8 Best Apps Similar To Resume Builder, Resume Creator|AppSimilar
Top Grossing Apps: Resume Builder, Resume Creator
Resume Builder, Resume Creator
APP STORE: App Store $2.99
CURRENT VERSION : 2.10(2019-10-10)
APP CATEGORIES : Business, Productivity
<5K | <5K | <5K |
Resume Builder transforms your iPhone and iPad into a portable CV designer. It allows you to create unique resumes in minutes!
Just simply enter the information and Resume Builder creates the CV for you with the selected template. Then you can email or print your well designed resume with a press of a button, within the app.
Just remember: a great resume is the most important part of your job search. It's your responsibility to create a great looking CV.
- Built-in cover letter support, including a personalized handwritten signature.
- Build up your resume by adding and arranging sections.
- Choose from our pre-made templates.
- Preview your work at any time.
- Create variations on your resume for different jobs or job types.
- Printing: print any of your resumes with AirPrint enabled printers.
- Send your resume by email, upload it to Dropbox or print it out.
- Full iOS 12 Support.
- Full Offline: create your resume offline, never fear data usage.
Download Resume Builder NOW, while it’s 40% OFF!
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![Wizbii - Offres d'emploi](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/81737a3a25a236e6f4cbef22b8a06efe.jpg)
Name:Wizbii - Offres d'emploi Price:0,00 €
Description:Via l'application Wizbii, vous pouvez gratuitement :
• Accéder à + de 250 000 opportunités d'offres d'emploi en France et en Europe
• Rechercher votre futur job : CDI, CDD, alternance, stage, VIE, job étudiant…
• Postuler ou enregistrer les opportunités qui vous intéressent en 1 clic
• Recevoir des suggestions et des conseils emploi
Wizbii.com en quelques chiffres :
• Plus de 3 000 000 membres
• Plus de 250 000 opportunités de job
• 6 000 entreprises qui recrutent
• Plus de 100 événements autour de l'emploi organisés tous les ans
• Présent dans 5 pays
Le monde change et le passage dans la vie active relève parfois d'un parcours du combattant. Chez Wizbii, nous travaillons pour faire de ce moment une expérience positive pour tous et faire de chaque avenir une réussite.
Chez Wizbii, nous sommes friands de feedbacks, faites-nous part de vos remarques et de vos idées à l'adresse [email protected]
La team Wizbii
Rating:4.5 Show Detail
Name:Noted․ Price:Free
Description:Combina tus apuntes y tus grabaciones
Noted es una aplicación para tomar apuntes con una grabadora integrada. Es perfecto para las clases, reuniones, entrevistas, y conferencias; todo lo que escribas cuenta con marcas de tiempo, proporcionándote una descripción instantánea de todos los detalles más importantes de tu grabación.
Al combinarlos, nunca más tendrás que preocuparte por la gran cantidad de anotaciones u horas de grabación. Para regresar a los momentos más importantes de tu grabación, solo añade una #TimeTag. De esta forma, mantendrás todo limpio y ordenado.
Optimiza tus notas con la mejor aplicación de apuntes y sincronización de audio que existe para iOS y MacOS.
Estudia de forma más inteligente
Lleva tus apuntes al siguiente nivel. Al etiquetar momentos específicos en conferencias y seminarios, deja rápidamente una etiqueta y úsala para llenar los espacios en blanco. ¡Nunca más volverás a perder información importante! Además, no tendrás que escuchar horas de grabaciones al hacer tus revisiones. Las etiquetas te llevarán al momento que necesitas.
Perfecto para profesionistas
Aumenta tu productividad con apuntes eficientes. Noted te permite mantenerte completamente involucrado en las reuniones de negocios y entrevistas, y revisar y compartir puntos específicos con compañeros de trabajo. La sincronización inteligente te permite cambiar fácilmente entre iOS y Mac, ideal para los momentos en que usar el teléfono puede parecer poco profesional.
Graba y reproduce
- Dirígete al momento que necesitas con la #TimeTag y evita perder el tiempo
- Ajusta la velocidad de reproducción (0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x)
- Elimina el ruido ambiental innecesario
Toma notas, añade imágenes
- Dale formato a tus notas con la edición de texto enriquecido
- Resalta las secciones más importantes
- Captura o importa imágenes útiles, luego etiquétalas
- Arrastra y suelta contenido de otras aplicaciones
- Tú hablas y ¡nosotros escribimos!
- Usa la opción de Dictado y transforma tu voz en texto. Toma notas fácilmente, con tan solo hablarle al micrófono en el idioma de tu elección... ¡Nosotros nos encargaremos del resto!
- Dile adiós al teclado y lleva tu trabajo al siguiente nivel con la tecnología de reconocimiento de voz, ¡incluso sin conexión!
Mantente organizado
- Fija tus cuadernos más importantes para acceder rápidamente a ellos
- Busca todas tus notas en un solo lugar
- Bloquea notas de forma individual con una contraseña o Touch ID / Face ID
Sincroniza y comparte
- Sincroniza de forma segura todos tus dispositivos usando iCloud
- Exporta en diferentes formatos
- Exporta tu audio como formato .m4a, y compártelo por AirDrop y más
Noted Basic
Versión sencilla con todas las funciones principales, incluyendo edición, indización, y exportación
Suscríbete y obtén mucho más:
- Exportación a PDF
- Reduce el ruido ambiental
- Mejora la calidad de la grabación
- Ecualizador de audio para mejorar la reproducción
- Anexa documentos (pdf, doc, docx..)
- Ajustar tiempo de saltos hacia delante/atrás
- Reproducción inteligente
- Dictado
- ¡y más!
Rating:4.4 Show Detail
![Kiosko.net - Today's Newspaper](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/750f7e4999e159b0a9ed4c552b02f66f.jpg)
Name:Kiosko.net - Today's Newspaper Price:$2.99
Description:Access more than 950 national and international newspapers. Read the cover of your favorite newspapers. Fast access to newspaper's web site.
Share that amazing cover with your friends with Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or Friendfeed. This app is a virtual newsagent in your iPhone or iPod Touch.
US newspapers # 40 most important newspapers: The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, ...
- Newspapers from Canada # The Globe and Mail, National Post, Toronto Star, Ottawa Citizen, La Presse, ...
- European Newspapers # from United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey
- Latin American newspapers # from Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Rep. Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and Venezuela.
- Asian Newspapers # from China, India, Israel, Japan, Philippines and United Arab Emirates.
- Newspapers from Australia and New Zealand
- African newspapers @ South Africa, Morocco and Nigeria
Updated daily to read the front pages just as they are available in the web.
• You can hide all interface elements that avoid a good reading experience just by tapping on the screen with one finger.
• Zoom any zone by double-tapping with one finger.
• Bring the toolbar back tapping with one finger anywhere.
• Send messages to social networks commenting on front pages.
• A short link to the newspaper is added automatically to every message.
• You can search newspapers by name or by region.
• With the navigator is very easy to find any newspaper.
• All the newspaper database is stored locally in the app for a faster search and without needing to be connected.
• The region list allows you to go to any region with very few taps.
• The favorites section is what makes this app a must have tool to be up to date.
• You can add to favorites any number of newspapers.
• The app downloads automatically the front pages for the favorite newspapers to access them even without connection.
• Every time a newspaper is updated on the server the app update the local copy to always be synchronized.
• On every launch the app synchronize the data with the server.
• Whenever new newspapers are added to the server they appear in the app automatically.
• You always have the last front page of each newspaper.
• Rotate the device to enter landscape mode.
• In this mode you have more with to visualize the front page.
• In landscape mode all interface elements are hidden for a more comfortable reading.
Rating:0.65 Show Detail
![ImmoScout24 Switzerland](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/bbdc815a7ee6f4a3632b22ddd6bfa05b.jpg)
Name:ImmoScout24 Switzerland Price:Free
Description:ImmoScout24 ist der bekannteste Marktplatz für Immobilien in der Schweiz. Kaufen Sie hier Ihr neues Haus oder mieten Sie die Wohnung Ihrer Träume. ImmoScout24 bietet Ihnen täglich mehr als 84‘000 Häuser, Eigentums- und Mietwohnungen: Von der preiswerten Single Wohnung in Lugano über das Reihenhaus in Bern und das Loft in Zürich bis zum Doppelhaus in Luzern wird jeder Wunsch erfüllt.
► INTUITIVE SUCHFUNKTION: Suchen Sie ein Haus oder eine Wohnung, und legen Sie fest ob Sie mieten oder kaufen möchten. Filtern Sie die gefundenen Immobilien nach Kriterien wie Zimmeranzahl, Wohnfläche oder Preis.
► NEU - REISEZEITEN RECHNER: Finden Sie Immobilien in der Nähe Ihres Arbeitsplatzes, Ihres Sportclubs, oder der Schule Ihrer Kinder. Erfassen Sie wichtige Adressen, die Sie regelmässig besuchen und unsere App zeigt Ihnen die Pendel- und Reisenzeiten von jedem Suchergebnis zu diesen Orten an.
► SUCHBEREICHE ZEICHNEN: Zeichnen Sie Ihr eigenes Suchgebiet, unabhängig von Postleitzahlen und Ortsgrenzen.
► VIELFÄLTIGE ANGEBOTE: Finden Sie Häuser und Wohnungen aller Art – egal ob Mietwohnung in der Vorstadt, ein idyllisches Eigenheim in Freiburg oder ein Zimmer in einer Wohngemeinschaft in Basel. Auch ein Haus oder eine Villa zum Kauf in bester Lage, z. B. in Genf, Zürich oder am Thunersee, sind auf dem grössten Immobilien Marktplatz der Schweiz verfügbar. Bei uns werden Sie ebenfalls fündig, wenn Sie ein Gewerbeobjekt, ein unbebautes Grundstück oder einen Parkplatz kaufen oder mieten möchten.
► KOMFORTABLE KARTENFUNKTION: Suchen Sie mithilfe der Umgebungskarte interessante Wohnungen in Ihrer Nachbarschaft oder Ihrem Lieblingsquartier.
► UMFASSENDE DETAILANSICHTEN: Mit den Detailansichten haben Sie alle Daten wie Grösse, Zimmerzahl und Preis einer Wohnung auf einem Bildschirm und können den Vermieter bzw. Verkäufer der Immobilie direkt kontaktieren.
► NEU: PENDELZEITEN: Erfahren Sie wie weit eine Wohnung von Ihrem Arbeitsplatz entfernt ist und planen Sie Ihren Arbeitsweg.
► AUTOMATISCHE WOHNUNGSSUCHE: Legen Sie die Suchkriterien für Ihr neues Zuhause einmalig fest und lassen Sie sich per Push Nachricht informieren, wenn es eine neue Anzeige mit passenden Immobilien gibt.
► GERÄTEÜBERGREIFENDE FAVORITENLISTE: Speichern Sie interessante Wohnungen und Häuser in Ihrer Merkliste ab, und synchronisieren Sie diese mit all Ihren Geräten. Greifen Sie immer und überall auf Ihre favorisierten Immobilien zu.
► NÜTZLICHE ZUSATZINFOS: Zu jeder Immobilie bieten wir Ihnen hilfreiche Zusatzinformationen an, z. B. einen Gemeinderatgeber oder Angebote für einen Umzugsservice.
► PRAKTISCHE SHARING-FUNKTION: Teilen Sie ein Inserat einer interessanten Immobilie direkt per E-Mail, Facebook, Twitter, SMS oder Messenger mit Freunden und Familie.
► EINFACHE VERWALTUNG: Verwalten Sie Ihre Häuser und Wohnungen bequem von Ihrem Natel aus. Das Verkaufen und Vermieten einer Immobilie war nie einfacher.
► KOMPETENTER KUNDENDIENST: Treten Sie in Kontakt zu unserem Kundendienst. Wir stehen Ihnen gerne unter [email protected] oder Tel. +41 (0) 31 744 17 40 zur Verfügung.
Updates zu immoscout24.ch und dieser App finden Sie regelmässig auch unter:
► ImmoScout24: https://www.immoscout24.ch
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/immoscout24.ch
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImmoScout24ch
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ImmoScout24Schweiz
Weitere Apps von der Scout24 Schweiz AG:
► AutoScout24 Schweiz
► MotoScout24 Schweiz
Rating:3.9 Show Detail
![Football Superstar](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/1d335ff819fcb26c8914232ceb3b2036.jpg)
Name:Football Superstar Price:Free
Description:Can you become the best footy player in the world?
Football Superstar focuses on character development rather than quick reflexes. You start the game as a 14 year old kid looking for their first professional contract and play until you retire. What happens in-between is up to you!
As you gain experience, you can upgrade abilities that suit your position and playing style. Perhaps you focus on speed, dribbling and crossing to become a world class winger or maybe you target strength, tackling and heading to become a defensive powerhouse? Inevitability, as your reputation improves, bigger and better clubs will attempt to sign you. Do you stay loyal to your current club or move to pastures new? Do you move for money or sign for your favourite club? It’s up to you...
One thing is for sure, you’ll need help. Hire agents, coaches and various other people to help you become more than just a player. Invest in property or businesses to make extra cash or get a stylist to make you more marketable opening the door to various endorsement deals.
Can you become the Football Superstar you know you can be?
Prove it…
Rating:4.6 Show Detail
Name:XPSView Price:$2.99
Description:XPSView allows you to open and read XPS (XML Paper Specification, *.xps) and OpenXPS (*.oxps) documents on iOS device. It offers you fantastic reading experience using document outlines, page thumbnails and text search features. In addition, XPSView allows you to convert XPS and OXPS documents into PDF and make it available for any PDF viewing application.
Are you having plenty of XPS/OXPS files that no decent viewer available to open on your iPhone and iPad? Do you receive XPS/OXPS documents as email attachments on your iPhone and iPad? The easiest way to circumvent these problems is this XPSView app.
* * * XPSView is also available for macOS on the Mac App Store * * *
- Fully selectable and searchable text contents. Select and copy text to clipboard for further use.
- Pinch out and Pinch in to ZoomIn and ZoomOut view.
- Navigate through topics by document outlines, if exist.
- Search text feature to find a character, word or sentence any where in a document.
- Scroll through your document by Page Thumbnails or Go to page feature.
- Converts XPS/OXPS to fully vector-PDF documents. Preserves text, vector graphics and raster images as editable PDF contents.
- Preserves Bookmarks (Outline).
- Preserves XPS internal and external topic hyperlinks into PDF. It automatically maintains XPS topic and page navigation links into PDF compatible annotations.
- Preserves metadata properties.
- The inbuilt document browse view automatically gives you the option to share documents using the Share button or a drag-and-drop action. It also provides a standard interface for browsing and managing documents.
- Automatically handles access to iCloud for you within the app. It also provides access to documents managed by third-party storage service extensions installed on your device.
- Browse, find and sort documents to help you locate the document you want. Tap the file that you want to open.
- You can move, delete, duplicate and rename a document with document manager in browser view.
- In the document manager, you can group related documents into folders so they’re easy to find.
Note: XPSView is standalone application running natively to convert XPS/OXPS to PDF securely on your device.
You can refer User Manual for any assistance Or Contact Support.
Rating:2.75 Show Detail
![Wattpad - Read & Write Stories](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/ca8ce982431d629a2bc9e38145962c62.jpg)
Name:Wattpad - Read & Write Stories Price:Free
Description:Wattpad. Where stories live.
Discover the world's most-loved social storytelling platform. Wattpad connects a global community of 80 million readers and writers through the power of story. Download it today to start reading or writing original stories.
Get your story discovered
Have your own story to tell? Get it discovered through the power of community and technology on Wattpad. Share an original story on Wattpad and share it with our community who are there to cheer you on throughout your writing journey. Think your story could be the next blockbuster? Wattpad Studios discovers untapped, unsigned, and talented writers on Wattpad and connects them to global multi-media entertainment companies.
Read original stories
Discover stories in over fifty languages from writers around the world! Whatever you’re into reading—romance, science fiction, mystery, comedy, action adventure, fantasy, young adult fiction, or fanfiction—it’s all on Wattpad. So whether you’re looking for more LGBT meet-cutes, cyberpunk fairy tales, or new technothrillers to devour, you’ll find it all, and so much more, on Wattpad.
Connect with a community of story-lovers
When you join Wattpad, you become a member of an international community of story-lovers. Connect with other passionate readers & writers, comment directly in stories as you read them, and support writers as they create and share their original stories. You can even read together and share your library or create reading lists so your friends always know what you’re reading.
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Save your favorite stories to keep them with you wherever you go. Hooked on a story? Simply sync your account to easily pick up where you left off, whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, Kindle or iPhone.
Read the stories that inspired blockbusters
If you’ve seen The Kissing Booth on Netflix, streamed Light as a Feather on Hulu or read New York Times best-seller Anna Todd’s series After, you may not know—these stories were first discovered on Wattpad. Join the platform the entertainment industry scours to find its next big hit, and start reading tomorrow’s box-office sensation today.
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Rating:4.5 Show Detail
![Anelli di parole 2](https://appcdn-global.zingfront.com/imgs/8564d539d80ca518d49b8e2b4c6a9d3e.jpg)
Name:Anelli di parole 2 Price:0,00 €
Description:Encontre palavras usando fotos e textos. Novo tipo de palavras escondidas!
Cada nível contém uma foto e um texto contendo uma pista. Você pode pressionar a imagem para ver melhor a imagem! Você pode encontrar todas as palavras relacionadas com a foto ou o texto?. Algumas respostas são fáceis, alguns são difíceis de encontrar. Divirta-se com este novo quebra-cabeça!
• Nova forma de jogar: as imagens são os índices
• Você pode jogar em Português, Inglês, Francês, Alemão, Russo, Italiano ou Espanhol
• Novo tipo de palavras escondidas!
Se você gosta de imagens e jogos, esse quebra-cabeça é para você!
Rating:4 Show Detail