8 Best Apps Similar To Chapters: Interactive Stories|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Chapters: Interactive Stories

Chapters: Interactive Stories

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.4.7(2020-05-26)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Simulation, Books, Role Playing
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.35 (128.78K)

500.0K   5.0M 97.93K


Entscheide über deine Geschichte mit Chapters, dem interaktiven Geschichtenspiel, bei dem du in jeder Geschichte deinen Weg wählen kannst. Lies dir zahlreiche interaktive Geschichten durch, von Liebesgeschichten bis Thriller!

Wähle deine Geschichte aus unserer Top-Sammlung von Liebes-, Fantasy-, Sci-Fi-, Young Adult-, Komödien- und Dramaserien! Chapters kombiniert einen einzigartigen Stil, bei dem du mit Geschichten unserer Top-Autoren deine eigene Geschichte bestimmen kannst!

DU kannst die Entscheidungen in jeder Geschichte selbst treffen. Triff schwierige Entscheidungen im Leben, wie zum Beispiel sich zu verlieben, Geheimnisse zu lüften oder dunkle Rätsel zu enthüllen! Wähle mit Bedacht; jedes Ende ist anders!

- Bestimme deine Story! Tauche ein und triff Entscheidungen, die den Ausgang der Geschichte beeinflussen!
- Wähle zu Beginn deinen Namen und Stil, um deine einzigartige Persönlichkeit widerzuspiegeln.
- Alle Geschichten stammen mit Infos aus der Feder des Autors!

Unsere exklusive Sammlung an "Wähle DEINE Geschichte"-Spielen beinhaltet:

Der Bestseller aus der Billionaire Boys Club-Reihe: DIE SCHÖNHEIT UND DER MILLIARDÄR
- Als das Vorstellungsgespräch beim erfolgreichsten Unternehmen in Chicago durch die Babys des CEOs entgleist, bietet er dir die Möglichkeit, als sein Kindermädchen zu arbeiten. Du würdest alles tun, nur nicht zu kellnern. Du akzeptierst und ziehst in seine wundervolle Penthouse-Wohnung.

Eine heiße Liebesgeschichte - ALL DIE FALSCHEN GRÜNDE
- Du bist in deine Traumwohnung in Manhattan eingezogen - und dein Nachbar ist ein HEISSER Millionärs-Bachelor! Wird dich sein sexy Aussehen überzeugen oder wird dich sein Playboy-Ruf abschrecken?
- All die Falschen Gründe ist ein Chapters-Fan-Favorit! Diese überarbeitete Version gehört zu unseren besten Liebesgeschichten und bietet neue Bilder, neue Interaktionen und neue Wege, sich zu verlieben.

- Camden James ist es gewohnt, das zu bekommen, was er will - und was er will, ist, seinen lästigen Bachelorruf loszuwerden! Dieser Penthouse-Prinz braucht eine Prinzessin. Wirst du sie sein?

Unvergessliche Liebesgeschichte für Erwachsene - Mein Milliardärs-Boss
- Lerne Ashton Miller kennen, den reichsten, attraktivsten und mächtigsten Mann in NYC.
- Ein Milliardär mit allem, was man will. Das Einzige, was Ashton Miller aber will, bist du.
- Wirst du diesem Bachelor helfen, der Mann zu werden, der er sein kann? Wirst du ihm helfen, sich um etwas mehr als nur um sich selbst zu kümmern? Oder ist er dazu verdammt, ein Leben ohne Liebe zu führen?

Eine Liebesgeschichte für junge Erwachsene - Hinter verschlossenen Türen
- Als du aufs College gegangen bist, dachtest du, es wäre toll, mit Jake, dem besten Freund aus deiner Kindheit, zusammenzuleben. Aber Jakes neue Freundin würde dich lieber tot sehen, als mit ihrer Clique abzuhängen.
- Du stehst kurz davor, Jake für immer zu verlieren, als du einen seiner neuen Freunde triffst, Zach Walker.
- Je mehr Zeit du mit Zach verbringst, desto mehr wird dir klar, dass er vielleicht ein besserer Mitbewohner ist als Jake. Vielleicht sogar ein besserer Freund. Oder gar mehr?

Und noch mehr interaktive Storys mit zahlreichen Möglichkeiten!
Mit wöchentlichen Updates: Jetzt spielen!

Chapters: Interaktive Geschichten bringen eine einzigartige und unterhaltsame Abwechslung, um deine eigenen Abenteuer zu bestimmen. Ob du eine Leserin von Dramen, Komödien, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Young Adult, Liebesromanen oder sogar eine Gamerin bist, du wirst es lieben, dieses interaktive Story-Spiel zu spielen!

