8 Best Apps Similar To Girlscam – 甜趣少女风修图相机|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Girlscam – 甜趣少女风修图相机

Girlscam – 甜趣少女风修图相机

APP STORE: App Store    ¥0.00
CURRENT VERSION : 2.5.6(2020-06-10)
APP CATEGORIES : 摄影与录像, 工具
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.75 (13.49K)

50.0K   10.0K <5K












GirlsCam PRO (按月)自動訂閱說明
訂閱價格:CNY 12元/月

使用GirlsCam PRO訂閱服務來創作更加軟萌可愛的少女風圖片,直接解鎖專屬濾鏡,更多獨家貼紙和模板,保存更高清畫質和其他專屬工具。







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Apps Similar To Girlscam – 甜趣少女风修图相机

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

FaceU - 아름다움을 불어넣다

Name:FaceU - 아름다움을 불어넣다                                                Price:₩0

Description:Faceu has boasted approximately 300 million users all over the world, being extremely popular in Japan and South Korea. It has become a selfie APP used by all kinds of fashion icons, web celebrities and renowned stars.
Special effects including rain control, magics control and various film style filters updated, providing fresh ways to take selfie everyday!

【Over 1000 special sticker effects】
Seeing yourself being more glamorous with FaceU. Adorable cat's ears, dog's ears and animal stickers; chic outfits/accessories; interesting 3D effects, movie styles and fireworks; hair colors always changing; twisting facial expressions; styling in an ancient way; music stickers; multi-cell photo frame stickers and various kinds of special sticker effects are updated everyday for you to discover and explore!

【Powerful retouching function for your skin and styling】
Retouching function for your skin from level 1 to level 5, enabling you to get rid of the pimples, freckles and scars with one simple click while remaining a natural texture on your face. With a variety of face shapes for your choice, why not have a test on what kind of face shape you own?

【Professional filters】
Over 30 different fashionable filters available for you to switch around. Professional photographers and designers are invited by FaceU to modulate the filter. By routinely updating different styles of filters, even the same sceneries will be shot with different touches.

【Short videos+ music stickers】
More than 100 music stickers to be used with videos! And the FaceU music library offers massive background music for you to choose at will. From now on, video shooting will be way more interesting!

【GIF emoji packages】
You are now able to create your own GIF emoji packages with FaceU! GIF emojis are widely used in global social networks. The accelerating play mode facilitates to display your facial expressions and moves in a more amusing way~

(Facial recognition technology provided by SenseTime)

Comments are always welcomed~ Please contact:
supportfaceu@bytedance.com for feedbacks; and
faceu.business@bytedance.com for business cooperation
Facebook: Faceu.official
Instagram: faceu_official
Twitter: @Faceu_official
One step to solve all problems, please contact our Facebook messenger: FaceU Feedback
(click https://m.me/join/AbbY3OnvUYFQfgn9)

Rating:4.65                                               Show Detail

Ulike - Define trendy selfie

Name:Ulike - Define trendy selfie                                                Price:Free

Description:【Perfect your features with personalized fine-tuning】
Touch-up your eyes, nose and mouth right after photo-taking. No more need for post-editing. Save your favorite edits that define your gorgeous features so you will never have to retouch again!

【Variety pose samples for your reference】
Follow the guideline and easily get the fashion blogger style’s pictures. Selfie, street snap, shopping, travel... With various themes, you can find suitable pose for different scenes.

【Look more stylish and classy than ever】
Never bored with our various filters and makeup tools. Style cover looks of your own.

【Look lovely anytime with enhanced filters】
Innovative filters give you a glowing and supple complexion. Trendsetter, Indie, Artsy, Retro... Choose your favorite filter! We have every style for you!

- Corporate partnerships: ulike_mkt_bd@bytedance.com
Facebook: Ulikecamera
Instagram: ulikecamera
Twitter: @CameraUlike

【Ulike VIP Subscription Notice】
1. Vip service names
Ulike monthly vip, $3.49/per month
Ulike 6-month vip, $13.99/ per 6-month
Ulike yearly vip, $20.99/per year
Hereinafter referred to as "VIP"
VIP can unlock the following membership benefits: paid filter, paid looks, corrector, Retouch

2. After subscribing to the VIP account, relevant fees will be paid upon confirmation of purchase. The original package will be automatically renewed when the VIP subscription expires, unless you turn off the automatic renewal 24 hours before the end of the current subscription period. Renewal will occur within 24 hours of the end of the current subscription period and will automatically deduct the next VIP subscription period from your Apple id.

3. Any unused functions during the 7-day free trial period will be terminated when users pay for the service.

4. Automatic renewal for Apple in App Payments: Go to iPhone "Settings"-->Enter “iTunes Store and App Store”-->Tap“Apple ID”,select“view Apple ID”,enter“Account Settings”page,tap“subscribe”, and select Ulike VIP to cancel the subscription.

5. Terms of Service & Privacy Policy link:http://ulike-ures.faceu.mobi/bm/agreement/index.html?lan=zh

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

Akulaku - Installment Shopping

Name:Akulaku - Installment Shopping                                                 Price:Free

Description:Dapatkan Kartu kredit Virtual dengan limit Kredit Rp.20000000!
Belanja sekarang Bayar nanti
Cicilan tanpa kartu kredit
Cair tunai dari limit kredit
Akulaku Pay kredit barang di ecommerce lain
Bisa kredit handphone, pulsa, paket data, tiket film, tiket pesawat, listrik, air, ataupun top-up Mobile Legend dan game lainnya

Semua yang kamu inginkan, ada di aplikasi Akulaku! Download Akulaku sekarang!

Akulaku, kartu kredit online yang memungkinkan kamu untuk kredit apa saja dan di mana saja. Tidak punya kartu kredit? Tidak apa-apa! Biar Akulaku jadi kartu kredit onlinemu!

Belanja Sekarang Bayar Nanti
Akulaku menyediakan banyak produk dengan pembayaran pakai limit kredit. Kamu bisa mencicil barang-barang tanpa uang muka! Dapatkan barangnya dulu, bayarnya nanti dengan pilihan cicilan 1, 2, 3, 6,12 bulan.

Cicilan Tanpa Kartu Kredit
Untuk Gadget, Laptop, Kamera dan produk lainnya bisa kamu cicil dengan tenor 3,6,9,12 bulan dengan uang muka rendah. Hanya up to 15% tanpa perlu kartu kredit!

Butuh Dana? Pinjaman kilat solusinya!
Kamu bisa cairkan kredit limit dengan uang tunai di Akulaku dengan pencairan kilat! Uang akan dicairkan langsung ke rekening bank kamu hanya dalam waktu 5 menit!
-Tenor pinjaman: di atas 91 hari - 15 bulan
-Nominal Pinjaman: maksimal s/d 15 juta
-Biaya admin: 1% pokok pinjaman / tenor
-Bunga super rendah: bunga bulanan terendah 1.5%, bunga tahunan tertinggi hanya 40%
-Contoh: jika Anda meminjam pinjaman Rp.2,000,000 dalam tenor 12 bulan, bunga bulanan 1.5%, biaya admin 1% dari pokok pinjaman, maka tagihan bulanan Anda adalah Rp.216,666. Setelah mencapai 12 bulan, total yang Anda bayar hanya Rp.2,600,000
Buat apa perlu pinjaman lain? Jauh lebih mudah di Akulaku!

Akulaku Pay
Saat ini bisa berbelanja di banyak toko toko online dan offline dengan kredit Akulaku. Bisa langsung bayar di web/app ecommerce, market place belanja, toko-toko offline bahkan warung kecil dengan kredit Akulaku.

Banyak Pilihan Produk
Mulai dari produk gadget, laptop, kamera, fashion, kebutuhan rumah tangga, ibu dan anak, hingga keperluan sehari-hari lainnya bisa di cicil di Akulaku. Banyak promo harian menunggu kamu! Cari semua yang kamu butuhkan, kapan pun, dan di mana pun hanya dengan Aplikasi mobile Akulaku!

Belanja Aman, Mudah dan Terpercaya
Jangan khawatir belanja di Aplikasi Akulaku. Akulaku akan memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk pelanggan. Pembayaran bisa dilakukan dengan banyak pilihan.

Jaminan Layanan Terbaik
Call Center Akulaku: 1500920, aktif dari Jam 8 Pagi - Jam 9 Malam. Setiap hari dari Senin - Minggu.
Pengiriman cepat, 48 jam pengiriman untuk Jabodetabek.
Retur mudah, pengembalian dapat dilakukan dalam 7 hari setelah menerima barang.
Refund Otomatis, dana refund di transfer ke rekening bank kamu dalam waktu 24 jam secara otomatis!

Layanan pembiayaan didukung oleh PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia yang berdomisili di Sahid Sudirman Center 11C, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.86, RT.10/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10250, Indonesia, yang terdaftar di OJK sebagai perusahaan pembiayaan dengan nomor izin KEP-436/NB.11/2018

Facebook: facebook.com/AkuLakuIndonesia
Twitter: @akulakuID
Instagram: akulaku_id
WhatsApp: 6281113508161

Jika kamu membutuhkan bantuan, silakan hubungi customer care kami:
Telepon: 1500920
Email: cs.id@akulaku.com

Rating:1.35                                             Show Detail

印象 - VLOG分享社区、短视频剪辑&创作

Name:印象 - VLOG分享社区、短视频剪辑&创作                                                 Price:¥0.00


+ 无论是照片或者是视频编辑,都可以使用大师滤镜及InterPlus滤镜,且分段添加不同滤镜;
+ 支持单段视频的亮度、对比度、曲线等细调;
+ 上百款动画文字、字幕、标记、智能水印;
+ 全能视频剪辑,裁剪、变速、多点分割、复制、删除、排序、倒放、静音,为你创意视频提供基础剪辑功能;
+ 炫酷转场动画:擦除、黑白场过渡、模糊、旋转变焦、方向变焦、缩放,并支持三种速度调档;
+ 支持16:9/9:16/3:4/2.35:1/1:1画幅,支持不同视频的画面旋转及缩放;
+ 支持本地音乐导入;
+ 支持3分钟高清视频保存;

+ 大师滤镜:夏永康、许熙正、章元一、张悦、林海音等大师原创滤镜;
+ InterPlus场景滤镜:人像、美食、胶片、黑白、经典电影滤镜等,还有多种照片编辑工具:曝光、增强、饱和度、暗角、颗粒、褪色,高阶曲线等;
+ 光效素材:80款光效素材,支持亮度、饱和度、色相调整;
+ 专业摄影简约水印:我们调研了数千款水印素材,总结出最简约最有专业风格的水印素材,让每张精心的摄影作品打下标志性水印,当然,你也可以直接通过印象导入你本人创作的个人水印;
+ 专治照片强迫症:多尺寸裁剪、自由旋转、水平校正、垂直校正;
+ 高清图片导出;



# InterPhoto Pro 会员订阅说明

- 您可以在会员期间内无限使用所有素材(滤镜、动画文字、水印、光效),同时享用专属的高级功能,比如免解锁素材、去官方水印、视频无限时长导出以及其他即将发布的新功能;
- 订阅按月或年收费,价格取决于选择的订阅套餐。或者,选择一次性付款购买(非订阅);
- 购买连续订阅会员的账号,会在确认购买后支付相关费用。会员订阅到期后将自动续订,除非您在当前订阅周期结束前至少24小时关闭自动续订。会员续订会在当前订阅周期结束前的24小时内发生,届时将根据您选择的会员方案从您的iTunes账号扣费。
- 如需取消订阅,请手动打开苹果手机”设置“-->进入 “iTunes Store 与 App Store”-->点击“Apple ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择InterPhoto连续订阅会员取消订阅即可。根据 Apple 的政策,在活动订阅期内不能取消当前订阅。购买后,将不会为任何未使用的部分退款。
- 所有私人数据都会遵守 InterPhoto 隐私政策及条款处理。请点击链接参见


如果您遇到任何问题或者需要进一步帮助,请通过邮件 interphoto@adnonstop.com 与我们联系解决,或进入QQ交流群:1533141194

Rating:5                                                 Show Detail


Name:站酷高高手                                                 Price:RM0.00







Rating:4                                                 Show Detail

Insta Toon: Cartoon & Art Cam

Name:Insta Toon: Cartoon & Art Cam                                                 Price:Free

Description:Turn your moments into trendy and cool art with Insta Toon!

• Instantly create eye-catching artworks of yourself and the world around you
• Load photos from Camera Roll or use the real-time camera to create your art
• Enjoy a modern interface and a wide range of artistic styles
• Get creative by changing the tone and texture of your art
• Experiment with advanced controls to get unique results
• Save your art as a video, as a GIF or as a Live Photo
• Export the result in different resolutions: SD, HD, Full HD or Ultra HD*
• Easily share your artwork on social media platforms

*Ultra HD resolution is available on iPhone 6 or newer / iPad Air or newer

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

MORPH - Face Story & Flipagram

Name:MORPH - Face Story & Flipagram                                                 Price:Free

Description:Morph face pictures seamlessly with music, MORPH is the easiest way to create cool morphing videos for your favorite moments!

Get started in 3 easy steps:
1. Add photos from library or scan paper photos.
2. Add your favorite music, set timer, and cool filters to your video.
3. Share to Facebook, Instagram or beyond.

- Seamless morph transition
- Select or scan photos
- Save your scanned photos automatically
- Adjust with AI
- Customizable cropping
- Rearrange your photos by dragging
- Add music from your library
- Choose best part of the song
- Set timing for Instagram and Vine
- Export the video to your camera roll

Always, love to hear your thoughts:

By the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. Would you mind taking a moment to write a review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using MORPH!

MORPH is free to download. Everyone is welcome to a free 3-day trial period of the Pro Unlimited in-app purchase, Pro Unlimited gives you unlimited access to our premium features and contents.
- There is a weekly subscription option, with price as listed in your localized app store ($2.99/week or $35.99/year in the United States)
- Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of your subscription
- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and at the cost of the chosen package
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase
- Links to Your Privacy Policy and Terms of Use at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linkabout/instamo/master/terms
- Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication
- At the end of your subscription, you will be able to keep any content that your received while your subscription was active.

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:人人影视字幕组                                                 Price:¥0.00










Rating:4.9                                                 Show Detail