8 Best Apps Similar To Guitar Tuner - Ukulele & Bass|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Guitar Tuner - Ukulele & Bass
Guitar Tuner - Ukulele & Bass
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 4.16.0(2019-12-19)
APP CATEGORIES : Music, Utilities
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.5 (49.73K)
60.0K | 80.0K | 23.88K |
A DoubleTune é uma aplicação avançada criada por músicos profissionais para fins de afinação. É adequada para afinar uma variedade de instrumentos musicais de cordas, aprender novos acordes e refrescar a sua memória quanto àqueles que já aprendeu. Os jogos educativos de competição são igualmente úteis, tanto para iniciantes como para guitarristas experientes. Em ambos os casos, a DoubleTune é uma aplicação imprescindível para qualquer músico.
Criada por guitarristas experientes, é simples, rápida, intuitiva e precisa. É perfeita para afinar guitarras acústicas, guitarras elétricas e guitarras baixo, bem como cavaquinhos, banjos, violinos e violoncelos.
Escolha entre uma variedade de predefinições e modos de afinação:
- Tune Guard™;
- Afinações padrão e afinações populares (6 e 12 cordas);
- Drop e Double Drop;
- Aberta, Modal e Baixos;
- Afinações de cavaquinho;
- Afinações de guitarra baixo;
- Afinador cromático;
- Modo automático e manual;
A Tune Guard™ é uma funcionalidade inteligente que o ajuda a fazer a afinação com segurança. Avisa-o com um sinal visual vermelho e com destaque da corda quando a mesma se encontra demasiado apertada e está prestes a partir-se. O modo foi projetado para ajudar os iniciantes e músicos com pouca experiência a poupar as suas cordas, tempo e dinheiro.
Pode afinar facilmente:
- Guitarra elétrica e acústica;
- Guitarras ocidentais e clássicas;
- Baixo de 4 e 5 cordas;
- Cavaquinho;
- Violino;
- Violoncelo;
- Bandolim;
- Viola;
- Balalaica;
- Banjo;
- E quaisquer outros instrumentos de cordas.
A aplicação contém as seguintes opções de subscrição:
- Semanalmente com um teste gratuito de 7 dias por 7,99$; anualmente por 37,99$.
- Anualmente com um teste gratuito de 3 dias por 79,99$; anualmente por 79,99$.
- O pagamento será efetuado através da conta iTunes na confirmação de compra.
- A subscrição renova automaticamente, exceto se a renovação automática estiver desativada pelo menos 24 horas antes do final do período atual.
- A subscrição do teste gratuito é renovada automaticamente a menos que seja cancelada 24 horas antes da renovação.
- As subscrições podem ser geridas pelo utilizador e a renovação automática pode ser desligada indo às Definições de Conta do utilizador após a compra.
- O custo da renovação é igual ao valor que a "Matriz da Loja de Aplicações da Apple" determina como equivalente ao preço da subscrição em $USD.
- Qualquer parte do período de teste gratuito, se oferecido, que não seja utilizada será perdida quando o utilizador comprar uma subscrição dessa publicação.
- O acesso ilimitado a todas as nossas funcionalidades Premium inclui:
Todo o tipo de afinações
Jogos de música incríveis
Afinação segura utilizando o TuneGuard
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* O preço é igual ao valor que a "Matriz da App Store da Apple" determina é o equivalente ao preço da subscrição em $ USD.
* A funcionalidade Tune Guard™ não garante uma afinação segura a 100 %. A Gismart não assume qualquer responsabilidade por danos provocados nas suas cordas.
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Apps Similar To Guitar Tuner - Ukulele & Bass
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Name:Accordatore n-Track Price:0,00 €
Description:Tune your guitar, bass or other instruments with n-Track Tuner.
Use this tuner in an easy, intuitive and free way with the integrated microphone of your smartphone.
Downloaded over 5 million times!
Just put your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad next to your instrument and play each string.
High precision and sensitivity thanks to the advanced audio recognition algorithm also used for n-Track Studio 8.
n-Track Tuner works great as a guitar tuner, violin, viola, violoncello, bass, piano and wind instruments tuner.
NEW: 6 different views:
•||| Spectrum Analyzer |||•
The spectrum analyzer provides a visual feedback of the notes played by the instrument and shows a small arrow to highlight the harmonic whose pitch the tuner is tracking.
•||| Instruments |||•
Use the manual mode to select and tune each string according to the selected instrument tuning (guitar, bass, violin, viola, cello, double bass, banjo, ukulele, mandolin, harp, and piano)
Get the pro version to unlock all instruments views.
•||| Tune Fork |||•
For those who prefer to manually tune their instrument the 'Diapason' view lets you play a reference tone, 'A' (440 hz) or any other note that you can select dragging the frequency slider.
•||| Needle |||•
A handy old style tuner to accurately detect the frequencies of your instrument.
•||| Sonogram |||• (PRO feature)
The "Sonogram" tab shows how the frequency spectrum evolves with time, and shows how the note that the tuner is following evolves by tracing a green line.
•||| 3D view |||• (PRO feature)
3D view lets you follow how the audio spectrum changes over time.
• adjust tuning sensitivity and precision up to 0.1 cents
• western and latin note namings, alternate temperaments
• calibrate the tuner for non-standard tunings: tune the reference note, tap on the display and select 'Calibrate' to set the note as the new reference
• adjust the spectrum analyzer visualization options, select thicker spectrum lines, smooth out or highlights peaks, increase or decrease spectrum accuracy, zoom into a specific area of the spectrum
Contact us: http://ntrack.com/support
Rating:4.7 Show Detail
Name:Rock Life - Guitar Band Revenge of Hero Rising Star Price:Free
Description:Monte sua banda, chame seus amigos, obtenha os melhores instrumentos, as melhores guitarras e conquiste milhões de fans! Rock Life é o primeiro jogo de celular no qual você é uma estrela da música e disputa com outros jogadores do mundo inteiro para chegar ao topo das paradas.
“Jogabilidade única, dinâmica, com efeitos bullet-time inéditos.”
“Toque com as guitarras mais perfeitas que você pode ver em um dispositivo mobile”
Com uma combinação viciante de upgrades, contratações e jogos rápidos, você pode acabar criando a maior banda do mundo! Rock Life é um jogo de música que permite você gerenciar uma banda completa e ao mesmo tempo pôr em prática suas habilidades em shows, gravando álbuns, vídeo clipes e outras coisas que fazem parte do mundo da música, tudo isso em uma jogabilidade perfeitamente balanceada.
»GUITARRAS PROFISSIONAIS EM 3D – Colecione dezenas de guitarras únicas, super detalhadas totalmente em 3D com alta definição, faça upgrades e personalize cada uma delas.
»JOGUE ONLINE EM TEMPO REAL – Jogue contra seus amigos ou oponentes de mesma categoria para subir no ranking das melhores bandas do mundo. Roube fans de outras bandas e ganhe mais recursos para financiar seu sucesso.
»CRIE SUA PRÓPRIA BANDA – Contrate músicos, compre instrumentos musicais, convide seus amigos do Facebook para serem músicos de sua banda. Conquiste fans e fique rico, como uma estrela da música da vida real.
»DOMINE O MUNDO – Como uma banda de verdade, você começa pequeno em sua cidade, depois cresce para dominar o país, continente e então toca em shows épicos para conquistar o mundo. Faça por merecer!
Rock Life é totalmente grátis para jogar, porém alguns itens do jogo podem ser comprados com dinheiro real. Você pode ativar/desativar estas compras no seu próprio dispositivo.
Visite www.zeeppo.com, curta nossa página no Facebook e mande sugestões para o jogo!
Rating:4.3 Show Detail
Name:Soundle: Music Maker, DJ mixer Price:Free
Description:तत्काल संगीत बनाने के लिए तैयार हो जाएँ! पेश है Soundle, संगीत निर्माता ऐप जो आपको अपने मोबाइल से आसानी से लिखने, मिक्स करने, रीमिक्स करने और नए ट्रैक तैयार करने की सुविधा देता है!
संगीत बनाना शुरू करें!
Soundle आपका व्यक्तिगत संगीत स्टूडियो है जो आपको ऐसे कई उपकरण प्रदान करता है जिससे आप किसी पूर्व अनुभव के बिना भी विशेषज्ञ संगीत निर्माता बन सकते हैं! किसी भी स्तर के अनुभव के साथ आप दुनिया को दिखाने के लिए असाधारण गाने लिखना, रिकॉर्ड करना और बनाना शुरू कर सकते हैं। सिर्फ यह मायने रखता है कि आप संगीत बनाना पसंद करते हैं।
अपनी ध्वनि पाएँ!
साउंडपैक प्रौद्योगिकी समर्थित Soundle आपको पहले से रिकॉर्ड की गई आवाज़ों और नमूनों को चुनकर उन्हें ट्रैक पर लागू करने और तुरंत ही अद्भुत संगीत बनाने की सुविधा देता है! एक योजना शुरू करें और तुरंत ही हर शैली के ध्वनियों की विशाल विविधता तक पहुँच प्राप्त करें। इन ध्वनियों को अपने ट्रैक के विभिन्न हिस्सों पर लागू करें और प्रायोगिक बनें! विभिन्न ध्वनियों के प्रयोग और स्तरों के माध्यम से, आप एक भी सुर बनाए बिना भी अविश्वसनीय संगीत की स्थापना और निर्माण कर सकते हैं। जब आप किसी भी गीतकार, धुन निर्माता या संगीत निर्माता के लिए भी अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण, संगीत उत्पादन कौशल सीखते हैं तो आपकी रचनात्मकता में निखार आ जाएगा। इसलिए, यदि आप संगीत उत्पादन मे नए हैं तो Soundle को आज़माएँ, आप कभी भी रुकना नही चाहेंगे।
कोई सीमा नहीं।
Soundle पूरी तरह से प्रयोग और निर्माण करने के लिए है! आपको एक स्टूडियो उपकरण दिया जाता है जो कुछ भी कर सकता है, जिसकी एकमात्र सीमा आपकी रचनात्मकता है। Sound चाहता है कि आप अपनी ध्वनि की खोज करें और सीमाओं से आगे बढ़ें क्योंकि आप अपनी ध्वनि को परिभाषित करने के लिए उपलब्ध BPM को संपादित करते हैं और हर ध्वनि के महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सों को बदलते हैं! हिप-हॉप निर्माता की तरह धुन बनाएँ, एक विश्व स्तर के डीजे की तरह महत्वपूर्ण गानों का निर्माण करें या जिसके लिए आप पैदा हुए थे उसकी तरह रॉक-आउट करें, यह पूरी तरह से आप पर निर्भर है। अपने रचनात्मक तेज को आगे बढ़ने दें क्योंकि आप कभी भी एक ही शैली तक सीमित नही रहेंगे। आप शास्त्रीय गिटार के साथ धुन को मिला सकते हैं या EDM मे रॉक ड्रम को शामिल कर सकते हैं! आप संगीत निर्माता हैं, और बेहतरीन रिकॉर्ड की स्थापना और निर्माण के लिए Soundle आपका साधन है।
सुव्यवस्थित संगीत उत्पादन का अनुभव करें जो आपको वाद्ययंत्र बजाए बिना भी संगीत बनाने की सुविधा देता है। हालाँकि, विशेषज्ञ संगीत निर्माता के लिए सुव्यवस्थित होने का मतलब गंभीरता की कमी या उपकरणों की कमी नही है। Soundle दिग्गजों के साथ-साथ नौसिखियों को भी एक बेहतरीन अनुभव प्रदान करता है! अपनी ध्वनि चुनें, अपनी शैली चुनें और मिक्स करें, मैश करें और संपादित करें जब तक कि आप एक प्रभावशाली ट्रैक नही बना लेते! आप एक धुन निर्माता हैं। आप एक निर्माता हैं। आप एक रॉकस्टार हैं। आप एक संगीत निर्माता हैं।
अपने ट्रैक साझा करें
एक बार जब आप परिपूर्ण रिकॉर्ड मे दक्ष हो जाते हैं तो यह दुनिया को दिखाने का समय है कि आप एक कुशल संगीत निर्माता हैं! Soundle आपको आपके द्वारा चुने गए किसी भी व्यक्ति के साथ पूर्ण ट्रैक साझा करने की सुविधा देता है।The app contains the following subscription options:
- Weekly with a 7-day free trial at $ 7.99; Yearly at $89.99.
- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours prior to the end of the current period.
- The account is charged for renewal within 24-hours before the end of the current period.
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase.
- The cost of renewal is equal to the value that “Apple’s App Store Matrix” determines as the equivalent of the subscription price in $USD.
- Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
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Rating:3.4 Show Detail
Name:Tuner-Guitar,ukulele,violin Price:Free
-适用于 吉他、尤克里里、古筝、小提琴、大提琴 等几乎所有弦乐器
[email protected]
Rating:5 Show Detail
Name:Driving Zone 2 Lite Price:Free
Description:Driving Zone 2 Lite is a racing simulator with realistic car physics, stunning graphics and innovative gameplay.
You can choose from a huge range of cars, from urban hatchbacks, to luxury business sedans and powerful sports cars designed for racing. Great opportunities of tuning allow you to modify any of your cars visually and technically. All cars have detailed body and interior with a dashboard, that is illuminated at night, this creates the effect of full presence and realism.
Earn points by making dangerous overtakes at high speed, but beware of the police, which will chase you for the accident, running a red light and speeding. Driving Zone 2 Lite is a racing game for fans of extreme driving.
You have an open game world with dangerous turns and hills, and also unpredictable intersections. Drive in any direction during the day and at night, through the city streets and country roads with their impressive landscapes. Be careful on the winter road with its snow-capped roadsides, going on it it will lead to drifts and slips. Road traffic lives its own life and adheres the rules of the road. With experience of driving, you can increase the density of traffic, in order to increase the difficulty of the game.
In the simulator of street racing Driving Zone 2 Lite engine sound of vehicles, and also their technical characteristics correspond to real ones. Use the tuning system to improve the technical specifications of your cars. For example, buying engine upgrades will give you a speed boost, the setting of sport transmission will open the drive selection option, buying the advanced suspension, you will be able to modify the ground clearance and wheel camber, the installation of nitro allows you to reach the maximum speed.
You can improve the exterior of your car. The game contains a huge range of settings for changing both external and internal elements of the car. Disks, spoilers, air intakes, neon light on the bottom, steering wheel and even headlights, all this and much more can be modified according to your taste. Create your own unique car and show it to the world using photo mode.
Rating:3.9 Show Detail
Name:Cool Goal! - Soccer Price:Free
Description:Aim your ball, shoot, and SCORE! Just make sure you don’t hit the ENTIRE opposing team before you hit the net.
Meet Cool Goal - the football game that puts your aiming, shooting, and logic skills to the test! Your task? Land the perfect goal, every time. To do so, you’re going to need to make sure you dodge countless enemy players, that are going to do everything they can to stand in between you and the goalposts! Experience a new breed of ‘football game’ that tests your brain power as well as your ball skills.
Explore countless puzzles in a near endless gameplay experience as you step up your ball game and master the art of soccer. Embrace exciting mechanics such as curveball that lets you magically curve your ball like a football superstar. Also, when you nail a perfect goal watch as your ball bursts into flames - you won’t be able to believe how wild this football puzzler can get!
As you progress, you’ll unlock new levels, new challenges, new stadiums, and tons of awesome football action! Each level offers a unique challenge that will test your ability to get to the goalposts, as opposing players adopt new positions, move, create obstacles, and do anything they can to stop your strike! Each new stadium also presents a unique look and theme - imagine, football in the forest and goalposts on the beach because anything can happen in Cool Goal!
Get ready for unbeatable soccer action that puts your head to the test as well as your boot! It’s time to welcome the king of football games and get your Cool Goal on!
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Rating:4.5 Show Detail
Name:Shazam: Music Discovery Price:Free
Description:Shazam akan mengidentifikasi lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik. Temukan, artis, lirik, video, dan daftar putar, semuanya gratis. Telah diinstal oleh lebih dari 1 miliar orang, dan terus bertambah.
“Shazam adalah aplikasi yang seperti sulap.” - Techradar.com
“Shazam adalah solusi ... sebuah terobosan.” - Pharrell Williams, wawancara GQ
Temukan judul lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik.
Dengarkan dan tambahkan lagu ke daftar putar Apple Music atau Spotify.
Bernyanyi bersama dengan lirik yang sinkron dengan lagu.
Tonton video musik dari Apple Music atau YouTube.
Baru! Aktifkan tema Gelap di Shazam.
Gunakan Pop-up Shazam untuk mengidentifikasi musik di aplikasi apa saja—Instagram, YouTube, TikTok ...
Tidak ada koneksi? Tidak masalah! Bisa Shazam saat sedang offline.
Nyalakan Auto Shazam untuk terus menemukan lagu bahkan ketika Anda keluar dari aplikasi.
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Dapatkan rekomendasi lagu dan daftar putar untuk menemukan musik baru.
Buka lagu apa saja secara langsung di Apple Music atau Spotify. Bagikan lagu dengan teman melalui Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, dan lainnya.
Ketersediaan dan fitur dapat berbeda di setiap negara.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang praktik privasi Shazam, silakan baca Kebijakan Privasi, tersedia di https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/id
Rating:5 Show Detail
Name:BANDIMAL Price:$3.99
Description:Introduce your kid to the joy of making music!
BANDIMAL is a fun and intuitive music composer that lets kids discover the creative world of making music. Set up a drum loop, swipe through animals to change instruments, compose melodies, change loop speeds and add a quirky effect on top. Amusing animals animate in hilarious ways as you perfect your song.
Everything will sound great - we designed it that way!
+ Play with nine animals as instruments
+ Create catchy drum loops in the beat section
+ Switch between loop speeds and apply effects
+ Save compositions to your collection
+ Lively animations and impressive audio
+ No failing, no goal, no wrong or right
+ Supports all iPads and iPhones with iOS 10 or later
+ No ads!
We recommend headphones to enjoy the full experience!
Rating:4.8 Show Detail