8 Best Apps Similar To March of Empires|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: March of Empires

March of Empires

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 4.8.2(2020-05-20)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Strategy, Social Networking
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.4 (14.58K)

20.0K   400.0K <5K


Покиньте унылую реальность и завоюйте трон!

Почувствуйте себя королем высокогорья, царем северных земель или султаном пустыни и играйте в стратегию времен средневековья, которая перевернет ваши представления о жанре. Покорите новые земли!

Стройте неприступные замки, соберите огромную армию и развяжите войну! Обязательно найдутся другие амбициозные короли, рыцари, викинги (да мало ли кто еще?), которые не разделят ваших стремлений. Кто же победит? Сможете ли вы объединить окрестные земли под свои знаменем? Или будете наблюдать, как ваш трон займет чужестранец, а его армия разорит ваши земли?

• Руководите армиями, стройте замки, завоевывайте новые земли, сражайтесь и каждый день думайте над принятием судьбоносных решений.
• Удивительная детализированная графика вдохнет жизнь в каждый сантиметр вашей империи.

• Короли высокогорья: рыцари без страха и упрека.
• Северные цари: коварные и в войне, и в мирное время.
• Султаны пустыни: вдохновенные защитники знаний и религий.
• Или может все-таки неотесанные викинги?

• Покоряйте новые земли, заключайте союзы и станьте самым влиятельным.
• Сражайтесь и получайте награды.
• Тщательно продумайте стратегию и сделайте ваше королевство неприступным.

• Постройте города, которые принесут прибыль вам и вашим союзникам.
• Возводите торговые посты, замки, храмы (кто сказал, что можно обойтись без религии?), хранилища и многое другое.

• Внимательно выбирайте боевые порядки! Хитрая стратегия в войне принесет больше пользы, чем грубая сила.
• Планируйте свои действия и используйте преимущества времен года.

• Взаимодействуйте с союзниками с помощью простой системы.
• Вступайте во временные союзы. Помощь может оказаться такой же прибыльной, как и предательство...
• Общайтесь с другими игроками и скрестите мечи в увлекательном мультиплеере.

• Захватите пять хорошо защищенных замков, которые удерживают Престол Власти, Престол Героев, Престол Войны, Престол Порядка и Престол Согласия.
• Каждый престол принесет Альянсу, под чьим контролем он находится, уникальные бонусы, а также возможность изменить политику средневекового мира.
• Каждый может вступить в борьбу за трон, все воюющие кланы должны отдать свой голос за предлагаемого правителя.
• Создайте прочные дипломатические связи, вместе с другими рыцарями альянса ведите переговоры с врагом и с другими альянсами, и привлеките на свою сторону как можно больше союзников в борьбе за трон.
• В центре борьбы кланов, рыцарей, викингов, королей, религии, армии и прочих непримиримых врагов находится Трон Силы!

Пять замков удерживают троны, а вместе с ними и влияние на все королевство, которое может принадлежать только одному альянсу.

Для фанатов стратегии, ММО, РПГ, фентези, любителей эпических квестов, побыть королями или даже захватить мир.

Скачайте игру и сражайтесь за трон!


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Apps Similar To March of Empires

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Mr.クラブ 2

Name:Mr.クラブ 2                                                Price:¥0

Description:Mr. Crab 2 is trots om deel uit te mogen maken van ‘App Store Beste van 2016’!

Raad eens wie terug is? De onweerstaanbare, vriendelijke en gave superheld Mr. Crab. Dit keer heeft hij wat nieuwe vrienden meegebracht om met hem mee te gaan op het meest mooie en betekenisvolle avontuur. Lukt het Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden om alle verloren babykrabben te redden? Om dit te kunnen doen moeten ze goed kunnen springen, door spannende en leuke passages gaan en tot slot oppassen voor kwaadaardige vijanden. Lukt het de krabhelden te overwinnen?

Dit is het moment om Mr. Crab en zijn vrienden te helpen om de baby's terug te krijgen.

Timing is alles
In Mr. Crab 2 moet je al je timing en denkvaardigheden gebruiken om in ieder level gouden medailles te verkrijgen.

Uitdagende levels
Veel uitdagende en prachtige levels. Levels om gratis te behalen en levels om als kado uit een automaat te verkrijgen.

Pas je krab aan
Verzamel veel leuke voorwerpen zoals hoeden en maskers en pas je krabben aan.

Volg @illusionlabs op Twitter
Like ons op facebook.com/illusionlabs

Music gemaakt door Scott Tobin

Rating:4                                               Show Detail

السوق المفتوح - OpenSooq

Name:السوق المفتوح - OpenSooq                                                Price:Free

Description:OpenSooq is the largest marketplace in MENA with over 3 million downloads. Buy and sell your car, mobile phone, home furniture, or any other item, find a place to live or find your dream job while in the comfort of your home. All of this is for free and just a few clicks away!

The following sections on OpenSooq enable you to buy or sell anything you want 4sale in all of the Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and many others:
1- Cars section which offers the biggest collection of ads for buying or selling second hand cars as well as car rental offices.
2- Real Estate section for selling or renting apartments, houses, lounges and palaces.
3- Job Vacancies in all Arab countries for all disciplines like geometrics and many others just like in any newspaper.
4- Electronics section which contains ads such mobile phones, televisions and many others. Through this section you are able to buy directly from the owner.
5- A specialised section for the latest Fashion trends in 2019. Here you can find makeup, outfits, perfumes, bags and watches from different brands.
6- A section for House-hold Furniture and Products where you can find everything related to the Arabic kitchen, furniture, home designs in all tastes of Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian and Gulf.
7- A section for Animals which offers ads for selling or adopting cats, dogs, camels and other animals as well as farm supplies.
8- Public Services section such as tourism services around the world. Booking airline tickets, hotels, work visas and many others.


Follow us on:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/OpenSooq
Twitter : @OpenSooq
Instagram : @OpensooqOman

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:斗鱼直播-高端电子竞技直播分享平台                                                 Price:Free


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Rating:2.8                                             Show Detail

Fire Emblem Heroes

Name:Fire Emblem Heroes                                                 Price:Free

Description:Fire Emblem, a aclamada série de RPG de estratégia da Nintendo, que faz sucesso há mais de 25 anos, continua a sua jornada em dispositivos inteligentes!

Lute em batalhas customizadas para telas táteis e que você pode jogar em qualquer lugar. Invoque personagens de todo o universo de Fire Emblem. Desenvolva as habilidades de seus heróis e os leve à vitória. Esta nova aventura de Fire Emblem é diferente de todas que você já viu!

Este aplicativo pode ser baixado gratuitamente e oferece opções de compras dentro do aplicativo.

■ Uma jornada épica

Este jogo apresenta o desenvolvimento contínuo de uma história original na qual novos personagens e dezenas e mais dezenas de heróis do universo de Fire Emblem se encontram.

Até julho de 2019 já foram disponibilizados mais de 800 níveis da história, incluindo os diferentes modos de dificuldade. Ao superá-los você recebe orbes que podem ser usados para invocar heróis.
Novos capítulos da história são adicionados frequentemente. Não perca!

■ Batalhas intensas

Participe de batalhas estratégicas baseadas em turnos, simplificadas para mapas que cabem na palma de sua mão! Você terá que levar em conta as vantagens e desvantagens de cada arma de seus heróis e até analisar os próprios mapas enquanto joga. Lidere o seu exército com controles táteis intuitivos, incluindo a habilidade de atacar simplesmente deslizando um aliado até um inimigo.

Você não tem experiência em jogos de batalha estratégica baseada em turnos? Não tem problema! Use a opção de combate automático para os seus personagens lutarem automaticamente.

■ Fortaleça seus heróis favoritos

Há muitas maneiras de fortalecer seus aliados: aumentar de nível, habilidades, armas, equipar itens e mais. Melhore os seus personagens cada vez mais e lute pela vitória.

■ Modos que podem ser jogados mais de uma vez

Além da história principal, há muitos outros modos em que você pode fortalecer seus aliados, competir contra outros jogadores, e mais.

■ Personagens originais encontram heróis lendários

O jogo apresenta vários personagens heróis da série Fire Emblem e novos personagens criados pelos artistas Yusuke Kozaki, Shigeki Maeshima e Yoshiku. Alguns heróis lutarão ao seu lado como aliados, enquanto outros podem lhe enfrentar como inimigos hostis para serem derrotados e adicionados ao seu exército.

* Uma conexão de internet é necessária para jogar. Tarifas de dados podem ser cobradas.
* Para usar este jogo com uma conta Nintendo, jogadores precisam ter 13 anos ou mais.
* Permitimos que nossos parceiros terceiros coletem dados deste aplicativo com propósitos analíticos e de marketing. Para mais informações sobre nossas propagandas, confira a seção "Como utilizamos suas informações” da política de privacidade da Nintendo.
* Variações nas especificações do dispositivo e outros aplicativos executados no dispositivo podem afetar a operação normal deste aplicativo.
* Pode incluir publicidade.

Rating:4.85                                                 Show Detail

VPNHUB VPN & Wifi Proxy

Name:VPNHUB VPN & Wifi Proxy                                                 Price:Free

Description:VPNHUB protects your online privacy and masks your IP. With thousands of servers in over 60 countries, our VPN lets you access sites and streaming from anywhere on the planet, without losing one second of browsing speed. It’s an armored car with a supersonic jet engine.

The reality today is that the internet is full of restrictions, privacy invasions, security breaches, and a host of unwanted entities trafficking in your personal data. What a downer!

VPNHUB is your first-class ticket to that original ideal of a truly secure and private internet. It is the most powerful, most reliable and most secure VPN service in existence. Right on!

You can try VPNHUB right now, without even needing to register! Go ahead and kiss the following problems goodbye, like that time you…
… once bought a tent online and got bombarded with camping equipment ads, or
… were denied banking assistance because you once visited some online gambling sites, or
… had your personal data stolen because you used the Wi-Fi at your local café, etc.

You see, whether its tiny annoyances, embarrassing scandals, or even life-ruining consequences, VPNHUB is the total solution to all of the above problems and more.

VPNHUB is your first-class ticket to that original idea of a truly secure and private internet. It is the most powerful, most reliable and most secure VPN service in existence. Right on!

Standard Features:
* American VPN Servers
* Military-Grade Encryption
* Hide Your IP and Location
* Access Public Wi-Fi Securely

VPNHUB Premium includes:
* Global Video Streaming
* Servers in 60+ Locations
* Apps for Desktop
* Multiple Devices At Once
* Top Speeds & Zero Data Caps

* Avoid Getting Hacked on Public Wi-Fi
Sure it's convenient to get online using the internet at your local coffee shop, but using public Wi-Fi is like living in a glass house with no locks on the doors. Not only are you at risk of having an unwanted audience, but people can stroll right in to steal your personal data, like passwords and photos. VPNHUB encrypts all of your communications over public Wi-Fi.

* Privacy Protection and Location Masking
Your ISP may keep logs of every website you visit. Other VPNs may do it too. VPNHUB does not, end of story! It’s like wherever you browse, we’re the forensic clean-up crew covering your tracks, and then we wipe our own memories too. And not only your browsing, but we’ll mask your true location by routing your data through our full stack of encrypted global servers.

* Servers in 60+ Locations
Standard users get unlimited access to our United States servers. That’s a decent place to start, but why stay put in one spot? Go further. Go global. Go Premium, and get access to servers from over 60 countries in far-flung lands, like from Austria to Australia, from Malaysia to Mexico, or the UK to the UAE, and beyond.

Install VPNHUB today, and get the entire internet at your fingertips. No fingerprints!

VPNHUB Premium Subscription Details:
- 7 day free trial offer is commitment-free, can be cancelled anytime.
- Payments charged to user's iTunes Account upon purchase.
- Subscription lengths and prices: one month ($15.99), one year ($89.88).
- Auto-renewal unless cancelled 24 hours prior to subscription ending.
- Subscriptions may be managed or cancelled through the user's Account Settings.
- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during an active subscription period.
- Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.

Privacy Policy: https://www.vpnhub.com/privacy-policy/
Terms: https://www.vpnhub.com/terms-of-service/

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

Hackers - Join the Cyberwar!

Name:Hackers - Join the Cyberwar!                                                 Price:Free

Description:사이버전쟁에참여해서전세계에있는다양한목표를해킹하세요. 또, 당신의네트워크를발전시키하, 지키세요.

다크넷이지금처럼접속하기쉬웠던적이없습니다! 이사이버전쟁비주얼인터페이스를사용해서당신은프로그램을연구하고, 해커로써의명성을높이고, 다른해커의네트워크를약탈하거나당신의국가를위해서싸울수있습니다.

당신의 3D 네트워크아키텍쳐를만들고, 발전시키세요.
다른사람의네트워크에침입하기위해, 저돌적인방법을사용할수도, 은밀한방법을선택할수도있습니다.
정부, 사회운동가, 테러리스트들이주는다양한미션을수행하세요.

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

Fallout Shelter

Name:Fallout Shelter                                                 Price:Free

Description:*** App Store Best of 2015 ***
Mobile Game of the Year - 2016 DICE Awards
Winner 2015 Golden Joystick Best Handheld/Mobile Game

"Might just be the best free-to-play game out there" - GamesBeat
“Bethesda's first entry into iOS gaming is awesome. Game of the Week" - TouchArcade
"Probably the best game of E3 2015” – Gizmodo
"Fallout Shelter is simple to play and addictive as hell." - GameZone

Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland.

*** Fallout Shelter requires at least an iPhone 5, iPad 3, or iPad mini 2. ***

Create a brighter future…underground! Select from a variety of modern-day rooms to turn an excavation beneath 2,000 feet of bedrock into the very picture of Vault Life.

Get to know your Dwellers and lead them to happiness. Find their ideal jobs and watch them flourish. Provide them with outfits, weapons, and training to improve their abilities.

Turn worthless junk into useful items with Crafting! Customize the look of any dweller in the Barbershop.

A well-run Vault requires a variety of Dwellers with a mix of skills. Build a Radio Room to attract new Dwellers. Or, take an active role in their personal lives; play matchmaker and watch the sparks fly!

Send Dwellers above ground to explore the blasted surface left behind and seek adventure, handy survival loot, or unspeakable death. Find new armor and weapons, gain experience, and earn Caps. But don’t let them die!

From time to time, idyllic Vault life may be disrupted by the dangers of post-nuclear life. Prepare your Dwellers to protect against threats from the outside…and within.

Vault-Tec has provided the tools, but the rest is up to you. What are you waiting for? Get started building your Vault today for FREE.

Requires iOS7 or later. Compatible with iPhone 5 or later, iPad Mini 2 or later, iPad 3 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and iPad Air 2.

This app offers in-app purchases. Please note that you may disable in-app purchasing directly from your device. For more information, visit http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4213.

Rating:4.65                                                 Show Detail


Name:三国群英传:霸王之业                                                 Price:¥0.00








1. 3D Touch特性:放大主城和世界地图场景、显示外城土地等级;
2. iMessage 表情包 :现已加入自有版权三国熊猫系列表情包。


Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail