8 Best Apps Similar To Night Sky|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Night Sky

Night Sky

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 7.5.4(2020-05-22)
APP CATEGORIES : Reference, Education
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.6 (459.48K)

300.0K   80.0K <5K


超強觀星台 - 觀星 7 
的觀星台功能大幅升級!收錄超過 6000 萬顆行星資料、光譜材質解析度提高 8 倍、日出/日落效果,以及全新的白天模式!

MAPS UI - 觀星 7 介面全新設計,保留簡潔的熟悉風格,搭配快速尋找搜尋功能、智慧夜間紅色模式、光害指標,以及美麗的功能圖標,讓您操作「觀星」時更得心應手!

觀星 WATCH AR - 全新 Apple Watch App。「觀星」在 Apple Watch 上夢幻登場。「觀星台」功能徹底改版,現在讓您透過手錶,就能享有 Glass Constellations、全新紅色視野、日出/日落效果,以及觀星現場導覽功能!


觀星正念(付費版功能):觀星是最讓人放鬆、平靜,並且和大自然連結的經驗。您可以將觀星時間加入 Apple 健康的正念分鐘數。

阿德勒天文台擴增實境體驗:我們和芝加哥的阿德勒天文台合作,給您全新的擴增實境體驗。只要將「觀星」畫面對到標示的天體,就能看到身歷其境的內容,並與某些顯示的天體 3D 模型互動。並利用 iOS 13 的人體追蹤技術,試試新推出的太空裝體驗功能!


觀星測驗:利用支援 ClassKit 的「觀星」內建測驗功能,考考您的天文知識。您可以追蹤各個主題的學生得分,內容涵蓋太空史、衛星、恆星和太空生活!

擴增實境天體冒險 - 擴增實境技術讓您摘星:無論行星、恆星還是星座,都能放到眼前仔細端詳,甚至能透過 iMessage 與 USDZ 共享天體資料!

觀星 Siri 捷徑: 「嗨,Siri,我想看看國際太空站在哪裡!」建立 Siri 捷徑之後,只要問 Siri 任何行星,甚至太空站在哪裡,「觀星」就會立刻指點迷津!

擴增實境行星任意門和擴增實境星象儀(付費版功能):把擴增實境任意門放到房間,就能踏上其他行星表面!擴增實境任意門現在也支援 ARKIt 3 和 iOS 13 的人物遮擋功能!您也可以使用互動式星象儀在整個太陽系趴趴走!







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Apps Similar To Night Sky

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Email App for Gmail

Name:Email App for Gmail                                                Price:Free

Description:Beautiful design, Intuitive actions, Lightning speed, Advanced security – In a new powerful email app for Gmail!

Quick and easy access to Gmail account on the go! Check email, read, reply, send photos, add and view attachments — stay in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Experience new features to manage your Google email on your phone, tablet, or smartwatch in the most efficient manner.

Why choose us?

– Timely custom push notifications for each individual email account, e.g. 'Work' email address set to ‘Do not Disturb’ mode from 21:00 to 7:00
– User-friendly design: you do not have to think twice, whether you want to Flag, Mark as spam, Delete just one or multiple emails at once
– Clean and tidy inbox with contact avatars and an option to enable email threads (all conversations displayed neatly together)
– Convenient search by Date, Recipient, Subject, in Unread, Flagged messages or Attachments to help you find emails in a flash
– Personalized filters to automatically move incoming emails to specific folders or Mark them as read
– Enhanced security to protect your mobile app against unauthorized access by setting up a PIN password

The application also supports all major email services that you can add to have all your mail in one place, whether it is a Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, MSN Mail, Gmail, AOL, GMX or any POP/ IMAP/ SMTP-enabled mailbox.

If you encounter any problems, send us an email at [email protected] and we will try our best to help you in a timely manner.

IMPORTANT: We are a free unofficial Gmail email application with a goal to provide an excellent mail management product.


Email App for Gmail is free to download and use. Should you choose to remove ads in the app, we offer 3 auto-renewing subscription options:

$2.99/6 months

Payment will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription renews automatically unless cancelled at least 24 hours prior to the end of the subscription period.

There is no increase in price when renewing.

Subscriptions can be managed and auto-renewal turned off in Account Settings in iTunes after purchase. Once purchased, refunds will not be provided for any unused portion of the term.

Read our full Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy at http://www.mailapps.me/legacy/privacy/craigpark_privacy.htm.

Rating:4.15                                               Show Detail


Name:LEGO® HIDDEN SIDE™                                                Price:Free

Description:A new update: multiplayer mobile game experience!
LEGO® Hidden Side™ works by combining real life and the virtual world—but now it’s even more engaging. Multiplayer mode adds an entirely new dimension to the Hidden Side AR experience. One player becomes the hunter while up to three friends play as ghosts. Who will win? Playing the game is the only way to find out!

Welcome to LEGO® HIDDEN SIDE™ and the quiet town of Newbury.

See your set, minifigures, and ghosts come to life with our free AR app, and turn your phone into an instant ghost-hunting device.

Just scan any of the eight haunting sets and join our heroes Jack and Parker on their supernatural missions!

Meet your team of ghost hunters, including Jack, Parker & JB!

It’s super easy to start your ghost-hunting career:
1. Build your set
2. Download the app to turn your phone into a ghost detector
3. Scan your model to reveal the Hidden Side of Newbury
… and then hunt those haunting hazards!

Do you like ghost stories? Build and be part of one!

Designed for kids aged 7+.

The app works on devices that support ARkit for iOS.
iPhone 6S or newer iPhones support ARKit. Compatible iPads include iPad Pro (all models), iPad 5th & 6th generations (2018 or newer).

LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure and the brick & knob configuration are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2019 The LEGO Group.

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Rival Stars Basketball

Name:Rival Stars Basketball                                                 Price:Free

Description:Estrelas do Basquete deixa você no controle. Colecione jogadores extraordinários, planeje sua estratégia e confronte seu time com adversários reais do mundo todo em batalhas de cartas emocionantes. Use as jogadas em momentos cruciais para ganhar uma vantagem na medida em que a tensão aumenta. Depois, em instantes decisivos, entre na ação da quadra em 3D! Você vai passar ou tentar a cesta de 3 pontos? Sua escolha será a diferença entre a derrota e o sucesso.

Há várias maneiras de se ganhar jogadores raros poderosos em um mundo de rivais que está sempre evoluindo para desafiá-los. Arremesse para se tornar um astro, em Estrelas do Basquete!

Destaques de Estrelas do Basquete:
· Centenas de cartas de jogadores totalmente animadas em 3D para encontrar, colecionar e evoluir. Melhore seu time com habilidades especiais, bônus e muito mais!
· Entre de cabeça no gerenciamento de cartas com estratégias e jogadas infinitas
· Momentos de ação na quadra com roubos, passes, arremessos e enterradas. Você consegue fazer uma cesta no último segundo para vencer?
· Torneios globais ao vivo colocam você para enfrentar adversários reais! Suba nas classificações e desafie os melhores para ganhar ainda mais recompensas!
· Vários outros modos de jogo com prêmios de montão!
· Recompensas de conquistas incríveis por aumentar sua coleção de cartas e jogar bem nas quadras!
· Eventos e promoções bônus regulares oferecidas pela equipe de Estrelas do Basquete!

Estrelas do Basquete é grátis para jogar, mas oferece alguns itens de jogo para comprar com dinheiro de verdade.

Adoramos ouvir o que nossos jogadores têm a dizer!
No Twitter? Mande uma mensagem para @PikPokGames e participe da conversa com #RivalStars!

Rating:4.4                                             Show Detail

Goat Simulator Waste of Space

Name:Goat Simulator Waste of Space                                                 Price:$6.99

iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5

Você já passou pelo apocalipse zumbi no Goat Z e fez amizade com NPCs no mundo computadorizado do Goat MMO Simulator. O que mais existiria para você fazer? A resposta é NADA! É por isso que deixamos a Terra e viajamos para o espaço!

Seja uma cabra espacial e construa uma colônia espacial cabeceando pessoas e levando seu dinheiro. Quem melhor saberia gastá-lo senão uma cabra? Construa um simulador de treinamento de ponte de comando ou um museu espacial ou até mesmo sua própria nave espacial. Atire em asteróides e piratas do espaço e visite a algum planeta próximo.

Você já não precisa mais fantasiar sobre a colonização como uma cabra simulada. Seus sonhos finalmente se tornaram realidade!

Principais características

* Seja a primeira cabra no espaço
* Custeie uma colônia espacial e encontre outras pessoas para pagar por ela e fazer todo o trabalho!
* Voe e atire em coisas no espaço, porque ninguém mais faz jogos de voar e atirar no espaço
* Um espaço infinito, cheio de planetas para visitar. mas, falando sério, iria tomar muito tempo para ir até lá, então por que se incomodar
* Mas só existe um planeta perto. Vá para aquele
* Aprenda a ser um comandante de ponte de verdade como aquele cara spock de marte que seja
* O maior mapa da história do simulador de cabra
* Tanto conteúdo, que você terá que carregar várias vezes seu telefone
* Milhares de cabras desbloqueáveis com poderes especiais - Crie buracos negros, imprima coisas 3D no mundo e arremesse pessoas com sua mente

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail

Tapas – Comics and Novels

Name:Tapas – Comics and Novels                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to Tapas! Your new favorite app to explore tens of thousands of webcomics and novels. Enjoy a quick laugh or lose yourself in worlds beyond your wildest imagination by diverse creators from all around the world.

▸ Read the Internet’s most addictive stories from popular and up-and-coming creators
▸ Explore our wide array of stories - a majority of which are completely free to read
▸ Earn Ink to unlock episodes and directly support your favorite creators
▸ Join our community and connect with readers and creators just like you
▸ Whether it’s romance, fantasy, comedy, and more, dive into our expansive library of stories - we guarantee there’s a story here just for you!

Wondering where to start? Check out Tapas' #1 series, THEY SAY I WAS BORN A KING'S DAUGHTER, a tale of murder, reincarnation, and royalty, chock full of humor. Available exclusively on Tapas in both webcomic and novel formats.

Download Tapas and get started today – it’s FREE!


Mail us: [email protected]
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tapas.io
Tweet us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tapas_app
Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/tapas_app


Creators work hard to make awesome stories for you to enjoy, and Tapas lets you support their passion.

Tapas is made with love in San Francisco and Seoul by an awesome team.

Please note that Tapas is only available in English at this time.

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Strike of Nations: Army Battle

Name:Strike of Nations: Army Battle                                                 Price:Free

Description:Smeed allianties tussen rijken en leid je leger in dit actierijke strategiespel met wereldoorlogthema. Lanceer reusachtige militaire campagnes om je vijanden en terroristische milities weg te vagen en uiteindelijk de atoombasis te veroveren. Strijd tegen naties en verover ze via allianties met andere rijken. Bouw een legerbasis met moderne tanks, luchtvaartuigen en raketten.

Strike of Nations - Alliance World War
Leid je leger als de opperbevelhebber.
Gebruik de atoomknop om raketten en atoombommen te lanceren.
Plan militaire operaties.
Bouw 20 verdedigingsmuren, schilden en Panzers.
Delf nucleaire substanties voor reactors.
Sluit je aan bij allianties uit 192 landen.
Upgrade en doe onderzoek naar zonne- en windenergie.
Vaag PvP-vijanden weg met chemische wapens op vrachtvliegtuigen.
Verover een atoombasis.

Plan je strategie -> Delf bouwstoffen -> Bouw een basis -> Ontwikkel dodelijke wapens -> Sluit je aan bij allianties en rijken -> Zoek de vijand -> Val aan met alle macht van het leger -> Verdedig de basis en CLAIM veroverd gebied

Vernietig meer dan 1 miljoen spelersmachten en opstandige naties via gezamenlijke operaties

Raak ervaren met futuristische massavernietigingswapens. Gebruik een mix van traanbommen, biochemische dodelijke substanties, waterstofbommen, tanks en thermonucleaire reactors om steden binnen seconden weg te vagen. Introductie van Amerikaanse vrachtvliegtuigen met straaljagers en getrainde gevechtspiloten om te vechten tot de dood erop volgt. Train een vloot van onderzeeërs met ballistische wapens om heimelijk terroristische campagnes te bestoken.

Engeland won WOI en WOII met sterke allianties met de VS en Rusland. Sla de handen ineen en verzwak vijanden. Combineer gezamenlijk legers en uitrusting om op veilig te spelen. Kies voor gezamenlijke atoomaanvallen na rivaliserende naties te hebben vervreemd.

Maak high-tech munitie om de heerschappij op het slagveld te vergroten.
Delf uranium, plutonium, radium, thorium en cesium, plus andere gevaarlijke radioactieve mineralen
Converteer plant-, zonne- en waterbronnen tot accu's met een hoog voltage.
Train het grootste leger dat de wereld ooit heeft gezien in de gevechtsmodus en ontwikkel hun vaardigheden.

Vergroot je macht om fantastische beloningen als oorlogsbuit te verzamelen. Doe mee aan wereldwijde events, waarbij alle spelers moeten samenwerken om te slagen, of sluit je aan bij gevechten op meerdere servers en bewijs de superioriteit van jouw server. Het plezier van verwoesten en nieuw land bezetten houdt nooit op!

Heb jij wat nodig is om de titel van keizer te pakken en op de rode atoomknop te drukken? Sluit je nu aan bij de oorlogsmacht en neem je lot in eigen handen.

Jij bent de baas van doodseskadersoldaten en moet bombarderen om de oorlog te overleven. Alleen een legendarisch teamgevecht met een goede stadsverdediging biedt totale bevrijding en zorgt ervoor dat je de grenzen van je rijk uit kunt breiden. Leid drones, chinooks, helikopters en vloten met raketvliegtuigen.

Gebruik de wereldoorlog III-kaart om taken te voltooien met aanvalssimulaties. Ontwikkel je sluipschutters via geweeraanvallen voor de ultieme overleving. Zet raketwerpers met een kort bereik in dodelijke oorlogen in.

Strike of Nations is een volledig gratis spel met als thema moderne oorlogvoering. Je kunt met betaalde items spelen om het tempo van grondstoffenverzameling en bouwactiviteiten te versnellen. Meer dan 1 miljoen spelers vechten actief voor het grootste rijk, maar alleen strategische spelers veroveren de wereld.

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail


Name:Egg!                                                 Price:Free

Description:Welcome to Egg the game: a game of Eggs.

Everything in the world is Eggs. All our history, all our future civilizations, they are all Eggs. It has always been Eggs, it will always be Eggs.

Just like in real life, Eggs grow differently based on how you take care of them. What will you do? What will you hatch? The world is your Egg.

Everything is Eggs.

Except the wizards
they are pigs.

And the creatures too,
but that’s no surprise.
You’re quite the creature yourself.

- Raise Eggs alone or with a friend.
- Shape your Egg’s personality.
- Hatch over 70 majestic creatures!
- Play a variety of mini-games!
- Visit friends and make new ones in the Eggverse!

~Brought to you with love from the makers of Egg Baby~

Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @eggverse #eggthegame

Downloading this application is in accordance and acceptance of the Nix Hydra Games, Inc. End User License Agreement and Terms of Service: http://www.nixhydra.com/eula

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

SkySafari 6 Plus

Name:SkySafari 6 Plus                                                 Price:$14.99

Description:SkySafari 6 Plus goes beyond most basic astronomy apps by providing you with a full-featured space simulator with telescope control and Augmented Reality (AR) mode.

Note that there is no discount upgrade path from SkySafari 6 Plus to SkySafari 6 Pro. Choose carefully!

Here's what's new in version 6:

1) Complete support for iOS 13 and iPhone 11. We got you covered and release regular updates.

2) Clouds and Astronomy. Two words that rarely go together. Rewritten from the ground up, SkySafari 6 Plus will (optionally) back up all of your observing data in our secure cloud storage and make it easily accessible to multiple devices as well as from our new web interface, LiveSky.com.

3) We Have The Best Stars. Precise, modern and deep. We’ve updated our star catalog to use the latest and greatest, UCAC5 star catalog.

4) Observers First. A redesign of our tools puts the active observer first. Quick access to features like your equipment, observing sites, lists, and observations make it easy and enjoyable to get out, observe, and record your observations.

5) Graph It. The completely new graph tool will give a quick visual representation of an object’s altitude above the horizon. Essential for planning your night’s observations.

6) Plan It. Make the most of your time under the stars. Our updated planner is a powerful tool that lets you create a list of targets for your observing session with filters like object types, specific time ranges, constellation, catalog, and more. Plan it and get more done.

7) Say It. Ever just wanted to just yell at your device and tell it what to do!? SkySafari 6 adds basic voice control for a wide range of operations. Say “select Jupiter,” “search for Titan,” “center on Polaris” and SkySafari will do the work for you. Yelling optional. 

8) Tilt It. Every old astronomy app these days lets your tilt and pan your device to show different parts of the sky, but who else lets you control your telescope that way!? “Tilt to slew” is an optional mode allowing you to keep your eye in the eyepiece, and, using the accelerometers in your device, gently translate the movements of your hands into smooth telescope motion.

9) Share It. SkySafari 6 is more than just a mobile app, it’s a new system to help organize and share your observing experiences. With a free signup, you can see and share your observing data from our web portal, LiveSky.com! Affordable premium memberships add online editing, so you can not only view, but edit your observations, add new observing sites, manage your equipment and more. Finally, (coming soon) you can view, edit and manage your settings files with SkySafari Web, our fully functional web version.

If you haven't used SkySafari 6 Plus before, here's what you can do with it:

• Hold your device up, and SkySafari 6 Plus will find stars, constellations, planets, and more!

• Simulate the night sky up to 10,000 years in the past or future! Animate meteor showers, conjunctions, eclipses, and other celestial events.

• Learn the history, mythology, and science of astronomy! Browse over 1500 object descriptions and astronomical images. Explore NASA space missions! Stay up-to-date with SkyWeek for all major sky events every day!

• Control your telescope, log and plan your observations.

• Night Vision – Preserve your eyesight after dark.

• Orbit Mode. Leave the Earth’s surface behind, and fly through our solar system.

• Time Flow – Follow the motion of sky objects as days, months, and years are compressed into a few seconds.

• Advanced Search – Find objects using properties other than their name.

• Support for Apple Watch!

• Tonight at a Glance: the Sun, Moon, Planets, ISS, and Iridium flares in one handy view!

• Notifications when the ISS will pass overhead, when Iridium satellites flare, and more!

• Much more!

For even more features, and a gigantic database aimed at the most dedicated amateur or professional astronomer, check out SkySafari 6 Pro!

Rating:3.6                                                 Show Detail