8 Best Apps Similar To MoviePro - Pro Video Recorder|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: MoviePro - Pro Video Recorder
MoviePro - Pro Video Recorder
APP STORE: App Store $9.99
CURRENT VERSION : 7.0.10(2019-11-10)
APP CATEGORIES : Photo & Video
<5K | 20.0K | <5K |
MoviePro - the most powerful video recording & film making app with innumerable options. Completely rewritten 7.0 version using latest iOS technologies to unlock the true potential of latest iOS camera devices (iPhone 11 Pro/iPhone 11) along with companion MoviePro Remote app that is now free to download,
- Record Video / Timelapse,
- Pause/Resume,
- Capture stills while recording,
- Select available cameras on the device (front, back, ultrawide, telephoto, triple lens, dual lens depending on device type)
- Zoom:
• Speed Control for Zoom
• 20x zoom with Triple Lens on iPhone 11 Pro
• 10x zoom with Dual Wide/Ultrawide camera on iPhone 11/11 Pro,
• 10x zoom on dual Tele/Wide Angle camera
• 5x zoom for all other lens types
- Focus/Exposure:
• Single reticle mode (tap to focus)
• Dual reticle mode for adjusting focus & exposure separately
• Manual Focus/Exposure with dual circular sliders (ISO, Shutter Speed, Auto exposure bias, lens position)
• Pull Focus (set A & B values of lens position)
• Preconfigurable Exposure points (A and B)
• Ramp with selectable speed to A or B
- Quick Presets for Recording:
• Choose from a host of video resolutions(4K to 320x180) and aspect ratios (16:9, 4:3, 3:2, 1:1, 17:9, 2:1, 2.35:1, 2.39:1, 2:40:1, 2:75:1, 2.55:1, 2.25:1, 2.20:1, 1.896:1, 1.85:1, 1.81:1)
• Choose frame rate (from 240 fps to 1 fps)
• Choose Video Bitrate and Compression (from 400% to 25% of native camera app)
• Preferred Video Encoder - HEVC or H.264
• Selectable Audio compression
• Uncompress Audio or Silent Audio Options
• Video Stabilization modes - OFF, Standard, or Cinematic
• Battery saver recording mode for low energy consumption and very high FPS accuracy
• Add, delete, modify, rename presets
• Quick selection of preset
- White Balance Controls:
• Auto White Balance
• Lock White Balance
• Adjust Color Temperature/Tint using sliders
• White balance presets (cloudy, shade, sunlight,…)
• Lock White balance by pointing camera to white object
- Microphones:
• External microphone support (mic should be compatible with iOS),
• Bluetooth microphone option
• Select preferred builtin microphone
• Mic volume control with mics that support manual audio gain
• Live Audio monitoring through headphones
• Supports AirPods
• Audio meters
- Statistics and Focus/Exposure aid tools **:
• Live Scopes & Monitors (Histogram, Waveform, Vectorscope)
• Focus peaking, Zebras, False Colors, Clipping
- Video Export Options
• Option to Record directly in Camera Roll,
• Export to Camera Roll, YouTube, Dropbox
• Export directly to computer from the app using iTunes File Sharing (https://support.apple.com/en-ae/HT201301)
- Inbuilt Video Editor
• Trim, rotate, SlowMo
• Set Aspect ratio, resolution, compression, codec (HEVC/H.264)
•.Adjust Brightness, Saturation, Contrast, Vibrance, Color Balance, Shadows
- Camera UI Settings
• Lock interface to portrait or landscape (make sure Portrait lock on device is not enabled)
• Hide all controls with/without reticles
• Composition Guides - Thirds guide & Symmetry guides option
• Timer to trigger recording
- Gears & Accessories
• Support for Moondog Labs Anamorphic lens
• 35 mm Image flip setting,
- Other Features
• Choose record duration
• Location tag, Copyright info in Video Metadata,
• Switch Cameras while recording,
- Remote control
• Control all features MoviePro camera from another iOS device
• Modify camera settings, trigger recording from remote
• Contact Us •
[email protected],
@movieproapp on Twitter
** Capabilities and features depend on device, pre 2016 devices may not support all features
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Apps Similar To MoviePro - Pro Video Recorder
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![Splice - Video Editor & Maker](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/bfd6a45d5a15c69682b31ceaf9435d0b.jpg)
Name:Splice - Video Editor & Maker Price:Free
Description:Splice 简单易用、功能强大,通过它您可以轻松在 iPhone 或 iPad 上创建可完全定制的专业视频。拥有桌面编辑器的性能,专门针对移动设备进行优化。只需轻点,即可修剪剪辑,调整过渡,添加慢动作效果,从而创作出想要分享的精美视频。专业编辑从未如此简单。
“最佳 iPhone 视频编辑器”
- Lifehacker,2015 年 12 月
- 2016 Webby 奖得主
- 最佳移动应用奖,2015 年 10 月
+ 自动按音乐的节拍同步视频。
+ 应用滤镜,调整背景颜色、方向等。
+ 添加标题幻灯片、文本覆盖层和自定义片尾字幕。
+ 为快动作或慢动作调整播放速度。
+ 修剪、剪切和裁剪照片和视频剪辑。
+ 选择过渡样式并控制过渡之间的速度。
+ 通过平移和缩放效果让照片栩栩如生。
+ 从大量免费音乐和声音效果中选择,或者使用自己 iTunes 收藏中的歌曲(取决于 iTunes 条款)。
+ 通过内置录音器,添加旁边或自定义声音效果。
+ 精确修剪和混合多个多个音频轨道。
+ 直接分享至 YouTube、Instagram、Facebook、邮件和信息等。
+ 将视频保存到相机胶卷中
• 订阅时长:周、月、年
• 一旦您确认购买,就会向您的iTunes账户收取费用。
• 购买后,您可以在账户设置中管理订阅,关闭自动更新功能。
• 您的订阅服务会自动更新,除非您在当前使用期结束前至少24小时关闭自动更新功能。
• 当前使用期结束前24小时内,会向您的账户收取续订费用。
• 取消订阅时,您的订阅服务会持续有效至当前使用期结束。自动更新功能将被禁用,但是不会退还当前订阅服务的费用。
• 如有免费试用,购买订阅服务后,免费试用中未使用的部分将会作废。
在未来版本的应用软件内,如果您有任何功能上的要求?请随时联系[email protected]与我们沟通
Rating:4.55 Show Detail
![DSLR Camera](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/c32a1fdf6532278242c97ff5ac522316.jpg)
Name:DSLR Camera Price:$0.99
Description:iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、iMessage対応のDSLR Cameraは、手動調整、高度な編集機能、そして160個のプロフェッショナルフィルタを搭載した写真および動画撮影用のアプリです。
DSLR Cameraは、シャッター速度とISO感度を自動または手動で調整し、好きな写真や動画を撮影することができます。
•Portrait PRO
•フィルターの予測機能 - フィルターをすばやく選択し共有する
Reflex Cameraは撮影した写真に最適なフィルターを選択して、即座にプレビューで表示します。
Reflex Cameraに搭載された独自の人工知能アルゴリズムがこれらの機能を可能にしてくれます
•AFC - ピンぼけしない
•フェイストラッキング - 完璧な自撮りとポートレート写真
•撮影結果プレビュー - 撮影直後にすべてのショットを共有します
• 音声コマンド
Foto Editorの高速で完璧な編集機能は、すべての写真をより美しく仕上げます。露出、コントラスト、明るさ、シャドー、暖かさ、彩度、ブリリアンス、ストラクチャ、シャープ、ノイズ、ビネットなどの調整や、様々な機能をお楽しみください。
•Apple WatchのRemote
Apple WatchからReflex Cameraアプリをチェックすることができます。
Reflex Cameraの機能:3種の撮影/録画モード、フィルターの予測機能、AFC、RAW画像(DNG形式)、マニュアル調整、Foto Editor、184のフィルター、3Dタッチ、4kビデオ、マニュアルフォーカス、ナイトモード、オートWB、手ぶれ防止、タイマー) 、写真エフェクト、トーンカーブ、高度なぼかし、高度な補正ツール、テキスト、スプラッシュ、サイズ変更、トリミング、デュアルカメラズーム
Rating:4.35 Show Detail
![Case Opener - skins simulator](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/cb8300e2fa447cfd58e7a5060e29831c.jpg)
Name:Case Opener - skins simulator Price:Free
Description:Case Opener provides:
- The most realistic representation of CSGO opening
- All the cases, including souvenir ones from Counter Strike
- 3D and Augmented Realty preview
- Upgrader minigame - upgrade your skins
- Trades - exchange your skins with other players
- Tower minigame - climb up the Tower to multiply your coins
- Crash minigame - try to cash out before the Crash!
- Minigame 'Bomb defuse' - remember code and color to avoid explosion!
- Skin inventory
- Player stats and over 30 in-game achievements
- In-game leaderboards
- CSGO Contracts - upgrade 10 skins for higher tier one (including StatTrak)
- Automatic Steam Market skin price display
- Languages available: English, Polish, Russian
- Design and drop chances similar to CSGO
Download it, choose your case and start the opening! Try your luck right now!
Notice: skins found in this case simulator cannot be transferred to your real inventory from game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Rating:4.55 Show Detail
![Shazam: Music Discovery](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/e76793a2627795ef1d906b28819e8ee8.jpg)
Name:Shazam: Music Discovery Price:Free
Description:Shazam akan mengidentifikasi lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik. Temukan, artis, lirik, video, dan daftar putar, semuanya gratis. Telah diinstal oleh lebih dari 1 miliar orang, dan terus bertambah.
“Shazam adalah aplikasi yang seperti sulap.” - Techradar.com
“Shazam adalah solusi ... sebuah terobosan.” - Pharrell Williams, wawancara GQ
Temukan judul lagu apa saja dalam hitungan detik.
Dengarkan dan tambahkan lagu ke daftar putar Apple Music atau Spotify.
Bernyanyi bersama dengan lirik yang sinkron dengan lagu.
Tonton video musik dari Apple Music atau YouTube.
Baru! Aktifkan tema Gelap di Shazam.
Gunakan Pop-up Shazam untuk mengidentifikasi musik di aplikasi apa saja—Instagram, YouTube, TikTok ...
Tidak ada koneksi? Tidak masalah! Bisa Shazam saat sedang offline.
Nyalakan Auto Shazam untuk terus menemukan lagu bahkan ketika Anda keluar dari aplikasi.
Cari tahu apa yang populer di negara atau kota Anda dengan tangga lagu Shazam.
Dapatkan rekomendasi lagu dan daftar putar untuk menemukan musik baru.
Buka lagu apa saja secara langsung di Apple Music atau Spotify. Bagikan lagu dengan teman melalui Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, dan lainnya.
Ketersediaan dan fitur dapat berbeda di setiap negara.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang praktik privasi Shazam, silakan baca Kebijakan Privasi, tersedia di https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/id
Rating:5 Show Detail
![XN Pro Manual Camera](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/2e8caf50d9566d7578f97817563b6f1a.jpg)
Name:XN Pro Manual Camera Price:$1.99
Description:Manual Focus | Manual Shutter & ISO | Manual White Balance | High Speed Burst Shots | Long Exposure (Slow Shutter) | RAW | 4K
Here is a brief introduction to what XN Pro Manual Camera can do for you.
One picture is taken everytime the camera button is pressed. You can choose how to save your picture: a JPEG file, or JPEG + RAW. If you choose the latter, two files with be saved to your camera roll. Please note that RAW photo may not be displayed properly in the iPhone. It is recommended that you export it to a Mac or PC to edit it.
Press and hold the camera button, and 10/5/3 (upon your choice) pictures will be taken every second, until you let go of the button. It is recommended, however, that you don't keep bursting photos for more than a few seconds, since processing too many pictures could be a burden for your iPhone.
Tap the video button to start recording, and tap it again to stop. Choose from 4 video qualities: High, Medium ,Low and 4K. For recent iPhones, High means 1080P. Medium and Low are resolutions suitable for viewing over WiFi/Cellular.
While you are recording, you can still take pictures.
Slow Shutter:
With predefined durations, tap the camera button to start exposure. Exposure will automatically stop when time runs up.
With custom duration, tap the camera button to start exposure and tap again to stop.
During exposure, keep the iPhone steady to avoid blurring the image.
Auto: Continuous auto focus.
Manual: Adjust focus position yourself. When enabled, the "tap screen to focus and set exposure" functionality is disabled.
Auto: Continuous auto exposure.
Locked: The system stops the continuous auto exposure for once.
Manual: The system is no longer responsible for setting exposure. When enabled, the "tap screen to focus and set exposure" functionality is disabled.
Offset: indicates the difference between current exposure and what the system believes to be the best exposure.
Duration: aka shutter speed.
ISO: aka... iso.
Bias: Tell the system to make the picture brighter/darker by raising/lowering this value.
White Balance:
Auto: Continuous auto white balance.
Manual: Set white balance yourself.
Temp & Tint: Adjust the color as you like.
Gray: Put something white or gray in front of the camera and tap this button. The system will set the white balance accordingly.
On/Off: Use the flash as a source of lighting.
Auto: The system decides whether or not to use the flash when taking a picture.
On: Force the flash to burst everytime a picture is taken.
Off: The flash will not burst whatsoever.
One More Thing:
Tap with two fingers to reveal lines that help with composition (for single photo, burst photo and slow shutter modes).
Suggestions, questions, problems? Please write to [email protected].
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![iReg for iWatch](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/e05067866f302f8c4c50be3933575406.jpg)
Name:iReg for iWatch Price:$1.99
Description:A recording wristwatch.
Here is iReg, your recording wristwatch.
Record all conversations around you thanks to your AppleWatch and listen to them on your Iphone.
It can turn out to be useful in school lessons or exams. It is innovative for reporters who can record easily, just with a click on their AppleWatch, without any other recording devices.
A new way to take notes
Send your recording via email , WhatsApp, Telegram or AirDrop
-Add the complications for APPLE WATCH
-Implemented TouchID support
-Record discretely in the background.
- Ability to rename recordings
It works only with the AppleWatch
We tested it over and over again, but to avoid any troubles we recommend you to:
- Enable your microphone
- Don't put your Iphone on vibrate before listening to the recording
- In some devices you may need to restart the device just installed the app
For any information, just check the Developer's website
Rating:3.5 Show Detail
![Awesome Voice Recorder PRO AVR](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/0e2b689bca7707980200ef3b61dcc94b.jpg)
Name:Awesome Voice Recorder PRO AVR Price:$6.99
Description:■■■ O melhor aplicativo de negócios em 35 países ■■■
O AVR é o melhor aplicativo de gravação de voz, com uma interface excelente e funcionalidade perfeita para pessoas de negócios, jornalistas, tutores, especialistas em áudio, engenheiros de som, professores, estudantes e todos os que precisam utilizar anotações de voz.
Compatível com Apple Watch
Disponível em iPhone e iPad.
■ Principais funções
- Gravação direta em formatos de áudio MP3, WAV, e M4A.
- Gravação de áudio de alta qualidade.
- Tempo de gravação ilimitado.
- Gravação em segundo plano (você pode usar outros aplicativos ao gravar e é possível fazer gravação sigilosa).
- Exibição do status da gravação em ondas sonoras.
- Várias opções de qualidade de áudio.
- Gravação em mono e estéreo.
- As gravações podem ser reproduzidas em várias mídias.
- Reinicie as gravações de voz após uma pausa para atender uma ligação.
- Adicione descrição às gravações de voz.
- Rápido e fácil de usar.
- Exibe o tamanho do arquivo da gravação.
- Parada segura quando há pouca bateria ou espaço de armazenamento.
- Compatível com Bluetooth.
- Formatos de áudio compatíveis: MP3, WAV, M4A e M4R.
- 5 modelos de microfone.
- Temas de cores do aplicativo (escuro/claro).
- Função adicionada de importação de biblioteca de músicas.
- Crie um toque.
- Exceção de arquivo reduzido de ruído.
- Função de classificação de arquivos de áudio (Nome, Data, Etc)
- Waveform pinch to zoom , Swipe to scroll ,Tap to set cursor
■ Compartilhamento e gerenciamento de arquivos de grande eficácia.
- Transfira arquivos utilizando o iTunes.
- Compatível com iCloud Drive , Dropbox , Box , GoogleDrive , OneDrive , SoundCloud.
- E-mail
- AirDrop
- Gerenciamento de arquivos via Wi-Fi (upload, download, edição...).
- Compartilhamento e envio de arquivos em outro aplicativo ("Abrir em").
■ Gerenciamento de arquivo.
■ Reprodução repetida, lenta ou rápida.
■ Retoque e corte de gravações de áudio.
■ Visualização do áudio.
■ Marcação de som.
■ Combinação de arquivo de som.
■ Redução de ruído
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
Name:FotometerPro Price:1,09 €
Description:* FOTOMETER PRO V2 is an upgraded version of V1 which offers IAP for all the new features, recommended for existing users.
* FOTOMETER FULL, our another app, is an integrated version with all features inclusive at a packaged lower price, recommended for new users.
It is one of the best companions for your Hasselblad, Rolleiflex TLR, Nikon/ Canon SLR... or any old film cameras, Lomo toy cameras and last but not least, your beloved DIY pinhole cameras !
FOTOMETER PRO V2 new features:
- time priority mode (offers in-app purchase)
- upgraded reflected / incident light mode calculation
- manual exposure at full screen camera mode
- camera source lockable for easier numerical tuning
- real time light value display in LUX / FC
- pinhole specific aperture set from f/100 to f/2000
- data log available for better learning
- 3 more new skins available (offers in-app purchase)
with it's original features:
- classy vintage look and feel
- intuitive user interface that old cam lovers are familiar with
- iso range from 25 to 6400 at ⅓ EV stepping
- aperture priority mode
- default aperture set from f/0.95 to f/1000
- EV ring from -2.0 to +2.0 at ½ EV stepping
- timer especially made for pinhole photographers
* FOTOMETER PRO V2 is a free upgrade
** all bugs reported from PHOTOMETER PRO are all fixed
FOTOMETER PRO V2 / made in hong kong with love and passion / designed by kitdastudio.com
Rating:1.6 Show Detail