8 Best Apps Similar To Crossword – World's Biggest|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Crossword – World's Biggest

Crossword – World's Biggest

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.7(2019-11-26)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Word, Board, Education
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.45 (40.64K)

30.0K   20.0K 24.98K


Solve thousands of clues in the biggest and best crossword puzzle ever!

Now you can enjoy a new crossword challenge every day with this giant collection of 100s of original puzzles.

There are over 10,000 unique clues to solve as well as dozens of quests to complete and trophies to collect!

Choose from EIGHT game modes:


Explore a giant grid of over 350 crossword puzzles. The classic puzzle enjoyed by millions of players worldwide.


A new collection of 100 extra-large puzzles - bigger grids, longer words, tougher clues! How high can you build the tower?


Earn extra rewards with a snack-sized bonus puzzle each day.


Decipher the code to complete the crossword grid. Each square is marked with a number corresponding with one letter of the English alphabet. Look for patterns and use your powers of deduction to complete the grid!

■ WORD GRID Puzzle

Slide the tiles from the edge of the grid into the blank squares to spell out words. Unlike a normal crossword, there are no clues so instead you'll have to use logic to choose between the available letters for each square.


Place the letter tiles from each column into the correct squares on the grid to spell out a famous quotation!


The ultimate challenge - cryptic crosswords use their own obscure rules to hide the answer in the clue, using anagrams, double meanings, and a host of other subtle tricks. If you're completely stumped on a clue, you can swap it out for an easier, non-cryptic version.


Curious facts to puzzle the mind!

Complete all the challenges to earn the title of Crossword Superstar!

+ Solve all 10,000+ clues
+ Complete all 950+ puzzles
+ Collect all 45 trophies
+ Complete all 57 quests
+ Unlock all 10 achievements


Please select the [HELP] option from the Pause Menu (the gear icon at the top-right of the game screen) if you require assistance.

If you require further assistance or are unable to access the in-game help, you can contact us via email: [email protected]

World's Biggest Crossword is free to play, but contains optional paid items to unlock content more quickly. You can disable in-app purchase functionality in your device's settings if you do not want to use this feature.

Follow us for more games and the latest news: /bigpuzzles on Facebook and @bigpuzzles on Twitter.





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Apps Similar To Crossword – World's Biggest

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Bil ve Fethet

Name:Bil ve Fethet                                                Price:Free


Bil ve Fethet, benzeri olmayan bir tür test oyunudur. Soruları cevaplarken bölgeleri işgal edip kaleleri işgal et. Bilgini test et ve strateji yeteneklerini kullan.


Müsabakaya katıl ve Sıralama Listesinde yer edinmek için turnuvalara katıl ve ödülleri kazan!

En yüksek Lige en iyi stratejiyle ulaş! Düşmanlarını devir ve bilgi şampiyonu sen ol!


Bir İttifak kur (ya da birine katıl), oyna ve binlerce bilgiseverle sohbet et. En yakın arkadaşlarını müsabakalara davet et, oyuncuların gönderdiği soruları puanla ve kendi sorularını gönder.


Alanını özelleştir - kendi avatarını yarat, köyünü genişlet ve binalarını yükselen ödül ve altınlar için geliştir. Bilgi İmparatorluğunu genişletirken yaratıcı ol!


Bil ve Fetheti istediğin cihazdan ve her yerde oyna! Oyuna bilgisayarından başla, mobil cihazından ya da tabletinden ilerlemeni kaybetmeden oynamaya devam et.

Web sitesi: http://bilvefethet.triviador.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bilvefethet/?fref=ts
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TriviadorGame

Rating:4                                               Show Detail

Epic Food Word Search - giant wordsearch puzzle (ad-free)

Name:Epic Food Word Search - giant wordsearch puzzle (ad-free)                                                Price:$2.99

Description:It's the tastiest word search you'll ever devour! With over 1,400 words in a massive 120x120 grid, you'll need a hearty appetite to get all the way to the end!

Use two fingers to scroll around the massive grid, then drag with one finger to highlight a word. Zoom out at any time to see a summary of your progress.

The puzzle is arranged as 16 themed sections, each containing 80-100 words.

To solve the entire thing, you'll have to munch your way from breakfast to dessert, sample the wares of farmers, butchers and bakers and top it all off with a selection of seasonings and sauces.

Earn Game Center achievements along the way and compare your progress to others on the global leaderboard.

Epic Food Word Search was compiled from user submissions in Word Search Party, also by Lightwood Games. Like our record-besting game Word Search 10K, it has been hand-crafted to form one continuous puzzle with words in every direction.

If you have any questions or comments please send an email to [email protected]. We cannot reply to you if you leave messages in your reviews, so please contact us first if you’re having any problems.

Thanks, and bon appétit!

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail

Stickman Ice Hockey

Name:Stickman Ice Hockey                                                 Price:Free

Description:NOW FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME! GET IT NOW UNTIL THE PRICE IS BACK TO NORMAL! Experience pure hockey fun with fast paced gameplay, an astonishing atmosphere, stunning smooth animations, simple controls, insane action and tons of replay value. Choose your favorite hockey team and rank up while playing various seasons, cups or simply dominate in a quick game or a open air classic mode. Play with or without Icing and Offside rules for real arcade fun. Decide whether you want full control over your players with manual running and shoot timing or use the automatic running mode where you have control over precise pass timing and watch your players body-check your opponents. Choose your favorite hockey team from more than 46 different skilled national and international teams and lead them to glory!


• Bone-breaking body-checks
• Quick Game and Training Mode
• Different season modes: Short Season, Long Season, World Cup, Djinnworks Cup
, Westcoast Cup, Eastcoast Cup
• Bonus Open Air Classic game
• 46 National and International hockey teams to choose from
• Various ice rinks and configurable game time

• 4 difficulty levels for longterm motivation (easy, medium, hard, pro)
• Choose to play with or without Icing and Offside rules.
• Simple yet powerful touch controls with timing control
• Automatic or Manual Running
• Match statistics
• Smooth animations with 60 frames per second
• Compete with your friends with the integrated world ranking leaderboard
• Various achievements to unlock
• MOGA and MFI Game Controller support

Video Trailer:

Feel free to post your ideas, we will try to implement them as soon as possible

Thank you very much for all your support and interest in our games! We would love to hear your suggestions!

Rating:3.5                                             Show Detail

Word Search: Unlimited Puzzles

Name:Word Search: Unlimited Puzzles                                                 Price:Free

Description:One of the best Word Search games on the App Store:

- Unlimited puzzles
- Many languages supported (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portugese, Polish)
- Simple and clear design
- The grid adjusts automatically to your device

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

핑크다이어리 Pingda

Name:핑크다이어리 Pingda                                                 Price:Free

Description:▷ 한국 여성들이 가장 많이 쓰는 국내 1위 생리주기 어플
▷ 개인정보/민감정보 암호화, 개인정보보호 강화 및 관련법령 준수 모니터링(개인정보 보호인증 획득)
▷ 오늘의 임신확률 표시, 가임기/배란일/생리예정일 자동계산
▷ 저소득층 생리대 기부, 청소년 성교육 등 공익활동 진행
▷ 여자들만의 아지트 비밀보장 여성전용 익명 커뮤니티 핑다톡
▷ 피임•생리모드, 임신준비모드, 임신모드 여성 생애주기 건강관리
▷ 대한산부인과의사회 공식 어플, 산부인과 전문의 무료 상담

# 핑크다이어리는 저소득층 소녀를 위해 2016년 7월부터 생리대를 기부하는 기부천사 캠페인을 진행하고 있습니다.

▶ 아주 쉬운 생리주기/피임관리
캘린더에서 날짜를 터치하여 생리시작일과 종료일을 등록하면 다음 생리예정일과 임신가능성이 아주 높은 배란예정일 및 가임기, 오늘의 임신확률을 자동으로 계산해서 알려줍니다. 그 날의 증상과 기분, 생리양과 생리통 정도, 사랑기록, 피임약 복용도 기록하고 예정일을 놓치지 않게 알람을 설정할 수 있어요.

▶ 챙겨야 할 소중한 기록관리
매직데이와 체중은 뗄 수 없는 관계, BMI를 통해 비만도를 관리하세요. 그리고 노트에 날씨와 기
분, 메모를 기록하고 병원진료일, 약복용 등도 놓치지 않도록 잘 체크하면 나만의 건강노트가 될

▶ 임신준비모드에서의 배테기, 임테기 및 기초체온 기록
피임약 복용시 하루도 빼먹지 않도록 ‘설정>알림>피임약 복용알림’ 을 설정하는 것 잊지 마세요! 임신을 준비 중인 여성이라면 매일 기초체온을 잰 후 기록해 보세요. 핑크다이어리에서 계산된 예정일과 사랑일을 비교해 본다면 더 유용해요.

▶ 임신모드, 태아 동영상과 초음파 사진 등록
기다리고 기다리던 임신! 축하드립니다. ‘설정>캘린더 설정’ 에서 임신모드로 바꿔보세요~ 출산예정일을 입력하면 아기가 태어날 그날까지임신주차(개월)와 D-day를 알려드려요. 태교를 위한 체크리스트도 꼼꼼히 확인하고 초음파 사진도 등록해 보세요.

▶ 소중한 내 기록 안전하게 관리하기!
휴대폰 고장? 초기화? 분실? 걱정마세요. 로그인만으로 나의 소중한 기록을 안전하게 동기화 합니다.

▶ 여자들만 들어올 수 있는 아지트 핑다톡! 1:1 의사 상담까지!
말못할 고민은 핑다톡에서 닉네임만으로 자유롭게. 그리고 의사선생님이 직접 답변해주는 ‘디어닥터’에서 여성질환, 피부미용, 임신출산, 피임생리에 대해 편하게 물어보세요. 핑크다이어리 디어닥터는 대한산부인과의사회 전문의와 함께 합니다.

▶ 내 주변의 산부인과 & 여성 병원 검색
여성이면 친해져야 하는 여성의원, 산부인과. 내 위치에서 가까운 병원은 어디에 있을까요? 아이콘만 누르면 바로 전화연결이 되고, 위치와 주소를 지도에서 쉽게 볼 수 있어요.

▶ 양질의 컨텐츠 ‘매거진’
이렇게 좋은 알짜 정보, 놓치면 나만 손해!! 피임/생리/임신/출산 등 의사들이 직접 전달하는 전문적인 의료정보를 받아보세요. ‘설정>프로필>매거진 알림'에서 ON.

#여성생리달력 핑크다이어리는 여성 건강을 연구하는 전국 산부인과 전문의들의 단체, 대한산부인과의사회의 유일한 공식 어플입니다.

그럼 이제 나만의 핑다를 시작해 볼까요? 생리예정일 어플, 배란예정일 어플, 가임기 계산 어플, 피임 어플, 임신 어플, 비만도 계산 어플, 체중변화 관리어플, 노트 어플 등 이 모든 기능을 여성생리달력 "핑크다이어리" 하나로 쉽게 이용할 수 있어요. 핑크다이어리를 사용하는 여러분의 일상이 건강해집니다. 아름다워집니다. 여러분~~지금 바로 핑다 하세요!!

* 핑크다이어리(pink diary) 사용 문의
어플을 사용하다가 궁금한 점이 있으면 도움말 메뉴의 ‘문의하기’ 또는 [email protected]으로 메일을 보내주세요.
* 광고 게재 및 컨텐츠 제휴 문의 [email protected]

* 선택접근권한 상세
- 위치 : 내 주변 병원찾기, 내 주변 사용자 게시글 검색
- 카메라 : 초음파 사진 및 테스트기 촬영
- 사진 : 이미지 업로드
- 마이크/캘린더 : 일부 광고에서 필요 시에만

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Word Wow Around the World

Name:Word Wow Around the World                                                 Price:Free

Description:Word Wow ALREDEDOR DEL MUNDO: ¡El gusano ha regresado con un nuevo y divertido juego de palabras! Ábrete camino alrededor del mundo con tus habilidades para formar palabras.

¡Los juegos de palabras de Word Wow se han descargado más de 4 millones de veces! ¡GRACIAS!

Los nuevos tableros de tamaño doble, los divertidos impulsores y los agujeros de gusano son un desafío incluso para los jugadores más experimentados. Para aquellos que prefieren jugar más relajadamente, está disponible una NUEVA opción sin temporizador. ¡Reserva tu boleto de avión y viaja con el gusano!

Usa tus habilidades para formar palabras y ayuda al gusano a navegar debajo de las torres de letras, ¡pero ten cuidado con las nuevas trampas dobles de hielo! Sortea los obstáculos con tus habilidades para formar palabras antes de que se acabe el tiempo.

¡Recoge los impulsores especiales por el camino que te ayudarán en los niveles más desafiantes! ¡Encuentra gemas escondidas para desbloquear desafíos con bonus con los que podrás acumular una gran cantidad de puntos!

¡Si eres un amante de los libros y te gustan los sobresaltos, los crucigramas y los juegos de palabras, este juego es para ti!

¡Word Wow ALREDEDOR DEL MUNDO agudizará tu cerebro y se convertirá en tu nuevo juego de palabras favorito!

Tableros de tamaño doble: ¡más diversión de juego de palabras!
Más de 765 niveles para poner a prueba tus habilidades y desafiar a tu cerebro.
¡Un adorable personaje y brillantes y coloridos gráficos que te transportan alrededor del mundo!
Una gran cantidad de niveles con bonus ocultos para los fanáticos de los juegos de palabras.
¡Montones de nuevos impulsores y premios!
NUEVO modo sin temporizador.
Compite contra tus amigos de Facebook o desafía a tu cerebro jugando solo.
¡Compara tu desempeño con el de otros jugadores locales (20 km a la redonda) y jugadores de todo el mundo!
Bonus diarios gratuitos que te ayudarán cuando lo necesites.

** Reseñas de Word Wow **
5/5 "¡Altamente adictivo!" "¡No puedo dejar de jugar este juego tan divertido!"
5/5 "¡Este juego es muy divertido y el gusano es tan lindo!"
5/5 "¡Un gran juego para los amantes de los libros! "Me ayuda a mantener mi agilidad mental.... ¡y además no puedo dejar de jugarlo!

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Flags of the World Best Trivia

Name:Flags of the World Best Trivia                                                 Price:Free

Description:• 國家 旗 中文 測驗

• 中文 200 國家 旗, 22 測驗, 11 練習. 安裝, 玩, 學習!

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

Guitar Notepad - Tab Editor

Name:Guitar Notepad - Tab Editor                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Guitar Notepad helps you easily and quickly jot down song ideas in guitar tab, save them to the cloud and email them to band mates.

I created this app as I found that when playing around with ideas on my own, or after a jam session, I was still using paper to jot down ideas. I have tried some of the other tab writing apps out there but none of them used the touch screen like a guitar fret board which really speeds things up. I'm keen to make this app as useful as possible so please feel free to contact me if you want any new features added.

Create and Edit Tab:
- Edit song details like title, artist, transcribed by and tempo
- Add time signatures, lyrics and performance notes
- Add chords, strum patterns and lyrics above your tabbed notes (no other apps I've seen support this!)
- Add any number of strings and custom tunings including 4,5,6 and 7 string guitars/bass guitars
- Use touch screen to quickly add notes with a single tap
- Choose from common chord patterns to save time
- Add techniques likes slides, hammer ons, pull offs muted notes, harmonics, tremolo, vibrato, ghosts/ties, tapping and more
- Backspace as well as delete button for faster editing
- Cut, copy and paste sections of tab, even between different songs
- Undo button - the last 10 actions are recorded and can be undone
- Continuous chord mode - saves having to perform an extra tap to start adding chords
- Option to view notes on the fret board
- Supports repeated bar notation
- Tab Playback (no note modulation for now)
- Can change guitar neck to left handed view
- Supports note lengths from whole notes to 1/64, dotted notes and triplets
- Add a capo

View, Export and Share:
- Export to PDF or text
- Transpose songs up and down
- Organize songs by artists or use tags to create albums and setlists
- Use autoscroll to view tabs and play along
- Layout optimised for both tablets and phones
- Zoom in and out depending on your screen size
- Print from device
- Save songs to file in your cloud storage like Dropbox, or export via email.
- Ability to perform a full backup and restore - useful if you are switching devices
- Import songs shared from other people's Guitar Notepad apps
- View and search through your songs by title, artist name or last modified time

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail