8 Best Apps Similar To Churchill Solitaire|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Churchill Solitaire

Churchill Solitaire

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.6.1(2019-12-04)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Entertainment, Card, Strategy

<5K   20.0K <5K


Challenge yourself with the most diabolical version of solitaire ever devised, a card game played by Winston Churchill during the Second World War.

Begin your journey as a Cadet alongside a young Churchill in 1893 at the famed military college of Sandhurst. Take on challenging missions and follow Churchill's career as you earn promotions and new military ranks. With enough grit, you might just become Prime Minister.

Featuring unique gameplay with two decks of cards and an added challenge of liberating cards contained in a row called the Devil’s Six, this addictive game will keep you coming back again and again. No game of solitaire will keep your mind as sharp or improve your concentration like Churchill Solitaire.

Challenge friends, family, and opponents worldwide to beat your solitaire score and time. With classic graphics and audio that pay homage to Sir Winston, his words, and his era, Churchill Solitaire will inspire, enlighten, and entertain.


- Three free trial deals of easy, medium and hard levels of difficulty.
- Cinematic video and audio of Winston Churchill.
- Social media integration allowing you to share and challenge your scores.
- Challenging gameplay.
- Badges and ranks from Sandhurst Cadet through Prime Minister.
- Access to 200 numbered “Campaign” deals.
- Access to nearly infinite random deals.
- Challenge your friends and family.
- iCloud support - sync automatically with your iPhone and iPad.
- Game Center integration with achievements and leaderboards.

Try the game for free. If you get hooked, as we’re confident you will, you can unlock more deals with in-app purchases (IAP) and totally randomized deals to frustrate and reward the most cunning solitaire player.

Join us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ChurchillSolitaire
Follow us on Twitter at @PlayChurchill

Terms of Use: http://churchillsolitaire.com/terms-of-use/





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Apps Similar To Churchill Solitaire

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真正的彩票賭博 好玩的免費遊戲成癮 最好的賭場遊戲成人

Name:真正的彩票賭博 好玩的免費遊戲成癮 最好的賭場遊戲成人                                                Price:NT$ 0


Te zien als je de gelukkige nummers in deze authentieke Vegas stijl Keno app! Ziet en voelt als het echte ding!

Bij ons gratis!

Rating:5                                               Show Detail

Traffic Turn

Name:Traffic Turn                                                Price:Free

Description:New and innovative hyper-casual game for you again!


1. Insert queued vehicles into the highway traffic, incoming vehicles won't wait for you.
2. Get extra points for inserting multiple cars in a row.

Just tap the touchscreen.

Hope you'll enjoy the game!

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Zappoint 掃描名片到通訊錄

Name:Zappoint 掃描名片到通訊錄                                                 Price:NT$ 0

Description:SUPER FAST – Scan 12 business cards in under one minute!

Zappoint is the business card organizer with privacy. Be cautious about FREE! Many so-called “free” business card organizers capture your data and then sell your data or repurpose it for advertising. Zappoint Business Card Organizer is a paid service that treats your business data as your business data – the way it should be.

Scan, capture and you're done. Information magically appears in your phone address book for everyday use.

The integrated world-class advanced camera imaging technology is so fast that you can scan a dozen business cards in under a minute. So, getting your backlog organized has never been easier.

Your data is your data. Period. Unlike most alternatives that commercialize a so-called “free” service by selling your data or using it for advertising, we provide a straightforward paid corporate service for professionals who must ethically manage their business contacts with uncompromising privacy standards.

* BASIC Account – FREE, business card image capture without OCR
* PLUS Account – $1.99 per month, up to 50 business card scans per month
* PREMIUM Account – $9.99 per month, up to 300 business card scans per month

In today’s world of free everything and promiscuous disrespect to your privacy, we invite you to use a professional service that is refreshingly honest and straightforward.

Download Zappoint

Rating:0                                             Show Detail

Geometry Dash SubZero

Name:Geometry Dash SubZero                                                 Price:Free

Description:Geometry Dash is back with a brand new adventure!

Jump in, brace yourself, and get ready for a real challenge! This won't be easy...

Game Features
• Rhythm-based Action Platforming!
• Three unique levels with amazing music from MDK, Bossfight and Boom Kitty!
• Unlock unique SubZero icons to customize your character!
• Use practice mode to sharpen your skills!
• Challenge yourself with the near impossible!

Approved by RubRub \ (•◡•) /

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

OmeTV Shows Tracker

Name:OmeTV Shows Tracker                                                 Price:Free

Description:OmeTV Shows is your ultimate way to find TV Shows you'd enjoy, see what your friends are watching, stay on top of trending content, all in one place.

Main features :
• Search for Tv Shows easily
• Find Popular, Top rated, On The Air and Airing Today TV Shows lists.
• A regularly updated list of Tv Shows
• Watch all available Tv Show trailers
• Get images and posters that belong to a TV Show.
• Get the primary TV Show details like name, first air date, synopsis, rating, cover.
• Get Similar TV Shows based on a chosen TV Show
• Get credits (cast and crew) that have been added to a TV Show with their photos

- TV Shows information and images are from TMDB.org licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
- Our app doesn't allow watching TV Shows.
- This app uses the TMDb API :

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback.

Rating:1.9                                                 Show Detail

Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

Name:Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee                                                 Price:$2.99

Description:“The Oddworld franchise is to Super Mario Bros. what Game of Thrones is to The Lord of the Rings” - Rolling Stone, Cult Classics: A to Z.

Players guide Mudokon champion Abe, and his aquatic Gabbit partner Munch, in Oddworld’s third adventure, using special psychic powers, cool power-ups, and other special abilities to deliver payback as they reclaim the last gabbit eggs on Oddworld, which have been packaged in a can of gabbiar.

First time on Mobile!

Experience the classic game Munch’s Oddysee in high definition. Improved graphics and sound make for an even more thrilling ride! Play as the Munch the Gabbit as he hops and swims his way to bringing his species back from extinction.

Abe is back!

Using special powers, cool power-ups, and other special abilities to deliver payback to the Vykkers, Abe and Munch reclaim the last gabbit eggs on Oddworld, which have been packaged in a can of gabbiar. May Odd help you!


* Intuitive touch controls make playing & navigating a breeze
* MFi controller support (with analog sticks)
* A hilarious script and compelling storyline with multiple endings
* Loads of depth, humour and charm
* Achievements & Cloud Save
* Includes everyone's favourite Gamespeak screen for both Abe & Munch!

Rating:4.25                                                 Show Detail

Strike of Nations: Army Battle

Name:Strike of Nations: Army Battle                                                 Price:Free

Description:Smeed allianties tussen rijken en leid je leger in dit actierijke strategiespel met wereldoorlogthema. Lanceer reusachtige militaire campagnes om je vijanden en terroristische milities weg te vagen en uiteindelijk de atoombasis te veroveren. Strijd tegen naties en verover ze via allianties met andere rijken. Bouw een legerbasis met moderne tanks, luchtvaartuigen en raketten.

Strike of Nations - Alliance World War
Leid je leger als de opperbevelhebber.
Gebruik de atoomknop om raketten en atoombommen te lanceren.
Plan militaire operaties.
Bouw 20 verdedigingsmuren, schilden en Panzers.
Delf nucleaire substanties voor reactors.
Sluit je aan bij allianties uit 192 landen.
Upgrade en doe onderzoek naar zonne- en windenergie.
Vaag PvP-vijanden weg met chemische wapens op vrachtvliegtuigen.
Verover een atoombasis.

Plan je strategie -> Delf bouwstoffen -> Bouw een basis -> Ontwikkel dodelijke wapens -> Sluit je aan bij allianties en rijken -> Zoek de vijand -> Val aan met alle macht van het leger -> Verdedig de basis en CLAIM veroverd gebied

Vernietig meer dan 1 miljoen spelersmachten en opstandige naties via gezamenlijke operaties

Raak ervaren met futuristische massavernietigingswapens. Gebruik een mix van traanbommen, biochemische dodelijke substanties, waterstofbommen, tanks en thermonucleaire reactors om steden binnen seconden weg te vagen. Introductie van Amerikaanse vrachtvliegtuigen met straaljagers en getrainde gevechtspiloten om te vechten tot de dood erop volgt. Train een vloot van onderzeeërs met ballistische wapens om heimelijk terroristische campagnes te bestoken.

Engeland won WOI en WOII met sterke allianties met de VS en Rusland. Sla de handen ineen en verzwak vijanden. Combineer gezamenlijk legers en uitrusting om op veilig te spelen. Kies voor gezamenlijke atoomaanvallen na rivaliserende naties te hebben vervreemd.

Maak high-tech munitie om de heerschappij op het slagveld te vergroten.
Delf uranium, plutonium, radium, thorium en cesium, plus andere gevaarlijke radioactieve mineralen
Converteer plant-, zonne- en waterbronnen tot accu's met een hoog voltage.
Train het grootste leger dat de wereld ooit heeft gezien in de gevechtsmodus en ontwikkel hun vaardigheden.

Vergroot je macht om fantastische beloningen als oorlogsbuit te verzamelen. Doe mee aan wereldwijde events, waarbij alle spelers moeten samenwerken om te slagen, of sluit je aan bij gevechten op meerdere servers en bewijs de superioriteit van jouw server. Het plezier van verwoesten en nieuw land bezetten houdt nooit op!

Heb jij wat nodig is om de titel van keizer te pakken en op de rode atoomknop te drukken? Sluit je nu aan bij de oorlogsmacht en neem je lot in eigen handen.

Jij bent de baas van doodseskadersoldaten en moet bombarderen om de oorlog te overleven. Alleen een legendarisch teamgevecht met een goede stadsverdediging biedt totale bevrijding en zorgt ervoor dat je de grenzen van je rijk uit kunt breiden. Leid drones, chinooks, helikopters en vloten met raketvliegtuigen.

Gebruik de wereldoorlog III-kaart om taken te voltooien met aanvalssimulaties. Ontwikkel je sluipschutters via geweeraanvallen voor de ultieme overleving. Zet raketwerpers met een kort bereik in dodelijke oorlogen in.

Strike of Nations is een volledig gratis spel met als thema moderne oorlogvoering. Je kunt met betaalde items spelen om het tempo van grondstoffenverzameling en bouwactiviteiten te versnellen. Meer dan 1 miljoen spelers vechten actief voor het grootste rijk, maar alleen strategische spelers veroveren de wereld.

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Viva Slots Vegas Slot Machines

Name:Viva Slots Vegas Slot Machines                                                 Price:Free

Description:Download and Play the Best Free Slot Machine Games for iPhone and iPad Today! The Best Slot Machine Game in 2028! Viva Slots Vegas - Casino Slots Free for your Jackpot Slots pleasure!

Enjoy 100+ Classic Vegas Slot Machines now in the palm of your hands! Play whenever you want with the BIGGEST Jackpot Wins on-the-go without needing internet*! With our social old Vegas slots tournaments and challenge system, you'll enjoy hours of free slot machine games entertainment! Spin and Win on the best classic slot machines within the store including Wild Superstars, Quintuple 5X Win, Lucky Jackpot, & Hot Chili Wild! With new classic slot machines each week you'll never be bored!

Viva Slots Vegas - Casino Slots Features:

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Viva Slots Casino brings you exclusive slot machines content that can only be found here! Journey to ancient Egypt with Egyptian Fortune. Show your patriotism with Liberty Sevens. Mine for the Biggest Jackpot in Frontier Rush. Take a flight through the clouds with Jackpot Jets. Or call their bluff in our newest Slots Game, Pocket Aces! These and many more slot machines to fill your hours with classic slots favorites spinning fun!

If you like these types of games you will also like Viva Slots Vegas:
Solitaire, Poker, Video Poker, Coin Dozer, Bingo, Texas Holdem, Blackjack, Roulette, Keno, Match 3


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Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail