8 Best Apps Similar To IL-4 Flying Fortress: Blazing Gambler|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: IL-4 Flying Fortress: Blazing Gambler

IL-4 Flying Fortress: Blazing Gambler
APP STORE: App Store $0.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.0(2015-09-15)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Racing, Simulation
<5K | <5K | <5K |
Intuitive one–click gameplay encourages thoughtful, creative play.
● Fly highly detailed WWII top aces planes. Watch the progressive damage affecting planes and finally being shredded into pieces.
● Intuitive Controls & Swipe Maneuvers: Perform advanced tricks such as escaping enemy fire, barrel rolls, and more with simple swipe gestures.
● Action–Packed Dogfighting: Command the skies and unleash your inner Ace as you obliterate enemies in this adrenaline pumped adventure.
● Destroy wave upon wave of enemy aircraft with a friend in co–op or on your own!
● Gyroscope enabled controls enable full 360–degree flight in 3D space
● Unique visual and sound effects!
● Real maps and battle locations!
● Eight training missions to get ready for real air combat frenzy!
● Medals and orders for the professionalism displayed in battle!
IL-4 Flying Fortress: Blazing Gambler is designed for players of all generations and skill levels, whether veteran or novice.
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Apps Similar To IL-4 Flying Fortress: Blazing Gambler
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Name:Heart of Gold! FREE Rich Vegas Casino Pokies of the Grand Palace! Price:Free
Description:Get lucky with the hottest FREE slots game app. With exciting bonus games and real Vegas gameplay, "Heart of Gold" is the only slots game worthy of your device!
The coolest user interface on the market and the greatest user experience on a Slot Machine! The excitement of Vegas now on your phone to play whenever you want. Just tap to spin!
Amazing features include:
- FREE 15,000 Credit Bonus!
- Stunning HD Graphics
- 5 reels with up to 30 lines!
- FREE daily credits!
- 3 deluxe mini-games to max your payouts!
- No internet connection required to play!
- Game Center integration - Compete against your friends and show them who's boss!
Good luck, and enjoy!
Rating:0 Show Detail

Name:War Dragons Price:Free
Description:War Dragons é um impressionante jogo de estratégia 3D em tempo real onde você está no controle de um exército supremo de dragões. Entre para uma guilda, ajude seus companheiros de equipe a lançar ataques e resista aos ataques inimigos em tempo real de verdade.
War Dragons tem mais de uma centena de dragões únicos com diferentes estilos de ataque, habilidades de feitiço e classes. Procrie seus dragões para criar um exército ainda mais poderoso. Veja se você consegue desbloquear o furioso e colossal Khrysos e domine o campo de batalha!
Crie ou entre para uma guilda para combinar forças com outros lordes dragão. Com verdadeiro multiplayer sincronizado, você pode conversar com os companheiros em tempo real e coordenar estratégias de ataque e defesa contra outras guildas.
Planeje e construa sua ilha fortaleza com a melhor combinação de torres de raio, balista e arqueiro para proteger seu reino da melhor forma contra os ataques inimigos.
Participe numa grande variedade de eventos semanais com chance de ganhar recompensas, tais como ovos de dragões raros e caças ao tesouro para você e sua guilda. Agarre o lugar mais algo no placar de líderes e consagre-se um dos melhores lordes dragão do mundo.
O jogo foi desenvolvido com a Mantis Engine, uma engine própria, apresentando cinemática e gráficos de última geração. Experimente jogos móveis como nunca antes com a capacidade de explorar visualmente todas as facetas desse mundo deslumbrante.
“Os gráficos em 3D são espetaculares para um dispositivo móvel, e isso faz o War Dragons se destacar como o jogo com o melhor visual do seu tipo.”
“War Dragons, da Pocket Gems, nos dá um gostinho de como seria liberar lagartos voadores gigantes sobre seres desprezíveis presos à terra e destinado a correr sob suas sombras.”
"Há uma seção de combate onde o seu dragão ficará voando por acampamentos inimigos enquanto você causa dano a tudo enquanto voa. Você também construirá suas próprias bases, formando guildas para ajudar a trabalhar com outros jogadores enquanto tenta se tornar o maior e melhor imperador domador de dragões entre todos."
-Touch Arcade
Note que War Dragons é gratuito para jogar, mas você pode comprar itens no jogo com dinheiro real. Se não quiser usar esse recurso, desative compras dentro do aplicativo.
O uso deste aplicativo é regido pelos Termos de Serviço disponíveis em http://pocketgems.com/terms. A coleta e o uso de seus dados estão sujeitos à Política de Privacidade disponível em http://pocketgems.com/privacy.
Rating:4.35 Show Detail

Name:Phi co Huyền Thoại . Game Đua Máy bay Chiến tranh Price:0đ
Description:Baixe o melhor simulador de aviões para o momento atual!
Tiro, um mundo de pixels fulled de aventuras, todo o tipo de aviões e muita diversão são os ingredientes que estão à espera de você.
Escolha o seu favorito aviões dos desenhos originais e se preparar para surfar o céu a toda velocidade!
Sua missão é defender a cidade de Nova York de ataques inimigos!
Aqueça seus mísseis Aicraft, dodge seus adversários e atirar em todos aqueles que querem atacá-lo!
Você não deve perder a sua reputação como um piloto! Eles devem ter medo de perder contra o seu aviões!
Aproveite esta simulação de aviões e manter no topo dos nossos novos jogos a seguir-nos nas redes sociais.
Siga-nos no Twitter: @bravocterogames
Dê-nos uma gosta no Facebook: www.facebook.com/bravocterogames
Rating:3.25 Show Detail

Name:Blazing 7s Casino: Slots Games Price:Free
Description:Die BESTEN Automatenspiele – direkt aus den weltberühmten Casinos von Las Vegas!
Von den Schöpfern von Quick Hit™ Slots und Jackpot Party Slots soziale Casinospiele kommt jetzt Blazing 7s Slots, tolle, klassische, reale Slotspiele mit 3 Walzen, in Ihr soziales Casino. Die beliebtesten Games für 3-Reel-Slots-Automaten erwarten dich in unserem virtuellen Casino - im ‘Old Vegas’-Stil versteht sich. Bist du bereit, die Hebel dieser zeitlosen 777 Slots-Klassiker umzulegen, Spaß zu haben und richtig ABZUSAHNEN?
Versuche dich am Einarmigen Banditen – dem KLASSIKER unter den Slot Machines schlechthin – und tauche ein in eine Welt voller Aufregung, Zähneklappern und Gewinnern, denen es mit drei Siebenen gelingt, die Bank zu sprengen!
***Wähle deinen Spielautomaten – Kostenlose Spiele und Automaten, die Bonusrunden versprechen!***
Blazing 7s kostenlose Slots bieten all Ihre liebsten Slotmaschinen mit 3 Walzen von den weltberühmten Casinos von Las Vegas Strip and Downtown Vegas:
- Teste dein Glück mit BLAZING 7s™-Casino-Spielen
- Erlebe schockierende und nervenaufreibende Momente mit unseren AFTERSHOCK™-Automaten
- Entfache das Feuer in dir mit unseren 3 ALARM FIRE™-Spielautomaten
- Du hast einen schwarzen Tag? Mit DOUBLE JACKPOT - BLACK & WHITE™ geht’s wieder aufwärts!
- Mit unserem DOUBLE HOT CHERRY-Automaten ist immer gut Kirschen essen
- Ist dir das Rad des Schicksals gewogen? Finde es heraus und stelle dich dem DRAGON WHEEL™
- Man muss die Würfel feiern, wie sie fallen: DOUBLE DICE DELUXE™ wartet auf dich!
- MONOPOLY™ Wheel of Luxury Diamonds – das Beste aus Monopoly und Glücksrad!
- Bei uns wachsen die Bäume in den Himmel: TREE OF ETERNAL FORTUNE™…. und vieles mehr!
***Fabelhafte kostenlose Casino-Boni und Spielautomaten-Features***
Schließ dich uns an, um u.a. von folgenden Features zu profitieren:
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Installieren Sie jetzt Blazing 7s für ein echtes Vegas-Casino-Erlebnis mit den HEISSESTEN Slotspielen mit 3 Walzen!
Die Spiele sind für Erwachsene bestimmt (d.h. ab 21 Jahre)
Die Spiele bieten kein „Real Money Gambling“ oder die Möglichkeit, echtes Geld oder Preisezu gewinnen.
Praxis oder Erfolg bei Casino-Gesellschaftsspielen impliziert keinen zukünftigen Erfolg bei echten Glücksspielen mit realem Geld.
Rating:4.65 Show Detail

Name:State of Survival: Zombie War Price:Free
Description:Sudah enam bulan sejak malapetaka zombi bermula. Virus telah menjangkiti bandar ini. Enam bulan penuh keganasan, keseraman, dan melawan zombi. Rakan anda sedang bertarung melawan raksasa dengan berani. Bina negara yang terselamat daripada gelombang zombi. Selamat datang ke State of Survival. Bersedia dengan perlawanan survival strategi!
Jangkitan zombi telah merobek seluruh empayar dan meragut ketamadunan bersamanya. Sekarang adalah masa survival, sebagai tentera yang bertahan atau kerajaan yang bergerak bawah tanah. Dunia ini dikuasai orang yang dijangkiti sekarang. Tiba masanya untuk membina bandar dengan strategi untuk selamat daripada zombi dan raksasa. Wabak ini merebak lebih pantas, kanak-kanak memerlukan seorang wira! Satu-satunya matlamat adalah untuk bertahan!
Dalam pengembaraan ini, anda boleh membuat kawan atau berlawan menentang mereka yang bertahan yang lain. Tembak zombi menggunakan senapang penembak hendap dalam mod fps. Kematian akan tiba dan medan pertempuran hanyalah untuk wira, jadi bina tentera!
Lakukan apa yang termampu untuk terselamat daripada perang dahsyat ini. Bukan mudah untuk memenangi pertempuran ini. Mereka yang dijangkiti ada di mana-mana. Makanan sukar didapati dan anda mesti selamatkan apa yang boleh daripada bangkai masyarakat ini. Bina bandar baru, skuad dan strategi untuk selamat daripada mmorpg. Pemburu zombi!
Ia adalah satu dunia baru di luar sana. Menembak berbilang pemain dan diisi dengan peluang. Bina strategi dan cipta sejarah anda sendiri. Tetapi ingat, tanam bom atau tembak zombi. Permata, emas, dan syiling diperlukan untuk selamat dalam masa kehancuran ini. Menembak bukan satu pilihan, bina tentera pvp! Sasarkan zombi, tamatkan keseraman ini!
Bina semula
Bina Penempatan anda untuk membina tempat perlindungan yang selamat untuk mereka yang bertahan dan asas untuk empayar pasca malapetaka anda. Tiba masa untuk merealisasikan taktik anda! Lawan virus mayat berjalan ini! Masa bertarung!
Selamatkan mereka yang bertahan daripada pertempuran untuk meningkatkan bilangan dan kekuatan anda. Cari mereka yang ada kebolehan istimewa, kerana mereka akan menjadi wira dalam perang wabak ini! Masa menembak!
Penyakit tentera zombil bermutasi dengan cepat. Ketahui apa sahaja yang anda boleh untuk memahaminya dan membina strategi anda sebelum penaklukan ini. Sesiapa sahaja yang mengawal jangkitan ini akan dapat mengawal empayar!
Ada kekuatan dalam bilangan. Cari sekutu dan gabungkan perkongsian strategik untuk selamat daripada keselamatan Belantara yang dijangkiti ini. Sertai tentera untuk melenyapkan sesiapa saja yang cuba mengambil kesempatan daripada anda dalam pertempuran.
Koyakkan Buku Peraturan
Inilah kemanusiaan 2.0. Tulis semula peraturan tentang cara anda mahu manusia berkembang. Inilah penembak strategi melawan zombi.
Rating:4.6 Show Detail

Name:Outback Price:Free
Description:The Outback App is now available across all participating Outback locations.
The Outback app is the fastest, mobile way to enjoy the bold flavors of Outback Steakhouse. Get seated faster by checking wait times and choosing when you want to arrive. Sign-up for rewards and track your rewards in the Dine Rewards Tracker or get our latest promotions in our Offer Pouch. Pay when you’re ready directly from the app and save payment details for future visits. You can also find your nearest location and browse the menu.
The Outback app puts you in control and lets you dine at your own pace by simplifying the dining experience.
Here’s how:
Payment Simplified:
• EASY: no more waiting for the bill, pay from the app, split the bill, add tip and leave when you’re ready
• QUICK: paying with the app is up to 2X faster than paying through the server and you can store payment details for future visits
Get Seated Fast:
• FAST: tell us when you want to arrive and get on our list in advance
• SMART: get notified through the app when your table is ready
Save Money:
• EXCLUSIVE: receive special offers, promotions and view our menu right from the app
• COLLECT: Track your Dine Rewards progress, rewards and promotions and apply them directly to your bill - no more printing
Get Rewarded:
• SIGN-UP or link-up: Sign up as a new member or link your existing account directly from the homepage of the app
• TRACK your Rewards: Manage all your qualified visits and track your available rewards directly from the homepage of the app
• APPLY your rewards directly to your bill directly in the app
The Outback App uses data encryption to protect your financial information and card data is never stored on Outback Steakhouse servers. The Outback App uses GPS to enhance the user experience by prompting you to check in when you arrive at the restaurant. Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
Rating:4.5 Show Detail

Name:AQHI Canada Price:Free
Description:Stay informed on outdoor air quality conditions, plan your outdoor activities, and manage exposure to outdoor air pollution. The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) Canada app informs users of the level of health risk associated with local outdoor air quality. The app provides hourly AQHI readings and daily forecasts for all AQHI communities across Canada.
The app includes the following features:
• User defined push notifications based on the AQHI level and stations you choose.
• Map screen to view spatial distribution of AQHI over a region or the entire country.
• GPS capability to bring you to your nearest station from the map screen.
• Profile view for setting favourite communities.
• Tips for taking personal action to improve air quality.
The AQHI is reported as a number from 1 to 10. The higher the AQHI number, the greater the health risk and need to take precautions. Health messaging provides advice for limiting exposure to air pollution and adjusting outdoor activity levels when air quality is poor.
Rating:1.75 Show Detail

Name:Rise of Kingdoms ―万国覚醒― Price:¥0
「Rise of Kingdoms -万国覚醒-」は古代文明をテーマにした、リアルタイム・育成型戦略シミュレーションゲーム (SLG)!
Rating:4.5 Show Detail