8 Best Apps Similar To OLX Anúncios: Comprar e Vender|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: OLX Anúncios: Comprar e Vender

OLX Anúncios: Comprar e Vender

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 13.29.0(2020-05-06)
APP CATEGORIES : Shopping, Lifestyle
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 3.25 (67.28K)

200.0K   <5K 1.1M


A OLX é a maior plataforma de compra e venda do Brasil.
Instale GRÁTIS nosso aplicativo para vender ou encontrar produtos novos e usados, carros, imóveis e serviços.

Anuncie celular, serviços, roupa, eletrônico, carros e imóveis.
Vender, comprar ou trocar nunca foi tão fácil e tão bom!

Com a OLX, você desapega do que não usa mais, encontra produtos em bom estado, serviços do mercado e realiza o negócio dos seus sonhos, como a compra de carros e imóveis.

Estimulamos uma nova cultura de consumo: conectamos pessoas para que possam comprar, vender ou trocar de forma fácil e rápida. Queremos um mundo melhor, onde nossa comunidade se conecta de maneira colaborativa por meio da compra e venda de usados.

Quando compradores e vendedores têm sucesso em suas compras e vendas, trazem valor para a comunidade. Com a OLX, todo mundo ganha e sempre faz um bom negócio.

Baixe nosso aplicativo grátis e comece agora mesmo!





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Apps Similar To OLX Anúncios: Comprar e Vender

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

MrMC Touch

Name:MrMC Touch                                                Price:$5.99

Description:MrMC is a software media center for playing videos, music, and pictures. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, and other digital media files from local storage media and media devices/servers such as Emby, Plex, HDHomerun, TVHeadend and more.

- integrated Trakt support
- integrated Plex client with Direct Play
- integrated SMB, NFS, FTP/SFTP clients
- integrated LightEffects client (boblight/ambilight)
- integrated SQLite or external MySQL databases for video/music libraries
- supports DVDs with DVD menu support
- supports MKV, AVI, DivX and other video files
- supports ACC, FLAC, DD, DTS and other audio formats
- supports MythTV, HDHomeRun and many other IPTV devices
- user installed python addons/plugins are not supported

Rating:1.8                                               Show Detail

OLX Arabia - أوليكس

Name:OLX Arabia - أوليكس                                                Price:Free

Description:أوليكس هي السوق الأول حول العالم لبيع وشراء كلّ ما يخطر على بالك. قام بتحميل التطبيق أكثر من 35 مليون مستخدم حتى الآن. كما ويحظى تطبيق أوليكس بأكثر من 260 مليون مستخدم نشط في أكثر من 45 دولة.

إنّ أوليكس هي حلقة الوصل بين البائعين والمشترين حول العالم وتتيح لهم تبادل السلع والخدمات ضمن صفقات تُرضي الطرفين. تمنح أوليكس البائع منصة لبيع كل أغراضه، شخصية أو تجارية. كما يُمكن للمشتري تصفح آلاف الإعلانات المبوبة يومياً واكتشاف أفضل العروض على السلع الجديدة والمستخدمة.

حمِّل الآن أفضل تطبيق مجاني للإعلانات المبوبة، ولبدأ رحلة البيع والشراء من مختلف الأقسام، بما في ذلك: السيارات والموبايل والإلكترونيات وأثاث المنزل، وأي شيىء آخر قد يخطر على بالك ... وبدون أي عمولات. إبدأ الآن بيع الأغراض التي لا تستخدمها، وجدد واحصل على الكاش، وشارك الملايين من مستخدمي أوليكس حول العالم!

لماذا أوليكس؟
• البيع السريع: فقط كل ما عليك هو أن تقوم بنشر إعلان عن الغرض الذي تريد بيعه في ثلاث خطوات بسيطة للغاية:
· التقط صورًا..
· اكتب وصفًا..
· أضف وسائل التواصل معك ... وابدأ البيع فورًا!
• الشراء الذكي: لن تهدر وقتك في سبيل البحث عن أفضل سعر، فكلّ ما قد يخطر على بالك متاح على أوليكس بأفضل الأسعارفي بلدك! فسواءً كنت ترغب في الشراء أو الاستبدال .. أوليكس هي وجهتك الأولى أونلاين
• البحث عبر الموقع: ستتمكن من العثور على البائعين في محيط منطقتك الجغرافية، وستكتشف أفضل العروض والصفقات المتاحة في مدينتك بل وضاحيتك السكنية!
• التواصل مع البائع مباشرة: ستتمكن من التواصل المباشر مع البائعين عبر خاصية المحادثة "chat" أو عن طريق الموبايل أو المراسلة عبر منصة التطبيق. الأمر الذي سيجعل إتمام صفقة ناجحة أمرًا غاية في السهولة.

• لا للوسطاء والسماسرة: هدفنا الأول في أوليكس أن نكون حلقة الوصل الوحيدة بين البائع والمشتري، بدون وسطاء أو سماسرة. ستتمكن من التواصل مباشرة مع البائع

دوبيزل أصبح الآن أوليكس، ماذا تنتظر؟! حمّل تطبيق OLX Arabia. المنصة الأولى والرائدة للإعلانات المبوبة في كل من مصر، عُمان، لبنان، السعودية، قطر، البحرين، الكويت.
إبدأ البيع الآن .. بسهولة وبسرعة .. ومجاناً أيضاً!!

OLX is the #1 marketplace to buy and sell with 35 million downloads and 260 million monthly active users in more than 45 countries. We connect sellers to buyers. OLX sellers can sell their personal and commercial products easily. Buyers can browse thousands of daily-added listings for both new and secondhand products and choose smartly.

Download the best FREE classifieds app to buy and sell second-hand cars, mobile phones, electronics, home furniture and anything you want. All of this is just a few clicks away without any commission. Join millions of OLX users and sell your unused products, renew them, and make some cash!

• Sell fast: Post for FREE in three simple steps. Take a picture, describe your item and add your contact details to start selling.
• Buy smarter: You don’t have to lose time to catch the best bargains in your neighbourhood. OLX has a wide range of products from all categories. Either you’re looking to sell or swap, let OLX be your one and only online destination.
• Search by location: Find sellers in your country, city and neighborhood. Be aware of the bargains and the hottest deals around the corner.
• Contact the seller: Chat, call or text the seller to close the deal. It can’t get any easier than this!
• No intermediates: We bring together buyers and sellers. No intermediates between you and the product. You will always be able to directly contact the seller.

dubizzle is now OLX. Download OLX Arabia the top classified platform in Egypt, Oman, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait.

Start selling now! Simple. Fast. Free.

Rating:3.75                                                 Show Detail

Video Explorer II-Player for Chromecast, Plex, NAS

Name:Video Explorer II-Player for Chromecast, Plex, NAS                                                 Price:$2.99

Description:The best media player, with and embedded web browser that can send videos to Chromecast!

Access to your network servers (like Plex, NAS, or your own computer) and an in-app OpenSubtitles search... for any video you play!

· Access your network media files
It can connect to your computer, your NAS SMB, your dlna servers, or even your Plex setup. Once there, you can choose between playing or saving your videos to your device! (Don't forget that it also has a web browser, able to send anything to Chromecast!)

· what kind of videos is able to play?
It plays any video file, like mp4, mov, avi, flv, mkv, 3gp, ts...

· Subtitles support
It auto-loads any .srt file you have with the same name. In addition, it has an embedded OpenSubtitles.org search for every video, even those from the web!

· Chromecast edition
You will be able to cast your files from anywhere to your TV. This includes your local files, your files on your servers, and any video you find using the web browser

Rating:3.75                                             Show Detail


Name:Chrono24                                                 Price:0,00 €

Description:Com a app da Chrono24, tem o fascinante mundo da alta relojoaria sempre consigo. Encontre o seu novo relógio entre os mais de 400.000 anúncios de mais de 20.000 comerciantes de relojoaria e vendedores particulares verificados.

Exclusivo para os utilizadores da app:
• O mundo da relojoaria de luxo otimizado para o seu smartphone
• Identifique qualquer relógio através de uma fotografia com o Watch Scanner
• Receba notificações sempre que existirem novos anúncios ou baixas de preço
• Comunicação direta através da app

Com o Seguro do Comprador gratuito, as suas compras estão sempre seguras: comerciantes verificados, processo de pagamento através de uma conta de garantia e garantia de autenticidade.

Com o Watch Scanner, basta tirar uma fotografia para identificar qualquer relógio. Encontre também todas as informações importantes sobre o relógio e o seu valor de mercado.
Pode fotografar o relógio nas mais diversas circunstâncias: quer este se encontre no seu pulso, numa vitrine ou numa revista.
De seguida, basta pesquisar esse modelo na Chrono24 ou adicioná-lo à sua Watch Collection.

Agora já pode usar um dos seus relógios no pulso e o resto da sua coleção no bolso. Faça também a gestão da sua coleção de relógios na app e mantenha-se sempre ao corrente do valor de mercado atual e da sua evolução.

Mantenha-se atualizado sobre as últimas notícias e a melhor informação publicada nos blogues de relojoaria diretamente na aplicação.

Desde a 2003, a Chrono24 tem vindo a liderar o comércio internacional de relógios de luxo. É hoje uma plataforma de referência no mercado, onde marcam presença marcas de renome como a Rolex, Omega, Breitling, Panerai e IWC, mas também muitos relógios vintage e de coleção de manufacturas independentes.
A equipa de apoio ao cliente da Chrono24 está sempre ao seu dispor, por e-mail ou telefone. Não hesite em enviar-nos a sua opinião, sugestões ou críticas. Escreva-nos para: [email protected].

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

Baybayin Keyboard

Name:Baybayin Keyboard                                                 Price:$1.99

Description:Baybayin is the indigenous script of the Philippines that has made a resurgence as a way to express Filipino cultural identity. The Baybayin Keyboard lets you type baybayin characters on your iPhone or iPad. It functions seamlessly as an alternate system keyboard that can be used within apps such as Messages, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The Baybayin Keyboard includes two keyboard layouts: Traditional and Modernized. The Modernized layout is laid out similarly to your QWERTY keyboard so you can type faster. It also includes modernized characters for RA, ZA, VA, FA, and JA, as well as alternatives for I and U vowels.

Rating:4.6                                                 Show Detail

OLX.kz – объявления Казахстана

Name:OLX.kz – объявления Казахстана                                                 Price:Free

Description:OLX помогает сделать умный выбор!

* Умный выбор для вас. Найдите тех, кто поможет завершить ремонт и устроиться на новую работу.
* Умный выбор для вашего кошелька. Заполучите редкие предметы по низкой цене или начните собственное дело.
* Умный выбор для планеты. Покупайте товары у других людей и продавайте то, что вам уже не понадобится.

Приложение OLX — самый простой способ найти, купить или продать всё что угодно:

* Новые и подержаные товары: одежду, мебель, электронику
* Машины, мотоциклы и другой транспорт в любом состоянии
* Дома и квартиры для покупки и аренды
* Работу в любой сфере
* Всевозможные услуги: ремонт, проведение праздников, переезд, клининг
* И ещё много всего!

С приложением OLX вы можете найти всё это в любое время из любой точки мира!
Загрузите сейчас, чтобы:

* Искать среди миллионов объявлений в различных рубриках по всей стране

* Отслеживать избранные объявления и получать уведомления о похожих товарах и снижении цен

* Публиковать объявления, добавлять фото и описание товаров

* Делиться находками с друзьями через ваши любимые приложения — Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp

* Управлять вашими объявлениями: редактировать и запускать рекламу, чтобы получать больше откликов

* Общаться с продавцами и покупателями: узнавать детали, вести переговоры в реальном времени, отправлять фотографии товаров и делиться местоположением

Rating:4                                                 Show Detail

KiKUU - Online Shopping App.

Name:KiKUU - Online Shopping App.                                                 Price:Free

Description:KiKUU is an African online shopping mall with over 400,000 latest fashion products available in the APP. Vary from fashion products to life essentials, you can enjoy massive deals everyday!
Over 2 million people in Africa use KiKUU to shop affordable goods. Including Ghana, Tanzania, Cameroon, Uganda, Dr Congo, Senegal, Rwanda. Let’s skip the shopping mall and find lower prices on KiKUU now.

* Free shipping & delivery for all products
* Constant coupon giveaways, discounts, flash & super deals 
* Limited offers in best price renew 3 times a day
* New arrivals update every week
*7 days hassle free return & refund
* Talk with sellers directly to get the best deal
* Local service team
* Secure and convenient online payment methods
* Track your order with automatic shipment notifications

Shop safely and convenient online with KiKUU APP!

What can you shop on KiKUU in details:

Trendy women’s fashion: dresses, tops, T shirts, shirts, robes, African clothing, jackets, sweaters, sportswear, bottoms, pants, jeans, skirts, shorts, swimwear, lingerie, leggings...

Handsome men’s fashion: Tops, T shirts, shirts, suits, jackets, sweaters, jeans, casual pants, shorts, workout wear, underwear...

Shoes: sandals, heels, pumps, sneakers, sports shoes, boots, canvas shoes, business shoes...

Bags: handbags, shoulder bags, backpacks, crossbody bags, clutches, wallets, travel bags, briefcases...

Accessories: jewelry, watches, hats, sunglasses, scarves, belts, socks, hair accessories, ties, wigs...

Kids: girl’s clothes, boy’s clothing, shoes, bags, toys, school supplies, baby gear...

Home: appliance, kitchen tools, cookware, cloth, trendy home decor, lights, sheets, furniture...

Beauty: brushes, skincare, perfume, lipstick, eyeshadow, foundation...

Electronics: Smartphones, computers, speakers, fitness trackers, smart watches, phone cases, chargers, headphones, gadgets, auto decoration, organizers, cleaners...

Sports: exercise gear, weights, soccer, basketball, men’s workout clothes, women’s athleisure...

You can also buy from our website:
Ghana ==> https://www.kikuu.com.gh
Tanzania ==> https://www.kikuu.co.tz
Uganda ==> https://www.kikuu.ug
Cameroon ==> https://www.kikuu.cm
DR. Congo ==> https://cd.kikuu.com
Senegal ==> https://sn.kikuu.com
Rwanda ==> https://rw.kikuu.com

Let’s Talk!

Thank you for all your support and suggestions! We're continually improving the app to serve you better. Leave us an email at [email protected] to leave a comment, report an issue, or make a suggestion.
You can also find us on Social Media (Instagram: kikuu.official Facebook: Search KiKUU)

Rating:3.5                                                 Show Detail

Stradivarius: Mode & Vêtements

Name:Stradivarius: Mode & Vêtements                                                 Price:0,00 €

Description:Discover a new way of shopping for clothes, accessories and shoes, uncover all the trends and make wish lists of your favourite clothes. You can modify your customer profile and search for Stradivarius stores using geolocation. What’s more, you can manage your receipts and the purchases you’ve made in physical stores.


Stradivarius offers its entire catalogue of clothes and accessories on the app. Shop on the online store for girls’ garments (dresses, accessories, skirts, T-shirts, jeans, trainers, coats, etc.), manage orders and track your purchases. So you can always wear the latest fashion trends!


Do you want to see how the garments from our physical stores look or even access exclusive content from current campaigns? Select the “video experience” option on the app menu and scan the images of any outfits or posters you come across. See how a dress looks when wearing it or find the latest arrivals in women’s fashion. You’ll see the clothes in motion to give you a better idea about how your new clothes will look on you, in addition to the latest fashion trends.


Devise wish lists of items using your ideas for trendy outfits and featuring garments from the catalogue.


Using the wallet app, you can add payment methods, pay for any garments or accessories you buy in a physical store (using a QR code), keep track of the clothes you’ve purchased and scan receipts to add them to your list of purchases.


Find where you are using the app’s geolocation feature, and you’ll automatically be shown the nearest Stradivarius stores. Select any store to find its address and telephone number or add the store to your list of favourites.


You can find all the latest trending collections, choose clothes and shoes to combine with your outfits and shop online for women’s clothes.


Everything you’ll need in women’s fashion: the best outfits, evening wear, shoes, scarves, blazers, coats, sweaters, dresses, trainers, trousers, skirts, belts, shirts, bags, purses, handkerchiefs, etc.


√ Catalogue with each season’s fashion trends

√ Online store where you can shop for girl’s clothes, shoes and accessories

√ Manage wish lists with your trendy outfit ideas

√ Wallet for paying directly from the app

√ GPS store localisation system

Are you looking for an app to find special offers and shop online? Do you want to keep up with and wear the latest fashion trends? Are you looking for ideas for combining outfits? Do you want to pay in-store with your mobile phone?

Look no further and download the Stradivarius app. You’ll always be in style!

Rating:4.4                                                 Show Detail