8 Best Apps Similar To Estimation Calculator (Scoresheet)|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Estimation Calculator (Scoresheet)

Estimation Calculator (Scoresheet)

APP STORE: App Store    EGP0.00
CURRENT VERSION : 1.0(2016-01-08)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Utilities, Card

<5K   <5K <5K


Estimation Calculator is a great app for calculating the scores of players playing the card game "Estimation".
It does an amazing job at organizing your games and saving your games score on your device so you can look at them anytime with your friends even if they were played days, months or years ago.
It has a unique and innovative look, records the dates where you played your games (Bola), and if a game is left incomplete it tells you how many rounds are remaining until the game ends.
Estimation Calculator by Fanella Productions is by far the BEST choice to calculate your scores in Estimation games with your friends while playing in a cafe, at home or anywhere!
No need for a pen or paper, just download it, and let it do the work for you.





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Apps Similar To Estimation Calculator (Scoresheet)

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Paisabazaar.com- Loans & Cards

Name:Paisabazaar.com- Loans & Cards                                                Price:₹ 0

Description:The Paisabazaar iOS App brings loans, credit cards and mutual funds to your fingertips.
Our user-friendly and interactive App helps you get Credit Score for FREE and compare, choose and apply for Credit Cards, loans and investment products. You can apply for Personal Loans, Home Loans, Loan Against Property, Home Loan Balance Transfer, Education Loan; and Mutual Funds and Savings Accounts with just a few taps on your phone’s screen. You also get access to a wide range of calculators that will help you plan your investments and future repayments better.

Now you can conveniently compare, choose and invest in mutual funds offered by leading fund houses operating in India from a single platform – the Paisabazaar App. The leading fund houses we have teamed up with include Axis Mutual Fund, DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund, UTI Mutual Fund, L&T Mutual Fund, Sundaram Mutual Fund, IDFC Mutual Fund and many others.

Use the Paisabazaar App to:
● Borrow: Compare, choose and apply for credit cards and loans from 30+ banks and NBFCs
○ Find the best loans and credit cards that answer all your needs – aur EMI ko banaayo LMI
● Invest: Compare, choose and invest in a wide variety of mutual funds
○ Create your MF portfolio from among 100+ funds and start investing
● Calculate: Use our EMI and eligibility calculators to find your deal loan amount
○ Know the loan amount you are eligible for in seconds and apply
● Get your Credit Score for Free with monthly updates
○ Check your Credit Score along with a detailed Credit Report

To ensure that you get the best deals on loans and credit cards we have teamed up with leading banks and NBFCs across the country. Our network of over 30 leading financial institutions includes the likes of American Express, Allahabad Bank, Axis Bank, Bajaj Finserv, CitiBank, DHFL, HDFC Bank, IndiaBulls, IndusInd Bank, Kotak Bank, RBL Bank, PNB Housing, State Bank of India, Tata Capital, UCO Bank, Yes Bank, to name a few.

Products on offer:

Personal Loan: Apply for personal loan in seconds to meet your emergency financial needs or fund your vacation plans.

Credit Cards: Kick the confusion out when choosing between cards for lifestyle travel and fuel purposes using our unbiased platform

Home Loan: Planning to own a house? Focus on house-hunting while we help you find the best home loan deal

Mutual Funds:

■ Choose funds: Compare funds and decide where to invest based on such factors as fund category, returns, rating and AMC
■ Plan investments: Choose which type of funds you want to invest in – equity, hybrid, debt or commodities
■ Invest anytime, anywhere quickly:
■ Track investments through your portfolio: See you asset allocation and gains made on each fund

Using your phone you can now compare all available plans and offers before applying for the product that suits your requirement. Use our unbiased intuitive platform to know what offer suits you the best. Benefit from our in-house financial experts, kick the middlemen out and take charge of your financial decisions using the Paisabazaar APP.

It’s time to stop running from pillar to post for your financial needs. The Paisabazaar App is an answer to your financial troubles.

Feel like talking? Call us on our toll free number: 1800 208 8877.
Want to send us an email? Write in at [email protected]

Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Paisabazaar/

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PaisaBazaar_in?lang=en

Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/paisabazaar.com

Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

Citytopia® Build Your Own City

Name:Citytopia® Build Your Own City                                                Price:Free

Description:The new city building game from the makers of Rollercoaster Tycoon® Touch™! Design, build and grow your town into the most extraordinary Citytopia®.


Build your very own AMAZING City: Discover and place houses, skyscrapers, landmarks, factories, beautiful parks and more. Place buildings strategically - each one develops your skyline, attracts more citizens and helps grow your economy.

A HUGE Playground: Progressively unlock all the neighbourhoods, buy more real estate, and expand your city from a humble hamlet into a sprawling Citytopia. Satisfy your citizens, who aren’t shy in expressing their thoughts about the town.

Take on CHALLENGING Missions: Complete a constantly-changing set of missions to level up faster. Stock your fleet of trucks and buses to go on transportation quests to earn great boosts in progression.

Collect a WIDE COLLECTION of Cards: Open free packs every day to find new buildings, decorations, vehicles and more. Find cards to unlock new creations and upgrade them to boost existing infrastructure. Discover rare and epic cards with outstanding stats like towering skyscrapers and stunning attractions.

Follow the latest news about your favourite City Building game, Citytopia on Facebook and Twitter!

Have fun!

Rating:4.2                                                 Show Detail

Genius Scan - PDF Scanner

Name:Genius Scan - PDF Scanner                                                 Price:Free

Description:Genius Scan - это ваш карманный сканер. Быстро сканируйте ваши документы и сохраняйте их в формате JPEG или в PDF для многостраничных документов.

*** Apple App of the Week *** Более 20 миллионов пользователей *** 1000 предприятий малого бизнеса ***

Поместите любой документ перед камерой вашего устройства, и наше приложение-сканнер автоматически определит его, удалит фон и устранит дефекты. В результате вы получите четкий, удобочитаемый документ. Пакетное сканирование позволит вам отсканировать десятки страниц за считанные секунды, а мощные инструменты — организовать, отправить или архивировать ваши документы.

"Планируя вашу следующую командировку, не забудьте скачать Genius Scan – это облегчит жизнь не только вам, но и бухгалтерии вашей компании," - AppPicker.com

"Обычные приложения для камеры не предназначены для сканирования текста вблизи - в отличие от Genius Scan," - The Guardian


Умное сканирование:

- Обнаружение документов и удаление фона
- Коррекция искажений
- Удаление теней и устранение дефектов
- Фильтры (черно-белый, белая доска, фото)
- Сканирование нескольких файлов

Создание и редактирование PDF-файлов:

- Слияние и разделение документов
- Создание многостраничных PDF-файлов
- Импорт фото и PDF-файлов

Безопасность и конфиденциальность:

- Обработка документов на устройстве
+ Face ID блокировка

+ Шифрование и защита паролем PDF-файлов

Организация документов:

- Пометка документов тегами
- Метаданные и поиск по содержимому
+ Пользовательские схемы именования (смарт-имена документов)
+ Резервное копирование и синхронизация нескольких устройств с Genius Cloud (отдельная подписка)


- Отправка файлов по эл. почте
+ Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Expensify, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, OneDrive, OneNote, FTP, SugarSync, WebDAV.

+ Любые сервисы с поддержкой WebDAV, такие как Citrix ShareFile, NextCloud, ownCloud, Synology, «Яндекс».
+ Автоматический экспорт в фоновом режиме

OCR (распознавание текста):

+ Извлечение текста
+ Создание PDF-файлов с возможностью поиска
+ Сканирование визиток и создание контактов

Функции, отмеченные знаком [+], доступны в Genius Scan+ (единовременная покупка).

== О НАС ==

Мы в The Grizzly Labs разрабатываем Genius Scan в самом центре Парижа. Мы гордимся тем, что создаем приложения, которые помогают миллионам пользователей по всему миру, и придерживаемся самых высоких стандартов качества и конфиденциальности. Если у вас есть вопросы, вы можете связаться с нами @thegrizzlylabs.


Genius Scan может свободно использовать столько времени, сколько вы хотите.

При желании вы можете приобрести Genius Scan+ для получения дополнительных функций (единовременная плата). Вы можете подписаться на Genius Cloud для резервного копирования и синхронизации. В этом случае магазин Genius Scan отображает продолжительность и цену каждой подписки, обновленной на момент покупки. Оплата будет снята с аккаунта iTunes после подтверждения заказа. Подписки автоматически продлеваются, если автоматическое продление не отключено не позднее, чем за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода. Управление подписками, отключение автообновления в настройках аккаунта iTunes.


Rating:4.8                                             Show Detail

Poke Genie

Name:Poke Genie                                                 Price:Free

Description:"⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 加入数百万使用Poke Genie来优化Pokemon Go体验的宝可梦训练师吧! ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆"
"⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 超过13,000,000下载! Poke Genie是全球最受欢迎的Pokemon Go辅助应用 ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆"

Poke Genie是成为超强Pokemon Go训练师的必备工具。强大的自动文字识别使精确的IV值查询易如反掌。只需将宝可梦的参数页面截图即可快速查询。不需要手动输入任何资料。Poke Genie不需要任何帐号信息,安全又精确。请放心使用。

想知道每次力量强化和进化之后宝可梦的参数吗?Poke Genie的“simulate power ups and evolutions” (模拟力量强化与进化)功能可以准确计算每次力量强化或进化之后的宝可梦参数以及所需的糖果和星尘。计算是基于你的宝可梦的IV进行的,所以非常精确。再也不在不够强的精灵上浪费资源。

3)按下“Import” 导入截图
接下来Poke Genie会自动扫描所有参数并计算出IV值。

若想得到更加精确的IV,请进入Pokemon Go得到领队对宝可梦的评价(Appraisal),再将评价中最高的参数项在Poke Genie内选中。

Poke Genie键盘和名称生成器震撼登场!通过Poke Genie键盘,您可以直接在Pokemon Go中查看精灵的IV,而无需离开游戏。此外,名称生成器会自动生成用于重命名的字符串,可一键粘贴到游戏中。

想在团体战和道馆对战中更得心应手吗?让Poke Genie做强助攻!
全新的战斗模拟器可以从您的精灵中自动选拔出最佳的战队。提高赢率的同时还可以节省宝贵的药水和复活道具。 Poke Genie推荐战队几乎不需要手动操作。流程极为简便:自动选拔队伍-> 玩家在游戏中组成相应的战斗小队 -> 战斗。 Poke Genie将会预先告知胜利几率,所以战斗时可以胸有成竹、稳操胜券。

想知道哪些精灵是每个团体战头目或道馆守擂精灵的克星? Poke Genie会告诉您在任何精灵等级时的最佳选手。

- 自动扫描弧位置,精确计算精灵等级(CP弧角度扫描精确到像素)
- 显示所有可能的IV值组合以及范围
- 模拟力量强化和进化:准确计算每次强化和进化后的参数以及所需的糖果和星尘
- 显示攻击力(attack)+防御力(defense) IV 和体力(stamina)的IV范围
- 通过领队的评价(Appraisal)得到更加精确的IV区间
- 自动保存扫描历史。所有宝可梦的参数一个都不少
- 可通过多种方法筛选扫描历史中的宝可梦
- 支持英语,法语,德语,意大利语,以及西班牙语的截图
- 不用登陆,完全安全
- 不需要网络连接,可以离线使用

