8 Best Apps Similar To iThermonitor|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: iThermonitor


APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 3.2.16(2020-03-12)
APP CATEGORIES : Medical, Health & Fitness

30.0K   <5K <5K


The most exciting update of iThermonitor app ever! Besides the brand-new user interface, the Temperature Analysis shows the highest temperature and the duration of fever for each episode. The Temperature Trend Chart combines temperature chart and fever related events, enabling the doctor to understand your child’s fever progression in a more informed way. For those who have more than one child, one smartphone can now connect with multiple iThermonitor sensors.

24/7 MONITORING - Connecting with the iThermonitor sensor, this app collects temperature data every 4 seconds and develops a temperature chart.
HIGH TEMPERATURE ALERT – The app captures your child’s abnormal temperature in real time so that you can take necessary actions immediately.
DATA ANALYSIS - Professional data analysis of body temperatures through collaboration with Boston Children’s Hospital, affiliated hospital of Harvard Medical School.
FEVER TIPS- Free access to the Fever Management Information framework – Thermia, licensed from Boston Children’s Hospital, the #1 pediatric hospital in the US.
ANYWHERE, ANYTIME – For parents and grandparents, wherever you are, you can always monitor your children’s temperature.

iThermonitor has integrated with the Health App and you can sync body temperature data to the Health app (requires iOS8).

Purchase on Amazon: http://t.cn/RwBpOPy
Website: http://en.raiing.com/
Feedback: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/iThermonitor/282296251955418
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaiingMed





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Name:트로스트                                                Price:₩0

Description:무료 감정일기, 심리검사, 마음정리 보고서부터
1만 원대 익명 텍스트/전화 심리상담,
새벽에도 예약 없이 실시간으로 받는 바로상담,
심리상담 센터 예약까지.

24시간 마음전문가 트로스트입니다 :)
마음이 힘들 땐 언제든지 트로스트를 찾아주세요.

◆ 1만 원대 익명 심리상담
- 1만 원대부터 시작하는 텍스트/전화 심리상담. 닉네임만 설정하고 아무도 모르게 익명으로 받아요.

◆ 예약 없이 실시간으로 받는 바로상담
- 새벽에 우울하고 불안해질 때, 갑자기 마음이 힘들어질 때, 지금 당장 누군가가 필요할 때, 평일/주말/아침/새벽에도 바로상담을 통해 예약 없이 실시간으로 상담받을 수 있어요.

◆ 후기 보고 예약하는 대면상담
- 상담 센터에서 상담사를 직접 보며 상담받고 싶을 때, 내가 원하는 지역의 상담사 후기를 확인하고 예약할 수 있어요.

◆ 상담사 주요 자격, 경력, 후기 확인
- 트로스트에서는 전문자격증이나 심리상담 관련 학/석사 이상 자격, 상담 경력을 갖춰야 상담사 활동이 가능해요. 상담사 프로필에서 주요 자격과 경력, 상담 후기를 확인하고 상담사를 선택해요.

◆ 마음 관리 챗봇 티티와 다양한 심리검사
- 마음 관리 챗봇 티티는 나에게 필요한 마음 관리 방법들을 알려줘요. 티티와 함께 감정일기를 쓰고 마음정리 보고서와 미션을 하다 보면 내 마음을 스스로 잘 관리할 수 있을 거예요.
- 우울증/불안/자존감/트라우마/직무스트레스/대인관계 검사 등 다양한 심리검사도 준비되어 있답니다. 지금 트로스트에서 티티를 만나보세요!

◆ 심리상담, 이럴 때 받으면 좋아요.
▸ 우울하고 불안한데 이유를 모르겠어요.
▸ 하루하루가 무기력하고, 의욕도 없어요.
▸ 내 이야기를 누군가에게 그냥 털어놓고 싶어요.
▸ 감정 기복을 줄이고 싶어요.
▸ 자존감을 높이고 싶어요.
▸ 사람들을 만나는 게 어려워요. 자꾸 눈치 보게 돼요.
▸ 미래가 불안하고 두려워요. 불안해서 잠을 잘 못 자요.
▸ 진로를 정하지 못해 혼란스러워요.
▸ 오래된 고민을 해결하고 싶어요.
▸ 특정 생각을 스스로 멈출 수가 없어요.
▸ 연인과 이별하고 마음이 너무 힘들어요.
▸ 배우자, 가족과의 갈등을 해결하고 싶어요.
▸ 업무 스트레스, 대인관계로 힘들어요.
▸ 트라우마를 해결하고 싶어요.
▸ 정신과 치료를 받고 있지만, 상담이 필요해요.
▸ 병원에 갈 정도는 아닌 것 같지만 누군가의 도움이 필요해요.
▸ 해외에 살면서 느끼는 외로움과 부적응으로 힘들어요.

◆ 심리상담, 받고 싶지만 고민되나요?
- 이 세상에 사소한 고민은 없어요. 각자가 느끼는 고민의 무게는 다르니까요. '내 고민이 너무 사소하지 않을까?'하는 걱정 없이 상담받으셔도 돼요.
- 심리상담은 기록이 남지 않아 취업할 때도 안전해요. 상담 내용도 오직 나만 볼 수 있으니 안심하셔도 괜찮아요.
- 아주 작은 고민부터 나를 불편하게 만드는 감정, 친구나 직장동료 또는 연인과의 문제, 자존감, 성격, 우울증, 불안, 무기력, 트라우마, 공황장애, 스트레스, 분노, 감정 기복, 가족과의 오래된 문제까지. 어떤 고민이나 감정이라도 지금 마음이 힘들어 위로가 필요하거나 누군가에게 터놓고 이야기하고 싶다면, 나에게 맞는 방법으로 문제를 해결하고 싶다면 심리상담을 받아도 괜찮아요.
- 심리상담에서는 나를 이해하고 문제를 스스로 해결해나갈 수 있는 방법을 배울 수 있어요. 상담사와 이야기하다 보면 나를 위로하고 다독여주며 내 마음이 힘들었던 이유를 알고 해결해나갈 수 있을 거예요.

여기까지 읽으시느라 수고 많으셨어요. 이제 조금만 더 용기 내서 한 발짝 내디뎌보는 건 어떨까요? 한 번의 상담으로도 변화는 시작될 수 있어요. 당신의 용기를 응원해요 :)

◆ 홈페이지 : www.trost.co.kr
◆ 이용 중 불편한 점이나 문의사항이 있으시면 카카오톡 @트로스트 로 문의해주세요.

[트로스트 사용을 위해 필요한 접근 권한 안내]

1. 필수적 접근 권한
-기기 및 앱 앱기록: 앱 서비스 최적화 및 기기 오류
2. 선택적 접근 권한
-사진/카메라: 메신저 내 상담방에서 사진/카메라 기능 제공을 위해 사용
-저장공간: 메신저 내 원활한 서비스 제공을 위해 콘텐츠를 기기에 저장 시 사용
-마이크: 전화상담 이용자의 음성통화와 관련 기능을 제공하기 위해 사용
-알림: 푸시 알림 등록 및 수신

* 선택적 접근 권한은 해당 기능을 사용할 때 허용이 필요하며, 허용하지 않아도 해당 기능 외 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
* 접근 권한 상태는 휴대폰 설정 메뉴의 트로스트 앱 설정에서 언제든지 변경하실 수 있습니다.

Rating:4                                               Show Detail

Haywire Hospital

Name:Haywire Hospital                                                Price:Free

Description:Welcome to Mewrth’s Haywire Hospital (= ̄ω ̄=) !
From the makers of Naughty Kitties, featured by the App Store as Best of 2014

Are you a fan of putting in none of the effort but reaping all of the rewards? How about being surrounded by a horde of whacky patients and feeling that perhaps you have finally found a home for yourself? All this, and more, can be yours as Chief Administrator of Haywire Hospital!

As Chief Administrator of Haywire Hospital, you’ll need to hire the galaxy’s best doctors to cure the galaxy’s wildest illnesses! On top of that, you’ll be rolling in coins, butter and sardines. How marvelous!

In addition, we’ll help you find the love of your dreams and achieve your life’s greatest goals!
(Just kidding)

You’ll be charged with:
- Discovering and treating new patients such as Selfie Sally, Pack Animal, and Buck-and-Wing
- Gathering the Archives, a collection of hidden fragments of stories from a bygone era
- Expanding your hospital and crushing Hospital Royale and other infuriating rivals across the galaxy
- Flirting with the hospital staff

Contact us:
If you run into any issues or want to share your feedback while playing the game, please contact us through the following methods:
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/CoconutIslandStudio
Twitter:@Coconut_Island http://twitter.com/coconut_island

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail


Name:Cardiograph                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Cardiograph é uma forma rápida e fiável para medir o seu ritmo cardíaco no iPhone e iPad. Utilizando apenas a câmara integrada do seu dispositivo (sem necessidade de hardware adicional), permite acompanhar o seu ritmo cardíaco em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora. Os registos detalhados de histórico e a capacidade de sincronizar, marcar, partilhar e imprimir medições individuais fazem dela uma ferramenta versátil para monitorizar a sua saúde cardiovascular.

* Resultados Precisos, Quase Imediatamente
Uma maneira rápida e fácil de saber quão rápido bate o seu coração tem muitas aplicações - desde melhorar o seu regime de exercício a manter o controlo periódico do estado do seu coração, ou apenas por diversão. Cardiograph facilita-o, com resultados precisos que são exibidos em alguns segundos.

* Desgin Simples e Sóbrio
O design minimalista e intuitivo mostra-lhe tudo de relance e faz com que Cardiograph seja acessível e simples de utilizar para toda a gente.

* Histórico Detalhado
Guarde as suas medições (incluindo cada batimento cardíaco individual) para referência futura ou para partilhar com a sua família ou profissional de saúde. Poderá também adicionar um rótulo a cada medição, dependendo da intensidade do seu nível de atividade ou exercício.

* Exporte e Partilhe as Suas Medições
Cada medição pode ser partilhada, exportada em formato PDF e até mesmo imprimida em papel diretamente da app. Se possui a nossa app anterior, Cardiograph Classic, poderá transferir todas as suas medições para a nova app com apenas alguns toques.

* Concebida para iPhone e iPad,
Cardiograph é uma app nativa que tira proveito das distintas características do iPhone e iPad, assim como as excelentes câmaras, 3D Touch (sempre que disponível) e apoio para sincronizar com a app Apple Health (sempre que disponível).

IMPORTANTE: Embora suficientemente precisa, esta aplicação não se destina a substituir equipamento médico profissional e cuidados qualificados. Caso tenha alguma preocupação com o estado do seu coração, por favor, consulte o seu médico ou clínico geral.

Caso encontre dificuldades ao utilizar Cardiograph, veja a secção “Mais” dentro da app ou contacte-nos através do nosso e-mail de apoio para o podermos auxiliar.

Contate-nos e receba as notícias mais recentes relacionadas aos nossos aplicativos:

Rating:4.6                                             Show Detail

美味餐厅 - 艾米莉的瓶中信笺

Name:美味餐厅 - 艾米莉的瓶中信笺                                                 Price:¥0.00

Description:Ontdek een boodschap in een fles die Emily's leven voor altijd verandert, terwijl je heerlijke gerechten in Italiaanse keukens maakt! Nu Paige helemaal hersteld is gaat het leven weer zijn gewone gangetje in Snuggford… totdat de hele familie Napoli hoort dat Emily's vermiste grootvader Vitto nog leeft en misschien in Italië is! Emily's vader Edward is erg overweldigd door het nieuws. Hij en zijn vier broers hebben hun vader én elkaar jaren niet gezien. Het gaat een hele uitdaging worden om ze allemaal te herenigen... Zal het Emily lukken om iedereen samen te brengen voor het grote familiediner?

Probeer de eerste paar levels gratis! De rest van de levels kan worden ontgrendeld met een aankoop in de app.

GENIET VAN HET 13E SEIZOEN VAN DELICIOUS, de bekroonde kookspellenserie
RUN JE RESTAURANTS en serveer gerechten in 65 verhaallevels in verschillende keukens en 26 uitdaginglevels
SPEEL IN ITALIAANSE RESTAURANTS en bereid meer dan 200 heerlijke gerechten in spannende tijdmanagementlevels
SPEEL ECHTE BERICHTEN VRIJ door trofeeën te winnen terwijl je door prachtige locaties snelt
VERZAMEL DIAMANTEN en help Emily haar hele familie te herenigen met de kracht van haar kookkunsten
GENIET VAN VERBORGEN VOORWERP-ELEMENTEN en probeer alle muizen te vinden

Neem een abonnement op GameHouse Original Stories voor onbeperkte toegang tot de beste verhalen!
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Rating:4.9                                                 Show Detail

Weather - The Weather Channel

Name:Weather - The Weather Channel                                                 Price:Free

Description:Weather your way. Face the severe weather this summer with live radar maps, weather alerts and accurate storm trackers from the Weather Company: the world's most accurate forecaster.

Stay up to date and prepared no matter the weather with our live radar, weather maps and severe weather alerts. You can also manage personal weather alerts, so you receive notifications that are important to you. Plus, we’ve got a whole range of useful weather features for you to plan ahead with confidence.

The Weather Channel - Our Top 3 Features

1. Up to two weeks in advance: Plan ahead and trust the current conditions card, with our Feels Like feature, local hourly & daily forecasts, and our Real-Time Rain alerts with radar.
2. Current conditions at a glance: get weather data that’s relevant where you are.
 You can find local maps and forecast on your homescreen, and breaking news videos with closed captioning!
3. Track the risk for allergies with Allergy Insights with Watson. We help allergy sufferers predict the seasonal allergy risk in their area and understand what weather conditions can trigger future flare ups.

Our app is now Dark Mode compatible - turn on Dark Mode on your Apple device for a great viewing experience.

Plan outdoor activities with confidence.

• Our Real-Time Rain notifications will help you plan for the way with confidence. Find the live radar directly on your home screen, so you know in a second whether to pack a light or waterproof jacket!
• Want to enjoy a summer walk or run? Get detailed information on sunset times, allergies, pollen forecasts and much more.
• Run smart with GoRun! Find the best possible running conditions and plan your perfect route.

Keep informed on the latest weather news.

• Stay prepared during extreme weather events and earthquakes. We’ll send you live alerts, so you’ll always be aware.
• Check out Warming Signs with Kait Parker every Tuesday in Apple Podcasts

Upgrade to Premium for exclusive access to premium features:

• Premium Radar: The clearest way to visualize rain’s potential impact on your precise location - now, and 6 hours into the future
• Ad Free: Remove all ads from your weather experience
• Extended Hourly: See 96 hours into the future
• And more!

You can cancel your Weather Channel subscription anytime through your iTunes account settings, or it will automatically renew. This must be done 24 hours before the end of any subscription period to avoid being charged another fee. Subscription payments will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of your purchase and upon commencement of each renewal term. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.


Privacy & Feedback

• Our Privacy Policy can be viewed here: https://weather.com/en-US/twc/privacy-policy 

• Our Terms of Use can be viewed here:http://www.weather.com/common/home/legal.html

• If you have any questions or suggestions about our weather service, please do not hesitate to get in touch at [email protected].

The Weather Company is the world's most accurate forecaster, according to the most recent, comprehensive study available (2010-2017) from Forecast Watch https://www.forecastwatch.com/static/Three_Region_Accuracy_Overview_2010-2017.pdf

App Annie: The Weather Channel app combined had over 50 million monthly active users worldwide each month from January through December 2019, over 2M total 5 star ratings and was downloaded 155 million times.

Comscore: Apps from The Weather Company, parent of The Weather Channel, are the most used weather apps worldwide based on average monthly active users via smartphone in 2019. Comscore Mobile Metrix®, Worldwide Rollup Media Trend, News/Information –Weather category incl. [P] Weather Company, The and [M] Weather Channel, The, Jan-Dec. 2019 avg.

Rating:4.3                                                 Show Detail


Name:@Thermometer                                                 Price:Free

Description:Prático, rápido e preciso: o melhor termômetro para o seu iPhone / iPad

O termómetro nº 1 na App Store com mais de 5.000.000 de downloads!

@Termómetro é a aplicação mais precisa na App Store (a um décimo de grau).

@Termómetro É A ÚNICA aplicação desde 2009 a dar-lhe a temperatura exterior, com uma precisão de um décimo de grau, correspondente à sua posição exata no mundo e em tempo real.
Para isso, @Termómetro utiliza várias fontes de dados meteorológicos do seu ambiente imediato e combina-os no seu conjunto graças aos nossos algoritmos próprios desenvolvidos nos nossos servidores meteorológicos.

@Termómetro NÃO É uma aplicação como outra qualquer que lhe diz a temperatura de uma cidade mais ou menos próxima de si e cujos dados estão desatualizados em uma hora ou muitas vezes mais...

Principais características da aplicação:

- A temperatura mais precisa na App Store (a um décimo de grau)

- Temperatura correspondente à sua posição exata no mundo e em tempo real.

- Rapidez na localização e indicação da temperatura.

- Vários temas gráficos de alta qualidade (HD Ecrã Retina) estão disponíveis para que possa escolher o que melhor lhe convier.

- Possibilidade de visualizar a temperatura em graus Celsius ou Fahrenheit.

- Disponível em vários idiomas.

- Compatível com iPhone, iPod touch e iPad. Requer iOS 5.0 ou superior.

- É necessária uma ligação à Internet para recuperar a temperatura calculada nos nossos servidores meteorológicos.


A versão PREMIUM (compra no aplicativo) oferece as seguintes vantagens:
- Desativação total de anúncios.
- Maior rapidez na visualização da temperatura.
- Acesso prioritário ao apoio.
...e você apoia diretamente a nossa equipa no desenvolvimento desta aplicação!


Lembre-se, se gosta da nossa aplicação @Termómetro, pode classificá-la e partilhar a sua satisfação com os outros utilizadores.

No entanto, se tiver algum problema, queira contactar-nos por e-mail no seguinte endereço: [email protected]
ATENÇÃO: Se deixar um único comentário na App Store, não poderemos responder-lhe diretamente e dar a nossa ajuda!



Location data may be used for providing you more relevant ads.
This app collects anonymous information about users to help us measure the usage of our app so we can better understand our audience and improve our service. This information does not contain information from which users can be identified. You can find a full description of our data collection and use practices in our Privacy and Security Policy http://www.mobiquite.fr/thermometre-confidentialite.html

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail


Name:Myzone®                                                 Price:Free

Description:Myzone is the next big step in sports wearables, motivating you to get the most from exercise, whatever your fitness level, however you train. It lets you know how hard you’re trying when you work out and features a heart rate accuracy of over 99%. Myzone also offers amongst the most precise calorie-crunch data on the market, plus the ability to effectively calculate cardio and weight training.

Myzone uniquely rewards effort, while providing a game based platform and social experience that is both inclusive and engaging to all, regardless of athletic ability. As the name suggests, its technology creates bespoke and responsive targets for each individual, to provide personal feedback – hence ‘Myzone’.
Creating a personal handicap based on your maximum heart rate, it is possible to beat an elite athlete by simply working harder. For example, you might finish behind an elite athlete in an endurance run, but exert greater effort and Myzone makes you the winner – so everyone competes on a level playing field.

Myzone encourages competition with other users through cloud-based challenges via a web-based account and bespoke app. The community aspect of Myzone makes it a Facebook for physical activity. Users can analyze, ‘like’, and comment on each other’s workouts, while the app logs your activity history and even updates you over email. In fact, this is the only system to recognize and notify you when you have attained the World Health Organization’s recommended guidelines for physical activity.
The Myzone App allows you to sync your Myzone MZ-3 Physical Activity Belt with your phone meaning you can now see live data and upload stored workouts on your phone. If you prefer to use your MZ-3 with third party fitness apps then your data will still be stored (up to 16 hours) until you sync with your Myzone® app. 

This app integrates with many other platforms, including Apple Health. If you grant permission, we will save your activity calories, height, weight, BMI, BMR and body fat data to Apple Health.

**** Please note that the app will only work if you have a Myzone® Account (you can create an account in the app for free if you don’t have one already) and your tile will only be shown and data uploaded if you have the new Myzone® MZ-3 Physical Activity Belt.”

Rating:4.75                                                 Show Detail

Smart Soccer Coach++

Name:Smart Soccer Coach++                                                 Price:Free

Description:La nouvelle application par les créateurs d'une des meilleures (si ce n'est LA meilleure) applications de planche tactique de l'Appstore – ”Planche Tactique pour Entraineur de Football” avec des milliers de téléchargements et une note moyenne de 4,5 dans le monde entier.

Cette fois, nous voulons vous offrir tous les outils nécessaires pour gérer vos équipes (oui, vous pouvez gérer de nombreuses équipes) !

Les cinq principaux modules de l'application (avec des assistance au coach):

1. Équipe

Ajoutez facilement vos joueurs (importez-les de vos Contacts). En plus des informations basiques comme le nom, la photo, le pied dominant ou les informations de contact (téléphone, email, Twitter), vous pouvez définir les atouts techniques, mentaux ou physiques des joueurs et les éditer lorsque votre joueur progresse.

2. Matchs

Lors de la conception du module Matchs, nous avons considéré 2 types de coach: les amateurs qui vont utiliser cette application pour s'amuser et les professionnels qui veulent récupérer toutes les données du match.

Suite à notre travail, cette application propose 2 types de match:
- ”Match Rapide” (mode simple): entrez le résultat du match et en option quelques statistiques basiques (tirs cadrés, possession, cartons, fautes, hors-jeux etc.),
- ”Mode Match” (mode complexe): définissez les titulaires, les remplaçants, la tactique et notez TOUS les événements du match: buts, passes décisives, remplacements, cartons, etc. Vous pouvez aussi éditer les statistiques basiques comme dans le ”Mode Rapide” mais la plupart d'entre elles sont mises à jour automatiquement lorsque vous ajoutez des événements. Dans ce mode, vous pouvez également ajouter des notes de match à la fin pour évaluer les joueurs.

3. Entraînements

Comme dans la vraie vie, les entraînements comprennent des exercices. Cette application dispose d'une bibliothèque intégrée d'exercices, mais vous pouvez également ajouter manuellement vos propres exercices ou les importer depuis notre seconde application : ”Planche Tactique de Coach pour Football.” Une fois prêt pour l’entraînement, vous pouvez entrer dans le ”Mode Entraînement”, pour voir la participation et commencer l’entraînement. Ici, vous pourrez évaluer chaque exercice et ajouter des notes.

Il existe 3 façons d'ajouter des exercices:
- Rapide: depuis la ”Vue Ajouter un entraînement,” tapez le nom du nouvel exercice dans la boite de recherche et appuyez sur ”Ajouter.”,
- Standard: allez dans la bibliothèque d'exercices depuis ”Voir les exercices” et ajoutez votre exercice avec toutes ses informations,
Application "Planche Tactique".

4. Programme (calendrier)

Planifier votre prochaine journée ou semaine avec notre programme (sous forme de calendrier). Ici, vous pourrez rajouter n'importe quel événement: match, entraînement ou tâche. De plus, vous pouvez définir des rappels pour ne rater aucun événement.

5. Statistiques

Les meilleurs coachs doivent analyser les performances et les progrès de l'équipe. Souvenez-vous que les chiffres ne mentent pas.

Ce module est séparé en 4 sections:
- Équipe: Analysez les performances de l'équipe (matchs gagnés/perdus, buts inscrits/encaissés, possession moyenne, discipline et plus encore),
- Joueurs: Les statistiques détaillées de chaque joueur, visibles depuis le tableau. Vous pouvez voir les points forts et les points faibles de chaque jouer,
- Classements: Regardez qui a inscrit le plus de buts, réalisé le plus de passes décisives, ou le joueur avec la meilleure note de match moyenne. Près de 30 classements qui peuvent être organisés par compétition.
- Entraînement: Surveillez la participation (ceux qui travaillent), vérifiez la participation moyenne et les évaluation des joueurs.

Si vous avez des questions ou des suggestions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoachingAppsByBluelinden

Terms: http://bit.ly/2jTKp3F
Privacy Policy: http://bit.ly/2kpxZEq

Rating:4.3                                                 Show Detail