8 Best Apps Similar To My Little Pony Rainbow Runners|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: My Little Pony Rainbow Runners

My Little Pony Rainbow Runners

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 1.5(2020-05-27)
APP CATEGORIES : Entertainment, Education
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.35 (22.76K)

100.0K   50.0K <5K


Budge Studios™が贈るMy Little Pony™レインボーランナーの登場です!Ponyvilleに強力な呪文がかけられて、世界から色が消えてしまいました。大好きなポニーたちと協力して、友情の力で世界に色を取り戻しましょう。走ったり、ジャンプさせてポニーのレインボーパワーを目覚めさせましょう。そしてその素晴らしい力で、世界に色を取り戻しましょう!

• Ponyvilleのとてもワクワクするミッションをプレイしましょう!
• 色を取っているポータルに駆け寄りましょう。1か所ずつやっていきましょう!
• ジャンプして、飛んで、滑り込んで、障害物や、穴、水たまりを避けることができます!
• ポニーをとても強いレインボーパワーの姿に変身させましょう。
• ポニーパワーを集めてレインボーパワーをアップグレードしましょう
• 各ポニーで体験できる特別なクエストをプレイしましょう

• PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLES:彼女のマジックブラストは、障害物を取り除くことができます
• PINKIE PIE:彼女のメガバウンスを使えば、とっても高くジャンプすることができます
• RAINBOW DASH:彼女のレインブームは、障害物を突き抜けて粉々にしてしまいます
• RARITY:マグネットの能力でポニーパワーを引き寄せます
• APPLEJACK:彼女のアップルストライクは、障害物をアップルソースに変えてしまいます
• FLUTTERSHY:彼女のスーパーフライトを使えば、上空高くを優雅に飛ぶことができます

Budge Studiosはお子様のプライバシーを尊重しており、アプリにおけるプライバシー法の遵守を徹底しています。本アプリケーションは「ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) Privacy Certified Kids’ Privacy Seal」を取得しています。詳細は、弊社のプライバシーポリシー:https://budgestudios.com/en/legal/privacy-policy/ をご覧いただくか、データ保護担当者: [email protected] にメールでお問い合わせください

このアプリは無料でお試しいただけますが、コンテンツによってはアプリ内課金でのみのご利用となります。ご了承いただいたうえでゲームをダウンロードしてください。 アプリ内課金では実際の料金が発生し、アカウントに請求されます。 アプリ内課金の無効または購入設定の調整については、デバイスの設定を変更してください。 このアプリにはBudge Studiosが配信するアプリについての広告や、パートナーおよびサードパーティによる広告が、コンテンツ連動型広告(報酬獲得のための動画視聴のオプションを含む)として表示される場合があります。 Budge Studiosは、このアプリ内で行動ターゲティング広告またはリターゲティング広告の表示を許可していません。 また、このアプリは保護者の許可を得てのみアクセス可能なソーシャルメディアへのリンクが表示される場合があります。

利用規約 / エンドユーザー使用許諾契約

Budge Studiosは、世界中の子供達にイノベーション、創造力、そして面白さを活かした楽しさと学びを届けるため、2010年に設立されました。高品質な過去作アプリにはオリジナル作品に加え、「Barbie」、「Thomas & Friends」、「Strawberry Shortcake」、「Caillou」、「The Smurfs」、「Miss Hollywood」、「ハローキティ」、「Crayola」といったの既存シリーズ作品も含まれます。Budge Studiosではお子様の安全と年齢に合わせたコンテンツについて最高水準を維持しており、スマートフォンおよびタブレットでの子供向けアプリの世界的リーダーとなりました。

ホームページ: www.budgestudios.com
フェイスブック: facebook.com/budgestudios
ツイッター: @budgestudios
アプリのトレーラーを見る : youtube.com/budgestudios

ご質問、ご提案、ご意見はいつでも受け付けております。年中いつでも [email protected] までご連絡ください


MY LITTLE PONYおよびすべての関連するキャラクターはHasbroの商標登録となっており、使用に際しては許諾が必要となります。© 2017 Hasbro。不許複製。Hasbroのライセンス許諾を得ています。

My Little Pony Rainbow Runners © 2017 Budge Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

BUDGEおよびBUDGE STUDIOSはBudge Studios Inc.の商標です。





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Apps Similar To My Little Pony Rainbow Runners

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Falling Down Stairs

Name:Falling Down Stairs                                                Price:Free

Description:Slide your finger to guide your ragdoll down incredibly huge stairs!
Bump other players, use boosts, have fun and win the race!
Try not to fall!
Find shortcut and make awesome jumps!
Reach the end and make you best dive into the finish ball pit!

Game Features:
- Free to play
- Simple one finger control
- Awesome physic!
- Play against opponents
- A lot of levels!

Rating:4.15                                               Show Detail

Indian Food - Bhartiya Vyanjan

Name:Indian Food - Bhartiya Vyanjan                                                Price:฿0.00

Description:Indian Recipes and Food In Punjabi & English - Khana Khazana

Punjabi & English Recipes(Vyanjan) is a superb app for cooking lovers.
Punjabi & English Recipes is based on Indian Cooking Recipes.

There are so many recipes in this application to love this application.

You will find recipes in categories as diverse as :-

- Curries
- Salads
- Baking
- Indian sweets
- Indian breads
- Traditional Indian recipes
- Breakfast recipes
- Dinner recipes
- Party recipes

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail

Smart Soccer Coach++

Name:Smart Soccer Coach++                                                 Price:Free

Description:La nouvelle application par les créateurs d'une des meilleures (si ce n'est LA meilleure) applications de planche tactique de l'Appstore – ”Planche Tactique pour Entraineur de Football” avec des milliers de téléchargements et une note moyenne de 4,5 dans le monde entier.

Cette fois, nous voulons vous offrir tous les outils nécessaires pour gérer vos équipes (oui, vous pouvez gérer de nombreuses équipes) !

Les cinq principaux modules de l'application (avec des assistance au coach):

1. Équipe

Ajoutez facilement vos joueurs (importez-les de vos Contacts). En plus des informations basiques comme le nom, la photo, le pied dominant ou les informations de contact (téléphone, email, Twitter), vous pouvez définir les atouts techniques, mentaux ou physiques des joueurs et les éditer lorsque votre joueur progresse.

2. Matchs

Lors de la conception du module Matchs, nous avons considéré 2 types de coach: les amateurs qui vont utiliser cette application pour s'amuser et les professionnels qui veulent récupérer toutes les données du match.

Suite à notre travail, cette application propose 2 types de match:
- ”Match Rapide” (mode simple): entrez le résultat du match et en option quelques statistiques basiques (tirs cadrés, possession, cartons, fautes, hors-jeux etc.),
- ”Mode Match” (mode complexe): définissez les titulaires, les remplaçants, la tactique et notez TOUS les événements du match: buts, passes décisives, remplacements, cartons, etc. Vous pouvez aussi éditer les statistiques basiques comme dans le ”Mode Rapide” mais la plupart d'entre elles sont mises à jour automatiquement lorsque vous ajoutez des événements. Dans ce mode, vous pouvez également ajouter des notes de match à la fin pour évaluer les joueurs.

3. Entraînements

Comme dans la vraie vie, les entraînements comprennent des exercices. Cette application dispose d'une bibliothèque intégrée d'exercices, mais vous pouvez également ajouter manuellement vos propres exercices ou les importer depuis notre seconde application : ”Planche Tactique de Coach pour Football.” Une fois prêt pour l’entraînement, vous pouvez entrer dans le ”Mode Entraînement”, pour voir la participation et commencer l’entraînement. Ici, vous pourrez évaluer chaque exercice et ajouter des notes.

Il existe 3 façons d'ajouter des exercices:
- Rapide: depuis la ”Vue Ajouter un entraînement,” tapez le nom du nouvel exercice dans la boite de recherche et appuyez sur ”Ajouter.”,
- Standard: allez dans la bibliothèque d'exercices depuis ”Voir les exercices” et ajoutez votre exercice avec toutes ses informations,
Application "Planche Tactique".

4. Programme (calendrier)

Planifier votre prochaine journée ou semaine avec notre programme (sous forme de calendrier). Ici, vous pourrez rajouter n'importe quel événement: match, entraînement ou tâche. De plus, vous pouvez définir des rappels pour ne rater aucun événement.

5. Statistiques

Les meilleurs coachs doivent analyser les performances et les progrès de l'équipe. Souvenez-vous que les chiffres ne mentent pas.

Ce module est séparé en 4 sections:
- Équipe: Analysez les performances de l'équipe (matchs gagnés/perdus, buts inscrits/encaissés, possession moyenne, discipline et plus encore),
- Joueurs: Les statistiques détaillées de chaque joueur, visibles depuis le tableau. Vous pouvez voir les points forts et les points faibles de chaque jouer,
- Classements: Regardez qui a inscrit le plus de buts, réalisé le plus de passes décisives, ou le joueur avec la meilleure note de match moyenne. Près de 30 classements qui peuvent être organisés par compétition.
- Entraînement: Surveillez la participation (ceux qui travaillent), vérifiez la participation moyenne et les évaluation des joueurs.

Si vous avez des questions ou des suggestions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CoachingAppsByBluelinden

Terms: http://bit.ly/2jTKp3F
Privacy Policy: http://bit.ly/2kpxZEq

Rating:4.3                                             Show Detail


Name:Egg!                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to Egg the game: a game of Eggs.

Everything in the world is Eggs. All our history, all our future civilizations, they are all Eggs. It has always been Eggs, it will always be Eggs.

Just like in real life, Eggs grow differently based on how you take care of them. What will you do? What will you hatch? The world is your Egg.

Everything is Eggs.

Except the wizards
they are pigs.

And the creatures too,
but that’s no surprise.
You’re quite the creature yourself.

- Raise Eggs alone or with a friend.
- Shape your Egg’s personality.
- Hatch over 70 majestic creatures!
- Play a variety of mini-games!
- Visit friends and make new ones in the Eggverse!

~Brought to you with love from the makers of Egg Baby~

Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @eggverse #eggthegame

Downloading this application is in accordance and acceptance of the Nix Hydra Games, Inc. End User License Agreement and Terms of Service: http://www.nixhydra.com/eula

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

My Talking Hank

Name:My Talking Hank                                                 Price:Free

Description:Com mais de 7 BILHÕES de downloads e sucessos mundiais como Meu Talking Tom e Minha Talking Angela, Talking Tom and Friends agora têm um aplicativo gratuito NOVO EM FOLHA. Apresentando: Meu Talking Hank! Cuide do Talking Hank, o cachorrinho mais fofo que existe. O Hank precisa de seu <3! Ele está pronto para a aventura e para explorar as ilhas tropicais do Havaí, mas ELE PRECISA DE VOCÊ!

Adote seu próprio Hank, um cachorrinho muito fofo. Ele é único. É um filhote tão lindo que você não vai conseguir parar de olhar para ele! Cuide do Hank, seu novo animal de estimação virtual favorito. Dê comidas deliciMeu Talking Hank agora tem um novo minigame viciante de pegar macacos. Além disso, a experiência de jogo que você conhece e adora recebeu diversas melhorias e upgrades.osas para ele, leve-o ao banheiro e balance-o para dormir em uma rede debaixo do céu estrelado.

O Hank ama fotografia! Ele quer tirar fotos de todos os animais selvagens que vivem na ilha. E há muitos deles para descobrir, incluindo um Coelho Branco fofinho, um Flamingo bobão, o Hip Hop Pótamo estiloso e muitos mais. Visite diferentes áreas da ilha. Coloque brinquedos e alimentos para os animais. Espere eles aparecerem e... CLIQUE!... para coletar fotos deles.

O Talking Hank não só repete tudo o que você diz com uma voz engraçada, mas ele também leva a diversão a outro nível! Morra de rir de suas constantes aventuras, travessuras no banheiro e muito, muito mais! Se você gosta de aplicativos no estilo tamagotchi e de jogos de colecionar, você vai se apaixonar pelo My Talking Hank.

Bem-vindo ao Havaí: Conheça essa ilha maravilhosa que é o seu lar! O visual é legal dia e noite!
Crie o Hank: O Hank precisa que você cuide dele, desde dar comida até levá-lo ao banheiro!
Tire fotos: Ajude o Hank a completar seu álbum tirando fotos de animais selvagens e exóticos.
Atraia animais: Alguns deles ficam com medo do Hank, e você vai precisar de alimentos e brinquedos para atraí-los!
Continue jogando: Há muitos outros coisas para descobrir no My Talking Hank, então continue explorando!

A Assinatura Mensal Premium do Hank – que oferece um desconto de 80% em todas as poções de energia, o dobro de recompensas de dinheiro virtual para todos os animais atraídos e +150% mais diamantes em todas as compras de diamantes – tem preço de US$ 4,99 por mês.

O pagamento será cobrado em sua Apple ID na confirmação da compra. A assinatura é renovada automaticamente, a menos que seja cancelada pelo menos 24 horas antes do término do período de assinatura atual. Sua conta será cobrada pela renovação durante as 24 horas antes do término do período de assinatura atual. Você pode gerenciar e cancelar suas assinaturas acessando os ajustes de sua conta da App Store após a compra. Quando você cancelar sua assinatura, o cancelamento será aplicado a partir do próximo período de assinatura. Observe que excluir o aplicativo não cancela sua assinatura. Você pode restaurar suas compras na tela da loja dentro do jogo.

Este app contém:
- Promoção de produtos e publicidade da Outfit7
- Links direcionando os consumidores a nossos sites e outros apps da Outfit7
- Personalização de conteúdo para induzir os usuários a jogar novamente no app
- Assistir vídeos de personagens animados do Outfit7 por meio da integração com o YouTube
- Opção de realizar compras no app
- Itens estão disponíveis por preços diferentes em moeda virtual, dependendo do nível atual do jogador
- Opções alternativas para acessar todas as funcionalidades do app sem efetuar quaisquer compras no app com dinheiro real (progredir de nível, funcionalidades no jogo)

Termos de uso: http://outfit7.com/eula/
Política de privacidade: http://outfit7.com/privacy-policy/
Suporte ao Cliente: [email protected]

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

Flight Unlimited X

Name:Flight Unlimited X                                                 Price:$0.99

Description:"One of the most gorgeous games in the app store"
"It looks like an Xbox One or PS4 Game"

Soar across the beautiful skies of the San Francisco bay area, Las Vegas, and Switzerland, in Flight Unlimited 2K16. Flight Unlimited utilizes advanced streaming technology to provide some of the best visuals in mobile gaming.

The HD scenery is a first in mobile flight simulation and covers an area over 10x larger than its predecessor. The scenery is so detailed you can even find your house.

The campaign tasks with you missions such as rescuing a prisoner from Alcatraz, B2 Bomber surveillance over the Swiss Alps, landing your Cessna on the Golden Gate Bridge, and more!

Over two years in the making, Flight Unlimited has been redesigned from the ground up. The flight model was developed by an aviation expert.

The game features Ultra high definition satellite imagery of the San Francisco Bay Area and Switzerland. Never before has this level of detail been provided in a mobile Flight Sim. Flight Unlimited is pushing the limits of graphics on mobile devices for aviation games.

Buzz the Golden Gate Bridge, take a fly-by of Alcatraz, scream past Levi Field, and even take a look at the future home of the world champion Golden State Warriors.

- Ultra HD Satellite Imagery covering over 500 SQ Miles.
- 4K HD Cockpits for each aircraft modeled from the ground up
- Campaign mode with GTA style missions
- The only mobile Flight Sim with Volumetric Clouds
- 24 Hour Day/Night Cycle
- Weather effects
- Trigger failures such as engine trouble and detached wings
- Landmarks such as Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, AT&T Park, Oracle Arena, and more
- 13 aircraft each modeled with accurate flight physics. New aircraft released weekly.

Rating:3.05                                                 Show Detail

Endless Reader

Name:Endless Reader                                                 Price:Free

Description:** App Store's Editor's Choice **

*From the team at ORIGINATOR - the creators of the beloved Endless Alphabet and Sesame Street's Monster at the End of This Book and Another Monster.... Originator is a team of passionate artists and engineers dedicated to the best education+entertainment apps for kids.*

As a follow-up to Endless Alphabet, set the stage for early reading success with Endless Reader! This app introduces "sight words", the most commonly used words in school, library, and children's books. Kids need to recognize these words by sight in order to achieve reading fluency. Recognizing sight words is advantageous for beginning readers because many of these words have unusual spelling, cannot be sounded out using phonics knowledge, and often cannot be represented using pictures.

Kids will have a blast learning sight words and their context and usage with the adorable Endless monsters. Each word features an interactive word puzzle with letters that come alive, and then a sentence puzzle with words that become what they describe. See the word "dog" as a barking dog, and the word "up" reach for the sky!

** NOTE: You must be online and have sufficient disk space while running the app to get all words in the app. **

- 6 words free to try with additional word packs available for purchase.
- Delightful animations reinforce sight recognition of words in a fun and interactive way.
- Word puzzles reinforce spelling using lower-case letters and the sentence puzzles teach definition and usage (in addition to sight recognition).
- 3D Touch on iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus makes letters and words react in an extra special way!
- Endless Reader was designed with your children in mind. There are no high scores, failures, limits or stress. Your children can interact with the app at their own pace.

Rating:4.15                                                 Show Detail

iHorse Betting on horse racing

Name:iHorse Betting on horse racing                                                 Price:RM0.00

Description:Doente de jogar slots? Da equipe que lhe trouxe os jogos da iHorse Racing Series, incluindo iHorse Racing 2 (gerente de corrida de cavalos e treinador) e iHorse GO (jogador de tempo real versus jogador de corrida de cavalos), iHorse Betting: apostar em corridas de cavalo é o cavalo mais realista jogo de simulador de apostas no mercado!

Rápido como apenas slots, iHorse Betting: apostar em corridas de cavalo é grátis para baixar e jogar. Apresentando jogos de corrida de cavalos 3D realistas, assista a corridas intensas e aposta contra essas chances com uma vitória, lugar / exibição, Quinella / Exacta, Quinella Place / Swinger / Duet, Trio / Trifecta e muito mais!

As moedas no jogo podem ser compradas por dinheiro real. É necessária conexão com a Internet para jogar. Este jogo destina-se a ser usado por pessoas de 21 anos ou mais apenas para fins de diversão. A prática ou o sucesso neste jogo não implica nenhum sucesso em jogos de azar em dinheiro real. Apostas iHorse: apostar em corridas de cavalos não manipula ou de outra forma interfere nos resultados do torneio de forma alguma. Os resultados baseiam-se exclusivamente na sorte e nas escolhas feitas pelos jogadores nos torneios.

▶ Aposte grande e ganhe grande! Aposta em corridas de cavalo com vários tipos de opções de apostas disponíveis: Ganhe, Lugar / Show, Quinella / Exacta, Quinella Place / Swinger / Duet, Trio / Trifecta e muito mais!
▶ Corridas de cavalos rápidas e rápidas para que você não precise esperar!
▶ Moedas grátis para começar mais abundância de bônus horários!
▶ Acerte o Jackpot em todas as corridas de cavalos no torneio ao vivo!
▶ Compete com os melhores apostadores de corrida de cavalos em todo o mundo!
▶ Apresentando cavalos e jóqueis lendários dos Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Japão, França, Hong Kong e muito mais.
▶ O modelo de trilhos e cavalos 3D mais realista para o simulador de corrida de cavalos! Curvas de trilhos simuladas, efeitos climáticos e elevações de corridas de Hong Kong!


Encontre-nos no Facebook para obter as últimas atualizações em:
Email do serviço ao cliente: [email protected]


Sick of playing slots? From the team that brought you the iHorse Racing Series games including iHorse Racing 2 (horse racing manager and trainer game) and iHorse GO (real-time player versus player horse racing game), iHorse Betting: Bet on horse races is the most realistic horse betting simulator game on the market!

Quick paced just like slots, iHorse Betting: Bet on horse races is free to download and play. Featuring realistic 3D horse racing gameplays, watch intense races and bet against those odds with a Win, Place/Show, Quinella/Exacta, Quinella Place/Swinger/Duet, Trio/Trifecta and more!

In-game currencies can be purchased for real money. Internet connection required to play. This game is intended for use by those 21 or older for amusement purposes only. Practice or success in this game does not imply any success at real money gambling. iHorse Betting: Bet on horse races does not manipulate or otherwise interfere with tournament outcomes in any way. Results are based entirely on luck and the choices made by players in the tournaments.

▶ Bet big and win big! Wager on horse races with multiple types of betting choices available: Win, Place/Show, Quinella/Exacta, Quinella Place/Swinger/Duet, Trio/Trifecta and more!
▶ Fast, quick paced horse race betting so you don't have to wait!
▶ Free coins to start plus plenty of hourly bonuses!
▶ Hit the Jackpot every horse race season in the Live tournament!
▶ Compete with the best horse racing punters globally!
▶ Featuring legendary horses and star jockeys from around the world!
▶ The most realistic 3D tracks and horses model for horse racing simulator! Simulated track turns, weather effects and elevations from Hong Kong racecourses!

Rating:2                                                 Show Detail