8 Best Apps Similar To KORG iELECTRIBE for iPhone|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: KORG iELECTRIBE for iPhone
APP STORE: App Store $19.99
CURRENT VERSION : 1.1.2(2019-09-25)
APP CATEGORIES : Music, Entertainment
<5K | <5K | <5K |
The ELECTRIBE reborn in an even smaller form A full-fledged rhythm machine for iPhone
● Featured in "Best Music Apps"
● Featured in "Best New Apps"
This app’s intuitive operation allows anyone to easily create powerful beats on the ELECTRIBE series. The enormously popular ELECTRIBE-R instantly became a must-have item for track-makers around the world, and now it’s been reborn as an app for iPhone.
With this app, we’ve effectively “put the original hardware chassis into your iPhone,” by faithfully reproducing the sound engine and design of the ELECTRIBE-R. We’ve also included the latest preset patterns and many new functions that are currently featured on the “iELECTRIBE for iPad”, released in 2010. , taking a further evolutionary step in technology. Taking advantage of the ease of use that you expect on iPhone, we have maximized the intuitive nature of the ELECTRIBE to make this new product worthy of its name: the iELECTRIBE mkII.
It won’t take long for you to enjoy the ultimate experience of the Electribe series. This apps intuitive nature and familiar interface make it easy to create beats with an analog feel that’s like nothing else.
● Amazing rhythm machine that generates powerful grooves
We’ve perfectly replicated the thick-sounding synth engine of the ELECTRIBE-R and its intuitive step sequencer. Now you can instantly obtain extreme tonal changes and powerful rhythms with just one touch
Not only can iELECTRIBE for iPhone be easily enjoyed by anyone, but it also allows detailed beat-making that transcends iPhone specs. In addition to playing back the provided audio data, you can also freely synthesize sounds from a single waveform and combine those sounds into your own original beats. This allows for the true experience of music production that connects all musicians.
● Three hundred built-in rhythm patterns that only this app can produce
With 64 of the latest preset patterns, 192 from the first-generation ELECTRIBE-R, and 32 template patterns for various genres, this app successfully draws out the full potential of the thick sounding analog beats. There are approximately 300 inimitable rhythm patterns that you’ll hear only from iELECTRIBE for iPhone. Electro, house, techno, drum'n'bass, dubstep, hip hop, techno pop, and IDM are some of the wide range of electronic music genres that are provided.
● An ELECTRIBE that you can put in your pocket and take anywhere
Whether you’re on the train or bus while commuting to school or to work, at a coffee shop, or in your bedroom, you can enjoy beat-making anywhere and anytime you like. Your completed beats can be transferred to your DAW software via the audio export function. You can also use the WIST function to play wirelessly with a friend using two devices simultaneously.
● Powerful functions that bring infinite possibilities to your grooves
We’ve packed maximum potential into this machine with eight types of powerful master effects featured on the upper-level models of the ELECTRIBE. This includes the ring modulation function of the ELECTRIBE-R and the cross-modulation function of the ELECTRIBE-R mkII. This app allows you to switch back and forth to choose between the two. It also includes the BEAT FLUTTER function that uses a proprietary randomizer to create fresh rhythms and the motion sequence function that remembers your knob movements. In addition, you can use an external USB-MIDI device such as the nanoPAD or nanoKONTROL for performance and control. There’s also support for the latest iOS technologies such as Inter-App Audio, Audiobus, Virtual MIDI, and iCloud.
More info at korg.com
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Apps Similar To KORG iELECTRIBE for iPhone
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![Dream Piano](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/c8e40b87011728fdc3192b5b8761d516.jpg)
Name:Dream Piano Price:Free
Description:Dream Piano
¡Pulsa rápido, disfruta de la música y desafía tu velocidad a la hora de pulsar!
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Reglas del juego:
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Características del juego:
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Rating:5 Show Detail
Name:触手直播-和游戏大神组队开黑 Price:¥0.00
Rating:2.75 Show Detail
![올원뱅크(All One Bank)](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/11552cf71c51a408fa08c24378bd8892.jpg)
Name:올원뱅크(All One Bank) Price:₩0
Description:나를 위한 모든 금융이 한 곳에, 농협은행 모바일뱅크 「올원뱅크」를 만나보세요.
[올원뱅크 NEW 기능]
1. 새로운 UI
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"아리아~"를 불러 자주쓰는계좌/연락처에 등록된 상대에게 송금해보세요.
[올원뱅크 주요기능]
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조금 더 크게 보고 싶다면 ‘큰글송금’으로 이용해보세요.
3. 간편결제/간편납부
올원계좌를 통해 제로페이 서비스를 경험해보세요.
QR/바코드결제에서 모바일상품권(온누리, 지역상품권) 구매까지 모두 가능합니다. 또한 지로, 지방세, 범칙금, 상하수도, 환경개선부담금 등의 공과금을 납부할 수 있습니다.
4. 언제 어디서나 손쉽게 상품가입
입출금통장에서 예/적금, 대출상품까지 나에게 필요한 상품을 바로바로 신청. ‘올원해봄적금’, ‘올원캔디예금’은 올원뱅크에서만 만날 수 있습니다.
5. 모여라 NH금융그룹
복잡한 대출, 간편하게 확인해보세요. NH농협은행은 물론 NH금융지주 계열사의 대출 상품까지 한번에, 계열사 통합 대출 서비스 ‘다모아대출’
- NH농협카드
농협카드라면 별도 등록없이 각종 내역조회가 가능
핀번호 입력만으로 단기카드대출이 가능한 간편 서비스
- NH투자증권
증권시세조회는 물론 보유자산조회까지 한눈에 증권계좌가 없다면 증권앱 다운로드로 비대면 계좌개설
- NH농협생명보험/NH농협손해보험
내 보장자산도 확인하고 필요할 때는 약관대출까지
국내여행, 해외여행 가기 전에는 휴대폰으로 편리한 안심보험
다이렉트 보험 간편설계, 납입/청구 내역조회까지
- NH농협캐피탈/NH저축은행
신차, 중고차 구입 시 필요한 대출은 오토론으로
6. 수수료 우대 받고 외화 환전/송금
휴대폰으로 환전 신청하고 가까운 영업점에서 수령
외화 계좌 없이도 해외송금
웨스턴유니온송금 간편하게 수취
환테크가 필요할 때 ‘내맘대로외화BOX’
7. 올원캔디(리워드)
모아서 이벤트/경품 응모 올원뱅크 활동에 따라 적립되는 올원뱅크만의 포인트로 이벤트, 경품응모, 우대금리 적용에 사용해 보세요.
8. 상담톡
올원뱅크가 궁금하다면 상담톡에 말해주세요. 메뉴안내, 상품추천, 송금 서비스까지 빠르고 똑똑하게 알려드립니다.
9. 마이올원
올원뱅크 계좌관리, 서비스 이용현황, 통합 입출금 조회 서비스, 다양한 계좌의 출금예정알림 설정 및 입출금 리포트 등의 맞춤 알림을 제공합니다.
10. 올원뱅크 고객만을 위한 혜택 ‘프리미엄’
올원뱅크 고객 전용 혜택. 예능/드라마, 웹툰/웹소설, 할인쿠폰, 핫딜 서비스를 누려보세요.
11. 올원 라이프
[결제] 코나카드, 모바일교통카드 등 생활 속의 다양한 할인혜택 및 결제서비스 제공
[쇼핑] 기프티쇼(모바일쿠폰), 농산물장터(농협몰)를 통해 스마트한 쇼핑 및 혜택 제공
[재미] 더+모임, 올원커뮤니티
[생활] 산지스토리, 컬쳐홀릭, 건강지키미, 다낭도깨비
[혜택] 예능/드라마, 웹툰/웹소설, 할인쿠폰, 핫딜
[올원뱅크 이용안내]
이용대상 - 본인명의 휴대폰 및 계좌 보유자 (단, 본인명의 휴대폰이 아닐 경우, 농협은행 e금융가입자에 한해 별도의 인증을 거쳐 회원가입이 가능합니다.)
이용시간 - 24시간 (일부 서비스 제외)
이용문의 - 고객행복센터: 1661-3000 (평일 9:00~ 18:00)
전화상담예약, 채팅상담(평일 9:00~ 18:00) 이메일상담접수(24시간): 올원뱅크 내 고객센터
올원뱅크 앱에서 사용하는 접근 권한에 대하여 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.
■ 접근 권한
- 위치 : 위치기반으로 영업점 찾기 등을 위해 사용합니다.
- 주소록 : 간편송금, 환전송금 등에서 상대방의 연락처 정보를 사용하기 위해 접근합니다.
- 카메라 : 비대면계좌개설 시 신분증촬영 및 QR결제 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 사진 : 마이올원 이미지 등록, 초대장 이미지, 자주쓰는 송금 이미지 등록 시 사용합니다.
- 마이크: 음성송금서비스, 음성메뉴이동서비스 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 음성인식: 음성송금서비스, 음성메뉴이동서비스 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 블루투스: 영상인증 이용 시 사용됩니다.
※ 선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스를 이용할 수 있으나, 일부 기능 사용에 제한이 있을 수 있습니다.
※ 설치가능 OS버젼 : iOS 10.0 이상
■ 기존 설치된 앱을 사용하시는 경우에는 앱을 삭제 후 재설치 하셔야 접근 권한 설정이 가능합니다.
Rating:2.5 Show Detail
![Music - Musica App](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/741fcc08c2cb338367b506adf379e366.jpg)
Name:Music - Musica App Price:Free
Description:This app allows you to search and listen millions of Song.
### Advanced Video Player
--> Search videos with accurate & auto suggestions
--> Playback control: Repeat, Mute, Speed: 1x,2x,4x,8x
--> Switch video quality to 240p, 360p, 720p, 1080p
--> Share videos
--> Browse Videos by Categories
--> Video playback in fullscreen or small window
### Smart Manager
--> Quick & powerful Youtube search with suggestions
--> Browse popular videos
--> Create unlimited playlists & add music in one tap
—-> Add videos to playlists without login
Subscription Length: Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase
- You will be able to access full feature of the app for the duration of the subscription
- Subscription automatically renews for the same price and duration period as the original "1 Week" unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period at the cost of the chosen package (weekly, yearly)
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's iTunes Account Settings after purchase
- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period
- You may cancel a subscription during its free trial period via the subscription setting through your iTunes account. This must be done 24 hours before the end of the subscription period to avoid being charged.
Please visithttp://support.apple.com/kb/ht4098 for more information
- You may turn off the auto-renewal of your subscription via your iTunes Account Settings.However, you are not able to cancel the current subscription during its active period
- Any unused portion of a free-trial period, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription.
Read our full Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy at:
Rating:4.15 Show Detail
![Kostenlose Klingeltöne für das iPhone - Entwurf und Klingelton herunterladen App](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/0489845c386aae3e08384e350d20ed1f.jpg)
Name:Kostenlose Klingeltöne für das iPhone - Entwurf und Klingelton herunterladen App Price:0,00 €
Description:All in ONE free RINGTONES App (convert music & record with mic & use extensive library)
Unlimited free ringtone!
Ringtone designer will convert all (mp3 & AAC) iTunes music to ringtones.
Ringtone recorder will allow to record family and friend voices as ringtones.
This is BEST FREE IPHONE RINGTONES APP in AppStore period!
Unique ringtones features:
Share ringtones on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LINE, email and SMS.
iOS 9 Text & Alert & SMS & iMessage tones support
Different genres : Pop, classical, piano, disco, etc (more than 50)!
Ringtones works flawlessly with almost all iPhone and iPad!
Rating:2.7 Show Detail
![DJ多多 - MC喊麦社会摇](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/eeba83e3431f8d0adbd70e322ec91f16.jpg)
Name:DJ多多 - MC喊麦社会摇 Price:Free
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
![Drum Pad Machine - Beat Maker](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/5157eb925881371a0db65599979f8a3e.jpg)
Name:Drum Pad Machine - Beat Maker Price:Free
Description:Make your own music like a pro. Create sick beats, perfect and perform unique tracks!
• Great variety of music styles: Hip-hop, Drum & Bass, Trap, Dubstep, House, and many others;
• Advanced Audio. Get access to professional-quality audio samples created by professional musicians and DJs;
• Instruments & FX. Use Drum & Piano for creative sound designs;
• Sequencing. Get studio effects including Tempo Regulation and EQ;
• Beat School. Watch videos and tutorials for quick learning;
• Quick sharing. Share your music with the world.
Enjoy this powerful, yet easy-to-use tool to get the best music experience!
Drum Pad Machine Premium
Drum Pad Machine Premium Subscription allows you unlock all sounds, features and remove ads. Choose from different subscription options. Our standard subscription options are:
- 1 week subscription with 3-day free trial
- 1 month subscription
- 1 year subscription
Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period.
Subscriptions may be managed by you and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to iTunes Account Settings. For more information please visit the link https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039. No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during the active subscription period. Unused portion of a free-trial period will be forfeited when a user decides to subscribe.
EULA: https://easybrain.com/terms.html
Privacy Policy: https://easybrain.com/policy.html
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
Name:Cardiograph Price:$1.99
Description:Cardiograph é uma forma rápida e fiável para medir o seu ritmo cardíaco no iPhone e iPad. Utilizando apenas a câmara integrada do seu dispositivo (sem necessidade de hardware adicional), permite acompanhar o seu ritmo cardíaco em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora. Os registos detalhados de histórico e a capacidade de sincronizar, marcar, partilhar e imprimir medições individuais fazem dela uma ferramenta versátil para monitorizar a sua saúde cardiovascular.
* Resultados Precisos, Quase Imediatamente
Uma maneira rápida e fácil de saber quão rápido bate o seu coração tem muitas aplicações - desde melhorar o seu regime de exercício a manter o controlo periódico do estado do seu coração, ou apenas por diversão. Cardiograph facilita-o, com resultados precisos que são exibidos em alguns segundos.
* Desgin Simples e Sóbrio
O design minimalista e intuitivo mostra-lhe tudo de relance e faz com que Cardiograph seja acessível e simples de utilizar para toda a gente.
* Histórico Detalhado
Guarde as suas medições (incluindo cada batimento cardíaco individual) para referência futura ou para partilhar com a sua família ou profissional de saúde. Poderá também adicionar um rótulo a cada medição, dependendo da intensidade do seu nível de atividade ou exercício.
* Exporte e Partilhe as Suas Medições
Cada medição pode ser partilhada, exportada em formato PDF e até mesmo imprimida em papel diretamente da app. Se possui a nossa app anterior, Cardiograph Classic, poderá transferir todas as suas medições para a nova app com apenas alguns toques.
* Concebida para iPhone e iPad,
Cardiograph é uma app nativa que tira proveito das distintas características do iPhone e iPad, assim como as excelentes câmaras, 3D Touch (sempre que disponível) e apoio para sincronizar com a app Apple Health (sempre que disponível).
IMPORTANTE: Embora suficientemente precisa, esta aplicação não se destina a substituir equipamento médico profissional e cuidados qualificados. Caso tenha alguma preocupação com o estado do seu coração, por favor, consulte o seu médico ou clínico geral.
Caso encontre dificuldades ao utilizar Cardiograph, veja a secção “Mais” dentro da app ou contacte-nos através do nosso e-mail de apoio para o podermos auxiliar.
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Rating:4.6 Show Detail