8 Best Apps Similar To Picasso.mania, L'Application officielle de l'exposition|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Picasso.mania, L'Application officielle de l'exposition
Picasso.mania, L'Application officielle de l'exposition
APP STORE: App Store 0,00 €
CURRENT VERSION : 1.0(2015-09-29)
APP CATEGORIES : Voyages, Style de vie
<5K | <5K | <5K |
L'Application de l'exposition «Picasso.mania», présentée du 7 octobre 2015 au 29 février 2016, au Grand Palais, à Paris, est l’application officielle de l’exposition. Elle vous propose des informations sur l’exposition et des outils de visite, comme des parcours audioguidés en différentes langues (français, anglais, espagnol et pour enfant en français).
Elle se télécharge gratuitement. Des parcours audioguidés payants sont proposés. Ils sont téléchargeables à la demande.
À propos de l’exposition « Picasso.mania » :
L’exposition revient sur la confrontation féconde que les artistes contemporains ont menée, depuis les années 1960, avec l’œuvre de Picasso.
À la fois chronologique et thématique, le propos retrace les différents moments de la réception critique et artistique de l’œuvre de Picasso, les étapes de la formation du mythe associé à son nom. Aux grandes phases stylistiques, à certaines œuvres emblématiques de Pablo Picasso, telles que Les Demoiselles d’Avignon et Guernica, répondent les œuvres contemporaines de Hockney, Johns, Lichtenstein, Kippenberger, Warhol, Basquiat ou encore Jeff Koons.
Exposition organisée par la Rmn-GP, le Centre Pompidou et le Musée national Picasso-Paris.
Que contient l’application ?
L’application embarque au téléchargement des contenus gratuits, informatifs et des offres de parcours audioguidés payants, en achats intégrés.
Elle s’organise de la manière suivante :
1- L’EXPOSITION : une présentation de l'exposition, des informations pratiques et le programme des animations culturelles autour de l’exposition.
2- AUDIOGUIDES : propose une offre de parcours audioguidés de l’exposition
-un parcours audioguidé pour adulte en français,
-un parcours audioguidé pour enfant en français,
-un parcours audioguidé pour adulte en anglais,
-un parcours audioguidé pour adulte en espagnol.
Chacun de ces parcours audioguidés est proposé en achat intégré.
3- L'ATELIER PICASSO donne un accès direct au téléchargement gratuit de l'application ludique associée sur le store.
4- BILLETTERIE donne un accès direct à la billetterie en ligne de l’exposition pour réserver son créneau de visite, sa visite conférence ou la visite-atelier pour votre ou vos enfants.
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Apps Similar To Picasso.mania, L'Application officielle de l'exposition
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![Musee d'Orsay Full Edition](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/9313c6f125ec8a0b108ae18afacdd096.jpg)
Name:Musee d'Orsay Full Edition Price:$2.99
Description:Download to experience the magical, mesmerizing journey that Musee d’Orsay offers! Feast your eyes on one of the greatest collections of Academic and Impressionist era paintings and an astounding range of sculptures. Enjoy hundreds of artists from Van Gogh to Vallotton, Renoir to Rodin, Bazille to Bonnard, Cezanne to Courbet and Millet to Monet.
Spread over three floors, the Musee dÓrsay's collection is truly breathtaking. Paintings include works by Ingres, Delacroix. Manet, Renoir, Cezanne, Courbet, Degas, Seurat, Bonnard and Gauguin. Sculptures include impressive works by Rodin, Carpeaux, Camille Claudel and Daumier. The app has several features to make your visit easy, enjoyable and entertaining:
# Fully interactive maps for navigation
# Route planner to design and follow your itinerary
# Guided walks based on time and interest
# Excellent audio playback of descriptions
# High-resolution images of artworks
# Powerful search to find your favourite works
# Interesting artist bios and facts about paintings
Deep dive into the collection of the splendid museum, and learn about the museum itself, which was originally a railway station!
Time to relish the magical and mesmerizing journey of Orsay!
Rating:0 Show Detail
![Tokyo travel guide with offline map and metro transit, BeetleTrip Tokyo Panduan perjalanan dan peta luar talian](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/24f2347851b51c72d8a7d3dc00595962.jpg)
Name:Tokyo travel guide with offline map and metro transit, BeetleTrip Tokyo Panduan perjalanan dan peta luar talian Price:RM24.90
Description:Tokyo Travel Guide Premium by BeetleTrip is your ultimate oversea travel buddy. Offline GPS locates and tracks your position in Tokyo at real time. The most important feature is: NO 3G/4G, NO Wifi and absolutely NO Network Data needed. 100% offline. This app provides you augmented reality direction guide, offline city map with all the metro/train stations, metro route search, must-go tourist attractions as well as Apple Watch support. Save you expensive roaming charges while you are traveling abroad.
1. 100% OFFLINE GPS LOCATION - NO INTERNET REQUIRED, offline GPS locates and tracks your position in the map at real time.
2. 100% OFFLINE COMPASS IN-APP - NO INTERNET REQUIRED - with GPS enabled, you can get offline compass to point you at the right direction, so that you will never get lost or go into wrong direction.
3. NO WIFI, NO 3G/4G, NO NETWORK DATA REQUIRED - save expensive roaming charges.
4. ALL METRO/TRAIN STATIONS PINNED - All metro and train stations in the city are pinned on the map, easy to find your way out and to anywhere the very moment you get off from transport.
5. METRO ROUTE SEARCH INCLUDED - Do not know which line to take and where to transit? Just key in your start point and the destination station, and our metro route search function will be able to help you in seconds.
6. WATCH SUPPORT - Using our Apple Watch App, you can easily track which must-go attractions you missed out, how far you are from it and how to get there using public transport. You can also send metro route search results to Apple Watch and use it while on the go, make life easier for every travelers.
7. AUGMENTED REALITY - Need directions to your next destination? Our augmented reality guide tells you precisely which direction to go, how far you are from it. Work best for short walking distances from attractions/stations.
8. MUST GO ATTRACTIONS and ATTRACTIONS INTRODUCTION INCLUDED - don’t miss anything, must go attractions are pinned red and attractions introduction are included, you can learn about background and history of the monuments or sites.
9. OTHER ATTRACTIONS and POINT OF INTERESTS PINNED - don’t miss anything, apart from must go attractions, we also provide other point of interests which are pinned blue in the map.
10. MARK YOUR OWN PIN ON THE MAP - need to go to places that we do not include in the map? No worries, you can easily pin your own points and write notes about specific points such as hotel booking number, restaurants booking info easily with our add pin function.
11. WEATHER FORECAST PROVIDED - Current weather and forecast for target city, alert you to potentially life threatening weather (thunderstorm, snow storm, etc), helps you to plan your outdoor activities better during the trip. Offline mode is supported but network is required to fetch most updated weather data.
12. USEFUL CURRENCY CONVERTER PROVIDED - helps you to calculate expenses in foreign currency quickly while you are abroad. Offline mode is supported but network is required to fetch most updated exchange rates data.
13. USER FRIENDLY INTERFACE - very easy to use, super convenient to operate, no hassles.
14. 100% COMPATIBLE - with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iOS 7.0 or above, however you will need to upgrade to iOS 8.3 or above to use the Apple Watch app.
With this app, you can easily travel in the world most popular cities without getting lost. Download it now!
Note: Please turn on the location services for the app in your device settings to use GPS.
Rating:0 Show Detail
![Secret Admirers](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/0a55dc8e4a8235bf1ccabc5c5d364e9b.jpg)
Name:Secret Admirers Price:RM0.00
Description:This App is designed for entertainment purposes only.
The app provides you with a list of people with top interactions on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
Based on all interactions with your profile like, comments, likes, shares, chats, ... check out who is most interested in you.
New Lists:
Strangers List: Check out people interacting with your profile outside your friends list.
Surprise List: This list may include people inside or outside your friends list, that are highly interacting with your profile.
Enjoy the free versions or upgrade to the full version to unlock the whole list.
PS: If you had loading problems after the update, kindly force quit the app and open again.
Disclaimer: Secret Admirers is not associated with Facebook, Instagram & Twitter in any way, it's a third party app that is intended for fun and entertainment purposes only, giving you insights into who might me interested in you.
Rating:0 Show Detail
![اندلسي : تصميم و تعديل الصور](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/f85492041f62acafadcf02646717ab5c.jpg)
Name:اندلسي : تصميم و تعديل الصور Price:Free
Description:تطبيق عربي بتصميم حديث وسريع ومميزات حصرية
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:( مميزات التطبيق ):-:-:-:-:--:-
- جديــــد: امكانية حفظ التصاميــم والتعديــل عليهـا في وقــت لاحق.
- جديـــد: مشاركة التصاميم والتعديل عليها في اي جهاز iOS يحتوي على تطبيق اندلسي عن طريق واتساب، تيلكرام، اي مسج، البريد الالكتروني وجميع التطبيقات الاخرى.
::::: خطـوط عربيــة:-
عدد كبير من اجمل الخطوط العربية والمزيد من الخطوط قادمة في التحديثات.
::::: الكتابة على الصور :-
امكانية تعديل على خصائص الخط مثل الالوان والظل وتحديد الخط والمزيد
::::: الملصقات:-
مجموعة كبيرة من الملصقات التي تحتوي على العديد من الأقسام مثل التشكيلات والمخطوطات والتأثيرات وغيرها. حيث يمكنكم التعديل على الوان الملصقات وظلها
::::: الطبقـات :-
لوحة الطبقات حيث يمكنك التحكم في تسلسل النصوص والملصقات والصور كما في الفوتوشوب تماماً
::::: مكتبة الصور:-
أندلسي متصل بشبكة صور تحتوي أكثر من (1,500,000) صورة عالية الدقة مع ميزة البحث عن الصور بالعربية والانجليزية ويمكنك تنزيل الصور والتعديل عليها.
::::: مميزات أخرى :-
- امكانية التصميم بخلفية شفافة لعمل ملصقات الواتس اب.
- امكانية الكتابة على لوحة ذات خلفية ملونة او صور جاهزة او اي صورة من مكتبة الصور.
- امكانية قص الصور باحجام مختلفة كما يمكن جعل حجم التصميم مختلف عن حجم الصورة.
- مشاركة الصور على منصات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي (فيسبوك, انستغرام, سناب جات...)
- سهولة العمل على التطبيق وسرعته مع تصميم يليق بالمستخدم العربي.
- دعم الوضع الليلي (الداكن) في iOS 13.
وهنالك العديد من المميزات الاخرى لتكتشفها بنفسك...
سوف يتم تحديث التطبيق باستمرار وهناك الكثير من المميزات قادمة
اذا كان لديكم اقتراح او في حالة وجود مشكلة في التطبيق يمكنكم التواصل معنا عن طريق البريد الالكتروني الموجود في الاعدادات وسوف نكون سعداء لخدمتكم
لا تنسوا تقييم ومشاركة التطبيق لكي يصل الى اكبر عدد من المستخدمين
لمزيد من المعلومات حول الحديثات وطريقة استخدام التطبيق تابعوا حساب التطبيق على الانستكرام الموجود في اعدادات التطبيق.
شكرا لدعمكم...
Rating:2.95 Show Detail
![Business Card Reader](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/79870784b10f81cd26b7f0bbfa903fa1.jpg)
Name:Business Card Reader Price:Free
Description:ABBYY Business Card Reader Pro é um iPhone/iPad aplicativo de múltiplos recursos para se trabalhar com dados de contactos.
Recomendado por The New York Times, CNN, The Telegraph, Computer Business Review, Macworld.
Winner of RISING STAR Award in the “Mobile Field Sales & CRM” category in the Mobile Star Awards
Com o ABBYY BCR Pro você pode:
- Transferir dados de cartões de visita instantaneamente, em mais de 25 idiomas, direto para o seu iPhone/iPad.
- Salvar contatos no CardHolder - um arquivo especial com funcionalidades convenientes de pesquisa, seleção e agrupamento.
- Compartilhar dados de contatos via e-mail ou SMS
• A tecnologia ABBYY Mobile OCR mundialmente renomada da fornece qualidade e velocidade de reconhecimento de dados inigualáveis
• CardHolder – arquivo próprio do aplicativo com funcionalidades convenientes de pesquisa, seleção e agrupamento
• Normatização automática de números de telephone. Não importa como o número apareça grafado no cartão de visitas, o ABBYY BCR adicionará porções ausentes para que você estabeleça contato, mesmo se o código de país não estiver presente no cartão.
• Preenchimento automático de endereços. O BCR corrigirá quaisquer erros de digitação e preencherá campos ausentes do endereço.
• Troca instantânea de cartões de visita reconhecíveis via e-mail ou SMS em qualquer formato utilizável: texto, gráfico ou *.vcf
• Arquivamento e restauração de dados de cartões de visita salvos para serem transferidos para outro iPhone ou computador
• Exporte dados de cartões de visita escaneados para o Salesforce Leads (apenas para contas premium). BCR can export business cards to Enterprise, Unlimited, and Performance Editions of SF license. Professional Edition does not allow BCR export.
• Defina os comandos de voz na aplicação de Atalhos da Siri para abrir os cartões de negócio bastando dizer o nome do proprietário.
• Busca inteligente no Facebook e LinkedIn: conecte sua conta de mídias sociais ao cartão de visitas e carregue automaticamente sua foto de contato do Facebook.
• Realce de caracteres para verificação do resultado do reconhecimento.
• Backups automáticos.
Identifica cartões de visita em 25 idiomas, incluindo cartões multilingues:
- Alemão
- Coreano
- Dinamarquês
- Espanhol
- Estónia
- Finlandês
- Francês
- Greek
- Holandês
- Indonésio
- Inglês
- Italiano
- Norueguês (bokmål e nynorsk)
- Polaco
- Português
- Português (Brasil)
- Rússia
- Sueco
- Turco
- Ucraniano
- Checo
- Chinês simplificado
- Chinês tradicional
- Japanese
The free version is an ad-supported and provides only 10 recognitions at once.
Premium Account includes:
• Unlimited business cards recognition
• Export to Excel
• Automatic backup
• No ads
Premium Account auto-renewable subscription allows using all functions of this app. Subscription length periods: 1 month with 7 days free trial, and 1 year. The subscription is automatically renewed at the end of the period unless you choose to cancel the subscription at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. You can manage your subscription and switch off the auto-renewal by accessing your Account Settings after purchase. Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited if you purchase a subscription to that publication.
Read us:
Twitter @abbyy_mobile_ww
Privacy Policy https://www.abbyy.com/privacy/
Terms of Use http://www.abbyybcr.com/en/eula/
Deixe uma crítica se gosta do Business Card Reader. Obrigado!
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![ibis Paint X](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/2ea9fa65118a86a493e664fa4ad53de8.jpg)
Name:ibis Paint X Price:Free
Description:它是一个流行的全面绘图应用程序,系列下载6,000万!超过2,500点的材料!超过1,000种字体!335种刷!64个图像处理过滤器!46种屏幕音!27种图层混合模式! 绘图过程电影功能!摇动校正功能!标尺功能!直线标尺!对称尺!剪贴膜!
绘图课程在YouTube频道上,我们分发了许多使用ibis Paint的有用方法。
- 真正的绘图应用程序超越PC插图软件!
- 使用OpenGL技术,平滑,高速操作感觉愉快!
- 能够将绘画过程存储为电影!
- 使用SNS功能绘图应用程序,以了解如何绘制图片!
- 我认为到目前为止,我不能用智能手机拍出漂亮的照片!
- 最易于使用的绘图应用程序!
- 我没有Mac / PC,但现在我可以画数字图片了!
- 平滑,最大120 fps刷
- G笔,笔,数码笔,气刷,圆刷,平刷,铅笔,油画颜料,木炭,蜡笔,邮票等335种画笔图案
- 各种刷子参数,例如进入厚度,穿刺厚度,尖端不透明度,图案的初始旋转角度,旋转跟踪
- 快速滑块,刷子厚度和刷子不透明度准备好操作
- 可以实时检查的画笔预览
- 可无限添加的图层功能
- 混合模式,例如每层不透明度,alpha混合,加法,减法,乘法
- 剪切功能,便于剪裁图像
- 各种图层命令,如图层复制,从照片库导入,左/右反转,颠倒,图层旋转,移动,缩放
- 图层名称设置功能,用于图层识别
- 全文工具功能,支持垂直书写,水平书写,修剪,字体选择,多文本
- 46种屏幕色调功能,如点,噪声,水平,垂直,对角线,十字,方形等。
- 每个像素的256个灰度的选择范围(选择层)
- 反转选择,移动,旋转,缩放
- 画笔,填充,图层复制,图层组合,图层移动,旋转,缩放
- 从调色板中选择,对注册数量没有限制,从色调圆圈中选择,从HSB中选择,从RGB中选择,丰富的颜色选择
- 通过拖放到调色板保存
- 点击并按住吸管功能
- 用于绘制图形等的标尺工具功能(以前的标尺,圆形标尺,椭圆标尺,浓度线标尺)
- 绘制支持功能,如相机抖动校正和强制进入
- 64 种滤镜功能,包括亮度·对比度,色彩平衡,线条提取,灰度,渐变,模糊,渐变,动画背景,漫画背景,色差
- 材料工具功能,可以使用2,500点或更多的纹理和色调
- 除了各种画布尺寸,如SD,HD,Twitter标题,明信片,可选的画布尺寸规格功能
- 画布的任意旋转功能
- 背景颜色(白色,明亮透明,深色透明)设置功能
- “取消”“撤消”功能最多100步或更多(取决于存储的可用空间。)
- 刷子,橡皮擦,指尖工具,模糊工具,填充和吸管功能
- 快速,流畅的平移和缩放功能
- Apple Pencil(2nd generation)
- Apple Pencil
- Wacom Bamboo Sketch
- Wacom Bamboo Fineline 3
- Wacom Bamboo Fineline 2
- Wacom Bamboo Stylus fineline
- Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus
- Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus 2
- SonarPen
- HEX3 JaJa
- Ten One Design Pogo Connect
- Ten One Design Pogo Connect 2
- 我的画廊功能,以欣赏我的插图
- 绘图过程的播放功能(具有播放速度调整功能)
- 导出功能到插图静止图像(PNG / JPEG)和电影(MOV / MP4)照片库
- 绘图过程电影编码功能和上传功能
- 分享您在Twitter或Facebook上发布的图片网址
- 评论来说明时推送通知
- 下载另一个人的插图功能(工作文件)
- 收集功能,以欣赏其他人的插图
- 通过PC和Mac的USB文件传输导入和导出功能文件
- 能够将静止图像(PNG / JPEG),电影(MOV),工作文件(IPV)共享到Twitter,Facebook,LINE等。
- CLIP STUDIO PAINT连接功能(ibis Paint通过云绘制的延续可以使用CLIP STUDIO PAINT绘制)
* 上传和下载插图需要Twitter或Facebook帐户。
*ibis Paint和ibis Paint X之间的区别
在ibis Paint X中显示广告。
如果您购买广告删除插件,将不再显示广告,并且与ibis Paint付费版本没有区别。
*App 内购买项目
我们为您提供两种购买ibis Paint的方式:“删除广告附加组件”(一次性付款)和“高级会员”(每月付款)。当您成为高级成员时,广告将被删除。因此,如果您成为高级会员,则无需再购买“删除广告附加组件”。
- 高级素材
- 高级字体
- 色调曲线过滤器
- 渐变图过滤器
- 云过滤器
- 我的图库中排序作品
- 界面上无广告,在线图库除外
* 在您成为高级会员后,您可以享受第一个月免费试用期,如果您未在试用期最后一天的24小时前取消“高级会员”,您的“高级会员”将自动续订,并且您将被收取自动续订费用。
* 未来我们将添加高级功能,敬请期待。
与ibis Paint(付费版)不同,ibis Paint X(免费版)上会显示广告。如果您购买此附加组件(一次性付款),则广告将被删除。
审核中的问题,错误报告无法确认和通信,因此请联系ibis Paint支持人员。
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
![MotoGP Racing '19](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/a5466dee034949e6d1ca73ab2e986cf1.jpg)
Name:MotoGP Racing '19 Price:Free
Description:MotoGP 2019 Season Edition. Наконец, гоночная игра на мотоцикле, которая держит вас на трассе и сфокусирована на том, что выигрывает гонки, TIMING! Сроки на тормоза и время на дросселе. Испытайте интенсивное гоночное действие, которое является MotoGP. Гонка как ваш любимый гонщик и присоединиться к ним на трибуне чемпионата мира поклонников, или настроить свой собственный велосипед и бросить вызов своим друзьям с самыми высокими баллами.
Фактические треки и реалистичная графика делают эту одну из самых невероятно красивых игр в App Store. Наша миссия состояла в том, чтобы создать игру, которая даст вам ощущение интенсивной конкуренции, которая является MotoGP, где гонки выиграны и потеряны на долю секунды.
Элементы управления фокусируются на том, что выигрывает: гонка вашего торможения в углы и ваш дроссель при ускорении. Мы сделали простой и простой геймплей, чтобы каждый мог наслаждаться этим, однако гораздо сложнее освоить, чем может показаться.
Вы конкурируете за самые высокие оценки, будучи быстрыми и контролируемыми, соединитесь со своими друзьями и бросьте вызов им на разных направлениях. Наблюдайте за лидером и держитесь на вершине, оценивая результаты своих друзей.
Вы увидите, что ваш ранг в каждом подразделении изменяется динамически, так как вы улучшаете свои оценки на каждом треке. По мере того, как вы достигаете высших рангов в каждом подразделении, вы будете продвигаться к следующему, пока не достигнете элитных гонщиков MotoGP в мире в Подразделе 1. Ваше мастерство и приверженность к спорту будут признаны на мировых лидеров.
Когда вы впервые начнете выбирать подлинных спонсоров, таких как Alpinestars, Tissot или Nolan, ваш спонсор заплатит вам за гонку. Используйте валюту, которую вы зарабатываете, чтобы обновить свой велосипед и управлять членами вашей команды, и все это сделает вас более конкурентоспособными. Если вы хотите присоединиться к официальной команде или участвовать в гонке в качестве своего любимого гонщика, вы можете сэкономить виртуальную валюту, чтобы приобрести ее или сделать в App Purchase.
Войдите в чемпионат мира фэнов (FWC) и расы в качестве вашего любимого гонщика. Фанат, который имеет самый высокий балл на каждом треке, присоединяется к своему любимому гонщику на подиуме FWC каждые две недели. Выиграйте удивительные призы, такие как Tissot Watches, Nolan Helmets и FWC Trophy от Brembo. Это официальный мобильный eSports MotoGP.
ВАЖНО: MotoGP Championship Quest требует подключения к Интернету, а также версии для iPhone 5 или iPad 2 или более поздней версии.
MotoGP Championship Quest может играть бесплатно, однако вы можете заплатить реальные деньги за дополнительные предметы, которые будут взимать плату с вашей учетной записи iTunes. Вы можете отключить покупку через приложение, настроив настройки своего устройства.
Присоединяйтесь к миллионам поклонников в нашем сообществе социальных сетей и получите обновленную информацию о турнирах и результатах MotoGP.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/motogpchampionshipquest
В Твиттере; @PlayMotoGP
На Instagram @playMotoGP
В Интернете www.championshipquest.com
Комментарии или предложения; Напишите нам по адресу [email protected] или дойдите до нас через меню справки в игре
Наши условия обслуживания и политика конфиденциальности можно найти на сайте www.championshipquest.com
Rating:4.45 Show Detail
![MAPS.ME – Offline Maps & GPS](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/6677a654f8bc107050bc73c1eac7147d.jpg)
Name:MAPS.ME – Offline Maps & GPS Price:Free
Description:Fast, detailed and entirely offline maps with turn-by-turn navigation – trusted by over 100 million travelers worldwide.
Save mobile data; no internet is required.
Use driving, walking and cycle navigation anywhere in the world.
Save you time planning the trip and never miss an interesting place with our ready-made travel guides. We've partnered with the best travel content creators to build travel guide catalog for hunderds of destinations around the world. Whether you prefer city travel, car trips or outdoor activities you will find a great choice of guides for a perfect journey.
Directions to points of interest (POIs), hiking trails and places missing from other maps.
Maps are updated by millions of OpenStreetMap contributors daily. OSM is an open-source alternative to Google Maps and Apple Maps.
Offline search, GPS navigation along with optimized maps to effectively save memory space.
Save locations you love and share them with your friends.
Essential for home and travel.
MAPS.ME is free to download and use. We have in-app unobstructive ads in order to fund our development though. Should you choose to remove ads in the app, we offer 3 auto-renewing subscription options:
- weekly
- monthly
- yearly
In MAPS.ME you can also subscribe to the content of the guides catalog: guides for city travels and outdoor activities, which will be available offline after downloading.
There are two types of subscription to the catalog: City Pass – exclusively for city guides, and City + Outdoor Pass – unlimited access to any guides, including for city travels and for outdoor activities.
Any of the catalog subscriptions can be purchased for a month or for a year.
Payment will be charged off your credit card through your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription will be renewed automatically if it has not been canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the paid period.
Subscriptions can be managed, and auto-renewal can be turned off in your account settings in iTunes. After the purchase a refund for an unused period is not made.
Subscription prices may vary depending on your country of residence and may change without prior notification.
If you don’t use subscriptions, you can continue to use MAPS.ME for free.
– Search through different categories, e.g. restaurants, cafes, tourist attractions, hotels, ATMs and public transport (metro, bus, etc).
– Make hotel bookings via Booking.com directly from the app.
– Share your location via text message or social media.
– When cycling or walking, the app shows whether the way is uphill or downhill.
Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
If you have any questions, visit our Help Center: support.maps.me.
If you are unable to find the answer to your question, contact us at: [email protected].
Follow us on FB: http://www.facebook.com/mapswithme | Twitter: @MAPS_ME
Privacy Policy: https://legal.my.com/us/maps/privacy/
Terms of Use: https://legal.my.com/us/maps/tou/
Rating:4.9 Show Detail