8 Best Apps Similar To Find My Headphones & Earbuds|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Find My Headphones & Earbuds

Find My Headphones & Earbuds
APP STORE: App Store $5.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.6.4(2020-02-28)
APP CATEGORIES : Utilities, Music
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 2.45 (6.04K)
<5K | 20.0K | <5K |
Find lost headphones, earbuds, or headsets in seconds! Find one of your lost eabuds or both lost earbuds.
- #1 Utilities app in the App Store!
- Featured 5 times on the App Store
- Downloaded over 100,000 times world wide!
- Thousands of Apple, Sony, Bose, Beats, and other headphones found
5/5* "You need this. Best five dollars I've spent in a long time. Lost my headphones in a no service area, and this app put me right on top of it. Absolutely love it, paid for itself right out of the gate. Easy to use. If you have earbuds? Then you need this" - Bullfrog74
5/5* "This helped me locate my lost Bose earbuds really quickly. It saved me a ton of money because I thought I was going to have to buy a new pair. Thank you!!" - SarahBB
5/5* "I downloaded this app because I needed to know how to find my lost Bluetooth headphones. I have Bose wireless headphones and I don't want to lose them! I've lost my headphones a few times and was able to locate them with this app. Also found my wife's lost Powerbeats" - JohnMulaney55
We have tested the following devices with Find My Headphones:
• Beats Solo 3, Powerbeats 3, Pro, BeatsX, Studio, Pill
• Bose AE2, SoundLink, SoundSport, Revolve, Color II
• Jabra Move, Classic, Storm, Extreme2, Mini, Talk, PRO
• Jaybird Freedom 1/2/F5, X3 Sport, Run
• Many other wireless headphones and earbuds. Works with any BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0) headphones, headset, or earbuds.
The app can also find bluetooth wireless speakers from the popular brands above and other bluetooth speakers.
NOTE: The scanner can track other Bluetooth 4.0 devices such as hearing aids that are powered on and actively advertising.
*Device must be powered on and emitting Bluetooth to be found. The app can't find lost earbuds in the case, or a case itself - it requires a Bluetooth signal.*
We are so confident that this scanner will find your lost earbuds or headphones, that we offer a full refund for the cost of the app if your lost earbuds or headphones aren't found. You have nothing to lose except your headphones!
• Find your lost Beats, Powerbeats, Bose, Jaybird, or other headphones in seconds - not days or hours
• Works even if you lost one earbud, can find the one lost earbud
• Avoid spending hundreds of dollars replacing your lost Bluetooth headphones
• Make finding your device fun, not stressful. Find My Headphones uses the Cold, Warm, Hot game to find your devices
• Use this Bluetooth headphones scanner any time you or your friends misplace your headphones
• Extremely easy to use. Anyone, any age, can navigate the app. Step by step instructions included
• Fantastic app support. Contact us if you need help
Downloading the app before losing your device is not required. Download now - every minute counts before your battery runs out!
Walking slowly with Find My Headphones is the key to find your lost Bluetooth headphones or earbuds.
Please contact support before posting a negative review or asking questions in a review. We cannot respond to questions posted in a review. Love our app? Please leave us a 5 star review!
Bluetooth Scanner Features
• Can find any wireless headphones broadcasting a Bluetooth Low Energy signal
• Works indoors and outdoors
• Displays the last time your device was seen by our app
• Works with hundreds of wireless headphones, headsets, and speakers from brands like Apple, Beats, Bose, Jabra, Jaybird, JBL
• Extremely user friendly and easy to use. Technical knowledge of your devices not required!
DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated with Apple, Beats, Bose, Jabra, Jaybird, JBL and others mentioned companies in any way. We only developed and tested our App with these devices.
*Find My Headphones & Earbuds is not intended to give you the exact location but will tell you the area where your headphones are hiding
*Devices must be powered on and emitting a Bluetooth signal to track. This app does not use GPS, device must be in Bluetooth range to be tracked
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Name:Actxa Price:S$ 0.00
Get up, get out and get going. Chart your progress and set personal goals to stay motivated. With the Actxa App, you can personalise your profile, sync your daily stats, update your weight and monitor your sleep patterns with a simple tap of a button
Monitor your sleep pattern at night with Actxa activity trackers and analyse your sleep quality. Set sleep goals to improve your sleep routine.
Sync your daily stats and know your progress with easy-to-read history charts. See fitness and sleep trends over time.
Chart and monitor your weight with Actxa Sense Smart Scale. Set goals to achieve your ideal weight and see trends over time to better manage your weight journey.
Customise notifications and set silent reminders on our Actxa activity trackers with a gentle vibration that will not rouse your partner.
Check your resting heart rate and monitor your heart rate for effective calorie burn tracking through different heart rate zones with Actxa trackers that support heart rate monitoring
Connect with Apple’s Health app to share your data including steps, distance, sleep, calories, active time, heart rate, weight, body fat and BMI with the Health app.
• This version supports Actxa Swift/Swift+ Activity Tracker, Actxa Spur/Spur+ HR + Activity Tracker, and Actxa Sense Smart Scale.
• This App is not compatible with Actxa Stride/Stride+ and Tempo 2 (NSC) Activity Trackers.
Rating:3 Show Detail

Name:OKOK·International Price:₩0
Description:OKOK Healthcare Management, an application for use with the smart Bluetooth scale, records and manages your body weight measurement results. With this APP, you can use the Bluetooth scale to check and manage various health indices for body weight, body fat, body water, muscle and etc. Though mainly used for body weight control, this APP utilizing your health indices also give you advice on everyday sport, food and sleep.
More information about this OKOK Healthcare Management APP our services provided and can be found at www.tookok.cn
This app support the Apple 'Health' App, If you authorized, we can sync all weight data to you Health app.
Rating:2.9 Show Detail

Name:Google Home Price:Free
Description:Thiết lập, quản lý và điều khiển các thiết bị Google Home, Google Nest và Chromecast cùng hàng ngàn sản phẩm nhà thông minh như đèn, camera, máy điều nhiệt và nhiều thiết bị khác – tất cả từ ứng dụng Google Home.
Bao quát mọi hoạt động trong nhà.
Thông qua tab Nhà, bạn có thể dễ dàng và nhanh chóng phát nhạc hoặc giảm độ sáng của đèn khi bạn xem phim, cũng như thực hiện nhiều thao tác khác. Điều khiển mọi thiết bị trong nhà chỉ bằng một lần nhấn và thực hiện mọi việc nhanh chóng. Tab Nguồn cấp dữ liệu làm nổi bật các sự kiện quan trọng nhất trong nhà bạn tại một nơi. Tại đây, bạn cũng sẽ tìm được một số cách để khai thác tối đa mọi thiết bị và cải thiện cách bố trí thiết bị trong nhà.
Tạo các quy trình giúp bạn bật đèn, kiểm tra tình hình thời tiết, phát tin tức và làm nhiều việc khác nữa bằng một lệnh đơn giản.
Xem tất cả luồng video và âm thanh đang phát trên mọi thiết bị trong nhà tại một nơi, thay đổi âm lượng, chuyển sang bản nhạc tiếp theo, hoặc nhanh chóng thay đổi loa phát.
Biết mọi việc đang diễn ra trong nhà trong nháy mắt. Chúng tôi thiết kế ứng dụng Google Home để giúp bạn biết được tình trạng ngôi nhà và giúp bạn nắm bắt mọi sự kiện mà bạn đã bỏ lỡ. Kiểm tra nhà bất kỳ lúc nào và xem tóm tắt những sự kiện xảy ra gần đây. Bạn cũng có thể nhận thông báo nếu có chuyện quan trọng xảy ra khi bạn vắng nhà.
Thiết lập Nest Wifi sau vài phút bằng ứng dụng Google Home. Quản lý mạng của bạn ngay trên thiết bị di động. Chạy kiểm tra tốc độ, thiết lập mạng khách và dễ dàng chia sẻ mật khẩu Wi-Fi với gia đình và bạn bè. Quyết định thiết bị nào được ưu tiên có tốc độ nhanh hơn và sử dụng các quyền kiểm soát của cha mẹ như tạm dừng Wi-Fi để quản lý thời gian lên mạng của con.
* Một số sản phẩm và tính năng có thể không có sẵn ở một số khu vực. Bạn cần có thiết bị tương thích để sử dụng.
Rating:4.4 Show Detail

Name:myBOB - die RADIO BOB!-App Price:0,00 €
Description:RADIO BOB! Die Rockmusik-App
Eine ganze App mit Rockmusik: Von den Foo Fighters bis Motörhead, von Volbeat bis Led Zeppelin, von Rammstein bis Iron Maiden und von Black Sabbath bis Metallica. Wenn Rock dann RADIO BOB!.
Hier bekommst du deine Rockmusik in über 25 unterschiedlichen Rock-Streams: Wacken , Festival, RADIO BOB! Livestream, AC/DC Collection, Queen Radio, Metallica, Classic Rock, Alternative Rock, Harte Saite, Deutschrock, Rock Hits, Best of Rock, 80er Rock, 90er Rock, Metal, Singer & Songwriter, Grunge, Kuschelrock, Punk, Hardrock, Rockabilly, Mittelalter Rock, Gothic, Southern Rock, Der Dunkle Parabelritter, Metalcore, Unplugged und Rock Party.
Zusätzlich erwartet dich in der myBOB App dein persönlicher Radiowecker, Rocknews und Infos rund um die Uhr sowie dein Gute-Nacht-Programm.
Die myBOB-App kann jetzt auch Podcast – wir haben für dich speziell ausgewählte Inhalte: Der RADIO BOB! Tattoo Podcast mit Nori bringt dich hinter die Kulissen eines Tattoo Studios und entführt sich in die Welt der Nadeln. Außerdem mit dabei: SizzleBrothers, BEARcast, Speak Metal und 2Beards 1 Beer.
Wenn Rock von Greenday, Motörhead, Nirvana, Rolling Stones und Linkin Park dann BOB!
Du kannst in myBOB jetzt deinen Lieblings-Channels folgen. Wann immer du die App wieder öffnest, siehst du direkt auf der Startseite deine favorisierten Radios. Dazu findest du in jedem Kanal das gerade gelaufene Programm als Zeitleiste wieder. Sinnvoll ergänzt durch gesendete Nachrichten, Wetter und Verkehr.
Jetzt gibt es in der App auch Podcasts. Jede Woche verrückte Geschichten rund um das Thema: ROCK
Egal wo du bist: Mit der myBOB-App bekommst du immer auf einen Blick die aktuellen Nachrichten, das aktuelle Wetter und alle Staus und Blitzer zum Nachhören. Dazu wählst du dir deinen Lieblings-RADIO BOB!-Stream: Das RADIO BOB!-Hauptprogramm, die Themenkanäle RADIO BOB! Classic Rock, BOBs Alternative Rock, BOBs Harte Saite, BOBs AC/DC Collection, BOBs Queen Stream etc..
24 Stunden, 7 Tage in der Woche, wann und wo du möchtest.
Mit unserer neuesten Funktion könnt Ihr die myBOB-App jetzt auch ganz bequem und sicher über das Infotainmentsystem in Eurem Auto steuern.
Dazu müsst Ihr Euer Smartphone nur über das USB-Kabel oder via Bluetooth mit Eurem Apple Carplay-fähigen Gefährt verbinden. Anschließend könnt ihr das Handy getrost ablegen und die myBOB-App auch während der Fahrt ganz sicher bedienen. Über das Auto-Display oder die Lenkradtasten könnt Ihr bequem zwischen den verschiedenen Streams, Podcasts und Rocknews hin und her wechseln. Ihr müsst also unterwegs zu keiner Zeit auf Eure Lieblingsfunktionen verzichten und könnt ganz ohne Ablenkung ordentlich weiterrocken!
RADIO BOB! bringt dich mit der myBOB-App auch in den Schlaf! Wähle zum Einschlafen aus den RADIO BOB!-Streams zum Beispiel den Classic Rock-Kanal oder suche dir eine der vielen Einschlaf-Geräusch-Kulissen aus: Wir haben alles; von Kettensägen und Bandproben bis hin zum Sex der Nachbarn! Möchtest du lieber Schäfchen zählen? Das macht der alte Ami Rik für dich! All das gibt es exklusiv NUR in der myBOB-App.
Das Team von "BOBs Morgen" weckt dich jeden Morgen persönlich - mit deinem Vornamen und allem, was dir morgens wichtig ist: Nachrichten, Wetter, Verkehr und natürlich mit den aktuellsten Rocknews!
myBOB ist der individuelle Tagesbegleiter für alle in Hessen, Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg und deutschlandweit! Probiere es gleich aus!
Rating:4.5 Show Detail

Name:AirVisual Air Quality Forecast Price:Free
Description:The most trusted and reliable air quality information brought to you from the world’s leading air pollution data provider. Covering 10,000+ locations from a global network of government monitoring stations and AirVisual’s own validated sensors.
+ Historical, Real-time, and Forecast Air Pollution Data: detailed figures on key pollutants and AQI for over 10,000+ locations in 100+ countries, made clearly understandable. Follow air pollution trends with enhanced month-long and 48h historical views for your favorite locations.
+ Leading 7-Day Air Pollution and Weather Forecast: for the first time, plan your outdoor activities for the healthiest experiences a whole week ahead. Wind direction and speed forecasts to understand the wind’s impact on pollution.
+ 2D & 3D World Pollution Maps: explore real-time pollution indexes around the globe, both in a 2D panoramic view, and mesmerizing heatmapped AirVisual Earth 3D modelization.
+ Health Recommendations: follow our advice to lower your health risk and achieve minimum exposure to pollutants. Relevant information for sensitive groups with asthma or other respiratory (pulmonary) diseases.
+ Weather Information: your one stop for temperature, humidity, wind, current conditions and forecast weather information.
+ Indoor Air Quality Monitoring: Synchronization with AirVisual air monitor to provide indoor readings, recommendations, and control monitor settings.
+ Realtime and Historic Monitoring of 6 Key Pollutants: track live concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide, and observe these pollutants historical trends.
+ “Sensitive Group” Air Quality Information: relevant information and forecasts for sensitive groups, including those with respiratory (pulmonary) illnesses, such as asthma.
+ Extended Historical Data Graphs: view air pollution trends over the past 48 hours, or daily averages over the past month.
+ Share Air Quality Information: screenshot and share with friends via Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, WhatsApp, or email.
+ Air Pollution Community News: stay up to date on air pollution current events, medical findings and developments in combating global air pollution.
+ Educational Resources: build your understanding of PM2.5 and other air pollutants and learn how best to live in polluted environments with respiratory (pulmonary) illnesses such as asthma.
+ Enjoy Interactive Feedback: Have a question? Send us a message and get answers. Our in-app forum delivers human interaction between air pollution community members.
+ Ad-Free: enjoy the full app nuisance-free.
+ Trusted Air Quality Stations: access US Embassy & US Consulate readings for China. Survive the Airpocalypse in China with trusted data.
+ World's coverage with the most extensive network of air pollution sensors: monitor China (with US Embassy and consulate AQI), India, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, France, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Chile, Turkey, Poland, Peru, the Netherlands, Mongolia + more - as well as cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Seoul, Incheon, Busan, Daegu, Daejong, Mumbai, New Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City, Bangkok, London, Los Angeles, New York, Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi and 10,000 others - in one place!
Rating:4.75 Show Detail

Name:像素男友 Price:Free
Rating:3.65 Show Detail

Name:Coordinate Convertor Pro HD Price:$0.99
Description:Fast & Accurate! Convert Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude ) between Decimal Degrees, Degree Minutes and Degree Minute Seconds format.
Pick your Location from Map & Convert if Coordinate is not known.
Also view Converted Co-ordinate & Address on map.
Copy Converted Coordinate to paste in notes etc.
Email KML file of Converted Latitude & Longitude.
Convert GPS Coords.
Calculate a position in a variety of formats.
Search Places and Convert Co-ordinate.
Find Address by Tapping on Map and Convert.
Easy to use interface.
Rating:0.7 Show Detail

Name:Shazam: Music Discovery Price:Free
Description:Shazam akan mengidentifikasi lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik. Temukan, artis, lirik, video, dan daftar putar, semuanya gratis. Telah diinstal oleh lebih dari 1 miliar orang, dan terus bertambah.
“Shazam adalah aplikasi yang seperti sulap.” - Techradar.com
“Shazam adalah solusi ... sebuah terobosan.” - Pharrell Williams, wawancara GQ
Temukan judul lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik.
Dengarkan dan tambahkan lagu ke daftar putar Apple Music atau Spotify.
Bernyanyi bersama dengan lirik yang sinkron dengan lagu.
Tonton video musik dari Apple Music atau YouTube.
Baru! Aktifkan tema Gelap di Shazam.
Gunakan Pop-up Shazam untuk mengidentifikasi musik di aplikasi apa saja—Instagram, YouTube, TikTok ...
Tidak ada koneksi? Tidak masalah! Bisa Shazam saat sedang offline.
Nyalakan Auto Shazam untuk terus menemukan lagu bahkan ketika Anda keluar dari aplikasi.
Cari tahu apa yang populer di negara atau kota Anda dengan tangga lagu Shazam.
Dapatkan rekomendasi lagu dan daftar putar untuk menemukan musik baru.
Buka lagu apa saja secara langsung di Apple Music atau Spotify. Bagikan lagu dengan teman melalui Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, dan lainnya.
Ketersediaan dan fitur dapat berbeda di setiap negara.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang praktik privasi Shazam, silakan baca Kebijakan Privasi, tersedia di https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/id
Rating:5 Show Detail