8 Best Apps Similar To iThoughts|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: iThoughts
APP STORE: App Store $11.99
CURRENT VERSION : 7.9(2020-04-06)
APP CATEGORIES : Productivity, Education
<5K | 20.0K | <5K |
iThoughts is a mindmapping tool for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch (Mac and Windows versions also available.)
Mindmapping enables you to visually organise your thoughts, ideas and information.
Not sure if iThoughts is right for you? Try the free iThoughts2go app first.
Typical Uses:
• Task lists.
• Summarising.
• Brainstorming.
• Project planning.
• Goal setting.
• Course Notes/Revision.
• Meeting Notes.
Import and export to and from many of the most popular desktop application formats:
• MindManager
• iMindmap
• Freemind/Freeplane
• Novamind
• XMind
• Mindview
• ConceptDraw
• OPML (OmniOutliner, Scrivener etc.)
• Excel/Numbers (CSV)
• Markdown
• Plain/rich text
• ...plus import only support for CMAP, Scapple, Mindmeister, Mindnode, Mindmapper, SimpleMind and MyThoughts
Export to:
• MS Powerpoint/Keynote (PPTX)
• MS Word/Pages (DOCX)
• MS Project (XML)
• Markdown
• Website (HTML + attachments)
• Flashcard (Quizlet.com / Cram.com)
• Things (Task Management App)
• iCloud Calendar/Reminders
Plays nicely:
• External mouse/trackpad support
• iOS Document Picker (to enable iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive access)
• Dark Mode
• Drag and Drop
• Full page screenshots
• Siri
• Multitasking (side by side windows)
• Handoff (start editing a map on one device - finish up on another)
• Send and open email attachments
• Share (Twitter, Facebook and other apps e.g. GoodReader, Keynote, Pages etc.)
• Cut/Copy/Paste within and between maps and other apps (e.g. Mail, Safari and Notes etc.)
• Upload and download community generated maps from Biggerplate
Flexible Topic Attributes:
• Colour / Shape
• Images / Icons
• Notes
• Rich text (using Markdown)
• Hyperlinks (websites, other maps, other topics)
• Callouts / Floating topics
• Boundaries / Groups
• Auto-numbering
• Named relationships between topics
• Style support (predefined collections of colors, fonts, shapes etc.)
Task Management:
• Assign start/due date, effort, progress, priority and resources
• Email task reports (by project, by resource)
Advanced Mindmap Features:
• Multiple layouts (horizontal, vertical, fishbone etc.)
• Multiple link styles (curved, tapered, right angled etc.)
• Embedded documents (PDF, XLS, DOC etc)
• Over 100 builtin icons and 90 clipart images.
• Over 30 background canvas patterns (with option to import more.)
• 14 system 'Map Styles' (with option to import more.)
• Doodle (finger drawing)
• Multiple topic selection
• Search and Replace text within topics and notes.
• Filter topics (text, date etc)
• External bluetooth keyboard support.
• External Projector support
• Rule based sorting - including option to sort continuously
• Encrypted, password protected maps (integrated with TouchID and FaceID)
• Outline View
Please visit the website for more information, screenshots and videos.
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Apps Similar To iThoughts
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![Cloud Outliner Pro](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/64bd7b80ad3211776bbc6c0c5d1d0e16.jpg)
Name:Cloud Outliner Pro Price:$2.99
Description:Outlines are interactive and highly customizable notes that organize your plans, projects, and ideas in a clear way. Cloud Outliner enables you to create and share outlines between your Mac, iOS devices, and Evernote account.* Got a sudden flash of insight? Don't risk forgetting it – just enter it right away on whatever device is closest, and see your changes synchronized with all your devices at once.
This tool is not yet another notebook app or sticky notes organizer for mobile devices. Not even a little! Thanks to tight integration with Evernote and iCloud, extensive import and export functionality, rich-text editor, and a truly intuitive user interface with gestures, the solution will become your reliable assistant both at work and at home. You can seamlessly synchronize your records with Evernote and iCloud, share your data in different ways (PDF, OPML, plain text, emails, and even paper copies), and format your notes in the built-in powerful editor. All your thoughts, ideas, ongoing tasks, and even arbitrary memos will be kept safe and available close at hand. You can simply focus on the things that really matter – and the Cloud Outliner will cover everything else.
Install Cloud Outliner to reduce complexity and easily align your daily routines!
Data management and protection:
• Flexible multi-tier document manager
• Highly visible color stickers to mark important records
• Password protection
• Customizable document templates
• Duplicate document operation
Rich-text outline editor:
• Drag and Drop functionality for sorting and reordering rows
• Swipe left or right to change the indentation level
• Multi-selection feature to reorder rows, change indentation, or delete them all at once
• Optional checkboxes that facilitate selection
• Optional automatic numbering (3 styles)
• Adding notes to data and list items
• Customizable text size, color, and style
• Highlighting important rows using different text colors and styles
• Read-only mode support
• View completed tasks
• Collapse/expand functionality for all items
• Filters for displaying only checked or only unchecked items
• Undo/redo operations
• Cut/copy/paste data to outlines or even external apps (Notes, Mail, Safari, etc.)
• Automatic highlighting of links and phone numbers
• Wireless keyboard support (with a wide range of keyboard shortcuts)
Sharing of outlines:
• Export of outlines to PDF
• Import and export of OPML files
• Air Print outlines
• Sending outlines by email or an instant messenger
• “Open In...” feature
Synchronization of outlines:
• Mac version is also available*
• Sync outlines across all your devices with iCloud*
• Sync outlines with Evernote
Extra features:
• Light and Dark themes
• Clear and intuitive design
• Search by outline name or an arbitrary text
• Portrait & Landscape mode support
• Full screen landscape mode on iPhone
• Single app for iPhone and iPad
* Sync with Mac requires Cloud Outliner Pro for macOS, sold separately.
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
![ImmoScout24 Switzerland](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/bbdc815a7ee6f4a3632b22ddd6bfa05b.jpg)
Name:ImmoScout24 Switzerland Price:Free
Description:ImmoScout24 ist der bekannteste Marktplatz für Immobilien in der Schweiz. Kaufen Sie hier Ihr neues Haus oder mieten Sie die Wohnung Ihrer Träume. ImmoScout24 bietet Ihnen täglich mehr als 84‘000 Häuser, Eigentums- und Mietwohnungen: Von der preiswerten Single Wohnung in Lugano über das Reihenhaus in Bern und das Loft in Zürich bis zum Doppelhaus in Luzern wird jeder Wunsch erfüllt.
► INTUITIVE SUCHFUNKTION: Suchen Sie ein Haus oder eine Wohnung, und legen Sie fest ob Sie mieten oder kaufen möchten. Filtern Sie die gefundenen Immobilien nach Kriterien wie Zimmeranzahl, Wohnfläche oder Preis.
► NEU - REISEZEITEN RECHNER: Finden Sie Immobilien in der Nähe Ihres Arbeitsplatzes, Ihres Sportclubs, oder der Schule Ihrer Kinder. Erfassen Sie wichtige Adressen, die Sie regelmässig besuchen und unsere App zeigt Ihnen die Pendel- und Reisenzeiten von jedem Suchergebnis zu diesen Orten an.
► SUCHBEREICHE ZEICHNEN: Zeichnen Sie Ihr eigenes Suchgebiet, unabhängig von Postleitzahlen und Ortsgrenzen.
► VIELFÄLTIGE ANGEBOTE: Finden Sie Häuser und Wohnungen aller Art – egal ob Mietwohnung in der Vorstadt, ein idyllisches Eigenheim in Freiburg oder ein Zimmer in einer Wohngemeinschaft in Basel. Auch ein Haus oder eine Villa zum Kauf in bester Lage, z. B. in Genf, Zürich oder am Thunersee, sind auf dem grössten Immobilien Marktplatz der Schweiz verfügbar. Bei uns werden Sie ebenfalls fündig, wenn Sie ein Gewerbeobjekt, ein unbebautes Grundstück oder einen Parkplatz kaufen oder mieten möchten.
► KOMFORTABLE KARTENFUNKTION: Suchen Sie mithilfe der Umgebungskarte interessante Wohnungen in Ihrer Nachbarschaft oder Ihrem Lieblingsquartier.
► UMFASSENDE DETAILANSICHTEN: Mit den Detailansichten haben Sie alle Daten wie Grösse, Zimmerzahl und Preis einer Wohnung auf einem Bildschirm und können den Vermieter bzw. Verkäufer der Immobilie direkt kontaktieren.
► NEU: PENDELZEITEN: Erfahren Sie wie weit eine Wohnung von Ihrem Arbeitsplatz entfernt ist und planen Sie Ihren Arbeitsweg.
► AUTOMATISCHE WOHNUNGSSUCHE: Legen Sie die Suchkriterien für Ihr neues Zuhause einmalig fest und lassen Sie sich per Push Nachricht informieren, wenn es eine neue Anzeige mit passenden Immobilien gibt.
► GERÄTEÜBERGREIFENDE FAVORITENLISTE: Speichern Sie interessante Wohnungen und Häuser in Ihrer Merkliste ab, und synchronisieren Sie diese mit all Ihren Geräten. Greifen Sie immer und überall auf Ihre favorisierten Immobilien zu.
► NÜTZLICHE ZUSATZINFOS: Zu jeder Immobilie bieten wir Ihnen hilfreiche Zusatzinformationen an, z. B. einen Gemeinderatgeber oder Angebote für einen Umzugsservice.
► PRAKTISCHE SHARING-FUNKTION: Teilen Sie ein Inserat einer interessanten Immobilie direkt per E-Mail, Facebook, Twitter, SMS oder Messenger mit Freunden und Familie.
► EINFACHE VERWALTUNG: Verwalten Sie Ihre Häuser und Wohnungen bequem von Ihrem Natel aus. Das Verkaufen und Vermieten einer Immobilie war nie einfacher.
► KOMPETENTER KUNDENDIENST: Treten Sie in Kontakt zu unserem Kundendienst. Wir stehen Ihnen gerne unter [email protected] oder Tel. +41 (0) 31 744 17 40 zur Verfügung.
Updates zu immoscout24.ch und dieser App finden Sie regelmässig auch unter:
► ImmoScout24: https://www.immoscout24.ch
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/immoscout24.ch
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImmoScout24ch
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ImmoScout24Schweiz
Weitere Apps von der Scout24 Schweiz AG:
► AutoScout24 Schweiz
► MotoScout24 Schweiz
Rating:3.9 Show Detail
![جزيرة الأرقام عربية انجليزية](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/3ba0c09d72a03ce544de6d2b7a67c4df.jpg)
Name:جزيرة الأرقام عربية انجليزية Price:Free
Description:جزيرة الأرقام - تطبيق تعليمي يساعد الأطفال على تعلم كيفية التعرف الأرقام من 0 إلى 50 باللغة العربية و الإنجليزية.
تم تصميم هذا التطبيق خصيصا للأطفال من سن 2 : 6 سنوات.
تحفز الأطفال إلى تعلم كيفية التعرف على الأرقام من سن مبكرة.
سوف نذهب بالأطفال إلى عالم حيث التعلم أكثر متعة.
بعد الانتهاء من الدراسة، يمكن للأطفال أن يلعبوا بعض الألعاب التعليمية مثيرة للاهتمام لاختبار مهاراتهم.
تطبيقاتنا تجمع بين مفهوم التعلم واللعب حيث سيكون التعلم أكثر متعة. وستعرض في شكل جذاب مع الصوت و الرسومات و الحركة لجذب اهتمام الأطفال في التعلم. وعلاوة على ذلك، فإنها يمكن أن صقل المهارات من خلال الألعاب التعليمية المقدمة.
مميزات التطبيق
- تعلم الأرقام 0-50 باللغة العربية و الإنجليزية [English & Arabic] مع التنقل اليدوي بينهم
- تعلم الأرقام 0-50 الوضع التلقائي
- تنقسم طرق الدراسة إلى 6 مستويات تعديلها للمستوى العمري للأطفال.
- أصوات و رسوم متحركة مثيرة للاهتمام.
- مجهزة لمساعدة الأطفال الذين لم يتقنوا القراءة بطلاقة.
- هناك ست مباريات مثيرة لشحذ قدرة الأطفال مثل: لعبة الاختيار ، و لعبة الذاكرة و بالونات الأرقام و فقاعات الأرقام و تخمين الظل و لعبة الرشاقة.
فيديو للعبة
صفحتنا على الفيسبوك
Rating:4 Show Detail
Name:iMindMap Price:$4.99
Description:**NEW: iMindMap has evolved. Today we bring you, Ayoa. Ayoa is a collaborative, fast and powerful Mind Mapping and innovation app for individuals who want to capture their best ideas, while on the go, and turn them into actionable tasks. Available now on the iOS app store. Visit www.ayoa.com to learn more about OpenGenius’ latest app.**
iMindMap users, keep your creativity flowing by accessing your Mind Maps on your phone with iMindMap iPhone. iMindMap iPhone gives you the freedom to develop and adapt your Mind Maps wherever you are. Download today to enjoy creative thinking and flexible productivity on-the-go.
PLEASE NOTE: iMindMap iPhone offers the ability to sync your maps between all your supporting devices. You will be asked to sign up for a free account on the first start.
Feature highlights:
- Create and deliver stunning presentations
- Gain access to iMindMap Cloud to sync your Mind Maps from other devices
- Import/Open .imx files
- Add Audio Notes, web links and text notes
- Colourful Image Library
- Templates to get you started fast
- Sketch Tool
- Inbuilt Smart Layout technology to keep your maps tidy
- Tailor your maps with Styles & Freehand Branches
- Undo/redo feature to quickly amend or alter your Mind Maps
- Gain full access to iMindMap for Web in your browser
- Insert images from your own Photo Album or camera (iPad 2 or newer required)
- Schedule Tasks to stay on top of it all with start dates, finish dates and duration times
- Insert Floating Text and Floating Ideas
- Create new Folders to store and order your maps by date or alphabetical order
- Technical Support
The following features are available through an in-app subscription to iMindMap Cloud:
- Unlimited online storage
- Sync your Mind Maps between devices to edit on the go
- Share Mind Maps with friends, family and colleagues
Find out more about OpenGenius and the journey to Ayoa, here: www.ayoa.com
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![MindLine Mind Mapping](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/b154ed66e093a66c50fc12540de71323.jpg)
Name:MindLine Mind Mapping Price:Free
Description:MindLine is one of the best tools for building mindmap quickly, which is straightforward designed and easy to use, but contains powerful functions. You can make notes, organize ideas, arrange tasks, and take a brainstorming here. We support cloud service to backup and sync files, that make your data safe and quickly to use on different devices.
If any question and suggestion, please contact [email protected]. Thanks!
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![مدرسة تعليم العد بدون اعلانات](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/9e00614db46c0b4452cd6646bf293395.jpg)
Name:مدرسة تعليم العد بدون اعلانات Price:$4.99
Description:"Logico"العبة عبارة عن محاكاة اللعبة الشهيرة
..لعبة لوجيكو الشهيرة الآن متوفرة للجميع مجانا و باللغة العربية
..لوجيكو تمكن الاطفال من اللعب و التعلم بطريقة المراقبة الذاتية
..هذا الاصدار صمم لتدريب مهارات الطفل على العد و المقارنة .. بداية من سن ثلاث سنوات
***مميزات اللعبة***
..١٦ كارت تغطي العد و المقارنة
..لعبة تعليمية بنظام المراقبة الذاتية
..من سن ٣ الى ٦ سنين
..باللغة العربية
..حركة الزراير على البورد تنمي التوافق البصري الحركي عند الاطفال
طريقة اللعب
يقوم الطفل بتحريك الأزرار الملونة في الأسفل لتنتقل بجوار الأجابة المناسبة مع مراعاة الألوان
و بعد أن ينتهي الطفل من الأجابة ووضع الأزرار في أماكنها يقوم بالضغط على "الحل" حيث تكون الأجابة الصحيحة فيقوم بمقارنتها بإجابته ( وهذا من أهم أهداف هذه اللعبة أن يقوم الطفل بالتصحيح الذاتي لنفسه)
نبذة تاريخية عن لعبة LOGICO
Logico هو نظام جديد للتعلم، وضعت في ألمانيا منذ عام 1993. ويتكون الجهاز من لوحة بها أزرار و يتم وضع كروت الاسئلة بها .. و تتميز بسهولة الاستخدام ، مما يجعل الاطفال يلعبون و يفكرون في أنواع مختلفة من الأجوبة التعليمية.
Logico المشهود لهم دوليا حصلت على الجائزة الفضية Worlddidac في عام 1994.
لمشاهدة فيديو اللعبة
لمناقشة اللعبة.. صفحتنا على الفيسبوك
Rating:0 Show Detail
![The Game - Play ... as long as you can!](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/23946802b42c3b043418445af65020b2.jpg)
Name:The Game - Play ... as long as you can! Price:$3.99
Description:"The Game" is the digital single player version of the popular card game, that was nominated in 2015 for the german "Spiel des Jahres" (Game of the Year).
Play ... as long as you can! The Game is you opponent. You can beat it, but even if the rules are very simple - it will not be easy. Think carefully and plan ahead, this is the only way to succeed! During the game, four piles of cards are formed. Two piles are in ascending order (numbers 1–99), and two piles are in descending order (numbers 100–2). The player tries to lay as many cards as possible, all 98 if possible, in four piles of cards.
Play the game - or the game starts playing with you ...
- Easy start into the game
- Game mode "Classic" - corresponds to the 1-player game of the card game
- Single player mode "On Fire" - including the popular extension
- Brandnew variant "Lift Up" - with additional scoring
- Additional difficulty levels in game modes "Classic" and "On Fire"
- Local leaderboard for the "Lift Up" variant
- Supporting Game Center with leaderboard and achievements
"This is the solitaire game only, and it's nearly perfect [...] It's this combination of luck-of-the-draw mixed with hand management that creates a load of tension and makes The Game shine." BoardGameGeek
"The Game offers a fun and challenging puzzle game and a faithful recreation of the cardboard version." (4/5) pocket tactics
"... a solid, really enjoyable and challenging solitaire-style game [...] well worth a look." AppAddict.net
Rating:1.9 Show Detail
![Moments Keyboard](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/c711db69bbcac01c0e44880ca2d710ed.jpg)
Name:Moments Keyboard Price:$0.99
Description:Moments Keyboard (used to be Clipboard Keyboard) is a keyboard that crafted for Wechat business users. It helps you automatically input text from clipboard when sharing text to Moments, so the text won’t get folded. It’s an essential tool for operation and business promotion.
Highlight Features:
- Easy to install and use
- Automatically paste content from the clipboard
- Support adjust input speed
Rating:4 Show Detail