8 Best Apps Similar To Currency Converter Plus Live|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Currency Converter Plus Live

Currency Converter Plus Live

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.2.2(2020-06-02)
APP CATEGORIES : Travel, Finance
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.75 (7.07K)

7.0K   <5K <5K


Bereken met deze app gratis de ene valuta in de andere om en doe andere berekeningen. Alle valuta's ter wereld kunnen met de actuele wisselkoers van AccuRate™ worden omgerekend. Wisselkoers Plus is van de makers van Calculator Plus en rekent eenvoudig alle munteenheden om en laat u zien wat u kunt verwachten als u geld wisselt. En natuurlijk is de app ook voorzien van een ingebouwde rekenmachine om percentages te berekenen voor fooien en kortingen en andere dingen bij winkelen in het buitenland. Vergelijk de winkelprijzen met de wisselkoers van vandaag in uw eigen munt en zorg ervoor dat u een goede deal krijgt tegen de nu geldende wisselkoers. Werkt onderweg ook offline als wisselkoersgegevens niet beschikbaar zijn.

* Direct valuta's omrekenen door eenvoudigweg bedragen in te voeren
* Eenvoudige rekenmachine met resultaten in lokale valuta's
* In één keer meerdere valuta's omrekenen
* Alle valuta's ter wereld, bitcoin en edelmetalen
* Offline wisselkoersen omrekenen tijdens vliegreizen of offline stand
* Actuele wisselkoersen en grafieken, aangeleverd door AccuRate™!

Ondersteunt alle valuta's van elk land, waaronder: dollar, euro, pond, yen, yuan, won, frank, roebel, dinar, peso, roepie, shilling, rial, kwacha, dirham, florin, guinea, kroon, colon, som, leu, virtuele valuta's als bitcoin, en edelmetalen als goud, zilver, palladium en platina.

Currency Converter Plus Free (C) 2019 Digitalchemy, LLC





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Apps Similar To Currency Converter Plus Live

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

PayPal: Mobile Cash

Name:PayPal: Mobile Cash                                                Price:Free

Description:Our new PayPal app is a simple and secure way to get paid back for last night’s takeaway, send money to friends who have an account with PayPal, check PayPal activity, choose currencies to send around the world and more. Plus, we’ve added some new features we think you’ll love…

• If you’re buying, simply scan the QR code to pay securely with your PayPal app.
• Whatever you’re selling, now you can quickly set up a QR code and get paid in person, all with just your phone.

• When funded by a bank account or balance, it’s free and secure to send money or ask for it back from friends and family in the US.
• All you need is an email address, mobile number, bank account, cash pick up service point or mobile top up details. *An account with PayPal is required to send and receive money. If you don’t have an account with PayPal, you can sign up for free quickly and easily.
• NEW FEATURE: just type a name, email or phone number and PayPal will find the right person for you.
• Request money quickly and securely from friends or family with just a few taps.

• Never miss a thing – keep on top of payments and sending or receiving money, with instant push notifications.
• Check out all your latest PayPal activity, by just logging in.

• Easily transfer funds from your bank balance to your account with PayPal.
• Shop in-store, online or everywhere Mastercard® is accepted and withdraw cash at ATMs worldwide.
• PayPal Cash Plus account required to get the card.

• You can be sure PayPal will help keep your financial information secure, with commercially available encryption, and fraud detection. All that plus monitoring transactions, 24/7.

Rating:4.7                                               Show Detail

CoinGecko - Bitcoin Crypto App

Name:CoinGecko - Bitcoin Crypto App                                                Price:Free

Description:360-Degree Overview of Cryptocurrencies by the world's leading cryptocurrency data aggregator.

Our free crypto price tracker app allows you to access real-time, unrestricted market data for over 6000+ cryptocurrencies, read trending news, set personalized price alerts, build your favorite list and more on the go!

Established in 2014, CoinGecko is a leading crypto data analytics platform for tracking cryptocurrencies and blockchain assets worldwide.

Track 6000+ Crypto Prices Worldwide
- Real time pricing data, trading volume, market capitalization, Trust Score, historical price chart and exchanges volume for over 6000+ cryptocurrencies.
- Connected to 400+ exchanges worldwide such as Binance, Huobi, OKEx, Bitfinex, Bithumb, Coinbase Pro, Kraken, Poloniex, Bittrex and more!
- Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Litecoin, Cardano, Stellar, IOTA, Tron, NEO, DASH, Monero, Binance Coin, Vechain, NEM, Tezos and more (over 6000+ cryptocurrencies)!
- We use real time global volume-weighed average price to ensure you get the most up-to-date pricing data.

Track Crypto Derivatives
- Access real time open interest, trading volume, contract specifications and more.
- Supports Futures and Perpetual swaps contracts.
- Connected to 20+ derivatives exchanges worldwide such as BitMEX, Binance Futures, OKEx Futures, Bybit, Deribit, FTX, Kraken Futures, Bitfinex Futures, Huobi DM and more!

Crypto News
- Sourced from over 10+ crypto news outlets such as Cointelegraph, AMBCrypto, TheDailyHodl, CryptoPotato and more to bring you the latest, freshest and hottest updates.

Price Alerts
- Worried about missing out on price actions for your favorite cryptoasset? Set up some price alerts and let our app carry the burdens for you!

- Easily convert crypto prices to over 25 fiat currencies
- Supports USD, GBP, EUR, AUD, JPY, CHF, CNY, INR, HKD, SGD, MYR, RUB and more!

Download our app today and start staying up to date with all the latest crypto happenings!

Don't be shy - come say hello to the CoinGecko team!
- Telegram: https://t.me/coingecko
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/coingecko
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coingecko
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coingecko
- Email: hello@coingecko.com

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

Currency converter calculator!

Name:Currency converter calculator!                                                 Price:Free

Description:Penukar mata wang yang kuat dan mudah.

+ Mod luar talian.
+ 150 mata wang dunia.
+ Widget mudah.
+ Kadar pertukaran semasa.
+ Carian mata wang pintar.

Terms of Use: https://getconverter.org/terms.html
Privacy Policy: https://getconverter.org/privacy.html

Rating:4.65                                             Show Detail

Zappoint 掃描名片到通訊錄

Name:Zappoint 掃描名片到通訊錄                                                 Price:NT$ 0

Description:SUPER FAST – Scan 12 business cards in under one minute!

Zappoint is the business card organizer with privacy. Be cautious about FREE! Many so-called “free” business card organizers capture your data and then sell your data or repurpose it for advertising. Zappoint Business Card Organizer is a paid service that treats your business data as your business data – the way it should be.

Scan, capture and you're done. Information magically appears in your phone address book for everyday use.

The integrated world-class advanced camera imaging technology is so fast that you can scan a dozen business cards in under a minute. So, getting your backlog organized has never been easier.

Your data is your data. Period. Unlike most alternatives that commercialize a so-called “free” service by selling your data or using it for advertising, we provide a straightforward paid corporate service for professionals who must ethically manage their business contacts with uncompromising privacy standards.

* BASIC Account – FREE, business card image capture without OCR
* PLUS Account – $1.99 per month, up to 50 business card scans per month
* PREMIUM Account – $9.99 per month, up to 300 business card scans per month

In today’s world of free everything and promiscuous disrespect to your privacy, we invite you to use a professional service that is refreshingly honest and straightforward.

Download Zappoint

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail

A+ Mobile

Name:A+ Mobile                                                 Price:Free

Description:Manage your finances on the go for FREE* with A+ Mobile. You can perform financial transactions with A+FCU anywhere, right from your Apple device.

Here's what you can do:
Check account balances
Transfer money
View transaction history
Pay Bills (optional)
Deposit Checks (optional)
Find branch locations

A+ Mobile is as safe and secure to use as A+ Online. We're making it easier than ever to do business when it's convenient for you.

* There is no fee from A+FCU. Connectivity and usage rates may apply. Contact your wireless service provider for more details

Rating:0.2                                                 Show Detail


Name:Cardiograph                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Cardiograph é uma forma rápida e fiável para medir o seu ritmo cardíaco no iPhone e iPad. Utilizando apenas a câmara integrada do seu dispositivo (sem necessidade de hardware adicional), permite acompanhar o seu ritmo cardíaco em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora. Os registos detalhados de histórico e a capacidade de sincronizar, marcar, partilhar e imprimir medições individuais fazem dela uma ferramenta versátil para monitorizar a sua saúde cardiovascular.

* Resultados Precisos, Quase Imediatamente
Uma maneira rápida e fácil de saber quão rápido bate o seu coração tem muitas aplicações - desde melhorar o seu regime de exercício a manter o controlo periódico do estado do seu coração, ou apenas por diversão. Cardiograph facilita-o, com resultados precisos que são exibidos em alguns segundos.

* Desgin Simples e Sóbrio
O design minimalista e intuitivo mostra-lhe tudo de relance e faz com que Cardiograph seja acessível e simples de utilizar para toda a gente.

* Histórico Detalhado
Guarde as suas medições (incluindo cada batimento cardíaco individual) para referência futura ou para partilhar com a sua família ou profissional de saúde. Poderá também adicionar um rótulo a cada medição, dependendo da intensidade do seu nível de atividade ou exercício.

* Exporte e Partilhe as Suas Medições
Cada medição pode ser partilhada, exportada em formato PDF e até mesmo imprimida em papel diretamente da app. Se possui a nossa app anterior, Cardiograph Classic, poderá transferir todas as suas medições para a nova app com apenas alguns toques.

* Concebida para iPhone e iPad,
Cardiograph é uma app nativa que tira proveito das distintas características do iPhone e iPad, assim como as excelentes câmaras, 3D Touch (sempre que disponível) e apoio para sincronizar com a app Apple Health (sempre que disponível).

IMPORTANTE: Embora suficientemente precisa, esta aplicação não se destina a substituir equipamento médico profissional e cuidados qualificados. Caso tenha alguma preocupação com o estado do seu coração, por favor, consulte o seu médico ou clínico geral.

Caso encontre dificuldades ao utilizar Cardiograph, veja a secção “Mais” dentro da app ou contacte-nos através do nosso e-mail de apoio para o podermos auxiliar.

Contate-nos e receba as notícias mais recentes relacionadas aos nossos aplicativos:

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

World Series of Poker - WSOP

Name:World Series of Poker - WSOP                                                 Price:Free

Description:O NOME DE MAIOR CONFIANÇA NO PÓQUER tem o orgulho de apresentar o JOGO DE PÓQUER GRÁTIS #1 no teu iPhone ou iPad.

● FICHAS A CADA 3 HORAS - Só no World Series of Poker!
● TORNEIOS CIRCUIT - Disputa os torneios de póquer Texas Hold’em, com um jogo mais rápido e prémios magníficos! Podes ganhar tudo!
● WSOP BRACELETS - O prémio mais prestigioso no póquer!
● JOGA EM DIRETO COM AMIGOS – Convida os teus amigos para jogarem cartas e façam uma noite de póquer a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar.
● CERTIFICADO RNG - WSOP está oficialmente autenticado com distribuição de cartas imparcial. Nós garantimos que as cartas no jogo são embaralhadas aleatoriamente!
● WSOP CLUBS - Testa tuas habilidades para ganhar teu lugar em clubs exclusivos e obter regalias de elite. Vai se tornar parte da realeza do póquer?
● SENTE O ESPÍRITO DE LAS VEGAS – Joga Texas Hold’em, Omaha, em torneios e muito mais, GRÁTIS.
● POKER RECALL - Testa a sua memória e habilidades no póquer nesse minijogo para ganhar recompensas incríveis!
● PIGGY BANK - Aposta, economiza e quebra! WSOP chegou para ajudar. Economiza fichas a cada aposta; quanto mais apostas, maior será a economia!
● ESTATÍSTICAS DE PÓQUER – Melhora o teu jogo com o registo de estatísticas mais detalhado de qualquer aplicação de póquer!
● MISSÕES – Fica na melhor posição do jogo com as missões diárias e semanais!
● JOGO CONTÍNUO – Começa a jogar póquer no teu iPhone ou iPad e continua no Facebook ou em PlayWSOP.com com a mesma banca.
● MODO DE CONVIDADO – Joga Texas Hold'em ou Omaha anonimamente. Não tenhas medo de fazer bluff!
● BÓNUS DE FACEBOOK BONUS – Obtém mais 250,000 em fichas quando associas a tua conta ao Facebook! Começa a tua jornada para te tornares um VIP WSOP!
● JOGO DE SLOTS – Gira e ganha fichas com a slot machine.

Liga-te a nós no Facebook (http://bit.ly/WSOP_Fanpage) e no Twitter (http://bit.ly/TwitterWSOP).

O sucesso nos jogos sociais de casino não implica sucesso futuro em jogos a dinheiro.

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Timestamp Camera - Date Stamp

Name:Timestamp Camera - Date Stamp                                                 Price:Free

Description:Timestamp is een app die datum stampt op je foto's. Ideaal voor het schrijven van dieet notities of oefen dagboek. Blijf opnemen en bereik je doel.

Timestamp is super makkelijk te gebruiken!
1. Kies of neem een ​​foto.
2. Kies het gewenste datumstempel type.
3. Sla het op!

Voel je vrij om Timestamp te gebruiken
- Speciale dagfoto die je wilt onthouden
- Uw maaltijdfoto voor dieet
- Workout fotoshoot
- Notities die je vandaag hebt gestudeerd
- Meld aan de baas wat je vorige nacht hebt gewerkt

Als u nog vragen heeft, aarzel dan niet om contact met me op te nemen.

Rating:4.85                                                 Show Detail