Lade noch heute Chapters herunter, um die unvergesslichen Storys zu entdecken, in denen DU die Entscheidungen triffst.

Bitte beachte, dass Chapters: Interaktive Geschichten eine Internetverbindung erfordert.

Jetzt CHAPTERS folgen:





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Apps Similar To Chapters: Interactive Stories

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

剑与远征 - AFK

Name:剑与远征 - AFK                                                Price:¥0.00


- 羁旅浪客,橘右京强势来袭

- 玻璃彩绘,超赞画风

- 潇洒轻松,告别打工

- 一人升级,全家共享

- 动动指尖,极限翻盘



1. 订阅价格与周期

2. 关于订阅内容
- 挂机金币基础掉落产量 +10%
- 王座之塔佣兵次数 +1
- 种族塔佣兵次数 +1
- 主线关卡佣兵次数 +1
- 公会币基础掉落产量 +10%
- 迷宫币基础掉落产量 +10%
- 团队任务悬赏数量 +1

3. 关于自动续订
App Store官方订阅功能为自动续费订阅,iTunes Account进行确认支付。用户需手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中管理自动续订功能,如果订阅期结束前的24小时内未关闭自动续订功能,订阅周期将会自动延续。

4. 用户协议及隐私政策
用户协议 https://www.afkarena.com/en/service.html
隐私声明 http://www.lilithgames.com/privacy_lilith.html

5. 取消订阅流程
如果您想取消订阅,请在您的iOS设备上前往“设置”-->选择“iTunes Store与App Store”-->点击“Apple ID”,接下来选择“查看AppleID”,进入“帐户设置” ,点击“订阅”-->“管理”,并选择“剑与远征”对应的订阅,之后便可取消订阅。不仅可以扫荡随机迷宫,还可以决战时光之巅,更可以深入奇境探险,各种玩法嗨翻天!


Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

kiss her more

Name:kiss her more                                                Price:¥0.00

Description:Pretty Barbie sick, her doctor tell her to keep in the hospital for observation for some days.
Barbie's boyfriend, these days go to the hospital to take care of her, and they want to kiss, but a fear of being found.
Let us help them now!

1, press anywhere to kiss, release to stop kiss.
2, avoid the nurses and the pets peeking.

Hurry start the sweetly kiss!!

Rating:2.45                                                 Show Detail

Miss Hollywood: Movie Star

Name:Miss Hollywood: Movie Star                                                 Price:Free

Description:Budge Studios™ presents Miss Hollywood™: Movie Star - Lights, Camera, Fashion! Join Miss Hollywood and all her pet friends to live the celeb life at her mansion in the Hollywood Hills! Jump into the action of movie scenes with fun mini games and win fabulous prizes! Dress up in glamorous outfits and bring the mansion back to life with beautiful decorations! Experience true movie magic and become a Hollywood superstar!

•DECORATE all 7 of your pets' unique mansion rooms
•DRESS UP your pets in cool outfits
•CHASE and jump onto the chopper!
•BUILD the movie sets
•GRANT the costume wishes of your pet friends
•SWING your way to the pirate treasure
•FLY through stars and space!
•DANCE to Bollywood beats
•ATTEND your own movie premieres

•MISS HOLLYWOOD: the supreme fashionista Chihuahua
•PRINCESS: the royal white kitten
•HOP: the hip-hop bunny
•MISS PUGGY: the Hollywood actress
•ALLIE: the rock star black cat
•MAX: the gamer
•PAW DADDY: the R&B swag-dog

Budge Studios takes children's privacy seriously and ensures that its apps are compliant with privacy laws, including the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), a privacy legislation in the United States of America. This application has received the “ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) Privacy Certified Kids’ Privacy Seal”. If you would like to learn more on what information we collect and how we use it, please visit our privacy policy at: https://budgestudios.com/en/legal/privacy-policy/. If you have any questions, email our Privacy Officer at : [email protected]

Before you download this app, please note that it is free to play, but additional content may be available via in-app purchases. This app may contain contextual advertising from Budge Studios regarding other apps we publish, from our partners and social media links that are only accessible behind a parental gate. Budge Studios does not permit any behavioral advertising or retargeting in this app.

This application is subject to an End-User License Agreement available through the following link: http://www.budgestudios.com/en/legal/eula/.

Budge Studios was founded in 2010 with the mission to entertain and educate children around the world, through innovation, creativity and fun. Its high-quality app portfolio consists of original and branded properties, including Barbie, Thomas & Friends, Strawberry Shortcake, Caillou, The Smurfs, Miss Hollywood, Hello Kitty and Crayola. Budge Studios maintains the highest standards of safety and age-appropriateness, and has become a global leader in children’s apps for smartphones and tablets. Budge Playgroup™ is an innovative program that allows kids and parents to actively participate in the creation of new apps.

Visit us: www.budgestudios.com
Like us: facebook.com/budgestudios
Follow us: @budgestudios
Watch our app trailers: youtube.com/budgestudios

We always welcome your questions, suggestions and comments. Contact us 24/7 at [email protected]

BUDGE, BUDGE STUDIOS and MISS HOLLYWOOD are trademarks of Budge Studios Inc.

Miss Hollywood: Lights, Camera, Fashion! © 2016 Budge Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved

Rating:4.1                                             Show Detail

PK XD - Explore the Universe

Name:PK XD - Explore the Universe                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to your virtual world!
PK XD is all about fun: create your own avatar, build your house, meet friends, and go on new adventures.

In this open world game, you’ll challenge yourself with minigames to get exclusive items and take your house, your looks, your pets, and all the fun to the next level.
Ready to explore this universe and join millions of players from all over the world?!

You already have a house, friends, work… the fun will be complete with your own virtual pet! From common to rare animals, you can find cats, dogs, pigs, cows, buffalos, hedgehogs, racoons, alligators, hippopotamus… phew! There are many cute creatures to be your partner in the game! Take care of them and let them grow by your side.

Your character, your rules! You can be a zombie, an unicorn, a witch, or even a dragon if you wish. Just use your imagination to combine all items available: monster slippers, futuristic boots, incredible wings, ninja swords, a cat mask, shark gloves, lobster gloves, golden hair, fun backpacks, incredible sunglasses, cool clothes, and much more.

Build your house, get new items, and decorate your home however you want. The only limit is your imagination! Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll find: Puff cloud, dance mat, lava lamp, wallpapers, fluffy rug, gamer chair, pictures, fantastic fireplace, heart-shaped balloons, kitchen items, bathroom items, and so much more!

There’s always something new on PK XD! Play minigames and complete quests in each season. What about some crazy run or delivering pizzas to earn coins?

This is your own virtual world! You can do whatever you want. So, in addition to exploring the world and taking up challenges, you can try different activities such as relaxing in the floats, having ice cream, jumping with the "power up", dancing different moves and styles, and having lots of fun with your friends and neighbors!

Build the game with us! We listen closely to your suggestions so that we can offer the best experience ever.

Rating:4.25                                                 Show Detail

Bloons TD 6

Name:Bloons TD 6                                                 Price:$4.99

Description:Smash Hit Tower Defense Game
The Bloons are back and better than ever! Get ready for a massive 3D tower defense game designed to give you hours and hours of the best strategy gaming available.

Craft your perfect defense from a combination of awesome monkey towers, upgrades, Heroes, and activated abilities, then pop every last Bloon that comes your way! 

* Vibrant new monkey animations and upgrade skins
* Intense visual effects 
* 46 original maps, some with 3D objects that can block line of sight

* 21 powerful monkey towers, including new BTD6 towers Druid and Alchemist and recently added Mortar Monkey and Engineer Monkey
* 3 upgrade paths - all monkey towers now have 3 amazing paths to choose between
* Tier 5 upgrades - top upgrades so powerful only one monkey can have them

* Each game, place one of these 10 unique and powerful monkeys with 20 signature upgrades
* Two bloon-shredding activated abilities per Hero
* Craft new gameplay strategies around each Hero's powers and synergies
* Unlockable skins and voiceovers to customize your play

* Over 100 meta-upgrades that buff individual monkey towers or monkey groups
* Adds late game power so you can win more maps and reach higher freeplay rounds

* Play anywhere - single player offline works even when your wifi doesn't!
* New Bloons - tricky new Bloon types like Purple, Fortified, and the relentless B.A.D.
* New game modes added to each game difficulty, like Restricted Monkeys, Double Health MOABs, and the brutal CHIMPS rules
* Widescreen support for iPhone X

And there's heaps more! We packed as much content and polish into this game as possible, and we continue to add new features, content, and challenges in regular updates. We truly respect your time and support, and we hope Bloons TD 6 will be the best strategy game you've ever played. If it's not, please contact us at [email protected] and tell us what we can do better!

Now those bloons aren't going to pop themselves... sharpen your darts and go play Bloons TD 6!

Best experienced on iPhone 8 or above, or on iPad 5th generation or above

Ninja Kiwi Notes: 
Please review our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You will be prompted in-game to accept these terms in order to cloud save and protect your game progress:

Bloons TD 6 contains in-game items can be purchased with real money. You can disable in-app purchases in your device's settings, or reach us at [email protected] for help. Your purchases fund our development updates and new games, and we sincerely appreciate every vote of confidence you give us with your purchases. 

Ninja Kiwi Community:
We love hearing from our players, so please get in touch with any feedback, positive or negative, at [email protected]. If it's stuff you want the whole community to see and talk about, then join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram:

Streamers and Video Creators:
Ninja Kiwi is actively promoting channel creators on YouTube and Twitch. If you are not already working with us, keep making videos and tell us about your channel at [email protected].

Rating:4.8                                                 Show Detail

Call me a Legend

Name:Call me a Legend                                                 Price:Free

Description:Call me a Legend is a free RPG game simulation with plenty of love affairs and politics after the apocalypse! Become a Legend in the game, which enables you to get rich and gain power! But beware of waves of zombies, because they are lurking behind every corner!

Main features:
Love affairs - Increase intimacy and euphoria with girls by dating them and giving them gifts. Become a Legend among girls!
Raising a family - Take care of your wife and she will take care of your life and your children. Groom your heirs!
Political games - Get rich and gain power!
Forge Alliances - Recruit heroes which will help you to defeat the waves of zombies!
Develop the camp and upgrade your heroes to make them stronger. Make history and be the top of the Legend!
Go on Quests - send expeditions to explore new territories and find more survivors.
Chat online with other players - exchange your experiences! Who is the Legend at the end?
Set the record - We challenge you to try to become the best-ranked player on our worldwide ranking list! Are you the Legend? Can you reach the climax?

Play Call me a Legend for FREE now! Get Rich, Gain Power Now!

Rating:3.6                                                 Show Detail

Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

Name:Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee                                                 Price:$2.99

Description:“The Oddworld franchise is to Super Mario Bros. what Game of Thrones is to The Lord of the Rings” - Rolling Stone, Cult Classics: A to Z.

Players guide Mudokon champion Abe, and his aquatic Gabbit partner Munch, in Oddworld’s third adventure, using special psychic powers, cool power-ups, and other special abilities to deliver payback as they reclaim the last gabbit eggs on Oddworld, which have been packaged in a can of gabbiar.

First time on Mobile!

Experience the classic game Munch’s Oddysee in high definition. Improved graphics and sound make for an even more thrilling ride! Play as the Munch the Gabbit as he hops and swims his way to bringing his species back from extinction.

Abe is back!

Using special powers, cool power-ups, and other special abilities to deliver payback to the Vykkers, Abe and Munch reclaim the last gabbit eggs on Oddworld, which have been packaged in a can of gabbiar. May Odd help you!


* Intuitive touch controls make playing & navigating a breeze
* MFi controller support (with analog sticks)
* A hilarious script and compelling storyline with multiple endings
* Loads of depth, humour and charm
* Achievements & Cloud Save
* Includes everyone's favourite Gamespeak screen for both Abe & Munch!

Rating:4.25                                                 Show Detail

Fran Bow Chapter 1

Name:Fran Bow Chapter 1                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Fran Bow is a creepy adventure game that tells the story of Fran, a young girl struggling with a mental disorder and an unfair destiny.

After witnessing the gruesome and mysterious loss of her parents, found dismembered at their home, Fran rushes into the woods, together with her only friend, Mr. Midnight, a black cat that Fran had previously received as a present from her parents.
In the forest, Fran goes into shock over the loss of her parents and when she recovers, she’s at Oswald Asylum, an oppressive mental institution for children, and Mr. Midnight is nowhere to be found.
After having a dream about her beloved cat, Fran decides to escape from the mental institution to find him and go back home to Aunt Grace, her only living relative.


* Story driven creepy psychological horror adventure game.

* Unique and peculiar hand drawn 2D Art-Style and 2D animation.

* Self administer medication to open the terrible hidden world that will help solve puzzles and find objects.

* A big variety of puzzles designed with different levels of difficulty and specifically based on the story.

* Original Soundtrack.

IMPORTANT: New iPad, 3rd Generation, iPad Mini 2, iPod Touch 6th Generation and later devices with at least 1 GB of System Memory--RAM or more) are strongly recommended when playing the Fran Bow apps. Older devices may experience crashes or not play the Fran Bow apps at all.

Rating:3.3                                                 Show Detail