8 Best Apps Similar To Healthy Air Fryer Recipes|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Healthy Air Fryer Recipes

Healthy Air Fryer Recipes

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 5.4(2020-06-10)
APP CATEGORIES : Food & Drink, Lifestyle

10.0K   <5K <5K


Are you one of those who enjoy fried food but also realizes that it is unhealthy? If you are someone who likes to cook food at home but dislikes the oily mess and nasty odors that accompanies cooking. Then this AirFryer Recipes app is for you. Use this app and enjoy healthier AirFryer food, with 70-80% less oil required for these easy AirFryer Recipes.

This wonderful air fryer recipes app features tasty yet easy to prepare recipes which you can enjoy without compromising your waistline. All you have to do is download and install the Air Fryer Recipes app on your iOS device and enjoy.

Hot air frying is a modern cooking technique which involves the use of a fantastic machine known as “AirFryer”. Cooking your food using this incredible machine allows you to enjoy your food without having to worry about excessive fat and calories in your food. Whether you want to have your favorite French fries, meatloaf or chocolate cake, this innovative machine is capable of frying, grilling, roasting, ​and baking without having to add too much oil or fat.

Air Fryer Recipes utilize the new revolutionary method of frying food which is a totally healthy approach to cook a wide variety of food at your home without any mess. Whether you want to fry, grill, roast or bake; the Air Fryer can do it all for you with little or no oil at all which makes it a perfect solution for quick and healthy air fryers recipes for snacks and meals.

This advanced cooking method can benefit people who are struggling with weight loss but still want to enjoy that desired taste and texture with lesser calories and fat. So, this is also a perfect app for all those who wish to lose those extra pounds.

With the help of our handy Healthy Air Fryer Recipes app, even those who are suffering from health issues like hypertension and heart disease, are now able to enjoy delicious meals without having to worry about their health or diet because it needs much less fat for cooking. That means you can enjoy Air Fryer Recipes without worrying about your weight and health.

If you are concerned about taste then take our word, AirFryer Recipes taste even better. To make it even better, you can season your cooked Air Fryer Recipes with different spices and herbs before and after cooking your air fryers recipes.

The recipes included in our Healthy Air Fryer Recipes are simple, delicious and quick. They can be made from the basic ingredients, readily available in your kitchen. Recipes are given in the most comprehensive way for the better understanding, making it even easier for you to follow the Air Fryer recipes. The app offers you an extensive range of AirFryers Recipes for all meals that you can prepare with very little oil and without any mess.

That’s not all! To make the app even more interactive and easy to use we have added exciting features. Meal plan’s feature allows you to create customized meal plans whereas filter helps you to filter recipes on the basis of categories.

It’s time to eat healthier without giving up the flavor, taste and texture of your favorite foods with AirFryer Recipes.

So, if you are looking for an app to maintain your body weight and health while preventing chronic diseases then we assure that you will not find a better app than this amazing air fryer recipes app.

Doesn’t that sound great? Download this AirFryer Recipes app NOW and enjoy all the great recipes it has to offer. Enjoy these fun and easy Air Fryer Recipes with your friend and family.

Note: Enjoy 10 + Recipes for Free and then upgrade to Premium version in Just $3.99 to access other 300+ amazing Recipes.

Enjoy the type of AirFryer Recipes that anyone can make and everyone enjoys! And don’t forget to rate us and give a review to encourage.





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Apps Similar To Healthy Air Fryer Recipes

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올원뱅크(All One Bank)

Name:올원뱅크(All One Bank)                                                Price:₩0

Description:나를 위한 모든 금융이 한 곳에, 농협은행 모바일뱅크 「올원뱅크」를 만나보세요.

[올원뱅크 NEW 기능]

1. 새로운 UI
더욱 넓어진 계좌영역과 간편해진 올원뱅크를 경험해보세요.

2. 한눈에 선택 가능한 계좌 리스트
최대 5개까지 한 눈에 보이도록 개선하여 빠른 계좌선택이 가능해졌어요.

3. 간편한 계좌번호 복사
계좌번호만 클릭해도 손쉽게 복사가 가능해졌어요.

4. 새로운 AI톡
기존 상담톡이 한층 더 친절해진 AI톡으로 변경되었어요.

5. 음성송금 서비스
"아리아~"를 불러 자주쓰는계좌/연락처에 등록된 상대에게 송금해보세요.

[올원뱅크 주요기능]

1. 안전하고 간편한 인증방식
간편비밀번호, 지문인증, 공인인증서, 패턴 등 나만의 간편방식으로 손쉽게 인증하세요.

2. 빠르고 간편하게 송금하기
받는분, 금액만 입력하면 바로 송금 완료 ‘송금하기’ 
출금계좌만 선택해서 내 계좌로 바로 입금 ‘입금하기’ 
조금 더 크게 보고 싶다면 ‘큰글송금’으로 이용해보세요.

3. 간편결제/간편납부
올원계좌를 통해 제로페이 서비스를 경험해보세요. 
QR/바코드결제에서 모바일상품권(온누리, 지역상품권) 구매까지 모두 가능합니다. 또한 지로, 지방세, 범칙금, 상하수도, 환경개선부담금 등의 공과금을 납부할 수 있습니다.

4. 언제 어디서나 손쉽게 상품가입
입출금통장에서 예/적금, 대출상품까지 나에게 필요한 상품을 바로바로 신청. ‘올원해봄적금’, ‘올원캔디예금’은 올원뱅크에서만 만날 수 있습니다.

5. 모여라 NH금융그룹
복잡한 대출, 간편하게 확인해보세요. NH농협은행은 물론 NH금융지주 계열사의 대출 상품까지 한번에, 계열사 통합 대출 서비스 ‘다모아대출’ 
- NH농협카드
농협카드라면 별도 등록없이 각종 내역조회가 가능 
핀번호 입력만으로 단기카드대출이 가능한 간편 서비스
- NH투자증권
증권시세조회는 물론 보유자산조회까지 한눈에 증권계좌가 없다면 증권앱 다운로드로 비대면 계좌개설
- NH농협생명보험/NH농협손해보험
내 보장자산도 확인하고 필요할 때는 약관대출까지
국내여행, 해외여행 가기 전에는 휴대폰으로 편리한 안심보험
다이렉트 보험 간편설계, 납입/청구 내역조회까지
- NH농협캐피탈/NH저축은행
신차, 중고차 구입 시 필요한 대출은 오토론으로

6. 수수료 우대 받고 외화 환전/송금
휴대폰으로 환전 신청하고 가까운 영업점에서 수령
외화 계좌 없이도 해외송금
웨스턴유니온송금 간편하게 수취
환테크가 필요할 때 ‘내맘대로외화BOX’

7. 올원캔디(리워드)
모아서 이벤트/경품 응모 올원뱅크 활동에 따라 적립되는 올원뱅크만의 포인트로 이벤트, 경품응모, 우대금리 적용에 사용해 보세요.

8. 상담톡
올원뱅크가 궁금하다면 상담톡에 말해주세요. 메뉴안내, 상품추천, 송금 서비스까지 빠르고 똑똑하게 알려드립니다.

9. 마이올원
올원뱅크 계좌관리, 서비스 이용현황, 통합 입출금 조회 서비스, 다양한 계좌의 출금예정알림 설정 및 입출금 리포트 등의 맞춤 알림을 제공합니다.

10. 올원뱅크 고객만을 위한 혜택 ‘프리미엄’
올원뱅크 고객 전용 혜택. 예능/드라마, 웹툰/웹소설, 할인쿠폰, 핫딜 서비스를 누려보세요.

11. 올원 라이프
[결제] 코나카드, 모바일교통카드 등 생활 속의 다양한 할인혜택 및 결제서비스 제공
[쇼핑] 기프티쇼(모바일쿠폰), 농산물장터(농협몰)를 통해 스마트한 쇼핑 및 혜택 제공
[재미] 더+모임, 올원커뮤니티 
[생활] 산지스토리, 컬쳐홀릭, 건강지키미, 다낭도깨비
[혜택] 예능/드라마, 웹툰/웹소설, 할인쿠폰, 핫딜

[올원뱅크 이용안내]
이용대상 - 본인명의 휴대폰 및 계좌 보유자 (단, 본인명의 휴대폰이 아닐 경우, 농협은행 e금융가입자에 한해 별도의 인증을 거쳐 회원가입이 가능합니다.)
이용시간 - 24시간 (일부 서비스 제외)
이용문의 - 고객행복센터: 1661-3000 (평일 9:00~ 18:00)
전화상담예약, 채팅상담(평일 9:00~ 18:00) 이메일상담접수(24시간): 올원뱅크 내 고객센터

올원뱅크 앱에서 사용하는 접근 권한에 대하여 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.

■ 접근 권한
- 위치 : 위치기반으로 영업점 찾기 등을 위해 사용합니다.
- 주소록 : 간편송금, 환전송금 등에서 상대방의 연락처 정보를 사용하기 위해 접근합니다.
- 카메라 : 비대면계좌개설 시 신분증촬영 및 QR결제 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 사진 : 마이올원 이미지 등록, 초대장 이미지, 자주쓰는 송금 이미지 등록 시 사용합니다.
- 마이크: 음성송금서비스, 음성메뉴이동서비스 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 음성인식: 음성송금서비스, 음성메뉴이동서비스 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 블루투스: 영상인증 이용 시 사용됩니다.

※ 선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스를 이용할 수 있으나, 일부 기능 사용에 제한이 있을 수 있습니다.

※ 설치가능 OS버젼 : iOS 10.0 이상

■ 기존 설치된 앱을 사용하시는 경우에는 앱을 삭제 후 재설치 하셔야 접근 권한 설정이 가능합니다.

Rating:2.5                                               Show Detail


Name:에어부산                                                Price:₩0

Description:A whole new AIR BUSAN in my hand! Experience our new UI & UX, booking process, mobile check-in and many more new functions all in one application! Plan and manage your trip much easier way!

[ Mobile exclusive services ]
- Support biometric recognition: Face ID and fingerprints.
- Price Watch: Receive PUSH notification when the conditions (destination, date, price, time) are fit.
- Mobile boarding pass: Can save the boarding pass in application and airplane mode.
- Apple Wallet: For iOS can save the boarding pass in Apple Wallet.
- Airplane mode contents: Mobile boarding pass / Airport & counter information, FLY&FUN, Immigration form, Basic in-flight service)
- Attendance check: Do the attendance and earn STAMPs
- PUSH: Provide various promotions, preferred routes, additional services

[ Key services and features ]
- SNS login: Kakao / Naver (Only available in Korean) / Google / Line (Available other than Korean)
- Domestic/International booking integration: Providing integrated UI on booking process.
- Child/Infant age calculator: Automatically calculates age to identify child/infant.
- Favorite Passenger: Manage passenger’s basic and passport information.
- New simple payment methods: Support Naver Pay and WeChat Pay.
- Check-in: Check-in domestic & international flights and issue boarding pass.
- AIR LOG: View boarding records (DOM & INT’L) and manage your history with timeline function!

※ AIR BUSAN Reservation Center: (82) 1666-3060

Rating:2.5                                                 Show Detail

Chez Moi - Ideas for Lunch

Name:Chez Moi - Ideas for Lunch                                                 Price:$0.99

Description:If you know someone who would like a reminder of a healthy delicious lunch choice, use this app to find a suggestion and then send a text with the pre-populated content to anyone in your contact list … or type in any mobile phone number. This is seamlessly integrated with your Contacts, so there is no set-up required for this to be useful.

Use this app for yourself, a senior, a student who studies too much and forgets to eat or as a lunch club roulette application.

It is a great way to:
- get more micronutrients
- have fun
- eat healthily
- help others
- connect with seniors and/or students

We hope you enjoy this application. It is currently optimized for viewing on the iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s and 6s Plus. If you have ideas for enhancements, please let us know. This was fun to develop and we would love to hear ideas of how to make it even better.

Rating:0                                             Show Detail

Idle Robbery

Name:Idle Robbery                                                 Price:Free

Description:It’s time to make some MONEY. The Big Boss find some nice places to Rob.
Manage your crews to make the place empty and rob every single thing in that places before the cops came.
- Cool Missions to Rob
- Nice places to explore
- Searching the area for the big Treasure
- Nice, Smooth and Funny Animations
- Awesome Graphics

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Papa's Cheeseria To Go!

Name:Papa's Cheeseria To Go!                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:-- ABOUT THE GAME --

Papa's Cheeseria is kicking off its grand opening with a special performance by the high-energy band, Scarlett and the Shakers! Unfortunately the concert is canceled when all of the music gear is stolen, and you'll need to pick up a job to afford buying new instruments for the band. Thankfully Papa Louie has the perfect solution for you: He's putting you in charge of making grilled cheese sandwiches in his newest restaurant!

You'll need to prepare sandwiches with delicious breads, melty cheeses, and a wide array of toppings and sauces for a gourmet grilled cheese. Cook and flip the sandwiches to grill them just right, and finish your customers' orders with a heaping order of fresh french fries covered in their favorite sauces and toppings. The town of Toastwood will celebrate different holidays throughout the year, and you'll unlock new festive ingredients as you go to serve up delicious seasonal sandwiches.


NEW FEATURES - All of your favorite features from other versions of Papa's restaurants are now available in this "To Go" game, redesigned and reimagined for smaller screens!

HOLIDAY FLAVORS - Celebrate the seasons in Toastwood with tasty holiday flavors! Your customers will order sandwiches stacked high with seasonal ingredients. You'll unlock new breads, cheeses, toppings, and sauces for each holiday of the year, and your customers will love trying these festive flavors. This new version adds holiday toppings and sauces for fries as well!

SERVE SPECIAL RECIPES - Earn Special Recipes from your customers, and serve them as the Daily Special in the Cheeseria! Each Special has a bonus you can earn for serving a prime example of that recipe. Master each special to earn a special prize!

CUSTOMIZE YOUR WORKERS - Play as Scarlett or Rudy, or create your own custom character to join the band and work in the sandwich shop! You can also show off your holiday spirit with a massive variety of holiday outfits and clothing for your workers. Choose unique color combinations for each item of clothing, and create your own style with millions of combinations!

SPECIAL DELIVERY - Some customers don't want to come all the way to Toastwood to grab some grilled cheese. When you start taking phone orders, customers can call to place their order, and you'll hire a Driver to help take and deliver orders to their homes instead!

COLLECT STICKERS - Complete a variety of tasks and achievements while playing to earn colorful Stickers for your collection. Each customer has a set of three favorite Stickers: Earn all three and you'll be rewarded with a brand-new outfit to give to that customer!

DECORATE THE SHOP - Customize the Cheeseria lobby with themed furniture and decorations for each holiday of the year! Mix and match your favorite styles, or add items that match the current holiday so customers won't mind waiting longer for their food.

CLIPPING COUPONS - Missing your favorite customer? Send them a coupon with the help of your friendly mailman, Vincent! Customers love a good deal, and will promptly arrive to order another meal. Coupons are great for completing quests for Stickers and for strategically leveling up customers!

DAILY MINI-GAMES - Play Foodini's famous Mini-Games after each workday to earn new furniture for your lobby and new clothing for your workers.


- Hands-on sandwich shop in the Papa Louie universe
- All new controls and gameplay features designed for touchscreens
- Multi-task between building, grilling, and preparing french fries
- Custom chefs and drivers
- 12 separate holidays to unlock, each with more ingredients
- Earn and master 40 unique Special Recipes
- 90 colorful Stickers to earn for completing tasks
- 124 customers to serve with unique orders
- Use Stickers to unlock new outfits for your customers
- 125 ingredients to unlock

Rating:3                                                 Show Detail

Healthy Options Philippines

Name:Healthy Options Philippines                                                 Price:₱ 0.00

Description:Designed with a dynamic interface with multiple features, the Healthy Options mobile app was developed to help educate and empower our customers to take charge of their health.
Check out the great features of our mobile app:

• Access your membership profile and points right on your smartphone.
• Use the handy virtual membership card each time you shop. No more plastic!
• Receive exclusive notifications on events and promotions.
• Find store locations nearest you. Get contact information, store hours, and directions.
• Enjoy delicious and wholesome recipes you can easily cook in your own kitchen.
• Read our monthly News Digest to keep abreast on the latest health and wellness topics.

Rating:3                                                 Show Detail

Emirates Racing Authority

Name:Emirates Racing Authority                                                 Price:RM0.00

Description:Emirates Racing Authority introduces first full-fledged racing app for the fans of Thoroughbred and Purebred Arabian horse racing in the UAE and world-wide.

The app provides live updates on all of the racing action across UAE racetracks: Abu Dhabi, Meydan, Jebel Ali, Sharjah and Al Ain, along with all of historical data on the races from season 1992/1993.

Main features:

- Realtime information on all race fixtures including Race Entries, Race Cards, Form Guide and Results.

- Live alerts on changes, scratchings and availability of latest data (Race Entries, Race Cards, Form Guide and Results) for every race meeting.

- "Follow" horse functionality which allows user to create a list of favourite horses to follow and receive alerts when horses are entered into a race or race results are available for followed horses.

- Comprehensive statistics on season, horse, trainer, jockey and owner level.

- Season calendar with race fixtures

Rating:2.5                                                 Show Detail

Stepz - Step Counter & Tracker

Name:Stepz - Step Counter & Tracker                                                 Price:Free

Description:O Stepz é um aplicativo conveniente de contagem de passos, que implementa o Apple Motion Coprocessor, que coleta seus dados de movimento automaticamente em segundo plano enquanto economiza a vida útil de sua bateria. Este simples aplicativo de contagem de passos foi desenvolvido especificamente para iPhone e Apple Watch.
Você caminha o suficiente ao longo do dia? Saiba mais sobre sua atividade diária e entre em forma atingindo suas metas!
Para lhe dar uma visão geral completa do progresso da sua forma física, o Stepz pode importar todos os datos anteriores do aplicativo Apple Health.
O Stepz respeita a sua privacidade: todos os seus dados pessoais de sua rotina são armazenados internamente no seu dispositivo e nunca são compartilhados na rede sem o seu consentimento explícito.

* Figurando na Página Inicial da Apple Store como um dos Melhores Novos Aplicativos em 22 países (abril 2015) *

- Integração total com o Apple Health
- Monitoramento automático dos seus passos
- Precisão sem necessidade de GPS
- Funciona em segundo plano com baixo consumo de bateria
- Valores diários, semanais, mensais, anuais e de horários
- Cálculo de distância
- Definição de metas diárias
- Mostra andares subidos
- Sincronização inteligente de dados com App Apple Watch
- Conecte-se com seus amigos

- Widget no iOS Today para o Centro de Notificação
- O ícone do aplicativo mostra sua contagem de passos

“Agora que conheci o aplicativo Stepz não busco mais outros aplicativos. É o melhor aplicativo para acompanhar meu progresso. Depois de conhecê-lo você não buscará outro”. (set 2018)
“Eu amo este aplicativo. É a ferramenta que eu precisava para me motivar a caminhar mais. Obrigado. Mantenham o bom trabalho.” (jul 2018)
“Eu amo este aplicativo de caminhada. Eu tentei alguns outros e li as avaliações do STEPZ... decidi tentar ‘só mais um’. É o melhor aplicativo que já usei. Adoro o contador de calorias dele também. Nem mesmo o aplicativo Health que vem com o iPhone se compara com ele. Obrigado!” (nov 2017)


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• Duração da assinatura: semanal
• O pagamento será cobrado em sua conta do iTunes assim que você confirmar a compra.
• Você pode gerenciar suas assinaturas e desativar a renovação automática nas Configurações de sua Conta após a compra.
• Sua assinatura será renovada automaticamente, a menos que você desative a renovação automática com pelo menos 24 horas de antecedência do final do período atual.
• O valor da renovação será cobrado em sua conta dentro das 24 horas anteriores ao final do período atual.
• Ao cancelar sua assinatura, ela permanecerá ativa até o final do período. A renovação automática será desativada, mas a assinatura atual não será reembolsada.
• Qualquer parte não utilizada de um período de teste gratuito, quando oferecido, será descartado no momento da compra de uma assinatura.

Termos de serviço: https://bendingspoons.com/tos.html?app=839671656
Política de Privacidade: https://bendingspoons.com/privacy.html?app=839671656

Tem algum recurso que você gostaria de solicitar para ver em uma versão futura do aplicativo? Não deixe de nos contatar em [email protected]

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