8 Best Apps Similar To Easter Egg Games - Hunt candy and gummy bunny for kids|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Easter Egg Games - Hunt candy and gummy bunny for kids

Easter Egg Games - Hunt candy and gummy bunny for kids

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.0.2(2016-03-20)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Music, Food & Drink, Trivia

<5K   <5K <5K


Help de Heroes Pasen mix en match eieren en bunny snoepjes!

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▶ HD graphics en explosieve effecten!
▶ Challenge vrienden en andere spelers via Game Center!

Download GRATIS! *Slechts voor beperkte tijd*

Pas verborgen snoepjes voor de baby games!





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Apps Similar To Easter Egg Games - Hunt candy and gummy bunny for kids

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Blocky Soccer

Name:Blocky Soccer                                                Price:S$ .00

Description:Run, dribble and shoot as the striker in a fresh, fun soccer runner!

The most fun you can have with a ball, combining realistic physics and humorous gameplay.

Dodge tackles, compete in matches, win international tournaments and hold your nerve in penalty shootouts. How many trophies can you win?

• Easy to play soccer fun
• Retro style blocky graphics
• Lots of characters
• Different pitches & weather effects
• Compete with friends
• Share your #Replay


Rating:4                                               Show Detail


Name:SPEEDTEST MASTER - Test Speed                                                Price:Free

Description:Internet lente? Ça bloque pendant les jeux? Toutes ces situations pourraient vous casser la tête! Ça vous dit un test pour vérifier la qualité du réseau?

Le SpeedTest Master est un testeur de débit Internet , il teste la bande passante, le fibre optique, le débit ADSL, le débit WiFi pour détecter la rapidité de connexion Internet. Il vous permet de tester le WiFi, le 2G, 3G, 4G et le 5G avec tous les opérateurs. D’un seul clic, vous connaîtrez vitesse Internet de votre en seul 30 secondes.

Vous voulez savoir le stablement de votre Internet? Ce  testeur de débit et de vitesse WiFi gratuit, vous donnera la réponse!

Que-ce qu’il fait?
- Tester la vitesse de débit du téléchargement ,chargement et délai ping.
- Avancer le test ping pour vérifier la stabilité Internet.
- Vérifier qui consomme votre Internet.
- Diagnoser automatiquement le réseau de votre dispositif si Internet se rend mauvais
- Détailler des informations de vitesse, de sabilité, de signal d’Internet.

Plus de détails sur ses caractéristiques : 

-Ce testeur de débit Internet vous informe des données détaillées et vous pouvez vérifier la vitesse Internet: Délai, Upload, Téléchargement, Download, Consommation de débit Internet/débit 4G, Adresse IP.

-Cet analyste de réseau vous aide à vous renseigner sur la stabilité du réseau, la vitesse du WiFi et vous saurez la raison de stagnation pendant les jeux.

-Il détecte votre dispositif de connexion Internet et en même temps garantit la sécurité de vos informations personnelles.
-Ce débit testeur diagnostique le réseau et trouve tous les problèmes. Par exemple, pourquoi Internet a rompu subitement ou pourquoiil n’y a pas d’accès aux pages de site même si la connexion est déjà activée.
-Ce test de WiFi garde tous les données, les résultats des tests sont permanents, pour vous faciliter à faire des comparaisons avec les situations de connexion Internet présentes et précédentes.

Service client:

Si vous avez des questions sur les tests de rapidité de connexion Internet pour les téléphones portables, n’hésitez pas à demander au SpeedTest Master, car d’un seul clic, vous connaîtrez la situation de votre connexion Internet.

Enfin, aucune question ou idée, contactez nous par l’émail :
[email protected]


Prix de l'abonnement:
- 1 mois: 2,49 $ US
- 12 mois: 9,99 $ US
- À vie: 23,99 $ US
- Vente aux nouveaux utilisateurs: 1 mois pour 0,49 USD, puis 9,99 USD par an

- L'abonnement peut être annulé à tout moment dans les paramètres d'identification Apple et iTunes d'App Store. Tous les prix incluent les taxes de vente locales applicables.
- Le paiement sera facturé sur le compte iTunes lors de la confirmation de l'achat.
- L'abonnement se renouvelle automatiquement sauf si le renouvellement automatique est désactivé au moins 24 heures avant la fin de la période en cours.
- Le compte sera facturé pour le renouvellement dans les 24 heures avant la fin de la période en cours, et indique le coût du renouvellement.
- Les abonnements peuvent être gérés par l'utilisateur et le renouvellement automatique peut être désactivé en accédant aux paramètres du compte de l'utilisateur après l'achat.
- Aucune annulation de l'abonnement en cours n'est autorisée pendant la période d'abonnement actif.

Politique de confidentialité: https://app.netspeedtestmaster.com/speedtest_master_privacy_policy.html
Conditions d'utilisation: https://app.netspeedtestmaster.com/speedtest_master_terms_of_service.html

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores

Name:Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores                                                 Price:Free

Description:Seja o caçador - ou a presa! Embarque na expedição da sua vida na busca pela presa suprema em Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores.

Faça uma jornada até uma ilha intocada para caçar os animais mais ferozes de toda a História. Encontre feras que pensava-se estarem extintas há muito, do tranquilo estegossauro ao aterrorizante T-rex.

Cace em ambientes luxuriantes e perigosos, como um litoral coalhado de naufrágios, uma selva fechada e um fosso de ossos de dinossauros!

Traga o máximo em poder de fogo com armas de alto poder destrutivo, entre elas o lança-foguetes e a besta de shurikens. Você vai precisar de um arsenal poderoso e uma estratégia comprovada para derrubar criaturas assim!

Progrida por várias séries de caçadas para ganhar rifles, espingardas e rifles de assalto. Complete todas para faturar recompensas ainda melhores!

Sombras dinâmicas, texturas em alta resolução e modelos realísticos combinam-se para formar os mais lindos jogos de caçada no seu dispositivo móvel!

"É como se a Glu Mobile tivesse lido meus pensamentos quando imaginei como seria bom se Deer Hunter 2014 tivesse dinossauros." – Kotaku

NOTA: O iPod Touch 4th Gen não é compatível

Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores agora inclui assinaturas, com os benefícios abaixo:

• Assinatura VIP Platina: $3,99 USD/ semana (ou equivalente em moeda local), incluindo um período de teste grátis de 3 dias; ou $7,99 USD/ mês (ou equivalente em moeda local) (não há período de teste grátis na assinatura mensal)
- 1 recarga de Energia por dia
- 2 Cronodoses (bebida energética) por dia
- 10 unidades de Ouro por dia
- 20% de desconto no valor das Armas Exóticas; o preço com desconto é exibido quando fizer compras na loja

As assinaturas estão disponíveis por meio das compras no aplicativo. As assinaturas serão renovadas automaticamente, pelo preço aplicável, ao final do período da assinatura - até você a cancelar. O pagamento pelo período da assinatura que você selecionou será cobrado da sua conta no iTunes até 24 horas antes do final do período atual da assinatura. Você pode cancelar sua assinatura a qualquer momento acessando as Configurações da sua Conta iTunes e selecionando a opção de cancelamento. Após o cancelamento, você será responsável por pagar a taxa pelo período da assinatura ativa aplicável.

Eis os links para nossa Política de Privacidade e nossos Termos de Uso:
Política de Privacidade: https://www.glu.com/privacy
Termos de Uso: http://www.glu.com/terms


- Este jogo é grátis para jogar, mas é possível pagar dinheiro real por itens extras, que serão cobrados da sua conta no iTunes. Você pode desativar as compras dentro do aplicativo ajustando as configurações do dispositivo.
- Compre com cuidado.
- Este jogo exibe publicidade.
- Este jogo permite aos usuários interagirem (por ex. salas de bate-papo, bate-papo entre jogadores, troca de mensagens). O acesso a páginas com redes sociais é desaconselhável a pessoas com menos de 13 anos.
- É necessária uma conexão de rede para ativar alguns recursos/acessar certo conteúdo.
- Para obter mais informações sobre como a Glu coleta e usa seus dados, leia nossa Política de Privacidade em: www.Glu.com/privacy
- Se tiver algum problema com este jogo, fale conosco pelo: www.Glu.com/support

