8 Best Apps Similar To Numberzilla - Number Math Game|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: Numberzilla - Number Math Game

Numberzilla - Number Math Game

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.0.1(2020-06-08)
APP CATEGORIES : Games, Puzzle, Entertainment, Board
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.35 (26.12K)

200.0K   60.0K 27.34K


Siamo lieti di annunciare il nuovo puzzle di numeri rompicapo : Numberzilla! Il rompicapo preferito della nostra infanzia con buone vecchie regole familiari si presenta con un nuovo look spiritoso. Goditi risultati giornalieri e sblocca distintivi fantastici che ti rallegreranno sicuramente!

Incontrerai la nostra simpatica mascotte Numberzilla e i suoi amici: Croissant Intelligente, Avocado Vivace, Anguria Guerriera e altri. Saranno felici di guidarti attraverso le regole e terranno traccia dei tuoi risultati e dei tuoi successi. Riceverai distintivi divertenti con personaggi per aver battuto i record di tempo, aver raccolto punti di gioco e aver completato i giochi.
Te lo abbiamo detto, Numberzilla si distingue davvero dagli altri giochi di logica e matematica!

Come si gioca? La logica è semplice!

Incrocia le coppie degli stessi numeri (4-4, 2-2, 9-9) o quelle la cui somma fa 10 (2-8, 3-7 ecc.). È possibile rimuovere due numeri facendo clic su di essi uno alla volta.

Nel gioco puzzle di Numberzilla, le coppie devono essere posizionate fianco a fianco e puoi incrociarle verticalmente, orizzontalmente, e anche se un numero si trova sull'ultima cella della linea e un altro si trova sulla prima cella della riga successiva della griglia. Possono anche essere presenti celle vuote tra i 2 numeri.

L'obiettivo è quello di cancellare tutti i numeri e svuotare il tabellone.

Quando non ci sono più numeri da rimuovere, i numeri rimanenti possono essere aggiunti alla fine.

Offriamo 3 modalità:

1. Modalità Classica:
Questa è una modalità "infinita": hai tempo e terreno di gioco illimitati per stabilire un record di punteggio! Se termini le mosse - ti basta aggiungere righe extra in fondo.

2. Modalità Sopravvivenza:
Il campo di gioco è limitato e i numeri cadono in modo simile al gioco "Tetris". Quando il campo di gioco è pieno - perdi!

3. Modalità Dinamica
Quando avrai raggiunto il numero massimo di numeri - ti sarà possibile rimescolarli. Provalo e passerai al livello successivo!

Popolarità dei giochi puzzle di numeri

Questo gioco è anche noto come Numberama, Take Ten o 10 Seeds. Puoi giocarci online o offline usando un foglio di carta, ma nel 2019 preferiamo sicuramente le versioni mobili dei giochi puzzle di numeri, con i quali puoi giocare in movimento :)

Goditi l'accesso Premium a Numberzilla

Puoi sicuramente giocare a Numberzilla gratuitamente, ma con l'accesso Premium ti porteremo a un livello completamente nuovo:
- Sblocca un numero illimitato di suggerimenti
- Usa Annulla per annullare la mossa - quante ne hai bisogno
- Nessuna pubblicità interromperà mai il processo di risoluzione dei puzzle


L'abbonamento Premium è un'offerta settimanale: 8,99 € per sbloccare tutti i contenuti e le funzioni ed eliminare la pubblicità.
L'abbonamento Gold è un'offerta settimanale: 10,99 € per sbloccare tutti i contenuti e le funzioni ed eliminare la pubblicità.

Rinnovo dell'abbonamento:
Il pagamento sarà addebitato sull'Account iTunes alla conferma dell'acquisto.

L'abbonamento si rinnova automaticamente a meno che il rinnovo automatico non venga disattivato almeno 24 ore prima del termine del periodo corrente.
L'account determinerà il costo del rinnovo, che verrà addebitato nelle 24 ore che precedono la fine del periodo in corso.

Gli abbonamenti possono essere gestiti dall'utente ed il rinnovo automatico può essere disattivato andando alle Impostazioni dell'account dell'utente dopo l'acquisto.

Politica sulla riservatezza: http://docs.appcraft.by/policies/privacy-policy
Condizioni d'uso: http://docs.appcraft.by/policies/terms-of-use





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Name:真正的彩票賭博 好玩的免費遊戲成癮 最好的賭場遊戲成人                                                Price:NT$ 0


Te zien als je de gelukkige nummers in deze authentieke Vegas stijl Keno app! Ziet en voelt als het echte ding!

Bij ons gratis!

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Traffic Turn

Name:Traffic Turn                                                Price:Free

Description:New and innovative hyper-casual game for you again!


1. Insert queued vehicles into the highway traffic, incoming vehicles won't wait for you.
2. Get extra points for inserting multiple cars in a row.

Just tap the touchscreen.

Hope you'll enjoy the game!

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Kids & Toddlers Learning Games

Name:Kids & Toddlers Learning Games                                                 Price:Free

“跟小魔法师学习数” 软件里孩子们可以找到很多有趣的游戏:
- “鬼魂城堡”:你们要帮助魔法师把顽皮的鬼魂关在大箱子里!
- “跟愉快的巨怪捉马虎”:你们要帮助魔法师把不听话的巨怪抓好!
- “神秘的数字实验室”:用魔法的万灵药种好妖邪的植物。
- “喂小龙”:用需要的食品数量喂一个饿龙。
- “唱歌的山”:你们要跟小魔法师找到唱歌的鸟。

- 愉快的与有意思的教学;
- 礼物与惊喜每个游戏里;
- 有趣的动画和人物;
- 16游戏等级;
- 动力的与形形色色的游戏;
- 愉快的音乐与声音效果;
- 游戏的魔法的气氛;
- 方便的界面;
- 家长控制;
- 没有不相干的广告。



Rating:4.5                                             Show Detail

Splice - Video Editor & Maker

Name:Splice - Video Editor & Maker                                                 Price:Free

Description:Splice 简单易用、功能强大,通过它您可以轻松在 iPhone 或 iPad 上创建可完全定制的专业视频。拥有桌面编辑器的性能,专门针对移动设备进行优化。只需轻点,即可修剪剪辑,调整过渡,添加慢动作效果,从而创作出想要分享的精美视频。专业编辑从未如此简单。

“最佳 iPhone 视频编辑器”
- Lifehacker,2015 年 12 月

- 2016 Webby 奖得主

- 最佳移动应用奖,2015 年 10 月

+ 自动按音乐的节拍同步视频。
+ 应用滤镜,调整背景颜色、方向等。
+ 添加标题幻灯片、文本覆盖层和自定义片尾字幕。
+ 为快动作或慢动作调整播放速度。
+ 修剪、剪切和裁剪照片和视频剪辑。
+ 选择过渡样式并控制过渡之间的速度。
+ 通过平移和缩放效果让照片栩栩如生。

+ 从大量免费音乐和声音效果中选择,或者使用自己 iTunes 收藏中的歌曲(取决于 iTunes 条款)。
+ 通过内置录音器,添加旁边或自定义声音效果。
+ 精确修剪和混合多个多个音频轨道。

+ 直接分享至 YouTube、Instagram、Facebook、邮件和信息等。
+ 将视频保存到相机胶卷中


• 订阅时长:周、月、年
• 一旦您确认购买,就会向您的iTunes账户收取费用。
• 购买后,您可以在账户设置中管理订阅,关闭自动更新功能。
• 您的订阅服务会自动更新,除非您在当前使用期结束前至少24小时关闭自动更新功能。
• 当前使用期结束前24小时内,会向您的账户收取续订费用。
• 取消订阅时,您的订阅服务会持续有效至当前使用期结束。自动更新功能将被禁用,但是不会退还当前订阅服务的费用。
• 如有免费试用,购买订阅服务后,免费试用中未使用的部分将会作废。


在未来版本的应用软件内,如果您有任何功能上的要求?请随时联系[email protected]与我们沟通

Rating:4.55                                                 Show Detail

Vietnamese by Nemo

Name:Vietnamese by Nemo                                                 Price:Free

Description:Nemo dirancang untuk mendorong Anda mulai berbicara sejumlah kata yang paling berguna dalam Bahasa Vietnam secara langsung dan dengan penuh rasa percaya diri. Dengan jutaan kali unduh dari seluruh dunia, Nemo kini tersedia untuk Bahasa Indonesia.

◆ Setiap Kata Bahasa Vietnam diucapkan secara jelas dalam kualitas audio yang bagus dari seorang penutur asli.
◆ Semua audio-nya diunduh ke perangkat Anda, dan tersedia dalam mode offline atau dalam mode pesawat terbang.
◆ Kuasai aksen Anda dengan Studio Bahasa. Cukup rekam suara Anda saat mengucapkan sebuah frasa kemudian dengarkan suara Anda setelah suarapenutur. Lalu coba lagi. Andaakan KAGUM betapa cepatnya aksen suara asing Anda berubah.
◆ Nemo tidak dibuat dalam bentuk pembelajaran sama sekali. Hal ini ditujukan agar bisa digunakan sepanjang hari, kapan pun Anda punya waktu senggang untuk disisihkan.
◆ TIDAK DIPERLUKAN DASAR Bahasa Vietnam terlebih dahulu.

Aplikasi untuk belajar Bahasa Vietnam ini tersedia lengkap dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan 10 bahasa lainnya.

Nemo menargetkan semua kata dan frasa yang paling kerap diucapkan dalam percakapan. Bagi pemula, kami telah menyiapkan daftar "Belajar 10 Hal Saja", “Belajar 50 Hal Saja”, dan “Belajar 100 Hal Saja” untuk pengenalan singkat dari seluruh intinya. Pembelajar tingkat menengah dapat meneruskan ke pelajaran dengan kata yang paling sering diucapkan untuk wisata dan bisnis kemudian mulailah bercakap-cakap menggunakan Bahasa Vietnam dalam waktu satu bulan. Pembelajar tingkat lanjut akan merasakan manfaat dari teknologi Studio Bahasa untuk memperbaiki aksen bahasa asing mereka.

Dengan Nemo, Anda dapat menyusun kartu kilas sendiri untuk melatih keahlian bahasa yang ingin Anda tingkatkan. Ketika mengawali sebuah topik baru, atur kartu kilas untuk melatih terjemahan dari Bahasa Vietnam ke Bahasa Indonesia jadi Anda dapat terbiasa dengan sejumlah kata baru. Selanjutnya, ganti untuk menerjemahkan Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Vietnam untuk melatih hafalan sekaligus kemampuan berbicara Anda. Untuk menguasai secara sempurna, ganti dengan kartu yang khusus melatih kepekaan pendengaran Anda dan menyempurnakan pelafalan Anda.

Semua kartu dapat ditandai sebagai favorit, memungkinkan Anda untuk menyusun rangkaian kartu yang memfokuskan sejumlah kata pada hari itu. Aktifkan Mode Ulasan untuk merekap yang Anda pelajari pada permulaan hari agar meningkatkan penyimpanan hafalan Anda.

Telusuri apa yang Anda inginkan untuk belajar setiap saat. Buku frasa menawarkan akses cepat ke kosakata dalam aplikasi melalui antarmuka kamus Bahasa Vietnam - Bahasa Indonesia. Nemo juga berfungsi sebagai penerjemah. Cukup temukan kata yang Anda inginkan di antarmuka pencarian dan mainkan audio-nya lewat perangkat pengeras suara.

◆ Ketahui yang tidak diketahui atau dapatkan kenyamanan dengan semua frasa wisatawan.
◆ Tingkatkan kecakapan Anda dengan angka dan kata kerja paling penting serta blok bangunan kalimat.

Gunakan keahlian baru Anda untuk berkenalan dengan teman baru, memesona teman lama, membuat anak-anak tersenyum, lolos dari kemacetan, merasakan hal-hal baru, berbicara penuh percaya diri, dan menjadikan pengalaman wisata dan budaya Anda kian kaya dan memuaskan.

Unduh aplikasi gratis ini sekarang!

Rating:4.15                                                 Show Detail

Learning 4 Toddler Kids Games!

Name:Learning 4 Toddler Kids Games!                                                 Price:Free

Description:A world of 15 learning kids games! Amusing Foods will help your child to progress quickly and learn new things.

These learning games for toddlers age 3 to 5 address various topics such as: geometric shapes, colors, logic, sizes, etc!

Welcome to the world of 15 various children games in Funny Food 2!
Funny Food 2 games for kids consist of:

PUZZLES - sort out the jumbled funny foods (Fun learning games for kids 5 years free);
ANGLES, PARTS & WHOLES - cook and slice pizza and then feed cute characters;
FIND & TAP - sort foods into their appropriate plastic bags (Children’s games for 3 to 5 yrs old, that develops attention);
HIDE & SEEK - find the rascals and count them (Games for children free that develop attention; learn to count);
SHAPES - water the magical garden, grow vegetables, then harvest and count them;
SIZES - sort food by size and load them to the helicopter (Introduces a concept of sorting by size for smart kids free);
LOGIC - find a pattern and arrange foods correctly in the tractor's trailer (Kindergarten games free for 5 year old, that introduces to a concept of consistency and continuity);
SORTING - sort all foods from the conveyor belt into different pickup trucks (Develop attention and logical thinking);
MATCHING - find all the matching pairs (Matching games free for kids, attention);
UNITS & PARTS - slice the foods by tracing the lines and cook various dishes (Memory matching games for kids free);
CREATIVITY - dress foods in fancy clothing (Develop creativity and imagination);
LEARN SHAPES AND COLORS - prepare cookies that differ in color and shape (Introduces to sizes);
COUNTING from 1 to 5 - feed animals with the right amount of food (A kind of puzzle games for kids that help to learn counting and think through math);
COMPARISON - use the scale to weigh the right amount of food;
COLORS FOR TODDLERS - kindergarten games: wash fruits and vegetables under the shower and sort them by color.

15 baby learning games for kindergarten and above in English;
Fun sound effects and amazing graphics, free games for toddlers;
Amusing characters with lots of animation and interaction;
Simple interface like in learning games for kindergarten;
Basic skills in learning kids games for children 3 4 yrs free: logic, attention and thinking for kids to think through math;
Parental control;

Explore smart kids games: think through math, fine motor skills games! Keep your child busy with educational games for kids!

There is only a part of the content available in the free version of the application. To gain access to the full version, you will need to make a built-in purchase.

About MAGE:

These educational apps for toddlers have been created by MAGE, who develops interactive children learning games for toddlers age 3 to 6. With our educational games child will learn the alphabet, letters, numbers and phonics. Our games for preschoolers comply with the standards of “Designed For Family”.

Rating:4.5                                                 Show Detail

Garden of Words - Word Game

Name:Garden of Words - Word Game                                                 Price:Free

Description:Easy to play, Garden of Words is a word game that makes learning fun!

Play every day and improve your spelling!
Memorize new words and expand your vocabulary!

With over 10 million players around the world, Garden of words is the number one word game. Exercise your brain and play with letters. Collect pictures, guess the words, it’s like a quiz but with no questions! Just find the words!

Connect letters and create stunning words to win! With our dictionaries you can have hours and days of fun wherever you are!

- Simple and accessible: slide your finger on the letters to make a word.
- Original and fun: the crossword puzzle gives you hints about the words you can find.
- Enjoy the different and colorful garden backgrounds! The calm and cozy atmosphere will help you concentrate when looking for words.
- Over 700 puzzles in 8 languages, with regular updates each week!
- Thousands of hidden words to unlock thanks to our comprehensive dictionaries! Win coins with each bonus word you find.
- Can't think of a word in a puzzle? Use a hint to uncover a letter on the board!
- Play offline, anywhere, anytime!
- Win coins and collect hundreds of pics!

New word grid everyday, it’s like having thousands of crosswords directly in your pocket ! Offline? No problem! You can still play!

Once you start to play, you'll never want to stop!

Rating:4.35                                                 Show Detail

CodyCross: Crossword Puzzles

Name:CodyCross: Crossword Puzzles                                                 Price:Free

Description:- A new crossword experience
- Challenge yourself with countless puzzles
- Relax while exploring thematic worlds
- Have fun while you learn

Join CodyCross, a friendly alien that has crash-landed on Earth and counts on your help to learn about our planet! Travel across space and time as you unveil our planet's history and humanity’s accomplishments through themed puzzles.

Explore beautiful sceneries, use your knowledge and skills in a one-of-a-kind word game, where every correct answer takes you closer to completing the puzzle and revealing the secret word!

- Explore beautifully designed worlds with hundreds of levels to play
- Each world brings new themes and genres that will challenge the wisest of puzzle lovers
- Innovative gameplay that brings a new twist to crossword puzzles
- If you get stuck on a question, use the power-up to reveal a letter
- Sync your progress across all devices by connecting to Facebook
- Play levels offline if you don’t have internet connection (with limited features)

About subscriptions:
- You can subscribe to play unlimited puzzles in different levels of difficulties (easy, medium, hard and kids)
- The subscriptions are from $3.99 weekly, $9.99 monthly and $64.99/annually*
- All prices are subject to change without notification. We occasionally run promotional prices as incentives or limited time opportunities for qualifying purchases made during the promotional time period. Due to the time sensitive and promotional nature of these events, we are unable to offer price protection or retroactive discounts or refunds for previous purchases in the event of a price reduction or promotional offering
- You'll be able to play unlimited puzzles for the duration of your subscription
- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase
- Subscriptions automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase
- You can read our privacy policy at https://game.codycross-game.com/Terms/PrivacyPolicy
- You can read our terms of use at https://game.codycross-game.com/Terms/TermsOfService
– Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a CodyCross subscription

*Prices may vary according to your iTunes account country

Rating:4.65                                                 Show Detail