8 Best Apps Similar To Companion de Moulinex|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Companion de Moulinex

Companion de Moulinex

APP STORE: App Store    0,00 €
CURRENT VERSION : 15.0(2020-05-26)
APP CATEGORIES : Cuisine et boissons, Style de vie

8.0K   <5K <5K


Specjalna aplikacja Companion marki Tefal na smartfony i tablety zapewnia dostęp do licznych przepisów w trybie „krok po kroku” i ułatwia przygotowanie codziennych posiłków.
> Tryb „krok po kroku”, aby ułatwić pracę
> Załóż konto i uzyskaj dostęp do spersonalizowanych treści i usług
> Sprawdź ponad 300 przepisów z książki w naszej aplikacji
> Nowe przepisy co miesiąc (Boże Narodzenie, Dzień Matki, urodziny itp.)
> Szczegółowy filtr wyszukiwania (według rodzaju potrawy, całkowitego czasu przygotowania, programów itp.)
> Spersonalizowane usługi (lista zakupów...)
> Dodawaj notatki i komentarze osobiste i udostępniaj je na Facebooku…





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Apps Similar To Companion de Moulinex

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

PK XD - Explore the Universe

Name:PK XD - Explore the Universe                                                Price:Free

Description:Welcome to your virtual world!
PK XD is all about fun: create your own avatar, build your house, meet friends, and go on new adventures.

In this open world game, you’ll challenge yourself with minigames to get exclusive items and take your house, your looks, your pets, and all the fun to the next level.
Ready to explore this universe and join millions of players from all over the world?!

You already have a house, friends, work… the fun will be complete with your own virtual pet! From common to rare animals, you can find cats, dogs, pigs, cows, buffalos, hedgehogs, racoons, alligators, hippopotamus… phew! There are many cute creatures to be your partner in the game! Take care of them and let them grow by your side.

Your character, your rules! You can be a zombie, an unicorn, a witch, or even a dragon if you wish. Just use your imagination to combine all items available: monster slippers, futuristic boots, incredible wings, ninja swords, a cat mask, shark gloves, lobster gloves, golden hair, fun backpacks, incredible sunglasses, cool clothes, and much more.

Build your house, get new items, and decorate your home however you want. The only limit is your imagination! Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll find: Puff cloud, dance mat, lava lamp, wallpapers, fluffy rug, gamer chair, pictures, fantastic fireplace, heart-shaped balloons, kitchen items, bathroom items, and so much more!

There’s always something new on PK XD! Play minigames and complete quests in each season. What about some crazy run or delivering pizzas to earn coins?

This is your own virtual world! You can do whatever you want. So, in addition to exploring the world and taking up challenges, you can try different activities such as relaxing in the floats, having ice cream, jumping with the "power up", dancing different moves and styles, and having lots of fun with your friends and neighbors!

Build the game with us! We listen closely to your suggestions so that we can offer the best experience ever.

Rating:4.25                                               Show Detail

Geometry Dash SubZero

Name:Geometry Dash SubZero                                                Price:Free

Description:Geometry Dash is back with a brand new adventure!

Jump in, brace yourself, and get ready for a real challenge! This won't be easy...

Game Features
• Rhythm-based Action Platforming!
• Three unique levels with amazing music from MDK, Bossfight and Boom Kitty!
• Unlock unique SubZero icons to customize your character!
• Use practice mode to sharpen your skills!
• Challenge yourself with the near impossible!

Approved by RubRub \ (•◡•) /

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Shazam: Music Discovery

Name:Shazam: Music Discovery                                                 Price:Free

Description:Shazam akan mengidentifikasi lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik. Temukan, artis, lirik, video, dan daftar putar, semuanya gratis. Telah diinstal oleh lebih dari 1 miliar orang, dan terus bertambah.

“Shazam adalah aplikasi yang seperti sulap.” - Techradar.com

“Shazam adalah solusi ... sebuah terobosan.” - Pharrell Williams, wawancara GQ

Temukan judul lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik.
Dengarkan dan tambahkan lagu ke daftar putar Apple Music atau Spotify.
Bernyanyi bersama dengan lirik yang sinkron dengan lagu.
Tonton video musik dari Apple Music atau YouTube.
Baru! Aktifkan tema Gelap di Shazam.

Gunakan Pop-up Shazam untuk mengidentifikasi musik di aplikasi apa saja—Instagram, YouTube, TikTok ...
Tidak ada koneksi? Tidak masalah! Bisa Shazam saat sedang offline.
Nyalakan Auto Shazam untuk terus menemukan lagu bahkan ketika Anda keluar dari aplikasi.

Cari tahu apa yang populer di negara atau kota Anda dengan tangga lagu Shazam.
Dapatkan rekomendasi lagu dan daftar putar untuk menemukan musik baru.
Buka lagu apa saja secara langsung di Apple Music atau Spotify. Bagikan lagu dengan teman melalui Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, dan lainnya.

Ketersediaan dan fitur dapat berbeda di setiap negara.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang praktik privasi Shazam, silakan baca Kebijakan Privasi, tersedia di https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/id

Rating:5                                             Show Detail

SkySafari 6 Plus

Name:SkySafari 6 Plus                                                 Price:$14.99

Description:SkySafari 6 Plus goes beyond most basic astronomy apps by providing you with a full-featured space simulator with telescope control and Augmented Reality (AR) mode.

Note that there is no discount upgrade path from SkySafari 6 Plus to SkySafari 6 Pro. Choose carefully!

Here's what's new in version 6:

1) Complete support for iOS 13 and iPhone 11. We got you covered and release regular updates.

2) Clouds and Astronomy. Two words that rarely go together. Rewritten from the ground up, SkySafari 6 Plus will (optionally) back up all of your observing data in our secure cloud storage and make it easily accessible to multiple devices as well as from our new web interface, LiveSky.com.

3) We Have The Best Stars. Precise, modern and deep. We’ve updated our star catalog to use the latest and greatest, UCAC5 star catalog.

4) Observers First. A redesign of our tools puts the active observer first. Quick access to features like your equipment, observing sites, lists, and observations make it easy and enjoyable to get out, observe, and record your observations.

5) Graph It. The completely new graph tool will give a quick visual representation of an object’s altitude above the horizon. Essential for planning your night’s observations.

6) Plan It. Make the most of your time under the stars. Our updated planner is a powerful tool that lets you create a list of targets for your observing session with filters like object types, specific time ranges, constellation, catalog, and more. Plan it and get more done.

7) Say It. Ever just wanted to just yell at your device and tell it what to do!? SkySafari 6 adds basic voice control for a wide range of operations. Say “select Jupiter,” “search for Titan,” “center on Polaris” and SkySafari will do the work for you. Yelling optional. 

8) Tilt It. Every old astronomy app these days lets your tilt and pan your device to show different parts of the sky, but who else lets you control your telescope that way!? “Tilt to slew” is an optional mode allowing you to keep your eye in the eyepiece, and, using the accelerometers in your device, gently translate the movements of your hands into smooth telescope motion.

9) Share It. SkySafari 6 is more than just a mobile app, it’s a new system to help organize and share your observing experiences. With a free signup, you can see and share your observing data from our web portal, LiveSky.com! Affordable premium memberships add online editing, so you can not only view, but edit your observations, add new observing sites, manage your equipment and more. Finally, (coming soon) you can view, edit and manage your settings files with SkySafari Web, our fully functional web version.

If you haven't used SkySafari 6 Plus before, here's what you can do with it:

• Hold your device up, and SkySafari 6 Plus will find stars, constellations, planets, and more!

• Simulate the night sky up to 10,000 years in the past or future! Animate meteor showers, conjunctions, eclipses, and other celestial events.

• Learn the history, mythology, and science of astronomy! Browse over 1500 object descriptions and astronomical images. Explore NASA space missions! Stay up-to-date with SkyWeek for all major sky events every day!

• Control your telescope, log and plan your observations.

• Night Vision – Preserve your eyesight after dark.

• Orbit Mode. Leave the Earth’s surface behind, and fly through our solar system.

• Time Flow – Follow the motion of sky objects as days, months, and years are compressed into a few seconds.

• Advanced Search – Find objects using properties other than their name.

• Support for Apple Watch!

• Tonight at a Glance: the Sun, Moon, Planets, ISS, and Iridium flares in one handy view!

• Notifications when the ISS will pass overhead, when Iridium satellites flare, and more!

• Much more!

For even more features, and a gigantic database aimed at the most dedicated amateur or professional astronomer, check out SkySafari 6 Pro!

Rating:3.6                                                 Show Detail

Sony | Music Center (SongPal)

Name:Sony | Music Center (SongPal)                                                 Price:Free

Description:- O centro para todos os apreciadores de música -
Quer desfrutar plenamente de música, seja em casa ou na rua?
Então esta aplicação Sony é exatamente aquilo de que estava à espera.
A aplicação Sony | Music Center, isoladamente, irá permitir-lhe ouvir fontes de som Hi-Res com excelente qualidade de áudio.
Também poderá ligar a outros dispositivos de áudio Sony para reproduzir música no melhor campo sonoro possível, com as definições otimizadas para cada dispositivo individual.

O SongPal foi renovado como Sony | Music Center. Os dispositivos que eram compatíveis como o SongPal também são compatíveis com o Sony | Music Center.
Para utilizar a função de controlo de dispositivos de áudio, é necessário um dispositivo de áudio compatível com o Sony | Music Center.
Por favor, verifique se os seus produtos de áudio são compatíveis com Sony | Music Center do nosso site de suporte.

Característica principal
Pode reproduzir música, incluindo faixas Hi-Res, no seu smartphone.
Reproduza os conteúdos musicais a partir de CD, USB e Smartphone.
Aceda à sua música ao navegar ou procurar pastas de música armazenadas no seu computador ou drive NAS através da rede (DLNA)*.
Pode definir Multi-room, Surround, Stereo sem fios com múltiplas colunas.*
Altere a configuração do dispositivo de áudio ao nível do equalizador, sleep timer, rede* e outros.
*Limitado a dispositivos compatíveis.

Esta aplicação suporta VoiceOver

Algumas funcionalidades podem não ser suportadas por determinados dispositivos.
A atualização para a versão ver.5.2, fará com que o Music Center deixe de ser compatível com STR-DN850/STR-DN1050/ICF-CS20BT/XDR-DS21BT.
Algumas funções e serviços podem não ser suportados em determinadas regiões / países.
Por favor, certifique-se que tem instalada a última versão do Sony | Music Center.

Rating:2.8                                                 Show Detail

Shadowgun War Games - PvP FPS

Name:Shadowgun War Games - PvP FPS                                                 Price:Free

Description:Shadowgun War Games é um FPS tático gratuito, com gráficos impressionantes e batalhas 5v5
intensas. Elabore sua estratégia para o clássico Capture a Bandeira ou jogue com força total no
Mata-Mata em Equipe. Com mapas e modos intensos para vários jogadores, Shadowgun War
Games é a melhor experiência de JcJ do mundo mobile!

FPS de ação tático com qualidade de console no celular e com gráficos excelentes, controles
personalizáveis e também bate-papo por voz e texto! Dispute em arenas impressionantes com
belos visuais em 3D. Um jogo de tiro de movimentos simples para que todos possam
experimentar um combate verdadeiramente competitivo em seu dispositivo móvel.

Junte-se a amigos e lute contra jogadores de todo o mundo em arenas, mapas e eventos únicos
em todo o Universo Shadowgun. É divertido e acessível para iniciantes e jogadores calejados
que encontrarão muitos desafios. Qualquer um pode competir nos modos de jogo Capture a
Bandeira e Mata-Mata em Equipe!

Shadowgun War Games apresenta heróis exclusivos, cada um com estilo e habilidades distintos
como Transferência e Escudo para jogadores defensivos ou então o modo de Fúria para táticas
mais agressivas. Personalize seu herói com visuais e emotes exclusivos em modos de jogo
multijogador JcJ.

Shadowgun War Games é um FPS tático que recompensa o uso de habilidades e estratégias em
batalha. Partidas fáceis e rápida juntam amigos com capacidades similares, e o Sistema de
Classificação recompensa o progresso em sua jornada até o topo. As táticas de equipe
garantirão a vitória neste jogo de tiro multijogador gratuito.

Atualizações regulares adicionam mais opções e complexidade à experiência de Shadowgun
War Games, incluindo a chegada de novos e emocionantes heróis, modos de jogo, eventos,
visuais e emotes. O futuro da jogabilidade móvel é War Games!


ATENÇÃO, TODOS OS JOGADORES! Gostaríamos muito de ler seus comentários para nos
ajudar a melhorar o jogo. Para deixar comentários, acesse aqui. https://support.madfingergames.com/hc/en-us

Nota: Você precisará de uma conexão com a Internet para jogar Shadowgun War Games.

Observe que este aplicativo contém recursos sociais que permitem que você se conecte e
aproveite o jogo com seus amigos, além de possuir notificações push que informam assim que
os novos conteúdos e eventos mais recentes estiverem disponíveis. Você pode optar por
desativar esses recursos.

© 2019 MADFINGER Games, Shadowgun War Games e Shadowgun Legends são marcas
comerciais da MADFINGER Games a.s. Ao baixar, instalar ou usar este aplicativo, você
concorda com a política de privacidade e os termos de uso da MADFINGER Games. Visite
https://www.madfingergames.com/privacy-policy para ver a política de privacidade da
MADFINGER e https://www.madfingergames.com/privacy-policy para conferir os termos de

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

Johnny Trigger

Name:Johnny Trigger                                                 Price:Free

Description:Do you have what it takes to take down the underground world of mafia?
Less talk, more bullet.

Subscription Terms:
VIP MEMBERSHIP Access offers a weekly subscription, you will have a 3-days FREE trial period, after this period you will be charged $5.99/week.
After buying this subscription, you will unlock following features: exclusive VIP guns, no ads, 100 gems and 10 hammers every day.
This is an Auto-renewable subscription. The payment is charged to your account after confirmation. The subscription is renewed unless you turn it off 24 hours before the period ends. Your account will be charged for renewal as well.

End of trial and subscription renewal:

• The payment is charged to your account after a confirmation of purchase.
• The subscription is renewed unless you turn it off 24 hour before the end of the current period.
• The account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period at the cost of the weekly subscription.
• The user may manage the subscription and auto-renewal have to be turned off by going to the user’s account settings after purchase in the Store.
• No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during the active subscription period.

Canceling a trial or a subscription:

• If you want to cancel a subscription during its free trial, you have to cancel it through your account in the Store. This must be done at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial period to avoid being charged.

For more information, please visit https://support.apple.com/HT207865 for more information

If there is questions contact us [email protected]

Privacy Policy : https://saygames.by/privacy-policy/johnnytrigger
Terms of use : https://saygames.by/terms-of-use/johnnytrigger

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

iBeer - Drink from your phone

Name:iBeer - Drink from your phone                                                 Price:Free

Description:Beba cerveja no seu iPhone! Este hilariante truque visual comporta-se como uma verdadeira cerveja graças aos sensores do seu iPhone e ao nosso tempo livre. Incline para beber, abane para espuma, despeje a cervaja do seu iPhone para dentro de outros iPhones via Game Center. 

Inclui cerveja!
Leite, vinho, água, Champanhe, vodka, bebidas com gás, café e bochechos, etc estão disponíveis separadamente.

Selecione a sua própria foto de fundo ou as nossas onde os ecrãs têm truques.

Viu na TV, YouTube e leu sobre isto no seu jornal favorito. Agora pode ser seu.
Como bónus o arroto está incluído.
Adquira hoje e acabe com as ressacas para sempre!

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail