8 Best Apps Similar To Phone Guardian Mobile Security|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Phone Guardian Mobile Security
Phone Guardian Mobile Security
APP STORE: App Store Free
CURRENT VERSION : 2.17.2(2020-05-20)
APP CATEGORIES : Utilities, Productivity
APP RATINGS & REVIEWS : 4.55 (43.02K)
200.0K | <5K | <5K |
Distimo, 一間 App Annie 的公司
輕鬆擁有高度隱私。在連上 WiFi 時安全地使用手機上網,並保護您的個人資訊不受駭客竊取。
認識您忠心的 Phone Guardian 哈士奇 Max。他將確保您能:
► 安全地瀏覽網頁
讓 Max 在上網時防護您最愛的網頁。使用最新的 VPN 技術來掃描未受保護的網站,並立即建立防護!
► 紀錄您的線上活動
檢查哪些 apps 正在連線,以及哪些連線易受攻擊。但別擔心,Max 會防護所有連線!
► 珍惜您的線上隱私
► 一鍵保護您的手機
您不用成為資安專家就可保護自己的手機!一鍵啟用 Phone Guardian’s VPN 防護。Max 將會指導您如何維護您的手機安全。
App Annie 的應用程式
App Annie 深受超過 100 萬名用戶的信賴,是手機性能估算的業界頂尖全球供應商。簡言之,我們協助應用程式開發人員打造更優秀的應用程式。經您同意後,我們將會收集您的應用程式與網路活動之相關資訊,透過手機使用行為建立市場研究。例如:
• 您所在的國家,用戶使用哪些應用程式和網站?
• 有多少人使用某個特定應用程式或網站?
• 用戶在社群網路上所花費的時間?
• 用戶每天使用特定應用程式的頻率次數?
「這個 app 非常優秀。我之前曾經被駭客攻擊過,自從安裝這個 app 後就沒發生過問題。」— Sabrina
「最棒的產品,Max 讓我的手機安全性大大提升。我會推薦給所有人。」— Emma
「我認為這個 app 很有用、很安全,讓我可以放心使用公共 WiFi。現在我不用擔心駭客會竊取我的個人資訊了。」— Jasper
Max 及 Phone Guardian 團隊很樂意聽聽您的想法!
有意見回饋或需要幫助嗎?[email protected]
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Apps Similar To Phone Guardian Mobile Security
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![Splice - Video Editor & Maker](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/bfd6a45d5a15c69682b31ceaf9435d0b.jpg)
Name:Splice - Video Editor & Maker Price:Free
Description:Splice 简单易用、功能强大,通过它您可以轻松在 iPhone 或 iPad 上创建可完全定制的专业视频。拥有桌面编辑器的性能,专门针对移动设备进行优化。只需轻点,即可修剪剪辑,调整过渡,添加慢动作效果,从而创作出想要分享的精美视频。专业编辑从未如此简单。
“最佳 iPhone 视频编辑器”
- Lifehacker,2015 年 12 月
- 2016 Webby 奖得主
- 最佳移动应用奖,2015 年 10 月
+ 自动按音乐的节拍同步视频。
+ 应用滤镜,调整背景颜色、方向等。
+ 添加标题幻灯片、文本覆盖层和自定义片尾字幕。
+ 为快动作或慢动作调整播放速度。
+ 修剪、剪切和裁剪照片和视频剪辑。
+ 选择过渡样式并控制过渡之间的速度。
+ 通过平移和缩放效果让照片栩栩如生。
+ 从大量免费音乐和声音效果中选择,或者使用自己 iTunes 收藏中的歌曲(取决于 iTunes 条款)。
+ 通过内置录音器,添加旁边或自定义声音效果。
+ 精确修剪和混合多个多个音频轨道。
+ 直接分享至 YouTube、Instagram、Facebook、邮件和信息等。
+ 将视频保存到相机胶卷中
• 订阅时长:周、月、年
• 一旦您确认购买,就会向您的iTunes账户收取费用。
• 购买后,您可以在账户设置中管理订阅,关闭自动更新功能。
• 您的订阅服务会自动更新,除非您在当前使用期结束前至少24小时关闭自动更新功能。
• 当前使用期结束前24小时内,会向您的账户收取续订费用。
• 取消订阅时,您的订阅服务会持续有效至当前使用期结束。自动更新功能将被禁用,但是不会退还当前订阅服务的费用。
• 如有免费试用,购买订阅服务后,免费试用中未使用的部分将会作废。
在未来版本的应用软件内,如果您有任何功能上的要求?请随时联系[email protected]与我们沟通
Rating:4.55 Show Detail
![AdBlock Pro for Safari](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/69f5e29abebe6741620925cbf3257a81.jpg)
Name:AdBlock Pro for Safari Price:$9.99
Description:डाटा बचाएं और अपनी सफारी की गति बढ़ाएं - विज्ञापन, ट्रैकर्स, अवांछित चीजों को ब्लॉक करें और एडब्लॉक-रोधी डिटेक्टर्स को बाइपास करें।
इन्हें अलविदा कहें:
• विज्ञापन और बैनर्स
• स्वत: चलने वाले वीडियो
• फर्जी "x" बटनों
• स्क्रॉल बैनर
• नियतकालिक पॉपअप्स
• "xxx" वेबसाइटों पर रीडायरेक्ट होना
• सफारी में यूट्यूब वीडियो विज्ञापन
• आपके डाटा का ऑनलाइन संकलन
बेहतर सफारी का आनंद लें:
• औसतन 2x तेज वेब ब्राउजिंग
• औसतन 50% कम डाटा प्रयोग
• बैटरी की लाइफ में सुधार
अतिरिक्त विशेषताएं:
• एडब्लॉक-रोधी डिटेक्टर्स को बाइपास करें
• आपके उपकरणों के साथ आईक्लाउड के बीच में सिंक सेटिंग्स
• त्वरित बदलावों के लिए सफारी में अंतर्निहित बटन
• घुुुुुुसपैठ वाली "कुकीज़ की अनुमति दें" को तेजी से छिपाएं
• लोकप्रिय वेबसाइटों पर टिप्पणी श्रेणियों को छिपाएं
• वयस्क सामग्री को ब्लॉक करें (बच्चों केलिए ब्राउजिंग को सुरक्षित बनाएं)
वेबसाइटों को निम्नलिखित भाषाओं में अनुकूलित किया गया:
अंग्रेजी, जापानी, इंडोनेशियाई, रूसी, फारसी, लातवियाई, रोमानियाई, बल्गेरियाई, फिनिश, कोरियाई, स्वीडिश, इतालवी, फ्रेंच, पोलिश, डच, एस्टोनियाई, हिब्रू, आइसलैंडिक, लिथुआनियाई, डेनिश, ग्रीक, तुर्की, स्पेनिश, पुर्तगाली, चेक, चेक स्लोवाक, नॉर्वेजियन, हंगेरियन, चीनी, जर्मन, वियतनामी, अरबी
एक विज्ञापन मिला जो यहां तक पहुंच गया?
• इसकी ऐप के अंदर से शिकायत करें। ऐप आपके जैसे लोगों की प्रतिक्रिया के साथ अपडेट की गई एक क्राउडसॉर्स ब्लॉक सूची का प्रयोग करती है।
क्या एडब्लॉकर ने आपके जीवन को बेहतर बनाया है?
• एक समीक्षा दें और सांझा करें - अधिकांश आईफोन और आईपैड प्रयोक्ताओं को अभी भी नहीं पता कि वे सफारी के अंदर विज्ञापनों को ब्लॉक कर सकते हैं
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
![Memory: Your Memo](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/6282b98e130df8192320b7d2b1eb4c56.jpg)
Name:Memory: Your Memo Price:$1.99
Description:Memory is the fastest and easiest way to keep track of your memories.
There are no unnecessary distractions in Memory.
No loading, no ads, no delays, no in-app purchases.
Just write what you are thinking.
- Categorise notes by color
- Lock with Touch ID
- Dropbox backup
- Search for memos by text
- Use 3D Touch to preview memos
- Widget is provided with abundant features
Memory is made to be used as simply as possible.
Don't miss a thing.
Contact : [email protected]
Note : All the design parts, interactions, UX are worked together with the singer-songwriter, Hello ga-young.
Rating:4.75 Show Detail
Name:ASPEAR Price:Free
Description:- 광고없는 100% 무료 솔루션
- 속도저하없이 검열우회, 보안까지!
- 개인정보를 일체 수집하지 않습니다!
# 속도 저하 없는 검열 우회
느린 VPN 대신, 속도 저하 없는 ASPEAR를 이용해보세요!
# 원클릭으로 검열 우회, 보안까지
버튼 클릭 한번으로 빠르고 안전하게 검열을 우회하세요!
# ZERO에 가까운 배터리 사용량
ASPEAR는 최적화된 배터리 효율 시스템으로 오랜 시간 동안 스마트폰을 사용하실 수 있습니다.
작동 중인 것조차 모를 만큼 효율적인 배터리 사용량을 느껴보세요!
# 안전한 인터넷
ASPEAR는 사용자의 인터넷 통신을 누구도 엿볼 수 없도록 보안을 강화합니다.
ASPEAR로 안전하게 인터넷을 이용하세요!
Rating:5 Show Detail
![VPNHUB VPN & Wifi Proxy](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/b97263fef2373e8dd49d43f8ec768f23.jpg)
Name:VPNHUB VPN & Wifi Proxy Price:Free
Description:VPNHUB protects your online privacy and masks your IP. With thousands of servers in over 60 countries, our VPN lets you access sites and streaming from anywhere on the planet, without losing one second of browsing speed. It’s an armored car with a supersonic jet engine.
The reality today is that the internet is full of restrictions, privacy invasions, security breaches, and a host of unwanted entities trafficking in your personal data. What a downer!
VPNHUB is your first-class ticket to that original ideal of a truly secure and private internet. It is the most powerful, most reliable and most secure VPN service in existence. Right on!
You can try VPNHUB right now, without even needing to register! Go ahead and kiss the following problems goodbye, like that time you…
… once bought a tent online and got bombarded with camping equipment ads, or
… were denied banking assistance because you once visited some online gambling sites, or
… had your personal data stolen because you used the Wi-Fi at your local café, etc.
You see, whether its tiny annoyances, embarrassing scandals, or even life-ruining consequences, VPNHUB is the total solution to all of the above problems and more.
VPNHUB is your first-class ticket to that original idea of a truly secure and private internet. It is the most powerful, most reliable and most secure VPN service in existence. Right on!
Standard Features:
* American VPN Servers
* Military-Grade Encryption
* Hide Your IP and Location
* Access Public Wi-Fi Securely
VPNHUB Premium includes:
* Global Video Streaming
* Servers in 60+ Locations
* Apps for Desktop
* Multiple Devices At Once
* Top Speeds & Zero Data Caps
* Avoid Getting Hacked on Public Wi-Fi
Sure it's convenient to get online using the internet at your local coffee shop, but using public Wi-Fi is like living in a glass house with no locks on the doors. Not only are you at risk of having an unwanted audience, but people can stroll right in to steal your personal data, like passwords and photos. VPNHUB encrypts all of your communications over public Wi-Fi.
* Privacy Protection and Location Masking
Your ISP may keep logs of every website you visit. Other VPNs may do it too. VPNHUB does not, end of story! It’s like wherever you browse, we’re the forensic clean-up crew covering your tracks, and then we wipe our own memories too. And not only your browsing, but we’ll mask your true location by routing your data through our full stack of encrypted global servers.
* Servers in 60+ Locations
Standard users get unlimited access to our United States servers. That’s a decent place to start, but why stay put in one spot? Go further. Go global. Go Premium, and get access to servers from over 60 countries in far-flung lands, like from Austria to Australia, from Malaysia to Mexico, or the UK to the UAE, and beyond.
Install VPNHUB today, and get the entire internet at your fingertips. No fingerprints!
VPNHUB Premium Subscription Details:
- 7 day free trial offer is commitment-free, can be cancelled anytime.
- Payments charged to user's iTunes Account upon purchase.
- Subscription lengths and prices: one month ($15.99), one year ($89.88).
- Auto-renewal unless cancelled 24 hours prior to subscription ending.
- Subscriptions may be managed or cancelled through the user's Account Settings.
- No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during an active subscription period.
- Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
Privacy Policy: https://www.vpnhub.com/privacy-policy/
Terms: https://www.vpnhub.com/terms-of-service/
Rating:4.35 Show Detail
![BlogPal for Blogger](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/0cdc8f51f2c8d1dd5e6764399ceee6e4.jpg)
Name:BlogPal for Blogger Price:$1.99
Description:BlogPal is a simple but powerful Google Blogger client ,the best Blogger app for iOS device.
It lets you post,edit,save drafts,publish to your Blogger™ blog,as well as manage your blogs and comments.
If you are looking for an elegant solution packed with additional features for updating or creating posts with your iPhone or iPad, this app is for you.
> Create new posts for Blogger blog.
> Edit and save drafts offline and sync to server when it's online.
> Edit posts with Rich Text Format and more advanced customization.
> Insert and edit photos to your blogs.
> Review and manage your history posts and comments.
> Format text (bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, super/sub script), change text font, text color or alignment.
> Add pictures from camera, gallery or URL.
> Add tables, lists, links or horizontal lines.
> All objects (including images, links, tables, videos) can be controlled easily (add, edit properties, delete).
Rating:0.5 Show Detail
![iBeer - Drink from your phone](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/94edbb0d2ecd14002405cf7f6d19574b.jpg)
Name:iBeer - Drink from your phone Price:Free
Description:Beba cerveja no seu iPhone! Este hilariante truque visual comporta-se como uma verdadeira cerveja graças aos sensores do seu iPhone e ao nosso tempo livre. Incline para beber, abane para espuma, despeje a cervaja do seu iPhone para dentro de outros iPhones via Game Center.
Inclui cerveja!
Leite, vinho, água, Champanhe, vodka, bebidas com gás, café e bochechos, etc estão disponíveis separadamente.
Selecione a sua própria foto de fundo ou as nossas onde os ecrãs têm truques.
Viu na TV, YouTube e leu sobre isto no seu jornal favorito. Agora pode ser seu.
Como bónus o arroto está incluído.
Adquira hoje e acabe com as ressacas para sempre!
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Guess The Spy](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/91fb21c2b50aaef32d6822f279e9bdb0.jpg)
Name:Guess The Spy Price:Free
Description:Super addicting and tons of fun!
Best played with friends. Get together in a game and try to determine who the spy is from your roles and locations by asking questions, such as:
"Are there any books here?"
"Does your job involve the water?"
Try to find who's lying, and expose the spy!
Rating:4.3 Show Detail