8 Best Apps Similar To OnlinePianist: Piano Tutorial|AppSimilar

Top Grossing Apps: OnlinePianist: Piano Tutorial

OnlinePianist: Piano Tutorial

APP STORE: App Store    Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.0.4(2020-06-04)
APP CATEGORIES : Education, Music

50.0K   40.0K <5K


Học chơi piano với hàng ngàn bài giảng piano cho những bản nhạc yêu thích của bạn.

OnlinePianist là công cụ tuyệt vời dành cho những bạn muốn tự học piano hay cần một công cụ bổ trợ phục vụ việc học ở trường hay những bài học piano riêng.

- Hàng ngàn bài hát nổi tiếng và những tác phẩm cổ điển.
- Trải nghiệm học đàn cá nhân hóa với 13 tính năng của ứng dụng.
- Sổ bài hát cá nhân dùng sưu tầm và và luyện tập các bản nhạc yêu thích.
- Phù hợp cho những bạn đã học đàn với giảng viên hay ở trường nhạc và giờ chỉ muốn chơi những bản nhạc yêu thích.
- Có thể chơi đàn với bất cứ loại piano hay bàn phím nào.


Ứng dụng chơi nhạc đặc biệt của chúng tôi sẽ hỗ trợ bạn điều chỉnh trải nghiệm chơi piano theo sự tiến bộ của bản thân và có thể nâng cấp tới 13 tính năng tuyệt vời:

- Luyện tập từng bàn tay chơi đàn
- Điều chỉnh tốc độ
- Có phiên bản cho người mới và người chơi chuyên nghiệp cho tất cả các bản nhạc
- Tùy chỉnh ngón tay chơi đàn (Vị trí ngón tay)
- Hiển thị nốt nhạc theo chiều dọc (kiểu Synthesia) hay chiều ngang
- Mô phỏng âm nền
- Điều chỉnh dây đàn
- Các bài học theo từng bước
- Phím đàn theo chữ cái (ABC hoặc Do Re Mi)
- Chế độ thu phóng
- Chuyển dịch phím đàn
- Nhịp độ
- Khổ nhạc (Đoạn nhạc dạo/nhạc khúc đầu/điệp khúc/nhạc kết...)
- Đủ 88 phím đàn

Hướng dẫn đăng ký sử dụng:
- Tất cả người dùng ứng dụng có thể chơi các bản nhạc miễn phí trong ứng dụng và cứ sau ba lần dùng ứng dụng liên tục sẽ nhận được một bản nhạc mới. Bất cứ khi nào đều có thể nâng cấp lên bản trả phí.
- Người đăng ý sử dụng sẽ được truy cập vào TẤT CẢ các bản nhạc và có thể dử dụng tất cả các tính năng của trình chơi nhạc. Các bản nhạc mới được cập nhật liên tục!
- Tính năng tự động đăng ký lại sẽ tự động bật lại trừ khi được tắt trong thời gian tối thiểu 24 giờ trước khi kết hạn sử dụng.
- Người dùng có thể kiểm soát tính năng tự động đăng ký và tính tính năng tự động đăng ký lại trong phần thiết lập tài khoản trong ứng dụng sau khi mua.
- Việc thanh toán sẽ được thực hiện thông qua tài khoản iTunes của bạn lúc xác nhận thanh toán.
- Việc đăng ký sẽ không thể hủy sau khi đã kích hoạt đăng ký.

- Chính sách riêng tư - https://www.onlinepianist.com/legal/privacy

- Điều khoản sử dụng - https://www.onlinepianist.com/legal/terms

Liên hệ với chúng tôi qua:

Facebook học piano online - https://www.facebook.com/OnlinePianist

Email hỗ trợ - [email protected]





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Apps Similar To OnlinePianist: Piano Tutorial

Top 8 Similars More Similar Apps

Dream  Piano

Name:Dream Piano                                                Price:Free

Description:Dream Piano
¡Pulsa rápido, disfruta de la música y desafía tu velocidad a la hora de pulsar!
¡Dream Piano es el mejor juego de música de piano que todavía no has jugado!
¡Totalmente GRATIS!
Canon, Little Star, Cancan...
Tu canción, tú eliges. ¡Tenemos el Evento de canciones nuevas semanal! ¡Recomienda su canción favorita y la verá la próxima semana!
¡Pongámonos al día con la tendencia!

Reglas del juego:
Es parecido a otros juegos de piano. Solo tienes que pulsar los azulejos y luego disfrutar de la maravillosa música del juego.

Características del juego: 
◉ ¡Gráficos sencillos, fácil de jugar y cualquiera puede tocar el piano!
◉ ¡Ritmo impresionante que desafiará tu límite de velocidad con las manos! 
◉ ¡El modo de máximo desafío te aporta emoción y riesgo!
◉ Actualización de muchas canciones, originales, clásicos, éxitos y todo el estilo para satisfacer todos los gustos.
◉ ¡Comparte tu récord con tus amigos y compáralo con jugadores de todo el mundo en la clasificación! 
◉ Sonido de alta calidad que hace que te sientas como si estuvieras en un concierto. 
◉ Guarda tu progreso con una cuenta de Facebook y comparte el progreso en dispositivos diferentes. 
Más desafío, más bonificación y un mejor tú. 

¡Así que prepárate y prueba los juegos de piano gratis! El fascinante piano en línea más desafiante de lo que podrías imaginar. 

¡Conviértete en un pianista de verdad ahora! ¡Y ponte al día con la tendencia con este juego nuevo de 2020 ahora mismo!

Rating:5                                               Show Detail

Piano Master Class

Name:Piano Master Class                                                Price:¥18.00

Description:Take a Master Class in playing the Piano with this collection of over 500 tutorial video lessons.

There is something here for absolute beginners to advanced levels and many techniques and music theory are discussed. Learn to play blues and jazz style and much much more.

Tutorials include:
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 1 - First Song
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 2 - Musical Alphabet
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 3 - Piano Posture Engine Engine
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 4 - Finding C D E on the Piano
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 5 - Black Key Smashes
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 6 - Finding F G on the Piano
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 7 - Five Woodpeckers
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 8 - Beat Rhythm Dictation
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 9 - Stepping Up Down the Black Keys
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 10 - Frog in the Middle
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 11 - Rhythm Composition
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 12 - C Major Pentascale
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 13 - Rhythm Dictation Frog in the Middle
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 14 - Chocolate 2011 verision
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 15 - Finger Numbers
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 16 - C Major Arpeggios
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 17 - Finding A B on the Piano
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 18 - Solfa D Major Pentascale
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 19 - Listen for Bells
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 20 - Frog in the Middle Adding Chords
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 21 - The Grand Staff
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 22 - Rain Come Wet Me
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 23 - Melodic Dictation Frog in the Middle
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 24 - Chords in C
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 25 - Rhythm Improvisation
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 26 - Mouse in the House
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 27 - Sol Mi Do Listening Game
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 28 - Rhythm Dictation Mouse in the House
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 29 - D Major Scales Arpeggios Chords
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 30 - Whos That
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 31 - Rhythm Dictation Whos That
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 32 - CDEFG on the Grand Staff
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 33 - Let Us Chase the Squirrel
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 34 - Three-Note Chords
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 35 - G Major Pentascale
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 36 - Dinah
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 37 - Rhythm Game Sixteenth Notes
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 38 - The Wild Horses
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 39 - Rhythm Game Half Notes
Free Piano Lessons for Kids - Lesson 41 - The V7 Chord
Free Piano Lessons for Kids - Lesson 40 - Let Us Chase the Squirrel
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 42 - Listen for Bells Adding Chords
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 43 - Silver Birch Tree
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 44 - The V7 Chord
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 45 - Counting the Beat
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 46 - F Major Pentascale
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 47 - Cuckoo
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 48 - Stepping Skipping
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 49 - Bass Clef Notes FGABC
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 50 - Cuckoo Left Hand
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 51 - Cuckoo Hands Together
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 52 - Cuckoo Hands Together - Part 2
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 53 - Silver Birch Tree Adding Chords
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 54 - Grinding Corn
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 55 - Grinding Corn Left Hand
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 56 - Grinding Corn Hands Together
Hoffman Academy - Lesson 57 - Melodic Dictation
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 58 - E Major Pentascale
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 59 - Love Somebody
Hoffman Academy - Piano Lesson 60 - Love Somebody LH and HT

and many more

Rating:0                                                 Show Detail


Name:flowkey                                                 Price:Free

Description:ピアノ練習がここまで簡単に! 全世界100万人以上が学ぶ本格ピアノレッスンアプリ。お気に入りの曲で、自分のペースで楽しく上達しよう!

- クラシックの定番曲から人気ポップスまで、1000曲以上の楽曲から好きな曲を演奏。
- ループ機能で、好きな部分を自分のペースで何度も繰り返し練習。
- リアルタイム多音認識で、あなたの弾いた音を感知。(スマホ、タブレット、PCのマイクを使うか、MIDIキーボードと接続してご利用ください。)
- 全ての楽譜には、正しい指使いが確認できる演奏動画つき。
- 音符の読み方、コード進行、リズム、両手を使った演奏テクニック、ペダルの使い方など、基礎から段階的に上達できるインタラクティブなレッスンコース。
- あらゆる種類のピアノ、キーボード、エレクトーンに対応。
- 世界中のプロ音楽家、ピアノ講師が監修。有名ピアニストYouTuberもオススメのピアノレッスン



- 楽譜を読んだり、鍵盤をさわるのが初めての初心者の方も
- 忙しくてピアノ教室に通う時間がない・独学だと限界を感じる
- 昔ピアノを習っていて、趣味として再開してみたい大人の方
- 曲のレパートリーを増やしたい中級〜上級者にも


1ヶ月プラン 2,100円
6ヶ月プラン 9,100円
1年プラン  12,800円



ご意見やご感想は[email protected]、またはアプリ内の「サポート&フィードバック」からお気軽にお送りください。





Rating:4.6                                             Show Detail

NEXT Music ™

Name:NEXT Music ™                                                 Price:Free



TI、Mariah Carey、NGHTMREなどのアーティストとのライブインタビューをご覧ください。あなたの最も緊急の質問を直接尋ねて他のファンとチャットしてください。





プライバシーポリシー: http://nextmusic.com/privacy

サービス利用規約: http://nextmusic.com/tos

Rating:4.1                                                 Show Detail

Matheor: Math Games

Name:Matheor: Math Games                                                 Price:Free


Quer ensinar as quatro operações aritméticas para os seus filhos da maneira mais divertida? O que acha de obter algumas informações sobre os planetas ao fazer isso? Se sua resposta for ‘sim’, você está no lugar certo! Matheor é um aplicativo de aprendizagem de matemática que permite que os seus filhos subam de nível e completem missões ao realizar cada uma das quatro operações aritméticas. Os seus filhos vão se divertir muito e aprender muitas coisas sobre os nossos planetas enquanto eles realizam as quatro operações matemáticas básicas, tudo ao mesmo tempo! O que você pode fazer com Matheor?

- As quatro operações aritméticas: Domine a matemática da maneira mais divertida. / Descubra a maneira mais divertida de dominar a matemática.
- Seis heróis espaciais: Escolha um herói para iniciar a sua viagem espacial.
- Desenhos: Descubra como escrever números desenhando-os.
- Viajando através dos planetas: Aprenda mais sobre os nossos planetas, ao avançar de níveis.
- Período de Avaliação Grátis de 3 ou 7 dias: Você pode experimentar o Matheor por 3 dias ou uma semana gratuitamente!

Oferecemos compras no aplicativo e alternativas de período de avaliação gratuita de 3 ou 7 dias para a versão premium do Matheor: Math Games!
Você pode adquirir uma assinatura semanal para uma avaliação de curto prazo.
Recomendamos que você adquira uma assinatura anual para aproveitar melhor dos privilégios do Matheor: Math Games Premium.
Os valores serão cobrados em sua conta no iTunes e podem variar de país para país.
Você poderá ver o valor da taxa antes de concluir a compra.
As assinaturas feitas dentro do aplicativo serão renovadas de acordo com o esquema de renovação do plano de pagamento selecionado.
Para encerrar a renovação automática da assinatura, você deve desmarcar a opção de renovação automática da assinatura no máximo 24 horas antes que sua assinatura expire.
Você pode cancelar sua renovação automática da assinatura a qualquer momento a partir das configurações da sua conta no iTunes.
Onde aplicável, os privilégios concedidos durante o período de avaliação gratuita que não tiverem sido usados perderão sua validade no ato da aquisição de uma assinatura da publicação relacionada.

Política de privacidade: http://matheor.com/privacy_policy
Termos de serviços:" http://matheor.com/terms_of_use

Rating:3.4                                                 Show Detail

Piano Academy - Learn Piano

Name:Piano Academy - Learn Piano                                                 Price:Free

Description:Piano Academy is for anyone who's looking to learn the piano from scratch, or for those who have prior knowledge and want to continue learning by practice playing along to their favourite songs.

Piano Academy offers an on-screen touch keyboard so you can start playing immediately. The app also supports MIDI connection, and it can even detect the notes you play if you have an acoustic or electronic piano.

- Watch tutorial videos introduced to you by your personal instructor, teaching you theory topics like notes, the staff, chords, and much more.
- The app listens to every note you play and gives you instant feedback, so you know how to improve.
- Practice playing tons of great tunes by reading real sheet music.
- Play fun games to train your musical hearing, hand-coordination, and sense of rhythm.

Piano Academy is suitable for all ages, from kids to adults.

We have designed and built this app from the very beginning to help transform even the complete beginners into actual pianists.

We are going to teach you how to read notes, so you'll be able to play while reading sheet music. You'll play tons of amazing classical pieces, as well as contemporary hit-songs on your own.

As you progress, you'll learn to play with both hands, play chords, and much more.

Theory topics are introduced to you by your personal instructor with the aid of animations and walk-through videos.

You will play fun games that are explicitly designed to train your senses, such as musical hearing, hand-coordination, and your sense of rhythm, among other skills.

And the crowning glory is our staff player that shows music notes as you see in real sheet music. The notes are perfectly synced with the background music that will accompany you while playing. The app listens to every note you play and gives you instant feedback, so you know whether you hit the correct note at the right time.

BOTTOM LINE, you're going to have an enriching, rewarding, and challenging experience, and you're going to love it!

- You can subscribe for unlimited access to all features and content offered within Piano Academy.
- Watch all premium tutorials, play all premium games, and practice any of the songs, including premium songs as much as you like from any Apple device and enjoy an ad-free experience.
- Subscriptions are billed monthly or annually at the rate selected, depending on the subscription plan.
- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase
- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.
- The account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours before the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal.
- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase.
- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during an active subscription period.
- Private Policy - https://www.pianoacademy.app/privacy-policy/
- Terms of Use - https://www.pianoacademy.app/terms-of-use/

Yokee Music is the creator of Yokee™, the world's #1 ranked sing-along mobile app, with over 100 million users and the creator of Piano by Yokee, the most successful piano app game available in its genre.

If you're having any issues with the app, feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Also, please join the Piano Academy community on Facebook and share your experience with other beginner-piano players like yourself: https://www.facebook.com/YokeePianoAcademy

Rating:4.7                                                 Show Detail

Learning Games - Play & Create

Name:Learning Games - Play & Create                                                 Price:Free

Description:Learning games consists of 6 adorable educational games. It addresses various topics such as: musical instruments, coloring books, shapes and colors, puzzle, farming etc.

• Piano: By playing interesting piano, kids can learn music and get their musical sense trained;

• Coloring: Various pictures and colorful brushes are provided, kids can use these to show their unlimited imagination and creativity.

• Baby phone: Kids can interact with different lovely characters through the telephone simulator, and at the same time, they can learn numbers in a happy way;

• Shape and color: Facing different shapes and colors, kids need to use both their hands and brains when playing the game.

• Farming: Lovely chicks and various plants will bring kids close to nature;

• Puzzle: By re-arrange the scattered fragments to patch up the complete picture, kids can get their visual discriminating ability trained and enhance their understanding of the integrity of things!

These elaborate games can help kids understand the unknown world, improve their memory, judgment and thinking abilities. It is ideal for you to accompany and enlighten your kids!

Rating:3.1                                                 Show Detail


Name:GeoShred                                                 Price:$24.99

Description:GeoShred Pro Version 4, is an exciting update to the award-winning GeoShred musical instrument for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, NOW WITH AUv3 plugin support for devices running iOS 11.4 or greater.

GeoShred is a unique, expressive musical instrument, which models the physics of a real guitar and makes it possible for everyone to shred.

Gold Medal Winner of the 2019 Denny Award, winner of a 2019 Guthman New Musical Instrument Award, and winner of the 2017 Electronic Musician Editor's Choice Award as "one of the most innovative, groundbreaking products to emerge in the past twelve months".

GeoShred’s performance surface with “almost magic” pitch rounding algorithms is coupled with a model of the physics of strings, support for AUv3, MIDI In/Out, MPE and 3D Touch. It’s a fusion of Jordan Rudess’ performance concepts and moForte’s powerful, modeled guitar/effects based on the Physical Modeling research of Dr. Julius O. Smith III of Stanford/CCRMA. Add to that, incredible support for MIDI/MPE which makes GeoShred both a powerful synth and a formidable MIDI/MPE controller!

With GeoShred 3.0, everyone can shred using the diatonic playing surface! You can shred the blues and never hit a wrong note. Slide your finger in any direction and let the magic happen using a scale that fits perfectly against a backing track.

GeoShred Pro Version 4.0 Features Include:
• A fluidly expressive playing surface + a Physically modeled guitar
• Au3 plugin support on devices running iOS 11.4 or greater
• Intelligent pitch rounding
• A diatonic keyboard where every key on the screen is in the scale.
• MIDI IN/OUT and MPE support
• MIDI control using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, virtual MIDI and all digital interfaces
• MIDI configuration presets
• 3D touch on iPhones that support 3D touch
• Customizable control surface can be mapped to physical MIDI Controls
• Inter-App Audio and Audiobus support.
• Backing tracks from the iTunes library
• Multiple Modeled effects
• Modeled feedback and VCF effects
• Echo, a unique looper and multi-tap echo
• Finger vibrato, slide and fret scraping
• Unique mono mode using intervals of multiple strings.
• Built in Arpeggiator
• Alternative tunings
• Support for world scales and temperaments including Indian Ragas, Arabic and Balinese scales.
• Easily share presets with friends

Praise for the GeoShred family of apps:

“GeoShred is brilliant- it’s a real instrument.” – Eddie Jobson

“A fantastic new invention which is going to revolutionize the way music is played, expressed and learned! “GeoShred” is one of the foremost best musical inventions I’ve had the pleasure to experience in recent years. Definitely 5 stars out of 5! GIGANTASTIVISSIMO…..R…A…Z !!!!!” – Patrick Moraz

“That’s just nuts. You’re [Jordan] the best-guitarist-without-a-guitar of all time” – Joe Satriani

“GeoShred is a breakthrough [musical instrument] for the iPad. Some might think it’s the best evidence yet that there has indeed been reverse engineering of alien technology, but if that’s the case, then aliens play guitar…and worship Jimi Hendrix.” – Craig Anderton Harmony Central

We are dedicated to offering the highest level musical instrument experience for our customers worldwide. It would mean a lot to us if you could leave your positive review on the App Store and If you have any questions about GeoShred we would love to hear from you at our support email address: [email protected]

Minimum Requirements: iPad2, iPhone 4s, iOS 9.3 or better. For AUv3 support iOS 11.4 or greater is required.

Rating:3.05                                                 Show Detail