8 Best Apps Similar To Et voilà ! Menus de fête|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Et voilà ! Menus de fête
Et voilà ! Menus de fête
APP STORE: App Store 1,09 €
CURRENT VERSION : 2.1.2(2016-12-21)
APP CATEGORIES : Cuisine et boissons
<5K | <5K | <5K |
Ciel ! Noël se passe à la maison cette année et vous ne savez pas quoi cuisiner ? Besoin d'un coach pour réussir un menu chic en un temps choc ?
L'appli Et voilà ! Menus de fête a été conçue pour vous aider !
À partir de 18 recettes minutieusement choisies pour Noël 2016, elle vous propose + de 200 combinaisons de menus, tous délicieux et simplissimes à préparer, pour ne pas passer votre réveillon en cuisine.
Pour réaliser cette application, l'équipe gourmande La Belle Idée a testé de nombreuses recettes avant d'élire les meilleures, celles qui remplissaient tous les critères :
- sans difficulté (garantie « inratables »),
- à l'esprit tendance et festif,
- nécessitant un minimum d'ingrédients,
- pouvant être préparées à l'avance.
La grande nouveauté : la fonction Aux Fourneaux ! Quel que soit le menu choisi, l’appli vous propose un séquençage des étapes optimisé pour vous faire gagner du temps. En moyenne 40 min sur la préparation d'un menu complet Entrée-Plat-Dessert, que vous réussirez en moins de 2 heures.
Facile, la liste de courses se génère automatiquement en fonction du nombre de convives (de 2 à 20 personnes). Pratique, tout est rangé par rayons, comme dans la vraie vie… Il n'y a plus qu'à l'envoyer à celui ou celle qui fera les courses.
En prime : notre suggestion de vin pour chaque plat.
Et voilà ! En un temps record, sans avoir eu à consulter des tonnes de recettes, et surtout sans stresser, vous aurez cuisiné un délicieux dîner de fête, chic et tendance...
Et voilà! Menus de fête est une publication des éditions La Belle Idée, maison d'édition numérique lyonnaise.
Pour toute information, contactez-nous :
[email protected] et www.facebook.com/etvoilamenusdefete/
La Belle Idée est également l'éditeur de l'application Aux Petits Oignons, qui propose 365 idées de menus du quotidien, simples, équilibrés, et rapides à préparer.
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Apps Similar To Et voilà ! Menus de fête
Top 8 Similars | More Similar Apps |
![My Calendar - Period Tracker](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/1d9dc369fc737ef2ee2a7efed1f2f112.jpg)
Name:My Calendar - Period Tracker Price:Free
Description:My Calendar – Period Tracker by Simple Innovation is an elegant and easy-to-use period tracker that helps you take control of the many aspects of your menstrual cycle—from ovulation, fertility and periods, to birth control pills, moods and other symptoms.
Whether you are concerned about conceiving, birth control and contraception, or regularity of period cycles, Period Calendar can help. Our tracker is easy to use and offers everything you need: Track irregular periods, weight, temperature, moods, blood flow, symptoms and more.
Discreet reminders keep you informed and prepared by predicting upcoming periods, ovulation, and fertile days. The app adapts to your cycle history and the calculator accurately predicts the important events during your cycle.
Key features:
- Vital info at a glance: intuitive calendar home page lets you visualize non-fertile, fertile, ovulation, expected period and actual period
- Entire cycle log and settings can be backed up and restored easily and quickly. Never be afraid to lose your calendar data, even when you lost your phone or get a new one.
- Detailed tracking: daily planner lets you save essential period information like flow, intercourse, symptoms, moods, temperature, weight, medicine, PMS, other cervical observations, and general diary notes
- Always stay in the loop with notifications for upcoming period, fertility windows or ovulation
- Protect your most private data from curious eyes: password lock it using a unique PIN code
- Personalize and make it yours: Gorgeous new watercolor themes, adjust period prediction intervals, luteal phase length, plus choose your units of measure and the first day of the week (Sunday or Monday) – all in Settings
- Abstinence mode hides ovulation, fertility and intercourse related data—perfect tracker for girls and teens just starting their periods
- Want to start fresh? Just reset it
This highly customizable period tracker and pregnancy planning calendar is perfect for any woman to take control of her health and keep organized.
Download it for FREE today!
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
![Club Cooee - 3D Avatar Chat](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/32e1866d1870d7271c8911e98591a124.jpg)
Name:Club Cooee - 3D Avatar Chat Price:Free
Description:Club Cooee is a friendly and lively virtual world where you can make new friends. Club Cooee is a real social chat game with millions of users from all over the world. Chat, have fun and make friends: it's easy and free.
In Club Cooee you go with your 3D avatar to virtual 3D chat parties and get to know new friends easily and playfully.
You create your 3D avatar with more than 500,000 crazy outfits. You'll be thrilled by the outfits other users have designed!
At a virtual chat party or a virtual concert, the latest music is always playing and of course, you can also be a DJ!
The shop offers the hottest dances and dance moves for your 3D avatar so that the party mood is perfect.
Thousands of virtual 3D chat rooms where you can party around the clock are waiting for you.
Create your own virtual 3D chat room and decide for yourself because you have the choice: inside, outside, on the beach, at home, day, night.
In our virtual world, you are never alone. Many have already found their great love with us, founded a virtual family or live their virtual life. Of course, you can also have a virtual date.
The built-in avatar chat helps you chat with your friends in a fun way: romantic dancing, hugging, kissing or just doing nonsense!
We are looking forward to seeing you! Install the free app now, design your 3D avatar and go to a virtual party!
• Create your 3D avatar with crazy outfits, tattoos, accessories, hairstyles, eye colors and more
• Choose from more than 500,000 apparel items and accessories
• Discover the crazy apparel and fashion items in the shops of other users
• Style your 3D avatar romantic, crazy, sweet, seductive, freaky, mysterious or however you want it to be
• Chat with friends from all over the world
• Visit virtual parties and concerts and make new friends.
• Enjoy the virtual world where everything revolves around virtual parties and finding new friends
• Chat with friends and use 3D emojis to dance close together, hug or just do nonsense.
• Let your 3D avatar dance and show you who you are, who you like and who you belong to.
• Give small gifts from the wish list to draw attention to yourself and make new friends.
• Move freely in the virtual world
• Go with your 3D avatar to the DJ booth and play your favorite YouTube songs
• Visit 3D chat rooms with Internet radio stations and interact live with the presenter.
• Raise your own virtual 3D music chat club and assign jobs to DJs, bouncers or dancers.
• Invite other 3D avatars into your personal virtual world for a house party, beach party or a romantic dinner or date.
• Found a virtual family and live your virtual life happily and carefree
• Use your profile to draw people's attention to you
• Show crazy photos of your 3D avatar in your timeline and make new friends
• Keep your virtual family and circle of friends up to date
• Collect achievements, badges and rare objects
• Show what you've got in virtual 3D quiz rooms
• Climb the XP, DJ and Quiz Rankings
• Handle rare items on the built-in marketplace and make profits
Please note that Club Cooee is for ages 16+.
Twitter @clubcooee
Rating:2.7 Show Detail
![Planner 5D - Interior Design](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/f23163f3ac83b8dd6397014a13274551.jpg)
Name:Planner 5D - Interior Design Price:Free
Description:Quer esteja a remodelar, renovar ou conceber a sua casa de sonho, o Planner 5D pode ajudar! Crie plantas detalhadas em 2D e 3D, procure num catálogo com mais de 5000+ itens e crie imagens realistas como fotografias dos seus projetos. Com mais de 20 milhões de transferências em todas as plataformas, o Planner 5D torna o design de interiores mais fácil do que nunca!
Planeamento de divisões com design intuitivo de arrastar e largar
-Crie plantas, esquemas e disposição de mobiliário personalizados
-Arraste e largue paredes, portas, janelas, mobiliário e decoração com facilidade para o seu projeto
-Projete nos modos 2D e 3D
-Aplicação simples de utilizar, sem necessidade de qualificações especiais
-Conceba uma divisão, casa de banho, cozinha, quarto, sala, apartamento completo, casa, escritório ou até um pátio
-Uma ferramenta útil para projetar uma nova casa, renovar, reorganizar e redecorar
Personalize totalmente os seus projetos
-Crie um design totalmente exclusivo ou comece com um projeto de exemplo
-Procure no catálogo regularmente atualizado com mais de 5000+ itens de mobiliário, eletrodomésticos, decoração, artigos para a casa, paisagística, etc.
-Personalize a cor, textura e tamanho do mobiliário
-Personalize as cores e materiais do chão e paredes
-Crie designs extremamente detalhados e personalizados, tanto para interiores como para exteriores
Guarde, consulte e partilhe o seu projeto
-Guarde um número ilimitado de projetos
-Veja o seu projeto de qualquer ângulo, em modo 3D
-Inicie sessão com o Google+ ou Facebook para trabalhar nos seus projetos em qualquer plataforma, incluindo o seu portátil ou outro dispositivo móvel
-Exporte os seus projetos
-Função de "Instantâneo" para criar imagens de alta qualidade dos seus projetos, realistas como fotografias, que pode partilhar, com iluminação, texturas e sombras realistas
- Guarde e partilhe os seus projetos com os familiares, amigos e profissionais do setor
Funcionalidades adicionais
-Trabalhe em projetos offline
-Sem qualquer publicidade
-Multi idioma
-Alterne entre os sistemas de medidas Métrico e Imperial
Se tiver dúvidas, não hesite em contactar-nos para:
[email protected]
Ou envie uma mensagem para a nossa equipa de suporte tocando no botão "Reportar um Problema", no ecrã de perfil.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Planner5D
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Planner5D
Instagram: https://instagram.com/planner5d
O Planner 5D pode ser utilizado sem uma subscrição ativa com um catálogo limitado e sem a capacidade de personalizar mobiliário. As funcionalidades Premium podem ser ativadas com uma subscrição Mensal por 4,99 $ ou subscrição Anual por 9,99 $ (os preços variam em função da região)
O pagamento das suas subscrições será cobrado no seu cartão de crédito através da sua conta iTunes, aquando da confirmação da compra. As subscrições são automaticamente renovadas a menos que a renovação automática seja desativada até 24 horas antes do final do período de subscrição atual. As subscrições e a renovação automática podem ser geridas/desativadas nas definições de conta do iTunes.
O preço da subscrição poderá variar com a localização.
Política de privacidade: https://planner5d.com/pages/privacy/
Termos de serviço: https://planner5d.com/pages/terms/
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Wantedly Visit](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/635579f75f04ac405b2d11f65e161f45.jpg)
Name:Wantedly Visit Price:¥0
Wantedly Visitは、有名企業やベンチャー、スタートアップ企業の求人情報、中途採用された方のインタビュー、あなたのキャリアに興味を持った採用担当者からのスカウトなど、仕事をする全ての方が使える無料アプリです。
====== 魅力的な求人情報 ======
Wantedly Visitでは中途で仕事探しをされている方の転職活動をサポートする様々な機能があります。
- 給料や福利厚生だけでない、共感できる求人情報
- リクナビなどでは見つからない、大企業からスタートアップまで様々な企業情報
- Wantedly Visitで転職し、多くの人々がキャリアパスだけでなく「やりがい」を見つけています
====== Wantedly Visitならではの仕事探し======
Wantedly Visitでは転職を決めて面接を受ける前に、気軽に話を聞きに行くことができます。
====== こんな人におすすめ ======
- エンジニアとしてスタートアップで活躍したい
- 中途採用の正社員情報を探している
- やりがいのある仕事探しをしたい
- 転職前に、どんな企業があるのか見てみたい
====== Premium メンバーシップについて ======
- スカウト受け取り数が10倍に
- 求職意欲を採用担当者に伝える
- あなたのプロフィールを見た会社を表示
====== 提供企業について ======
ウォンテッドリー株式会社 / Wantedly, Inc.
代表: 仲暁子
利用規約: https://www.wantedly.com/about/user_terms
プライバシーポリシー: https://www.wantedly.com/about/privacy
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Chez Moi - Ideas for Lunch](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/275c87e7ff843794edba76732534c3bb.jpg)
Name:Chez Moi - Ideas for Lunch Price:$0.99
Description:If you know someone who would like a reminder of a healthy delicious lunch choice, use this app to find a suggestion and then send a text with the pre-populated content to anyone in your contact list … or type in any mobile phone number. This is seamlessly integrated with your Contacts, so there is no set-up required for this to be useful.
Use this app for yourself, a senior, a student who studies too much and forgets to eat or as a lunch club roulette application.
It is a great way to:
- get more micronutrients
- have fun
- eat healthily
- help others
- connect with seniors and/or students
We hope you enjoy this application. It is currently optimized for viewing on the iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s and 6s Plus. If you have ideas for enhancements, please let us know. This was fun to develop and we would love to hear ideas of how to make it even better.
Rating:0 Show Detail
Name:Tastemade Price:Free
Description:The best of Tastemade, all in one great app: All the food, home and travel TV content you want.
From groundbreaking originals to classic series and documentaries.
"Broken Bread" - Broken Bread showcases inspiring people who are making a difference in their communities through food. Restaurant entrepreneur, social activist and acclaimed chef Roy Choi takes viewers on a journey through his hometown, the city of Los Angeles, exploring complex social justice issues while meeting inspiring individuals and organizations who use food as a platform for activism as well as a catalyst for change.
"Basic VS Baller" ~ Whether you're pinching pennies or rolling in dough, there are many ways to travel. Join the Vagabrothers as they cross the globe and experience popular travel destinations, each on vastly different budgets.
"Struggle Meals' ~ The struggle is real, but it doesn't mean your food has to suffer. Chef Frankie Celenza shows you how to make delicious meals for under $2 a plate.
"Bondi Harvest Grand Opening" ~ Australian host Guy Turland travels to Southern California to turn an old cafe into a local hangout.
"All the Pizza" ~ Italian host Carlo, a self-described pizza addict, shares his extreme love of pizza.
"The Tale of Kitto Katto" ~ Explore Japanese cuisine with Tastemaker Emmy Cho as she eats her way across Japan.
"Cookie the News" ~ Today's top headlines artfully told in cookie format.
"Tiny Kitchen" ~ Tiny food prepared in a tiny kitchen.
"Local Flight" ~ Host Shawn Thomas travels the world meeting cutting edge mixologists and challenging them to create amazing cocktails using local ingredients.
"The Grill Iron" ~ Explore tailgating traditions in college football's most impassioned cities. Watch local chefs create epic tailgate meals inspired by local food culture.
& more
For Tastemade Plus:
Your subscription automatically renews unless you cancel your subscription in your Apple ID account subscription settings at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. If you do not cancel or change your subscription at least 24-hours before the end of the current period, your iTunes account will automatically be charged at the same price for renewal (another year for annual subscribers, and another month for monthly subscribers). You can manage your subscriptions through your Apple ID account settings after purchase. Payments are nonrefundable, and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods. We reserve the right to modify, terminate or otherwise amend our offered subscription plans. Please refer to our Terms (https://www.tastemade.com/terms) and Privacy Policy (https://www.tastemade.com/privacy) for further detail on the terms and conditions for using the app.
We are constantly updating the app so you can have the best experience. Please email us at [email protected].
Rating:4.65 Show Detail
![Collect: Save and share ideas](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/d283e819f50c9c0446124cc3400d8672.jpg)
Name:Collect: Save and share ideas Price:Free
Description:Collect is the best way to save everything that inspires you and fuels your ideas. Upload images and videos, save links and anything from across your apps, then organize it all into visual boards. You can share boards (if you want), and work together right in a board!
• Add images, songs, videos, documents and anything else you got
• Save links and cool stuff you find from across your apps
• Organize all your items into beautiful boards to visualize your ideas
• Share boards with anyone, no sign-up required
• Invite others to collaborate on boards so everyone’s on the same page
Now available for iPad!
Whether it’s inspiration, ideas you’re working on, references for later, or stuff you love—you can save, organize, and share it for free with Collect. To backup and sync all your boards and items across your devices, upgrade to Collect Pro.
About Us
WeTransfer makes beautifully obvious tools that bring ideas to life. Founded in 2009 as a simple, well-designed file sharing service for the creative community, WeTransfer has grown into a set of products for different parts of the creative process. These include storytelling platform WePresent, quick slide-making tool Paste, immersive sketching app Paper, inspiration-capturing tool Collect, and the WeTransfer.com platform, where 42 million people send one billion files every month.
Terms of Service: https://wetransfer.com/legal/terms
Privacy Policy: https://wetransfer.com/legal/privacy
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Total files](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/4eb02ab8e8e338073c4f84e0f0266314.jpg)
Name:Total files Price:Free
Description:Total Files is the one stop file manager for iOS, with powerful PDF reader, cloud storage support and much more!
Total Files supports DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive and iCloud Files and offers iOS Files app integration to download and upload to any cloud from any app!
You'll not need to install a separate app for each storage provider that you want to use from your device! Link all cloud accounts in Total Files and enjoy the full integration with iOS. For example, thanks to the iOS “Files” integration, you can directly save files to one of the cloud linked in Total, simply using the "Save in files” feature available in any apps on your device.
Virtual folders allows to group files that come from different sources (cloud or local).
The Spotlight indexing of all local contents allows to immediately find and open the file you're looking for, without opening the app!
Our powerful PDF viewer offers annotation capabilities and automatically recognise common shapes and gestures to highlight paragraph
Main features:
- iOS 11 Files app integration for ALL clouds linked to the app in read write mode.
- Supports Dropbox, GDrive, OneDrive, iCloud services for remote file storage.
- Search between all contents in the app and in the linked cloud storages thanks to the advanced search
- Compression and decompression features (zip)
- Spotlight indexing
- PDF editor with annotation, shape recognition
- Simultaneous linking of multiple Cloud accounts and management of folders shared with other users.
- Bookmarks and history management.
- URL autocomplete
- Quick search bar, and enhanced search within all cloud and local files.
- PIN to hide and secure folders.
- Multi-tab browser
Rating:4.55 Show Detail