- 新增两种扫描模式
1. 一键导入所有未扫描过的屏幕截图
2. 启动即自动扫描所有新截图以及在背景运行中进行自动扫描
- 背景扫描时可选消息通知条幅提示,选中之后截图时立刻获得IV结果(Poke Genie会在背景运行三分钟)
- 切换全部历史记录以及未读新截图的显示方式
- 去除广告

我们致力与不停改进Poke Genie的功能以及精确度。若有功能建议或发现运行错误,请电邮[email protected]


Poke Genie是由爱好者制作的第三方应用,与Pokémon品牌,Niantic,Pokemon Go, 任天堂没有任何关联。

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

Master craft for Minecraft PE

Name:Master craft for Minecraft PE                                                 Price:Free

Description:MasterCraft is a place where you can download, share and discuss your favourite creations for Minecraft PE!

Have you ever dreamed about giant castle on your map? Maybe about a dragons flying around? Now this is possible in Minecraft! You can easily download maps, addons, buildings, skins, textures and seeds for Minecraft PE, which are all gathered together in one place! Surprise your friends with awesome map or cool skin!

- Awesome maps:
We have more than 1000 different working maps!

- Creative addons:
Choose from 300 unique addons, which will completely change your Minecraft experience!

- Various skins:
Find yourself in 5000 of different character skins for Minecraft PE!

- Unique buildings:
Discover more than 400 unique houses which can be easely downloaded into your Minecraft maps!

- Beautiful textures:
Tired of the default game look? Change it in 1 click!

- Seeds:
Want to discover nature of Minecraft? We have a different seeds for you!

- Social:
Like, comment and create your own profiles in MasterCraft! Share stuff you like with your friends and tell them what you like the most!

In accordance with http://account.mojang.com/documents/brand_guidelines

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Piascore - Smart Music Score

Name:Piascore - Smart Music Score                                                 Price:Free

Description:** Mais de 2.000.000 músicos estão usando agora o Piascore! **
** iPad Pro, iPhone8 / iPhone8 Além disso Pronto! **

"Piascore" é uma aplicação iPad / iPhone para navegar partituras digitais. O conceito de Piascore é "visão partitura musical de todos os lugares - em qualquer lugar, qualquer momento".

Aí vem uma aplicação que resolve todos os problemas ÚNICO que os artistas de música que já encontrei.
Não há mais problemas de transportar cargas de pontuações e procurando o seu favorito.

** Elogio **
"Este é um visualizador de folha de música que é verdadeiramente vale a pena ter" - GRAMOPHONE
"Muito fácil de usar, uma bela biblioteca de som" - appPicker
"As partituras musicais mais maravilhosas e convenientes telespectador você não pode perder!" - Best10Apps.com
"Impressionado com a visibilidade excelente!" - AppBank

** Award **
: 2011 International Business Awards - Consumidor de entretenimento / informação (Distinguished Honoree)
: 2012 4 SF NewTech Japão Noite Winner

** Características **
: Escrevendo para baixo notas como você gosta
Você pode anotar todas as notas na partitura. Canetas de 3 tamanhos e 6 cores, entrada selo fácil, escrita de texto estão disponíveis.

: Smart Browsing
Através do desenvolvimento motor original, velocidade de rotação página de Piascore Quicken. Muitos interface do usuário é fácil de usar, incluindo um toque primeiro / último giro de página. recurso de página Cortar permite a ler com mais facilidade. protegido por senha arquivo PDF é suportado.

: Viragem automática de página vertical rolagem / Half
Você está liberado de viragem de página estressante! a rolagem vertical automática vira uma página em seu nome. Claro, você pode mudar a velocidade de rolagem.

: Procure folha de música clássica gratuito
Piascore suporta IMSLP (Music Score Internacional Projeto Biblioteca) / Library Música Petrucci, então você pode baixar partituras clássicas de 131.000 obras e 16.200 compositores. É GRÁTIS.

: Arquivo de Apoio avaliação dos utilizadores
Você pode transferi-los para Piascore via iTunes. Piascore também suporta qualquer serviço de arquivos em nuvem, como Dropbox, captura de câmera e pesquisa na web.

: Fácil gerenciamento de partituras
Você pode gerenciar uma grande quantidade de partituras por marcação e setlist. Há tipo poderoso e palavra-chave.

: Reorganizar o layout da página e página de salto direto
Você pode reorganizar páginas livremente. Se você quiser pular qualquer página diretamente, tais como repetição, você pode colocar um botão de página de salto em uma página.

: Metrônomo som real
O metrônomo apoia a sua prática.

: Ferramentas Piascore música
ferramentas muito úteis para o músico. Teclado Virtual, afinador cromático, leitor de música (iTunes) e gravador de voz.

: partituras Export
Impressão (AirPrint), o envio de e-mail com escrevendo notas.

: Digital loja partitura musical "Piascore Store"
Você é capaz de comprar uma partitura musical digital no Piascore! Oferecemos canções folclóricas, música clássica e canções facilmente arranjado. Porque você pode pesquisar por gênero ou artista, encontrar uma música que você quer é fácil.

: Relacionados com a reprodução do filme no YouTube
Você pode procurar uma pontuação com a assistir filme no YouTube. É mais agradável e útil para estudar música.

: Air viragem de página (com o iPhone)
Piascore tem um mecanismo de viragem poderosa página chamada 'Air página virada'. Com um aplicativo para iPhone "Piascore Air", você pode virar as páginas via wireless. Por favor, veja este vídeo para mais detalhes.

: Pedal Suporte Bluetooth “AirTurn”
Você pode virar as páginas a pé.

: http://help.piascore.com/

** Contato **
: http://piascore.com/
: [email protected]

(App prévia BGM)
Simon Schindler (condutor), Fulda sinfónico orquestra, 2000.

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail

Pocket Forex - Invest Forex

Name:Pocket Forex - Invest Forex                                                 Price:Free

Description:Pocket Forex is an excellent foreign exchange market online investment software, with 2000+ large well-known brokers to achieve cooperation to provide foreign exchange, gold, silver, crude oil, stock, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, futures, commodities, precious metals, natural gas, copper, global equities and stock indices.

-- Invest with Pocket Forex --
Speed Quotes: direct-link Brokers, quote millisecond delay.
Information calendar: 24-hour uninterrupted finance news, important data quotes at a glance.
Powerful chart: Multi-period chart, support Ma, Boll, MACD and other technical indicators.
Exchange community: Share technical analysis, quality trading strategies, trading signals and learn to exchange investment experience.

--Contact Us--
Working Hours: Weekday 9:00-18:00
E-mail: [email protected]

Rating:1.55                                                 Show Detail

Brain Wave - Neuro Trainer ™

Name:Brain Wave - Neuro Trainer ™                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Advanced brainwave entrainment developed specifically for neuro athletic training and features 7 advanced binaural programs developed from the ground up for athletes.

This app is unlike any other brainwave entrainment application. Other brainwave and binaural beat applications use only a single brainwave frequency and carrier signal. The Progressive Brainwave Entrainment algorithms developed for this app use a series of brainwave programs, multiple frequencies and carrier waves to gently bring your brainwave frequencies to your desired state using a more natural and effective frequency progression.

*** Advanced Features ***

- Multiple Brainwave programs each specially designed to boost physical and mental performance.

- Multiple ambient background sounds to choose from.

- Adjustable Brainwave Intensity - The intensity of the brainwaves can be adjusted independently of the ambient background sound. This allows you to set the brainwave volume to your comfort level. The application will also save your preference for future use.

- Adjustable ambient background volume.

- Visual timer countdown indicator.

- Automatic saving of preferred brainwave entrainment program and ambient background sounds.

- Ability to create your own custom time option.

Warning: Do not use this app while driving or operating machinery.

Rating:2.1                                                 Show Detail