8 Best Apps Similar To Money Note家計簿(マネーノート)簡単人気かけいぼ|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Money Note家計簿(マネーノート)簡単人気かけいぼ

Money Note家計簿(マネーノート)簡単人気かけいぼ

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.7.0(2020-06-01)
APP CATEGORIES : Finance, Lifestyle
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.6 (110.32K)

100.0K   6.0K 116.29K


MoneyNote एक सामान्य घरेलू बही खाता ऐप है।
जब आप आसानी से देखे जा सकने वाले इनपुट स्क्रीन पर कमाई या खर्च दर्ज करते हैं,तो यह स्वचालित रूप से कैलेंडर और रिपोर्ट बनाता है।
घरेलू खर्च प्रबंधन को समझना आसान है।

▼ विशेषताएँ

1. सरल और आसान!
2. कोई पंजीकरण नहीं
3. मासिक / वार्षिक / संचयी रिपोर्ट
4. बैकअप समर्थित है
5. पासकोड लॉक (फ़ेस आईडी और टच आईडी)

MoneyNote एक सरल और उपयोगी खर्च प्रबंधक ऐप है। यह ऐप समझने में आसान है ताकि कोई भी न्यूनतम आवश्यक उपयुक्त सुविधाओं का उपयोग कर सके। कृपया इसे डाउनलोड करें और इसे आज़माएँ!





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Apps Similar To Money Note家計簿(マネーノート)簡単人気かけいぼ

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

PayPal: Mobile Cash

Name:PayPal: Mobile Cash                                                Price:Free

Description:Our new PayPal app is a simple and secure way to get paid back for last night’s takeaway, send money to friends who have an account with PayPal, check PayPal activity, choose currencies to send around the world and more. Plus, we’ve added some new features we think you’ll love…

• If you’re buying, simply scan the QR code to pay securely with your PayPal app.
• Whatever you’re selling, now you can quickly set up a QR code and get paid in person, all with just your phone.

• When funded by a bank account or balance, it’s free and secure to send money or ask for it back from friends and family in the US.
• All you need is an email address, mobile number, bank account, cash pick up service point or mobile top up details. *An account with PayPal is required to send and receive money. If you don’t have an account with PayPal, you can sign up for free quickly and easily.
• NEW FEATURE: just type a name, email or phone number and PayPal will find the right person for you.
• Request money quickly and securely from friends or family with just a few taps.

• Never miss a thing – keep on top of payments and sending or receiving money, with instant push notifications.
• Check out all your latest PayPal activity, by just logging in.

• Easily transfer funds from your bank balance to your account with PayPal.
• Shop in-store, online or everywhere Mastercard® is accepted and withdraw cash at ATMs worldwide.
• PayPal Cash Plus account required to get the card.

• You can be sure PayPal will help keep your financial information secure, with commercially available encryption, and fraud detection. All that plus monitoring transactions, 24/7.

Rating:4.7                                               Show Detail


Name:KakaoTalk                                                Price:Free

Description:KakaoTalk é um aplicativo rápido e multifacetado. Envie mensagens, fotos, vídeos, notas de voz e sua localização grátis. Torne o bate-papo uma diversão extra com uma gama de emoticons e coleções de adesivos.

Mais sobre o KakaoTalk:
- Escolhido por mais de 150 milhões de usuários no mundo
- Maneira rápida, divertida e fácil de se comunicar com amigos e com a família
- Usa conexão de internet (3G/EDGE ou WiFi) para chamadas e mensagens

Principais funções:
- RÁPIDO: Envio de mensagens veloz e estável, seja qual for a sua rede
- CHATS GRÁTIS: Mensagens e multimídia (fotos, vídeos, notas de voz) GRÁTIS
- CHAMADAS GRÁTIS: Chamadas de voz de alta qualidade (1:1 e grupo)
- EMOTICONS: Expresse tudo com nossos emoticons inclusos E AINDA selecione dentre infinitas coleções de adesivos em nossa Loja de Itens
- CHAT EM GRUPO: Chats com um número ilimitado de amigos
- PLUS FRIEND: Cupons e ofertas exclusivos de suas marcas favoritas
- FILTRO DE VOZ: Chamadas grátis divertidas com os filtros de voz de Talking Tom e Ben

Outras ótimas funções:
- Compartilhe sua localização
- Veja quem leu suas mensagens (número de não lidas)
- Multitarefa durante chamadas grátis (envie mensagens em outras salas de chat)
- Agende compromissos, almoços, encontros (c/ lembretes)
- Use KakaoTalk em qualquer smartphone e PC (multiplataforma)
- Divirta-se ainda mais com jogos móveis do Kakao

Rating:3.8                                                 Show Detail

올원뱅크(All One Bank)

Name:올원뱅크(All One Bank)                                                 Price:₩0

Description:나를 위한 모든 금융이 한 곳에, 농협은행 모바일뱅크 「올원뱅크」를 만나보세요.

[올원뱅크 NEW 기능]

1. 새로운 UI
더욱 넓어진 계좌영역과 간편해진 올원뱅크를 경험해보세요.

2. 한눈에 선택 가능한 계좌 리스트
최대 5개까지 한 눈에 보이도록 개선하여 빠른 계좌선택이 가능해졌어요.

3. 간편한 계좌번호 복사
계좌번호만 클릭해도 손쉽게 복사가 가능해졌어요.

4. 새로운 AI톡
기존 상담톡이 한층 더 친절해진 AI톡으로 변경되었어요.

5. 음성송금 서비스
"아리아~"를 불러 자주쓰는계좌/연락처에 등록된 상대에게 송금해보세요.

[올원뱅크 주요기능]

1. 안전하고 간편한 인증방식
간편비밀번호, 지문인증, 공인인증서, 패턴 등 나만의 간편방식으로 손쉽게 인증하세요.

2. 빠르고 간편하게 송금하기
받는분, 금액만 입력하면 바로 송금 완료 ‘송금하기’ 
출금계좌만 선택해서 내 계좌로 바로 입금 ‘입금하기’ 
조금 더 크게 보고 싶다면 ‘큰글송금’으로 이용해보세요.

3. 간편결제/간편납부
올원계좌를 통해 제로페이 서비스를 경험해보세요. 
QR/바코드결제에서 모바일상품권(온누리, 지역상품권) 구매까지 모두 가능합니다. 또한 지로, 지방세, 범칙금, 상하수도, 환경개선부담금 등의 공과금을 납부할 수 있습니다.

4. 언제 어디서나 손쉽게 상품가입
입출금통장에서 예/적금, 대출상품까지 나에게 필요한 상품을 바로바로 신청. ‘올원해봄적금’, ‘올원캔디예금’은 올원뱅크에서만 만날 수 있습니다.

5. 모여라 NH금융그룹
복잡한 대출, 간편하게 확인해보세요. NH농협은행은 물론 NH금융지주 계열사의 대출 상품까지 한번에, 계열사 통합 대출 서비스 ‘다모아대출’ 
- NH농협카드
농협카드라면 별도 등록없이 각종 내역조회가 가능 
핀번호 입력만으로 단기카드대출이 가능한 간편 서비스
- NH투자증권
증권시세조회는 물론 보유자산조회까지 한눈에 증권계좌가 없다면 증권앱 다운로드로 비대면 계좌개설
- NH농협생명보험/NH농협손해보험
내 보장자산도 확인하고 필요할 때는 약관대출까지
국내여행, 해외여행 가기 전에는 휴대폰으로 편리한 안심보험
다이렉트 보험 간편설계, 납입/청구 내역조회까지
- NH농협캐피탈/NH저축은행
신차, 중고차 구입 시 필요한 대출은 오토론으로

6. 수수료 우대 받고 외화 환전/송금
휴대폰으로 환전 신청하고 가까운 영업점에서 수령
외화 계좌 없이도 해외송금
웨스턴유니온송금 간편하게 수취
환테크가 필요할 때 ‘내맘대로외화BOX’

7. 올원캔디(리워드)
모아서 이벤트/경품 응모 올원뱅크 활동에 따라 적립되는 올원뱅크만의 포인트로 이벤트, 경품응모, 우대금리 적용에 사용해 보세요.

8. 상담톡
올원뱅크가 궁금하다면 상담톡에 말해주세요. 메뉴안내, 상품추천, 송금 서비스까지 빠르고 똑똑하게 알려드립니다.

9. 마이올원
올원뱅크 계좌관리, 서비스 이용현황, 통합 입출금 조회 서비스, 다양한 계좌의 출금예정알림 설정 및 입출금 리포트 등의 맞춤 알림을 제공합니다.

10. 올원뱅크 고객만을 위한 혜택 ‘프리미엄’
올원뱅크 고객 전용 혜택. 예능/드라마, 웹툰/웹소설, 할인쿠폰, 핫딜 서비스를 누려보세요.

11. 올원 라이프
[결제] 코나카드, 모바일교통카드 등 생활 속의 다양한 할인혜택 및 결제서비스 제공
[쇼핑] 기프티쇼(모바일쿠폰), 농산물장터(농협몰)를 통해 스마트한 쇼핑 및 혜택 제공
[재미] 더+모임, 올원커뮤니티 
[생활] 산지스토리, 컬쳐홀릭, 건강지키미, 다낭도깨비
[혜택] 예능/드라마, 웹툰/웹소설, 할인쿠폰, 핫딜

[올원뱅크 이용안내]
이용대상 - 본인명의 휴대폰 및 계좌 보유자 (단, 본인명의 휴대폰이 아닐 경우, 농협은행 e금융가입자에 한해 별도의 인증을 거쳐 회원가입이 가능합니다.)
이용시간 - 24시간 (일부 서비스 제외)
이용문의 - 고객행복센터: 1661-3000 (평일 9:00~ 18:00)
전화상담예약, 채팅상담(평일 9:00~ 18:00) 이메일상담접수(24시간): 올원뱅크 내 고객센터

올원뱅크 앱에서 사용하는 접근 권한에 대하여 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.

■ 접근 권한
- 위치 : 위치기반으로 영업점 찾기 등을 위해 사용합니다.
- 주소록 : 간편송금, 환전송금 등에서 상대방의 연락처 정보를 사용하기 위해 접근합니다.
- 카메라 : 비대면계좌개설 시 신분증촬영 및 QR결제 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 사진 : 마이올원 이미지 등록, 초대장 이미지, 자주쓰는 송금 이미지 등록 시 사용합니다.
- 마이크: 음성송금서비스, 음성메뉴이동서비스 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 음성인식: 음성송금서비스, 음성메뉴이동서비스 이용 시 사용됩니다.
- 블루투스: 영상인증 이용 시 사용됩니다.

※ 선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스를 이용할 수 있으나, 일부 기능 사용에 제한이 있을 수 있습니다.

※ 설치가능 OS버젼 : iOS 10.0 이상

■ 기존 설치된 앱을 사용하시는 경우에는 앱을 삭제 후 재설치 하셔야 접근 권한 설정이 가능합니다.

Rating:2.5                                             Show Detail


Name:CoinMarketCap                                                 Price:Free

Description:The world’s #1 most-trusted cryptocurrency data authority.

Market cap & rank, prices, exchange volumes, and currency conversion! Track your holdings with our new portfolio and make detailed comparisons – plus stay updated with crypto news.

With our free app, track your favorite cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, EOS, Tron and 2000+ more coins & tokens. It’s the best crypto app around, with market capitalization and ranking, price alerts, candlestick charts, portfolio tracker, currency converter including fiat, coin and token news, and crypto comparison tools. From bitcoin to altcoins, get accurate and real time rates in one place, from the crypto data authority you know and trust.

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Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

Remitly: Transfer Money Abroad

Name:Remitly: Transfer Money Abroad                                                 Price:Free

Description:Senden Sie Geld international – schnell, sicher und gegen geringere Gebühren. Werden Sie einer der über 1 Million Kunden, die weltweit über uns Geld senden, und laden Sie noch heute die Remitly-App herunter.

Über Remitly erhalten Sie:

ABSOLUT SICHERE ZUSTELLOPTIONEN: Bei uns können Sie selbst bestimmen, wie das Geld Ihrem Empfänger zugestellt werden soll. Sie können Ihre Überweisung über Ihr Bankkonto oder Ihre Kreditkarte bezahlen. Ihre Empfänger erhalten die Mittel dann direkt auf ihr Bankkonto oder können sie an einer Bargeldabholstelle entgegennehmen. Bei uns haben Sie außerdem die Option, Geld an eine mobile Geldbörse wie z. B. M-Pesa oder (in bestimmten Ländern) direkt an eine private Adresse zu senden.

GESCHWINDIGKEITS- UND PREISOPTIONEN: Anhand unserer EXPRESS-Option können Sie Geld innerhalb von Minuten versenden. Wir bieten Ihnen hervorragende Kurse und geringe bis gar keine Überweisungsgebühren.

DOPPELTE WÄHRUNGSOPTION: Bei uns können Sie Geld in der Währung senden, die Ihr Empfänger benötigt. Sobald Sie eine Überweisung bezahlt haben, kann das Geld im Land Ihres Empfängers in USD oder der lokalen Währung abgeholt werden. Diese Option steht Ihnen an Bargeldabholstellen, auf bestimmten Bankkonten oder in bestimmten Ländern im Rahmen der Zustellung an Privatadressen zur Verfügung.

Wir stehen für jede Überweisung mit unserem PERFECT DELIVERY PROMISE ein: der Garantie an Sie und Ihren Empfänger, dass das Geld zu einem genauen Datum und Zeitpunkt eintreffen wird. Sobald das PERFECT DELIVERY PROMISE eingelöst wurde, können Sie mit uns den Weg Ihrer überwiesenen Mittel bis zum Zielort nachverfolgen. Wir halten Sie über jede Station auf dem Laufenden. Ihr Geld kommt zum versprochenen Zeitpunkt an oder wir erstatten Ihre Gebühr zurück.

Wir halten die PCI-Datensicherheitsstandards strikt ein und nutzen 256-Bit-Datenverschlüsselung. Remitly ist von der Financial Conduct Authority im Rahmen der Payment Services Regulations 2009 zur Bereitstellung von Zahlungsdienstleistungen autorisiert und entsprechend reguliert. Wir sind auch bei HMRC als Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen registriert.

Senden Sie Geld an 49 unten aufgeführte Länder:

Senden Sie Geld direkt auf ein Bankkonto in Nigeria, Kenia, Ruanda, Ghana und Marokko.

Senden Sie Geld sofort an mehr als 11.500 Abholstellen in Äthiopien, Kenia, Marokko, Ruanda, im Senegal, in Südafrika, Ghana, Tunesien und Ägypten.

Senden Sie Geld sofort an mobile Geldbörsen wie z. B. M-pesa in Kenia und mehrere wichtige Mobile-Money-Anbieter in Ruanda, Uganda und Ghana.

Senden Sie Geld direkt auf Bankkonten in Indien (z. B. bei HDFC, Axis Bank, ICICI, SBI), Volksrepublik China, Südkorea, Nepal und Malaysia.

Senden Sie Geld direkt auf ein Bankkonto oder sofort an eine von über 72.000 Abholstellen auf den Philippinen (bei BDO, BPI, Metrobank, Cebuana Lhuillier, M Lhuillier, GCash sowie an jeder SM-Mall), in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesien, Bangladesch, Thailand, und Pakistan.

Senden Sie Ihrem Empfänger Geld per Privatadressen-Zustelloption über die Sacombank in Vietnam direkt nach Hause.

Senden Sie Geld an mobile Geldbörsen auf den Philippinen, in Bangladesch, Indonesien, Nepal und Sri Lanka.

Senden Sie Geld direkt auf Bankkonten oder sofort an mehr als 12.500 Abholstellen in Polen, Bulgarien, Rumänien und der Türkei.

Senden Sie Geld direkt auf Bankkonten in Ungarn, Kroatien und der Tschechischen Republik.

Wir arbeiten zurzeit aktiv an einer Ergänzung mit neuen Ländern und an der Ausweitung unseres Netzwerks. Bleiben Sie dran!

Rating:4.8                                                 Show Detail


Name:微记忆                                                 Price:$0.99

• AppStore《编辑精选》“新鲜App”推荐
• AppStore 付费效率榜Top1、总榜Top3
• 知名数字生活媒体 AppSo 与 iFanr 推荐

「 App综合介绍 」

微记忆是App Store唯一一款融合了:




「 App特色功能 」

▶ 多种颜色标记,区分轻重缓急;
▶ 设有【待办】、【星标】和【已办】三个分类栏目,方便管理各类事项;
▶ 依据待办事项的类型,可自由移动便利贴至相应栏目;
▶ 依据待办事项的轻重缓急,可自由拖动便利贴排序;
▶ 每张便利贴可单独设置【提醒时间】与【提醒周期】,重要事项分开提醒,不再遗漏。

▶ 支持【富文本】样式编辑,可对字体、颜色、段落等样式进行设计排版;
▶ 支持【图片】插入与浏览;
▶ 支持【加密】笔记,对重要隐私内容笔记进行保护。

▶ 日历打卡视图布局,每日签到打卡情况一目了然;
▶ 提供【8种】不同的打卡事项供选择,同时管理不同的打卡任务;
▶ 支持添加日历文字备注:
▶ 历史数据统计:可查看【每月已打卡】、【历史最长打卡天数】、【每月已间断】、【历史最长间断天数】等详细统计信息,全方位分析了解打卡情况。

▶ 提供数十种收支图标,直观地记录各种收入和支出分类;
▶ 提供【日期查询】:可查看指定日期或任意日期范围内的收支记录;
▶ 提供【备注搜索】:可按关键字搜索、查看和修改历史收支记录;
▶ 支持单独查看指定类别的收支清单;
▶ 支持按【月度】、【季度】或【年度】对所有收支记录进行统计,分析各类收支类别的总额、占比与详细清单。清晰了解每一笔收支,更高效地规划理财。

[email protected]

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Trivia Crack 2

Name:Trivia Crack 2                                                 Price:Free

Description:SHOW OFF YOUR SMARTS ** Challenge your friends and family to a trivia competition, and prove how smart you are!

TRAIN YOUR BRAIN ** Who says trivia isn't useful? You will keep your brain sharp with Trivia Crack 2. We have thousands of challenging trivia questions for you!

COLLECT CHARACTERS ** Collect our original characters to level up and win amazing prizes!

BECOME A TRIVIA EXPERT ** Answer questions in our 6 categories: Art, Science, History, Entertainment, Sport and Geography, and show how smart you are!

CREATE YOUR OWN TEAM ** Join a team of Trivia experts, or create your own and climb the rankings. Lots of prizes await!

FULLY RENOVATED GRAPHICS ** Enjoy our beautiful animations and environments, with sharper colors than ever!

- Play with your friends and family
- Sharpen your brain with thousands of challenging questions
- Join a team or create your own
- Exchange items with your friends
- Enjoy our fully renovated graphics!

- Hundreds of thousands of questions
- More than 20 languages
- Millions of active users to challenge
- User-created questions
- And loads of fun, completely free!

What are you waiting for? Download the game now and become the smartest in town!

VIP Membership

If you subscribe now, you can:
-Play without ads
-Get endless lives
-Obtain special packs and discounts.

- Subscriptions start at USD 4.99 monthly. 3-month subscription is USD 11.99 USD and annual subscription is USD 39.99*.
- Enjoy a 3-day free trial. Subscription automatically renews for the same price and period as the chosen package unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
- Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase.
- You will be able to access VIP deals for the duration of the subscription.
- Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period at the cost of the chosen package.
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's iTunes Account Settings after purchase.
- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period.
- You may cancel a subscription during its free trial period via the subscription settings in your iTunes account. This must be done 24 hours before the end of the subscription period to avoid being charged. Please visit http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4098 for more information.
- You may turn off auto-renewal from your iTunes Account Settings. However, you won’t be able to cancel the current subscription during its active period.
- Any unused portion of a free-trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a VIP Membership.

Links to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy can be found below
Privacy Policy: https://www.etermax.com/privacy
Terms of Use: https://www.etermax.com/terms

* Prices are equal to the value that "Apple's App Store Pricing Matrix" determines as the equivalent of the subscription price in USD


For more information, visit www.triviacrack.com
Have questions? Need troubleshooting? Find help at support.etermax.com

Join our community!

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/triviacrack
- Twitter: @triviacrack
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/triviacrack
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/triviacrack

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail


Name:พจนานุกรมไทยเวียดนาม                                                 Price:฿0.00

Description:This is Thai - Vietnamese and Vietnamese - Thai dictionary. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection.
Database will be downloaded when the application is run first time. We recommend you to use Wi-Fi connection.

Main features:
1. History – every article you ever viewed is stored in history.
2. Favorites – you are able to add articles to favorites by clicking the “star” icon.
3. Managing History and Favorites lists – you are able to edit those lists or clear them.
4. Various Settings – you may change application’s font and theme (choose one of several color themes).

This app contains advertising.

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail