8 Best Apps Similar To MIA Fem Period Tracker|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: MIA Fem Period Tracker

MIA Fem Period Tracker

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.21(2020-05-25)
APP CATEGORIES : Health & Fitness, Medical
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.85 (10.3K)

40.0K   40.0K <5K


आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए पीरियड ट्रैक करने के 5 बेहतरीन लाभ

1. आपके मूड को ज्यादा प्रभावी तरीके से संभालता है: तेजी से मूड बदलना एक ऐसी चीज है जिसका सामना 90% महिलाओं को अपने हर चक्र के दौरान करना पड़ता है। पीरियड ट्रैकिंग ऐप के साथ, हम आपको केवल कुछ आसान चरणों में बुरी स्थितियों को संभालने के उपाय देंगे। इसके अलावा, आपको पता चलेगा कि आपको किस चीज की वजह से गुस्सा आता है, या आप चिंतित या थकी हुई महसूस करती हैं, और इससे बचने के लिए अगली बार आपको क्या करना है।
2. उतने ही समय में ज्यादा सेहतमंद बनिये: जिम के बेहतर लाभ पाने के लिए अपनी जानकारी का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए आपको बस अपने मासिक चक्र को अपने व्यायामों के साथ सिंक करने की जरुरत पड़ती है। आपके पीरियड के बाद आपके शरीर में एस्ट्रोजन की मात्रा बढ़नी शुरू होती है और आपको ज्यादा ऊर्जा देती है इसलिए आप ज्यादा व्यायाम कर सकती हैं। तीसरे सप्ताह के दौरान, आपके शरीर को एस्ट्रोजन और प्रोजेस्टेरोन का संयोजन मिलता है, और यह शरीर की चर्बी जलाने का सबसे अच्छा समय है। आपको उतने ही व्यायाम में अपने शरीर से ज्यादा चर्बी जलाने का बहुत अच्छा मौका मिलेगा।
3. अपनी सफलता का समय जानें: अपना मासिक चक्र जानकर आप कुछ विशेष परियोजनाओं या काम पर बड़ा मुकाम हासिल करने में सहायता पा सकती हैं। माना जाता है कि मासिक चक्र के पहले दो हफ्तों के दौरान महिलाएं ज्यादा अच्छी वक्ता होती हैं, यह वो समय होता है जब आप काम पर सबसे ज्यादा उत्पादक होती हैं। जाहिर तौर पर, यह एस्ट्रोजन स्तरों में वृद्धि के कारण होता है। हालाँकि, तीसरे हफ्ते के दौरान आपको थोड़ा अवकाश लेना चाहिए क्योंकि इस समय के दौरान हॉर्मोन स्तरों में बदलाव के कारण आप ज्यादा बेचैन और दूसरे के लिए रूखापन महसूस कर सकती हैं।
4. पीएमएस के दौरान ज्यादा अच्छी नींद पाएं: हमारी नींद भी हमारे मासिक चक्र पर निर्भर करती है। प्रीमेंस्ट्रुअल सिंड्रोम आपकी नींद को प्रभावित करता है, विशेष रूप से, आंकड़ों के अनुसार कुछ महिलाओं में यह ज्यादा खराब होती है। आपको ऐसा लग सकता है कि आप पर्याप्त मात्रा में नींद नहीं ले पा रही हैं। अपनी जीवनशैली में थोड़े-बहुत बदलाव करके इसे ठीक किया जा सकता है: कॉफ़ी कम करें, शाम में कोई खेल खेलें (सोने से 3 घंटे पहले) और सोने का एक समय बनाकर और इसका पालन करके अपनी सोने की दिनचर्या बनाएं। यह पर्याप्त नींद पाने के लिए आपके शरीर के लय को नियमित करने में मदद करेगा।
5. अपने शरीर को अच्छे से जानें: पीरियड ट्रैकिंग ऐप में आपके द्वारा डाली गयी हर एक जानकारी आपके लिए अपना निजी डेटाबेस बनाने में मदद करती है। यहाँ तक कि अपने ऐप में आपके द्वारा मार्क किया गया हर छोटा स्टीकर आपके बारे में बहुत कुछ बताता है। आखिरकार, आपको अपने स्वास्थ्य का एक बड़ा मानचित्र प्राप्त होता है और आप अपना विशेष पैटर्न देखने के लिए इसे प्रयोग कर सकती हैं या अपने चिकित्सक के साथ इसे साझा कर सकती हैं। वो भी बिलकुल मुफ्त। इसके अलावा, हर बार MIA ऐप का प्रयोग करने पर आपको दैनिक सुझाव मिलता है।

ऐप्लिकेशन और सदस्यताएँ का उपयोग कैसे करें

आप डाउनलोड करने और मुक्त करने के लिए मिया अनुप्रयोग का उपयोग कर सकते हैं । प्रीमियम सामग्री और प्रीमियम समर्थन सुविधाओं का उपयोग करने के लिए, की पेशकश की सदस्यता योजनाओं में से एक का चयन करें । आप $49.99, या $39.99 के लिए छह महीने के विकल्प की लागत जो वार्षिक योजना का चयन कर सकते हैं. आप ""कोशिश से पहले आप खरीद"" तरह के हैं, तो हम आपको सब कुछ अनलॉक और यह आप के लिए या नहीं काम करता है कि क्या तय करने के लिए अनुमति देता है कि एक 7 दिन नि: शुल्क परीक्षण अवधि है । नि: शुल्क परीक्षण विकल्प स्वचालित रूप से परीक्षण अवधि समाप्त होने के बाद 1 महीने की योजना के लिए बढ़ा दिया जाता है कि कृपया ध्यान रखें, और $14.99 महीने की लागत हर महीने शुल्क लिया जाएगा ।

एक सदस्यता के लिए चयन करते हैं, तो आप अनुप्रयोग में प्रदर्शित किया जाता है, जो अपने देश के लिए निर्धारित मूल्य का भुगतान । यह वर्तमान सदस्यता अवधि के अंत से पहले कम से कम 24 घंटे रद्द कर दिया है जब तक कि सदस्यता स्वचालित रूप से नए सिरे से है । आपका itunes खाते मौजूदा सदस्यता समाप्ति से पहले 24 घंटे के भीतर नई अवधि के लिए शुल्क लिया जाएगा. इन-ऐप सदस्यता की वर्तमान अवधि रद्द नहीं किया जा सकता । आप किसी भी समय अपने itunes के माध्यम से स्वत: नवीकरण निष्क्रिय कर सकते हैं.

मिया गोपनीयता नीति: https://mia.health/en/privacy-policy/
मिया उपयोग की शर्तें: https://mia.health/en/terms-of-use/
संपर्क मिया: [email protected].
हमारे जाले www.mia.health





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Name:Roblox                                                Price:Free

Description:Roblox é o universo virtual definitivo que permite que você jogue, crie e seja tudo que puder imaginar. Junte-se a milhões de jogadores e descubra uma variedade infinita de mundos imersivos criados por uma comunidade global!

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Seja criativo e mostre seu estilo único! Personalize seu avatar com vários chapéus, camisas, rostos, equipamentos e muito mais. Com um catálogo de itens cada vez maior, a variedade de visuais que você pode criar é simplesmente infinita!


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SUPORTE: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us
CONTATO: https://corp.roblox.com/contact/
POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDADE: https://www.roblox.com/info/privacy
TERMOS DE USO: https://www.roblox.com/info/terms
GUIA DOS PAIS: https://corp.roblox.com/parents/

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Rating:4.5                                               Show Detail

핑크다이어리 Pingda

Name:핑크다이어리 Pingda                                                Price:Free

Description:▷ 한국 여성들이 가장 많이 쓰는 국내 1위 생리주기 어플
▷ 개인정보/민감정보 암호화, 개인정보보호 강화 및 관련법령 준수 모니터링(개인정보 보호인증 획득)
▷ 오늘의 임신확률 표시, 가임기/배란일/생리예정일 자동계산
▷ 저소득층 생리대 기부, 청소년 성교육 등 공익활동 진행
▷ 여자들만의 아지트 비밀보장 여성전용 익명 커뮤니티 핑다톡
▷ 피임•생리모드, 임신준비모드, 임신모드 여성 생애주기 건강관리
▷ 대한산부인과의사회 공식 어플, 산부인과 전문의 무료 상담

# 핑크다이어리는 저소득층 소녀를 위해 2016년 7월부터 생리대를 기부하는 기부천사 캠페인을 진행하고 있습니다.

▶ 아주 쉬운 생리주기/피임관리
캘린더에서 날짜를 터치하여 생리시작일과 종료일을 등록하면 다음 생리예정일과 임신가능성이 아주 높은 배란예정일 및 가임기, 오늘의 임신확률을 자동으로 계산해서 알려줍니다. 그 날의 증상과 기분, 생리양과 생리통 정도, 사랑기록, 피임약 복용도 기록하고 예정일을 놓치지 않게 알람을 설정할 수 있어요.

▶ 챙겨야 할 소중한 기록관리
매직데이와 체중은 뗄 수 없는 관계, BMI를 통해 비만도를 관리하세요. 그리고 노트에 날씨와 기
분, 메모를 기록하고 병원진료일, 약복용 등도 놓치지 않도록 잘 체크하면 나만의 건강노트가 될

▶ 임신준비모드에서의 배테기, 임테기 및 기초체온 기록
피임약 복용시 하루도 빼먹지 않도록 ‘설정>알림>피임약 복용알림’ 을 설정하는 것 잊지 마세요! 임신을 준비 중인 여성이라면 매일 기초체온을 잰 후 기록해 보세요. 핑크다이어리에서 계산된 예정일과 사랑일을 비교해 본다면 더 유용해요.

▶ 임신모드, 태아 동영상과 초음파 사진 등록
기다리고 기다리던 임신! 축하드립니다. ‘설정>캘린더 설정’ 에서 임신모드로 바꿔보세요~ 출산예정일을 입력하면 아기가 태어날 그날까지임신주차(개월)와 D-day를 알려드려요. 태교를 위한 체크리스트도 꼼꼼히 확인하고 초음파 사진도 등록해 보세요.

▶ 소중한 내 기록 안전하게 관리하기!
휴대폰 고장? 초기화? 분실? 걱정마세요. 로그인만으로 나의 소중한 기록을 안전하게 동기화 합니다.

▶ 여자들만 들어올 수 있는 아지트 핑다톡! 1:1 의사 상담까지!
말못할 고민은 핑다톡에서 닉네임만으로 자유롭게. 그리고 의사선생님이 직접 답변해주는 ‘디어닥터’에서 여성질환, 피부미용, 임신출산, 피임생리에 대해 편하게 물어보세요. 핑크다이어리 디어닥터는 대한산부인과의사회 전문의와 함께 합니다.

▶ 내 주변의 산부인과 & 여성 병원 검색
여성이면 친해져야 하는 여성의원, 산부인과. 내 위치에서 가까운 병원은 어디에 있을까요? 아이콘만 누르면 바로 전화연결이 되고, 위치와 주소를 지도에서 쉽게 볼 수 있어요.

▶ 양질의 컨텐츠 ‘매거진’
이렇게 좋은 알짜 정보, 놓치면 나만 손해!! 피임/생리/임신/출산 등 의사들이 직접 전달하는 전문적인 의료정보를 받아보세요. ‘설정>프로필>매거진 알림'에서 ON.

#여성생리달력 핑크다이어리는 여성 건강을 연구하는 전국 산부인과 전문의들의 단체, 대한산부인과의사회의 유일한 공식 어플입니다.

그럼 이제 나만의 핑다를 시작해 볼까요? 생리예정일 어플, 배란예정일 어플, 가임기 계산 어플, 피임 어플, 임신 어플, 비만도 계산 어플, 체중변화 관리어플, 노트 어플 등 이 모든 기능을 여성생리달력 "핑크다이어리" 하나로 쉽게 이용할 수 있어요. 핑크다이어리를 사용하는 여러분의 일상이 건강해집니다. 아름다워집니다. 여러분~~지금 바로 핑다 하세요!!

* 핑크다이어리(pink diary) 사용 문의
어플을 사용하다가 궁금한 점이 있으면 도움말 메뉴의 ‘문의하기’ 또는 [email protected]으로 메일을 보내주세요.
* 광고 게재 및 컨텐츠 제휴 문의 [email protected]

* 선택접근권한 상세
- 위치 : 내 주변 병원찾기, 내 주변 사용자 게시글 검색
- 카메라 : 초음파 사진 및 테스트기 촬영
- 사진 : 이미지 업로드
- 마이크/캘린더 : 일부 광고에서 필요 시에만

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Timestamp Camera - Date Stamp

Name:Timestamp Camera - Date Stamp                                                 Price:Free

Description:Timestamp is een app die datum stampt op je foto's. Ideaal voor het schrijven van dieet notities of oefen dagboek. Blijf opnemen en bereik je doel.

Timestamp is super makkelijk te gebruiken!
1. Kies of neem een ​​foto.
2. Kies het gewenste datumstempel type.
3. Sla het op!

Voel je vrij om Timestamp te gebruiken
- Speciale dagfoto die je wilt onthouden
- Uw maaltijdfoto voor dieet
- Workout fotoshoot
- Notities die je vandaag hebt gestudeerd
- Meld aan de baas wat je vorige nacht hebt gewerkt

Als u nog vragen heeft, aarzel dan niet om contact met me op te nemen.
[email protected]

Rating:4.85                                             Show Detail

Heart Rate Health - Pulse Log

Name:Heart Rate Health - Pulse Log                                                 Price:Free

Description: An effective tool for monitoring the health of your heart and the entire cardiovascular system. We will help not only to measure the pulse and track the blood pressure, but also to analyze the results, and make a report for your doctor.

PULSE MEASURING- just use the camera of your smartphone and get a quick and accurate results.

BLOOD PRESSURE TRACKING – an effective way to monitor one of the most important indicators of heart and vascular health.

CARDIOGRAM - a visual display of the heart rate during the measurement.

Please pay attention that the app is not intended for medical use, to obtain accurate data please consult your doctor. Do not delay the visit to your doctor if you have some problems with your health.

• Subscription Heart Rate Health - Pulse Log get access to all functions of the application.

• You can turn off the auto-renewal at any time: you'll find the option to do this change to a different payment plan in the settings of your iTunes and App Store account.

• The first time you can try the free trial for 3 days. After that, your account will be automatically charged for the subscription if you will not stop it before the end of the free trial.

• The length of the subscription is 1 month, this subscription is auto-renewing. You can stop the subscription at any moment;

• Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the and of the current period, and identity the cost of the renewal.

ATTENTION: before you subscribe please read:
Privacy Policy(https://appsguru.ru/privacy)
Terms Of Use(https://appsguru.ru/tos)

Rating:3.45                                                 Show Detail

My Moon Phase - Lunar Calendar

Name:My Moon Phase - Lunar Calendar                                                 Price:Free

Description:My Moon Phase is the best app for tracking the lunar calendar. It has a sleek dark design which makes it easy to view information such as the current moon cycle, moonrise & moonset times as well as extras such as when the next full moon will be. If you're interested in moon photography, you can also find out when the golden hours and blue hours are so you can take the most beautiful photos.

- View the moon cycle for any date in the future by scrolling on the date bar or by tapping the calendar button!
- Either allow the app to use your current location or manually select a location of your choice to use!
- See how cloudy the sky is expected to be on upcoming days so you can work out whether you'll be able to see the moon or not!
- Find the upcoming moon phases straight on the main screen - you'll instantly know when the next full moon, new moon, first quarter and last quarter are.
- Golden hour and blue hour times are available to allow you to calculate when to take photos.
- More specific information is available such as the moon's distance from Earth, the age of the moon as well as the current altitude. This is available for any date on the lunar calendar.
- Receive notifications when the moon reaches a particular phase of your choice.
- Optimized for the latest iPhone and iPad models.
- Completely free of charge for all functionality, no in-app purchases.

If you want the most efficient way of keeping up with the lunar calendar and the current moon phases, then My Moon Phase is the right app for you. This version is ad-supported and is similar to apps such as Deluxe Moon Pro.

Rating:4.75                                                 Show Detail

Daylio Journal

Name:Daylio Journal                                                 Price:Free

Description:Self-Care Bullet Journal with Goals - Mood Diary & Happiness Tracker

Daylio enables you to keep a private journal without having to type a single line. Try this beautifully designed & stunningly simple micro-diary app right now for FREE!


Daylio is a very versatile app, and you can turn it in whatever you need to track. Your fitness goal pal. Your mental health coach. Your food log. Your gratitude diary. Mood tracker. Exercise, meditate, eat, and be grateful. Take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. Good self-care is a key to improved mood and reduced anxiety.

This is the time for your wellbeing, self-improvement, and self-care. Use Daylio as your daily bullet journal. We build it on three principles:

1.) Reach happiness and self-improvement by being mindful of your days.
2.) Validate your hunches. How does your new hobby influence your life?
3.) Form a new habit in an obstacle-free environment—no learning curve. Daylio is super simple to use, create your first entry in two steps.

For anxiety and stress relief, make sure to include activities that help you to cope with negativity. Everybody can use a mood boost! You can measure their impact on your mood in stats.


Pick your mood and add activities you have been doing during the day. You can also add notes and keep an old school diary. Daylio is collecting recorded moods and activities in the statistics and calendar. This format will help you to understand your habits better. Keep track of your activities and create patterns to become more productive!

You can review all entries in the statistics on charts or the calendar and share them with your friends.

To make it even better, Daylio allows you:
- Make reflection a daily habit
- Discover what makes you happy
- Use a big database of beautiful icons for your personalized activities
- Mix and match your own moods using funny emojis
- Explore exciting statistics about your life on weekly, monthly or yearly charts
- Deep dive into advanced statistics for every mood, activity or group
- Customize color themes
- Enjoy nights with dark mode
- See your whole year in 'Year in Pixels'
- Create daily, weekly or monthly goals and motivate yourself
- Build habits and collect achievements
- Share statistics with your friends
- Safely back up and restore your entries via your private Google Drive
- Set reminders and never forget to create a memory
- Turn on PIN lock and keep your diary safe
- Export PDF and CSV documents to share or print your entries


We are a top private journal since we do not store or collect your data.

At Daylio, we believe in transparency and honesty. Your data is stored locally on your phone. You can optionally schedule backups to your private cloud storage or take your backup file with you anywhere. Data are entirely under your control at all times.

Data stored in the app's private directories are not accessible by any other apps or processes. Your backups are transferred to the iCloud Drive via the secure (encrypted) channels.

Journaling has never been easier!

Read our full Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy:

Terms of Use:

Privacy Policy:

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

Pregnancy +

Name:Pregnancy +                                                 Price:Free

Description:Baixe o aplicativo de gravidez nº 1 no mundo.

Quer ver imagens lindas e interativas de cada semana da gravidez? Junte-se a mais de 30 milhões de pessoas que já usam o app Gravidez+ para acompanhar a gravidez semana a semana.

Nosso app Gravidez+ também pode ser personalizado para pais, avós, e outros membros da família.

Tudo o que você precisa no app Gravidez+!

- Informações de gravidez DIÁRIAS
- Imagens coloridas e escaneadas
- Diário pessoal
- Diário de peso pessoal
- Diário de visitas ao médico
- Informações sobre dieta, exercícios e trabalho de parto
- Contador de chutes
- Cronômetro de contrações
- Lista de compras para o bebê
- Milhares de nomes de bebês
- Guia de tamanho do bebê
- Informações de gravidez semana a semana
- E muito mais...

Gravidez+ apóia você em cada um dos estágios da maternidade.


Política de Privacidade : https://info.health-and-parenting.com/PrivacyNotice?locale=pt&country=PT

Termos de Uso : https://info.health-and-parenting.com/TermsOfUse?locale=pt&country=PT


Gravidez+ sincroniza com o app Saúde da Apple, mas não consegue ler ou escrever no banco de dados a menos que seja permitido o acesso.

Este app não se destina ao uso clínico, nem substitui as orientações de um médico profissional. Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. exime-se de qualquer responsabilidade pelas decisões tomadas com base nas informações deste app, o qual contém informações de forma generalizada e não como um substituto a orientações médicas personalizadas. Se você tiver alguma preocupação com relação à sua gravidez, consulte o seu médico imediatamente.

A equipe da Gravidez+ deseja a você uma gravidez saudável, completa, e um parto seguro.

Rating:4.85                                                 Show Detail

LEGO® Friends Heartlake Rush

Name:LEGO® Friends Heartlake Rush                                                 Price:Free

Description:We wanted to make a LEGO run game that would be fast-to-the-fun and have heaps of things to collect and do. Right now we have Andrea, Mia, Olivia, Emma, Stephanie and a bunch of their LEGO friends in the game for you to drive around with. There’s heaps of missions to go on, collecting things as you drive, fligh, jump, duck and dodge your way around other vehicles and obstacles on the street. Zobo is in there too, and when you collect him, you’ll turn into a different sort of vehicle. Even though it is a LEGO Friends game, it is not meant to be a game for girls only. If you or your family love run games, racing, collecting cool items, we hope falling in love with LEGO Friends game will come easy.

- DRIVE through LEGO Heartlake City as your favorite Friends character!
- TRANSFORM into one of five new vehicles themed for Stephanie, Mia, Emma, Andrea, and Olivia!
- COLLECT coins, ice cream, fruit, flowers, gifts, confetti bombs, and a special collectible item for each of the five Friends!
- CUSTOMIZE your cars with decals and aerial toppers!
- COMPLETE MISSIONS to level up and earn more coins!
- DODGE enemies coming right at you!
- DECORATE your cars with unlockable decals!
- BOOST your car into a jet by picking up Zobo the robot!
- UNLOCK all playable LEGO Friends characters and cars by earning coin rewards!
- MIX AND MATCH your characters, cars, and decals for a true LEGO game building experience!
- SAFETY FIRST: Play in a safe, closed environment, with NO third-party advertising, links to external websites or hidden data collection. LEGO marketing content and information is served, for instance LEGO news about LEGO sets and other LEGO games, in hope of inspiring creative play.

Please note that you can download this game for free and it is free to play the app but additional content is available via in-app purchase. In-app purchases cost real money and are charged to your account. To disable the ability to make in-app purchases, change the device settings.

For app support, contact LEGO Consumer Service.
For contact details, refer to http://service.LEGO.com/contactus
We love to take your comments from reviews to our internal design meetings, and talk about how to make our play experiences better. Please take the time to tell us what you think!

Child Safety and Privacy is important to the LEGO Group. Please read more about them on http://aboutus.LEGO.com/legal-notice/Privacy-Policy and http://aboutus.LEGO.com/en-us/legal-notice/terms-of-use-for-apps. Our privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted if you download this app.

LEGO, the LEGO logo and the FRIENDS logo are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. ©2018 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.

Rating:4.05                                                 Show Detail