8 Best Apps Similar To Evolution 2: Battle for Utopia|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Evolution 2: Battle for Utopia

Evolution 2: Battle for Utopia

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.0.0(2020-06-03)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Action, Entertainment, Role Playing

70.0K   100.0K <5K


에볼루션 은 멈추지 않습니다. 열렬한 팬층을 보유한 SF 게임 Evolution의 후속편이 긴 기다림 끝에 이제 출시되었습니다! 새로운 시점에서 유토피아 세계의 비밀을 풀어낼 역사가 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다.
두 번째 에피소드 역시 수백만 명의 플레이어를 매료시켰던 독특한 분위기가 살아 숨쉬고 있습니다. 게임 방식도 크게 변경되었습니다. Evolution 2는 탑다운 3인칭 슈팅, 액션, 전략, RPG가 혼합된 위력적인 게임입니다!

예측불허의 반전이 도사린 숨 막히는 이야기가 여러분을 찾아갑니다!
그 이야기는 유토피아 행성에서 시작됩니다. 이곳은 한때 억만장자들의 은하계 휴양지였습니다. 그러나 지금은 무자비한 약탈자, 괴물, 전투 로봇이 들끓는 생지옥으로 변모했습니다. 이곳에서는 서로 죽고 죽이는 무자비한 전쟁이 맹렬히 계속되고 있습니다.
여러분은 가장 강력한 무기, 그리고 이 게임의 주요 캐릭터인 블레이크 대위의 초능력인 PSI 포스를 사용하여 끝없는 전투가 펼쳐지는 이 세계에 푹 빠지게 될 것입니다. 블레이크 대위는 위험한 실험을 거친 끝에 초능력을 갖게 되었으며, 그는 이 초능력을 사용하여 여러분이 지목한 모든 적을 섬멸할 준비가 되어 있습니다.

* 독창적인 SF 배경. 먼 행성을 무대로 인류 멸망 후 세계관과 바이오펑크 SF 장르를 담아낸 우주 슈팅 게임입니다.
* 여러 장르의 균형 있는 조합. 독창적인 전투 시스템과 함께 전략, RPG, 액션 탑다운 슈팅 게임이 혼합되어 있습니다.
* 전략적 게임 방식. 캐릭터와 파트너의 레벨을 올리고, 가장 효과적인 무기를 선택하고, 나에게 유리한 적의 약점을 이용하세요.
* 스릴 넘치는 PvE 캠페인. 다양한 임무와 거대한 보스가 등장합니다. 적은 전투를 치를 때마다 더욱 강력해집니다.
* 협동 모드. 믿음직한 동맹군에게 도움을 요청하고 다른 플레이어와 함께 협력하여 임무를 완수하세요.
* 동기식 온라인 전투. 완전한 온라인 멀티플레이어 전투입니다. 전투를 통해 상위권 순위에 진입하고 승리에 따른 특별 보너스를 획득하세요.
* 미래형 무기. 특수 기능과 레벨업 시스템을 갖춘 환상적인 무기가 준비되어 있습니다! 친숙한 구식 총기뿐만 아니라 에너지 건, 산성 건, 바이오닉 건도 사용할 수 있습니다.
* 기지 확장: 새로운 공간을 개방하고 미래의 기술을 자세히 조사하세요. Evolution 세계에 한계란 없습니다!
* 인터랙티브 아레나 및 현실적인 3D 애니메이션으로 게임에 완전히 몰입할 수 있습니다!

기지는 임전 태세 완료입니다. 이제 전투를 시작해도 좋습니다. 지금이 바로 블레이크 대위 당신이 유토피아를 구할 때입니다!

페이스북에서 팔로우하세요: https://www.facebook.com/evo2game/





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Apps Similar To Evolution 2: Battle for Utopia

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps


Name:堡垒前线:破坏与创造                                                Price:¥0.00


·上天入地——云中地底 立体世界皆为战场中心

·自由创造——百变掩体 享受造物主的无穷乐趣

·合作竞技——创新辅助射击 初来乍到便横扫千军

·颜即正义——靓装潮服随心配 畅游海岛欢乐战局

·出“奇”不意——新奇道具武器 陷阱机关秀秀险

微信公众号:堡垒前线 破坏与创造

Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

Invasion: Modern Empire

Name:Invasion: Modern Empire                                                Price:Free


为国而战,中国军团紧急招募中。RTS RPG与SLG结合的创新玩法,精致写实的画风,逼真的军事装备,气势恢宏的场景,面对列强外敌的入侵和挑衅,你敢来战吗?


• 组建联盟,招募军团
• 联盟互助,团结对外
• 远交近攻,策略制胜

• 重建基地,管理资源
• 研究武器,训练军队
• 争夺领土,对抗列强

• 真人对战,语音沟通
• 聊天交友,探讨策略




1. 采集速度 +10%
2. 部队生产速度 +10%
3. 部队负载 +10%
4. 建造速度 +10%

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Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

乌托邦 - 赋能社群运营者

Name:乌托邦 - 赋能社群运营者                                                 Price:¥0.00



- 【公开群聊】用子话题的形式创建细分的公开群,成员可有选择性的加入,实现社群中成员的重新组织,更高效的运营社群
- 【打卡】定制不同的打卡活动,满足各类社群打卡需求,丰富你的社群内容
- 【权限】利用自由度更高的成员权限管理,灵活管理用户,营造更理想的社区交流氛围,保护社群文化不被稀释
- 【分区】创建不同分区,让不同的话题与兴趣都有自己的独立空间
- 【激励】由经验和虚拟货币组成的激励系统,可以根据当前需求调整不同的激励项目与额度,精准影响用户行为,实现运营目标
- 【收益】获得与付出匹配的收益,24小时随时可提现,乐于长期受益,才能更好的维护社区
- 【数据】实时查看数据统计,用更科学的运营方式优化社区。(运营者可电脑访问uwv.org.cn进入后台)



Rating:4.5                                             Show Detail

Auto Chess War

Name:Auto Chess War                                                 Price:Free


In this magical-realist strategic PvE game, you need to purchase your men and arrange your own tactical formation to battle. You should upgrade your pieces and try various combinations to enhance your combat skills. Please notice that each piece has its unique skills and the key point to victory is how you locate the proper use of your pieces.

Followed the principle gameplay of auto chess, we are trying to provide you brand new experience with the arrived Endless Mode and the first chapter of Adventure. We’re still working for the further chapters of Adventure, equipment system and a new PvP mode that is very different from other auto chess games.

- Magical-realist characters and scenes. Human, Orc, Elf, and Beast allows you an exotic experience
- Unique battle view and gorgeous effects
- Your battle progress will be saved automatically, so please feel free to turn off the game and come back latter
- The roguelike Adventure provides different experience to you with each new Adventure
- Endless Challenge allows you to break your limits by increase the final wave by 5 with each stage clear

From the Developer
We’re a very small group (6 persons!) that has worked for this game for less than three months. We are working very hard to add more functions so please and please rate us as high as you possible to support us if you like this game. Your support is our energy to develop this game :-)

About the Update
1. We schedule to update this game each two week, with at least 3 characters and new hyper-casual gameplay and functions in each update.
2. Sometimes the following updates might last for month with a new hard-core gameplay, however we won’t let wait for more than two months.
3. We always update as soon as possible if you encounter great bugs or difficulties in value.

- Abount VIP
1. 50% Extra EXP and Gems when clear each chapter
2. +1 Basic income in battle
3. Availability to SUMMON your roles in battles
4. Skip ads.

7 days (Auto-Renewing): $0.99 / week
30 days (Auto-Renewing): $1.99 / month
Forever: $9.99
Basic on you location, the price may be change. See in puchase progress.

About Auto Renewing Subscription:
- Payment: Users confirms purchase and payment and then credits to their Apple account
- User can manage their subscription and auto-renewal through their Apple ID account settings
- Cancel renewal: To cancel your renewal, please manually disable the auto-renewal in iTunes/Apple ID settings management subscribe 24 hours before the expiration
- Renewal: Users’ Apple account will be charged within 24 hours before expiration. After that, the subscription period will be postponed for one subscription period.

- Privacy Policy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZivFL_Mlf2MYozlrqB8pd2FHk1opCXwKJZMYzYUoRtE/edit?usp=sharing
- Terms of Service: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cSvDk9-n1ZtAVbMLw8Txg2Mp19XG2jKBof2o5YifFSA/edit?usp=sharing

Recent Update:
- PVP Mode!
- Equipment System!!!
- 64 Chapter Adventure Mode
- Player Levels
- Piece Cultivation System
- Talents

Coming Soon:
Runes, PvP

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Auto-Chess-War-771944036532686/

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

DEAD TARGET - Zombie Shooting

Name:DEAD TARGET - Zombie Shooting                                                 Price:Free

Description:No nonsense zombie shooting game. Guns, zombies, shoot, head-shots. More maps, more guns. Enjoy your survival while it lasts.

Moving is tiring. Survival is necessary. Zombies will come for you anyway, anyhow. Lots of them. Head into battle with the best survival skills. Choose the right gun, aim, shoot, and kill (oh, also, grenades!)

All the guns you expect to find in one FPS game, realistic, well-oiled and calibrated. More interesting, weird, lethal assault guns. Just don’t go shooting yourself. We just added a **flame-thrower**! Please use with great care and do not burn yourself.

Zombie is a diverse race. Born from a virus, but no zombie is born equal. Some are fast. Some are strong. Some of the walking dead are just plainly annoying. Either way, they will assault you from the most unexpected corners. Recently we decided to double down and add more of the annoying zombie race :)

Bravo, free stuff and spins for your entertainment! Spin the lucky wheels to collect bonus items, boosts, grenades, etc. to make you stronger. By the way, it's a bit rigged, but what casino isn't rigged??? Don't be mad, have fun instead.

New addition. This is self-explanatory. We would love to give you the taste of the awesome guns we create. Line up your shot, pull the trigger and kill. The feature appears a bit randomly, but we love surprises.

Maps of the zombie frontier (hospitals, subway, canals (??!!), prisons, bridges, etc.) and stuffs (gadgets, special effects, our artists are cute).

Pull the trigger on virus-infected zombies. Explore the frontier, head into battle, survive the zombie apocalypse. Enjoy survival… if you can in DEAD TARGET.

Download today and enjoy killing zombies.


Check out our huge community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deadtarget/

Have a great idea to improve DEAD TARGET? Drop us an email: support.global@vng.com.vn

***TL,DR: Honestly we would rather you play DEAD TARGET and tell us what you enjoy, rather than us bragging about it to you. Happy shooting. ***

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Sniper Fury: FPS Shooting Game

Name:Sniper Fury: FPS Shooting Game                                                 Price:Free

Description:5/5 ""Gambar terbaik, sebagus Call of Duty.”
5/5 “Game luar biasa, gambar yang realistis dan mengagumkan... Lebih bagus dari Kill Shot & Sniper 3D!”
5/5 “Gambar yang fantastis. Aku menyukainya; game ini seperti Battlefield di perangkat mobile.”
5/5 “Misi hebat, senapan menakjubkan -- aku menyukainya lebih dari game shooter yang lain.”


Diplomasi sudah usai. Saatnya bertindak. Kami memanggil penembak runduk terbaik di dunia untuk membasmi kejahatan. Ini bukan permainan. Tidak ada ruang untuk penyesalan, jadi bersiaplah menembak.

• 130+ misi aksi
• Gambar 3D yang luar biasa, dari gedung pencakar langit perkotaan hingga lokasi eksotis
• Pasukan, kendaraan lapis baja, unit udara, dan lainnya
• Efek ""bullet time"" menangkap setiap tembakan ke kepala
• Badai pasir, badai salju, badai hujan, dan efek lainnya

• Gunakan senapan runduk, senapan serbu, railgun, dan senjata rahasia
• Kumpulkan komponen untuk meningkatkan persenjataanmu
• Atur sendiri senjata yang unik
• Pengguna iPhone 6s bisa menikmati 3D Touch saat membidik musuh

• Curi pasokan dari pemain lain dengan menghancurkan pertahanan mereka dalam mode PvP Multiplayer
• Bangun skuat yang kuat untuk menjaga rampasanmu dalam mode PvP Multiplayer

• Perilaku AI membuat setiap musuh unik dan menantang
• Hadiah tambahan untuk bergabung dengan aksi di ajang-ajang khusus
• Hubungkan ke komunitas game untuk menemukan lebih banyak konten, kontes, dan hadiah!

• Dapatkan skor yang cukup tinggi untuk masuk liga dan buka hadiahnya! Kemudian periksa siapa yang berada di posisi teratas pada ligamu di Papan Peringkat. Jaga emasmu dan amankan posisimu dengan sistem pertahanan SHIELD yang baru.

• Bergabung atau buat Klan penembak runduk untuk bekerjasama dengan pemain lain.
• Jual dan bagikan pasokan dengan rekan Klanmu untuk saling memperkuat.
• Obrolan grup memungkinkanmu membahas strategi dan bersosialisasi dengan sekutumu.

• Dirikan markas untuk Klanmu agar anggota dapat berkembang bersama. Bangunan Markas Besar Klan membuka banyak fasilitas, termasuk pemacu PvP, Rekan Skuat Tingkat 5 dan banyak lagi.

• Bersiaplah untuk mode game baru, pertarungan pamungkas head-to-head antar Klan. Nyatakan perang, lemahkan Inti Reaktor klan lawan, dan jarah pasokan dari mereka!

*PENTING* Sniper Fury tidak dioptimalkan secara penuh untuk perangkat sebelum iPhone 5s, iPad 4, iPad mini 4, atau iPod Touch 7. iOS 9 dan koneksi Internet dibutuhkan untuk memainkan game ini.

Kamu bisa mengunduh dan memainkan game ini dengan gratis. Harap diketahui bahwa game ini juga mengizinkanmu untuk bermain dengan mata uang virtual, yang bisa diperoleh seiring dengan progresmu dalam game, menonton iklan tertentu, atau membayar dengan uang sungguhan. Pembelian mata uang virtual dengan uang sungguhan dilakukan dengan memakai kartu kredit atau bentuk pembayaran lain yang diasosiasikan dengan akunmu dan akan diaktifkan saat kamu memasukkan kata sandi akun iTunes. Kamu tidak akan diminta untuk memasukkan nomor kartu kredit atau PIN lagi. Setelah kata sandi akun iTunes dimasukkan, akunmu akan mengizinkan pembelian dalam aplikasi selama 15 menit. Untuk menonaktfikan pembelian dalam aplikasi, kamu bisa mengubah pengaturan di perangkatmu.

Cari tahu game lebih lanjut di situs resmi -- http://www.sniperfury.com/

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Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Alto's Odyssey

Name:Alto's Odyssey                                                 Price:$4.99

Description:Para lá do horizonte há um deserto majestoso, vasto e inexplorado.

Junta-te a Alto e aos seus amigos e parte numa aventura interminável em sandboard para desvendares os mistérios.

Percorre dunas varridas pelo vento, atravessa desfiladeiros espetaculares e explora cidades-templo há já muito tempo escondidas, num local fantástico e longínquo.

Ao longo do caminho, vais deslizar por trepadeiras, saltar por cima de balões de ar quente, escalar paredes de pedra gigantes e fugir de lémures perversos, tudo isto enquanto desvendas os inúmeros mistérios do deserto.


• Uma experiência única. Alto's Odyssey é a continuação do jogo aclamado pela crítica, Alto's Adventure, mas não tens de ter jogado um para gostar do outro.

• Fácil de aprender, difícil de dominar. No coração da série Alto há um elegante sistema de truques de toque único. Interliga as combinações e conclui os 180 objetivos, tudo com controlos intuitivos.

• Explore biomas. Das dunas e desfiladeiros até à cidade-templo, explora uma paisagem rica e variada, em que cada área apresenta gráficos e jogabilidade únicos.

• Alturas recém-descobertas. Descobre os segredos dos céus em balões de ar quente, percorrendo caminhos de areia e paredes.

• Domina os elementos. Para além dos efeitos dinâmicos de iluminação e meteorologia, tal como tempestades de areia e estrelas cadentes, o deserto alberga vórtices de vento e correntes de água.

• Conhece Alto e os seus amigos. Desbloqueia seis personagens únicos, cada um deles com atributos e habilidades únicos.

• Modo zen. Com a sua própria banda sonora serena, este modo relaxante resume o Odyssey aos seus elementos mais puros: sem pontuações, moedas ou conquista de energia. Apenas tu e o deserto infinito.

• Modo fotográfico. No ecrã de pausa, pega na câmara e tira fotografias fantásticas da tua viagem pelo deserto. Utiliza os gestos de juntar, passar, deslocar e ampliar para compores a fotografia perfeita e partilha-a com a família e os amigos.

• Música original e áudio criado manualmente. Recomenda-se a utilização de auscultadores!

• Aplicação universal compatível com iCloud. Joga no iPhone, no iPad e na Apple TV, com o teu progresso sempre sincronizado.

Alto's Odyssey é um jogo premium, sem publicidade nem compras integradas. Compras uma vez e jogas para sempre.

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Dirt Bikes Craft Survival. Shooting Motorcross Race For Boys Free

Name:Dirt Bikes Craft Survival. Shooting Motorcross Race For Boys Free                                                 Price:Free

Description:If you love the Dirt Bikes, pixel retro art and fast speed on two wheels this is the game you were been waiting for to have lots of fun!

Download the best shooting motorcycle pixel game for free now to feel like a true master driving in an adventure that you will never forget!

Drive as fast as you can and shoot to other vehicles. The best gun power, missiles and other armory is available in this amazing game. You have an amazing motorcycle; speed up on the road, jump, shoot and drive faster than never before.

Survive in this crazy fight of shooting war vehicles. All art is like mini crafted all pure pixel retro designed.

What are you waiting for download this game now!!!

Incredible Dirt Bikes Motorcycle

You will be surprised by the pixelated design of the game. as you climb your driving experience level until you are able to drive faster and with more power gun! This game is ideal for blocky games lovers!

The controls are very simple and intuitive so you will feel the game play very easy.

Features of Dirt Bikes Pixel Shooting Race

• Blocky Dirt Bike Motorcycles!
• Incredible pixel and block graphics!
• Extreme fast so you can speed up!
• Very simple controls and intuitive design!
• Best Leaderboards!
• Endure Environment!
• Cool and different missions!
• Engaging Music!

Drive and live a unique experience by downloading this mini racing game. We are here for you so tell us what you think to keep improving the game. We will answer to all the comments!

Tell your friends and recommend them to play and challenge each other to see who the best driver in the world rankings table is!

Do You Have What It Takes To Be The Best Driver?

Follow us on Twitter: @bravocterogames
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/bravocterogames

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