Rating:4.55                                             Show Detail


Name:兔子!Jump!                                                 Price:NT$ 0

Description:《兔子!Jump!》开发团队来自常年处于战争阴影的黎巴嫩。在地下室中,该团队创造了这只 简单而可爱的兔几。正因身处黑暗,所以更向往光明。希望所有人都能平安喜乐,让所有烦恼 随着兔几一起蹦走~



大家好,本兔子兔几名叫胖嘟嘟,虽然我是一只小肥肥,但是你萌不阔以吃我!因为我还要完 成使命,吃好多的萝卜,还有顺便拯救我的小伙伴!就算把我红烧、清蒸、我的灵魂还会继续 蹦蹦跳跳,就算我死了,躺在棺材里,我也要从腐朽的兔牙中挤出一句:我要吃胡萝卜!

以本兔几潇洒不羁的个性和与众不同的品味,本来是不适合这么清新的画风的。当制作人找到 我时,我说还是另请高明吧,不是我谦虚,我一个死肥死肥的兔几,怎么就跑来跳个不停呢? 然鹅制作人大大已经决定了,就由我来当主角。当时我就念了一句诗:苟利兔家生死以,岂因 祸福避趋之。

于是我就来到了这个游戏世界,简单来说,你们要指挥我挑战各种障碍,收集更多胡萝卜跳跃 各种障碍,收集胡萝卜。

游戏制作团队来自长年处于战火中的黎巴嫩,他们在痛苦的战乱中完成了这款欢乐的游戏,他 们只想让这款游戏的玩家们看到并拥有世界上最简单、最温暖的爱。



兔子亲戚,萌遍天下:除了萌萌的我,还有千千万万个萌萌的它们,我们的家族庞大到你无法 想象!

可爱兔子,全带回家:世间万物都包含着抓娃娃机的深刻哲理——成功,就把可爱萌兔带回家 ,可以么么哒,还能papapa

为了真爱,使劲作死:看见胡萝卜就忍不住跳上去,这是原始的欲望?更是内心的爱!加入游 戏,一起尽情跳跃,尽情作死!

身处战火,不忘欢乐:黎巴嫩游戏团队打造,昏暗地下室历时数月完成,仅希望可以带给大家 这个世界上最简单的快乐。

Rating:5                                                 Show Detail

Cool Goal! - Soccer

Name:Cool Goal! - Soccer                                                 Price:Free

Description:Aim your ball, shoot, and SCORE! Just make sure you don’t hit the ENTIRE opposing team before you hit the net.

Meet Cool Goal - the football game that puts your aiming, shooting, and logic skills to the test! Your task? Land the perfect goal, every time. To do so, you’re going to need to make sure you dodge countless enemy players, that are going to do everything they can to stand in between you and the goalposts! Experience a new breed of ‘football game’ that tests your brain power as well as your ball skills.

Explore countless puzzles in a near endless gameplay experience as you step up your ball game and master the art of soccer. Embrace exciting mechanics such as curveball that lets you magically curve your ball like a football superstar. Also, when you nail a perfect goal watch as your ball bursts into flames - you won’t be able to believe how wild this football puzzler can get!

As you progress, you’ll unlock new levels, new challenges, new stadiums, and tons of awesome football action! Each level offers a unique challenge that will test your ability to get to the goalposts, as opposing players adopt new positions, move, create obstacles, and do anything they can to stop your strike! Each new stadium also presents a unique look and theme - imagine, football in the forest and goalposts on the beach because anything can happen in Cool Goal!

Get ready for unbeatable soccer action that puts your head to the test as well as your boot! It’s time to welcome the king of football games and get your Cool Goal on!

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Terms of Service: https://gismart.com/terms-of-service/

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Guess the Pic! 2 ~ Close up Photo Quiz

Name:Guess the Pic! 2 ~ Close up Photo Quiz                                                 Price:Free

Description:Adivinhe o objeto da foto ampliada!

Centenas de níveis para você solucionar.

Jogabilidade simples, divertida e viciante.

Jogue grátis agora!

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail


Name:Patchmania                                                 Price:¥0.00

Description:Farmer Lester has destroyed your forest home… and now it’s time for bunny revenge! Lead a brave little bunny named Calvin, and his adorable furry friends, on a rampage through Pitchfork Farms.

*** Featured by Apple in "Best of March" ***
*** Featured by Apple in "Best New Games" ***

"Super fun and over-the-top cute!" – GameSkinny
"A must for fans of puzzles!" – Gamezebo
"Contender for puzzle game of the year" – Tom Cutrofello

Patchmania is a delightful new puzzle game that features 925 original puzzles, and animation so cute you won’t be able to put it down! Devour Farmer Lester’s crops, and put him out of business by drawing paths with your finger through his carefully planted vegetable patches. Keep your bunnies chomping away and eat all of Lester’s vegetables to get the highest score!

- 925 addictive puzzles
- Simple & fun path drawing controls
- Original animated story
- 4 lovable bunnies & 1 angry farmer
- 13 unique game environments

Enter the beautiful animated world of Patchmania, and get addicted to hundreds of free and original puzzles that will make you think! Easy path drawing controls, and a gradual difficulty progression, make Patchmania fun for anyone to pick up and play.

- Adorable animation & fun sound effects
- AI puzzle solver gives hints in case you get stuck
- Track your completion as you go
- Play across devices with iCloud sync
- Relaxing mental exercise keeps you sharp

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Candy Crush Jelly Saga

Name:Candy Crush Jelly Saga                                                 Price:Free

Description:There's a new player in town, the wiggling, jiggling Jelly Queen and she's here to challenge you to a game of Candy Crush Jelly Saga! Whatever your favorite moves, you better hope they're Jellylicious enough to take on the mighty Jelly Queen.

The unstoppably spreadable game! New Candy Crush Jelly Saga is full of delightful new game modes, features and boss battles featuring the Jelly Queen! Playing as Jenny, show off your Jellylicious moves and take turns switching Candies against the jiggling Jelly Queen. Every sweet move will spread more Jelly and whoever spreads the most will win the level! Have you got the moves?

There are splendid new Candies, a marvelous new booster and a dreamy treetop world to explore in the Candy Kingdom too!

Take on this delightful Saga alone or play with friends to see who can get the highest score!

Candy Crush Jelly Saga is completely free to play but in-game currency, to buy items such as extra moves or lives, will require payment with real money.

You can turn off the payment feature by disabling in-app purchases in your device’s settings.

Candy Crush Jelly Saga features:
• Over 3000 Jellylicious Levels      
• New Boss Modes      
• Marvelous game modes including: Spread the Jelly & Release the Pufflers     
• Tasty new Color Bomb Lollipop booster    
• Mesmerizing new Candies     
• Dreamy new treetop world and a host of quirky characters led by the Jelly Queen and her stooges.  
* Easy and fun to play, yet challenging to fully master
* For players that Facebook Connect, there are leaderboards for you and your friends to compare your Jellylicious scores
* Easily sync the game between mobile and tablet devices and unlock the full game features when connected to the internet   

Now you can express yourself, jelly-style! Be sassy like the Jelly Queen or cool like Cupcake Carl with our sweet Candy Crush Jelly Stickers!

Facebook @CandyCrushJellySaga
Twitter @CandyCrushJelly
Instagram @CandyCrushSaga
YouTube @CandyCrushOfficial

Last but not least, a big THANK YOU goes out to everyone who has played Candy Crush Jelly Saga!

Do not sell my data: King shares your personal information with advertising partners to personalize ads. Learn more at https://king.com/privacyPolicy. If you wish to exercise your Do Not Sell My Data rights, you can do so by contacting us via the in game help centre or by going to https://soporto.king.com/

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail