown, has taken up farming!
He's having a bit of trouble getting started, so the rest of the Brown clan have come to help him out!
Learn how to make the best farm ever with Uncle Brown, the ""god of farming""!

Live the farmer's life in LINE Brown Farm! Whether you're helping other LINE characters, visiting your LINE friends' farms, or shooting the breeze with the many others of the Brown clan, there's tons of farming fun to be had!

- Help out Moon, Cony, and other members of the LINE gang to get Coins!
- The Little Browns that live on the farm will help you out with all kinds of farming jobs!
- Use Coins to build new facilities and to make your farm look awesome!
- Ever wondered what your friends' farms look like? Visit them and find out!
- Level up artisan Browns to trigger awesome events!

Build your very own farm, your way, at your own pace!

Rating:4.55                                               Show Detail

Tiny Pixel Farm - Go Farm Life

Name:Tiny Pixel Farm - Go Farm Life                                                Price:Free

Description:4,000,000DL Thanks!
Cute Pixel Art Game!

Gerenciamento de fazenda em miniatura possível em uma tela.
Com pequenos personagens movendo-se de um lado para o outro.
Vamos criar sua fazenda juntos.

Uma fazenda que você assumiu do avô.
Isso fará uma fazenda cheia de animais e convidados com as mãos.

Rating:4.9                                                 Show Detail

The Ramen Sensei 2

Name:The Ramen Sensei 2                                                 Price:Free

Description:Noodles, soup - easy! Think again!

Get your apron on, it's time to learn about the complexities and wonders that is ramen. Have what it takes to become a noodle legend? Or will you end up as just another dime-a-dozen soup-slinger?

But why stop at one restaurant? Embark on Ramen Odyssey, conquering one region after another with your mouth-watering creations. It's world domination by ramen!

Win over lots of customers at ramen festivals, which you can play together with friends.

Face off rivals at ramen arena contests and make your Ramen Hall prosper. Become THE Ramen Sensei!

■■■ About Monthly Pass ■■■
It is a special service that helps in game progress, and gave you an addition medals on daily basis.

●Type of Monthly Pass.
Gold Pass   550 Yen / Month
Platinum Pass 1,080 Yen / Month
※ Please note that, there are some fluctuations depending on the country and foreign exchange.

●Restoration on changing device.
When changing the device, you can restore the pass you purchased for free.
Please log in to iTunes on your iPhone / iPad with the same AppleID as you purchased.

●Confirmation and Cancellation
1. Choose Settings > Username > iTunes and App Store.
2. Tap the Apple ID that appears at the top of the screen.
3. Tap Show Apple ID. ( Verification of Apple ID is necessary )
4. Tap Register.
5. Tap the subscription content you want to manage.
 From this screen you can check the next schedule for automatic update, cancel or set automatic update.

● About automatic billing renewal
If automatic renewal is not canceled 24 hours before the end of the term period, the contract term will be automatically renewal.
Automatic renewal charges will be made within 24 hours after the end of the contract period.

・Those charged in the application can not be canceled by any method other than described above.
・We do not accept cancellation for the current month.
・Charged via iTunes account.

●Terms of Service

●Privacy Policy
・Should the screen go dark and freeze, try to power your device down and relaunch the game.
・All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannot be transferred between devices, nor can it be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app.

Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at http://kairopark.jp/.
Be sure to check out both our free-to-play and our paid games!
Kairosoft's pixel art game series continues!

Follow us on Twitter for the latest Kairosoft news and information.

Rating:4.5                                             Show Detail


Name:小公主安娜海滨钓鱼-和朋友玩的游戏                                                 Price:¥0.00

Description:Aegean Coast in the eastern Mediterranean, there is a quiet little fishing village. All people living in the village are good at fishing , women are good at cooking the seafood. Our lovely little hero Sofia is living in the village. Little Sofia is the best fishing child in the village.

At home, Sofia have a very good friend who is her little cat meow. Sofia loved her Meow and play with her every day, doing homework, watching TV, meow also like the little master to tell her story, play games, of course, greedy meow also like Sofia giving her favorite fish to eat, Whenever the master to the beach to help her fishing, meow would happily tap to jump. On this day, Mom and Dad went to the town, only Sophia and meow is home. Late afternoon, meow stomach growling up, oh, yes, meow suddenly think of it, she and Sofia have not eaten dinner yet. But the little master looked at the cartoon music upside down on the couch, and forget to prepare dinner ah. Meow is feeling hungry and cried: "Meow Meow ...... ...... ...... meow." Sofia hear the voices of Meow, Sophia realized that the cat was hungry, so she think of go fishing? Meow is my good friend and always make me happy, my mother was not at home, I want to take care of her properly! The thought here, Sophia turned off the TV and pick up a fishing rod to the beach!

Let's go to the beach and help Sofia to catch some fish for her best good friend Meow.

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Star Girl - Fashion Celebrity

Name:Star Girl - Fashion Celebrity                                                 Price:Free

Description:É a TUA vez de brilhar como uma estrela! Vive uma vida completamente nova cheia de beleza, moda e glamour!

Explora um mundo de infinitas opções de moda com centenas de vestidos fofos e sensuais, saias, sapatos, bolsas, acessórios e MUITO MAIS!

Visita lojas recheadas com roupas do momento! Tudo foi feito para TI, então não tenhas medo de comprar o que o teu coração mandar!

Trabalha muito para descansares ainda mais! Ganha dinheiro a desenvolver a tua carreira em várias áreas! Quanto mais trabalhares, mais roupas poderás comprar!

Conhece o rapaz dos teus sonhos! Uma Star Girl merece somente o MELHOR. Explora o teu lado romântico neste paraíso de homens giros!

Star Girls de todo o mundo a competirem por prémios incríveis! Será que consegues deixar o público de BOCA ABERTA? Mostra o teu visual perfeito e fica mundialmente famosa!

Vê o teu rosto nas capas de revistas, cartazes, outdoors e faixas! Visita as discotecas mais exclusivas e vive uma vida de luxo na tua elegante casa de sonhos!

Sai com as tuas amigas no jogo! Tira selfies usando os vossos avatares e posta nas redes sociais!

Sonha alto e transforma os teus sonhos em realidade! Mergulha no estilo de vida de uma Star Girl! És tu a próxima Star Girl mundial?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Desfruta de Conteúdo Exclusivo APENAS a VIPs! Obtém uma Adesão VIP para ter acesso a:
• NOVAS roupas e descontos ENORMES
• Loja Exclusiva VIP
• Desconto Starpon Exclusivo VIP
• Trabalho VIP (salário mais alto que nunca expira!)
• Medalha Exclusiva VIP
• + Energia Máx

• VIP Bronze: USD3.99
• VIP Prata: USD9.99
• VIP Ouro: USD24.99

**Ambos os períodos de subscrição oferecem um teste gratuito de 14 dias

** Estes preços são para clientes dos Estados Unidos. Os preços noutros países podem variar e os encargos reais podem ser convertidos para a moeda local dependendo do seu país de residência.

** A subscrição será renovada automaticamente no final de cada termo e o seu cartão de crédito será cobrado através da sua conta iTunes. A subscrição renova automaticamente a menos que a renovação automática seja desligada, pelo menos, 24 horas antes do final do período corrente. Pode desativar a renovação automática em qualquer momento a partir das configurações de conta do iTunes, mas não serão fornecidos reembolsos para a porção do termo não utilizada.

***Por favor repare que, apesar da aplicação ser gratuita, ela contém conteúdo pago a dinheiro real que pode, assim o utilizador o deseje, ser adquirido para melhorar a experiência de jogo.

====O jogo já está disponível em Inglês, Italiano, Espanhol, Alemão, Francês, Português, chinês simplificado, chinês tradicional, japonês e coreano====

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

ARK: Survival Evolved

Name:ARK: Survival Evolved                                                 Price:Free

Description:***NOTE QUE: Este jogo oferece suporte oficial somente aos seguintes dispositivos: iPhone 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad Mini 4, iPad 5th Gen, iPad 6th Gen, iPad Air 2 e todos os dispositivos iPad Pro.***

Mergulhe na aventura definitiva com dinossauros com o ARK: Survival Evolved! Um universo de jogo enorme, que combina mais de 80 dinossauros exclusivos e criaturas primitivas para você capturar e domar, em uma experiência de sobrevivência de tirar o fôlego. Junte-se a outros jogadores e amigos no mundo do período jurássico, para formar tribos e trabalhar em conjunto para formar colônias de sobreviventes. 

 Com base em padrões que definem o gênero aventura em PCs e consoles, o ARK: Survival Evolved desafia você a sobreviver e prosperar em uma ilha misteriosa onde você chega sozinho e desarmado. Reúna recursos e crie ferramentas para construir abrigos e caçar. Expanda o seu domínio capturando e domando dinossauros para dar o seu lance. Faça amigos on-line, forme tribos e construa estruturas poderosas para se defender tanto de homens quanto de megapredadores!

Os recursos do ARK: Survival Evolved incluem: 

 - Mais de 80 dinossauros: Use estratégias e táticas engenhosas para domar, treinar, montar e acasalar os muitos dinossauros e outras criaturas primitivas que perambulam por ecossistemas dinâmicos e persistentes na terra, no mar, no ar e até no subterrâneo. 
 - Descubra: Explore uma enorme paisagem pré-histórica que vive e respira, na medida em que você encontra meios para sobreviver, prosperar e escapar no Ark.
- Crie e construa: Usando todos os meios necessários para sobreviver, crie armas, roupas e itens e construa abrigos, vilas ou até grandes cidades. 
 - Sobreviva sozinho ou acompanhado: Agrupe-se com centenas de outros jogadores – ou cace-os – em um mundo on-line em grande escala ou siga o seu caminho sozinho, no modo Single Player.
- Junte-se a uma tribo: O sistema de “tribos” estimula a cooperação, ajudando partes dinâmicas a compartilhar recursos, XP e pontos de recriação.

O jogo inclui uma assinatura opcional do Pass Primal disponível nos formatos mensal e anual. A assinatura remove todos os anúncios, oferece um impulso de 2x na XP e acesso aos servidores e slots preferenciais em servidores gratuitos. Os assinantes recebem uma insígnia ao lado de seu nome para indicar seu status como detentores de Passe Primal e notícias e atualizações especiais de tempos em tempos.

Quando você comprar a assinatura, o valor a pagar será cobrado na conta do iTunes na confirmação da compra. As assinaturas são renovadas automaticamente, a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada pelo menos 24 horas antes do final do período de assinatura atual. A conta será cobrada pela renovação até 24 horas antes do vencimento do período atual, no valor do plano que você selecionou acima. 

 As assinaturas podem ser gerenciadas pelo usuário e a renovação automática pode ser desativada nas Configurações da conta de usuário no dispositivo. 

 Política de privacidade: http://playark.com/ark-survival-evolved-mobile-privacy-policy/
Termos de uso: http://playark.com/ark-survival-evolved-terms-of-use/

E-mail do Suporte: [email protected]

Rating:4.3                                                 Show Detail


Name:Bitly                                                 Price:Rp 0

Description:Bitly for iOS is fully integrated with Bitly’s desktop experience. Copy, customize, and share your links straight from your phone and view top performing links on-the-go!

Scrap long links! Shorten and brand your links to increase clicks while maintaining the tracking parameters you desire.

Share your links and let us help with the rest. See channel data, uncover dark social metrics, and learn when and where your audience is most engaged - all in one simple dashboard.

Connect your social networks for easy sharing through Bitly across social, SMS, display, social, and other channels. Collect insights on your performance and optimize your efforts to fit your audience needs. Bitly Enterprise users can also get more data out of their account by switching between groups and managing user permissions all from their phone.

iOS 10+ users also get access to three exclusive features:
* Peek & Pop - Use 3D touch on the home screen for a quick shortcut
* iMessage Link Sharing - See and share your apps straight through your messages app.
* Daily Widget - You don't have to open the app to know top performing links. Swipe right on your home screen to see your data.

Make sure you have fully updated your version of iOS to access these features!

Rating:3.75                                                 Show Detail

reed.co.uk Job Search

Name:reed.co.uk Job Search                                                 Price:£0.00

Description:An app that makes job hunting easy. That’s how it feels to love Mondays...

Whether you’re a graduate looking for your first job, you’re searching for a career change, a director level role, a promotion, or a part time job, you’ll find it on the reed.co.uk app.

All you have to do is search, swipe, and apply.

With jobs available in locations all over the UK, from London to Liverpool and Manchester to Birmingham, finding the right job has never been easier. You can also view vacancies from some of the world’s leading brands, from Amazon to Ocado, Sky to Vodafone and Domino’s to Nike.

Don’t just take our word for it, either. Over 1 million jobseekers have downloaded the reed.co.uk Job Search app in their search for work.

This is how it feels to love Mondays:

It’s instant access to a range of vacancies

- Search thousands of jobs in 42 sectors
- Choose from over 8,000 employers
- 5,000 new jobs added every single day

It’s a simple way to search for jobs

- Enter your location, job title, and salary to get started in an instant
- Use our swipe functionality to easily save or discard jobs
- Find the right format for you by switching between list view and job stack

It’s a job search, personalised to you

- Receive job recommendations tailored to your profile
- Only see the jobs you want
- Adjust your search radius to find the job listings closest to you

It’s applying on-the-go, anytime, anywhere

- Quick and easy applications from your phone
- Apply from your job search results, or from your shortlist
- Review your profile and CV before applying

It’s being the first to apply. Every. Single. Time

- Receive instant notifications on the latest vacancies
- Sign up to job alert emails to make sure you don’t miss out
- View new vacancies added in your job search

It’s staying in control of your job search

- Create and manage your reed.co.uk account across all platforms
- Upload your CV and cover letters and apply with ease
- Track which job listings you’ve discarded, shortlisted, or applied for

So no matter what stage you’re at in your career or where you’re based, you’ll be able to find and apply for jobs in an instant with the reed.co.uk app.

Want to know how it feels to love Mondays? Download the reed.co.uk app now.

We’re always looking for ways to improve our app. If you have any feedback, please email us at [email protected].

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail